Schtick List (Action)
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Heroic Action Role-Play |
This page collects all Schticks excluding Powers in one place.
Attribute Schticks
Body Schticks
Schticks related to Body
You are very physically powerful and look the part. Your Body can be up to two points higher than the normal Race maximum.
Use this if you run out of Hits. You can avoid collapsing when out of Hits, but at a price. Once you are out of Hits, you take damage setbacks when damage exceeds your soak attribute by five instead of ten. If you take a damage setback while at no Hits, you are unable to continue fighting.
Limit Break
You have a fierce will to live and fight on. Heal two Hits. You can use this at the end of a round, even if unconscious due to lack of Hits. You cannot use this to wake from unconsciousness if you have taken a damage setback. Unnamed characters with this schtick have a 50% chance to recover at the end of a round. If playing with miniatures, leave the model on the tabletop and roll at the end of the round. If the roll fails, or if the unnamed creature takes a damage setback, remove the model.
Natural Reach
You have long reach, most often because you are tall but sometimes just due to long limbs. All your Melee attacks gain a Reach of 1 per 5 Body or fraction thereof, with a minimum of 2 meters. Against creatures whose Body is lower than yours all your Melee attacks also gain Intercept.
One Last Shot
When you take your last Hit, do one last furious burst of action. This can be a Basic Action or a Limit Break. After this your hits run out and you fall unconscious - you can heal yourself to help your survival, but you cannot heal yourself to stay in the fight. One Last Shot does not give you access to schticks and powers you don't ordinarily have, it only lets you use your normal powers out of sequence.
A quiet but secure giant, you ignore the antics of smaller creatures. Your huge mass is hard to move or unbalance.
- You can use your Body instead of Maneuver as a defense against Interaction Stunts.
- You can substitute your Body for your Impress when defending against Interaction Stunts.
- You can use Body instead of Reflexes to resist interaction stunts and concussion damage from attacks. You still take damage normally from accidents and falls.
- You can use Body instead of Know to resist Analyze Weakness
- You are immune to Flank Attack and similar abilities that grant an advantage based on position.
You can freely exceed the normal Body limit based on your race and weight. You can choose to not take up more Space on the Map. You must decide how large you are in advance, Superstrength does not allow you to change your mass at will. You still suffer from physical limitations on weapons, armor, and tools. This schtick is considered a Power even tough it lacks a Form. To take it, you have to have a Tradition, and if the Methods of your tradition or a Power Loss Limitation makes you lose your powers, your attribute is reduced to the normal maximum value until your powers return. Note that this is mainly a problem for Folk - other creatures do not have ability maximums. Such creatures are still limited by Mass.
Super Leverage
Your strength does not need leverage to work; in true superhero fashion you do not need to be solidly anchored to exert strength, and you can lift impossibly large objects that would ordinarily break if their entire weight was carried by one person. You still suffer from physical limitations on weapons, armor, and tools, but you can use oversized gear sized for your actual Body. This schtick is considered a Power even tough it lacks a Form. To take it, you have to have a Tradition, and if the Methods of your tradition or a Power Loss Limitation makes you lose your powers, your attribute is reduced to the normal maximum value until your powers return.
Mind Schticks
Schticks related to Mind
Emergency Power
Limit Break
You can overcome Power Loss. You can immediately (as a part of the Limit Break) do one of these things:
- Use a power that is a basic action.
- Activate one Stance power and then take a Basic Action that is not itself a power, but that benefits from the stance you just adopted.
You are a mental giant among your kin and have an aura of wisdom and power about you. Your Mind can be up to two points higher than the normal racial maximum.
Implemented Will
You can use any power that could normally use an Implement bare-handed for Mind +4 damage.
Super Genius
You can freely exceed the normal Mind limit based on your race. This schtick is considered a Power even tough it lacks a Form. To take it, you have to have a Tradition, and if the Methods of your tradition or a Power Loss Limitation makes you lose your powers, your attribute is reduced to the normal maximum value until your powers return. Note that this is mainly a problem for Folk - other creatures do not have ability maximums.
Will to Work
You can work much longer hours than normal people, adding your Mind to your effective Body for Endurance. This often means you lead a double life, having a full professional career and an adventuring life on the side.
Reflexes Schticks
Schticks related to Reflexes
Act Now
Trigger Action
Trigger: Somebody finished their action. If you have yet to take your first action this round, you can spend three shots (in addition to 1 shot to trigger) to take your first action right now. If more than one character takes this action they act in order of current highest shot. This schtick can only be used once per round.
You are a physical paragon and well beyond the norm of your people, which shows in your appearance and mannerisms. Your Reflexes can be up to two points higher than the normal racial maximum.
Super Reflexes
You can freely exceed the normal Reflexes limit based on your race. This schtick is considered a Power even tough it lacks a Form. To take it, you have to have a Tradition, and if the Methods of your tradition or a Power Loss Limitation makes you lose your powers, your attribute is reduced to the normal maximum value until your powers return. Note that this is mainly a problem for Folk - other creatures do not have ability maximums.
Quicker than the Eye
If your Reflexes are higher than your opponent's, you can use this to gain a +3 bonus to any skill used as a defense value. As normal, you do this after you know whether the opponent's action succeed.
Move Schticks
Schticks related to Move
Trigger Action (Combo)
As a combo, before another action that allows movement, you can move an additional time.
You can exceed your racial Move by up to two points. You still have to pay for these attribute points.
Super Speed
You can freely exceed the normal Move value based on your race. This schtick is considered a Power even tough it lacks a Form. To take it, you have to have a Tradition, and if the Methods of your tradition or a Power Loss Limitation makes you lose your powers, your attribute is reduced to the normal maximum value until your powers return. Note that this is mainly a problem for Folk - other creatures do not have ability maximums.
Skill Schticks
Charm Schticks and Powers
Ablative Clothing
When in action, events conspire to show off your body. Blows miss you by the sheerest margin, slashing your outfit. Branches conspire to rip your clothes. Claws gore dress instead of flesh. This schtick is just as common among hunks and babes. Conan has it, as does many fantasy barbarians and bimbos in all genres.
Use this schtick to ignore the effects of any one physical attack or stunt. You can also use it to ignore difficult ground or other adverse terrain effects, in which case you can ignore such conditions for one Round. This rips up your clothes beyond repair. You cannot use this schtick while naked or in ripped clothes, and can only use it once per session - you generally manage to find a new outfit for the next session, tough you may have to adopt local dress.
Once you have used this you are as naked as the genre will allow. Any function your clothes once had is gone. You no longer have any armor. This can serve to activate Bulletproof Nudity if you have that schtick.
Basic Action
You can use the Sense Motive stunt as a Basic Action, but you still need to observe your target in a social context. You can only attempt Acumen once per scene on a particular target, but you can also use Sense Motive in the same scene.
You are a character actor, well able to maintain a role. You like to immense yourself in your assumed persona, and seem able to change your personality and demeanor on cue. When you use Acting you are Confident. You can disguise yourself as a different race, gender or as a specific person as long as you can conceal any obvious physical differences; your method acting convinces people to overlook minor oddities in your appearance.
Beauty Mask
The Crying Freeman has this schtick, and any character can have it in almost any juncture.
This schtick gives a sort of anonymity, even when not in disguise. Your features are idealized and forgettable. People can't seem to remember just exactly what you looked like when giving a description, tought they will readily recognize you if you meet again. They know someone was there, but they just can't think of what you looked like. "He looked kinda like a movie star."
If an observer or interrogator spends a Limit Break, an opposed Charm gives a basic description.
Limit Break
Use this when you are with someone who trusts you implicitly and has lowered his guard to you and who you can hold or embrace without them resisting you. You can do a Finisher against your target, just as if you had just defeated him in combat, or you can put them at zero Hits and defeated.
Blind Eye
Trigger Action
Win an opposed Charm check to convince the target that something it would normally not accept is in fact acceptable. The target turns a blind eye to the problem and acts normally despite the situation. The target overlooks what would normally be unacceptable identity, behavior, or appearance, going so far as to ignore rules and social conventions. The target turns a blind eye to a single situation and its direct natural repercussions. For example, having accepted a barbarian at a cocktail party, the target will not react to that barbarian again until he does something truly outrageous. Any direct threat of harm breaks the charm.
Captivating Captive
When you are a captive or otherwise helpless or at the mercy of your opposition, you can focus.
Consummate Charm
When you make a successful Charm stunt to affect an opponent, add +3 to your Outcome. This works as if you had Advantage which means it stacks with anything else. Outcome is commonly used to determine if you score a Setback.
Limit Break
You are at home in all cultures, able to understand and adopt to strange manners and customs. Negate any penalties on Charm or Impress rolls related to alien cultures. You know the common languages of your world. Add your Charm to the number of Languages you can learn. You have an amazing ability to piece together bits of other languages, sign language and other means of communication. As a limit Break you can learn to communicate in any one unknown language. At first, this will be at a pidgin level, it takes you a few weeks to become fluent. If you use this ability to learn more Languages than allowed, you need to trim the list down at the end of the Story. You might have to use this schtick again (another Limit Break) to understand arcane subjects, archaic versions, or dialects of the same language.
There is something about you that makes others care for you. Depending on their personality, this might make them want to kidnap and possess you or just give you a smile and favorable treatment. You automatically have at least the minimal effect on Good Impression on everyone you meet, making them see you as special and pleasant to be with. This makes it easy for you to get into social events, make acquaintances, and generally be very popular in a non-domineering sort of way.
Basic Action
You can make a Good Impression or Taunt against a crowd of your Reflexes creatures at once. As an alternative you can make such a stunt against a single creature and be Confident on the roll.
Fainting Flower
Whenever you are affected by a stunt or take damage, you can choose to ignore the effect and instead swoon beautifully. This costs you all shots for this round, but lets you ignore all damage while swooning. Enemies can use Trigger Actions (Finishers) against you, as long as you do not take further damage from them.
Fainting Flower does not help against truly indiscriminate dangers such as a bomb or rockfall, tough it does help against normal area attacks. Nor can you use this schtick to defend against attempts to capture, carry away, or otherwise take possession of you; in fact you are helpless against such attacks; your Dodge is zero against them for the remainder of the round. You cannot use this to escape confinement or whatever nefarious death-traps you might be placed in while in a swoon.
Basic Action
You have a knack for gambling. Cinematic gambling has little to do with real-world gambling, and is not about calculating odds and folding at the right time; it is all about absurd luck. This schtick gives you the ability to draw just the right card to fill out your glorious hand or to give your race horse that little extra burst of speed. You can take a Basic Action to learn the difficulty of a certain proposed task. You make Confident Rolls when gambling. Whenever you have a bet hanging on an event you can make a Charm check and substitute the result for whatever skill check would normally determine success. You don't need to be the one performing this action, this is an aspect of your luck.
Help From My Friends
When surrounded by friends, championing their cause, you gain confidence. When within Charm meters of 8 or more people that support your actions, wish you well, and generally are on your side, you can focus.
Honest Joe
Finisher or Basic Action
You have a way with people, and inspire trust and confidence without really trying to. Any basically good and law-abiding people gladly give you a hand, though there must be a reason if they are to accept discomfort or danger to help you. This lets you charm people without really trying to, and tends to make you a leaders of mobs and posses. You may come into conflict with official authority figures. Sometimes, you can even inspire this trust in goons and villains, but usually only after you have soundly trounced them.
You can make a roll to find Common Ground when you defeat an opponent [Finisher], when you rescue someone from danger, and upon first meeting good-natured, law-abiding people [Basic Actions]. The common ground you find revolves around being decent to people; an enemy will at least consider a decent life if you succeed on this.
Limit Break
You can convincingly pass yourself off as a nondescript follower. To use this ability, you temporarily stop playing. Your character is presumed to have donned a disguise and gone "off camera". At any subsequent point during play you may choose any nameless, filler character (a villain’s minion, a bellboy in the hotel, the cop who just pulled you over) in a scene and reveal that that character is actually you in disguise. Make an opposed Charm roll against the most skilled opponent on the scene. If this roll succeeds, you get to pick an NPC minion who is really you in disguise. If the roll fails, the opposition chooses who you are replacing, which can often put you in a dangerous position.
You may remain in disguise for as long as you like, but if anyone is tipped off that you might be nearby, an opposed Charm roll can be performed as a Limit Break. If the spotter wins, that player (or GM) gets to decide what nameless character on the scene you infiltrated as - and generally does so when you are alone and vulnerable.
Influential Friend
You have a friend in a high places. This can be a king, recognized hero, high official, monster, or even a god. You are childhood friends, accidental acquaintances, lovers, or otherwise know each other privately.
Inclined to act in your favor, an influential friend has many other obligations and this makes him unreliable. Your friend likes you and wants to correspond with you and spend time with you, but is aware that showing you preferential treatment is somewhat irresponsible and thus does not provide all the support he could. He will give plenty of hints, rumors, and tidbits of information as well as the occasional gift and favor. Pressuring an influential friend for more help may produce grand results in the short term, but can easily backlash. At times, your influential friend might need your help, having you act secretly as their agent in the world.
You are an inspiration to others. Whenever someone else performs an action that you heartily endorse, you can use Inspiration to give them a Fortune point they must immediately spend. You lose this Fortune point as if you spent it yourself. This schtick can even be used when you are not present, but you then need to describe a montage of something you did or told them that can inspire them in the current crisis.
Lip Reading
Basic Action
You have the ability to decipher what people are saying merely from looking at their lips moving. As long as you can get a reasonably good view of a speaker's lips and know the language, you can get the gist of what is said. Certain parts may be obscure or missing, depending on your skill roll and the needs of the plot.
Limit Break
You are sensitive to psychic impressions, and can often catch the mood of a place and get glimpses of important events that happened there in the past. Make a Charm check to seek answers, which works much like Gather Information, only the answers are colored by the place instead of people.
You are able to help the sick and injured through care and nursing. You can do First Aid using Charm instead of Know. If you have the Medic or Psychology schticks, you can use these with Charm as well.
Limit Break
You have a protector, usually a Hero Extra with 2/3 of your points who looks out for your interest and will accompany you on adventures. Often somewhat dim witted, he is nonetheless a loyal defender and trusty companion. He generally thinks of himself as the true hero and you as the sidekick to be protected. Your protector need not be a specific person, and can actually be someone you had never seen before you met at the adventure site, or one of the villains henchmen overcome by your charms. You often get separated from your protector early in the story, but he generally reappears in the dramatic scene, having made his way into the den of evil to rescue you just as he is needed (when you take the limit break). You can also use a Limit Break to inspire your protector, restoring any Hits he might have taken. After a rescue, he will expect some measure of attention and devotion from you, just as if you had seduced him.
You are successful in business and thus financially independent. And you can do it again; if you was washed up on a pacific island, you would be king of the clamshells (or whatever) in a day or two.
Silver Tongue
Limit Break
People tend to tell you things, and you tend to learn more than they intended from what they say. You can make an opposed Charm roll to make a character say way to much, even if they are on their guard. When you Gather Information the roll is routine, and you can do this directly against the character you are investigating without causing undue suspicion.
Trigger Action (Defense)
When you would be hoodwinked by a successful Charm, you can adopt a skeptical attitude and actively defend yourself. This gives you a +3 bonus to your Charm where your Charm skill sets the difficulty. You also give the +3 bonus to yourself and others when you do the Social Support stunt. At any time, when an interaction based on deception fails, you realize which statements were lies but you do not learn the truth.
Sleight of Hand
Basic Action
Your training gives yous several advantages when trying to use Palm Object.
In any situation where you can use Palm Object, the Charm check is routine. You can swipe an object that is larger than your hand, is in use, or that is closely supervised, but then the check is not Routine.
Spin Yarn
Basic Action
By continually speaking, you may keep your audience captive with outrageous tales, distracting them. You can keep this up beyond all reason. You must first engage the victim in conversation, and then make an opposed Charm roll. You can target several people at once with no penalties, but use the highest value in the audience for a difficulty.
For each point of outcome, you keep going for a minute. You can then try again. If the outcome exceeds your victims' Mind, they give you some boon, either out of sympathy or in an effort to get away.
Failing the roll, combat, an alarm, and even a person coming to interrupt will break your hold on people. If the situation is not dire, you can use your Spin Yarn on someone who comes to interrupt to add them to your audience.
Star Stuff
Basic Action & Inherent
You are an expressive performer who can enthrall an audience and inspire a great range of emotion. You are famous in your field, and can easily get into social events or arrange performances. You can take a Basic Action to set the mood for a scene among people who are listening to you. This effect are obvious in the extreme. Interaction rolls that go along with the emotion you set become Routine. This can be done anywhere, tough it is easier and the affected area is larger when you are on stage due to the first ability of this schtick. You can also use a Basic Action to familiarize yourself with any kind of Performance Art to the point where you can perform it on stage.
When on stage performing, you are supremely confident. Any Charm rolls you make while on stage are Confident Rolls. This is an inherent effect.
Steal the Story
Trigger Action
While another individual attempts to give an account of an event or use Charm as a basic action or limit break, you can make an opposed Charm check to deftly interject comments or statements over the course of the storytelling that cause the individual to muddle specific details. This will discredit, insult, and humiliate the speaker. If the check succeeds, the speaker does not succeed at informing listeners about what she was trying to say and the attitude of anyone who heard the altered story becomes suspicious. If your Charm check fails the target realizes that you made deliberate attempts to confuse the story.
The Kiss
Basic Action, Focus
You dramatically kiss someone adjacent to you. This is a romantic kiss, not an inconspicuous peck on the cheek. The kissed creature then has the option to reciprocate your kiss - in which case you both become focused. Otherwise this has no effect.
Charm powers communicates with, charms or imposes moods associated with the form on creatures.
As noted in the form descriptions, each form has an associated mental state; emote powers are often based on this state. Depending on how its used this can either be a blessing or a curse.
Emote Air
Air Inspiration
Trigger Action
You inspire others to be swift, open-minded, generous, brave, and honorable. Whenever you or someone within Charm meters fails an action based on these virtues, you can take a trigger action to give him an immediate reroll. If the original roll was Confident or Stymied it remains so. This applies to most uses of the Melee skill, and to other skills and rolls as determined my the GM.
Charm Air Elementals
Basic Action
You are supernaturally enchanting to certain creatures. You master whatever form of communication they use, even if you are normally unable to communicate with them at all.
Enchanting someone requires an opposed Charm roll. On an Outcome equal to the target's Mind, the target falls for your enchantment. On a lesser success you gain an advantage. A failed check interrupts the process, forcing you to look for a new opportunity at a later time.
Once someone has been enchanted, they will willingly follow and help you out. They seek to avoid conflict with their old allies, but if push comes to shove you cannot guarantee how they will react; they will try to avoid seeing you harmed, but they might make you a captive to save you later or even to have you at their mercy, or they might decide to throw in their lot with you and abandon their former allies. Someone who you have enchanted expects trust and help from you, but the enchantment breaks automatically only in the most blatant cases of maltreatment. If you are callous and disregard their interests they can make opposed Charm rolls against you to see through the enchantment. The same applies if a friend points out they have been charmed, but in this case it is an opposed roll against the friend's Charm skill and takes a Limit Break to do.
Enchantment normally wears off in about a weeks time, but can be maintained through continuous use of the power; it will last indefinitely if reapplied once per day. Even after the power ends you leave your targets with fond memories of you unless you mistreated them. Someone who realizes they have been enchanted and used can become vindictive or even downright hostile, but this is not the normal result.
This power only works on Air Elementals.
Pied Piper
Basic Action
Everyone dances to your music. Make an opposed Charm check against all creatures you select in a diameter equal to your Mind. Those you succeed against lose three shots dancing. Those against whom you get an outcome matching their Mind join a stately dance until you stop performing. You can take actions using Charm while performing.
Dancers will move along with you, at their normal Move. They will not take double moves to follow you. If they are ever further away from you than their Mind in meters when their turn comes up, the charm is broken.
Winds of Charm
Trigger Action (Combo)
When you take a basic action to perform a melee attack, you can use this power to perform either a Distraction or Trick stunt before executing the attack.
Whispering Wind
Basic Action or Limit Break
You create a current of wind that will carry spoken words between you and others. There must be a passage of air between each target, and the range is counted along this passage. The passage can be tiny; a keyhole or the crack under a door suffices. Make a Confident Charm roll. Your target can do the same to communicate back to you. The Whispering Wind can carry messages up ten meters times roll. If any target is further than this away from you, the power fails for them. If a particular message is extra important, the GM may require extra Confident rolls, this does not require an action. You can send messages to a certain spot instead of to a specific target and try to send to creatures you are not sure are in range; these are power stunts. Whispering Wind lasts for a scene. You can use Charm stunts and schticks (but not powers) through Whispering Wind. Performed as a Limit Break, the message travels at a Move equal to your Ride check every minute and can keep going a number of hours equal to your Mind.
Limit Break
You give yourself or another creature you touch a bonus of +3 to Move for the rest of the scene. Their final Move cannot be greater than your Charm.
Emote Earth
Charm Earth Elementals
Basic Action
You are supernaturally enchanting to certain creatures. You master whatever form of communication they use, even if you are normally unable to communicate with them at all.
Enchanting someone requires an opposed Charm roll. On an Outcome equal to the target's Mind, the target falls for your enchantment. On a lesser success you gain an advantage. A failed check interrupts the process, forcing you to look for a new opportunity at a later time.
Once someone has been enchanted, they will willingly follow and help you out. They seek to avoid conflict with their old allies, but if push comes to shove you cannot guarantee how they will react; they will try to avoid seeing you harmed, but they might make you a captive to save you later or even to have you at their mercy, or they might decide to throw in their lot with you and abandon their former allies. Someone who you have enchanted expects trust and help from you, but the enchantment breaks automatically only in the most blatant cases of maltreatment. If you are callous and disregard their interests they can make opposed Charm rolls against you to see through the enchantment. The same applies if a friend points out they have been charmed, but in this case it is an opposed roll against the friend's Charm skill and takes a Limit Break to do.
Enchantment normally wears off in about a weeks time, but can be maintained through continuous use of the power; it will last indefinitely if reapplied once per day. Even after the power ends you leave your targets with fond memories of you unless you mistreated them. Someone who realizes they have been enchanted and used can become vindictive or even downright hostile, but this is not the normal result.
This power only works on Earth Elementals.
Earth Inspiration
Trigger Action
You inspire others to be peaceful, confident, and self-assured. Whenever you or someone within Charm meters fails an action based on these virtues, you can take a trigger action to give him an immediate reroll. If the original roll was Confident or Stymied it remains so. This applies to most uses of Impress, and to other skills and rolls as determined my the GM.
Limit Break
You can create clothes. This can be fabulously rich, lined with precious metals and speckled with diamonds or pearls. Or it can just be stylish, even minimalist, but of exquisite cut and style. You can mimic gang colors, uniforms, and really any apparel you like. The kit can include minor accessories like a handbag or dress sword, but any weapon so created is unreliable and can be of no more than medium size. The items created last your Mind hours, usually more than enough for a social event. After that time, they gradually lose their splendor, turning into rags in about an hour.
A creature wearing an outfit you made specifically for it to wear in a specific scene and setting, all Charm rolls are routine. If the scene changes in unexpected ways, such as a soiree turning into a hostage drama, the bonus no longer applies.
Stone Stamina
Limit Break
You give yourself or another creature you touch a bonus of +3 to Body for the rest of the scene.
Emote Fire
Charm Fire Elementals
Basic Action
You are supernaturally enchanting to certain creatures. You master whatever form of communication they use, even if you are normally unable to communicate with them at all.
Enchanting someone requires an opposed Charm roll. On an Outcome equal to the target's Mind, the target falls for your enchantment. On a lesser success you gain an advantage. A failed check interrupts the process, forcing you to look for a new opportunity at a later time.
Once someone has been enchanted, they will willingly follow and help you out. They seek to avoid conflict with their old allies, but if push comes to shove you cannot guarantee how they will react; they will try to avoid seeing you harmed, but they might make you a captive to save you later or even to have you at their mercy, or they might decide to throw in their lot with you and abandon their former allies. Someone who you have enchanted expects trust and help from you, but the enchantment breaks automatically only in the most blatant cases of maltreatment. If you are callous and disregard their interests they can make opposed Charm rolls against you to see through the enchantment. The same applies if a friend points out they have been charmed, but in this case it is an opposed roll against the friend's Charm skill and takes a Limit Break to do.
Enchantment normally wears off in about a weeks time, but can be maintained through continuous use of the power; it will last indefinitely if reapplied once per day. Even after the power ends you leave your targets with fond memories of you unless you mistreated them. Someone who realizes they have been enchanted and used can become vindictive or even downright hostile, but this is not the normal result.
This power only works on Fire Elementals.
Limit Break
You make creatures rage and attack their allies. Make an opposed Charm check against all creatures you select in a diameter equal to your Mind. Those you succeed against will spend their next action moving towards and attacking the nearest creature with their normal mode of attack. Those against whom you get an outcome matching their Mind spend this and the next round attacking the nearest creature. If no allies are present, the creature acts normally.
Fire Inspiration
Trigger Action
You inspire others to be aggressive, intense, and focused. Whenever you or someone within Charm meters fails an action based on these virtues, you can take a trigger action to give him an immediate reroll. If the original roll was Confident or Stymied it remains so. This applies to most uses of the Shoot skill, and to other skills and rolls as determined my the GM.
Flame Interrogation
Fire is one of the primal fears, and has great applications in interrogation and intimidation. One of the more common uses is in the effect known as Flame of Truth. An open flame is placed in the subjects open hand. The difficulty is the the targets Charm. As long as he continues to say what you want him to say, the flames do not hurt him, but if he hesitates or lies, the flames flare up. If you want the truth, you get the truth. If you want toadying and half truths, or verification of what you already think, that is what you get. If you fail the roll, he will speak according to his own heart – and you cannot tell that he is deceiving you.
Flash of Intellect
Limit Break
You give yourself or another creature you touch a bonus of +3 to Mind for the rest of the scene.
Emote Water
Charm Water Elementals
Basic Action
You are supernaturally enchanting to certain creatures. You master whatever form of communication they use, even if you are normally unable to communicate with them at all.
Enchanting someone requires an opposed Charm roll. On an Outcome equal to the target's Mind, the target falls for your enchantment. On a lesser success you gain an advantage. A failed check interrupts the process, forcing you to look for a new opportunity at a later time.
Once someone has been enchanted, they will willingly follow and help you out. They seek to avoid conflict with their old allies, but if push comes to shove you cannot guarantee how they will react; they will try to avoid seeing you harmed, but they might make you a captive to save you later or even to have you at their mercy, or they might decide to throw in their lot with you and abandon their former allies. Someone who you have enchanted expects trust and help from you, but the enchantment breaks automatically only in the most blatant cases of maltreatment. If you are callous and disregard their interests they can make opposed Charm rolls against you to see through the enchantment. The same applies if a friend points out they have been charmed, but in this case it is an opposed roll against the friend's Charm skill and takes a Limit Break to do.
Enchantment normally wears off in about a weeks time, but can be maintained through continuous use of the power; it will last indefinitely if reapplied once per day. Even after the power ends you leave your targets with fond memories of you unless you mistreated them. Someone who realizes they have been enchanted and used can become vindictive or even downright hostile, but this is not the normal result.
This power only works on Water Elementals.
Drowning Embrace
Limit Break
You attempt to kiss or embrace the target. Out of action scenes you can usually achieve this with a Charm setback instead of using a Limit Break. Make an opposed Charm check. On a success, the target take a Damage Setback from drowning. On an Outcome matching the target's Body you can give the target a Mortal Wound or use Finisher you know. A target that can breathe water cannot be drowned, but can suffer a Finisher.
Fluid Motion
Limit Break
You give yourself or another creature you touch a bonus of +3 to Reflexes for the rest of the scene.
Go With The Flow
Basic Action
You make another character go with the flow of the situation. The target may immediately take what is normally a Basic Action without spending any shots. This action must be the same one the target or an ally took on their last action, or an action that is caring, mercurial, or spiritual. If the action succeeds at this action, they also recover one Hit.
Sea Inspiration
Trigger Action
You inspire others to be caring, mercurial, and spiritual. Whenever someone in the vicinity fails an action based on these virtues, you can take a trigger action to give him an immediate Confident reroll. This applies to most uses of the Charm skill, and to other skills and rolls as determined my the GM.
Emote Animal
Animal Appeal
Charm Animal
Basic Action
You are supernaturally enchanting to certain creatures. You master whatever form of communication they use, even if you are normally unable to communicate with them at all.
Enchanting someone requires an opposed Charm roll. On an Outcome equal to the target's Mind, the target falls for your enchantment. On a lesser success you gain an advantage. A failed check interrupts the process, forcing you to look for a new opportunity at a later time.
Once someone has been enchanted, they will willingly follow and help you out. They seek to avoid conflict with their old allies, but if push comes to shove you cannot guarantee how they will react; they will try to avoid seeing you harmed, but they might make you a captive to save you later or even to have you at their mercy, or they might decide to throw in their lot with you and abandon their former allies. Someone who you have enchanted expects trust and help from you, but the enchantment breaks automatically only in the most blatant cases of maltreatment. If you are callous and disregard their interests they can make opposed Charm rolls against you to see through the enchantment. The same applies if a friend points out they have been charmed, but in this case it is an opposed roll against the friend's Charm skill and takes a Limit Break to do.
Enchantment normally wears off in about a weeks time, but can be maintained through continuous use of the power; it will last indefinitely if reapplied once per day. Even after the power ends you leave your targets with fond memories of you unless you mistreated them. Someone who realizes they have been enchanted and used can become vindictive or even downright hostile, but this is not the normal result.
This power works on any creature with a sex drive, but the mood you inspire is raw lust, not friendship or trust. The communication it allows is rudimentary.
Animal Affinity
Select one family of animal when this power is taken. Foxes, spiders, and hares are examples. You can communicate with animals of this family, and they generally start with a favorable attitude to you, recognizing you as a high-status individual of their species. All Charm checks against animals of this family are Routine and you can Seduce them as a Basic Action.
Animal Friends
You have the ability to befriend and gain help from natural animals you encounter. When you stay in a natural environment for a while, you will start to pick up incidental animal friends who stay around, check up on you, and otherwise perform small services and friendly gestures. If you get involved in a conflict while these animals are around, they will try to help you. They are still animals, and afraid of man and his machines, but can often help in small ways by keeping track of foes or keeping them awake at night. If push comes to shove, they may help you in actual combat as well.
Your Animal Friends have the attributes of typical animals, and can do any reasonable stunt as a group with a skill equal to your Charm. A hit on any of them will chase them all off for the rest of the fight. Even if you befriend a whole flock of animals, they still perform as a single unnamed character.
Animal Merge
You can merge your consciousness with that of an animal with a successful Charm roll against the animal's Dodge, normal range penalties apply to the initial Charm roll. You must see the animal when first merging, and the animal must not be hostile to you. Animals exceptionally loyal to you can be merged with at a distance ignoring range penalties and without visual contact. Once the merge has started, you can maintain it over any distance. While merged, you can communicate with the animal and sense everything the animal experiences. You can usually convince the animal to move as you desire, but this is not mind control and it is hesitant to go against its instincts. You mentally ride along as the animal moves. You can use your own Skills through the animal as long as such an action would not be outside the animals normal scope of action.
You can use this power again to shift your consciousness to another animal if they touch, but cannot otherwise use powers trough the animal.
Your body is in a trance while merging, and you are thus automatically surprised if attacked, you can still talk and move while in this trance, but as soon as you take any action the trance is broken.
Charm Animal
Basic Action
You are supernaturally enchanting to certain creatures. You master whatever form of communication they use, even if you are normally unable to communicate with them at all.
Enchanting someone requires an opposed Charm roll. On an Outcome equal to the target's Mind, the target falls for your enchantment. On a lesser success you gain an advantage. A failed check interrupts the process, forcing you to look for a new opportunity at a later time.
Once someone has been enchanted, they will willingly follow and help you out. They seek to avoid conflict with their old allies, but if push comes to shove you cannot guarantee how they will react; they will try to avoid seeing you harmed, but they might make you a captive to save you later or even to have you at their mercy, or they might decide to throw in their lot with you and abandon their former allies. Someone who you have enchanted expects trust and help from you, but the enchantment breaks automatically only in the most blatant cases of maltreatment. If you are callous and disregard their interests they can make opposed Charm rolls against you to see through the enchantment. The same applies if a friend points out they have been charmed, but in this case it is an opposed roll against the friend's Charm skill and takes a Limit Break to do.
Enchantment normally wears off in about a weeks time, but can be maintained through continuous use of the power; it will last indefinitely if reapplied once per day. Even after the power ends you leave your targets with fond memories of you unless you mistreated them. Someone who realizes they have been enchanted and used can become vindictive or even downright hostile, but this is not the normal result.
This power only works on Animals. Assume that natural animals communicated with have the intelligence of small children, and that they can give fair recollections of what they have seen or experienced.
You can also send out a call to animals of one species. Make a skill roll; the call reaches any animal within this many kilometers. This call is one-way but can convey a message, usually a request for aid. The call is very persuasive. In general, one animal will respond for each point of outcome, but never more than what is present in the area. It takes the animals time to arrive.
Some creatures are specifically attuned to one kind of animals at the expense of others. In this case, Charm rolls against the chosen animals are Routine, but the power does not work against other animals.
Wild Abandon
Trigger Action
You inspire others to be wild, hedonistic, lustful, competitive, and to go with the flow. Whenever you or someone within Charm meters fails an action based on these virtues, you can take a trigger action to give him an immediate reroll. If the original roll was Confident or Stymied it remains so. This applies to most uses of the Ride skill, and to other skills and rolls as determined my the GM.
Emote Plant
Abundant Growth
Basic Action
You increase the target's size and the size of all their carried equipment. This can have a set duration of up to one day. If used on an enemy, you must beat the target with an opposed Charm roll, on an unresisting target the difficulty is their Body. On a success, you can increase the targets Body by 3. On a margin equal to the target's Body, you can increase the target's Body by as many points as your Mind, potentially increasing a child to the size of an ogre. When you increase Body, Mind and Reflexes are both lowered by half that amount, to a minimum of 1.
Commune With Nature
Limit Break
You make a pause to commune with nature; depending on your Tradition you might be communing with spirits, divine beings, or reading telltale signs in a holistic system. This works much like using Gather Information, only your contact is the plant life of an area. Anything obviously affecting the plants will be easy to learn, things obtrusive to plants less so. Terrain features and creatures inhabiting the area are always known, but transients might be missed. The plant life knows of areas where their presence is hampered, such as in a house, but cannot give any detail of what is in such a space. This power extends into a circle with an diameter in kilometers equal to your Mind.
Plant Inspiration
Trigger Action
You inspire others to be calm, peaceful, quietly resilient, and stoic. Whenever you or someone within Charm meters fails an action based on these virtues, you can take a trigger action to give him an immediate reroll. If the original roll was Confident or Stymied it remains so. This applies to most uses of the Recon skill, and to other skills and rolls as determined my the GM.
Charm Plant Elementals
Basic Action
You are supernaturally enchanting to certain creatures. You master whatever form of communication they use, even if you are normally unable to communicate with them at all.
Enchanting someone requires an opposed Charm roll. On an Outcome equal to the target's Mind, the target falls for your enchantment. On a lesser success you gain an advantage. A failed check interrupts the process, forcing you to look for a new opportunity at a later time.
Once someone has been enchanted, they will willingly follow and help you out. They seek to avoid conflict with their old allies, but if push comes to shove you cannot guarantee how they will react; they will try to avoid seeing you harmed, but they might make you a captive to save you later or even to have you at their mercy, or they might decide to throw in their lot with you and abandon their former allies. Someone who you have enchanted expects trust and help from you, but the enchantment breaks automatically only in the most blatant cases of maltreatment. If you are callous and disregard their interests they can make opposed Charm rolls against you to see through the enchantment. The same applies if a friend points out they have been charmed, but in this case it is an opposed roll against the friend's Charm skill and takes a Limit Break to do.
Enchantment normally wears off in about a weeks time, but can be maintained through continuous use of the power; it will last indefinitely if reapplied once per day. Even after the power ends you leave your targets with fond memories of you unless you mistreated them. Someone who realizes they have been enchanted and used can become vindictive or even downright hostile, but this is not the normal result.
This power only works on Plant Elementals.
Despite lacking any social abilities, you can release spores that are similar in effect. When using a Charm power (not a schtick or stunt), you can roll Melee rather than Charm.
Emote Metal
Charm Metal Elementals
Basic Action
You are supernaturally enchanting to certain creatures. You master whatever form of communication they use, even if you are normally unable to communicate with them at all.
Enchanting someone requires an opposed Charm roll. On an Outcome equal to the target's Mind, the target falls for your enchantment. On a lesser success you gain an advantage. A failed check interrupts the process, forcing you to look for a new opportunity at a later time.
Once someone has been enchanted, they will willingly follow and help you out. They seek to avoid conflict with their old allies, but if push comes to shove you cannot guarantee how they will react; they will try to avoid seeing you harmed, but they might make you a captive to save you later or even to have you at their mercy, or they might decide to throw in their lot with you and abandon their former allies. Someone who you have enchanted expects trust and help from you, but the enchantment breaks automatically only in the most blatant cases of maltreatment. If you are callous and disregard their interests they can make opposed Charm rolls against you to see through the enchantment. The same applies if a friend points out they have been charmed, but in this case it is an opposed roll against the friend's Charm skill and takes a Limit Break to do.
Enchantment normally wears off in about a weeks time, but can be maintained through continuous use of the power; it will last indefinitely if reapplied once per day. Even after the power ends you leave your targets with fond memories of you unless you mistreated them. Someone who realizes they have been enchanted and used can become vindictive or even downright hostile, but this is not the normal result.
This power only works on Metal Elementals.
Dragon Debt
Limit Break
Select an object you formerly owned. You call the creature carrying the object to you. Make an opposed Charm roll, ignoring line of sight and range modifiers. On a success the target is overcome with a compulsion to move towards you and return the object for one hour per point of Outcome (minimum of 15 minutes). You know if the power is still working or has been broken, but nothing more. If you leave the locale where you used the power, it ends.
The target will move towards you at normal Move. It knows what direction you are in, and will select what it thinks is the best path. If prevented from moving, the creature will struggle and even fight to be able to move on, but is not compelled to spend any Fortune. Once the target arrives, it will offer you the object and the compulsion ends.
An opposed Charm roll against you to break the effect is allowed whenever a particular creature first tries to get the target to stop and each round when in combat or other direct danger. On a success, the effect is broken. The target knows where you are at and can communicate this fact to anyone it encounters or can contact, as long as doing so would nor make it stop moving.
Limit Break
Select any one Schtick; the target can use this schtick for the rest of the Scene.
Magnetic Attraction
Basic Action
You set up an attraction between two people. Their eyes will meet, they will "randomly" come upon each other during normal social activities, but they are not emotionally attached to each other as a result of this power. An unaware or uncooperative target needs a successful opposed Charm roll to be affected. You need not affect both targets simultaneously, you can affect first one, then the other. One of the targets can be you.
What this does is that it brings about many "chance" encounters and charm tasks like Common Ground and Seduction can continue even if a charm roll fails.
Magnetic attraction lasts as long as the two people remain in an area where they could conceivably meet - if one of them is out of contact for a day, the effect ends.
Metal Inspiration
Trigger Action
You inspire others to be precise, decisive and cooly confident. Whenever someone in the vicinity fails an action based on these virtues, you can take a trigger action to give him an immediate Confident reroll. This applies to most uses of Melee, and to other skills and rolls as determined my the GM.
Emote Ice
Brilliant Façade
You gain the appearance of perfect coolness; your seem unreadable and above reproach. Charm tasks directed against you are Stymied, which almost guarantees a poor result. You still roll normally when trying to use Charm.
Ice Inspiration
Trigger Action
You inspire others to be cool, aloft, and coldly calculating. Whenever you or someone within Charm meters fails an action based on these virtues, you can take a trigger action to give him an immediate reroll. If the original roll was Confident or Stymied it remains so. This applies to most uses of Know, and to other skills and rolls as determined my the GM.
Charm Ice Elementals
Basic Action
You are supernaturally enchanting to certain creatures. You master whatever form of communication they use, even if you are normally unable to communicate with them at all.
Enchanting someone requires an opposed Charm roll. On an Outcome equal to the target's Mind, the target falls for your enchantment. On a lesser success you gain an advantage. A failed check interrupts the process, forcing you to look for a new opportunity at a later time.
Once someone has been enchanted, they will willingly follow and help you out. They seek to avoid conflict with their old allies, but if push comes to shove you cannot guarantee how they will react; they will try to avoid seeing you harmed, but they might make you a captive to save you later or even to have you at their mercy, or they might decide to throw in their lot with you and abandon their former allies. Someone who you have enchanted expects trust and help from you, but the enchantment breaks automatically only in the most blatant cases of maltreatment. If you are callous and disregard their interests they can make opposed Charm rolls against you to see through the enchantment. The same applies if a friend points out they have been charmed, but in this case it is an opposed roll against the friend's Charm skill and takes a Limit Break to do.
Enchantment normally wears off in about a weeks time, but can be maintained through continuous use of the power; it will last indefinitely if reapplied once per day. Even after the power ends you leave your targets with fond memories of you unless you mistreated them. Someone who realizes they have been enchanted and used can become vindictive or even downright hostile, but this is not the normal result.
This power only works on Ice Elementals.
Emote Illusion
A Thousand Faces
Basic Action
You assume an illusory appearance. This can be anything of the same basic form and from half to twice as big as you are. Mask is an Acting. You can mimic a specific person if you are familiar with their looks and mannerisms or have used Capture Scene on them.
You can use Mask on another, but they must use their own Charm to keep it up and you must renew the Mask every hour or so.
Charm Spectres
Basic Action
You are supernaturally enchanting to certain creatures. You master whatever form of communication they use, even if you are normally unable to communicate with them at all.
Enchanting someone requires an opposed Charm roll. On an Outcome equal to the target's Mind, the target falls for your enchantment. On a lesser success you gain an advantage. A failed check interrupts the process, forcing you to look for a new opportunity at a later time.
Once someone has been enchanted, they will willingly follow and help you out. They seek to avoid conflict with their old allies, but if push comes to shove you cannot guarantee how they will react; they will try to avoid seeing you harmed, but they might make you a captive to save you later or even to have you at their mercy, or they might decide to throw in their lot with you and abandon their former allies. Someone who you have enchanted expects trust and help from you, but the enchantment breaks automatically only in the most blatant cases of maltreatment. If you are callous and disregard their interests they can make opposed Charm rolls against you to see through the enchantment. The same applies if a friend points out they have been charmed, but in this case it is an opposed roll against the friend's Charm skill and takes a Limit Break to do.
Enchantment normally wears off in about a weeks time, but can be maintained through continuous use of the power; it will last indefinitely if reapplied once per day. Even after the power ends you leave your targets with fond memories of you unless you mistreated them. Someone who realizes they have been enchanted and used can become vindictive or even downright hostile, but this is not the normal result.
This power only works on Spectres.
Consensual Reality
Basic Action
You can transfer control of an illusion to the collective subconscious of those present. This means you no longer have to concentrate or maintain a stance to control the illusion, and it will behave as everybody present and believing in it expects it to act. Thus, an illusion of a guard will continue his duties, but could be relived by other guards or even play a simple game of dice with them. The illusion's effective skill is equal to the number of people who are currently sensing and believing in it, which can make consensual reality very hard to disbelieve. However, it doesn't make the illusory creature any more powerful, not does it grant abilities the original illusion did not have.
Glamored Gift
Basic Action
You describe an object to your target and change the appearance an object you take out or present so that it matches the expectations of observers. The illusion will conform to the general description you gave, but gets its exact details from each observer's mind. This means that each observer sees a slightly different object. People discussing the details of the object can make Create rolls against your Charm to discover they are not seeing the same thing. A creature immune or resistant to mind reading cannot affect the appearance of the Glamored Gift, instead seeing a mix of what others see. The illusion affect all senses.
The Body of the imitated object is the difficulty, and the illusion remains until the end of the session. If the object has a Body higher than your Mind you suffer a -5 penalty. With an opposed Charm roll the illusion will pass inspection. Extremely valuable or intricate objects count as having a high Body when calculating the difficulty, at the GMs discretion.
Illusion of Normality
Basic Action or Limit Break
Win an opposed Charm check to convince others that a situation is in fact perfectly normal; that there is no need to act on it or protest against it. The target turns a blind eye and acts that would normally cause alarm or consternation. Nor will targets report the event afterward on their own initiative, tough they will remember it in a detached way if asked or reminded. Direct threat or harm to the target or its friends breaks the illusion. It otherwise lasts for a scene.
As a Basic Action, this affects one target. As a Limit Break this affects all targets in a radius equal to your Charm. Unnamed bystanders and other uninvolved parties are generally automatically affected with no need for a roll.
Mask of Normality
You disguise yourself as perfectly normal, unworthy of special attention, with no need to act on or protest against you. Observers turn a blind eye towards actions and appearance that would normally cause alarm or consternation. Nor will they report the event afterward on their own initiative, tough they will remember it in a detached way if asked or reminded. Actions that bring immediate harm to the target, his friends, or his or interests breaks the power on that target, as will actions that would cause alarm even when performed by an ordinary person, such as moving past a guard at a check point.
Basic Action
You can send false sensory signals to a subject's mind. The subject sees, hears, smells, feels or tastes something that isn't there. The appearance of the phantasm is entirely up to you, but a believable phantasm is generally more effective. The target, and only the target, can interact with the phantasm, and it behaves as an unnamed character or normal object would.
Use the rules for Interaction Stunts, nothing that anything is possible, but not everything is believable. To maintain a Phantasm you need to spend a Basic Action on it each round, at the end of a round in which you did not spend an a Basic Action on it, it disappears. Sometimes, the GM might demand further Charm rolls to see how believable the phantasm is.
Basic Action
This is an illusion of one or more creatures, designed to fool or create an artistic effect. To maintain a Skit you need to spend a Basic Action on it each round, at the end of a round in which you did not spend an a Basic Action on it, it disappears. You can make up to Mind creatures, with no more than Charm meters between any two creatures that are part of the same skit.
Skit are effectively interaction stunts, using opposed Charm skill rolls to try and trick onlookers into believing in them. A well thought out Skit can often get a hefty situation bonus, and all who see the Skit can be fooled by a single use; make a separate roll against each potential target. What the Skit is trying to achieve might not be relevant to all onlookers, some may simply not be interested and the Charm skill roll penalized accordingly or simply skipped as irrelevant.
In combat, a Skit can fool people, making them waste shots or suffer setbacks, but it does not create a target or attacker. A Setback might make targets may believe they are being attacked or attacking a target and act appropriately, but that is the setback, not of the skit power.
Steal the Stars
Basic Action
You fool the the target into thinking you stole something from the environment that is not absolutely essential, but that the target treasures. Examples include the sun, the color blue, stars, moon, a landmark, a creature, or other thing significant to the target.
Make an opposed Charm (selecting an appropriate thing to steal is part of this). On a success, you have stolen this precious phenomenon from the target. The stolen thing becomes a palm-sized object in your hand. Until the target recovers the stolen object, it cannot spend Fortune points. This is a Curse, but anyone holding the object created can end it by giving it to the target or restoring it to its place in the target's perception. Anyone holding the object can use it as an Advantage against the target, which ends the power. Otherwise the object can be dispelled or physically destroyed to end the effect.
Emote Dark
Detect Enemy
Basic Action
You sense creatures that hate or intend harm to you, a group you represent, or someone who is present and under your protection. The range in meters is equal to your power skill roll when used blindly, or ten times that if you can perceive the creature in some fashion.
Detect Falsehood
Basic Action
You can sense moods and feelings, getting an impression of the falsehoods perpetrated by others. You can make a Scrutinize or Sense Motive as a Basic Action and such checks are Routine to you. If you score an Outcome matching the target's Mind on such a check, you learn some embarrassing secret about the target. This is not state secret or secret plans, more in the line of naughty underwear or embarrassing memories, but it is sufficient to give you an Advantage against him.
Dance of Shadows
Basic Action
You control shadows and darkness in an area with a diameter equal to your Mind. This power only works if there is darkness or shadows present, including that created by Cloud of Darkness. You can animate these shadows, creating frightening shapes and using them to confuse foes. You can create the likeness of glowing eyes, a glowing nimbus, or phantom light that is so weak as to be visible only in darkness. These images can move, fade, and return to full strength.
You can use this to do Distraction and Trick stunts, and these stunts will affect all onlookers. The dance of shadows is trying to achieve might not be relevant to all onlookers, some may simply not be interested and the Charm skill roll penalized accordingly or simply skipped as irrelevant.
Dance of shadows can fool people in combat, making them waste shots or suffer setbacks, but is not a target or attacker. A Setback might make targets may believe they are and act appropriately, but that is a part of the setback, not of the power itself.
Dark Inspiration
Trigger Action
You inspire creatures to be deceptive, self-indulgent, and bestial. Whenever you or someone within Charm meters fails an action based on these virtues, you can take a trigger action to give him an immediate reroll. If the original roll was Confident or Stymied it remains so. This applies to most uses of the Recon skill, and to other skills and rolls as determined my the GM.
False Confidence
Basic Action Finisher Trigger Action
You inspire great confidence in the target. Make an opposed Charm check. Until the target has taken 3 basic Actions (Until the end of scene with an Outcome matching Mind), the target believes himself to be Confident in all things, while he is in fact Stymied. The target is unable to explain any failure he suffers, and blames them on others. If the target is overcome by failures, he is likely to seek you out for renewed confidence. You can negate the Stymied condition and indeed make the target Confident for one specific roll as a Trigger Action. If performed as a Limit Break this is a Curse.
Insinuate Action
Basic Action
You give another the impulse to act in a sly or evil manner to make the target take a deceptive, self-indulgent, or bestial action. Against a target that does not mind such actions, this is automatic, and the target may immediately take what is normally a Basic Action without spending any shots. Against a target opposed to your impulse, it requires an opposed Charm roll. On a success the target loses 3 shots. With an Outcome equal to the target's Mind, the target immediately performs an action you suggest and loses 3 shots.
Overcome Morality
Basic Action, Limit Break, or Finisher
You can inspire others to deeds of evil and selfishness, enhancing the darkness in their souls and reducing their sense of self and integrity. Make an opposed Charm roll against your target; one target when done as a basic action, all targets in a diameter equal to your Mind when done as a Limit Break. When done as a Finisher it is a Curse and lasts until removed.
You cannot control the targets exact actions, but while under the influence of this power, any moral inhibitions the target normally has are removed. Any successful social interaction stunt that works along these lines cause an automatic Setback regardless of outcome.
Power of Darkness
Trigger Action (Focus)
Whenever someone in your vicinity takes a cruel or destructive action, going out of their way to harm others or acting to benefit themselves regardless of the consequences, you can focus. If you are the one taking the action, the GM should be a more strict on the evil act required.
Sense Sin
When you first learn this power, pick one type of vice or sin that is considered morally distasteful in your culture. Whenever someone within 10 meters times your Mind commits this sin, make an opposed roll to sense where they are and what they did.
Sin Charm
Basic Action
You are supernaturally enchanting to certain creatures. You master whatever form of communication they use, even if you are normally unable to communicate with them at all.
Enchanting someone requires an opposed Charm roll. On an Outcome equal to the target's Mind, the target falls for your enchantment. On a lesser success you gain an advantage. A failed check interrupts the process, forcing you to look for a new opportunity at a later time.
Once someone has been enchanted, they will willingly follow and help you out. They seek to avoid conflict with their old allies, but if push comes to shove you cannot guarantee how they will react; they will try to avoid seeing you harmed, but they might make you a captive to save you later or even to have you at their mercy, or they might decide to throw in their lot with you and abandon their former allies. Someone who you have enchanted expects trust and help from you, but the enchantment breaks automatically only in the most blatant cases of maltreatment. If you are callous and disregard their interests they can make opposed Charm rolls against you to see through the enchantment. The same applies if a friend points out they have been charmed, but in this case it is an opposed roll against the friend's Charm skill and takes a Limit Break to do.
Enchantment normally wears off in about a weeks time, but can be maintained through continuous use of the power; it will last indefinitely if reapplied once per day. Even after the power ends you leave your targets with fond memories of you unless you mistreated them. Someone who realizes they have been enchanted and used can become vindictive or even downright hostile, but this is not the normal result.
When you take this power, select a sin. One of the classic 7 mortal sins are a good place to start; gluttony, lust, avarice, hubris, wrath, envy, or sloth. Other sins are certainly possible. You can charm any creature prone to this sin or one that practices it when you are charming them. You can also charm Devils of all kinds. It doesn't change a devil's basic nature; even when charmed they will try to cause harm and strife because it is in their nature, but a charmed devil will never break the letter of an agreement.
Emote Flux
Charm Whimsies
Basic Action
You are supernaturally enchanting to certain creatures. You master whatever form of communication they use, even if you are normally unable to communicate with them at all.
Enchanting someone requires an opposed Charm roll. On an Outcome equal to the target's Mind, the target falls for your enchantment. On a lesser success you gain an advantage. A failed check interrupts the process, forcing you to look for a new opportunity at a later time.
Once someone has been enchanted, they will willingly follow and help you out. They seek to avoid conflict with their old allies, but if push comes to shove you cannot guarantee how they will react; they will try to avoid seeing you harmed, but they might make you a captive to save you later or even to have you at their mercy, or they might decide to throw in their lot with you and abandon their former allies. Someone who you have enchanted expects trust and help from you, but the enchantment breaks automatically only in the most blatant cases of maltreatment. If you are callous and disregard their interests they can make opposed Charm rolls against you to see through the enchantment. The same applies if a friend points out they have been charmed, but in this case it is an opposed roll against the friend's Charm skill and takes a Limit Break to do.
Enchantment normally wears off in about a weeks time, but can be maintained through continuous use of the power; it will last indefinitely if reapplied once per day. Even after the power ends you leave your targets with fond memories of you unless you mistreated them. Someone who realizes they have been enchanted and used can become vindictive or even downright hostile, but this is not the normal result.
This power only works on Whimsies. It doesn't change their basic nature; even when charmed they are still destructive and unreliable.
Basic Action
Make an opposed Charm check against all hostile creatures in a diameter equal to your Mind. Those you succeed against act randomly on their next basic action. Those against whom you scored an Outcome matching their Mind act randomly on each of their basic action until the end of the en of the next round, or until an interaction Setback convinces them otherwise. If attacked by one of your allies, the confusion breaks.
Targets act randomly per this table. The target still controls his own trigger actions, Fortune and so on. If the action is impossible for some reason, the creature does nothing.
- Act normally. This also ends the confusion.
- Take a Full Move in a random direction, turning to use as much as possible of his movement.
- Stand about babbling incoherently
- Try to Scare the nearest creature.
- Attack nearest creature
- Attack nearest ally
A monster affected by this power treats a result of 1-4 as "act normally".
Daredevil Inspiration
Trigger Action
You inspire others to be independent, reckless, and to rely on luck. Whenever you or someone within Charm meters fails an action based on these virtues, you can take a trigger action to give him an immediate reroll. If the original roll was Confident or Stymied it remains so. This applies to most uses of the Dodge skill. You can even help someone who failed to resist a roll against his Dodge, allowing him to make a Dodge roll and use the result if higher than his passive value. In this case the reroll is Confident.
Eyes of the Fox
You can use this once per die roll someone else makes. The GM must tell you the numerical value of one of the character's attributes, skills, or current point totals. You choose which one. If you choose the value the target just used, success is automatic. If you choose another value, you can only analyze values lower than your Shoot, a higher value simply indicates the target is powerful.
Fall Down Finisher
Limit Break
You can use a Finisher on someone you drink under the table or who is otherwise oblivious due to intoxication. Making someone do this in an appropriate situation is generally a Common Ground stunt with an Outcome matching the target's Body. It may take a separate stunt to get them drinking in the first place.
Jack Up
Basic Action
Order fancies it can control sound, but this is noise!
You make the speech and music you and allies make carry further. The sound is clearly audible, giving your Charm stunts based on sound Long range until the end of the scene.
Overcome Inhibitions
Basic Action or Limit Break
Make an opposed Charm roll against your target; one target when done as a basic action, all targets in a diameter equal to your Mind when done as a limit break. If successful, your targets have their social inhibitions removed. They will do things that decorum would normally prevent them from doing, as long as those things agree with their personal motivations rather than cultural norms. Any successful social interaction stunt that works along these lines cause an automatic Setback regardless of outcome.
Up the Ante
Basic Action
You invoke a large amount of raw flux in a creature with an opposed Charm roll. Against a voluntary creature, this is automatic. The next die roll that creature makes is treated as a boxcars result, resulting in either a critical success or a fumble depending on whether the intended action failed or succeeded. Note that boxcars overrides a Confident or Stymied roll.
Whimsy's Wager
Basic Action or Limit Break
You enter a wager or bet with another creature. The creature realizes the possible consequences. As a Basic Action you can enter a wager with a willing creature. As a Limit Break and a successful opposed Charm you can enter a wager with an unwilling creature, but the wager must still be one that they could potentially win. After the wager is resolved the winner can use a Finisher on the loser. The winner can pick a Finisher he knows, or an informed choice of one the opponent knows. Until resolved, the wager is a s Curse.
Emote Order
Detect Lie
You can detect spoken falsehood; when a creature within your Charm meters of you tells a deliberate falsehood, you know of it. You cannot penetrate deceit unless lies are involved. True but misleading statements are not detected.
Formal Dance
Basic Action
Everyone dances to your music. Make an opposed Charm check against all creatures you select in a diameter equal to your Mind. Those you succeed must spend a Basic Action dancing when their next shot comes up. Those against whom you get an outcome matching their Mind join a stately dance until the end of the next round or until they are attacked or directly threatened.
Dancers will move along with you, at their normal Move. They will not take double moves to follow you. If they are ever further away from you than your Charm in meters when their turn comes up, the charm is broken.
Trigger Action
When a character you see (including yourself) within Charm meters is about to make a roll that is either Confident or Stymied you can use this to suspend these effects, making the roll normal.
Charm | Range |
8 | 400 meters |
9 | 630 meters |
10 | 1000 meters |
11 | 1,600 meters |
12 | 2,500 meters |
13 | 4,000 meters |
14 | 6,000 meters |
15 | 10,000 meters |
16 | 16 kilometers |
17 | 25 kilometers |
18 | 40 kilometers |
19 | 60 kilometers |
20 | 100 kilometers |
Basic Action
This power carries spoken words between you and others. Message can carry messages up to a range depending on your Charm skill, but cannot pass soil or sound-dampening materials. It can pass hard barriers like stone, concrete, brick, or metal. If any target is out of your reach even momentarily, the power fails for them.
You can send messages to a certain spot instead of to a specific target and try to send to creatures you are not sure are in range; these are power stunts. Message lasts for a scene.
Perfection of Effort
Trigger Action
Whenever you see someone else taking an action, you can support that action by invoking perfection on it. Make a confident Charm roll against the skill you are trying to assist; if you are successful the skill check becomes Routine. You cannot help yourself in this manner.
Basic Action or Finisher
You can bind someone to a promise he has made. When someone pronounces an oath or solemn promise, you can reinforce that oath as a Basic Action with an opposed Charm roll. You can also force someone to accept an oath of your choice as a finisher.
As long as the quester acts to fulfill their oath, the get the benefits of Discipline. But should they stray, they will notice that fate turns against them, and they lose a Fortune point for each decision they take that moves them away from fulfilling the oath. When their Fortune runs out, they instead suffer a Finisher of your that you know. A Quest lasts until the oath is fulfilled or until dispelled as a Curse. Note that the oath bound person cannot himself strive to have the oath removed, or he will suffer from the dire effects of the Quest.
Status Quo
Basic Action
By unifying the power of public opinion, you prosecute the minority and create unity in the community. There must be a crowd of 50 or more people, and they must believe in your declaration of what is the status quo, though they need not be sympathetic to what your cause or agree with the values expressed in the status quo. As long as the dissidents and troublemakers form less than 25% of the crowd, they are Stymied on any action expressing their disagreement for the rest of the scene.
Emote Light
Angelic Visage
You gain the appearance of a being of light; your intentions seem clear and guileless and you looks put people at ease. You can treat Charm tasks against creatures that have a good or indifferent attitude against you as Routine, which almost guarantees a good result on everyday tasks. You still roll normally when trying to use charm against people who are hostile or suspicious.
Best Intentions
Basic Action or Limit Break
Make an opposed Charm roll against your target; one target when done as a basic action, all targets in a diameter equal to your Mind when done as a limit break. Targets can volunteer to be targets even if you roll badly, but if you fail the Charm roll to affect a target with Best Intentions you cannot succeeds on such Charm roll until the end of the scene. If successful, you and all targets have only the best intentions for each other, expressing opinions honestly and accepting what is said in the best possible light. Interactions playing on this cause a Setback on a simple success, tough such setbacks are of course beneficial, indicating agreement, full disclosure, and good and honest handshake deals. This lasts until the end of the scene. Interactions by against people not affected by the power do not change.
Discern Motivation
Basic Action
With a opposed Charm roll you can peek at a creature's soul and discern what motivates it, what it feels affection for, and what kinds of things would inspire it. This often gives you hints on how to best interact with the creature. If you are willing and able to use this information, which might put demands on your actions, you gain a +3 bonus on Charm checks against a creatures whose motivations you have discerned.
Light Inspiration
Trigger Action
You inspire others to act in an enlightened and benevolent fashion, facing situations with direct, virtuous actions and placing the safety of others above their own. Whenever you or someone within Charm meters fails an action based on these virtues, you can take a trigger action to give him an immediate reroll. If the original roll was Confident or Stymied it remains so. This applies to most uses of the Melee skill, and to other skills and rolls as determined my the GM.
Light of Truth
Limit Break
You create a static circle of light with a diameter equal to your Mind lasting until the end of the scene. This area is brightly lit, and the light also has a spiritual dimension; it is difficult to lie, cheat, hide or otherwise use deception in this area. Subtract your Mind from all such attempts. It is still possible to omit and withhold information, as long as no falsehoods are spoken and no new false impressions created. Light of Truth is obvious; the glare makes deception obviously awkward.
Power of Light
Trigger Action (Focus)
Whenever someone in your vicinity takes a good and selfless action, taking a risk or making a sacrifice for someone else rather than for expected benefits to themselves, you can focus. If you are the one taking the action, the GM should be a little more strict on the goodness, but using Power of Light does not in itself count as being selfish.
Emote Gifts
Charm Monsters
Basic Action
You are supernaturally enchanting to certain creatures. You master whatever form of communication they use, even if you are normally unable to communicate with them at all.
Enchanting someone requires an opposed Charm roll. On an Outcome equal to the target's Mind, the target falls for your enchantment. On a lesser success you gain an advantage. A failed check interrupts the process, forcing you to look for a new opportunity at a later time.
Once someone has been enchanted, they will willingly follow and help you out. They seek to avoid conflict with their old allies, but if push comes to shove you cannot guarantee how they will react; they will try to avoid seeing you harmed, but they might make you a captive to save you later or even to have you at their mercy, or they might decide to throw in their lot with you and abandon their former allies. Someone who you have enchanted expects trust and help from you, but the enchantment breaks automatically only in the most blatant cases of maltreatment. If you are callous and disregard their interests they can make opposed Charm rolls against you to see through the enchantment. The same applies if a friend points out they have been charmed, but in this case it is an opposed roll against the friend's Charm skill and takes a Limit Break to do.
Enchantment normally wears off in about a weeks time, but can be maintained through continuous use of the power; it will last indefinitely if reapplied once per day. Even after the power ends you leave your targets with fond memories of you unless you mistreated them. Someone who realizes they have been enchanted and used can become vindictive or even downright hostile, but this is not the normal result.
This power only works on Gifted creatures such as mutants, supers, and monsters.
Limit Break
You get a bonus of +1 to all your skill values until the end of the scene. This bonus stacks with itself up to a maximum of +3.
An NPC using this ability gains an escalation bonus of +3, and the bonus decreases by one at the end of each round until it is reduced to zero. The power can only be used once per scene.
Gifted Companion
Basic Action
You have a Gifted companion, a Henchman Extra with 2/3 your points who looks out for your interest and will accompany you on adventures. Companions are very varied and form and function, they often take on the role of sidekicks, mounts, or war beasts. Some companions serve out of a sense of loyalty, others serve to work off a debt or because you have a hold on them. Up to this point the power is Inherent. You can communicate with your companion as a Basic Action, and the companion can do the same with you, regardless of distance or language barriers.
Instant Change
Basic Action
You can assume a mundane form or back again. The mundane form is normally human, but can be any Folk or a normal Animal. In this form, you have normal attribute maxima of your race, and you lose any powers. It is not possible to detect your lost powers or gifted nature when you are in this form; they simply are not present to be detected. Neither can you be identified with your powered self by any power. This is tied to the Mark of Power method.
Limit Break, Trigger Action
As a Limit Break, you can perfectly mimic one class of objects or creatures chosen when you take the power. Common choices are humanoids or furniture but other options are possible. You can Mimic specific creatures or objects of your chosen type, but must have detailed knowledge of what it looks like to do so. While Mimicking, all Charm checks to Acting to stay in role are Routine. You cannot use any powers that depend on physical features you do not have when using Mimic, and your effective Body is limited by your assumed mass unless you have some way around this problem.
You can assume your natural form at any time as a Basic Action. This has the effect of a Distraction stunt against all observers who did not know your true nature.
Spirit Friends
Basic Action
You have the ability to befriend and gain help from minor spirits and supernatural creatures you encounter. These spirits hang around you, check up on you, and otherwise perform small services and friendly gestures. If you get involved in a conflict while these spirits are around, they will try to help you. They are minor spirits, but can help in small ways by keeping track of foes, keeping you updated on what's going on or haunting your enemies keeping them awake at night. In a pinch they may fight for you, but that is not their normal behavior.
Your Spirit Friends collectively is a Swarm of Minion Extras with a final skill (including Swarm) equal to your Charm. Its exact composition is highly mutable; you can change the composition of your spirit swarm, allowing you to change it for a specific situation. Most often, it is simplest to just make a Charm check to see if your spirit friends can accomplish their objective, with the assumption that they have whatever powers and skills are needed for minor tasks such as spying, haunting an area, moving a small object, and the like.
Emote Magic
Charm Spell
Basic Action
You are supernaturally enchanting to certain creatures. You master whatever form of communication they use, even if you are normally unable to communicate with them at all.
Enchanting someone requires an opposed Charm roll. On an Outcome equal to the target's Mind, the target falls for your enchantment. On a lesser success you gain an advantage. A failed check interrupts the process, forcing you to look for a new opportunity at a later time.
Once someone has been enchanted, they will willingly follow and help you out. They seek to avoid conflict with their old allies, but if push comes to shove you cannot guarantee how they will react; they will try to avoid seeing you harmed, but they might make you a captive to save you later or even to have you at their mercy, or they might decide to throw in their lot with you and abandon their former allies. Someone who you have enchanted expects trust and help from you, but the enchantment breaks automatically only in the most blatant cases of maltreatment. If you are callous and disregard their interests they can make opposed Charm rolls against you to see through the enchantment. The same applies if a friend points out they have been charmed, but in this case it is an opposed roll against the friend's Charm skill and takes a Limit Break to do.
Enchantment normally wears off in about a weeks time, but can be maintained through continuous use of the power; it will last indefinitely if reapplied once per day. Even after the power ends you leave your targets with fond memories of you unless you mistreated them. Someone who realizes they have been enchanted and used can become vindictive or even downright hostile, but this is not the normal result.
What creatures you can use this against depends on what Forms you know, read on the Creatures and Forms table.
Magic Inspiration
Trigger Action
You inspire others to be inspired, informed, and enlightened. Whenever you or someone within Charm meters fails an action based on these virtues, you can take a trigger action to give him an immediate reroll. If the original roll was Confident or Stymied it remains so. This applies to most uses of Know, and to other skills and rolls as determined my the GM.
Magical Gift
Limit Break
Each time you use Magical Gift, select one power that usually only affects yourself. Then select a number of creatures equal to your Mind attribute, who must all be within Mind meters. For the rest of the scene, all these creatures can use this power just as if they had it themselves. You can only maintain one power at a time using Magical Gift, but you can learn Magical Gift multiple times to be able to maintain several different powers. Each is still a Limit Break to activate.
Emote Spiritual
Awaken Power
Limit break
You can awaken and converse with lingering spell effects as if they were intelligent creatures. If you are charming enough, they may let you off, or even change sides. Make an opposed Charm roll against the creator of the power. If you succeed, you can convince the power to change its effect in a minor way, moving about one meter or changing target to something harmless. On an outcome matching the creator's Mind, you gain control of the effect as if you were the user of the original power, or you can cancel the effect and then use it once yourself during the current scene.
Focus of the Soul
You can find the focus of another person's soul, the central dilemma or struggle defining their life at the moment. While you can use this on voluntary targets, it only works on allies when there is a concrete issue for you to help them with. You can use this insight to influence them and possibly help them resolve the dilemma and grow. For the rest of the story, you gain the following benefits towards the target.
- Any successful interaction you use against the target causes a Setback.
- You can use a Trigger Action to cause any one action the target takes to be Stymied.
- As a Basic Action you can make the target Focused.
This also allows you to advice and guide the target on how to resolve the dilemma, based on your own wisdom, discretion, and teachings. If done in good faith this is often a help, but success hinges on the target's willingness to cooperate.
Listen to the Heart
Basic Action
You are sensitive to the wishes and dreams of spiritual people, especially those sharing your faith and/or credo. You can sense the mood of a congregation, and know if there is dissident or doubt. You can sense the dreams and ambitions people have, especially if projected as prayer. You can get a general feeling for a person with an opposed Charm roll, particularly in regard to to matters of faith. Expect the GM to use this as a plot hook.
This power seals away, confines, and placates a supernatural creature, making it harmless. Supernatural creatures include Fairies, Epitomes, Gifted, and Strange. The creature does not need to breathe, eat, or drink while sealed, nor does it age. It can use its powers, but only on voluntary recipients; an unwilling target is automatically immune. It cannot use powers on itself. If slain or destroyed, it is released and immediately fully healed. It cannot be Summoned. Choose one of the following forms of confinement:
- Slumber: The creature falls into a deep, comatose sleep. It can be temporarily awakened for short conversations.
- Chaining: The subject is confined to the spot it occupied when it received the power. Nothing can move the creature from the spot as long as the power is active.
- Idolatry: The subject is imprisoned in an object. It is comatose, but any creature touching the object can awaken it and communicate with it.
- Metamorphosis: The creature is transformed, usually into a tiny animal but sometimes into an object or human or other more advanced creature.
- The creature assumes gaseous form, except for its head or face.
- The creature is shrunk to a height of 1 inch or less, Body and Move reduced to 1.
- The creature suffers Power Loss.
- Combination You can combine several kinds of confinement.
In addition to what is noted above, Sealing can be broken like a Curse.
The duration depends on your Mind. The power can be extended by casting this ritual again. It is common practice to institute a yearly ceremony to re-seal a powerful creature bound this way. You can use Mental Push to extend the duration.
Mind Score | Duration |
6 or less | A month and a day |
7-8 | A year and a day |
9-10 | A decade and a day |
11-12 | A century and a day |
13 or more | A millennium and a day |
Spirit Gossip
Limit Break
You talk to spirits and listen to what they have to say; the result is similar to Gather Information, only you learn of things relevant to spirits instead of people.
You listen to rumors in a radius of 100 meters times your Charm, but if there is a distinct territorial division in the area the power's effects do not cross such a boundary. Examples of such borders include a specific cave complex, city/countryside limits, a shore separating land and sea, or the limits of a major forest or other distinctive terrain limit. The ritual must be performed in the locale you wish to inquire about, and involves wandering around and actually conversing with spirits, which might be dangerous in certain places.
Spirit Guide
Basic Action
You have a principle as a spiritual companion, a Henchman Extra with 2/3 of your points who looks out for your interest and will accompany you on adventures. Spirit guides generally have Spirit Form as their natural form, with you as their medium.
You are in constant telepathic communication with your spirit guide. It sees advising you as it's primary role, but will also help you in other ways as needed.
Spiritual Inspiration
Trigger Action
You inspire others to be inspiring, pious, and devout. Whenever you or someone within Charm meters fails an action based on these virtues, you can take a trigger action to give him an immediate reroll. If the original roll was Confident or Stymied it remains so. This applies to most uses of the Impress skill, and to other skills and rolls as determined my the GM.
Spiritual Vision
Limit Break
Through meditation and humble supplication, you receive a vision. This is always on a subject relevant to your creed, but can be practical or esoteric depending on the situation. To gain information this way you make an opposed check against the targets' Recon. You gain valuable information based on the outcome of this roll; if the outcome matches the target's Mind you gain clear and important insights into the target's activities. On a failed roll, you learn obvious details and trivia; if the negative Outcome matches your Mind you learn misleading information or the target notices your spying. Unlike most scrying, vision does not need a target, it can be a general request for guidance - in this case the GM gives information based on the roll.
Emote Tech
A hidden compartment somewhere on your body. It can hold a quarter-liter of stuff or a weapon with Concealability: Pocket. A compartment is very hard to see and shielded against most detection; it can only be detected with advanced sensors or a Body Cavity Search; even so, an opposed Charm is required.
Small (thumb-sized) compartments work the same and can be had for free for anyone in a cyber setting who has mastered the Technology Form.
Basic Action
A telescopic tentacle that can extend up to one meter to attack or manipulate objects on your mental command. The cybersnake is usually hidden in the mouth or abdomen, but can be fitted as an additional function of a Prosthetic limb. It can extend to about 2 meters from your torso but gets weaker as it reaches out.
A cybersnake is not a viable weapon for general combat, but can be very effective as a surprise attack. Once per scene when somebody unaware of your intent to use the snake touches you make an opposed Charm roll as an attack with Body +5 damage.
It can also be used to surreptitiously manipulate items as if you had Sleight of Hand. If the attempt is noticed, it is the cybersnake they see, tough that can generally be connected to you in short order.
Cybernetic Implant
Pick one stance power. That stance is installed in a surgically implanted device, and the power of the stance becomes Inherent and is always on. Cybernetic implants can be subtle or discrete as a matter of style, but they can be detected by sophisticated sensors or with an opposed Charm check.
This is a meta-power that affects other powers. In some campaign worlds there is a strong Origin Divide among different origins. Check with your GM regarding your campaign. Origins that are opposed cannot cannot be modified by meta-powers; it is as if powers from the opposing origin was actually a schtick rather than a power.
Face Dance
Basic Action
Replace the skin and bone of your face with synthetic mass that can be molded into any facial appearance as well as change skin and hair coloration all over your body. It also alters your vocal chords, letting you mimic speech. This makes disguise a speedy and easy process. If combined with a Skin Graft, you can change the shape of your entire body on a whim.
Pheromone Control
Basic Action
With an opposed Charm roll, you can create a social connection between you and another person within reach. That person will focus his attention on you, for good or bad. Depending on the mood, this might involve sex, combat, or just conversation. He will ignore normal distractions and is generally willing to follow you a short way in order to interact there.
Pheromone control allows you to manipulate nearby people by means of pheromones. Pheromones are scent-like substances used by people and animals to communicate on a subconscious level. Manipulation on such a primal level can be dangerous, lending itself best to inducing needs that can be immediately gratified. If you try to induce subtle feelings or long-lasting relationships, Pheromone Control may backfire. It is thus best used to get into someone's close presence, where normal Charm can proceed. This only works against creatures whose racial pheromone sets have been programmed into the unit, and anyone with a breather mask or somehow otherwise immune to poison or inhaled gases can ignore it.
Skin Graft
A cosmetic modification. With skin graft, you can look like anyone or anything with a basic body shape similar to your own. You cannot turn into a baby or a crocodile using this system, but can change your body mass from half to double normal. The operation takes a few days of hospitalization, so appearance cannot be changed on a whim, but if you also have Face Dance, your entire bodily appearance can be changed at a whim. A change in mass means you have to ingest or expel the relevant amount of matter, generally water but extreme changes require a nutrient broth.
Subdermal Armor
A weave of protective fibers is implanted under your skin. This is normally not visible but can be noticed on a Pat-Down search. You gain 4 points of armor, giving you a Toughness equal to your Body +4.
Subdermal Weapon
You have a weapon of Concealability Pocket or less surgically implanted in your arm; you can hide or activate this weapon at any time. A subdermal weapon is very hard to see and shielded against most detection; it can only be detected with advanced sensors or a Strip Search.
Technological Inspiration
Trigger Action
You inspire others to be detached, analytical, and focused on results without regard to distractions or unwanted consequences. Whenever you or someone within Charm meters fails an action based on these virtues, you can take a trigger action to give him an immediate reroll. If the original roll was Confident or Stymied it remains so. This applies to most uses of the Create skill, and to other skills and rolls as determined my the GM.
Weapon Arm
You have a weapon of Concealability jacket or less implanted in your arm cyber arm; you can hide or activate this weapon at any time. If you do not have a prosthetic cyber arm, you get a simple cybernetic arm that functions as a normal arm to hide the weapon in.
A Weapon Arm is very hard to see and shielded against most detection; it can only be detected with advanced sensors or a close inspection; even so, an opposed Charm is required. The prosthetic arm is not so cloaked (unless you have other powers that do so).
Emote Death
Consume Identity
You gain temporary access to the target's memories and physical form. For the duration of the story, you can access his memories, and you can assume his likeness; this lets you Disguise yourself as your target and you suffer no penalty for physical differences.
You can use this power on a corpse to assume their appearance while alive, but memories gained from decomposed corpses is incomplete.
Charm Undead
Basic Action
You are supernaturally enchanting to certain creatures. You master whatever form of communication they use, even if you are normally unable to communicate with them at all.
Enchanting someone requires an opposed Charm roll. On an Outcome equal to the target's Mind, the target falls for your enchantment. On a lesser success you gain an advantage. A failed check interrupts the process, forcing you to look for a new opportunity at a later time.
Once someone has been enchanted, they will willingly follow and help you out. They seek to avoid conflict with their old allies, but if push comes to shove you cannot guarantee how they will react; they will try to avoid seeing you harmed, but they might make you a captive to save you later or even to have you at their mercy, or they might decide to throw in their lot with you and abandon their former allies. Someone who you have enchanted expects trust and help from you, but the enchantment breaks automatically only in the most blatant cases of maltreatment. If you are callous and disregard their interests they can make opposed Charm rolls against you to see through the enchantment. The same applies if a friend points out they have been charmed, but in this case it is an opposed roll against the friend's Charm skill and takes a Limit Break to do.
Enchantment normally wears off in about a weeks time, but can be maintained through continuous use of the power; it will last indefinitely if reapplied once per day. Even after the power ends you leave your targets with fond memories of you unless you mistreated them. Someone who realizes they have been enchanted and used can become vindictive or even downright hostile, but this is not the normal result.
This power only works on Undead.
Death Inspiration
Trigger Action
You inspire others to be morose, calm, and introspective. Whenever you or someone within Charm meters fails an action based on these virtues, you can take a trigger action to give him an immediate reroll. If the original roll was Confident or Stymied it remains so. This applies to most uses of the Know skill and to other skills and rolls as determined my the GM.
Trigger Action
You can enter a state of suspended animation where you appear to be dead for all practical purposes. You can do this as a reaction to taking a hit; to all appearances, that hit killed you. You register as dead to detection powers and all but the most invasive medical investigation.
In this state, you cannot take actions, but you are aware of your surroundings, and you can continue to maintain stances. You are immune to Biological Damage. You are helpless and have a Dodge of zero, but you get to subtract twice your Charm from any damage you take. At the beginning of any round, you can decide to end the hibernation.
Loan From Ancestors
Limit Break
Select any one Power. You know this Power until the end of the scene or until you use this power again.
Speak with Dead
Limit Break
You can communicate with the spirits of the dead. You need to be at the site they died, their grave, in the presence of a direct descendant or loved one, know their True name, or be in possession of a body part or and object important to them in life to use this power. You must also have a clear idea of who you are communing with, tough a name is not necessary.
The dead will appear as an apparition, merely as a ghostly voice, or manifested through some divination technique or device you use. You can ask the dead about things they knew in life, and it will answer as its personality dictates. The dead communed with are more sourly than they were in life, but will respond to interaction, people and inquiries much as they did while alive. They have no extra knowledge of death itself or other things they did not know when alive, tough some of them might make up stories or try to proselytize. You can ask them if they want to be resurrected or turned into undead, and make deals with them about such things. Even if they agree, it is sometimes the case that the spirit will not cooperate later; it is speculated that the conversation is not with the actual spirit of the departed, but only with a ghostly image or reflection left in the physical world.
This spell will not allow communication with a creature that is currently an Undead, tough it does make the creature aware of who you are and that you want to commune with it and where you are, as well as inform you that it is currently undead. Some undead will seek you out, and you have no control over them through this power, tough it does allow you to communicate with undead across language barriers.
Unto Death and Beyond
Basic Action
A voluntary target swears an oath to take on some task "Unto Death and Beyond ", forswearing eternal rest to complete an objective. As long as the target works to fulfill this task, he benefits from Life Immunity. However, should he stray and let himself be distracted he will take a Hit each day and find himself unable to heal any damage. The most horrific aspect of this power comes into play if the target dies without fulfilling the task; in this case he will return as an Undead at some future date as determined by the GM. Such forsworn undead often have Immortality.
Emote Force
Charm Aberrations
Basic Action
You are supernaturally enchanting to certain creatures. You master whatever form of communication they use, even if you are normally unable to communicate with them at all.
Enchanting someone requires an opposed Charm roll. On an Outcome equal to the target's Mind, the target falls for your enchantment. On a lesser success you gain an advantage. A failed check interrupts the process, forcing you to look for a new opportunity at a later time.
Once someone has been enchanted, they will willingly follow and help you out. They seek to avoid conflict with their old allies, but if push comes to shove you cannot guarantee how they will react; they will try to avoid seeing you harmed, but they might make you a captive to save you later or even to have you at their mercy, or they might decide to throw in their lot with you and abandon their former allies. Someone who you have enchanted expects trust and help from you, but the enchantment breaks automatically only in the most blatant cases of maltreatment. If you are callous and disregard their interests they can make opposed Charm rolls against you to see through the enchantment. The same applies if a friend points out they have been charmed, but in this case it is an opposed roll against the friend's Charm skill and takes a Limit Break to do.
Enchantment normally wears off in about a weeks time, but can be maintained through continuous use of the power; it will last indefinitely if reapplied once per day. Even after the power ends you leave your targets with fond memories of you unless you mistreated them. Someone who realizes they have been enchanted and used can become vindictive or even downright hostile, but this is not the normal result.
This power only works on Aberrations. Aberrations are still alien beings even when charmed, and you are not protected against their alien nature.
Contact Strangers
Limit Break
You send out a magical message to creatures of a particular kind, which is delivered to random creatures beginning with ones close and reaching further depending on your Charm. All creatures will fit a general description you give. You can’t send a specific message, this spell is an open invitation to make contact and establish communication. You don’t know whether the message was received, nor any specific details about what creatures received it or how many. Creatures that receive the message know from where you called them.
Because this doesn’t call or summon the target, the target must have its own way to reach the place. There are no restrictions on how the creatures react to being contacted, and they might ignore the call, respond with hostility, parley, entertain an alliance, or attack. Creatures that come and investigate do so in their own time. For the purpose of powers like scrying, targets have firsthand knowledge of you and a connection similar to if it possessed a likeness of you.
To use this power, you must satisfy two of the following requirements. If you fulfill additional requirements, the power is stronger and more exact.
- Have a name or mental image of the creature, a description or depiction suffices.
- Have an object or body part made or used by creatures such as the one you wish to contact.
- Be in a location that used to be frequented by creatures such as the one you wish to contact.
- Perform the calling in language common to the creatures you wish to contact.
Music of the Spheres
Basic Action
Everyone dances to your music, or at least their spatial position is controlled by you. Make an opposed Charm check against all creatures you select in a diameter equal to your Mind. Those you succeed lose three shots dancing. Those against whom you get an outcome matching their Mind join a stately dance until the end of the scene.
Dancers stay in the initial area, as specified when you used the power. If somehow brought outside this area, the power ends. If targets are attacked or under immediate threat, the power ends as well.
Emote Life
Corners of the Mouth
Basic Action
Make a wisecrack, quotation from the classics, or other mysterious or inspirational remark. The person you directed this at (within Charm meters, is immediately focused.
Life Inspiration
Trigger Action
You inspire others to be sensual, libidinous, and generous. Whenever you or someone within Charm meters fails an action based on these virtues, you can take a trigger action to give him an immediate reroll. If the original roll was Confident or Stymied it remains so. This applies to most uses of the Charm skill, and to other skills and rolls as determined my the GM.
Sexual Influence
Basic Action
You can only use this power against someone you have just brought to orgasm. Make an opposed Charm roll. If you succeed, you can use a Finisher against him, just as if you had defeated him in combat.
Basic Action or Finisher
Make an opposed Charm roll, on a success the target loses three shots napping and cannot use his Recon as a defense, using his Reflexes instead until his next shot comes up. This is important when people try to Sneak on him. If the attack scores an Outcome matching the target's Mind, the target does not loose any shots, but cannot take any actions for the rest of the round or until he takes damage or is successfully interacted with. If used out of combat, the target is momentarily distracted and doesn't realize something strange happened. As a Finisher, the target is permanently asleep and the effect is a Curse. This is a suspended animation and reduces the targets physical needs to almost nothing—as the plot requires.
The Master's Voice
If someone else takes a Basic Action to praise you, you can use this schtick to focus. This can always be used in front of an appreciative audience, whose constant praise you thrive on. This can even let you focus when another uses an appropriate stunt against you.
Emote Mind
Charm Person
Basic Action
You are supernaturally enchanting to certain creatures. You master whatever form of communication they use, even if you are normally unable to communicate with them at all.
Enchanting someone requires an opposed Charm roll. On an Outcome equal to the target's Mind, the target falls for your enchantment. On a lesser success you gain an advantage. A failed check interrupts the process, forcing you to look for a new opportunity at a later time.
Once someone has been enchanted, they will willingly follow and help you out. They seek to avoid conflict with their old allies, but if push comes to shove you cannot guarantee how they will react; they will try to avoid seeing you harmed, but they might make you a captive to save you later or even to have you at their mercy, or they might decide to throw in their lot with you and abandon their former allies. Someone who you have enchanted expects trust and help from you, but the enchantment breaks automatically only in the most blatant cases of maltreatment. If you are callous and disregard their interests they can make opposed Charm rolls against you to see through the enchantment. The same applies if a friend points out they have been charmed, but in this case it is an opposed roll against the friend's Charm skill and takes a Limit Break to do.
Enchantment normally wears off in about a weeks time, but can be maintained through continuous use of the power; it will last indefinitely if reapplied once per day. Even after the power ends you leave your targets with fond memories of you unless you mistreated them. Someone who realizes they have been enchanted and used can become vindictive or even downright hostile, but this is not the normal result.
This power only works on Folk.
Cricket Voice
You create a copy of your own mind in the subconscious of the subject; an alternate ego or conscience that can converse with the target and advice him, representing your ideals and giving advice and suggestions you would have given if you were there. The cricket voice can be very persuasive, using your Charm. It can cause distractions, causing the victim to lose a Fortune point per infraction with an opposed Charm roll. The Cricket Voice is a Curse.
Basic Action
Make an opposed Charm roll to dazzle each enemy in a diameter equal to your Mind. On a success the target is dazzled on his next basic action. On an Outcome matching the target's Mind he is dazzled for the next three actions.
A dazzled target does nothing except gape at you. If you are not in sight, he follows you, using his Move before taking each basic action, spending the movement portion of the basic action to do so. He stops when he comes into line of sight. If his move ends further away from you than your Charm in meters, of if he is attacked or under immediate threat, the effect breaks.
Mind Inspiration
Trigger Action
You inspire others to be observant, reasonable, unbiased, open-minded or even vacillating. Whenever you or someone within Charm meters fails an action based on these virtues, you can take a trigger action to give him an immediate reroll. If the original roll was Confident or Stymied it remains so. This applies to most uses of the Charm skill, and to other skills and rolls as determined my the GM.
Basic Action
You can communicate telepathically with the minds of other creatures within sight. Once this contact is established, you can maintain it at a distance of up to a Mind kilometers. You can maintain this communication with a number of other creatures equal to your Mind and it is possible for you send certain messages only to certain members of the group. This is communicative telepathy only; targets must actively broadcast their thoughts and no mind reading is possible. Mindspeech can relay spoken messages and basic sensory experiences such as vision, scent etc., but complex subjects are just as hard to explain telepathically.
Name the Soul
Limit Break
Socialize with a creature in order to learn his True Name. Soul Name requires an opposed Charm roll to work. On an Outcome equal to the target's Mind, you learn their True Name. On a lesser success, you gain an Advantage.
Sense Thoughts
Basic Action
You can read the surface thoughts of a creature you can see and eavesdrop on telepathic communication. To gain information this way you make an opposed check against the targets' Charm. You gain valuable information based on the outcome of this roll; if the outcome matches the target's Mind you gain clear and important insights into the target's activities. On a failed roll, you learn obvious details and trivia; if the negative Outcome matches your Mind you learn misleading information or the target notices your spying.
Basic Action
Allows you to impose your will on a subject. The difficulty is your target's Charm. The subject will obey a single short instruction, following its spirit as well as its letter. Instructions to which the target objects strongly require an Outcome equal to his Mind.
In an intense situation, such as combat, the instruction only affects the opponent's next Basic Action, which must be taken when his next shot comes up. Unless the Outcome matches the target’s Mind, it will only cause the target to lose shots in confusion, not to actually do anything. Out of combat, it lasts for one scene, which can be the current scene or the next scene depending on the situation, but is restricted to a single suggestion.
You can instead implant posthypnotic suggestions that lie dormant and activate at a later time to a specified trigger. The main difference is that the target does not know what the suggestion is until it is triggered. On an Outcome equal to his Mind, the duration can extend even to the next session.
Wish Fulfillment
Basic Action
Make an opposed Charm roll against a creature to discover what it's wishes in the the moment are. This tells you what kind of action, gift or stimulus would please the target right now. If you act out this fantasy, you gain a bonus of Charm stunts against the target of +3. This might require you to do things that you find repulsive. If you manage to really create a situation matching the dream and succeed on the Charm check, you score an automatic Setback against the target, but if you fail the almost-but-not-quite-right situation squicks the target, a Setback for you.
Emote Time
Charm Time Elementals
Basic Action
You are supernaturally enchanting to certain creatures. You master whatever form of communication they use, even if you are normally unable to communicate with them at all.
Enchanting someone requires an opposed Charm roll. On an Outcome equal to the target's Mind, the target falls for your enchantment. On a lesser success you gain an advantage. A failed check interrupts the process, forcing you to look for a new opportunity at a later time.
Once someone has been enchanted, they will willingly follow and help you out. They seek to avoid conflict with their old allies, but if push comes to shove you cannot guarantee how they will react; they will try to avoid seeing you harmed, but they might make you a captive to save you later or even to have you at their mercy, or they might decide to throw in their lot with you and abandon their former allies. Someone who you have enchanted expects trust and help from you, but the enchantment breaks automatically only in the most blatant cases of maltreatment. If you are callous and disregard their interests they can make opposed Charm rolls against you to see through the enchantment. The same applies if a friend points out they have been charmed, but in this case it is an opposed roll against the friend's Charm skill and takes a Limit Break to do.
Enchantment normally wears off in about a weeks time, but can be maintained through continuous use of the power; it will last indefinitely if reapplied once per day. Even after the power ends you leave your targets with fond memories of you unless you mistreated them. Someone who realizes they have been enchanted and used can become vindictive or even downright hostile, but this is not the normal result.
This power only works on Time Elementals.
Loan From The Future
Limit Break
Select any one Schtick (not a Power). You know this Schtick until the end of the scene or until you use this power again.
Time Inspiration
Trigger Action
You inspire others to be curious, precise, and fast. Whenever you or someone within Charm meters fails an action based on these virtues, you can take a trigger action to give him an immediate reroll. If the original roll was Confident or Stymied it remains so. This applies to most uses of the Maneuver skill, and to other skills and rolls as determined my the GM.
Time Out
Basic Action
You step out of time to observe and plan. No physical actions are possible during this time, but you can use the perception and knowledge elements of skill to analyze the situation at hand, as long as no physical action is required to do so. You can also converse with nearby allies - a number of creatures up to you Mind within Charm meters who can observe the situation just as you can. A time-out lasts for about a minute of subjective time for those affected, but no objective time passes. It is possible to use the Assist action during this time, as long as this only involves advice, not physical action.
Emote Space
Local Attraction
Limit Break
You make a spot attractive to be in for a number of days equal to your Mind. Creatures passing by tend to stop there, and might even take a detour to pass by. When a creature passes within a range of 10 meters times your Charm, the effects makes a roll using your Charm. On a success, the creature is drawn to the location and will pause a few minutes, but is not forced to make a detour if it path does not lead to the location. On a success matching the creature's Mind it will take a detour and stay at the location for about an hour before moving on. Local Attraction can simultaneously affect a number of creatures equal to your Charm. If the effect exceeds this number, it stops affecting random creatures until the legal number is reached.
Spatial Link
Charm | Range (meters) |
8 | 40 |
9 | 60 |
10 | 100 |
11 | 160 |
12 | 250 |
13 | 400 |
14 | 600 |
15 | 1,000 |
16 | 1,600 |
17 | 2,500 |
18 | 4,000 |
+5 | x10 |
Basic Action
Touch a willing friend to create a spacial link to his location; you can now see and talk to this friend and use powers as if you had line of sight, ignoring all cover. You can also use Teleport powers to move this friend, or to move to the location where this friend is.
The range of Spatial Friends depends on your Charm skill. The power ends if you move out of range. You can have several spatial friends at once, up to your Mind in number. The power normally lasts until the end of a session, but the GM can judge that a mid-session break of a day or so breaks it.
Teleport Embrace
Basic Action
Select up to your Mind willing targets you can touch or who touch each other - it is possible to form a chain of hands. The next time you use a Teleport power to move, these people go along with you.
Anyone who moves out of touch with the chain of hands breaks the effect.
Create Schticks and Powers
You have mastered the esoteric art of Alchemy. Any Create check you do in relation to Alchemy is Confident.
You can plan and lead the construction of buildings, from hovels to palaces and dungeons. You have an intuitive understanding of such projects, and can make educated guesses about where to find hidden chambers, where corridors lead and where to find rooms of a certain description. You can deduce where traps and defensive works should be placed, based on the use of different chambers.
When examining the plans of a building or having it described to you, you can deduce the location of such things as if you were actually there, looking for them. You only get one chance to discern each feature this way. Any tasks related to building you could do without this schtick are Routine to you.
You have mastered one particular craft. This can be swordsmithing, woodcarving, painting, or any one pretty specific profession. In this you are a true master, able to craft extraordinary items of grace and quality; Tinkering rolls in your area of specialty are Routine, and anything you create is of Functional construction without increasing the difficulty (a higher construction level still pays full cost).
You are a master at finding technical solutions to practical problems. There is no practical problem that cannot be solved by building a device - tough it can sometimes take 10 years and a ten thousand workers to finish the project. Create tasks that involve creating devices are Routine to you. This can involve some Tinkering and Power Experiment projects. Engineer does not apply to asks governed by other Create Schticks, such as Security. In addition, you are proficient at a number of Crafts equal to twice your Create.
Basic Action
You can use the Demolish stunt as a Basic Action.
Focused Creator
You can perform a Limit Break with a Create stunt, schtick, or power as if you were focused. When you finish a task based on Create, you Focus.
You improve your Fakes to the point where it takes a Limit Break inspection to spot the forgery.
Jury Rig
You are a master of scrounging and improvising tools and parts. Hair pins and chewing gum work as well as tweeters and soldering in your hands. Tin foil, burned out light bulbs, and cans serve you as spare parts. As long as you can make entertaining technobabble about it, are effectively never without a toolkit or parts for Create tasks, including Tinkering at the Workshop level.
Magic Pockets
Deep Pockets checks are routine. As long as you have some plausible way to fit or find the gear, or make up a reasonable story of why you would have stashed the gear here, you can have large items and a greater number of items.
Basic Action
You are familiar with security measures of all types: locks, alarms and traps. Your Disable Mechanism checks are Routine.
Set Trap
Limit Break
You can set traps and alarms given the right equipment and circumstances. Alarms are fairly straightforward; they can be local loud alarms or remote, silent alarms depending on resources. Typical traps are weapons, snares, and pitfalls but they can also be built around powers you can use. A trap does damage equal to your Create. A snare trap steals shots equal to the attack outcome (this can carry over from a surprise round into the next round); on an outcome equal to the targets Reflexes he is rendered helpless. A pitfall causes a normal fall. When the trap attacks, make a Create roll against the Dodge of the victim, with the usual +3 bonus for being hidden. You can add a Finisher you know to the trap. If you do, and the trap inflicts a Setback, the Finisher replaces the Setback.
A trap can be found with Scan or Search and is automatically found when using Examine. Once found, traps are much less effective as there is no surprise bonus and targets can take trigger action defenses. Knowing what triggers the trap means it can often be circumvented.
Limit Break
You have knowledge of fashions of your time and understanding of what can be worn when and to provoke which reaction. This lets you make a dress and toilette for every occasion, and also gives you the savvy to dress oddly without causing a scandal. You have the presence and fame to create fashion trends. You are notorious in fashionable circles. This most commonly applies to dress and toilette, but it can apply to art, architecture, cuisine and other cultural traits as well.
You can take a Limit Break to dress up or spruce up an outfit to gain one of the following effects. The difficulty of the check is the target's Charm. A proper styling studio makes this check Routine.
Mood You temporarily allows subjects to use Dodge instead of either Charm or Impress, changing the impression they have on others. Only the values used for skill rolls change; the subject still uses his normal values as defense. This lasts for a couple of hours or until the target chooses to end the effect.
Occasion A makeup created for a specific social situation makes that situation Routine. This can be dressing up for a date, TV interview, board meeting or other specific social situation, generally no more than a scene in length. This only applies to the situation as it was expected to develop; if the interview turns into a hostage drama this bonus no longer applies.
Role Anyone attempting to use a disguise you helped create treat Charm rolls to maintain the role as Routine, and can impersonate specific persons and other races or genders without wearing bulky clothes.
Trigger Action
Whenever you or a team member within Reflexes meters of you are about to trigger a trap, you can use this as if it was Examine to find that trap and cancel the action that would have triggered the trap.
Weapon Mods
Limit break
You fiddle with weapons, coaxing new abilities out of them. Choose one of the following weapon abilities when you use this schtick. You can pick this schtick several times to apply multiple benefits with each application. It is a Limit Break and requires a Create check against the damage the weapon does in your hands to apply the modification and the benefit lasts until the end of the session. Some mods have prerequisites, that can be satisfied either in the weapon itself, or because you have installed a Weapon Mod for that ability.
Common Mods Can be applied to any weapon.
- Dual Damage and a +2 damage bonus.
- Penetrating
- Rash and a +2 damage bonus.
- Slick
- Stun
- Change the damage type to another damage type you can convince the GM to allow.
Ranged Mods These can be applied to ranged weapons only
- Area
- Scatter
- Saturation
- Increase Range by one category]]
Melee Mods
- Disarm
- Counter
- Entangle
- Parry
- Returning — Requires Throw.
- Stun
- Throw — Cannot be used with unarmed/natural attacks.
Limitations As an option, you can instead remove one for the following weapon abilities. You can remove limiting weapon abilities gained from Signature Mods through additional Signature Mods.
You start each session with a weapon mod of your choice and can use this and any other weapon mods you install until the end of the session. In the hands of others, a modified weapon loses its mods at the end of any scene where they are used.
Transformation and conjuration of inanimate objects. Generally concerned with personal gear or environmental effects. Some transformation spells affect living creatures or parts of living creatures, but in a less holistic way that Shapeshift - transformation of the living is more like surgery than magical shapechange.
Transmute Air
Analyze Air
Basic Action
You can analyze the properties of any gas within reach, even if the gas is inside a container or otherwise separated from you. You learn the exact composition and properties of the gas and whether it has been affected by any powers recently.
Ether Cyclone
Basic Action
You call a storm in the ether, that disrupts teleportation and other planar travel. Any attempt to Teleport into or out of the area has a minimum difficulty equal to your Create; if the Outcome was less than your Mind the teleport succeeded, but the teleportee is dazed, making him loose all shots or be Surprised if out of combat.
Ether Cyclone covers a radius equal to your Create roll and lasts for a scene.
Fresh Air
Basic Action
You renew the quality of air, making it breathable and refreshing. This pushes out clouds and gas in a diameter equal to your Mind for the rest of the scene. You can also create air in an place where there's room for it, like in a cave or underwater, but not inside a solid.
You can create fresh air inside a creature's lungs. A single application will create enough air for a single creature for one hour; you can easily maintain the air for a number of creatures equal to your skill using this power; more with constant effort. Creatures whose Body exceeds your Mind counts as one additional creature per point in excess.
Wind Wall
Basic Action
A churning mass of volatile air can be used to block ranged attacks, fliers, and nastiness like gas and gouts of flame. The wall can be formed as a cloud, plane or sphere. It can be transparent or misty and translucent, as you desire. The wall has a duration (in minutes) and a maximum dimensions (in meters) equal to the Create roll that created it. Within this volume, you can shape it as you wish.
Any physical ranged attack through the wall is Stymied. A translucent wall also Stymies perception checks. Moving through the wall is hard and requires a Maneuver roll against your Create. A creature that is jumping or flying creature is Stymied on this check. Those failing to pass through the Wind Wall are tossed back to where they started and lose the rest of this action, but take no damage.
Winds of Change
Basic Action or Limit Break
This is a Transmutation power. If you have several Transmutation powers, you can transform things between the substances you have powers for. The difficulty is the Body/Mass of the object, or the Dodge of the wearer. Repairing objects has half the difficulty of creating them or the Create of the maker for very complex items. If you use a Basic Action the duration is one scene, after which the material will return to its natural shape. If you use a Limit Break to create items, they are permanent, but volatile substances and those that qualify as Items deteriorate at the end of a session unless paid for. Besides practical uses, this allows you to ignore the Resources column when Tinkering with this substance. This is also useful for breaking and damaging appropriate objects. You can do Demolish stunts against such objects as a Basic Action. A gas has a mass of about 1 kg per cubic meter, so you can transform substantial quantities of air.
Transmute Earth
Analyze Earth
Basic Action
You can analyze the properties of any solid object within reach. You learn the exact composition and properties of the object and whether it has been affected by any powers recently.
Finally, you can use this to detect tremors and other seismic phenomena and to sense if they are natural or the result of power use. You can predict natural tremors.
Craft Earth
Basic Action or Limit Break
You can create and repair objects out of earth that will perform as if they were basic items. In this way, you can create basic clothing, tools, arms, and armor of no more than Blacksmith sophistication that last for a scene. If you use a Limit Break to create items, they are permanent but still wear out faster than normal, lasting a week or so. The difficulty is the Toughness of the item; weapons and armor are made for a specific creature and have a difficulty equal to they damage or toughness they grant. Repairs have half the usual difficulty, but the same duration.
This is also useful for breaking and objects. You can do Demolish stunts against such objects as a basic action.
Earth Armor
Basic Action or Limit Break
You coat a willing target (which can be you) in protective rock. This increases Toughness by 3 points but is obvious, effectively Large. If you use this as a Basic Action, it lasts until the end of the scene, if you use it as a Limit Break it lasts for the rest of the session. You can maintain this armor on yourself between scenes, but not on others; to protect others you must use it in or right before each action scene.
Extra-Dimensional Earth
Basic Action
You ward an area, making the earth there impassible to teleportation. Any attempt to Teleport trough such objects has a minimum difficulty equal to your Create; if the Outcome was less than your Mind the teleport succeeded, but made an awful noise and dazed the teleportee, making him surprised.
Extradimensional Earth covers a radius equal to your Create roll and the area retains this power until it is damaged or even notched - a Basic Action and an opposed Create check can manage this.
X-Ray Eyes
Basic Action
You can see through solid objects, especially sand, earth, and stone. This allows you to find buried treasures, traps, and hidden doors with ease. The difficulty of seeing through a wall or barrier is 5 plus its armor value. If it is made of earth, sand, or stone you can see one meter per point of outcome through a barrier, otherwise you can only see through one-tenth of that.
Stone Shape
Limit Break
You can shape stone, creating statues or simple devices and bypassing locks and traps embedded in stone. You cannot make fine details or devices of more than Ancient Technology sophistication. Use 10 plus the armor value as the difficulty, every three points of Outcome shapes a cubic meter of earth or stone, with a minimum of a 30 cm cube of you fail to get an Outcome of 3.
Stone Trap
Limit Break
You can turn the ground into a treacherous Trap, an area of loose soil that appears normal but will not support any weight. The change is gradual; if quicksand is created beneath an opponent he can automatically escape. The trap remains for a number of hours equal to your skill roll and has a width + length that is also equal to the Create roll that created it. Anyone caught by the trap is encased in earth and cannot escape for the power's duration. They will not suffocate (or starve), though their companions may well give them up for dead. Vigorous digging by someone who is not caught and knows of the trap can free a victim - this is a Limit Break unless they have powers to move or shape earth.
Transmute Earth
Basic Action or Limit Break
This is a Transmutation power. If you have several Transmutation powers, you can transform things between the substances you have powers for. The difficulty is the Body/Mass of the object, or the Dodge of the wearer. Repairing objects has half the difficulty of creating them or the Create of the maker for very complex items. If you use a Basic Action the duration is one scene, after which the material will return to its natural shape. If you use a Limit Break to create items, they are permanent, but volatile substances and those that qualify as Items deteriorate at the end of a session unless paid for. Besides practical uses, this allows you to ignore the Resources column when Tinkering with this substance. This is also useful for breaking and damaging appropriate objects. You can do Demolish stunts against such objects as a Basic Action. Transmute Earth covers solids that are not metal or wood.
Wall of Earth
Limit Break
You can create a wall of earth that gains solidity as you advance in skill and power. The wall can be as long as the Create roll that created it, as high as your Mind and has a thickness of two meters. It cannot be created adjacent (within one meter of) a creature. A wall must be created in contact with the ground or solid foundations, but you can control its shape and by buttressing it can be used as a road, rampart or bridge, have a basic portal, catwalk and so on.
The wall has a Body equal to your Create + Mind and will erode naturally, but even under adverse conditions it should last a number of days equal to your Create roll. Damaging the wall will only harm a small section of it; weakening a two-meter section and potentially forming a tunnel.
Transmute Fire
Analyze Fire
Basic Action
You can analyze the properties of any fire within range, even if it is inside a container or otherwise separated from you. Fire includes any combustion or energy releasing chemical or nuclear reaction, including the digestion of food in living creatures. You learn what is burning, how hot it is, what damage it can do, what type and how much fuel it uses and how long the fuel will last and any other mundane detail you can come up with about fire. You also learn whether it has been affected by any powers recently.
All your attacks can cause nasty continuing burns. An attack that already has this ability does not further improve. Burn attacks gain the following quality: "This attack can cause nasty, lasting burns to any target that takes damage. Unless the target takes a basic action to put out the burns, it will take one additional hit at the end of the round and the effect ends. A friend can help stop the burn before it inflicts damage, but this requires a First Aid stunt with a difficulty equal to the damage rating of the attack that caused Burn. A creature can only have one burn effect active at a time, even if damaged by several different types of attacks that each cause burn.".
Craft of the Firebringer
Basic Action or Limit Break
Fire is the craftsman's element and the firebringer is the spirit of craftsmanship. You can craft or repair personal gear out of normal raw materials. In this way, you can create basic clothing, tools, arms, and armor of no more than Combustion sophistication. If you use a basic action and shoddy or substitute materials the item will still perform as normal, but the duration is minutes equal to the Action Result, after which the material will burn up. If you use a Limit Break to create items, they are permanent, but may wear out very fast if you used makeshift raw materials. The difficulty is the Toughness of the item; weapons and armor are made for a specific creature and have a difficulty equal to they damage or toughness they grant. Halve the difficulty for a repair. This is also useful for breaking and damaging objects. You can do Demolish stunts against such objects as a basic action and Disable Mechanism is Routine using this power.
Fire Tamer
Basic Action
You can tame fire, causing it to go out, move, change color or form, burn only certain substances, change the intensity (increase damage by 3 and multiply fuel consumption by four, or reduce damage and divide consumption) and so on.
The difficulty is either the diameter of the fire (in meters), the damage value, or the Dodge of whoever is using it (whichever is higher). If you score an Outcome equal to the damage value of the fire, it cannot be re-lit for the rest of the scene; this can prevent an opponent's use of a fire power.
Basic Action
Create a cloud of smoke with a diameter equal to your Create roll in meters. Within this area, you can shape the smokescreen as you like. The change is instantaneous and normally lasts for one scene; drafts and wind can disperse the cloud in a round.
The smoke is opaque but not transparent; it is possible to see what is near you, but perception rolls and ranged attacks suffer a penalty of -1 per meter of distance and it provides cover to Sneak. At a distance greater than an observers Mind in meters, even obvious things become hidden. There are schticks and powers that allows sight trough obscurement; these work normally in the area.
Wall of Fire
Limit Break
A self-sustaining mass of flames that obscures vision and damages anything passing through. It can be transparent or misty and translucent, as you desire. The wall has a maximum length (in meters) equal to the Create roll. The maximum height is four meters and thickness one meter. It can curve or bend as you wish. The wall lasts for a scene. The wall provides Concealment (Dodge from 10 to 14 as desired) to anyone on the other side. Passing through the wall inflicts Fire Damage equal to your power skill rating; this attack always hits, but the target can substitute Dodge for Toughness to soak it as a Basic Action stunt.
Transmute Water
Analyze Water
Basic Action
You can analyze the properties of any liquid within reach, even if it is inside a container or otherwise separated from you. You learn the exact composition and properties of the liquid and whether it has been affected by any powers recently.
Finally, you can use this to gain perfect understanding of currents and other aquatic phenomena.
Armor Breaker
All your attacks are inherently armor breaking. An attack that already has this ability does not further improve. Armor Breaker attacks gain the following quality: "Your attack breaks armor. If you inflict a Hit on an opponent whose Toughness is greater than his Body, reduce his Toughness by one for the rest of the scene, but never to a value lower than his Body.".
Craft Liquid
Basic Action
You can create small amounts of exotic liquids with powerful effects. Examples include rocket fuel, nitroglycerine, superglue, strong acids, universal solvent and so on. The difficulty ranges from 10 for basic substances to 12 for complex compounds, 14 for custom-made specials and 16 or higher for futuristic or experimental substances. Having a sample to reproduce reduces the difficulty by 2. You create about a liquid ounce (30 ml) of liquid as a basic action, meaning you can create a liter of liquid in 30 seconds and a gallon in 3 minutes. If you collect a lot of the liquid for use all at once, make only one Create check for the whole batch. Mostly, this is used to solve immediate problems; creating an acid to break a lock or steel bar, creating a lubricant to allow you to move something heavy and so on. Used this way, craft liquid can replace other Create schticks and the lack of tools, as long as it makes some kind of sense. You can also make exotic medicines, drugs, and such to order, but this requires the Know skill (yours or someone else's) to administer properly - Craft Liquid replaces drugs and medicines, not medical skill.
Basic Action
Create a cloud of fog with a diameter equal to your Create roll in meters. Within this area, you can shape the fog cloud as you like. The change is instantaneous and normally lasts for one scene; drafts and wind can disperse the cloud in a round.
The fog is opaque but not transparent; it is possible to see what is near you, but perception rolls and ranged attacks suffer a penalty of -1 per meter of distance and it provides cover to Sneak. At a distance greater than an observers Mind in meters, even obvious things become hidden. There are schticks and powers that allows sight trough obscurement; these work normally in the area.
Wall of Water
Basic Action
You create a mass of churning water in a cube with a side of up to three meters. Several such masses can be created next to each other in order to form a wall.
Ranged attacks cannot penetrate the sides of the wall. Any action or stunt trying to act trough the churning waters has a minimum difficulty equal to your Create. Moving trough the water requires a Swim check against your Create. You can designate up to your Mind creatures that can move trough the wall without having to roll.
The water wall lasts for a scene, or you can dispel any number of water walls you've created as a Basic Action. The water in the wall disappears when the power ends; it can't be used as a source of sustenance.
Water Mastery
Limit Break
You can manipulate large amounts of water or other liquid. The difficulty depends on the Body corresponding to the Mass you can manipulate. One cubic meter of water corresponds to Body 15. If all you want to do is move water around, the limit is set by your Create roll + Mind. For other manipulations or other liquids, the limit is your Create.
With this you can move the liquid as you wish, with a Move equal to your Mind. If used to attack it does Blunt Stun damage equal to your Mind, attacking with your Create. A target hit this way also loses a shot, and you can do various stunts this way.
Thew power lasts for a scene. Certain uses of the power can be made permanent, creating new streams, fountains etc at the GMs discretion. Duplicating Item sticks this way costs xp if they are to last.
Water to Wine
Basic Action or Limit Break
This is a Transmutation power. If you have several Transmutation powers, you can transform things between the substances you have powers for. The difficulty is the Body/Mass of the object, or the Dodge of the wearer. Repairing objects has half the difficulty of creating them or the Create of the maker for very complex items. If you use a Basic Action the duration is one scene, after which the material will return to its natural shape. If you use a Limit Break to create items, they are permanent, but volatile substances and those that qualify as Items deteriorate at the end of a session unless paid for. Besides practical uses, this allows you to ignore the Resources column when Tinkering with this substance. This is also useful for breaking and damaging appropriate objects. You can do Demolish stunts against such objects as a Basic Action.
Transmute Animal
Animal Token
Basic Action
You bind a loyal animal into a small token. The animal is generally a mount or animal companion, but other tame animals loyal to you are also possible. No attribute of the animal can be greater than your Create. The animal disappears when this power is used, being bound into the small object. While in this token, the animal is asleep and does not age or need sustenance. You can activate the token as a Basic Action, and you can throw it up to Body meters as you do so. If there is not enough room at the target point for the animal to appear, it is displaced to the nearest free space. The token is also activated if it is removed from your person.
You can use this power on an animal whose loyalty is to another person; that person becomes the token's owner and counts as "you" in the description above.
Birthday Suit
Basic Action
You cause the targets clothes and worn gear to shrivel, disappear, or merge into their bodily form, leaving the target naked. This can be used to remove various restraints, gear or armor. It does not work on anything currently held in the hands, but makes carried gear useless. Make a Create check against the target's Create while the target is within reach. On a success, the target is nude, freed from restraints, and loses any carried gear and worn armor but can grab on to what his hands can carry and save that. Lost gear reappears at the end of the scene. On an Outcome matching the target's Reflexes all gear is permanently lost unless it was story-critical or otherwise plot protected.
The target might be humiliated by this power, but will not lose any shots or suffer shock because of this; the animalistic nature of the power overcomes such human inhibitions.
Burden of the Beast
You transform the target into a normal animal. The target keeps most of its original values, but you can rearrange the target's attributes - the sum cannot be higher than before, but can certainly be lower. No attribute can be higher than your Create or the targets maximum skill value, whichever is lower. The target also gains the Tool Ignorant limitation and suffers from Power Loss until he learns to adjust his power use to in his new form - at least until the next story. He can still speak.
This is commonly used to transform the target into a form that is almost helpless, like a toad (all attributes at one). You cannot transform the target into a form incapable of survival where he is - no fish on land.
This is a Curse.
Transmute Plant
Limit Break
This Curse causes an area of land with a diameter of your Mind in kilometers to become incapable of sustaining plant life. Once cast, it slowly kills all plant life existing in the zone - small plants die in a matter of hours, large trees can live up to a month, dead trees might stand for several years. The curse also prevents any new vegetation from growing until after the next winter. The effect does not kill animal life, but creatures within the area of effect usually die or move away from lack of food.
If the curse is broken quickly, some vegetation can be saved.
Stomach to Heart
Limit Break
Prepare a meal. Someone who voluntarily eats this meal can be affected by a Finisher you select when cooking the meal. Make an opposed Create check to affect your target. Both preparing and consuming the meal is a separate Limit Break. The meal needs to be consumed in the same session it is prepared.
Transmute Wood
Basic Action or Limit Break
This is a Transmutation power. If you have several Transmutation powers, you can transform things between the substances you have powers for. The difficulty is the Body/Mass of the object, or the Dodge of the wearer. Repairing objects has half the difficulty of creating them or the Create of the maker for very complex items. If you use a Basic Action the duration is one scene, after which the material will return to its natural shape. If you use a Limit Break to create items, they are permanent, but volatile substances and those that qualify as Items deteriorate at the end of a session unless paid for. Besides practical uses, this allows you to ignore the Resources column when Tinkering with this substance. This is also useful for breaking and damaging appropriate objects. You can do Demolish stunts against such objects as a Basic Action.
You can create basic items out of plant materials, shaping and weaving organic matter. In this way you can create personal gear of no more than Ancient sophistication. You can also shape living plants (or parts of them), making living houses, furniture etc.
This does not work on Plant Elementals.
Transmute Metal
Analyze Metal
Basic Action
You can analyze the properties of metal. You learn the exact composition and properties of the object and what powers it has been affected by recently.
Craft Metal
Basic Action
You can create and repair objects made primarily out of metal. In this way, you can create basic tools, arms, and armor of no more than Clockwork sophistication. The duration is minutes equal to the Action Result. The difficulty is the Toughness of the item; weapons and armor are made for a specific creature and have a difficulty equal to they damage or toughness they grant. You can also manipulate devices made of metal or of Clockwork or lower sophistication, which is mainly useful for sabotage or to overcome Security. This is also useful for breaking and damaging metal or metal-reinforced objects. You can do Demolish stunts against such objects as a basic action. Disable Mechanism is Routine using this power. A repair has half the difficulty of creating an item, and is not limited in how technologically complex items if can affect.
Fool's Gold
Basic Action
You enchant an object so that it becomes highly attractive. The classic way to do this is to turn objects to gold, but cake and other subtler enchantments directed specifically at certain people are also possible as long as you can convince the GM. Decide who is to be affected when making the charm. When your mark encounters the object, make a Create vs. Charm roll. On a success the mark notices the objects and finds it particularly attractive. On an outcome matching their Mind, they find it irresistible and will want to take it along at almost any cost. The object returns to its original state at the end of the story.
Philosopher's Stone
Basic Action or Limit Break
This is a Transmutation power. If you have several Transmutation powers, you can transform things between the substances you have powers for. The difficulty is the Body/Mass of the object, or the Dodge of the wearer. Repairing objects has half the difficulty of creating them or the Create of the maker for very complex items. If you use a Basic Action the duration is one scene, after which the material will return to its natural shape. If you use a Limit Break to create items, they are permanent, but volatile substances and those that qualify as Items deteriorate at the end of a session unless paid for. Besides practical uses, this allows you to ignore the Resources column when Tinkering with this substance. This is also useful for breaking and damaging appropriate objects. You can do Demolish stunts against such objects as a Basic Action.
Metal Armor
Basic Action
You coat the target (which can be you) in protective metal. He gains 4 points of armor, increasing Toughness. Metal Armor is Large and Loud. It lasts until the end of the current scene. You can maintain this armor on yourself between scenes, but not on others; to protect others you must use it in or right before each scene.
Shrink Tools
Basic Action
You can shrink handheld weapons and personal gear, making them into what seems like tiny replicas on the real thing as long as they remain in your possession. Metal items are especially susceptible to this power; you can use it on whole-body metal suits and other metal objects about as large as yourself. When you shrink a weapon or piece of gear, it shrinks and becomes easy to stow, and can be worn as an adornment. This lets you carry more personal gear than others can, and makes changing what gear you use easy and practical.
Shrinking an item is a Basic Action. Making it resume its normal size is not; it is the equivalent of drawing a weapon and can be done at the beginning of a round or as a part of any action, even a trigger action. You can don a set of metal armor as a part of this process, making it grow to cover you.
Using this on something carried or worn by another requires a Create stunt vs. their Dodge. The target can spend 3 shots to keep possession of the object to be shrunk. On an Outcome matching the target's Reflexes you catch the object as it shrinks and the holder cannot save it.
Noticing that you are carrying items this way uses a Frisk check against your Create.
Wall of Metal
Limit Break
You can create a wall of metal that gains hardness as you advance in skill and power. The wall can be as long as the Create roll that created it, as high as your Mind and about 10 cm thick. It must be created so as to be stable; usually by making it curved or giving it a gentle wave form. It cannot be created on top of a creature. When using a map with squares or hexes, the wall lies on the edges between spaces. A wall must be created in contact with the ground or solid foundations, but you can control its shape and by buttressing it can be used as a road, rampart or bridge, have a basic portal, catwalk and so on.
The wall has a Body equal to your Create + Mind. It will corrode rapidly once created, losing one point of Body per day.
Transmute Ice
Craft Ice
Basic Action or Limit Break
This is a Transmutation power. If you have several Transmutation powers, you can transform things between the substances you have powers for. The difficulty is the Body/Mass of the object, or the Dodge of the wearer. Repairing objects has half the difficulty of creating them or the Create of the maker for very complex items. If you use a Basic Action the duration is one scene, after which the material will return to its natural shape. If you use a Limit Break to create items, they are permanent, but volatile substances and those that qualify as Items deteriorate at the end of a session unless paid for. Besides practical uses, this allows you to ignore the Resources column when Tinkering with this substance. This is also useful for breaking and damaging appropriate objects. You can do Demolish stunts against such objects as a Basic Action. You can create simple objects out of ice that will perform as if they were basic metal items of no more than Blacksmith sophistication. In this way, you can create basic tools, arms, and armor that last for a scene. In frozen conditions, the items will not melt but will chip and break after a few days of use.
Ice Armor
Basic Action
You coat the target (which can be you) in protective ice. He gains 3 points of armor, increasing Toughness. Ice armor is Large and obvious and lasts for a scene. You can maintain this armor on yourself between scenes, but not on others; to protect others you must use it in or right before each action scene.
Ice Wall
Limit Break
You can create a wall of massive ice. The wall can be as long as the Create roll that created it, as high as your Mind and has a thickness of one meter. It cannot be created adjacent (within one meter of) a creature. A wall must be created in contact with the ground or solid foundations, but you can control its shape and by buttressing it can be used as a road, rampart or bridge, have a basic portal, catwalk and so on.
The wall has a Body equal to your Create + Mind and will naturally melt depending on weather conditions, but will last a day or so even in a tropical climate.
Interdimensional Ice
Basic Action
You ward an area against teleportation, creating ethereal ice crystals that prevent planar travel. Any attempt to Teleport into or out of the area has a minimum difficulty equal to your Create; if the Outcome was less than your Mind the teleport succeeded, but the teleportee arrives frozen in ice, making him loose all shots for this and the next round.
Interdimensional Ice covers a radius equal to your Create roll and lasts for a scene. If the temperature is sub-freezing the ward lasts longer, until the area is thawed out.
Transmute Ice
Basic Action or Limit Break
This is a Transmutation power. If you have several Transmutation powers, you can transform things between the substances you have powers for. The difficulty is the Body/Mass of the object, or the Dodge of the wearer. Repairing objects has half the difficulty of creating them or the Create of the maker for very complex items. If you use a Basic Action the duration is one scene, after which the material will return to its natural shape. If you use a Limit Break to create items, they are permanent, but volatile substances and those that qualify as Items deteriorate at the end of a session unless paid for. Besides practical uses, this allows you to ignore the Resources column when Tinkering with this substance. This is also useful for breaking and damaging appropriate objects. You can do Demolish stunts against such objects as a Basic Action.
You can transform one frozen liquid substance into another or change ice into complex forms.
Transmute Illusion
Illusory Apparel
Basic Action
You create illusory clothes on up to your Mind willing creatures within Mind meters. You can instead affect a single unwilling target with a Create vs. Dodge check, with normal range penalties. All targets affected by a single use of the power get the same outfit with some individual flare, but you can use it separately to give each target unique apparel. You can hide and/or modify the appearance of existing clothes.
You can use this to set up a Acting & Disguise stunt. As long as clothes alone are sufficient to create an identity, targets can do a Acting & Disguise stunt using your Create skill.
The illusion can last for the rest of the session or until an event you decide on. You can mimic a specific outfit if you are familiar with it or have used Capture Scene on it. Close inspection allows an opposed Create roll to discover the illusory nature of the clothes. A creature that has seen through the illusion can make a melee attack to negate the illusion on one target.
You can create equipment as a part of the apparel, and this equipment appears functional, but it cannot actually have a physical effect.
Basic Action
Create an area of shifting colors and images with a diameter equal to your Create roll in meters.
The affected area becomes treacherous to the senses; it is possible to sense what is near, but perception rolls and ranged attacks suffer a penalty of -1 per meter of distance. This will fool even extraordinary senses or powers that enhance the senses. Moving in the area requires a Free Running or Terrain Driving stunt against your Create. You can ignore the movement penalty, but not the increased range penalty in the area.
Basic Action
You create a scene. In this area, you can change the appearance and feel of all objects and even create entirely new illusory objects and background creatures. You can make dangerous objects appear harmless (creating a Trap), create Cover or hindering terrain, create a distraction, create an illusory shop with illusory wares, or just to set the mood for a scene. You can change the apparent apparel and grooming of creatures in the area, but not disguise their appearance.
The illusion will fool all senses. What you create lacks substance, but can fool the sense of touch as long as no real pressure is applied. After an hour sitting on a tree trunk disguised as an opulent couch someone might get a backache, but may not realize why. Close inspection, trading illusory goods, or actual physical effects on a victim allows an opposed Create roll to discover the illusory nature of the scenery. Within this limitation, what you create works just as the real thing, with an effective Create Skill equal to your Mind.
You can completely control scenery up to your Create meters in diameter. If you make the scenery larger, you control lessen. At ten times the size, you can change color, form, and sound but not scent or touch. At a hundred times the size, you can only make changes in color.
Scenery lasts for a scene. To maintain the Scenery you need to spend a Basic Action on it each scene, at the end of a scene in which you did not spend a Basic Action on it, it disappears.
Transmute Dark
Cloud Device
Basic Action
You cause a device to not work against you and your compatriots for a time, disabling security and even allowing you to pass locked doors. This replaces the Security schtick and allows you to negate security at range (with normal range penalties). The device is not actually harmed and can still be triggered by others. This power lasts for a scene, which is usually until you have left the scene.
Cloud of Darkness
Basic Action
This allows you to create a cloud of darkness, reducing light in a large area, with a radius equal to your Create. The change is instantaneous and normally lasts for one scene; if the power is disrupted natural light conditions quickly return.
The darkness created is equal to a starry but moonless night; it is possible to see what is near you, but perception rolls and ranged attacks suffer a penalty of -1 per meter of distance and it provides cover to Sneak. At a distance greater than an observers Mind in meters, even obvious things become hidden. A light source will still glow and be visible at range in the area, but its light does not illuminate unless it has some special power over darkness. There are many schticks and powers that penetrate darkness; these work normally in the area. Direct sunlight will burn away at the darkness, negating it.
Cloying Darkness
Basic Action
You create an volume of sticky black goo with a diameter equal to your mind. This creates Difficult ground with a Maneuver difficulty equal to your Create. This is a spherical volume, but it will deform and form a hemisphere on the ground at the end of the round unless somehow supported. A flying creature that fails a maneuver check in the area is harmlessly brought to the ground and cannot fly any more in this scene.
A creature protected from Enervation damage or otherwise resistant to darkness effects ignores cloying darkness.
Dimensional Darkness
Basic Action
You ward an area against teleportation by making it impenetrably dark. Any attempt to Teleport into or out of the area has a minimum difficulty equal to your Create; if the Outcome was less than your Mind the teleport succeeded, but the teleportee is surprised. Teleport barrier covers a radius equal to your Create roll and lasts for a scene or until the area is illuminated, whichever is longer.
Basic Action
You can touch an object to make it disintegrate into fine dust. Make a Create roll against the Toughness of an object to break it. If the object was hand crafted or is maintained with extra care, your Create roll must also match that craftsman's Create. If the object is in a creature's possession or being operated by a creature, your Create roll must also match their Dodge or Ride respectively. Certain objects have plot immunity, they cannot be disintegrated and are instead dropped.
Finishing Greed
Limit Break
You place a magical condition on an object and select a Finisher you know as the consequence of owning it. This object must be something desirable, a treasure, treat, or valuable - it cannot be just a simple tool or ordinary piece of gear. A creature that claims the object, such as by stealing it, eating it, wearing it, displaying it, or otherwise enjoying its exclusivity, suffers the full effect of the finisher.
Transmute Flux
Trigger Action
Attack a technological artifact of Clockwork or higher complexity that has just done damage to you. Make an opposed Create roll against the operator, if you succeed the weapon is inoperable for the rest of the scene.
Basic Action
You can make a piece of machinery inoperable by introducing chaos to the orderly device. To be affected, the device must have some kind of mechanism, moving parts, or internal power; it will work on a sling, bow, firearm or lock (generally Clockwork technology or more) but not on straightforward devices such as swords or spades.
The difficulty is the operator's skill rating (usually Create for personal devices Ride for machines) or the device's Body. A success means the device is inoperable for three shots; the operator can lose these shots or discard the device. Outcome matching the machine's or operators Reflexes means the machine breaks down and needs repairs. This can also render security inoperable, replacing the Security schtick but leaving a trail of broken machinery.
Against objects and creatures made of metal, such as Metal Elementals and most Robots, you can roll Create vs. Dodge as an Interaction Stunt.
Hazardous Ground
Basic Action
You make an area hazardous to move in, objects and terrain conspiring to trip those who try to move trough. Make a Mind roll, this is the maximum diameter of the Hazardous Ground in meters. Hazardous Ground lasts until the end of the scene. The Free Running difficulty of the area becomes equal to your Create. This applies to all kinds of movement, not only on foot. The Hazardous Ground is not immediately obvious, but neither is it particularly hard to spot. Anyone moving into the area notices it, as will any Scan.
Water to Wine
Basic Action
You can turn any liquid to wine (or other spirits). The quality depends on your skill roll, with an 8 is barely drinkable, 12 is a good basic beverage and a 15 is excellent. If the liquid is toxic, you must match the damage value with a Create roll. Drink so created lasts for a scene.
Depending on cultural context, this power can also produce other intoxicants, but not poisons.
Limit Break
You create a wild flux of magic and attempt to shape it by the force of your own will. The results are spectacular but not always what you want them to be. You make a short sentence explaining your wish. The GM then interprets this, depending on your power skill roll and how outrageous the demand is. Anything normally possible to powers is certainly within the scope of a wish, and outrageous effects outside the scope of the normal rules may be granted, based on the GMs whim and your skill roll.
There seems to be an equalizer effect to wishes. If you have been successful and fortunate lately, wishes usually backfire. If you have been unlucky and suffered numerous setbacks lately, they often go well. This is just a tendency though, not a law.
Here is a little benchmark of what a Wish can do, from easiest to hardest.
Wish | Difficulty |
Serve personal needs, such as food, drink, air, grooming | 8 |
Create personal gear, often very luxurious | 9 |
Emulate a power that is a Basic Action or Stance | 10 |
Transport the wisher and friends | 11 |
Create material goods or propriety; chariots, buildings and so on | 12 |
Cure a condition or affliction | 13 |
Grant a power, transform the wisher into another form | 14 |
Emulate a power that is a Limit Break or Finisher | 15 |
Cure or inflict a Curse | 16 |
Grant a schtick | 17 |
Emulate a successful Power Experiment | 18 |
Any permanent effects from a Wish have to be paid for in experience points, but effects that last only for the current story are free.
World Flux
Limit Break
You can make the world around you go mad: straight surfaces twist, distances change and even directions seem to reverse themselves. The area effected is a diameter equal to your Create check. Most actions taken here fail, but some succeed spectacularly.
Any action in, through or into the area is affected. To succeed, any action taken in this area must score a result on the dice of +1 or better. This is based only on the result of the dice, skill has no effect och this extra chance of failure.
Transmute Order
Activate Machine
Basic Action
You activate a machine or device, making it perform its intended function. A trap will spring, a vehicle move, a door open and so on. If the device is capable of continuous operation, you have started it up but it might further guidance to continue to work - in this case the power only lasts while you are operating the device. In many cases this requires a Create roll to do successfully, using the normal difficulty but overcoming limitations due to lack of tools or proficiency.
The main use of this is to overcome security limitations on who can activate a device, so some people consider it a misuse of order - using the intent of the machine (to function) against the limitations imposed upon it trough security. Some see this as a perversion or order, others see it as invoking a state of perfect function.
Meliorate Machine
Limit Break
You repair a damaged or destroyed machine or object, restoring it to full functionality. You must have at least 95% of the parts, or replacement materials and a good working knowledge of the object to be repaired. This power is geared to personal objects; anything larger than a van might require several applications of the power to restore various sub-systems.
Perpetuum Mobile
Basic Action
You invoke order over an item, usually a vehicle or other machine. This reduces wear and tear on the machine, making it perform its intended function flawlessly without need for maintainable. This does not prevent intentional damage to the object, but prevents fumbles when operating it, reduces fuel or power cinsumption by half, and removes any penalties the device might impose due to damage, design flaws, or whatever.
This power lasts as long as you remain in the general presence of the machine - usually within a hundred meters or so. Invoking this over a large machine involves many, many applications of the power, taking hours or even days for huge things like battleships.
Basic Action
You link a set of objects equal to your Mind, preferably ones that are resonant, such as metal blades or sea shells. Any sound near one of these objects is transmitted to all the others, in a very muted form. Speaking directly to the object transmits the speech to all the other objects in the set. This works somewhat like a normal open radio channel; allowing communication over long distances with the same kind of requirement for communication discipline. The range is equal to your skill in kilometers. The power lasts for a session. You can-de attune items from the set and attune new items each time you use the schtick, but the number of attuned items can never be higher than your Mind.
Transmute Light
Create Light
Basic Action
You illuminate a large area, such as a field, square, or large room (about 100 meter diameter). The change is instantaneous and normally lasts for one scene; it the power is disrupted natural light conditions quickly return. The area is brightly but not painfully lit by a diffuse, pearly light. There are few shadows or dark areas, but the light cannot shine through solid objects, and thus becomes weaker or nonexistent if there is but a small channel for it to spread through. Create Light overcomes all darkness, even that created by Darkness powers.
Luck of the Angels
You recover a spent Fortune point. You can always do this in an action scene, but outside of action scenes you can only recover Fortune this way after you have spent a Fortune point on enlightened and benevolent actions, facing situations with virtuous actions and placing the safety of others above your own.
Transmute Gifts
This power binds a Gifted creature into an object, creating an Item of power. The creature must be willing or bound and you must know its True Name. The creature does not need to breathe, eat, or drink while in a fetish, nor does it age. It is possible to communicate with the creature when holding the fetish. Breaking the object frees the creature. The item gains a number of Item Schticks and Item Limitations equal to the creature's highest skill value -10. You have some influence over the selection of powers, but what Item Schticks and Item Limitations the item gains depends most on the creature bound to the fetish. You can add additional powers to the item, or remove limitations, by investing experience points and using the item rules.
Gift Circle
Trigger Action (Combo)
When you are using another power that usually only affects yourself, you can trigger this power to have it affect to your Mind creatures who are touching. If you can form a chain of hands to affect creatures adjacent to other targets. The power will affect everyone in the chain as long as you continue to touch one another (remain adjacent) or until the effect would normally end. You can only share one power at a time this way. You can take this power multiple time, this allows you to share a number of powers equal to the number of times you picked this power.
This is a meta-power that affects other powers. In some campaign worlds there is a strong Origin Divide among different origins. Check with your GM regarding your campaign. Origins that are opposed cannot cannot be modified by meta-powers; it is as if powers from the opposing origin was actually a schtick rather than a power.
Gift of Blood
Limit Break
You spill some of your blood, either drunk directly by another or into a container to be stored. Blood so stored will not coagulate. This functions as a Gizmo storing one of your powers for use by others. You can only have one Gizmo made by Gift of Blood in existence at any one time. This limit can be extended by taking the power several times. At the end of a story, all the Gizmos you made this way are destroyed unless they become someone's Gimmicks.
Invoke Elements
Limit Break
You call on elemental spirits to transform a place. This makes the place you are in go feral, as if abandoned by all Folk and not maintained for 100 years. Manufactured objects with Body equal or less than your Mind are reduced to dirt and Body equal or less than your Create are ruined and stop working, but keep their basic form. This has no effect on items of power or on creatures of any kind or the objects they carry.
In a highly artificial area, such as inside a building or a city street, you affect an area with a diameter equal to your Mind and the effect is blocked by walls. In an natural area or an area of only moderate development, such as a field or village, the effect is a radius equal to your Create in meters and is not stopped by walls.
Spirit Binding
This power binds a supernatural creature (Fairies, Epitomes, Gifted, and Strange), making it harmless. The creature does not need to breathe, eat, or drink while bound, nor does it age. It can use its powers, but only on voluntary recipients; an unwilling target is automatically immune. It cannot use powers on itself. It is considered to be on a different plane for the purpose of Summon powers, but can only be summoned by a creature holding the binding object. A bound creature turns into a small object relevant to its background. Art objects, gems, clothing, tools, and weapons are common. Powerful creatures become larger and more distinguished objects. The binding object functions as the creature's True Name as long as you carry the object. Spirit Binding can be broken by destroying the object, summoning the creature and then ordering it to be free, or broken like a Curse.
Grant Wish
Limit Break
You can grant a wish from someone who is Folk. Such a wish can grant most material things, including objects and physical powers. The person gives up one Fortune Point that you gain. If this takes over your normal maximum, you must immediately spend the point on a roll for this power. This works like Wish except that you can only grant other's wishes. The wishes need to genuinely be their own and not coerced, but you have a certain freedom of misinterpretation, particularly if they add conditions or reservations to their wish. A simple straightforward wish is harder to corrupt. If the wish relates to raw physical matter or to powers that deal with bodily changes or the ability to manipulate matter, your Create roll is Confident.
The metaplot behind this power is that ethereal beings have poor imagination. They need the imaginative input from Folk. The person gets their wish granted, but there is a slight cost in that their imagination gets a little bit dulled, manifested as the cost of a point of Fortune Point.
Transmute Magic
Animate Object
Basic Action
Animate an object you can see up to Create meters away and weighting no more than Mind kilos. The object becomes an Unnamed Character with the object's Body and Toughness and a score equal to your Mind in all other attributes. It uses your skills. It takes no actions on its own, you must use a Basic Action in order to give the animated item a Basic Action. It otherwise works as if you were holding the object. If the object takes a Hit the animating force is defeated and the effect ends. If the object is attended, it takes a Create roll against the holders Dodge to animate it. On a success the holder of the object must either let go of it or loose three shots which makes the animation fail; on an Outcome matching its Reflexes it suffers both results.
Limit Break
You prepare an elixir imbuing the drinker with any one power whose Form you know. You do not need to know the specific power.
Anyone can drink such an elixir to gain a single use of the power. Actually using the power takes its normal action type. Using the elixir itself takes no extra time, it is a part of the use of the power. If the power affects only the drinker, he can continue to use it up for the current scene (or as long as it makes sense) If the power is a Limit Break that affects only the drinker, he need not be Focused to use the elixir, but can only use it once.
You can only use this power once per session. At the end of a session, you can choose to stop powering any of your elixirs still in existence. If you don't, you can't replace that elixir this session, the existing elixir counts as the once per session use. An elixir you have stopped powering ends unless it has become a part of another creature's Gadget Pool or similar ability.
This power can be taken several times; each time lets you prepare one additional elixir each session.
This is a meta-power that affects other powers. In some campaign worlds there is a strong Origin Divide among different origins. Check with your GM regarding your campaign. Origins that are opposed cannot cannot be modified by meta-powers; it is as if powers from the opposing origin was actually a schtick rather than a power.
Extend Duration
Limit Break
You can extend the duration of any one lasting power that is already in effect to last a whole session. Does not apply to stances nor to instant effects with no duration. The power can still be dispelled or end in some other way that does not involve its duration running out.
You have a companion, a Golem Henchman Extra with 2/3 of your points who looks out for your interest and will accompany you on adventures. Most homunculi appear as small humanoids; fey, angels, or devils. This is not an absolute rule; homunculi can have any appearance.
Your homunculus is not entirely a separate creature; it is formed out of your magical essence. This means that the two of you are always in telepathic contact. Up to this point the power is Inherent. You can re-absorb this essence when touching the homunculus to Focus. This destroys the homonoculus. At the beginning of each session, your homunculus re-forms beside you or in a spot you assigned it to guard, regardless of where it were earlier, even if it was dead or at the other end of the universe.
Limit Break
You write a line of script or runes on an object and select a Finisher you can use. This writing is obvious but innocuous; it can be hidden as decoration or as a part of a written text. You also set a simple condition when the runes will trigger, such as "when it changes ownership for the third time", "when it comes into the possession of Fred Fod", or "on April 1st". A runetrapped object must be accepted or picked up; you cannot plant it on somebody, but anyone holding or using the object is considered to have accepted it. When triggered, the finisher affects the current holder or owner of the object. If no-one has accepted the object, the creator is considered the owner.
The runetrap is a Trap and can be recognized for what it is with an Examination. If it is recognized, it can be disarmed or dispelled normally. If the object is destroyed the trap triggers.
Spell Preparation
Limit Break
Use Spell Preparation to prepare any one power you do not know, but whose Form you do know. After using this power you temporarily know and can now use the prepared power. Once you use the power, Spell preparation ends at the end of the next round. If the power is a stance or inherent, you can continue to keep it up for one scene (or as long as it makes sense). If you prepare a new power, you lose the previously prepared one. This power can be taken several times; each time lets you prepare one additional power or one additional use for a power you have already prepared. Unless there is a plot reason not to, you can start each session with a power already prepared for use.
This is a meta-power that affects other powers. In some campaign worlds there is a strong Origin Divide among different origins. Check with your GM regarding your campaign. Origins that are opposed cannot cannot be modified by meta-powers; it is as if powers from the opposing origin was actually a schtick rather than a power.
Spirit Prison
Limit Break
This power creates an object that can act as a prison for a supernatural creature (Fairies, Epitomes, Gifted, and Strange), making the creature harmless. In order to put a creature into a spirit prison, you use a Summon power and order it into the prison. Creatures can also be fooled or intimidated into a Spirit Prison. The creature does not need to breathe, eat, or drink while imprisoned, nor does it age. It can use its powers, but only on voluntary recipients who touch the prison; an unwilling target is automatically immune. It cannot use powers on itself. It is considered to be on a different plane for the purpose of Summon powers, but can only be summoned by a creature touching the Spirit Prison. A Spirit Prison is an object with mystic symbols, selected for small size and durability. Metal tokens are common. Powerful creatures require larger or more distinguished objects. Objects used as prisons often have a sealed opening or other mechanism that can be opened and sealed again to allow temporarily undoing the prison to speak to the spirit, but this practice is not universal. Spirit Prison can be broken by destroying the object, summoning the creature and then ordering it to be free, or broken like a Curse.
Transmute Spiritual
Trigger Action (Combo)
When you are using another power that usually only affects yourself, you can trigger this power to have it affect another person who is within Mind meters of you. You can do this for several people, with a separate shot cost for each. The power will affect everyone as long as they remain in the area or until it ends normally.
This is a meta-power that affects other powers. In some campaign worlds there is a strong Origin Divide among different origins. Check with your GM regarding your campaign. Origins that are opposed cannot cannot be modified by meta-powers; it is as if powers from the opposing origin was actually a schtick rather than a power.
Celestial City
Limit Break
You call on astral spirits to transform a place. This creates an urban landscape, a mix of palatial pavilions and park. It has a radius in meters equal to your Create result. As a part of this process, you can manufacture objects with Body equal or less than your Mind and buildings with a Body equal to your Create. You do not have exact control over what's created, but it will always be aesthetically and functionally pleasing to you. You can change the Free Running difficulty of the terrain as long as your Create is higher than the current Free Running difficulty. You can set it to any value between zero and your Create skill (not the skill roll). If you succeed at a Create roll against the Body of a construction, it can be morphed to merge with the theme, but constructions of higher Body are only whitewashed; they retain form and function but are decorated to fit the new setting. The change lasts for the rest of the session or up to the end of the story as appropriate to the plot.
Basic Action
Touching an object tells you how it was made and if there are any legends or stories it has been involved in you learn those. You can tell its exact abilities.
Personal Purgatorium
You send the target into a spiritual realm, where they re-live events from their life from different perspectives. For someone who has lived a life beneficial to others this can be a good experience, but the target gets to live through every experience they have ever caused for another, making this hell for most creatures. The creature is caught in this state until they have settled their conscience and worked out their reasons for acting. In most cases this will leave the target reformed and considerate, a good creature. But for those whose true nature is to be evil, the opposite can happen. For Mundane sinners this process takes only moments of real time, tough it takes ages of subjective time. For exceptional sinners or saints, and for creatures that are not Mundane, this causes the creature to disappear and be impossible to summon for a time, usually several years. A Mundane creature this happens to becomes some kind of supernatural creature appropriate to their ethos. You can choose to lessen the effect or even make this a personal paradise instead, but this also lessens the redemptive quality.
Seance of Power
Limit Break
You hold a seance to share power among the participants. You all form a chain of hands with up to your Mind participants. Select one power known to a participant. All participants can use this power for a scene.
This is a meta-power that affects other powers. In some campaign worlds there is a strong Origin Divide among different origins. Check with your GM regarding your campaign. Origins that are opposed cannot cannot be modified by meta-powers; it is as if powers from the opposing origin was actually a schtick rather than a power.
Transmute Tech
Analyze Technology
Basic Action
You can analyze the properties of any power within reach, even if it is inside a container or otherwise separated from you. You learn what power it is, who used it, when, to what effect, and an approximate power level. Even powers that have ended leave a signature that can be analyzed, though the impressions fade; after the end of the scene, it is no longer possible to determine who used the power and its exact effect. The signature fades completely in a matter of days or weeks, stronger and more dramatic uses leaving stronger impressions. This is a meta-power that affects other powers. In some campaign worlds there is a strong Origin Divide among different origins. Check with your GM regarding your campaign. Origins that are opposed cannot cannot be modified by meta-powers; it is as if powers from the opposing origin was actually a schtick rather than a power.
Automated System
Basic Action
When you use another power, you can base any roll or stunt using that power on your Create skill instead of whatever skill the power would normally be based on. This power ends at the end of the round or when you move. This is a meta-power that affects other powers. In some campaign worlds there is a strong Origin Divide among different origins. Check with your GM regarding your campaign. Origins that are opposed cannot cannot be modified by meta-powers; it is as if powers from the opposing origin was actually a schtick rather than a power.
Bypass Security
Basic Action
One security system, surveillance device, lock, or trap will open and allow you to bypass it or otherwise not react to your presence or that of your allies for the rest of the round. This substitutes for the Security and Safecracking schticks and allows you to negate security at range (with normal range penalties), but the duration is only until the end of the round, after which the device resumes operation.
Camera Capture
Basic Action or Limit Break
You can see trough any camera. You must either know the camera is there, or focus on a location to see trough the closest camera. Scrying at one specific location is a Basic Action; looking around to find something takes a Limit Break. Range is irrelevant, but such things as border security and isolated systems are a limit. To gain information this way you make an opposed check against the targets' Recon. You gain valuable information based on the outcome of this roll; if the outcome matches the target's Mind you gain clear and important insights into the target's activities. On a failed roll, you learn obvious details and trivia; if the negative Outcome matches your Mind you learn misleading information or the target notices your spying. If the Create skill used to maintain camera security is higher that the target's Spot, use this value as the scrying difficulty.
Common Platform
Trigger Action
When you use a power that normally only affects one target, you can use Common Platform to instead affect all willing targets within Mind meters. This does not work on stances or other powers that only affects yourself. This is a meta-power that affects other powers. In some campaign worlds there is a strong Origin Divide among different origins. Check with your GM regarding your campaign. Origins that are opposed cannot cannot be modified by meta-powers; it is as if powers from the opposing origin was actually a schtick rather than a power.
Conventional Technology
Your powers do not register as such, instead appearing to be mundane technology. They can still be found with powers that detect mundane technology, but powers that specifically look for other powers will fail unless the searcher is actually touching or otherwise directly interacting with the power. The GM may restrict how this power can be applied, depending on how technology works in your campaign. It is linked to the Props method and requires that each power you use be a prop or cybernetic implant. This is a meta-power that affects other powers. In some campaign worlds there is a strong Origin Divide among different origins. Check with your GM regarding your campaign. Origins that are opposed cannot cannot be modified by meta-powers; it is as if powers from the opposing origin was actually a schtick rather than a power.
Jury Rig
Basic Action
You can make a Repair stunt as a Basic Action.
Nanite Factory
Limit Break
You can create personal gear out of either valuable raw materials or common trash, shaping and weaving matter to your specification. In this way you can create personal gear of any sophistication. If you used good raw materials and either had a blueprint or made a Create roll sufficient to design the device, it lasts as long as a normal device would. Otherwise the item is Improvised and will break down at the end of the scene.
Basic Action
This is a special net interface unit that keeps track of and displays any net connections in your vicinity. This allows you to be present both in the net and in the physical world. You can see and interface with any electronic net-connected device in the vicinity. This allows you to try and hack into these machines. You can remote-control vehicles and machines with auto pilots - which can include gun pods and armed vehicles. You are mostly aware of net-connected security devices, traps, checkpoints and other computer-controlled devices before they become a problem. You can try to Hack any remote controlled system or vehicle in your path as a Basic Action. Success is automatic if you have the appropriate access. This makes you very powerful if you have a high level of authority, such as corporate police units have on their own turf.
Power Battery
You have a battery that contains an extra Fortune point that you can only use with powers. This replenishes at the end of each session. You can take this power several times to gain additional Fortune points. This is a meta-power that affects other powers. In some campaign worlds there is a strong Origin Divide among different origins. Check with your GM regarding your campaign. Origins that are opposed cannot cannot be modified by meta-powers; it is as if powers from the opposing origin was actually a schtick rather than a power.
Power Capacitor
Trigger Action (Focus)
Once per session you can use this power to focus, regardless of other circumstances.
Reverse Engineering
Limit Break
By studying the effects of a power, you can understand its principles and replicate it. Make a Create roll against the target's Dodge. You learn one of the target's powers and can use it for the rest of the session. This is a meta-power that affects other powers. In some campaign worlds there is a strong Origin Divide among different origins. Check with your GM regarding your campaign. Origins that are opposed cannot cannot be modified by meta-powers; it is as if powers from the opposing origin was actually a schtick rather than a power.
Simple Gadget
Basic Action
Your powers are used on gadgets that are simple to use, even if the technology behind them is incredibly complex. You can use this power to give away and explain the use of a particular power. You lose the power in question, and whoever you gave it to gains it instead and can use it as long as he keeps the gadget or until the end of the story. You regain the power if you regain the gadget, or you can replace it at the end of a story. This ability is linked to the Props method and requires that each power you use be a prop.
Technological Prodigy
You can understand, create, and use technology that is more advanced than the standard of your setting. Increase the Tech Level of the setting by one for you personally. You can manufacture and use devices of this complexity. Because you have to do most of the manufacturing in person, there is still a limit on how much high-technology gear you can possess and use. Personal gear is not generally a problem, but the GM might require you to purchase such devices as Item schticks. A vehicle requires a lot more support and is always a schtick. Anything requiring an infrastructure to work is impossible. If another creature uses one of your devices it will generally work normally once and then require reloading or resetting which they are not capable of. Others using your devices suffer a malfunction on any snake eyes roll. You can select this power more than once, each time you take it you can use technology of one additional tech level, but manufacturing such complex devices becomes harder and harder as your local supply of materials becomes more and more obsolete.
Transmute Death
Basic Action
You can create and repair basic items out of bone, rusted metal, rotted cloth, and other tomb material. In this way you can create personal gear of Blacksmith sophistication or repair any kind of item. Items are permanent but turn to dust in a few minutes if used by a creature isn't undead and does not have this ability. The difficulty is the Toughness of the item; weapons and armor are made for a specific creature and have a difficulty equal to they damage or toughness they grant.
Brambles of Bones
Basic Action
You can create a palisade of bone, a bramble of sharp bone shards and grinning skulls that is extremely hard to pass trough. You can cover a number of square meters of brambles equal to your Mind, making one massive bristle or making a wall, palisade, or even a labyrinth with passages inside the area. The height of each square of brambles is equal to the number of adjacent squares of bramble, and each square must be adjacent to at least one other square.
Anyone in the brambles when it is created risks being restrained. Make an Create check against each target's Dodge. On a success the target is partially bound and suffers one of the penalties noted below. On an Outcome matching the target's Reflexes he is severely bound and suffers three of the conditions. Conditions are applied in this order; immobilized, bound legs, bound arms, hogtie, blinded. Apply the first condition on this list the target doesn't already suffer from. Physical restraint in Action does not completely prevent a hero from action, they impose handicaps to be overcome.
- Gagging prevents mundane speech. Stymies all Charm and Impress checks.
- Handcuffing is when your hands are tied in front of you, but not so tightly as to make them completely unusable; you can still use one hand effectively, such as using weapons or tools of Small size or smaller.
- Hobbling indicates restrained legs, but not fixed to each other. It means you cannot move as part of a normal Basic Action, and can only move your normal move when you do a Full Move action or otherwise do an action that grants extra movement..
- Immobilized, stuck to something, alternatively on a short leash which prevents movement beyond one or two meters. If you are stuck to a creature whose Body is greater than yours, you are forced along as it moves, otherwise you are both immobilized unless you two cooperate.
- Bound Legs you fall prone and cannot stand unsupported, which prevents and hinders many actions as determined by the situation and stunt description. Your Move is reduced to 1. Swimming and flying creatures are entangled, with similar effects.
- Bound Arms prevent most physical manipulation and the use of weapons and implements. You can still use tackles and head butts for (Body +0) damage or a Tiny Ranged Weapon, but limited to Close range.
- Blinded restricts your awareness, giving you only a rough estimate of objects and creatures in a diameter equal to your Mind; you are insensitive to things beyond this range. Everyone has enough concealment to Sneak on you, and against creatures beyond your perception range, you have to use Reflexes rather than Recon for defense against Recon stunts.
- (or more) Hogtie A hogtied character cannot act physically and can only move one meter as a standard action; no movement is otherwise allowed. This also prevents all Defense actions.
Creatures entering the area or who have freed themselves are not restrained but must make a Free Running check against your Create when moving about in the bramble. Ranged attacks trough a meter of bristles the area have a Cover difficulty equal to your Create. The bones are brittle, but too many to break individually. It has Toughness equal to your Mind but is only sensitive to area attacks or Feats of Strength - cutting individual bones can free someone who is bound, but does not harm the bramble itself. An area attack that destroys the bristle clears an area under the volume of the area. The bristles turn brittle and loose one point of Toughness for every 15 minutes they exist, falling apart after a while.
Basic Action
You cause an object to age and corrode, potentially reducing it to dust. This does not work on mobile objects. Make a Create check against the object's Body. On a success, the object takes a Setback. If you roll twice the object's Body, it is destroyed. Certain object that are particularly inert (bedrock, sand) or is particularly relevant to the plot cannot be destroyed this way.
Limit Break
You can bind spirits to create a haunt, a danger similar to a trap but powered by spirits of the dead. This must be done using the remains of a creature that violently or with remorse, or in a location where such death or violent emotions occurred. When the haunt attacks, make a Create roll against the Dodge of the victim, with the usual +3 bonus for being hidden. It does damage equal to your Create. This is usually usually Spiritual or Enervation damage, but might be any type of damage appropriate to the scene reenacted. It need not do direct damage, and often has other gruesome effects similar to Interaction Stunts.
A haunt can be found with Scan and is automatically found when using Examine. Once found, haunts are less effective as there is no surprise bonus and targets can take trigger action defenses.
A haunt is a Curse. It can normally activate only once in any given day, but it is very hard to permanently end. A haunt always provides a clue to its own nature, reenacting a scene related to the event it builds upon, and this usually provides a clue on how to end the haunt.
Transmute Force
Analyze Force
Basic Action
You can analyze the properties of Force powers. You learn the exact effect, form, and technique of the power.
You can also find and understand other forces, natural or otherwise, using this power. You can gain information about the mechanics of power-generating engines or devices, the statics of intricate architecture, the equilibrium of forces in a static system and so on.
Craft Force
Basic Action
You can create simple objects out of intangible force fields. You can make these items semitransparent or merely translucent, but not fully solid-looking. They glow, but you can make this glow so faint it is only visible in the dark. In this way, you can create basic tools, arms, and armor of no more than Blacksmith sophistication. These items' hardness exceeds that or normal metal but they lack a certain solidity and they perform as ordinary items of their type. The duration is minutes equal to the Action Result. The difficulty is the Toughness of the item; weapons and armor are made for a specific creature and have a difficulty equal to they damage or toughness they grant.
Force Armor
Basic Action
Your target's skin is protected by a very tight and form-fitting force field. He gains 2 points of armor, increasing Toughness. The armor shimmers and is easy to see, but does not alter appearance. You can target yourself in this way. Force Armor lasts for one scene. You can maintain this armor on yourself between scenes, but not on others; to protect others you must use it in or right before an action scene. Force Armor also acts to keep out hostile environments for its duration, but the air inside the armor is fouled after one scene and needs to be renewed.
Force Tools
Basic Action
You create specialized tools made of tangible force fields and powered by telekinesis. You design these tools with a specific Create task in mind, and the tools will help you perform this task, allowing you to do things that would normally require specialized tools and/or knowledge to do, such as a machine shop or Safecracking and Security. However, you do not get any raw materials, knowledge, contacts, or other resources you'd normally get, and your power use may leave clues for others to follow. This counts as a Lab for Tinkerig.
Portal Seal
Basic Action
You seal a door, portal, or even a narrow tunnel with a field of force. The sum of the opening's height and with in meters cannot exceed your Mind. The sealed object gains a Dodge equal to your Create. If it is fitted with a lock or other security, it now requires an Outcome matching your Mind to defeat that security. When used to seal an open passage such as a corridor or doorless portal, or used on a door that is less robust than this, the barrier has a Toughness equal to your Create. A portal seal is permanent until dispelled. You can open your own Portal Seal without dispelling it. You can give the seal a key, an item, password, gesture, or even physical description that opens it.
Wall of Force
Basic Action, Trigger Action
You can create or remove a wall of night-invulnerable force. A wall of force is transparent and permits speech and interactions, but hinders powers and stops attacks. The wall lasts for a scene unless destroyed. If the placement of the wall needs to be very precise, such as between two melee combatants, this may require a Create against Maneuver. As a basic action you can create a flat force wall up to 3 by 3 meters. You can spend multiple basic actions to build a large continuous force field, but no dimension of such a force field can be more than your Create in meters. If you create a continuous barrier hedging an area in the horizontal plane, you can create a roof and floor as well with no additional effort. A continuous wall counts as a single effect for dispelling and destroying. The wall is stationary relative to its frame of reference—if created on a vehicle it moves with that vehicle. It is unaffected by gravity and can be placed wholly or partially inside material objects. Any creature inside the wall when it appears is pushed to either side of it—the creature chooses which side. If your become unconscious or your concentration is broken (typically a Setback) the wall disappears. If it takes damage matching twice your Create it disappears, but you can choose to take a Trigger Action to sustain the wall, exerting yourself to increase the limit to three times your Create for the current shot. It can be broken with a Feat of Strength by Body matching your Create.
Transmute Life
You can shape living bodies, changing their exact form within the norms of their species, or grafting preserved body parts onto them. It is generally hard to restore a creature changed by Fleshcraft; it is considered a Curse. Of course, further applications of Fleshcraft can give the semblance of a cure.
Cosmetic Change: Perhaps the most common way, this is used to create a permanent disguise or disfigurement, or simply to appease the target's vanity. With extensive work you can switch the the target's Charm and Impress skills.
Changing Form: You can change the target, making him or her thin or obese, harmoniously proportioned or a monster. This allows you to rearrange the targets attributes within the norms of his species. You can make the target frail and uncoordinated (down to Body and Reflexes 3 for a human, but you cannot increase the targets attribute total.
Grafting: You can attach an alien body part to a creature. This is most often done to impart some new physiological power, usually a Mutation. This places great strain on the patient's body and sanity; for each mutation so grafted, the patient loses one point from an attribute of his choice. The can be recovered with Limitations or by purchasing the mutations as schticks using experience points.
Automatons: You can repair and animate dead bodies, making them living automatons. Though the methods are different and you need to harvest, repair, and combine suitable body parts, the effects of creating an automaton is similar to that of the Crucible of Life power.
You can induce pregnancy in a living creature. You can either take a genetic seed from the target, or impregnate the target with generic seed you carry; either your own or one you have previously taken from someone else. If the target is not normally capable of carrying a child (for example, because it is male), it will still develop a fetus, but will need special care or the fetus will abort in a few days.
Basic Action
You imbue an ally with life. He will recover one Hit at the end of each round of combat until the end of the scene. This will not reduce the effect of a Damage Setback.
You transform one living creature into another. This heals all damage setbacks and harmful effects the target suffers from, but does not restore any Hits. You must build a variant form for him using his normal Creature Type and points. The target keeps most of its original abilities, but you can rearrange the target's attributes - the sum cannot be higher than before, but can certainly be lower. You can also add powers and schticks related to the new form, as long as the total point value does not increase. You can use this to make the target younger, but doing so reduces the targets skills and total point value, at the discretion of the GM. This power cannot be used to imitate a specific creature, not even the target's previous form. Voice, mannerisms, autograph, all changes, and he will have problems recalling the kind of trivia normally used to test someone's identity. This is a Curse.
Transmute Mind
This Curse removes the perks of the target's old life, making him a stranger even to his friends and family. All of the target’s facial features, vocal cues, and identifying physical traits change, transforming the target into an unremarkable and anonymous member of its race and gender. It likewise transforms anything the target wears or carries that could be used as identification and renders all seals, keys, and similar non-functional. It takes a Charm check with a difficulty equal your Create and an outcome equal to your Mind to either see through the change or convince someone of the target's identity.
The target cannot speak, read, or write any language, gaining the more severe version of the Incommunicado limitation. This is a Curse.
Create Emotions
Basic Action
Allows you to foster a desired emotion in any thinking being. The love spell is the most famous example. You may also specify the object of the emotion, which need not be another thinking being. For example, you could inspire hatred of a truck or lust to own a jewel. Make an opposed Charm roll. Any interaction using this emotion (including repeated use of this power) Gains an Advantage. If the Outcome exceeds the target's Mind, he cannot control his emotions and immediately acts on them, a kind of Setback.
The advantage of this over a regular stunt is that it allows more precise control.
Empathic Beacon
Limit Break
You create an empathic beacon that is either intensely attractive or intensely repellant to certain creatures. The beacon affects a radius in meters equal to your Create roll when using the power, but needs line of sight to the center point.
When you use this power, select these three things:
- One type of creature that the beacon is attuned to. This can be by race, species, equipment, or gender.
- Whether the beacon is to be exclusive or inclusive; an exclusive beacon affects only the type of creature outlined above, an inclusive beacon includes all creatures but the one specified in §1.
- If the beacon is to attract or repel.
Each time a creature that could be affected by the beacon and inside its area takes a Basic Action, the beacon tries to control their movement, making a Create roll against the creatures Mind. If the compulsion succeeds, the creature must use its full Move this action and move towards or away from the beacon as specified in §3.
Two Empathic Beacons cannot overlap; the stronger one prevails.
Modify Memory
Limit Break
You can modify, create, or remove a memory in the target. If your try to remove or modify a memory the target does not have, the power fails and you realize it fails.
Make a Create vs. Dodge roll, an unaware or helpless target uses Reflexes instead. On a success, you modify the memory but some flaws and remnants remain. The target may notice these flaws if cross-examined or thinking a lot about the event, and it can be cured as an ailment. An outcome equal to the target's Mind makes this a Curse and makes the target unable to find fault with the memory; another might do so trough tools like Mind Diving or Psychology.
Transmute Time
Analyze Time
You have a perfect internal clock and call always tell local and global time, even when involved with time dilation, time travel, and other confusing circumstances. You can analyze the properties of time in your vicinity. You learn and whether it has been affected by any powers recently. These ripples are easy to detect, but hard to pinpoint. The GM should give you warning well ahead of time when you encounter someone using Time magics other than time sense. Distance is about ten meters or minutes per point of Mind you have. You can increase your sensitivity by setting up chronal disruption detectors; this is mainly a plot device which can be used as an adventure hook against time-using rivals.
Limit Break
You recreate a place out of history, restoring ancient glories to fallen ruins and resetting traps and inanimate guardians. Anything that has been destroyed, worn out or fallen into decay in the location is restored; objects that were taken away are not. Some specific eternal guardians may be restored as well, but generally, mortal creatures are not affected. This is great for adventures in exotic past locations, looking for treasures in buried palaces and so on. The difficulty does not depend on the amount of time bridged, but on the connection between the present time and place and your target. So, if you want to travel to the time of Ancient Egypt, go to the pyramids. You must research the time you want to go to and its relationship to your own time, finding the exact spot and time when time shift is possible. This must be done as a part of the preparations for an adventure, in collaboration with the GM. If you manage to come to the specific time and place and use this power, the story usually depends on this effect, and thus it works. Otherwise, it fails.
Restore Object
Limit Break
You restore a personal device, man-sized or smaller object, or small piece of scenery to an earlier state. The GM might allow you to affect larger objects with additional work. Pick a point in the past (usually when the object or device was new and in pristine condition) - the object is restored to its state at this time. You have an intuitive feeling for the state of the object at various times, but exacting work requires more detailed study. You can only restore parts of the object that are available; you can reconstruct a piece of paper from the component molecules among the moldering earth it has been buried in, but if half the object is missing you cannot restore the missing part. You can destroy an object this way, reverting it to its components just before assembly, but you cannot go any further back than that. Besides repairs, this power can be useful for restoring evidence and examining the object at various times. Affecting an object in the possession of another creature requires that you be within reach and succeed on an Create vs. Dodge roll. Affecting a mechanism, such as a lock, uses the normal difficulty for that kind of stunt; you are considered qualified to manipulate whatever you are trying to restore.
Time for Work
Limit Break
You can create more time for an individual, giving him more time for work, sleep, play and leisure. It seems time never runs out for this guy, though he moves no faster than usual. This is usually done to benefit yourself, but you can affect another, or even s small group as long as they stay together during the entire period. Add your Mind to his effective Body for Endurance. It effectively lets a character work two jobs in one day, or to adventure and still work normally. This can involve small time-leaps of a Mind hours at most. Generally this aspect of the power is ignored, but it can sometimes be used as a tool or hook in an adventure, with the GMs active cooperation. If someone under Time for Work ever get spotted by his old self, he takes one Hits per round of such contact.
Transmute Space
Resize Object
Basic Action or Finisher
You change size of an object, making it larger or smaller. The target can be a set of linked objects, like an outfit with accessories, or a bag full of stuff. The difficulty is the Body of the object. This lasts for the rest of the scene but becomes a Curse when used as a Finisher. You can set up a condition, such as an action or command word, that ends the resizing.
Changes will change the item's Body score. Check the Body and Mass for the Body of objects. You can change the target to a Body no higher than your Create, and you can modify the Body by up to your Create.
Restoring a shrunk object is not an action (it is the equivalent of drawing a weapon), and can be a part of a stunt, such as using Create to place a barrier or trap, or releasing a great gout of smoke or flame to Impress.
Instantly Teleports items from your wardrobe onto your body from any distance. Replaced objects are teleported to your wardrobe. The wardrobe can be in an extra-dimensional space if you have access to one from other abilities. You can replace any number of items at once, as long as they are all personal equipment you can carry.
If an item has been stolen from you, make a opposed Create check against the current owner to take it back. If it is currently being worn by someone else, Requip automatically fails. If this power fails, you are no longer considered the owner of that particular outfit until you recover it normally.
Requip is an unusual stance in that the entire effect occurs on activation, it effectively has no duration and cannot be made permanent. Neither does ending the stance have any effect.
Teleport Barrier
Basic Action
You ward an area against teleportation, placing symbols that disrupt teleportation attempts. Any attempt to Teleport into or out of the area has a minimum difficulty equal to your Create; if the Outcome was less than your Mind the teleport succeeded, but made an awful noise and dazed the teleportee, making him loose all shots for the first round.
Teleport barrier covers a radius equal to your Create roll and lasts for a scene. If the anti-teleportation symbols are incorporated into the decor of a place, or even hidden into the walls, the Teleport Barrier lasts as long as the symbols remain.
Teleport Circle
Limit Break
You can create and use a Teleport Circle, a beacon that can be used as the target for long-range teleport powers.
A teleport circle must be tied to a clearly visible, odd-looking material object, and creating this object is not a part of this power - it is usually done using mundane Create techniques. The durability of the teleport circle depends on the materials used - a chalk circle is a lot easier to destroy than a circle of standing stones, but also much faster to set up.
A Teleport Circle lasts until you remove it or it is dispelled. You can only keep one Teleport Circle running at any one time and cannot create a new one if this would exceed your limit. You can learn this power several times; your limit on how many teleport circles you can maintain is the square of the number of points spent on this ability. Any teleport circles you were maintaining when you die become permanent, lasting until destroyed.
When you vist an existing teleport circle you can bind to it, adding it to your repertoire of teleport destinations. Such found circles do not count towards your limit.
Finally, you can use this power to teleport between two teleport circles you are bound to over any distance.
Teleport Lock
Limit Break
You lock a Teleport Circle, preventing its use to anyone who does not know the secret password you set or possess a gate key you created.
Alternatively, you can place a Trap on the Teleport Circle. You can make the trap so that it only affects either those entering or those exiting. Note that it is actually possible to place a beneficial effect as a gate trap; for example a trap that turns those exiting an underwater gate to fish.
One gate can be both locked and trapped, but you cannot place a lock on a locked circle you do not have access to or second trap on a trapped circle.
Teleport Lock is a Curse on the Teleport Circle. Breaking the curse can either destroy the lock or give the curse-breaker a key to the lock. It is possible to bypass Teleport Lock using Disable Mechanism, but not to remove it that way.
Dodge Schticks
Several of these sticks cover abilities quite unrelated to the Dodge skill. This is because a hero is always assumed to raise Dodge to the highest allowed value, and these schticks relate to the character's overall level. In other word, some Dodge sticks could just as well be based on a character's highest skill rating, placing them in Dodge is just a little more elegant.
Armor Proficiency
You ignore the Loud and Unreliable penalties when wearing Armor.
Trigger Action (Defense)
You are a trained bodyguard, and can instinctively react to threats to other people. This is an improved version of the Meatshield stunt. When somebody within your Move in meters is attacked, you can move adjacent to them. If you cannot move adjacent, you cannot move at all. You then interpose yourself between the attacker and ally, redirecting the attack to hit you. You also get a +3 Dodge_All_(Action_Powers) bonus for the current shot. You can use this even in situations where you are not aware of the attack or in a Surprise round but not when you are out of shots for other reasons.
Bulletproof Nudity
Nudity can distract an opponents at critical moments. If nothing else, it makes the audience root for you. You must be more naked than the local cultural norm allows to use this, and not encumbered by excessive gear or wear armor. You can strip down as a part of activating the stance. Add +2 to your Dodge. Multiple Dodge bonuses do not stack.
You are sure of yourself and not easily impressed by intimidation or social pressure. You can use your Dodge as a defense where you'd normally use Impress.
Cold Fish
You are not easily swayed by charm and whiles. You can use your Dodge as a defense where you'd normally use Charm.
Basic Action
Your motivations can rapidly and unexpectedly change. While being affected normally by social interactions and mental effects, you can completely change your motivations and negate all such effects you are currently under. You have to role-play this change of agenda. Examples include going from a peaceful healer to a raging maniac or from a loyal retainer to glory hound. You can only do this once per scene. You can use this schtick even when something would normally prevent you from doing so. This cannot end a Curse, but can cancel the effect of a social or mental curse for a round.
Defensive Reflex
Trigger Action (Defense)
You have reflexes honed to defense. When attacked and unable to use a Trigger Action (Defense), such as when you are surprised, the attack is a trigger action, or have zero shots left, you gain a Dodge bonus of +3 for the rest of the shot. You can do this even if you have no have no shots remaining.
En Garde
You scorn the use of shields and brute weapons, relying on defensive weapons and a good fighting stance to protect you. Add +2 to your Dodge. Multiple Dodge bonuses do not stack. To use En Garde, you must be using a melee weapon with the Parry ability. This includes a weapon gaining Parry from Melee Technique or similar.
Grenade Leap
Trigger Action (Defense)
When attacked by an area attack, you can use this to get a +3 bonus to Dodge and take a move in any direction, including up. You can use it with one of your own area attacks to leap in this way as long as you are in the area of the attack—you don't take damage from your own attack in this case. You are moving after the attack, so you do not get the benefit of any cover you move into.
Hold the Line
When an ally within 3 meters of you takes a Hit, you can focus.
Invincible Superiority
Trigger Action (Defense)
Use your exceptional abilities as a universal defense. This is beneficial when the difference in ability scores is more than 3. When you use this schtick, select one ability score, Body, Mind, or Reflexes. For the current shot add the chosen attribute to your Dodge and to each attacker's Melee or Shoot.
Kiss the Ground
Trigger Action (Defense)
When attacked you can drop prone and get a Dodge bonus of +3 against ranged attacks only until you take your next Basic Action or Limit Break.
Look Out!
Trigger Action (Defense)
When one or more of your friends are the target of an ability where Dodge is the difficulty, you can substitute your own Dodge for that of your friends' for the current shot. Normally, you need to be within Dodge meters of them to do this, but if you have some means of communicating and are aware of the situation, you can use this at a longer range.
Martial Arts Stance
You scorn the use of weapons, relying on a good fighting stance to protect you. Add +2 to your Dodge. To use Martial Arts Stance you must be using unarmed attacks or a Signature Melee Weapon.
Master Dodge
Basic Action
When you would ordinarily be hit by an attack you can take an active dodge, which increases your Dodge value by +3 for the current shot. You also give the +3 bonus to another when you do the Look Out! stunt. Finally, the difficulty of Analyze Weakness against you is equal to your Dodge at all times.
Signature Armor
Select one specific set of armor, like the family ancestral full plate or the titanium flak jacket that saved your life in the Desert War. Your fate is linked to this armor.
- Even light Signature Armor gives you some protection. Your Toughness becomes Body +4 if it would normally be less than this.
- You can own and operate this armor legally even if it would normally be beyond your means, illegal, or require some special license. People tend to not question your right to take it along; unless the GM makes a montage of how it is taken, the armor stays with you. It can also pop up in the unlikeliest places seemingly on its own.
- It is harder to steal or damage this armor. You are Confident on any stunt to hide or interaction check to keep the armor. When others try stunts to disarm or make you lose the armor, they are Stymied. Even if it is stolen, it always crops up later — it is never permanently lost.
- The armor is tougher than normal, having a minimum Toughness score equal to your Dodge. Even when seemingly destroyed, the armor can always be repaired.
- You become fully proficient with the armor, gaining the effects of Armor Proficiency but only with this specific suit of armor.
- Finally, the armor becomes infused with your essence. It is considered a supernatural or magical armor in situations where this matters.
Impress Schticks and Powers
Trigger Action (Defense)
There is something special about you. You are very ugly, majestic, holy, crazed, or otherwise special, and people tend to leave you alone because of it. Perhaps spooky events occur around you, people expect odd tings from you and around you, and will pay no heed to such occurrences unless they cause some kind of direct harm. Use this as a trigger action when someone would bother you; make an opposed Impress roll to make them stay back and desist, losing the action. This works as long as you remain passive (neither attacking nor running away, though using Impress or Charm is OK). Aura only works as long as the situation warrants it; if your goons have been defeated and your Master Plan revealed, you may have to follow the officer escorting you to prison. But he will be polite.
You have had an authority invested in you by the powers that be. You might be a knight, tax collector, police, sheriff, inquisitor, sanctioned witch hunter, or spy catcher. Whatever your title, you are seen as a lawful agent of a higher authority.
As long as you proclaim your identity you can expect reasonable cooperation from authorities and respect from the general populace. You have the right and duty to investigate cases relevant to your authority and to use reasonable means to to enforce your edicts. Impress checks made under such conditions are routine.
You are allowed to use the gear your position requires, which often includes restricted weaponry. You may or may not wear a uniform, but you can always display proof of your authority and allegiance. In most cases your behavior is beyond inquiry, but if scandal erupts you might find yourself sacrificed as a scapegoat.
Trigger Action (Defense)
When put under pressure, you can adopt a stubborn attitude and actively defend yourself. For the current shot you and allies within Impress meters can use your Impress +3 as the difficulty of any task where your Impress skill sets the difficulty. You also get this bonus when you do a Stand Up For stunt for creatures further away from you. In situations where loyalty to you is the issue, you can use Stand Up For at any range and without a means of communication, as you have instilled some backbone in your followers.
Blue Blood
Your family is old and recognized for its nobility, one of the most prestigious in the land, a cut above everyone who does not have this schtick. In a campaign where most everyone is a noble (a chivalry campaign, for example) you may even be of royal blood. Those who care about such things will see you as a born leader, and your career often benefits. It is easy for you to be invited to parties and social functions, and you have relatives in high places. Your word is given due consideration, you are a valuable and reliable witness, and you will mostly be assumed to have a good reason to be wherever you are doing whatever it is you are doing, even if it might seem fishy. Even those who don't respect nobility find it hard to ignore your manners and bearing, it is clear that you are a person not to be trifled with. You're not automatically wealthy, some nobles are dirt poor. If you get caught with your hands dirty, Blue Blood may backfire; everyone loves a good scandal.
Trigger Action
When a character you succeeded at an opposed Impress check against in this scene takes a hostile action against anyone but you, you can use Challenge to get an Advantage on your next die roll against them. As long as at least one unnamed creature in a group acts against a creature other than you, you can trigger Challenge, but only once for each group of mooks.
Display of Superiority
When you defeat an opponent, you can offer them mercy and a chance to work for you. Make an opposed Impress roll. This is modified depending on personality and on how you defeated them. Single combat is generally the way to go. On a success, you turn the enemy into a follower, or at the very you least can extract some service or important concession from them. An opponent defeated this way is not dying and takes no long-term side effects other than the service.
Fashion Icon
You have knowledge of fashions and understanding of what can be worn when and to provoke which reaction. This lets you dress for every occasion, and also gives you the savvy to dress oddly without causing a scandal. You are notorious in fashionable circles and have the presence and fame to create fashion trends. You can make an upstage stunt routine when fashion is relevant. This most commonly applies to dress and toilette, but it can apply to art, architecture, cuisine and other cultural traits as well.
Follower Focus
When you lead someone who succeeds at a task you can focus. "Someone you lead" applies to such things as Henchmen and Minions, but also to leadership actions such as Hands-On Leadership and Time for Action. The GM can say that you are the effective leader in a situation outside those described.
Hands-On Leadership
Basic Action
You can give a direct order to another creature and expect to have the order executed quickly and well. Decide on a Basic Action the target is to do; he must have any relevant equipment, powers, skills, or schticks to actually do the action you ordered them to do. The target may immediately do the action you ordered them to, but are not obliged to do so. They use their own skill value or your Impress, whichever is better. If you use this on a an unnamed character the action is executed for free, but a named character must take a Trigger Action to execute your order.
You have a follower, a loyal Henchman Extra with points 2/3 of yours. He looks out for your interest and can accompany you on adventures, tough he is not as accomplished as a true hero. Unlike most heroes, he is willing to perform menial tasks and can be ordered about more or less as you like, tough he will resent actual mistreatment. He is also capable of carrying out advanced orders independently, and performs well as a lieutenant or advanced errand boy. You can take this schtick several times to have several henchmen, to get a larger selection of followers to choose from, but generally only one of them accompanies you on each adventure. Your other henchmen can act as your agents and look out for your interests elsewhere
Heroic Identity
You have a well-established costumed identity. Few people will question your right to investigate things, bear arms or ask pointed questions while in your heroic identity. You can also gain access to places and people unavailable to the general public. Police and other law enforcement figures will often cooperate with you, but not always. People will not question who you are and why you are in costume. Over time, your costumed identity has built an identity and reputation of its own. You can make two contacts checks for a skill, one for your mundane identity and one for your costumed identity. People may also turn to your costumed identity for help. You need not purchase this schtick to gain access to places your job ought to give you access to. Cops usually get access to crime scenes, military officers can get into military bases. But with Heroic Identity, you can usually get into either.
You have an established role; forthright, successful, and center stage but seen by some as crude or even evil. You might be the archetypal diva or the artist with a chip on his shoulder. You might be a legal eagle with courtroom manners worthy of your own TV show. You might be a maverick cop that all but tortures perpetrators. You might be a bulldog politician or shotgun journalist. You say the things most people wished they had the guts to say. You may use the full range of the Impress skill in situations where it would normally be inappropriate, and you are (almost) never punished for it. Your established domineering ways get much more tolerance than one would expect. You can browbeat witnesses into confessing, you can make the boss appear like a fool, and you can make colleagues and onlookers cry or cringe and get away without a reprimand.
Minion Experts
Limit Break
You have a group of versatile, dedicated, competent, unnamed NPC followers. They are not the best in a fight, but they can perform backup tasks, investigations and the like while you handle the serious threats. They are often supplied by an organization you work for. Construct your experts as a group of Minion Rabble, with 1/2 of your points. Each expert can be different. You can define these beforehand or during play, but you can only call on the services of one expert each scene. If a minion expert is defeated, they or an equivalent replacement are available again for the next story.
Minion Gang
Limit Break
You have a group of dedicated followers, a small group of elite but identical and unnamed NPCs who act as your bodyguards or close assistants. Construct your followers as a group of Minion Rabble with 1/2 of your points. You gain a number of followers equal to your Mind attribute. If they are defeated or lost, you can renew them up to your normal limit at the beginning of each session, tough the GM may not allow this if you are isolated.
Minion Horde
Basic Action
You have a horde of faceless minions, loyal but rather incompetent lackeys that follow your every whim. They follow you when ordered to, and spread out over the neighborhood, making a nuisance of themselves but also ready to come to your aid at a moments notice.
You generally have a number of minions equal to your Mind in play at once. If they are defeated or lost, you can renew them up to your normal limit by using a Basic Action, and they renew themselves at the start of each round in an action scene.
Construct your followers as a group of identical Minion Rabble with half your points -20 and a maximum value three lower than yours. Your minions are not allowed to take the Formation or Troop schticks. You can pick this schtick an additional time to allow your minions to take these schticks. This also gives you a number of minions equal to your Impress. You can then pick this schtick further times, each time you gain an additional large group of followers.
Look Out Sir!
Trigger Action (Result)
With this schtick, unnamed allies near you tend to end up in the line of fire instead of you, as if your minion had used the Interpose stunt. The minion pays the shot cost, not you. Whenever you take a Hit and such an NPC is near (within his Move meters), that NPC becomes the target of the attack - which is then executed normally with the new target. This saves your skin at the expense of your unnamed allies. You can use this Trigger Action even when you would normally not be allowed to take actions, such as in reaction to another Trigger Action, against a Sneaking enemy, or when out of shots.
You are a ranking official in some important organization, and your word is law there. You could be a military officer, district attorney, chief medical officer, chief of police and so on. No-one in your organization questions your authority. You do have superiors, but for one of them to correct you would be a loss of face for the organization. You can usually use this authority to gain access to places and resources of related organizations as well.
Overbearing Presence
When you make a successful Impress stunt to affect an opponent, add +3 to your Outcome. This works as if you had Advantage which means it stacks with anything else. Outcome is commonly used to determine if you score a Setback.
Limit Break
You can inspire people to extraordinary efforts. You heal one Hit on a number of creatures equal to your Mind within Impress meters of you, as long as they can hear your voice and have not suffered any Damage Setback. You can even revive defeated/unconscious allies this way.
Shock and Awe
Trigger Action
When you use At Weapon Point against multiple opponent's, you can take multiple trigger Action to attack each of them, not just one.
Signature Summon
You have a creature that you keep summoning throughout your career and that develops as you do. This is a Henchman Star, and it must spend at a third of its points on Attributes. Your fates are entangled, but the creature is entirely free-willed. In order to use its services you must Summon and either control it or bargain with it.
Silver Spoon
You were born with the proverbial silver spoon; you have never lacked for wealth. Whenever you are in a culture with normal commerce with your home, you have access to lots of money, and can easily buy or hire most things you could ever want. Make sure you have some motivation to adventure other than money, or you might retire from adventuring before you know it.
You are at home on the streets and in sub-cultures of the downtrodden and outcast. You can gain instant respect and a fair degree of trust from criminals, the impoverished, and outcasts. They may or may not treat you as one of their own, but neither will they try any of the tricks they play on outsiders. You keep abreast of rumors and developments on the street. You can to use Impress on appropriate Gather Information checks.
Basic Action
You have "the look", and can dazzle onlookers by your mere presence. This is great for becoming the center of attention at social events. You can make an upstage stunt as a basic action.
You have a good sense of personal and small unit tactics. You can sense at what shot creatures within Impress meters will act, and you can sense the groups minions and are organized in, who leads who, and creature's typical combat mode and Role. All of these actions are automatic and take no time to use. You cannot read creatures whose Impress is higher than yours.
When the GM has you make a roll to discern enemy tactics or deployments, such rolls are Confident.
You have a vision, perhaps of divine origin. You wholeheartedly believe in this vision, and you have a strange power of attraction, gathering followers and creating enemies of this new vision of yours. Your vision appeals to a certain type of people, few of them are unaffected by it. It might be a vision to liberate all slaves or to reform a religion, and all slaves and slave owners or all who believe in the religion will be very much concerned. In this way, you will quickly gather followers, but you have very little control over their actions. They will hold you in high esteem, as a spiritual guide and mentor. You also get enemies opposed to your views. This is a schtick for great visionary leaders, like Martin Luther, Martin Luther King, or Mahatma Gandhi, but also of tyrants such as Adolph Hitler. It makes you very much the center of the campaign, and should therefore only be taken with the GMs permission. Generally, visionaries tend to be NPCs who the PCs are either to help or hinder.
Summons and controls creatures related to the form. A powereful technique with very absolute results, but hard to use in that it requires true names.
Summon Air
Foul Air
Basic Action
You foul the air in a diameter equal to your Mind. The cloud is impenetrable to most senses, giving a penalty of -1 on Shoot and perception checks per meter of foul air in between. A living, breathing creature in the cloud who spent any time during his current action in the cloud must make an opposed Impress check with you; on a failure he cannot act. Characters in the cloud can move even if the roll fails. The cloud lasts for a scene unless dispelled or dispersed by strong wind.
Magnificent Entrance
Basic Action
As your first action in a scene, you can do either a First Impression or Scare stunt that affects everyone who can see and hear you.
Pushing Winds
When you succeed at a stunt, schtick or an Air Power using Impress, Maneuver, Melee, or Shoot you have the option to use this power to move targets you succeeded against 2 meters away from you. Targets can choose to lose one shot instead. Those with Body greater than your Impress are immune. This also causes loose objects, dust and sand to fly about. Pushing Winds does not stack with any movement or shot loss the stunt or power already has - use the longer movement and higher shot loss.
Summon Air Elemental
Basic Action
You can seize a creature whose True Name you know through time and space and bring it into your presence. The creature must be in another dimension or juncture, and not currently summoned, imprisoned or otherwise occupied. You can summon one Henchman or a number of Minions of the same type equal to your Mind. It takes an Impress roll against the creature's Dodge or Impress to summon. The creature immediately makes an initiative check to see when it will next act, but this cannot be earlier than the shot in which it is summoned. In future rounds, the creature has its own initiative score. You can also use this power again on a creature (or group of unnamed creatures) you have summoned along with an Impress roll against the creature's Dodge or Impress, in order to extend your control over it until the end of the following round. During combat, you must succeed at this action each round or the creature will break free, but you can try repeatedly in each round. Out of combat, you only need to roll every scene, but any failed roll means you lose control of the creature. While a creature is under your control, you can order it to return to its home plane at any time. A creature that breaks free of control can choose to return on its own. Summoned creatures can also be Dispelled. You can also use this power to take control of a summoned creature did not summon yourself whose True Name you know. This requires an Impress roll against the creature's Dodge or Impress or against its summoner's Impress if he is present.
A creature cannot be ordered to perform deeds alien to its nature; an air elemental cannot be summoned into solid earth or water, an Epitome cannot act against its spiritual inclination, and so on. Summoned creatures can perceive your aura as you summon them. Their initial attitude depends on your reputation among this kind of creature and whether you have an allegiance or pact with them. In case of extreme misalignment, you may not even be able to summon them at all.
When you lose control of a summoned creature it usually returns home shortly; the creature knows anyone who knows its true name can seize control of it as noted above. But the creature might choose to remain on your plane indefinitely to act out its inclination. In order to acquire lengthy services you must bargain with the creature, or use a Power Experiment or other means to acquire its services. If you bargain a creature into a formal pact, it is considered controlled for as long as the conditions of the pact are met and cannot break the contract or return to its home until the pact expires.
This power only works on Air Elementals.
Limit Break
You deny the target air or fills its lungs with foul vapors, making it unable to breathe with an opposed Impress roll against the target's Impress.
Each time a suffocating target tries to take an action, it must make an opposed Impress or Ride check against you, or the action fails. The target is still allowed to move even on a failed roll, but the foul air moves with it. If the targets opposed roll fails by a margin equal to the target's Body, it takes one Hit. If the roll succeeds by a margin equal to your Mind, or you suffer a Setback, the power is negated. It otherwise lasts for a scene.
A creature that does not breathe is immune to this power, but machines powered by combustion can be affected.
Summon Earth
Dimensional Loadstone
Basic Action
Make an opposed Impress roll to prevent the target from using teleport powers for the rest of the scene.
Trigger Action (Defense or Combo)
You create a barrier of earth and stone with a Toughness equal to your Impress. It is about a meter square has a height up to your Mind in meters. It must be created in contact with a solid surface. If you create the Earthshield next to you, you have the option of being lifted up on top of it as it grows. The Earthshield crumbles pretty quickly and is reduced to rubble soon after the scene ends, even if it does not take any damage.
You can use Earthshield in many ways:
- Create a barrier to block an attack (giving a +3 bonus on Dodge to either you or another.
- Create a barrier to prevent someone from moving (which sets the Free Running difficulty of the move to your Impress). This works even against low-flying creatures, and if they fail the roll they land.
- To assist an Impress stunt against creatures standing on the ground, allowing a reroll of a failed stunt by creating a pillar under the speaker, lifting him above his spectators.
- To perform stunts using large amounts of unstable earth, such as putting out fire, spreading debris, and similar situation-specific stunts using your Impress to substitute for the skill normally used. In this case, the trigger action is in addition to the shots spent on the action itself (usually a Basic Action).
Summon Earth Elemental
Basic Action
You can seize a creature whose True Name you know through time and space and bring it into your presence. The creature must be in another dimension or juncture, and not currently summoned, imprisoned or otherwise occupied. You can summon one Henchman or a number of Minions of the same type equal to your Mind. It takes an Impress roll against the creature's Dodge or Impress to summon. The creature immediately makes an initiative check to see when it will next act, but this cannot be earlier than the shot in which it is summoned. In future rounds, the creature has its own initiative score. You can also use this power again on a creature (or group of unnamed creatures) you have summoned along with an Impress roll against the creature's Dodge or Impress, in order to extend your control over it until the end of the following round. During combat, you must succeed at this action each round or the creature will break free, but you can try repeatedly in each round. Out of combat, you only need to roll every scene, but any failed roll means you lose control of the creature. While a creature is under your control, you can order it to return to its home plane at any time. A creature that breaks free of control can choose to return on its own. Summoned creatures can also be Dispelled. You can also use this power to take control of a summoned creature did not summon yourself whose True Name you know. This requires an Impress roll against the creature's Dodge or Impress or against its summoner's Impress if he is present.
A creature cannot be ordered to perform deeds alien to its nature; an air elemental cannot be summoned into solid earth or water, an Epitome cannot act against its spiritual inclination, and so on. Summoned creatures can perceive your aura as you summon them. Their initial attitude depends on your reputation among this kind of creature and whether you have an allegiance or pact with them. In case of extreme misalignment, you may not even be able to summon them at all.
When you lose control of a summoned creature it usually returns home shortly; the creature knows anyone who knows its true name can seize control of it as noted above. But the creature might choose to remain on your plane indefinitely to act out its inclination. In order to acquire lengthy services you must bargain with the creature, or use a Power Experiment or other means to acquire its services. If you bargain a creature into a formal pact, it is considered controlled for as long as the conditions of the pact are met and cannot break the contract or return to its home until the pact expires.
This power only works on Earth Elementals.
Summon Fire
Fired Up
Limit Break
You recover one Hit and one Fortune point, up to your normal maximums. In addition, your shot counter is set to the current shot, making this action not cost any shots to perform. You cannot perform another Limit Break this round.
Basic Action
You can cause superficial fire effects in a wide area, such as smoke, sparks and flashes. This can be done to entertain or to distract. When used to distract, this provide provides cover to Sneak. You can also use this to scare many people at once, to send messages in giant flaming letters across the sky, create huge burning images and otherwise impress with fireworks.
Fireworks can be made small and local or very very visible, up to a hundred meters or so in daytime to ten kilometers on a clear, calm nigh.
Ring of Fire
Basic Action
You create a barrier of fire that binds creatures in place, making it dangerous for them to move. Make a roll of Impress vs. Dodge or Impress of each enemy in a diameter equal to your Mind. On a success, the target is surrounded by a barrier of fire. This has no effect on actions, but if the creature moves it must cross the barrier, taking Fire damage equal to your Impress plus a bonus roll. The barrier expires at the end of the scene or a prisoner can try to escape as a Basic Action with an opposed Maneuver vs. your Impress.
Summon Fire Elemental
Basic Action
You can seize a creature whose True Name you know through time and space and bring it into your presence. The creature must be in another dimension or juncture, and not currently summoned, imprisoned or otherwise occupied. You can summon one Henchman or a number of Minions of the same type equal to your Mind. It takes an Impress roll against the creature's Dodge or Impress to summon. The creature immediately makes an initiative check to see when it will next act, but this cannot be earlier than the shot in which it is summoned. In future rounds, the creature has its own initiative score. You can also use this power again on a creature (or group of unnamed creatures) you have summoned along with an Impress roll against the creature's Dodge or Impress, in order to extend your control over it until the end of the following round. During combat, you must succeed at this action each round or the creature will break free, but you can try repeatedly in each round. Out of combat, you only need to roll every scene, but any failed roll means you lose control of the creature. While a creature is under your control, you can order it to return to its home plane at any time. A creature that breaks free of control can choose to return on its own. Summoned creatures can also be Dispelled. You can also use this power to take control of a summoned creature did not summon yourself whose True Name you know. This requires an Impress roll against the creature's Dodge or Impress or against its summoner's Impress if he is present.
A creature cannot be ordered to perform deeds alien to its nature; an air elemental cannot be summoned into solid earth or water, an Epitome cannot act against its spiritual inclination, and so on. Summoned creatures can perceive your aura as you summon them. Their initial attitude depends on your reputation among this kind of creature and whether you have an allegiance or pact with them. In case of extreme misalignment, you may not even be able to summon them at all.
When you lose control of a summoned creature it usually returns home shortly; the creature knows anyone who knows its true name can seize control of it as noted above. But the creature might choose to remain on your plane indefinitely to act out its inclination. In order to acquire lengthy services you must bargain with the creature, or use a Power Experiment or other means to acquire its services. If you bargain a creature into a formal pact, it is considered controlled for as long as the conditions of the pact are met and cannot break the contract or return to its home until the pact expires.
This power only works on Fire Elementals.
Summon Water
Basic Action
You attempt to fill a creature's lungs with water, causing panic and potentially drowning. A creature native to water is immune, but you have Advantage against a target in water that cannot breathe water. Make an opposed Impress check against the target. On a success, the target chokes and takes a Hit. On a margin equal to the target's Body the target is drowning and takes a Hit every time he takes a Basic Action until he has a power applied to him to give him water breathing or the end of the scene. A drowning target can choose not to act in order to avoid this damage.
Foul Water
Basic Action
You foul water in a diameter equal to your Mind. The cloud is impenetrable to most senses, giving a penalty of -1 on Shoot and perception checks per meter of foul water in between. A living, breathing creature in the cloud who spent any time during his current action in the cloud must make an opposed Impress check with you; on a failure he cannot act. Characters in the cloud can move even if the roll fails. The cloud lasts for a scene unless dispelled or dispersed by strong wind.
Summon Water Elemental
Basic Action
You can seize a creature whose True Name you know through time and space and bring it into your presence. The creature must be in another dimension or juncture, and not currently summoned, imprisoned or otherwise occupied. You can summon one Henchman or a number of Minions of the same type equal to your Mind. It takes an Impress roll against the creature's Dodge or Impress to summon. The creature immediately makes an initiative check to see when it will next act, but this cannot be earlier than the shot in which it is summoned. In future rounds, the creature has its own initiative score. You can also use this power again on a creature (or group of unnamed creatures) you have summoned along with an Impress roll against the creature's Dodge or Impress, in order to extend your control over it until the end of the following round. During combat, you must succeed at this action each round or the creature will break free, but you can try repeatedly in each round. Out of combat, you only need to roll every scene, but any failed roll means you lose control of the creature. While a creature is under your control, you can order it to return to its home plane at any time. A creature that breaks free of control can choose to return on its own. Summoned creatures can also be Dispelled. You can also use this power to take control of a summoned creature did not summon yourself whose True Name you know. This requires an Impress roll against the creature's Dodge or Impress or against its summoner's Impress if he is present.
A creature cannot be ordered to perform deeds alien to its nature; an air elemental cannot be summoned into solid earth or water, an Epitome cannot act against its spiritual inclination, and so on. Summoned creatures can perceive your aura as you summon them. Their initial attitude depends on your reputation among this kind of creature and whether you have an allegiance or pact with them. In case of extreme misalignment, you may not even be able to summon them at all.
When you lose control of a summoned creature it usually returns home shortly; the creature knows anyone who knows its true name can seize control of it as noted above. But the creature might choose to remain on your plane indefinitely to act out its inclination. In order to acquire lengthy services you must bargain with the creature, or use a Power Experiment or other means to acquire its services. If you bargain a creature into a formal pact, it is considered controlled for as long as the conditions of the pact are met and cannot break the contract or return to its home until the pact expires.
This power only works on Water Elementals.
Viscous Gel
Basic Action
You create a slimy gel that can ensnare all creatures in a diameter equal to your Mind. With a successful opposed Impress roll, you coat a creature in the area with a gel of viscous fluid, inhibiting their movement. The target cannot move as a part of a Basic Action until the end of the scene. The target can free himself as a Basic Action with a Maneuver roll against your Impress, or an adjacent creature can free them with a Know roll against your Impress. If you score an Outcome matching a target's Reflexes that target also loses 3 shots.
Weight of Water
Basic Action
You ward an area against teleportation. Any attempt to Teleport into or out of the area has a minimum difficulty equal to your Create; if the Outcome was less than your Mind the teleport succeeded, but was accompanied by a violent burst of bubbly water and dazes the teleportee, making him be surprised or loose all shots for this round .
Weight of Water covers a radius equal to your Create roll and lasts for a scene. If cast underwater, it lasts as long as the water in the area is not moved about; it can last indefinitely in a quiet isolated pool.
Summon Animal
Flashing Teeth
Basic Action
You attempt to cow all opponents within Mind meters, threatening them do desist by showing your dominance. Make an opposed Impress check against each of them; on a success any attack or stunt the target attempts against you in this scene has a minimum difficulty equal to your Impress. You can only try this once against a particular opponent in a particular scene. If you suffer any Setback, Flashing Teeth is negated, in addition to the normal effect of the Setback.
King of the Beasts
Basic Action
You can control certain types of normal animal; either one family of animals (canines, raptors, ants) or a set of themed animals like the wolf-bat-rat set common to vampires. It does not work on creatures of the Animal type that are not normal, natural animals.
Make a Impress roll against the highest attribute or skill of the target animal. You can call one named creature or a number of unnamed creatures of the same type equal to your Mind. If the animals are domestic, their handler can use Impress, Ride or other appropriate skill as the difficulty. During combat, you must succeed at this action each round or the creature will run a way, but you can try repeatedly in each round. Out of combat, you only need to roll every hour; a failed roll out of combat means the animals escape from you.
Your control is absolute; the animals will die for you, and can go against their instincts in your service. You can use a Finisher on an animal thus controlled as it is helpless to resist you.
If the animals are not present, they are called and seek you out, but it will take a while before the full number of some unusual animal arrives. You can establish control of animals as far a s a kilometer away per point of Mind you have.
If you learn this power twice, you can control any animal, not just one family of animals.
Possess Animal
You take over the body of an animal, taking absolute control of it the animal's attributes but using your skills. You use your own Fortune points but the Hits of the animal body. Your body is either a trance (where you are automatically surprised if attacked), or you can merge your body into that of the animal, effectively disappearing from the world only to reappear next to the animal once the power ends. The size of the animal is immaterial; you can merge even with a very large or very small animal. Once established, this power has no range limit; the animal can move anywhere and you can retain control. If an animal you are possessing suffers a Setback, you are expelled and take one Hit. If an animal you have merged your body with is killed, you take a Damage Setback.
Summon Animal
Basic Action
You can seize a creature whose True Name you know through time and space and bring it into your presence. The creature must be in another dimension or juncture, and not currently summoned, imprisoned or otherwise occupied. You can summon one Henchman or a number of Minions of the same type equal to your Mind. It takes an Impress roll against the creature's Dodge or Impress to summon. The creature immediately makes an initiative check to see when it will next act, but this cannot be earlier than the shot in which it is summoned. In future rounds, the creature has its own initiative score. You can also use this power again on a creature (or group of unnamed creatures) you have summoned along with an Impress roll against the creature's Dodge or Impress, in order to extend your control over it until the end of the following round. During combat, you must succeed at this action each round or the creature will break free, but you can try repeatedly in each round. Out of combat, you only need to roll every scene, but any failed roll means you lose control of the creature. While a creature is under your control, you can order it to return to its home plane at any time. A creature that breaks free of control can choose to return on its own. Summoned creatures can also be Dispelled. You can also use this power to take control of a summoned creature did not summon yourself whose True Name you know. This requires an Impress roll against the creature's Dodge or Impress or against its summoner's Impress if he is present.
A creature cannot be ordered to perform deeds alien to its nature; an air elemental cannot be summoned into solid earth or water, an Epitome cannot act against its spiritual inclination, and so on. Summoned creatures can perceive your aura as you summon them. Their initial attitude depends on your reputation among this kind of creature and whether you have an allegiance or pact with them. In case of extreme misalignment, you may not even be able to summon them at all.
When you lose control of a summoned creature it usually returns home shortly; the creature knows anyone who knows its true name can seize control of it as noted above. But the creature might choose to remain on your plane indefinitely to act out its inclination. In order to acquire lengthy services you must bargain with the creature, or use a Power Experiment or other means to acquire its services. If you bargain a creature into a formal pact, it is considered controlled for as long as the conditions of the pact are met and cannot break the contract or return to its home until the pact expires.
This power only works on Animals. Animals summoned this way can be animal spirits taking on material form or might come from an alternate dimension or time. You can summon animals from the environment around you, but if you do those animals must travel to your location under their own power.
Tame the Beast
The target loses his sentience; he starts to behave like a domesticated animal. Like a tame animal, he can be led about, ordered to perform simple tasks, or even pushed into a fight or lead to the slaughter. He still remembers his friends, but not his foes. This is a Curse.
Limit Break
You create sticky webs in a diameter equal to your Mind and cause them to restrain selected creatures in the area. Make an Impress check against each target's Dodge. On a success the target is partially bound and suffers one of the penalties noted below. On an Outcome matching the target's Reflexes he is severely bound and suffers three of the conditions. Conditions are applied in this order; immobilized, bound legs, bound arms, hogtie, blindfolding. Apply the first condition on this list the target doesn't already suffer from. Physical restraint in Action does not completely prevent a hero from action, they impose handicaps to be overcome.
- Gagging prevents mundane speech. Stymies all Charm and Impress checks.
- Handcuffing is when your hands are tied in front of you, but not so tightly as to make them completely unusable; you can still use one hand effectively, such as using weapons or tools of Small size or smaller.
- Hobbling indicates restrained legs, but not fixed to each other. It means you cannot move as part of a normal Basic Action, and can only move your normal move when you do a Full Move action or otherwise do an action that grants extra movement..
- Immobilized, stuck to something, alternatively on a short leash which prevents movement beyond one or two meters. If you are stuck to a creature whose Body is greater than yours, you are forced along as it moves, otherwise you are both immobilized unless you two cooperate.
- Bound Legs you fall prone and cannot stand unsupported, which prevents and hinders many actions as determined by the situation and stunt description. Your Move is reduced to 1. Swimming and flying creatures are entangled, with similar effects.
- Bound Arms prevent most physical manipulation and the use of weapons and implements. You can still use tackles and head butts for (Body +0) damage or a Tiny Ranged Weapon, but limited to Close range.
- Blinded restricts your awareness, giving you only a rough estimate of objects and creatures in a diameter equal to your Mind; you are insensitive to things beyond this range. Everyone has enough concealment to Sneak on you, and against creatures beyond your perception range, you have to use Reflexes rather than Recon for defense against Recon stunts.
- (or more) Hogtie A hogtied character cannot act physically and can only move one meter as a standard action; no movement is otherwise allowed. This also prevents all Defense actions.
Creatures entering the webbed area runs the risk of being entangled; the Free Running difficulty in the area is equal to your Impress. Creatures with web abilities are immune to this. Web restraints can be dispelled, escaped with a Contortions stunt pitting Reflexes against your Mind or destroyed; they have a Body equal to your Impress. Unlike other bonds, large weapons do not suffer a penalty when severing webs.
Summon Plant
Awaken Plant
Limit Break
You can grant a mundane plant will and mobility, turning it into a Plant Elemental. It gains the Plant Elemental type, a Body based on its mass and a sum of Mind, Reflexes, Move and number of schticks no higher than your Impress. None of these attributes can exceed your Mind.
An awakened plant starts out with a positive attitude towards you, but its natural tendency is to lose interest and want to return to a sedentary existence, moving only to defend local plant life, especially that of its former type.
Binding Vines
Basic Action
You animate plants in a diameter equal to your Mind and cause them to restrain all creatures in the area. The area needs to be overgrown; knee-tall grass or more substantial plant growth suffices. Make an Impress check against each target's Dodge. On a success the target is partially bound and suffers one of the penalties noted below. On an Outcome matching the target's Reflexes he is severely bound and suffers three of the conditions. Conditions are applied in this order; immobilized, bound legs, bound arms, hogtie, blindfold. Physical restraint in Action does not completely prevent a hero from action, they impose handicaps to be overcome.
- Gagging prevents mundane speech. Stymies all Charm and Impress checks.
- Handcuffing is when your hands are tied in front of you, but not so tightly as to make them completely unusable; you can still use one hand effectively, such as using weapons or tools of Small size or smaller.
- Hobbling indicates restrained legs, but not fixed to each other. It means you cannot move as part of a normal Basic Action, and can only move your normal move when you do a Full Move action or otherwise do an action that grants extra movement..
- Immobilized, stuck to something, alternatively on a short leash which prevents movement beyond one or two meters. If you are stuck to a creature whose Body is greater than yours, you are forced along as it moves, otherwise you are both immobilized unless you two cooperate.
- Bound Legs you fall prone and cannot stand unsupported, which prevents and hinders many actions as determined by the situation and stunt description. Your Move is reduced to 1. Swimming and flying creatures are entangled, with similar effects.
- Bound Arms prevent most physical manipulation and the use of weapons and implements. You can still use tackles and head butts for (Body +0) damage or a Tiny Ranged Weapon, but limited to Close range.
- Blinded restricts your awareness, giving you only a rough estimate of objects and creatures in a diameter equal to your Mind; you are insensitive to things beyond this range. Everyone has enough concealment to Sneak on you, and against creatures beyond your perception range, you have to use Reflexes rather than Recon for defense against Recon stunts.
- (or more) Hogtie A hogtied character cannot act physically and can only move one meter as a standard action; no movement is otherwise allowed. This also prevents all Defense actions.
These restraints can be dispelled, escaped with a Contortions stunt pitting Reflexes against your Impress or destroyed; they have a Body equal to your Impress. Unlike other bonds, large weapons do not suffer a penalty when severing plant entanglements.
This is an instant effect; entering the area after the effect is cast does not cause you to be entangled.
Plant Growth
Basic Action
You control the growth of all plants (but not Plant Elementals) in an area with a diameter equal to your Mind, stunting plants or making them fill all or part of this area with dense foliage. The effect is permanent, but can cleared like any area of heavy growth. The difficulty is the highest plant-based Free Running difficulty in the area, and affects an area with a radius equal to your Impress check.
You can create difficult ground, with a Free Running difficulty equal to your Impress. A creature whose Body matches your Impress is too massive to be affected by this. The foliage also obscures vision and ranged attacks, imposing a penalty of -1 per meter of distance. This can also be used to create open ground, construct simple wooden buildings, bridges etc, or to bless or curse crops, pastures and woodlands, affecting yields. If you make plants grow in unsustainable ways, they will wither and die in hours.
Summon Plant Elemental
Basic Action
You can seize a creature whose True Name you know through time and space and bring it into your presence. The creature must be in another dimension or juncture, and not currently summoned, imprisoned or otherwise occupied. You can summon one Henchman or a number of Minions of the same type equal to your Mind. It takes an Impress roll against the creature's Dodge or Impress to summon. The creature immediately makes an initiative check to see when it will next act, but this cannot be earlier than the shot in which it is summoned. In future rounds, the creature has its own initiative score. You can also use this power again on a creature (or group of unnamed creatures) you have summoned along with an Impress roll against the creature's Dodge or Impress, in order to extend your control over it until the end of the following round. During combat, you must succeed at this action each round or the creature will break free, but you can try repeatedly in each round. Out of combat, you only need to roll every scene, but any failed roll means you lose control of the creature. While a creature is under your control, you can order it to return to its home plane at any time. A creature that breaks free of control can choose to return on its own. Summoned creatures can also be Dispelled. You can also use this power to take control of a summoned creature did not summon yourself whose True Name you know. This requires an Impress roll against the creature's Dodge or Impress or against its summoner's Impress if he is present.
A creature cannot be ordered to perform deeds alien to its nature; an air elemental cannot be summoned into solid earth or water, an Epitome cannot act against its spiritual inclination, and so on. Summoned creatures can perceive your aura as you summon them. Their initial attitude depends on your reputation among this kind of creature and whether you have an allegiance or pact with them. In case of extreme misalignment, you may not even be able to summon them at all.
When you lose control of a summoned creature it usually returns home shortly; the creature knows anyone who knows its true name can seize control of it as noted above. But the creature might choose to remain on your plane indefinitely to act out its inclination. In order to acquire lengthy services you must bargain with the creature, or use a Power Experiment or other means to acquire its services. If you bargain a creature into a formal pact, it is considered controlled for as long as the conditions of the pact are met and cannot break the contract or return to its home until the pact expires.
This power only works on Plant Elementals.
Summon Metal
Metal Bonds
Basic Action
You conjure bands of metal and use them to restrain a creature. Make an Impress check against the target's Dodge. On a success the target is partially bound and suffers one of the penalties noted below. Roll 1d6 for a random restraint, adding +1 for each previous restraint. On an Outcome matching the target's Reflexes he is more severely bound and suffers three of the conditions, or you can apply one restriction of your choice.
Physical restraint in Action does not completely prevent a hero from action, they impose handicaps to be overcome.
- Gagging prevents mundane speech. Stymies all Charm and Impress checks.
- Handcuffing is when your hands are tied in front of you, but not so tightly as to make them completely unusable; you can still use one hand effectively, such as using weapons or tools of Small size or smaller.
- Hobbling indicates restrained legs, but not fixed to each other. It means you cannot move as part of a normal Basic Action, and can only move your normal move when you do a Full Move action or otherwise do an action that grants extra movement..
- Immobilized, stuck to something, alternatively on a short leash which prevents movement beyond one or two meters. If you are stuck to a creature whose Body is greater than yours, you are forced along as it moves, otherwise you are both immobilized unless you two cooperate.
- Bound Legs you fall prone and cannot stand unsupported, which prevents and hinders many actions as determined by the situation and stunt description. Your Move is reduced to 1. Swimming and flying creatures are entangled, with similar effects.
- Bound Arms prevent most physical manipulation and the use of weapons and implements. You can still use tackles and head butts for (Body +0) damage or a Tiny Ranged Weapon, but limited to Close range.
- Blinded restricts your awareness, giving you only a rough estimate of objects and creatures in a diameter equal to your Mind; you are insensitive to things beyond this range. Everyone has enough concealment to Sneak on you, and against creatures beyond your perception range, you have to use Reflexes rather than Recon for defense against Recon stunts.
- (or more) Hogtie A hogtied character cannot act physically and can only move one meter as a standard action; no movement is otherwise allowed. This also prevents all Defense actions.
These restraints can be dispelled, escaped with a Contortions stunt pitting Reflexes against your Impress or destroyed; they have a Body equal to your Impress. Weapons larger and more unwieldy than a dagger take an attack penalty equal to their damage add when attacking cuffs.
This curse reflects the force of weapons used by the target of the curse, damaging the weapon. All weapons the target uses are Unreliable, and any time the target rolls boxcars with a weapon, that weapon breaks before finishing the attack. This is a Curse
Summon Metal Elemental
Basic Action
You can seize a creature whose True Name you know through time and space and bring it into your presence. The creature must be in another dimension or juncture, and not currently summoned, imprisoned or otherwise occupied. You can summon one Henchman or a number of Minions of the same type equal to your Mind. It takes an Impress roll against the creature's Dodge or Impress to summon. The creature immediately makes an initiative check to see when it will next act, but this cannot be earlier than the shot in which it is summoned. In future rounds, the creature has its own initiative score. You can also use this power again on a creature (or group of unnamed creatures) you have summoned along with an Impress roll against the creature's Dodge or Impress, in order to extend your control over it until the end of the following round. During combat, you must succeed at this action each round or the creature will break free, but you can try repeatedly in each round. Out of combat, you only need to roll every scene, but any failed roll means you lose control of the creature. While a creature is under your control, you can order it to return to its home plane at any time. A creature that breaks free of control can choose to return on its own. Summoned creatures can also be Dispelled. You can also use this power to take control of a summoned creature did not summon yourself whose True Name you know. This requires an Impress roll against the creature's Dodge or Impress or against its summoner's Impress if he is present.
A creature cannot be ordered to perform deeds alien to its nature; an air elemental cannot be summoned into solid earth or water, an Epitome cannot act against its spiritual inclination, and so on. Summoned creatures can perceive your aura as you summon them. Their initial attitude depends on your reputation among this kind of creature and whether you have an allegiance or pact with them. In case of extreme misalignment, you may not even be able to summon them at all.
When you lose control of a summoned creature it usually returns home shortly; the creature knows anyone who knows its true name can seize control of it as noted above. But the creature might choose to remain on your plane indefinitely to act out its inclination. In order to acquire lengthy services you must bargain with the creature, or use a Power Experiment or other means to acquire its services. If you bargain a creature into a formal pact, it is considered controlled for as long as the conditions of the pact are met and cannot break the contract or return to its home until the pact expires.
This power only works on Metal Elementals.
Summon Ice
Ice Queen
You have the frosty presence of the cold arctic sky. Any Impress roll that does not target a specific individual is Routine to you; you never fail to maintain your cool.
Icicle Hedge
Basic Action
You create a barrier of sharp icicles that binds a creature in place, making it dangerous for it to move. Make a roll of Impress vs. Dodge. On a success, the target is surrounded by a barrier of icicles. This has no effect on actions, but if the creature moves it must cross the barrier, taking piercing damage equal to an Impress roll. The barrier expires at the end of the scene or it can be escaped with a contortions stunt with a difficulty of your Impress.
Basic Action or Finisher
Make an opposed Impress roll, on a success the target is blinded for the rest of the round. On an outcome matching the target's Reflexes the target is blinded for the rest of the scene. If performed as a Finisher, the effect is a Curse.
Summon Ice Elemental
Basic Action
You can seize a creature whose True Name you know through time and space and bring it into your presence. The creature must be in another dimension or juncture, and not currently summoned, imprisoned or otherwise occupied. You can summon one Henchman or a number of Minions of the same type equal to your Mind. It takes an Impress roll against the creature's Dodge or Impress to summon. The creature immediately makes an initiative check to see when it will next act, but this cannot be earlier than the shot in which it is summoned. In future rounds, the creature has its own initiative score. You can also use this power again on a creature (or group of unnamed creatures) you have summoned along with an Impress roll against the creature's Dodge or Impress, in order to extend your control over it until the end of the following round. During combat, you must succeed at this action each round or the creature will break free, but you can try repeatedly in each round. Out of combat, you only need to roll every scene, but any failed roll means you lose control of the creature. While a creature is under your control, you can order it to return to its home plane at any time. A creature that breaks free of control can choose to return on its own. Summoned creatures can also be Dispelled. You can also use this power to take control of a summoned creature did not summon yourself whose True Name you know. This requires an Impress roll against the creature's Dodge or Impress or against its summoner's Impress if he is present.
A creature cannot be ordered to perform deeds alien to its nature; an air elemental cannot be summoned into solid earth or water, an Epitome cannot act against its spiritual inclination, and so on. Summoned creatures can perceive your aura as you summon them. Their initial attitude depends on your reputation among this kind of creature and whether you have an allegiance or pact with them. In case of extreme misalignment, you may not even be able to summon them at all.
When you lose control of a summoned creature it usually returns home shortly; the creature knows anyone who knows its true name can seize control of it as noted above. But the creature might choose to remain on your plane indefinitely to act out its inclination. In order to acquire lengthy services you must bargain with the creature, or use a Power Experiment or other means to acquire its services. If you bargain a creature into a formal pact, it is considered controlled for as long as the conditions of the pact are met and cannot break the contract or return to its home until the pact expires.
This power only works on Ice Elementals.
Summon Illusion
Fata Morgana
The most powerful form of illusion, the Fata Morgana is a complete takeover of the target's senses. Everything he perceives is controlled by you, effectively he is in a dream world of your making. By spending a Basic Action, you take direct control of the target's dream world for one round and can observe the targets actions in the dream world. You can change how the target perceives time, making a lifetime pass in a few moments or make it as if no time at all has passed.
While imprisoned in the dream world, the target's body seems to be asleep. This is a Curse. If the target takes a Mortal_Wound either in the dream or to the body, Fata Morgana ends.
Identity Theft
Basic Action
You can make an illusion that you are in fact a specific creature whose True Name you know. This allows you to almost become that creature. You use that creatures abilities and statistics in place of your own, with one exception; you still use your own Impress skill to keep your shape-changed self under control.
It takes an Impress roll against the creature's Dodge or Impress to assume the creature's form. You do not have access to the imitated creatures memories.
Each round in which you remain under the illusion, you need to use this power and roll your Impress against the creature's Dodge or Impress in order to extend the identity theft until the end of the following round. During combat, you must succeed at this action each round or the creature will break free, but you can try repeatedly in each round. Out of combat, you only need to roll every 15 minutes. If this roll fails, you return to your own identity.
If you use this to impersonate the creature whose form you take, that is a Charm stunt.
As a Basic Action, a spectator can use Scrutinize to make an opposed Charm roll to disbelieve the illusion, which causes you to either take one Hit or end the illusion (your choice). If the Spot check scores an outcome equal to your Mind the illusion is automatically dispelled.
Image Theft
Basic Action, then Stance
You can exchange the appearance of two creatures and/or objects with a successful opposed Impress roll - one of whom can be you. Speech and mannerisms are also affected by this change. A target does not notice the change unless it sees itself reflected. Any Disguise check to trick people into believing you are the other is Routine. A Charm check opposed by your Charm is required for the target to makes his true identity plausible, or for someone else to discover the target's true identity using Scrutinize.
Lost Friend
Select one creature other than the target. The target cannot remember this creature and cannot perceive this creature except by direct touch. Even the target's memories of the creature grow hazy, requiring knowledge element checks even for things that would otherwise automatically be remembered. This is a Curse.
You can make the creature lose a number of creatures equal to your Mind, but if you do so the effect only lasts for the current session.
Phantasmal Killer
Basic Action
You make an illusory copy of a creature True Name you know and bring it into the mind of another creature. Except as noted here, this is the same as as #Spectral Monster. The creature immediately makes an initiative check to see when it will next act, but this cannot be earlier than the current shot. All it does if fight, seeking to kill its target, or you if uncontrolled.
A phantasmal killer only exists in your mind and that of your victim. It can affect and be affected by what you and the victim does normally, but is completely oblivious to all other creatures and even to traps and hazards. It is otherwise affected normally by terrain. If either you or the victim is killed or knocked unconscious, the phantasmal killer disappears.
You can also use this power again on a phantasmal killer you have created along with an Impress roll against the creature's Dodge or Impress, in order to extend your control over it until the end of the following round or to dismiss it. If a phantasmal killer is uncontrolled, it turns on you.
Scary Image
Basic Action
You create an illusion of a scary scene. This scene can involve setting or creatures or both. Creatures that are different from each other might not be scared by the same things, at the GM's discretion. Make an opposed Impress roll against those the illusion is scary against. On a success the target is scared on his next basic action. On an Outcome matching the target's Mind he is scared for the rest of the round.
A scared target must back as far away from the illusion as possible, using his Move before taking each basic action, spending the movement portion of the basic action to do so. He cannot move closer to you under his own volition. He can otherwise act normally.
Spectral Monster
Basic Action
You make an illusory copy of a creature whose True Name you know. You can summon a number of Minions of the same type equal to your Mind or one Henchman, but Henchmen created this way never have Fortune points. Spectral Monsters are Specters but otherwise identical to the creature you copy. They do not possess the full knowledge of what they are copying, only enough to react appropriately in common situations. It takes an Impress roll against the creature's Impress or Dodge to create a spectral monster.
The creature immediately makes an initiative check to see when it will next act, but this cannot be earlier than the current shot.
You can also use this power again on a spectral monster you have created along with an Impress roll against the creature's Dodge or Impress, in order to either maintain control until the end of the following round or to dismiss the spectral monster. During combat, you must succeed at this action each round or lose control, but you can try repeatedly in each round. Out of combat, you only need to roll every 15 minutes, but any failed roll means control is lost. If you fail to maintain a spectral monster, it begins to interact with you; an illusion of a creature hostile to you attacks, an illusion of a friendly creature takes interaction stunts to make sure it gets your full attention. After one round uncontrolled, the spectral monster usually disappears, but in rare cases it may run away and do mischief on its own.
Spectral Monsters are vulnerable to having their illusory nature revealed through interaction. When you succeed at a non-attack Stunt against a Spectral Monster, it suffer a Hit in addition to the normal effect.
A Spectral Monster can be perceived by cameras and similar remote viewing, but it cannot manipulate objects. Its attacks inflict Illusory damage, but always of an apparent type and amount consistent with the original creature. This means targets can soak the damage normally, or using Mind.
Summon Dark
Blinding Darkness
Basic Action or Finisher
Make an opposed Impress roll, on a success the target is blinded for the rest of the round. On an outcome matching the target's Reflexes the target is blinded for the rest of the scene. If performed as a Finisher, the effect is a Curse.
Contract Domination
Limit Break
Use this when making a contract with another creature. The contract must be formal and blood must be involved; either a written contract signed in blood or a sworn oath accompanied by mixing the blood of those forsworn. If this contract is broken the breaker suffer a Finisher of your choice - you must know Form of the Finisher he is to suffer, but need not know the exact power. Then the contract is null and void for any remaining participants.
The target cannot see in normal light, being effectively Blind. The target can still use powers that provide vision, as long as they do not rely on light. This is a Curse.
Devil Contract
You Curse the target with a devil contract. Stipulate a condition when the devil is summoned to attack the cursed creature. The cursed creature need not know this condition, but it is often in your best interests to inform the victim. When the condition occurs, the devil appears and does its best to kill the cursed creature, as well as anyone nearby who interferes. It then disappears. If the devil is defeated or kills the victim, the curse ends.
When you use this power, pick a devil you have the True Name of and make a confident Impress check. If successful, you successfully bind the devil to the contract. If the contract is nefarious and evil, you gain a bonus on this roll; generally +3 but possibly as high as +5. If you bind unnamed devils, a group equal to your Mind in numbers appear.
Dull Mind
Basic Action, Limit Break, or Finisher
Make an opposed Impress, on a success the target's Mind suffers a penalty of -1 until the end of the scene. This can be increased by various factors:
- If performed as a Limit Break, the penalty is increased by two.
- If the attack scores an Outcome matching the target's Mind, the penalty is increased by two.
- If performed as a Finisher, the penalty is increased by two and the effect is a Curse - including any previous use of Curb Advantage.
Infernal Focus
Trigger Action (Focus)
If you are within Mind meters of a Bound or willing Devil, you can focus. If the Mind of the Devil is less than yours, it takes a Hit. If you are a Devil you can use this power on another creature within Mind meters. The target becomes focused. If your Mind is less than that of the target, you take a Hit.
Summon Devil
Basic Action
You can seize a creature whose True Name you know through time and space and bring it into your presence. The creature must be in another dimension or juncture, and not currently summoned, imprisoned or otherwise occupied. You can summon one Henchman or a number of Minions of the same type equal to your Mind. It takes an Impress roll against the creature's Dodge or Impress to summon. The creature immediately makes an initiative check to see when it will next act, but this cannot be earlier than the shot in which it is summoned. In future rounds, the creature has its own initiative score. You can also use this power again on a creature (or group of unnamed creatures) you have summoned along with an Impress roll against the creature's Dodge or Impress, in order to extend your control over it until the end of the following round. During combat, you must succeed at this action each round or the creature will break free, but you can try repeatedly in each round. Out of combat, you only need to roll every scene, but any failed roll means you lose control of the creature. While a creature is under your control, you can order it to return to its home plane at any time. A creature that breaks free of control can choose to return on its own. Summoned creatures can also be Dispelled. You can also use this power to take control of a summoned creature did not summon yourself whose True Name you know. This requires an Impress roll against the creature's Dodge or Impress or against its summoner's Impress if he is present.
A creature cannot be ordered to perform deeds alien to its nature; an air elemental cannot be summoned into solid earth or water, an Epitome cannot act against its spiritual inclination, and so on. Summoned creatures can perceive your aura as you summon them. Their initial attitude depends on your reputation among this kind of creature and whether you have an allegiance or pact with them. In case of extreme misalignment, you may not even be able to summon them at all.
When you lose control of a summoned creature it usually returns home shortly; the creature knows anyone who knows its true name can seize control of it as noted above. But the creature might choose to remain on your plane indefinitely to act out its inclination. In order to acquire lengthy services you must bargain with the creature, or use a Power Experiment or other means to acquire its services. If you bargain a creature into a formal pact, it is considered controlled for as long as the conditions of the pact are met and cannot break the contract or return to its home until the pact expires.
This power only works on Devils.
Wracking Pain
Basic Action
Make an opposed Impress roll to inflict dire pain on an opponent. Any stances the target is maintaining are broken. The target cannot start any stances or take any trigger actions until the end of the next round. On an Outcome matching the target's Body he cannot take trigger actions for the rest of the scene.
Summon Flux
Awful Luck
Basic Action, Limit Break, or Finisher
Make an opposed Impress check to Stymie the target. As a Limit Break you can affect all enemies within an area Mind meters in diameter. Used as a Finisher the target is automatically Cursed by being permanently Stymied, no roll required.
Chaos Finisher
Limit Break
You invoke the powers of chaos, striking out blindly at those near you. Select a Finisher that you can use. This finisher will strike a random creature, possibly yourself. The GM selects six creatures as possible targets, starting with you, then nearby enemies, then nearby friends, then random bystanders. If there are not enough targets nearby, the effect can strike some random creature far away.
Summon Whimsy
Basic Action
You can seize a creature whose True Name you know through time and space and bring it into your presence. The creature must be in another dimension or juncture, and not currently summoned, imprisoned or otherwise occupied. You can summon one Henchman or a number of Minions of the same type equal to your Mind. It takes an Impress roll against the creature's Dodge or Impress to summon. The creature immediately makes an initiative check to see when it will next act, but this cannot be earlier than the shot in which it is summoned. In future rounds, the creature has its own initiative score. You can also use this power again on a creature (or group of unnamed creatures) you have summoned along with an Impress roll against the creature's Dodge or Impress, in order to extend your control over it until the end of the following round. During combat, you must succeed at this action each round or the creature will break free, but you can try repeatedly in each round. Out of combat, you only need to roll every scene, but any failed roll means you lose control of the creature. While a creature is under your control, you can order it to return to its home plane at any time. A creature that breaks free of control can choose to return on its own. Summoned creatures can also be Dispelled. You can also use this power to take control of a summoned creature did not summon yourself whose True Name you know. This requires an Impress roll against the creature's Dodge or Impress or against its summoner's Impress if he is present.
A creature cannot be ordered to perform deeds alien to its nature; an air elemental cannot be summoned into solid earth or water, an Epitome cannot act against its spiritual inclination, and so on. Summoned creatures can perceive your aura as you summon them. Their initial attitude depends on your reputation among this kind of creature and whether you have an allegiance or pact with them. In case of extreme misalignment, you may not even be able to summon them at all.
When you lose control of a summoned creature it usually returns home shortly; the creature knows anyone who knows its true name can seize control of it as noted above. But the creature might choose to remain on your plane indefinitely to act out its inclination. In order to acquire lengthy services you must bargain with the creature, or use a Power Experiment or other means to acquire its services. If you bargain a creature into a formal pact, it is considered controlled for as long as the conditions of the pact are met and cannot break the contract or return to its home until the pact expires.
This power only works on Whimsies.
Tap Luck
The target loses three Fortune points. If the target originally had 3 or more Fortune points, you recover one Fortune point. If you gain Fortune in excess of your Mind this way you must spend any excess points by the end of the scene, or they are lost. You can only use this finisher once per target per session.
Summon Order
Basic Action
You amplify the speech and music you and allies make until the end of the scene, giving your Impress stunts based on sound Long range.
Mark of Justice
You mark the target in a way that is culturally recognized as a symbol of shame and crime. The target is Branded. This is often tied to the Ego Focus limitation.
Curb Advantage
Basic Action, Limit Break, or Finisher
Make an opposed Impress, on a success the target's highest Attribute value suffers a penalty of -1 until the end of the scene. This can be increased by various factors:
- If performed as a Limit Break, the penalty is increased by two.
- If the attack scores an Outcome matching the target's Mind, the penalty is increased by two.
- If performed as a Finisher, the penalty is increased by two and the effect is a Curse - including any previous use of Curb Advantage.
Down by Law
Limit Break
Read out loud a judgement made by a court with jurisdiction in the area where your target committed a crime. This judgement must name your target, the crime, and a punishment. The judgement can be against a group the target belongs to. Make an opposed Impress roll. On a success, the target suffers a finisher appropriate to the punishment. A default Finisher if a better one can not be found is Mark of Justice. You need not know this finisher. On a failure, you cannot use this power against that target again this session.
Here and Now
Basic Action
Make an opposed Impress roll to prevent the target from using teleport powers or from being granted extra actions (like those from Instant Action or Hands-On Leadership) for the rest of the scene.
Limit Break
You can only use this power against someone who has broken an oath or solemn promise in the recent past (generally in the current play session, but for important vows this may linger forever). Make a pronouncement declaring the oath he has broken. If you succeed at an an opposed Impress roll, you can use a Finisher against him, just as if you had defeated him in combat.
Power Shout
Limit Break
You make an opposed Impress against all enemies within an area with a diameter equal to your Mind, you must be in this area. On a success, targets lose 3 shots. On an Outcome matching a target's Body you also inflict one Hit.
Roar of the Lion
Trigger Action (Combo)
You manifest your power in a stunning and terrifying yell, shocking your foe and breaking his nerve. Use this ability just before making a Melee attack. You can immediately make a Browbeat or Scare attempt.
Summon Virtue
Basic Action
You can seize a creature whose True Name you know through time and space and bring it into your presence. The creature must be in another dimension or juncture, and not currently summoned, imprisoned or otherwise occupied. You can summon one Henchman or a number of Minions of the same type equal to your Mind. It takes an Impress roll against the creature's Dodge or Impress to summon. The creature immediately makes an initiative check to see when it will next act, but this cannot be earlier than the shot in which it is summoned. In future rounds, the creature has its own initiative score. You can also use this power again on a creature (or group of unnamed creatures) you have summoned along with an Impress roll against the creature's Dodge or Impress, in order to extend your control over it until the end of the following round. During combat, you must succeed at this action each round or the creature will break free, but you can try repeatedly in each round. Out of combat, you only need to roll every scene, but any failed roll means you lose control of the creature. While a creature is under your control, you can order it to return to its home plane at any time. A creature that breaks free of control can choose to return on its own. Summoned creatures can also be Dispelled. You can also use this power to take control of a summoned creature did not summon yourself whose True Name you know. This requires an Impress roll against the creature's Dodge or Impress or against its summoner's Impress if he is present.
A creature cannot be ordered to perform deeds alien to its nature; an air elemental cannot be summoned into solid earth or water, an Epitome cannot act against its spiritual inclination, and so on. Summoned creatures can perceive your aura as you summon them. Their initial attitude depends on your reputation among this kind of creature and whether you have an allegiance or pact with them. In case of extreme misalignment, you may not even be able to summon them at all.
When you lose control of a summoned creature it usually returns home shortly; the creature knows anyone who knows its true name can seize control of it as noted above. But the creature might choose to remain on your plane indefinitely to act out its inclination. In order to acquire lengthy services you must bargain with the creature, or use a Power Experiment or other means to acquire its services. If you bargain a creature into a formal pact, it is considered controlled for as long as the conditions of the pact are met and cannot break the contract or return to its home until the pact expires.
This power only works on Virtues.
The Imperial Whisper
Basic Action
The Imperial Whisper allows you to give a command which cannot be disobeyed. The target immediately executes your command, not waiting until his next shot comes up and not expending any shots.
In practical terms, this means you can give one simple, direct, non-conditional order or task that he will do immediately. You cannot order him how he is to fulfill the task, nor can you order him into inaction, so an order to "attack silently" or "stand still" is meaningless. The command generally cannot be longer than three words. Typical examples are "Attack that man!" or "Cut my bonds!". Within these limitations, the target immediately does his best to obey the spirit of your instructions, without nefarious twists.
You must succeed on an opposed Impress roll. The target must understand the language you speak. Anyone closer to you than the target is will be able to overhear the command. A willing target does not require a roll.
Summon Light
You present the target with the evil tainting his soul and present a way for them to walk into the light, atone, and make up for the evil of their life. The results of their current evil is explained, and the power also presents the target with how its life could be if it changes or remains as it is. This revelation is deeply profound and the target will need time to decide his reaction to it. Depending on how strong the target's convictions are, this can be a processes of days or weeks. Once this period is over, the target may change his life or not - this power does not influence the decision. If the target does change to live a life of light, this power can analyze any Curse or negative effect the target suffers from and find or create a good way out of such problems.
Celestial Spotlight
Basic Action
Make an opposed Impress roll to prevent the target from using teleport powers for the rest of the scene.
Basic Action
You can dazzle onlookers by presence and aura. You can make an upstage stunt as a basic action, and the effect lasts for the rest of the round. A target who is attacked or otherwise interacted with by one of its opponents breaks free of the effect. This grabs attention, but is domineering; people who are skeptical of you are likely to be insulted.
Basic Action
You give another the impulse to act in a positive and forthright manner. Inspired, Enlightened, or Benevolent. This includes attacks that protect innocents and allies. The target may immediately take what is normally a Basic Action with no shot cost. They use their own skill value or your Impress, whichever is better.
Invoke Hope
Basic Action
You can restore hope and good spirits to yourself and allies. Any lingering Stunt effect or penalty is negated for everyone in an area with a diameter equal to your Impress. This includes advantages, stymies, and many setbacks, tough setbacks that have an instantaneous effect, such as putting a character in a perilous situation or inflicting damage, are not negated. You must be somewhere in the area to be affected.
Summon Angel
Basic Action
You can seize a creature whose True Name you know through time and space and bring it into your presence. The creature must be in another dimension or juncture, and not currently summoned, imprisoned or otherwise occupied. You can summon one Henchman or a number of Minions of the same type equal to your Mind. It takes an Impress roll against the creature's Dodge or Impress to summon. The creature immediately makes an initiative check to see when it will next act, but this cannot be earlier than the shot in which it is summoned. In future rounds, the creature has its own initiative score. You can also use this power again on a creature (or group of unnamed creatures) you have summoned along with an Impress roll against the creature's Dodge or Impress, in order to extend your control over it until the end of the following round. During combat, you must succeed at this action each round or the creature will break free, but you can try repeatedly in each round. Out of combat, you only need to roll every scene, but any failed roll means you lose control of the creature. While a creature is under your control, you can order it to return to its home plane at any time. A creature that breaks free of control can choose to return on its own. Summoned creatures can also be Dispelled. You can also use this power to take control of a summoned creature did not summon yourself whose True Name you know. This requires an Impress roll against the creature's Dodge or Impress or against its summoner's Impress if he is present.
A creature cannot be ordered to perform deeds alien to its nature; an air elemental cannot be summoned into solid earth or water, an Epitome cannot act against its spiritual inclination, and so on. Summoned creatures can perceive your aura as you summon them. Their initial attitude depends on your reputation among this kind of creature and whether you have an allegiance or pact with them. In case of extreme misalignment, you may not even be able to summon them at all.
When you lose control of a summoned creature it usually returns home shortly; the creature knows anyone who knows its true name can seize control of it as noted above. But the creature might choose to remain on your plane indefinitely to act out its inclination. In order to acquire lengthy services you must bargain with the creature, or use a Power Experiment or other means to acquire its services. If you bargain a creature into a formal pact, it is considered controlled for as long as the conditions of the pact are met and cannot break the contract or return to its home until the pact expires.
This power only works on Angels.
Summon Gifts
Alpha Beast
You learn the True Name of the defeated or helpless creature.
Assume Identity
Basic Action
You can imitate a creature whose True Name you know, becoming that creature. You use that creatures abilities and statistics in place of your own, with one exception; you still use your own Impress skill to keep your shape-changed self under control.
It takes an Impress roll against the creature's Dodge or Impress to assume the creature's form. You do not have access to the imitated creatures memories, and if the creature assumes control it suffers from Amnesia and only has confused memory-images to go on, both from your memories and from the form it has.
Each round in which you remain shape-changed, you need to use this power and roll your Impress against the creature's Dodge or Impress in order to extend your control over it until the end of the following round. During combat, you must succeed at this action each round or the creature will break free, but you can try repeatedly in each round. Out of combat, you only need to roll every 15 minutes, but any failed roll means you lose control of the creature.
When you lose control of your shape, it will act as that creature normally would. Because of its incomplete memories, the creature is usually confused and afraid in this situation. This generally means it either attacks or runs away, depending on the situation. You can try to regain control at the end of the scene, and after one day has elapsed. If both these rolls fail, you have to find someone to help you out of your predicament; your shape-changed form will sometimes look for such help from half-remembered friends of yours. Other times, the creature instead seeks out companionship and help appropriate to its current shape.
As long as you remain in control, you can resume your own shape as a Basic Action. If you use this to impersonate the creature whose form you take, that is a Charm stunt.
Infect your victims with your own supernatural essence: if this taint is left unchecked they become supernatural creatures as well. This is a particularly nasty Curse. A victim of corruption turns into a monster after the passing of three mid-nights. Once the three mid-nights have passed, the victim is reborn as a creature of your Creature Type. An unnamed creature becomes a typical creature of this type; a named creature is rebuilt with the same point total, using you as a model. You learn the victim's True Name once they become fully corrupted. A variant of the power does not take three nights but is based on some other criteria, such as the rise of the full moon. Rare variant of this causes corruption in unnamed creatures by the end of the round, but this costs two schtick picks and is not recommended for player characters.
Debt of Service
Basic Action
You can seize a creature whose True Name you know through time and space and bring it into your presence. The creature must be in another dimension or juncture, and not currently summoned, imprisoned or otherwise occupied. You can summon one Henchman or a number of Minions of the same type equal to your Mind. It takes an Impress roll against the creature's Dodge or Impress to summon. The creature immediately makes an initiative check to see when it will next act, but this cannot be earlier than the shot in which it is summoned. In future rounds, the creature has its own initiative score. You can also use this power again on a creature (or group of unnamed creatures) you have summoned along with an Impress roll against the creature's Dodge or Impress, in order to extend your control over it until the end of the following round. During combat, you must succeed at this action each round or the creature will break free, but you can try repeatedly in each round. Out of combat, you only need to roll every scene, but any failed roll means you lose control of the creature. While a creature is under your control, you can order it to return to its home plane at any time. A creature that breaks free of control can choose to return on its own. Summoned creatures can also be Dispelled. You can also use this power to take control of a summoned creature did not summon yourself whose True Name you know. This requires an Impress roll against the creature's Dodge or Impress or against its summoner's Impress if he is present.
A creature cannot be ordered to perform deeds alien to its nature; an air elemental cannot be summoned into solid earth or water, an Epitome cannot act against its spiritual inclination, and so on. Summoned creatures can perceive your aura as you summon them. Their initial attitude depends on your reputation among this kind of creature and whether you have an allegiance or pact with them. In case of extreme misalignment, you may not even be able to summon them at all.
When you lose control of a summoned creature it usually returns home shortly; the creature knows anyone who knows its true name can seize control of it as noted above. But the creature might choose to remain on your plane indefinitely to act out its inclination. In order to acquire lengthy services you must bargain with the creature, or use a Power Experiment or other means to acquire its services. If you bargain a creature into a formal pact, it is considered controlled for as long as the conditions of the pact are met and cannot break the contract or return to its home until the pact expires.
You can use this against any creature you have met.
Foul Trail
When you move, you leave a trail of foul slime in your wake. This works in any medium you can move normally in - usually land but potentially air, water and other environments as well. A living, breathing creature in the cloud who spent any time during his current action in trail must make an opposed Impress check with you; on a failure he cannot act. Characters in the trail can move even if the roll fails. The trail lasts for a scene unless dispelled or dispersed by wind or flowing water.
Lethal Impression
Trigger Action
Select one power that you know. Whenever you first come within Mind meters of a creature, you may use this power on them as a trigger action. There is generally some method targets can use to make themselves immune to this effect.
Examples of this is the nauseating stench of the a ghast avoided with a filter mask or the gaze of the medusa avoided by looking in a mirror.
Omega Curse
The targets gains one or more of your Limitations or the limitation part of one of your Methods. This is a Curse. If the effect lasts past the end of the story, the character should take any Limitations and Methods the normal way.
Power Collision
Trigger Action (Defense)
When an enemy hits you with an attack that is power you can counter with this ability to create a power collision; a gathering of power between you that is released in an explosion that might hurt either or both of you. This can only be used against powers; it does not work against attacks that are not powers. The opponent's attack is negated. Instead, you both take damage equal to the opponent's Mind, soaked by Body, whether the attack roll is a success or not. Add the Outcome of the attacker's roll to the damage you take and subtract the Outcome of the attack from the damage your opponent takes. Remember that subtracting a negative number adds to the result. The opponent inflicts the same type damage as the attack you countered. You must decide on a Melee or Shoot power to use with Power Collision and that power determines the damage type you inflict. If you lack such a power, you deal the same type of damage your opponent does.
This is a meta-power that affects other powers. In some campaign worlds there is a strong Origin Divide among different origins. Check with your GM regarding your campaign. Origins that are opposed cannot cannot be modified by meta-powers; it is as if powers from the opposing origin was actually a schtick rather than a power.
Ward Breaker
You are extraordinarily resistant to Summon powers, and add +5 to your Impress skill to resist them.
Summon Magic
Summoning Spell
Basic Action
You can seize a creature whose True Name you know through time and space and bring it into your presence. The creature must be in another dimension or juncture, and not currently summoned, imprisoned or otherwise occupied. You can summon one Henchman or a number of Minions of the same type equal to your Mind. It takes an Impress roll against the creature's Dodge or Impress to summon. The creature immediately makes an initiative check to see when it will next act, but this cannot be earlier than the shot in which it is summoned. In future rounds, the creature has its own initiative score. You can also use this power again on a creature (or group of unnamed creatures) you have summoned along with an Impress roll against the creature's Dodge or Impress, in order to extend your control over it until the end of the following round. During combat, you must succeed at this action each round or the creature will break free, but you can try repeatedly in each round. Out of combat, you only need to roll every scene, but any failed roll means you lose control of the creature. While a creature is under your control, you can order it to return to its home plane at any time. A creature that breaks free of control can choose to return on its own. Summoned creatures can also be Dispelled. You can also use this power to take control of a summoned creature did not summon yourself whose True Name you know. This requires an Impress roll against the creature's Dodge or Impress or against its summoner's Impress if he is present.
A creature cannot be ordered to perform deeds alien to its nature; an air elemental cannot be summoned into solid earth or water, an Epitome cannot act against its spiritual inclination, and so on. Summoned creatures can perceive your aura as you summon them. Their initial attitude depends on your reputation among this kind of creature and whether you have an allegiance or pact with them. In case of extreme misalignment, you may not even be able to summon them at all.
When you lose control of a summoned creature it usually returns home shortly; the creature knows anyone who knows its true name can seize control of it as noted above. But the creature might choose to remain on your plane indefinitely to act out its inclination. In order to acquire lengthy services you must bargain with the creature, or use a Power Experiment or other means to acquire its services. If you bargain a creature into a formal pact, it is considered controlled for as long as the conditions of the pact are met and cannot break the contract or return to its home until the pact expires.
What creatures you can use this against depends on what Forms you know, read on the Creatures and Forms table.
Tap The Gifted
The gifted are founts of power that can be tapped by unscrupulous magic.
Make an opposed Impress roll against a Gifted creature. This is a ranged attack.
On a success you gain one Fortune point and inflict a Damage Setback on the Gifted creature.
If your Impress scores an outcome matching the Gifted creature's Mind you instead gain two Fortune and the Gifted creature takes a Mortal Wound.
In order to gain any Fortune points, the creature must have Fortune points, even it they are currently spent. Otherwise you still have the harmful effects on the target but you do not gain any Fortune points. If you gain Fortune in excess of your Mind this way you must spend any excess points by the end of the scene, or they are lost.
True Naming Spell
You learn the True Name of the defeated or helpless creature.
Summon Spiritual
Limit Break
"You" in this text refers to the original who created avatars. In some cases a player might be playing an avatar of a higher being, but this is not the assumption in how the power is written. Avatars are serious things. The loss of a powerful avatar is a great loss and successful avatars bring you prestige and power, but in most campaigns actual xp gain would be contrary to how experience works in Action - everybody in a campaign is supposed to have the same xp. Still, you should not take your avatars lightly.
You create a lower-powered copy of yourself, and send this copy off on it's own adventures. The copy does not appear near you, instead you use this power in response to a situation you hear about and the avatar appears near the epicenter of that situation. The avatar then acts on its own initative, and might be active for days, years, or a lifetime.
You can take this schtick many times. For each time you take it, you can have more avatars, but the new avatars granted are less powerful than those of an earlier level. This can be read on the table below. For example, if you take this power twice, you can have a total of 12 avatars, 3 which are 30 points weaker than you, and 9 that are 45 points weaker than you. Remember that for each 15 points removed, you Maximum Value is reduced by one, this has its own column in the table below. You need not create your avatars in order, you can make the weaker avatars first and keep some powerful potential avatars in reserve. You can even create an avatar weaker that the weakest indicated by your number of power picks - perhaps preparing for a day when you get more schticks in this power.
Schtick Picks | Total Avatars | Avatars of this level | Avatar points | Maximum Value |
1 | 3 | 3 | -30 | -2 |
2 | 12 | 9 | -45 | -3 |
3 | 39 | 27 | -60 | -4 |
4 | 120 | 81 | -75 | -5 |
All avatars start out as lesser-powered versions of yourself - you must remove abilities without adding any new ones. No avatar can have the Avatar power. 10% of the points of each avatar can be rearranged, making avatars slightly different from you. You can also change cosmetic details such as appearance, gender, or even (if within the budget) Race or Creature Type. In general you do so to match the environment of wherever you are sending your avatar - if the avatar is to act among the blue-skinned natives of the world ocean, it is smart to match the skin color and aquatic ability of the natives. You can also select what memories your avatar has - it can know all you knows (skills and schticks permitting) or it can be given false memories of a background appropriate to the setting it is to act in.
This is how the avatars are first created. Your avatars adventure independently of you and can gain experience points on their own. This means you can play a lower-powered version of yourself in another campaign - as long as your avatar's points confirm to the starting points of that campaign and the GM agrees. Avatar experience points spent need not be spent in ways identical to your original character - avatars can grow increasingly different form their original over time.
You have a general idea of what all your avatars are doing at all times, and can communicate with them by using the power again, sharing experiences as if one being. You get to decide how much of this the avatar recalls. If the original has advanced in points, this advancement can be applied to an avatar in this way - as if you used the Avatar power again, re-creating the avatar from scratch.
If two avatars, or you and one of your avatars, ever touch, the lowest-point avatar is dispelled. The original can also use the Avatar power again to dismiss any avatar. All memories of the dispelled avatar transfer over to the avatar that dispelled it.
If an avatar is unwilling to accept what you or a senior avatar does to it, it can resist. You (as the senior avatar) must then make an opposed Impress roll, and if this roll fails the unwilling avatar stops being an avatar; it instantly becomes an independent being and does no longer count against avatar limits. You can also free an avatar voluntarily to let it continue as its own separate being, but this incurs a loss of prestige and should not be done lightly.
Binding Invocation
You learn the True Name of the defeated or helpless creature.
Limit Break
You get a spiritual revelation about a topic decided upon before using this power; the reply comes in the form of a short sentence, poem, or possibly a dream or prophetic vision. Range is irrelevant, but topics of spiritual import are generally easier to divine.
To gain information this way you make an opposed check against the targets' Recon. You gain valuable information based on the outcome of this roll; if the outcome matches the target's Mind you gain clear and important insights into the target's activities. On a failed roll, you learn obvious details and trivia; if the negative Outcome matches your Mind you learn misleading information or the target notices your spying.
Basic Action
When you witness someone breaking the central tenets of both their and your own beliefs, you can condemn their action. Make an opposed Impress roll. On a success, you can inflict the target with a Finisher you know, but this Finisher ends at the end of the session. If you score an Outcome matching the target's Mind, the Finisher has its full normal effect. This is linked to the Belief method and requires you to have a code of ethics. The target needs to pay at least lip service to a code, but not as strictly as you.
Basic Action or Finisher
You return a creature native to another plane to its home plane. This is a Basic Action against a creature whose True Name you know, a Finisher otherwise. If the Impress check matches the creature’s Mind, it cannot return to the plane it was dismissed from for a time dependent upon the result of the check. This is considered a Curse on the creature.
Impress Check Result | Time Dismissed |
7 or lower | A month and a day |
8-11 | A year and a day |
12-15 | A decade and a day |
16-19 | A century and a day |
20 or higher | A millennium and a day |
Invocation of Power
Limit Break
Select one power other than this one. Until the end of the scene, when you use this power, you can base any roll or stunt using that power on your Impress skill instead of whatever skill the power would normally be based on.
Spirit Supervisor
You give the target a guiding spirit that advices him on how to act and what the faith requires of him in different situation. This spirit draws on the dogma and teaching of your religion as well as both your and the victim's knowledge and personality. It can interact with the target using your Impress skill and can cause the target Setbacks when he blasphemes or breaks major tenets of the faith with a successful opposed Impress roll. It can try to interact with the target once per round. The Spirit Supervisor is removed as if it was a Curse.
Spirit Ward
Limit Break
You create a permanent ward similar to Ward Enemy. It counts as an unnamed creature with your Mind and Impress skill and will try to ward against all creatures not aligned with your faction or faith. The ward is focused in a physical object; often a statue, stone, or pattern on the ground; destroying this object disrupts the ward.
Summoning Invocation
Basic Action
You can seize a creature whose True Name you know through time and space and bring it into your presence. The creature must be in another dimension or juncture, and not currently summoned, imprisoned or otherwise occupied. You can summon one Henchman or a number of Minions of the same type equal to your Mind. It takes an Impress roll against the creature's Dodge or Impress to summon. The creature immediately makes an initiative check to see when it will next act, but this cannot be earlier than the shot in which it is summoned. In future rounds, the creature has its own initiative score. You can also use this power again on a creature (or group of unnamed creatures) you have summoned along with an Impress roll against the creature's Dodge or Impress, in order to extend your control over it until the end of the following round. During combat, you must succeed at this action each round or the creature will break free, but you can try repeatedly in each round. Out of combat, you only need to roll every scene, but any failed roll means you lose control of the creature. While a creature is under your control, you can order it to return to its home plane at any time. A creature that breaks free of control can choose to return on its own. Summoned creatures can also be Dispelled. You can also use this power to take control of a summoned creature did not summon yourself whose True Name you know. This requires an Impress roll against the creature's Dodge or Impress or against its summoner's Impress if he is present.
A creature cannot be ordered to perform deeds alien to its nature; an air elemental cannot be summoned into solid earth or water, an Epitome cannot act against its spiritual inclination, and so on. Summoned creatures can perceive your aura as you summon them. Their initial attitude depends on your reputation among this kind of creature and whether you have an allegiance or pact with them. In case of extreme misalignment, you may not even be able to summon them at all.
When you lose control of a summoned creature it usually returns home shortly; the creature knows anyone who knows its true name can seize control of it as noted above. But the creature might choose to remain on your plane indefinitely to act out its inclination. In order to acquire lengthy services you must bargain with the creature, or use a Power Experiment or other means to acquire its services. If you bargain a creature into a formal pact, it is considered controlled for as long as the conditions of the pact are met and cannot break the contract or return to its home until the pact expires.
You can summon creatures that share your spiritual views; spirit servants of your religion or creatures you can impress by your spiritual nature. Because they are on some level aligned with you they rarely go hostile if you lose control of them, but they might return home, pontificate, or play to their own agenda. Only the most evil of creatures will attack you on sight, making this power dangerous for truly evil spiritualists.
Ward Enemy
Stance and Trigger Action
You keep hostile supernatural creatures at bay. This protects an area with your Mind meters in diameter; you must be in the warded area. At any time when a supernatural creature tries to enter the area or attack anyone inside, you are alerted to its presence and can take a trigger action to make an opposed Impress roll. The loser takes psychic damage equal to the opponent's Mind plus the absolute outcome. If you win, the creature's action fails and it is expelled from the area. If the creature wins, you have the option of dropping the ward rather than take damage; if you do so, you cannot use this power again in this scene.
This power only affects supernatural creatures: Air Elementals, Earth Elementals, Electric Elementals, Fire Elementals, Water Elementals, Plant Elementals, Ice Elementals, Demons, Devils, Angels, Virtues, Aberrations, Spectres, and Undead.
Summon Tech
Brain Control
Basic Action
You can control a creature (or group of unnamed creatures) whose True Name you know with an Impress roll against the creature's Dodge or Impress. During combat, you must succeed at this action each round or the creature will break free, but you can try repeatedly in each round. Out of combat, you only need to roll every 15 minutes, but any failed roll means you lose control of the creature.
Brain Pattern Analysis
You learn the True Name of the defeated or helpless creature.
Brain Tape
This is a brain analysis device, computer storage unit and data transfer unit capable of making an of-site backup of your entire personality.
In a materialistic universe, a personality is no more than a collection of data. This data can be backuped in a safe location, and if the original is indisposed, a copy can be downloaded. Depending upon technological sophistication, this copy may be a robot or a force-grown clone. Brain tape stores a backup of your knowledge and personality, including all Skills and Schticks. Powers are generally not included, but knowledge of powers and knowledge-based powers are. Physical powers might get replicated in a physical cloning process.
In a spiritual sense, this is of course impossible. There is only one soul, and no copy can duplicate your individual essence. What practical impact this has on the game depends on the setting.
A Brain Tape is not so much a system as a phenomena, though there is a cybernetic system is at the core of it. If you have nobody to administer the recreation of your body for you, you won't live again. If your backup is out of date, so will any downloaded copy. If someone can destroy or corrupt your backup, you are also out of luck. Worse, someone may well get hold of the data, make their own download, and brainwash it into serving them.
If there is a spirit, and if that spirit is indivisible, is anybody's guess, but clone rivalry is very common. One can also upload your personality into a Behavior Chip or into an AI construct, gaining access to your Skills and knowledge without giving the copy a body to cause mischief with. But all these additional complications are more plot hooks than actual parts of the power.
Buddy Chip
A Behavior Chip programmed to your own specification. While it has many of the flaws and drawbacks of a regular Behavior Chip, it also has obvious benefits when you are targeted by mental attacks.
If you are ever about to make something that is contrary to your normal objectives or personality, the chip cuts in and prevents the action. Thus, you won't attack your friends, reveal your secrets or otherwise cause do any major, obvious blunders. This is especially important if you are mind controlled, dominated or possessed.
As a game effect, this prevents Setback results from social interaction and mind control. You still suffer the full regular effect of the interaction.
The Buddy Chip can be a two-edged sword. The chip can be bypassed if an an attempt at mind control or interaction accidentally hits upon an action the Buddy Chip is not set to intervene against - strictly a roleplaying decision. Someone with access to your Buddy Chip software can use its programming to advantage. In this case, any successful interaction or mind control gives a Setback result. Someone who can reprogram the Buddy Chip can turn it into a Behavior Chip.
Summon Death
Awaken the Dead
Limit Break
You can resurrect the dead as Undead monstrosities. Depending on the condition of the corpse, it might be a bare-bones skeleton or just a pale version of itself while alive. The creature must have been truly alive at one point, which means it should have been an Animal or Folk at one time. The creature must be willing to be resurrected, and they know who you are and what your supernatural allegiances are before deciding. Most dead folk are content to be dead, only the ambitious would consider resurrection unless a former tie calls them back.
The creature gains the Undead type and the xx, xx, and xx powers using the Gifts Origin. It is otherwise the same as it was while it was alive.
Command Undead
Basic Action
You can control an undead creature (or group of unnamed creatures) whose True Name you know with an Impress roll against the creature's Dodge or Impress, in order to control it until the end of the following round. During combat, you must succeed at this action each round or the creature will break free, but you can try repeatedly in each round. Out of combat, you only need to roll every 15 minutes, but any failed roll means you lose control of the creature.
Death of the Senses
Limit Break, Finisher
With an opposed Impress roll you dull the targets senses to the point of non-functionality; sight becomes a blur, hearing faint, taste and smell stagnant, and touch painful. The target becomes unable to perceive anyone beyond Mind meters and even inside this area, targets have concealment enough to Sneak. When stuck by this power, all enemies become hidden from the target, and anyone out of the sensory area becomes hidden while the power is active.
While under Death of the Senses, targets visible to friends are not automatically spotted by the victim; it takes a successful Scan from the victim or that an opponent acts against the victim to make them visible.
Lasts for a scene. If the initial roll scored an Outcome matching the target's Reflexes the effect lasts for the session or until dispelled. It can also be used as a Finisher, in which case it is a Curse.
Death Curse
Trigger Action
When you suffer a Mortal Wound you can make an opposed Impress check against your slayer if you sense them or know their name. If successful, you can apply any Finisher you know to them.
Basic Action, Limit Break, or Finisher
Make an opposed Impress, on a success the target's Body suffers a penalty of -1 until the end of the scene. This can be increased by various factors:
- If performed as a Limit Break, the penalty is increased by two.
- If the attack scores an Outcome matching the target's Body, the penalty is increased by two.
- If performed as a Finisher, the penalty is increased by two and the effect is a Curse - including any previous Frailty from this scene.
Basic Action
Make an opposed Impress roll to to paralyze an opponent. On a success the target is paralyzed on his next basic action. On an Outcome matching the target's Body he is paralyzed on his next three actions. Paralysis can carry over from round to round. A paralyzed target cannot take any action until the paralysis wears off. This prevent Trigger Actions, but Stances continue to work.
You take over the target's body. He becomes a passenger in his own body, barely even aware of what happens. You take on the body and appearance of the target. Initially, use the physical attributes Body and Reflexes of the host body, but these attributes revert to your usual values if the possession continues at the end of the story. The basic appearance (modified by attribute changes), gender, and age of the host remains. If you have Soul Bind or Soul Transfer you can include the use of either of those as a part of a single Finisher.
Soul Bind
Binds the soul of the target to you - either directly to your own soul or to a specially prepared receptacle. A creature whose soul has been bound like this cannot be resurrected, communed with, turned into an undead, or otherwise interacted with. If the target was alive when soul bound, the body remains alive but is inanimate and needs to be cared for or it will die of hunger and thirst. Such an empty body is also extremely vulnerable to possession. The bound soul can be traded, communicated with, or used to possess a soulless body.
Breaking the receptacle or dispelling the power frees the soul. If the creature's body is still alive, the soul goes back there. Otherwise it merely dies.
Summon Undead
Basic Action
You can seize a creature whose True Name you know through time and space and bring it into your presence. The creature must be in another dimension or juncture, and not currently summoned, imprisoned or otherwise occupied. You can summon one Henchman or a number of Minions of the same type equal to your Mind. It takes an Impress roll against the creature's Dodge or Impress to summon. The creature immediately makes an initiative check to see when it will next act, but this cannot be earlier than the shot in which it is summoned. In future rounds, the creature has its own initiative score. You can also use this power again on a creature (or group of unnamed creatures) you have summoned along with an Impress roll against the creature's Dodge or Impress, in order to extend your control over it until the end of the following round. During combat, you must succeed at this action each round or the creature will break free, but you can try repeatedly in each round. Out of combat, you only need to roll every scene, but any failed roll means you lose control of the creature. While a creature is under your control, you can order it to return to its home plane at any time. A creature that breaks free of control can choose to return on its own. Summoned creatures can also be Dispelled. You can also use this power to take control of a summoned creature did not summon yourself whose True Name you know. This requires an Impress roll against the creature's Dodge or Impress or against its summoner's Impress if he is present.
A creature cannot be ordered to perform deeds alien to its nature; an air elemental cannot be summoned into solid earth or water, an Epitome cannot act against its spiritual inclination, and so on. Summoned creatures can perceive your aura as you summon them. Their initial attitude depends on your reputation among this kind of creature and whether you have an allegiance or pact with them. In case of extreme misalignment, you may not even be able to summon them at all.
When you lose control of a summoned creature it usually returns home shortly; the creature knows anyone who knows its true name can seize control of it as noted above. But the creature might choose to remain on your plane indefinitely to act out its inclination. In order to acquire lengthy services you must bargain with the creature, or use a Power Experiment or other means to acquire its services. If you bargain a creature into a formal pact, it is considered controlled for as long as the conditions of the pact are met and cannot break the contract or return to its home until the pact expires.
This power only works on Undead.
Basic Action
Make an opposed Impress roll to cause terror in each enemy in a diameter equal to your Mind. On a success the target is terrorized on his next basic action. On an Outcome matching the target's Mind he is terrorized for the rest of the round.
A terrorized target who can see you must back as far away from you as possible, using his Move before taking each basic action, spending the movement portion of the basic action to do so. He cannot move closer to you under his own volition. He can otherwise act normally.
This only affects mortal creatures; Animals and Folk.
Summon Force
Force Bonds
Basic Action
You conjure bands of pure force and use them to restrain a creature. Make an Impress check against the target's Dodge. On a success the target is partially bound and suffers one of the penalties noted below. On an Outcome matching the target's Reflexes he is more severely bound and suffers three of the conditions, or you can apply one restriction of your choice. Roll 1d6 for a random restraint, adding +1 for each previous restraint.
Physical restraint in Action does not completely prevent a hero from action, they impose handicaps to be overcome.
- Gagging prevents mundane speech. Stymies all Charm and Impress checks.
- Handcuffing is when your hands are tied in front of you, but not so tightly as to make them completely unusable; you can still use one hand effectively, such as using weapons or tools of Small size or smaller.
- Hobbling indicates restrained legs, but not fixed to each other. It means you cannot move as part of a normal Basic Action, and can only move your normal move when you do a Full Move action or otherwise do an action that grants extra movement..
- Immobilized, stuck to something, alternatively on a short leash which prevents movement beyond one or two meters. If you are stuck to a creature whose Body is greater than yours, you are forced along as it moves, otherwise you are both immobilized unless you two cooperate.
- Bound Legs you fall prone and cannot stand unsupported, which prevents and hinders many actions as determined by the situation and stunt description. Your Move is reduced to 1. Swimming and flying creatures are entangled, with similar effects.
- Bound Arms prevent most physical manipulation and the use of weapons and implements. You can still use tackles and head butts for (Body +0) damage or a Tiny Ranged Weapon, but limited to Close range.
- Blinded restricts your awareness, giving you only a rough estimate of objects and creatures in a diameter equal to your Mind; you are insensitive to things beyond this range. Everyone has enough concealment to Sneak on you, and against creatures beyond your perception range, you have to use Reflexes rather than Recon for defense against Recon stunts.
- (or more) Hogtie A hogtied character cannot act physically and can only move one meter as a standard action; no movement is otherwise allowed. This also prevents all Defense actions.
These restraints cannot be burst, but they can be dispelled, escaped with a Contortions stunt pitting Reflexes against your Impress. If your concentration is broken (typically a Setback) the force bonds disappear. If they take damage matching twice your Impress they disappear, but you can choose to take a Trigger Action to sustain the force bonds, exerting yourself to increase the limit to three times your Create for the current shot. Weapons larger and more unwieldy than a dagger take an attack penalty equal to their damage add when attacking force bonds.
Someone held in Force Bonds cannot teleport.
Force Cage
Limit Break
You create a cage to imprison a creature in an immobile cage of power. The cage is transparent and permits conversation. No powers or attacks can bypass it but it can be destroyed. If it takes damage matching twice your Impress it disappears, but you can choose to take a Trigger Action to sustain the force cage, exerting yourself to increase the limit to three times your Impress for the current shot. It can be broken with a Feat of Strength by Body matching your Impress. If your concentration is broken (typically a Setback) the force cage disappears.
You must make an Impress attack against the creature's Dodge to imprison a creature. Creatures can be summoned to appear inside the cage; this is automatically successful. The cage can be used to protect allies, objects, and bystanders as well as imprison foes. It can also protect against extremes of weather and environment.
Force Prison
You create a cage to imprison a creature in an mobile cage of power, slightly larger than the creature. The effect is similar to Force Cage except that it is a Curse, invulnerable to brute force, and that you can move the prison with a Move equal to your Mind as a Basic Action. The creature inside does not need to consume or excrete anything.
Basic Action or Finisher
Make an opposed Impress roll, on a success the target's Move suffers a penalty of -1 until the end of the scene. This can be increased by various factors.
- If the attack scores an Outcome matching the target's Move, the penalty is increased by two.
- If performed as a Finisher, the penalty is increased by two and the effect is a Curse - including any previous Slow results.
The target also loses as many shots as the penalty, with a minimum of three shots lost.
Summon Life
Blood Ban
This Curse forbids the target from doing something. This must be a ban against a specific action, and precise and limited in scope. Acceptable examples include "do not reveal secrets of the Order of the Raven" or "Do not enter the town of Tadia". Open-ended or unclear bans, like "remain loyal to me" fail. The victim is aware of the ban and is warned when he is about to break it. There are no conditions or exceptions to the ban; even if the target is tricked or forced to break it, the ban activates. This does not end the curse; if the target survives or revives the Blood Ban is still there.
When the blood ban triggers, the target takes a Mortal Wound. For healing purposes, the damage value is considered equal to your Impress. You can chose to make the punishment a Finisher you (or an assistant) uses when placing the Blood Ban instead of simply trying to kill the target.
Cause Pain
Basic Action
Make an opposed Impress roll, on a success the target takes a Hit due to pain. If the Impress roll scores an Outcome matching the target's Body, it takes two Hits, but this is not considered a Damage Setback.
Crucible of Life
Limit Break
You can create artificial life, a chimera, an amalgam of physical and mental abilities from different creatures. You can only create physical, living creatures this way; Plants, Plant Elemental, Animal, or Folk. The sum of the creature's attributes can be no higher than your Impress; it is rare to see a chimera with much in the way of Mind. You can also create clones, physical duplicates of other creatures. This requires their True Name or a fresh blood sample. A creature created this way is barely alive; while it goes through the motions of life, it is a sterile automaton. It lacks motivation of its own, but will obey your orders without enthusiasm. To truly make the creature live takes Spark of Life. Of course, if all you want is a powerful bodyguard or servant, this is not needed, and Spark of Life actually lessens your control.
Basic Action or Finisher
Make an opposed Impress check to place retribution on a target. Whenever the target inflicts a Hit on a creature within 3 meters of the target, the target takes a Hit as well. As a Basic Action this lasts for the rest of the scene. As a Finisher, it is a Curse.
Spark of Life
Limit Break
This brings a spark of life to a dead matter. It can be used on someone who has been revived by Awaken the Dead as long as the body has been repaired enough that it is viable, and can also be used to give life to a body created with Fleshcraft or grown with Crucible of Life.
This is a highly dangerous power, and the creature brought to life often suffers from some defect. In other cases, the creator is overcome with revulsion for his new project. It is mostly included as a plot device. Also note that a creature awakened this way is not sentient; at best it can function on an animal level of intelligence unless it was sentient beforehand. Greater intelligence that that requires the Flower of Knowledge power.
Summon Mind
Bind Mind
Basic Action
This power only works on creatures whose True Name you know. Make an opposed Impress check. On a success the target obeys your orders for the rest of the round and the next. The creature acts strangely to anyone who knows it, and even stangers can realize it is acting wierd with a Sense Motive check against your Charm, not the victim's.
You can renew this control in combat. Out of combat, you only need to roll every 15 minutes, but a failed roll means control cannot be renewed
You give the target a set of instructions, that he must live up to or suffer dire consequences. These instructions can be complex, like a code of honor or dedication to a cause. They can also be simple and direct if preferred. When the target stretches or comes close to breaking your instructions, he will lose focus and motivation, and lose a Fortune point for each decision they take that moves them away from fulfilling the oath. When their Fortune runs out, or they willfully break your instructions, they instead suffer a Finisher of your choice - you must know Form of the Finisher he is to suffer, but need not know the exact power. Conditioning lasts until dispelled as a Curse. Note that the person under conditioning cannot himself strive to have it removed, or he will suffer from it's dire effects.
Curse of Idiocy
Basic Action or Finisher
Make an opposed Impress against a sentient creature. On a success the target suffers a dizzy spell and loses 3 shots. On an Outcome matching the target's Mind, he becomes almost mindless and unable to use powers. He suffers Power Loss and becomes Incommunicado for the rest of the scene. He still remembers his friends and enemies. As a Finisher this always causes the more severe effect and is a Curse.
Basic Action or Limit Break
You make the target lash out in blind rage. Roll an opposed Impress check, on a success the target must take a Basic Action to make an attack against a target of your choice. On an outcome matching the target's Mind you can continue to force him to do such attacks the next three times his shot comes up, until attacked by you or your friends, or an interaction Setback convinces him otherwise. The target still controls his own trigger actions, Fortune and so on. When performed as a Limit break, Enrage affects all enemies in an area with a diameter equal to your Mind.
Phantasmal Summons
Basic Action
You can seize a creature whose True Name you know and project it into the mind of an opponent. Once there, the creature will act as it normally would, but it exists only for you and the target; others cannot perceive it or interact with it unless they enter the mind of the target (such as by Mind Diving. To and to the target, it appears that the creature is physically present. To all others it is nonexistent, tough they can see the effects it has on you two.
This is a kind of possession and it can be dispelled or exorcised. Since the creature is in the same physical surroundings as the target, changing the physical surroundings can affect the creature. This includes all area attacks and at the GMs discretion might include stunts. . However, the phantasmal creature has Advantage against all interactions against those who cannot see it. These are the only ways creatures other than the target can interact with a phantasmal killer. Because the phantasmal killer exists for you, it is possible for it to affect you, either inadvertently with area attacks or intentionally.
Unlike a true summons, the creature to be summoned can be anywhere, unless it is already physically present. You can summon one named creature or a number of unnamed creatures of the same type equal to your Mind. Unnamed creatures have one True Name per type of creature; all unnamed imps share the same true Name. Essentially one true name equals one set of creature abilities. It takes an Impress roll against the highers of the creature's and target's Dodge or Impress to summon. You must repeat this summoning on each succeeding round, or the phantasmal summon disappears.
The creature immediately makes an initiative check to see when it will next act, but this cannot be earlier than the shot in which it is summoned. In future rounds, the creature has its own initiative score.
Summon Champion
Basic Action
You can seize a creature whose True Name you know through time and space and bring it into your presence. The creature must be in another dimension or juncture, and not currently summoned, imprisoned or otherwise occupied. You can summon one Henchman or a number of Minions of the same type equal to your Mind. It takes an Impress roll against the creature's Dodge or Impress to summon. The creature immediately makes an initiative check to see when it will next act, but this cannot be earlier than the shot in which it is summoned. In future rounds, the creature has its own initiative score. You can also use this power again on a creature (or group of unnamed creatures) you have summoned along with an Impress roll against the creature's Dodge or Impress, in order to extend your control over it until the end of the following round. During combat, you must succeed at this action each round or the creature will break free, but you can try repeatedly in each round. Out of combat, you only need to roll every scene, but any failed roll means you lose control of the creature. While a creature is under your control, you can order it to return to its home plane at any time. A creature that breaks free of control can choose to return on its own. Summoned creatures can also be Dispelled. You can also use this power to take control of a summoned creature did not summon yourself whose True Name you know. This requires an Impress roll against the creature's Dodge or Impress or against its summoner's Impress if he is present.
A creature cannot be ordered to perform deeds alien to its nature; an air elemental cannot be summoned into solid earth or water, an Epitome cannot act against its spiritual inclination, and so on. Summoned creatures can perceive your aura as you summon them. Their initial attitude depends on your reputation among this kind of creature and whether you have an allegiance or pact with them. In case of extreme misalignment, you may not even be able to summon them at all.
When you lose control of a summoned creature it usually returns home shortly; the creature knows anyone who knows its true name can seize control of it as noted above. But the creature might choose to remain on your plane indefinitely to act out its inclination. In order to acquire lengthy services you must bargain with the creature, or use a Power Experiment or other means to acquire its services. If you bargain a creature into a formal pact, it is considered controlled for as long as the conditions of the pact are met and cannot break the contract or return to its home until the pact expires.
This power only works on Folk on other planes of existence. As little is generally known about the Folk of other planes, it is very hard to find the required True Name. It is possible to blindly summon a champion from another plane using a Power Experiment. This often results in youthful potentials that then have to learn how to perform the needed role. Summoning Pact provides another way to use Summon Champion.
Summon Time
Basic Action or Finisher
Make an opposed Impress roll, on a success the target's Reflexes suffers a penalty of -1 until the end of the scene. This can be increased by various factors.
- If the attack scores an Outcome matching the target's Reflexes (before all modifications), the penalty is increased by two.
- If performed as a Finisher, the penalty is increased by two and the effect is a Curse - including any previous Slow results.
The target also loses as many shots as the penalty, with a minimum of three shots lost.
Alter Age
You alter a living target's age, making them older or younger without changing who they are. The GM decides which of the following age categories the target is. You subtract the modifiers given for that age from the target's age, then you add the modifiers for the age you make the target assume. If a certain age has a negative modifier, you do not lose that modifier when you change out of the category, but you gain the penalty when you change into that category. Certain ages also have disadvantages gained when you make someone into that age category.
Child Body -2, Kid limitation.
Youth Reflexes +2
Adult Body +2
Elderly Mind +2
Ancient Mind +2, Reflexes -2, Body -2, Elderly limitation.
People will generally not recognize someone whop has had his age altered, a Charm check against your Impress is needed to either see through the change for the target to convince someone who they are. Family and close friends get a hefty bonus on these checks. This is a Curse, but you can give it a fixed duration if desired.
Summon Time Elemental
Basic Action
You can seize a creature whose True Name you know through time and space and bring it into your presence. The creature must be in another dimension or juncture, and not currently summoned, imprisoned or otherwise occupied. You can summon one Henchman or a number of Minions of the same type equal to your Mind. It takes an Impress roll against the creature's Dodge or Impress to summon. The creature immediately makes an initiative check to see when it will next act, but this cannot be earlier than the shot in which it is summoned. In future rounds, the creature has its own initiative score. You can also use this power again on a creature (or group of unnamed creatures) you have summoned along with an Impress roll against the creature's Dodge or Impress, in order to extend your control over it until the end of the following round. During combat, you must succeed at this action each round or the creature will break free, but you can try repeatedly in each round. Out of combat, you only need to roll every scene, but any failed roll means you lose control of the creature. While a creature is under your control, you can order it to return to its home plane at any time. A creature that breaks free of control can choose to return on its own. Summoned creatures can also be Dispelled. You can also use this power to take control of a summoned creature did not summon yourself whose True Name you know. This requires an Impress roll against the creature's Dodge or Impress or against its summoner's Impress if he is present.
A creature cannot be ordered to perform deeds alien to its nature; an air elemental cannot be summoned into solid earth or water, an Epitome cannot act against its spiritual inclination, and so on. Summoned creatures can perceive your aura as you summon them. Their initial attitude depends on your reputation among this kind of creature and whether you have an allegiance or pact with them. In case of extreme misalignment, you may not even be able to summon them at all.
When you lose control of a summoned creature it usually returns home shortly; the creature knows anyone who knows its true name can seize control of it as noted above. But the creature might choose to remain on your plane indefinitely to act out its inclination. In order to acquire lengthy services you must bargain with the creature, or use a Power Experiment or other means to acquire its services. If you bargain a creature into a formal pact, it is considered controlled for as long as the conditions of the pact are met and cannot break the contract or return to its home until the pact expires.
This power only works on Time Elementals.
Time Prison
You wrest your target out of the time stream. This is a Curse. He now exists in a prison where no time passes. When freed, he returns at the same spot and in exactly the same condition he was in when he was imprisoned.
Time Trial
Limit Break
This effect is mostly for non-player characters to use on players. GMs are encouraged use this as a plot device; players can use it at the GMs whim, but it is generally much less interesting for them.
You wrest your target out of the time stream with a successful opposed Impress roll. He now exists in a pocket of time, a bubble with a diameter equal to your Mind in meters. He stays there until some set event causes the Time Cell to collapse, whereupon he is restored to the time stream.
Time Cells are not very stable, their existence are tied up to specific events or objects. You can prepare the cell in advance, putting a creature, maze, trap or similar inconvenience in the Time Cell. When this obstacle has been overcome, by force, guile or other appropriate means, the cell collapses and the target returns to the normal time stream.
If you use this power again, you can choose to create a new time cell, or put the target in an already existing cell. If two or more people are into the cell, it lasts until all conscious creatures in the cell agree to depart together.
The most common combat use of this effect is to place a monster or deathtrap in the time cell beforehand, then force your opponents into it. For players, this might be played out, but for NPCs it's usually made as an abstract roll. In general, it takes an opposed skill check against whatever skill you used to create the trick to open a time cell; each failed roll indicates one round of time is lost and the victim takes a hit. Out of an action scene, each roll instead takes an hour, but there is no Hit.
A time cell can also be used as a retreat for study, healing and other activities you don't want interrupted. Characters in a time cell do not need to eat or drink and never run out of air. Time passes at the same rate inside and outside the cell.
Summon Space
Dimensional Anchor
Basic Action
Make an opposed Impress roll to prevent the target from using teleport powers for the rest of the scene.
Planar Prison
Basic Action or Finisher
You try to send the target into a planar prison, a small plane that holds only the creatures you affected by this power. Make an opposed Impress check. On a success, the target loses 3 shots to resist imprisonment. On an Outcome matching the target's Reflexes, it is sent to the planar prison. While there, it can try to find a way out. As a Basic Action it can make a Ride check against your Impress to return to where it was. It can also use any planar travel abilities it has to exit the prison, but once it does so it loses the option to return outlined here. You can spend a Basic Action to communicate with an imprisoned creature, which can include any Basic Action covered by the Charm or Impress skills. If you use this as a Finisher, the target is unable to free themselves and must be freed by an outside agent.
Plane Shift
Limit Break
You teleport to a location on another plane where you have a bound Teleport Circle. If you lack such a bound circle, you can teleport to a plane you can identify uniquely. Planes of existence have unique identifiers such as runes, harmonic notes, hyper-spatial coordinates, IP addresses, or serial numbers. If you teleport to a plane known this way, you arrive at a random spot of open terrain, generally within 1d6 days travel of your true destination.
Summoning Pact
You bind with the target with a pact that allows you to summon it even if it is on the same plane you are. This is a Curse. When summoned, the creature is teleported to your location and arrives fully prepared and equipped, even if it was not so in the location it came from. The creature and all gear reappears where it originally was when the summoning ends. You can order the creature to fight for you, but you cannot order it to betray friends or divulge secrets. If the creature suffers a Damage Setback it immediately returns with zero remaining Hits but otherwise unharmed. This might break the Curse depending on story needs.
Teleport Pull
Basic Action
Succeed at an opposed Impress against the target to Teleport it to a location within a number of meters of you equal to your Impress check you where he can stand safely. You can choose to exchange places with the creature. You can use this power against friends under suitable circumstances. You can also use this to fetch objects you are strong enough to carry, but against objects carried on a creature this works like a Disarm stunt using your Impress skill, and even unattended objects near a creature can be defended using the Interpose stunt.
You can also do this over any distance (ignoring range and concealment) against a creature whose True Name you know.
Know Schticks and Powers
Adopted People
You have very good relations with a people or subculture other than your own, to the point that you are considered a native, as honorable as a worthy member of this people, accepted as one of their own. You speak their language fully and fluently and have overcome any prejudice, reverse prejudice, or xenophobia. You can generally
Basic Action
You are an experienced archeologist, able to explore and analyze ancient sites. You have an instinctive sense for the use of each item and location, can sense which pile of earth contains a treasure and which is just rubble, and where to look for secret doors, traps, and other fantastic remains. You also have a good grasp of history and can understand where your excavations fit in the grand scheme of things. Tasks related to archeology that would be Limit Breaks for others, such as Search and Research, are Basic Actions to you.
Art Appreciation
Limit Break
You understand a person or culture trough observing its art, reading developments in its history and sociology as well as making predictions about where it is headed. You can use art as if it was a reference work with Research, making deductions about any topic by studying art related to it.
You can use art to impress and create a mood for a setting; make an opposed Know roll to set the emotion for a scene. Make a single roll and compare it against each of your guest's Know skill to see who you can affect. Interaction rolls that go along with the emotion you set become Routine against someone so influenced.
You can evaluate and give insightful and charming commentary on art of all kinds. In a setting where art is prominent (exhibition, performance and so on) you can engage another in commentary on the art and make an opposed Know check. If you succeed, your Charm checks this scene are Routine .
If you fail an art appreciation check, you cannot try again this scene.
Limit Break
When you are speculating as to the best course of action or about the motivations of a given character, you can make an opposed Know roll against any opposing mastermind to have the GM tell straight out you whether your speculation is correct or incorrect. You must pose your question so that it can be answered very simply; yes, no, maybe, and irrelevant are typical GM responses. Deduction is not supernatural, the GM might refuse to answer if he thinks you have too little information to go on.
You can try to correlate what clues you have and test a theory of what really happened. As a player you must make a description of events as you think they are. The GM rolls your Know against the highest Know among the opposition. On a success, the GM gives a general assessment of your case, rating it as entirely false, mostly false, somewhat true, or mostly true. The GM may deem the clues you have to weak to try, weak (Stymied), strong, or complete (Confident).
Basic Action
You can Refute Action as a Basic Action. Commonly linked to the Bard's Tongue Limitation.
Trigger Action (Combo)
Young man, I must mention that the coolant conductors in the thermonuclear reactor are not really suitable for climbing; their structural integrity is just 346 over 9. If you must use this delicate piece of machinery for ascension, use the illumination ducts. Those are the green cables, not the yellow ones.
Define a field of study; it must be fairly narrow. You are the very best in your field of knowledge. Butterflies and ancient languages are both good examples of narrow fields of knowledge. Within this narrow field, you are an absolute expert. You are an established master of your field, and your words should weight much more heavily in the academic world than those of anyone else, but due to academic infighting this is usually not so.
You automatically succeed at any Knowledge checks in your field of expertise. If you can convince the game master that your area of expertise is applicable to an action you or an ally is taking, (fairly spoofy reasons are acceptable), you can spend a trigger action to make the check Routine.
This schtick also lets you design new schticks and powers. In genres where a type of designs are very important, such as air fighter or mecha campaigns, this schtick lets you to create new designs and to push the envelope on technology, tough this is of course a lot of work.
Note that this schtick is not limited to the humanities, but can also apply to technological and supernatural fields. Great scientist need at least a basic understanding of the humanities (the Know skill) as well.find solutions acceptable to either your own or your adopted people. Those outside of either of your two cultures react to you based on the culture they would most favor.
Find Weakness
Basic Action
You can Analyze Weakness as a Basic Action.
Focused Mind
When you make a Mental Push stunt, the Know roll is Confident.
Forensic Medicine
Limit Break
The not-so-glamorous skill of examining bodies (mainly of the dead) to determine their medical history. Most often used in grim settings to determinethe cause of death and to investigate murder.
If you take the time to perform an autopsy, you can automatically identify the source of death and tell a lot about the dead person's last hours - level of activity, things he ate, if any violence was made upon him, if he had sex, things like that.
Identifying strange and/or unknown things may require a Know roll, even a poor result will generally give you good clues while a good roll gives odd and disquieting insights into the patient's last hours. If some mastermind is behind the event, this is an opposed Know roll.
Limit Break
You are a forensics expert, able to analyze clues and physical remains and create a coherent image of what happened at a scene you are investigating and clues to what kind of people were involved. As more information is added from witnesses and technical reports, you can flesh out your image of what happened. If some mastermind is behind the event, this is an opposed Know roll.
You can put all of this down into reports that other investigators can read and understand, and you can quickly skim such reports to find similar cases which can offer additional insights.
Limit Break
You are at home in all cultures, able to understand and adopt to strange manners and customs. Negate any penalties on Charm or Impress rolls related to alien cultures. You know the common languages of your world. Add your Charm to the number of Languages you can learn. You have an amazing ability to piece together bits of other languages, sign language and other means of communication. As a limit Break you can learn to communicate in any one unknown language. At first, this will be at a pidgin level, it takes you a few weeks to become fluent. If you use this ability to learn more Languages than allowed, you need to trim the list down at the end of the Story. You might have to use this schtick again (another Limit Break) to understand arcane subjects, archaic versions, or dialects of the same language.
Logical Detachment
You are not easily swayed by emotional arguments. You can use your Know skill in place of both the Charm and Impress skills when defending against stunts; any stunt having one of these skills as a difficulty lets you use Know instead. However, you become sensitive to reasoning and logical arguments; other people can use their Know skill in lieu of the Charm and Impress skills when interacting with you. You can also end up with a knife in your guts if you don't respond appropriately to intimidation; unlike normal interaction skill your learned arguments in no way impress those who fail to sway you. Logical detachment does not work against Spurious Logic.
Basic Action
You have a knack for finding the wrinkles and exceptions in formal sets of rules, be it a computer program, the the directive of the metropolitan police, an infernal contract, or a code of honor. Against people and organizations that have a formal code that you know of, you can cause them to hesitate with an opposed Know roll. A successful stunt reduces the opponent's shot counter by three. If the Outcome matches your opponent's Mind they suffer a Setback, often making it impossible for them to achieve their objective honorably.
Material Link
Limit Break
By investigating a place were a creature bled, slept, or performed some significant activity, you can secure a sample of their blood, hair or other tissue sufficient to give you a clue to their True Name (a DNA sample in technological settings), or at least secure an advantage against them.
Make a Know check against their Recon, on a success you gain an Advantage against them that lasts until used or to the end of the session. On an Outcome matching their Reflexes you learn their True Name.
Basic Action
You can administer medical procedures and generally function as a qualified doctor. You can save lives and help natural recovery. This can be used to do First Aid as a Routine action. You can also substitute the patient's Body with your Know skill, for as long as the patient remains still. This can soak damage and help fight infections, poison, pathogens, and other dangers. You can use this as a prophylactic, but must know what specific problem you are preventing.
Basic Action/Limit Break
You know and can administer poisons. When applied to a weapon doing Cutting or Piercing damage, a poison does Infection or Neurotoxin Dual Damage.
When used in food or as a contact poison, you must first apply the poison (which might be as stunt on some other skill) and close observers get an opposed Know to discover the poison at the last minute. If the poisoning is successful, you do Infection or Neurotoxin damage equal to your Know.
You can also use this schtick as a Limit Break to design pathogens that affect specific types of creatures, such as insects, mammals, plants, or alien life forms. This requires a blood sample and a Know check against a difficulty depending on your knowledge of these creatures' biology. 12 for everyday creatures, 15 for creatures from an unfamiliar environment like deeps sea or another known planet, and even higher for entirely new forms of life. You need to use this to affect strange creatures at all, and it is also useful to create specific patogens that only affect select targets, for avoiding friendly fire and such.
Popper the Bubble
Basic Action
You can Refute Action as a Basic Action.
Power Domination
Trigger Action
You must use Power Suppression (a Know stunt) on your victim before you can use this schtick. As long as your victim remains power suppressed you can turn on and off his powers at will. This is a Trigger Action you can use anytime, and specifically when he is about to use a power. If you do not change Power Domination his powers remain as they were, either suppressed or not.
Limit Break, One attempt per scene
A method of suspect identification which seeks to identify a person's mental, emotional, and personality characteristics. You can analyze the habits and behavioral patterns and find common traits. This lets you construct a profile from very flimsy information; you can make educated guesses about someone's personality, abilities and motivations just by analyzing clues. You do this by analyzing evidence left at a scene where the person you are seeking has been active. You do not need to know who you are looking for, looking instead for the perpetrator of a crime or the instigator of an event.
You can use this once per appearance of the person sough; this is usually one scene in the game. Make a Know roll against the target's highest skill value. On a success, you gain a limited insight about the target; the GM can hand out appropriate clues and people using your profile to investigate the case get a bonus equal to your Insight. You also get a cumulative +3 bonus on later profiling attempts. On an Outcome matching the target's Mind you get a complete profile; if the target is on file you can identify him, and you know his basic personality, skill set, and motivation.
It is possible for the target to interact with you through clues intentionally left for you to find, using normal interaction rules.
You work with people to modify their mental state; to either cure or create psychological disorders. This requires a cooperative or restrained patient. Such disorders are generally considered Curses, and you can work with any purely mental or behavior-related curse. You can also substitute the patients Mind attribute with your Know skill while under your direct care; this can help against mental trials and assaults.
Sense Lineage
Basic Action and Inherent
You know a lot about lineage and tradition, and you know all the great families. You can use this to roll Know against Charm to tell that persons social standing, family and lineage if it is at all noteworthy. You can only use this once per session against a particular person. A person with Blue Blood is positively radiant to you; you automatically succeed against them. In cases where others try to fool you concerning their lineage or social status, you can use your Know as both the difficulty of the stunt and as your Mind for resisting a Setback.
Speed Reader
Basic Action
You can read at incredible speeds, reading and digesting text much faster than a normal person. You can do Research as a basic action as long as you are checking one particular book.
When doing research in a library, Know rolls are Routine.
Limit Break
You can heal wounds and remove physiological afflictions through surgery. This is powerful in that it can actually remove a physiological Curse. Normally, this requires a complete surgical crew, specialized equipment and so on. In Action, you often have to work under much more primitive circumstances.
After successful surgery, the patient has zero Hits and will need some bed rest, but is cured of physiological ailments. The GM is the final arbiter of whether Surgery can help but is encouraged to be generous; vampirism or a transformation into a mermaid is probably curable, especially in its early stages. Being turned into stone, ghost, or parrot might not be reversible this way, depending on the technology you have access to.
The difficulty of Surgery is the damage value of the attack that caused the damage or the skill value of who or whatever caused the problem. If the surgery is performed with adequate tools and assistance, the roll is Routine, and assistants can also assist.
Limit Break
Inflicting pain on others as punishment or to induce cooperation, most commonly to extract information. Torture can be of many kinds, but this schtick is focused on physical torture. The victim must be unable to resist and you must have means of inflicting pain. Each attempt inflicts a [[Hit (Action]|Hit]] on the target. Mage a Know check against the victim's Body + Mind. On a success, the target loses a Fortune point. On an Outcome matching the target's Mind, he loses 2 Fortune points. If the victim has no Fortune remaining, torture is successful and the target cooperates, at least until the end of the scene and potentially longer, as determined by the GM. Extracting information through torture is unreliable, as the victim is likely to say whatever he feels the torturer wants him to say, true or not. For each piece of information make a Mind check against the patient's Body or Mind, on a failure the information is corrupted by your expectations. It is possible to do torture without this schtick, use your Mind instead of Know.
Total Recall
Limit Break
You have perfect recall; years afterwards, you can call up the precise words of a conversation or recall details of a room seen only at a glance. This allows you to analyze as scene from memory as though you were actually present there now. You can retroactively notice things you didn't think of looking for when you were actually there, which in turn might give more information from Know or other skills. The game master can play up a small flashback from the time you learned the information recalled, which will often give some additional insight into your problem or your character's background.
The Limit Break refers to the act of remembering, it is not something you have to do to record the memory in the first place.
Know gives a deeper understanding of powers and allows you to manipulate them. Many Know powers deal with dispeling, destroying, or changing other powers of the same form. Others protect or increase your resistance. Yet others analyze or manipulate other powers.
Dispel Air
Calm Air
Limit Break
Age of Effect |
Minimum Difficulty |
Three days | 12 |
One Month | 14 |
One year | 16 |
A decade | 18 |
A century | 20 |
A millennium | 22 |
Ten millennia | 24 |
You can end the effects of other powers. You can only dispel powers you know of (though a vague description, such as "whatever is making Bert turn green" is ok). You can try to dispel a single Finisher, Limit Break, or any power that has been in effect for a week or more, or you can try to dispel all powers except those mentioned above on one creature or in an area with a diameter equal to your Mind. When dispelling several powers at once, you can choose to ignore some of them as long as you know of each power you want to make an exception for.
A power that has been dispelled cannot be used again by that creature in this scene, and another creature that tries to use the same power in the same general area must match your Know with the stunt the power is used with, or it fails.
This will not negate a Curse, but will tell you how to defeat the curse if the roll is successful.
Inherent powers cannot be dispelled.
The difficulty is the skill of the most skilled creature involved in making the effect. Effects that have been around a long time are harder to dispel: see the table. Use the highest relevant difficulty.
You can dispel any power of the Air form or which otherwise affects an Air Elemental, air or a gas.
Stall Flight
Basic Action
You remove a creature's ability to fly with a Know vs. Maneuver check. The target will fall quickly but harmlessly to the ground if hit by this power, and cannot achieve flight again for the rest of the scene or until Stall Flight is dispelled.
Dispel Earth
Knowledge Stone
Limit Break
You imbue a stone with the ability to sense and store information. You need a man-size chunk of stone, a fist-sized rock crystal, or a tiny gem to enchant it this way. To interact with a knowledge stone requires concentration, even when just communicating. To someone passing by or ignoring it, a knowledge stone is inert. An knowledge stone can be set to twinkle or buzz to attract attention.
There are four ways to use a knowledge stone. The first is as a recording device useful as a camera or for spying. By leaving a knowledge stone in a location and instructing it to record, you can later return or retrieve the stone to watch what happened in its vicinity. Second, you can set it as a display, showing a message to anyone. The third is as an information storage device; recording and retrieving information like a a journal or library would. The fourth is as a communication device; by attuning (a separate Limit Break when holding two Knowledge Stones) it becomes possible to communicate verbally and visually.
Peace on Earth
Limit Break
Age of Effect |
Minimum Difficulty |
Three days | 12 |
One Month | 14 |
One year | 16 |
A decade | 18 |
A century | 20 |
A millennium | 22 |
Ten millennia | 24 |
You can end the effects of other powers. You can only dispel powers you know of (though a vague description, such as "whatever is making Bert turn green" is ok). You can try to dispel a single Finisher, Limit Break, or any power that has been in effect for a week or more, or you can try to dispel all powers except those mentioned above on one creature or in an area with a diameter equal to your Mind. When dispelling several powers at once, you can choose to ignore some of them as long as you know of each power you want to make an exception for.
A power that has been dispelled cannot be used again by that creature in this scene, and another creature that tries to use the same power in the same general area must match your Know with the stunt the power is used with, or it fails.
This will not negate a Curse, but will tell you how to defeat the curse if the roll is successful.
Inherent powers cannot be dispelled.
The difficulty is the skill of the most skilled creature involved in making the effect. Effects that have been around a long time are harder to dispel: see the table. Use the highest relevant difficulty.
You can dispel any power of the Earth form or which otherwise affects solid objects (not creatures) or an earth elemental creature.
Stone Stance
Limit break
Select one stance when you use this power. That stance remains active for you until the next time you use this power, with no shot cost at the start of an action scene.
This is a meta-power that affects other powers. In some campaign worlds there is a strong Origin Divide among different origins. Check with your GM regarding your campaign. Origins that are opposed cannot cannot be modified by meta-powers; it is as if powers from the opposing origin was actually a schtick rather than a power.
Visions of Stone
Limit Break
You protect a location floored or enclosed in stone with a radius up to your Know in meters. Anyone trying to detect or remotely sense the area gets only a vision of the stone in the area unless they score an Outcome on their skill roll matching your Know.
The effect is permanent.
Dispel Fire
Basic Action
You inflict one Hit and remove the effect of a Damage Setback from a touched creature. The difficulty is the damage value of the attack that caused the setback.
Dispel Fire
Limit Break
Age of Effect |
Minimum Difficulty |
Three days | 12 |
One Month | 14 |
One year | 16 |
A decade | 18 |
A century | 20 |
A millennium | 22 |
Ten millennia | 24 |
You can end the effects of other powers. You can only dispel powers you know of (though a vague description, such as "whatever is making Bert turn green" is ok). You can try to dispel a single Finisher, Limit Break, or any power that has been in effect for a week or more, or you can try to dispel all powers except those mentioned above on one creature or in an area with a diameter equal to your Mind. When dispelling several powers at once, you can choose to ignore some of them as long as you know of each power you want to make an exception for.
A power that has been dispelled cannot be used again by that creature in this scene, and another creature that tries to use the same power in the same general area must match your Know with the stunt the power is used with, or it fails.
This will not negate a Curse, but will tell you how to defeat the curse if the roll is successful.
Inherent powers cannot be dispelled.
The difficulty is the skill of the most skilled creature involved in making the effect. Effects that have been around a long time are harder to dispel: see the table. Use the highest relevant difficulty.
You can dispel any power of the Fire form or which otherwise affects fire or fire elementals.
Basic Action
You singe an area, removing physical and magical taint in an area with a diameter qual to your Mind in meters. Objects in the area are made clean, safe to handle, free of odor, and will not carry poison or be infected with disease. The power also removes any lingering auras in the area, making it impossible to use it as a magical link to someone or to see if any magic has been performed there. Objects in the area are no longer considered personal belongings or body parts of anyone. Objects carried or worn by creatures in the area are not affected, nor are objects in secure containers. You can focus the effect on a specific willing or helpless creature instead of an area, affecting everything worn or carried by this creature.
This power cannot remove any power effect that is currently operating. Functionality is not affected; if the creature, object, or area is supposed to be dangerous, such as a trap, it is not rendered harmless.
Trial by Fire
Basic Action
You need a former body part or piece of excrement from the creature to be analyzed. Make an opposed Know roll. On a success, you learn of any special vulnerabilities or resistances the creature has to different forms of attack, including such things as not being able to regenerate damage of a specific type. You find one type of resistance or vulnerability, plus one more for every 2 points of Outcome. On an Outcome matching the creature's Body you learn all its vulnerabilities and resistances.
Dispel Water
Calm Seas
Limit Break
Age of Effect |
Minimum Difficulty |
Three days | 12 |
One Month | 14 |
One year | 16 |
A decade | 18 |
A century | 20 |
A millennium | 22 |
Ten millennia | 24 |
You can end the effects of other powers. You can only dispel powers you know of (though a vague description, such as "whatever is making Bert turn green" is ok). You can try to dispel a single Finisher, Limit Break, or any power that has been in effect for a week or more, or you can try to dispel all powers except those mentioned above on one creature or in an area with a diameter equal to your Mind. When dispelling several powers at once, you can choose to ignore some of them as long as you know of each power you want to make an exception for.
A power that has been dispelled cannot be used again by that creature in this scene, and another creature that tries to use the same power in the same general area must match your Know with the stunt the power is used with, or it fails.
This will not negate a Curse, but will tell you how to defeat the curse if the roll is successful.
Inherent powers cannot be dispelled.
The difficulty is the skill of the most skilled creature involved in making the effect. Effects that have been around a long time are harder to dispel: see the table. Use the highest relevant difficulty.
You can momentarily calm waves, currents, and other violent water action. The difficulty is the strength of the water in action (measured as Body. You can also dispel any power of the Water form, any power affecting a water elemental or aquatic creature, or which affects liquids.
Fluid Speech
You understand any spoken language, including recordings.
Dispel Animal
Animal Dispel
Limit Break
Age of Effect |
Minimum Difficulty |
Three days | 12 |
One Month | 14 |
One year | 16 |
A decade | 18 |
A century | 20 |
A millennium | 22 |
Ten millennia | 24 |
You can end the effects of other powers. You can only dispel powers you know of (though a vague description, such as "whatever is making Bert turn green" is ok). You can try to dispel a single Finisher, Limit Break, or any power that has been in effect for a week or more, or you can try to dispel all powers except those mentioned above on one creature or in an area with a diameter equal to your Mind. When dispelling several powers at once, you can choose to ignore some of them as long as you know of each power you want to make an exception for.
A power that has been dispelled cannot be used again by that creature in this scene, and another creature that tries to use the same power in the same general area must match your Know with the stunt the power is used with, or it fails.
This will not negate a Curse, but will tell you how to defeat the curse if the roll is successful.
Inherent powers cannot be dispelled.
The difficulty is the skill of the most skilled creature involved in making the effect. Effects that have been around a long time are harder to dispel: see the table. Use the highest relevant difficulty.
You can dispel any power of the Animal form or which otherwise affects an Animal.
Analyze Animal
Basic Action
You can analyze the abilities and attributes of any animal within reach, even if the animal is inside a cage or otherwise separated from you. You learn the exact attributes, skills and schticks of the animal and whether it has been affected by any powers recently.
Dispel Plant
Analyze Plant
Basic Action
You can analyze the abilities and attributes of any plant within reach, even if it is inside a container or otherwise separated from you. You learn the exact attributes, skills and schticks of plant creatures or the traits of plants and items made from former plants. You also learn and whether it has been affected by any powers recently.
Dispel Plant
Limit Break
Age of Effect |
Minimum Difficulty |
Three days | 12 |
One Month | 14 |
One year | 16 |
A decade | 18 |
A century | 20 |
A millennium | 22 |
Ten millennia | 24 |
You can end the effects of other powers. You can only dispel powers you know of (though a vague description, such as "whatever is making Bert turn green" is ok). You can try to dispel a single Finisher, Limit Break, or any power that has been in effect for a week or more, or you can try to dispel all powers except those mentioned above on one creature or in an area with a diameter equal to your Mind. When dispelling several powers at once, you can choose to ignore some of them as long as you know of each power you want to make an exception for.
A power that has been dispelled cannot be used again by that creature in this scene, and another creature that tries to use the same power in the same general area must match your Know with the stunt the power is used with, or it fails.
This will not negate a Curse, but will tell you how to defeat the curse if the roll is successful.
Inherent powers cannot be dispelled.
The difficulty is the skill of the most skilled creature involved in making the effect. Effects that have been around a long time are harder to dispel: see the table. Use the highest relevant difficulty.
You can dispel any power of the Plant form or which otherwise affects a plant, Plant Elemental, or overgrown area.
Gaia's Gift
Limit Break
If you touch the ground when using this power, you heal three hits.
Limit Break
You can gather and use herbs for medicinal purposes. You are always assumed to keep an eye out for such herbs and refresh your supply; the power details how to use them. You can substitute the patient's Body with your Know skill. This can soak damage and help fight infections, poison, pathogens, and other dangers. You can use this as a prophylactic, but must know what specific problem you are preventing. The effect lasts for a scene. Herbalism also applies to poisons. When used in food or as a contact poison, you must first apply the poison (which might be as stunt on some other skill) and the target gets an opposed Know to discover the poison at the last minute. If the poisoning is successful, you do Infection or Neurotoxin damage equal to your Know.
Dispel Metal
Dispel Metal
Limit Break
Age of Effect |
Minimum Difficulty |
Three days | 12 |
One Month | 14 |
One year | 16 |
A decade | 18 |
A century | 20 |
A millennium | 22 |
Ten millennia | 24 |
You can end the effects of other powers. You can only dispel powers you know of (though a vague description, such as "whatever is making Bert turn green" is ok). You can try to dispel a single Finisher, Limit Break, or any power that has been in effect for a week or more, or you can try to dispel all powers except those mentioned above on one creature or in an area with a diameter equal to your Mind. When dispelling several powers at once, you can choose to ignore some of them as long as you know of each power you want to make an exception for.
A power that has been dispelled cannot be used again by that creature in this scene, and another creature that tries to use the same power in the same general area must match your Know with the stunt the power is used with, or it fails.
This will not negate a Curse, but will tell you how to defeat the curse if the roll is successful.
Inherent powers cannot be dispelled.
The difficulty is the skill of the most skilled creature involved in making the effect. Effects that have been around a long time are harder to dispel: see the table. Use the highest relevant difficulty.
You can dispel any power of the Metal form, a metal elemental or a metal object.
Limit Break
Dowsing involves the use of a dowsing fork or pendulum to locate something that is sought. You must have a clear image of what you seek. It can be either a specific item that a participant in the ritual has seen, or a general substance such as water or gold, in which case it detects the largest store of such material in range that was previously unknown to you. You can choose to set a maximum range not to be exceeded in order to limit the detection to a certain area.
Basic Action
You can cause a ferrous item or creature to rust. This weakens the object or creature. Make a Know check against the Dodge or Body of the target, a creature or object. On a success, you reduce the Body of a target with a metal body by two or lower all derived values such as damage or Toughness bonus of the target's metal equipment.
Dispel Ice
Analyze Ice
Basic Action
You can analyze the properties of ice and snow. You learn the exact composition and properties of the object and whether it has been affected by any powers recently. You can analyze the properties of ice and snow. You learn the exact composition and properties of the object and whether it has been affected by any powers recently.
Dispel Ice
Limit Break
Age of Effect |
Minimum Difficulty |
Three days | 12 |
One Month | 14 |
One year | 16 |
A decade | 18 |
A century | 20 |
A millennium | 22 |
Ten millennia | 24 |
You can end the effects of other powers. You can only dispel powers you know of (though a vague description, such as "whatever is making Bert turn green" is ok). You can try to dispel a single Finisher, Limit Break, or any power that has been in effect for a week or more, or you can try to dispel all powers except those mentioned above on one creature or in an area with a diameter equal to your Mind. When dispelling several powers at once, you can choose to ignore some of them as long as you know of each power you want to make an exception for.
A power that has been dispelled cannot be used again by that creature in this scene, and another creature that tries to use the same power in the same general area must match your Know with the stunt the power is used with, or it fails.
This will not negate a Curse, but will tell you how to defeat the curse if the roll is successful.
Inherent powers cannot be dispelled.
The difficulty is the skill of the most skilled creature involved in making the effect. Effects that have been around a long time are harder to dispel: see the table. Use the highest relevant difficulty.
You can dispel any power of the Ice form or which otherwise affects ice elementals, ice, or snow.
Dispel Illusion
Dispel Illusion
Limit Break
Age of Effect |
Minimum Difficulty |
Three days | 12 |
One Month | 14 |
One year | 16 |
A decade | 18 |
A century | 20 |
A millennium | 22 |
Ten millennia | 24 |
You can end the effects of other powers. You can only dispel powers you know of (though a vague description, such as "whatever is making Bert turn green" is ok). You can try to dispel a single Finisher, Limit Break, or any power that has been in effect for a week or more, or you can try to dispel all powers except those mentioned above on one creature or in an area with a diameter equal to your Mind. When dispelling several powers at once, you can choose to ignore some of them as long as you know of each power you want to make an exception for.
A power that has been dispelled cannot be used again by that creature in this scene, and another creature that tries to use the same power in the same general area must match your Know with the stunt the power is used with, or it fails.
This will not negate a Curse, but will tell you how to defeat the curse if the roll is successful.
Inherent powers cannot be dispelled.
The difficulty is the skill of the most skilled creature involved in making the effect. Effects that have been around a long time are harder to dispel: see the table. Use the highest relevant difficulty.
You can dispel any power of the Illusion form, mirages, echoes, and effects that affects specres.
False Vision
Basic Action
You create an illusion that is applicable only against scrying and detection powers. Anyone trying to detect or remotely sense the area gets results based on the scene you have created unless they score an Outcome on their skill roll matching your Know.
The effect lasts for a scene. Using this power continuously is rather easy as long as the scene remains static, but when traveling or otherwise in a rapidly changing environment it becomes much harder.
Dispel Dark
Analyze Darkness
Basic Action
You can sense the presence of shadow or darkness at a distance. Make a skill roll and multiply the result by 10; this is the range in meters. You can concentrate upon a specific form of darkness (a shadow, a dark room) and sense only that if you like. You can use this to find dark hollow spaces such as secret rooms or containers, using Know instead of Create. You can identify magical effects based on the Darkness form or that affects a creature of darkness. You can sense darkness in a creature. You can sense if a creature is overcome by negative emotions, what emotion, and what it is directed against.
Dark Dispel
Limit Break
Age of Effect |
Minimum Difficulty |
Three days | 12 |
One Month | 14 |
One year | 16 |
A decade | 18 |
A century | 20 |
A millennium | 22 |
Ten millennia | 24 |
You can end the effects of other powers. You can only dispel powers you know of (though a vague description, such as "whatever is making Bert turn green" is ok). You can try to dispel a single Finisher, Limit Break, or any power that has been in effect for a week or more, or you can try to dispel all powers except those mentioned above on one creature or in an area with a diameter equal to your Mind. When dispelling several powers at once, you can choose to ignore some of them as long as you know of each power you want to make an exception for.
A power that has been dispelled cannot be used again by that creature in this scene, and another creature that tries to use the same power in the same general area must match your Know with the stunt the power is used with, or it fails.
This will not negate a Curse, but will tell you how to defeat the curse if the roll is successful.
Inherent powers cannot be dispelled.
The difficulty is the skill of the most skilled creature involved in making the effect. Effects that have been around a long time are harder to dispel: see the table. Use the highest relevant difficulty.
You can dispel any power of the Darkness form or which affects an area of darkness or a devil. Likewise, you can overwhelm powers of the Light form.
Purge Evidence
Basic Action
You clean an area and all objects therein, removing any lingering auras in the area, making it impossible to use it as a magical link to someone or to see if any magic has been performed there. Objects in the area are no longer considered personal belongings or body parts of anyone. Objects carried or worn by creatures in the area are not affected, nor are objects in secure containers. You can focus the effect on a specific willing or helpless creature instead of an area, affecting everything worn or carried by this creature - tough such objects will gain an new aura pretty soon. This power cannot remove any power effect that is currently operating. Ill intent is not affected; if the creature, object, or area is supposed to be dangerous, such as a poison trap, it is not rendered harmless.
Visions of Darkness
Basic Action
You create an illusion that is applicable only against scrying and detection powers. Anyone trying to detect or remotely sense the area gets results based on a very pessimistic version of reality, with dark events and disasters, unless they score an Outcome on their skill roll matching your Know. The effect lasts for a scene. Using this power continuously is rather easy. A target that fails to match your Know with their skill check for the power they are using gradually fall into your net. You gain a long-lasting Advantage against them, usable only for this power. If they fail with a margin equal to their Mind, this power grips them permanently. You are aware of when they use scrying and detection powers, and can use this power against them anytime they do so. This is a Curse.
Dispel Flux
Control Randomness
Trigger Action (Combo)
When you witness something with a large amount of inherent randomness, such as many Flux powers, you get to pick the result. This does not apply to the regular dice roll to determine the success of an action, only to special random results of actions like Chaos Blast. You can also control the result of other actions with entirely random random results, such as the flip of a coin. The power of a Finisher is too great for you to affect this way.
Using this power repeatedly becomes harder and harder; make a Know roll with a difficulty equal to the number of times you have tried to use this power this session. On a failure, you suffer a Setback.
Dispel Flux
Limit Break
Age of Effect |
Minimum Difficulty |
Three days | 12 |
One Month | 14 |
One year | 16 |
A decade | 18 |
A century | 20 |
A millennium | 22 |
Ten millennia | 24 |
You can end the effects of other powers. You can only dispel powers you know of (though a vague description, such as "whatever is making Bert turn green" is ok). You can try to dispel a single Finisher, Limit Break, or any power that has been in effect for a week or more, or you can try to dispel all powers except those mentioned above on one creature or in an area with a diameter equal to your Mind. When dispelling several powers at once, you can choose to ignore some of them as long as you know of each power you want to make an exception for.
A power that has been dispelled cannot be used again by that creature in this scene, and another creature that tries to use the same power in the same general area must match your Know with the stunt the power is used with, or it fails.
This will not negate a Curse, but will tell you how to defeat the curse if the roll is successful.
Inherent powers cannot be dispelled.
The difficulty is the skill of the most skilled creature involved in making the effect. Effects that have been around a long time are harder to dispel: see the table. Use the highest relevant difficulty.
You can dispel any power of the Flux form or which affects Whimsies. Likewise, you can overwhelm powers of the Order form.
You fool detection powers by showing trippy visions of things that might be instead of what is. The area is a radius equal to your Know in meters around you. Anyone trying to detect or remotely sense the area gets confusing, misleading, or nonsensical results unless they score an Outcome on their skill roll matching your Know.
Trigger Action
Whenever someone near you is making a roll to succeed at something and you are aware of the event, you can try to jinx and foil their efforts. The difficulty of their action becomes your Know +3. Range and other penalties can reduce your effective skill rating.
Sense Power
Basic Action
You can sense the presence of Powers. All powers play around with the natural state of the world, and those sensitive to flux can sense such changes. You can normally sense the presence of an active power effect without knowing what power it is, but you can choose to limit the detection to certain forms, techniques or even specific powers. Make a skill roll and multiply the result by 10; this is the range in meters. If the power detected is in range of your physical senses, you also gain a basic understanding of it and how it works.
Whimsy Evidence
Basic Action
You introduce chaos in an area with a diameter equal to your Mind in meters, making what happened there hard to tell. The power randomizes physical evidence and removes any lingering auras in the area. Any attempt to determine who did what in the area give random results. Objects in the area become the personal belongings or body parts of a random creature, as far as analysis is concerned. Objects carried or worn by creatures in the area are not affected, nor are objects in secure containers. You can focus the effect on a specific willing or helpless creature instead of an area, affecting everything worn or carried by this creature.
Dispel Order
Analyze Order
Basic Action
You can analyze both physical and social structures. Examples of physical structures include most architecture and static construction, as well as crystalline matrices and such. Social structures include dependencies and hierarchies; you can tell who commands who and detect the members of rigid social hierarchies, such as most military and some highly organized syndicates, criminal or otherwise. You can sense what physical laws and constants are in relation to the other places you know. This is mainly useful when traveling to other planes.
Dispel Order
Limit Break
Age of Effect |
Minimum Difficulty |
Three days | 12 |
One Month | 14 |
One year | 16 |
A decade | 18 |
A century | 20 |
A millennium | 22 |
Ten millennia | 24 |
You can end the effects of other powers. You can only dispel powers you know of (though a vague description, such as "whatever is making Bert turn green" is ok). You can try to dispel a single Finisher, Limit Break, or any power that has been in effect for a week or more, or you can try to dispel all powers except those mentioned above on one creature or in an area with a diameter equal to your Mind. When dispelling several powers at once, you can choose to ignore some of them as long as you know of each power you want to make an exception for.
A power that has been dispelled cannot be used again by that creature in this scene, and another creature that tries to use the same power in the same general area must match your Know with the stunt the power is used with, or it fails.
This will not negate a Curse, but will tell you how to defeat the curse if the roll is successful.
Inherent powers cannot be dispelled.
The difficulty is the skill of the most skilled creature involved in making the effect. Effects that have been around a long time are harder to dispel: see the table. Use the highest relevant difficulty.
You can dispel any power of the Order form or which affects a virtue. You can also dispel effect that twist the natural order of physical reality, especially effects that break natural rhythm or periodic events. Likewise, you can overwhelm powers of the Flux form.
Laws of Power
Select a Method appropriate to the target's Tradition. From now on, this method applies to all the targets use of powers. This is a Curse.
Measure Difficulty
Trigger Action
When you face a task, you can determine how difficult it is by analyzing order. Make a Know roll against the difficulty of the task analyzed. On a success you learn the difficulty and what skill and equipment/schticks/powers are relevant to the task. If several skills can be used for the task, you roll against the lowest of the difficulties involved and you learn of all possible skills. On a failure you simply learn that it is more difficult than the result of your roll.
If you have the necessary schticks/powers/equipment to perform the task, there is a +5 bonus to the Know roll. If the task requires no special schticks or powers, you always get this bonus.
Natural Order
Trigger Action
You can defend the natural order of the universe against powers. Whenever a power is used in your presence, you can oppose it, which sets a minimum difficulty for the action equal to your Know +3.
Limit Break
You invoke stillness and harmony in an area with a diameter equal to your Mind in meters. You can make this area stationary or center it on an object or creature. If the creature or wearer of the object is unwilling, you must succeed on a Know roll against it's Dodge.
Silence lasts the remainder of the scene. While in the silenced area, creatures cannot speak (which triggers many Methods and Power Loss Limitations). Sneak stunts in the area allow movement without requiring new rolls, and silenced opponent's have trouble communicating your location. Silence hinders sonic attacks in the area, allowing targets of sonic attacks that pass through the area to use your Action as their soak attribute.
Dispel Light
Bright Dispel
Limit Break
Age of Effect |
Minimum Difficulty |
Three days | 12 |
One Month | 14 |
One year | 16 |
A decade | 18 |
A century | 20 |
A millennium | 22 |
Ten millennia | 24 |
You can end the effects of other powers. You can only dispel powers you know of (though a vague description, such as "whatever is making Bert turn green" is ok). You can try to dispel a single Finisher, Limit Break, or any power that has been in effect for a week or more, or you can try to dispel all powers except those mentioned above on one creature or in an area with a diameter equal to your Mind. When dispelling several powers at once, you can choose to ignore some of them as long as you know of each power you want to make an exception for.
A power that has been dispelled cannot be used again by that creature in this scene, and another creature that tries to use the same power in the same general area must match your Know with the stunt the power is used with, or it fails.
This will not negate a Curse, but will tell you how to defeat the curse if the roll is successful.
Inherent powers cannot be dispelled.
The difficulty is the skill of the most skilled creature involved in making the effect. Effects that have been around a long time are harder to dispel: see the table. Use the highest relevant difficulty.
You can dispel any power of the Light form or which affects an angel. Light also banishes darkness, and you can use light to dispel any power which adversely affects someone's body, spirit, mind, or mood.
Light Tolerance
You are not harmed by excessive light or radiation. Add your Mind to soak values against Radiation damage, and you are immune to the blinding effects of glare or bright light.
Basic Action
You can speak with any creature that can talk and wants to speak with you. You must share a medium, such as vocalization/hearing or signs/sight.
True Word
The target cannot lie, dissemble, or use trickery. Charm attempts that are not completely honest are Stymied, and those that are based on lies or false pretenses cannot even be attempted. This is a Curse.
Dispel Gifts
Gifts Dispel
Limit Break
Age of Effect |
Minimum Difficulty |
Three days | 12 |
One Month | 14 |
One year | 16 |
A decade | 18 |
A century | 20 |
A millennium | 22 |
Ten millennia | 24 |
You can end the effects of other powers. You can only dispel powers you know of (though a vague description, such as "whatever is making Bert turn green" is ok). You can try to dispel a single Finisher, Limit Break, or any power that has been in effect for a week or more, or you can try to dispel all powers except those mentioned above on one creature or in an area with a diameter equal to your Mind. When dispelling several powers at once, you can choose to ignore some of them as long as you know of each power you want to make an exception for.
A power that has been dispelled cannot be used again by that creature in this scene, and another creature that tries to use the same power in the same general area must match your Know with the stunt the power is used with, or it fails.
This will not negate a Curse, but will tell you how to defeat the curse if the roll is successful.
Inherent powers cannot be dispelled.
The difficulty is the skill of the most skilled creature involved in making the effect. Effects that have been around a long time are harder to dispel: see the table. Use the highest relevant difficulty.
This is a meta-power that affects other powers. In some campaign worlds there is a strong Origin Divide among different origins. Check with your GM regarding your campaign. Origins that are opposed cannot cannot be modified by meta-powers; it is as if powers from the opposing origin was actually a schtick rather than a power.
Steal the Gift
Basic Action
The gifted are founts of power that can be tapped by the unscrupulous. Make an opposed Impress roll against a named Controlled Gifted creature. On a success you inflict one Hit on the Gifted creature and gain one Fortune point. If your Impress scores an outcome matching the Gifted creature's Mind you must instead gain two Fortune points and inflict a Hit and a Damage Setback on the Gifted creature. If you gain Fortune in excess of your Mind this way you must spend any excess points by the end of the scene, or they are lost.
Visions of Power
You focus detection powers on yourself, hiding those around you. The area is a radius equal to your Know in meters around you. Anyone trying to detect or remotely sense the area only see you doing a display of power that does not give them any information of your whereabouts unless they score an Outcome on their skill roll matching your Know.
Dispel Magic
Analyze Magic
Basic Action
You can sense the presence and effects of powers at a distance, learning the form, skill, and power origin. Make a skill roll and multiply the result by 10; this is the range in meters. Normally, you detect the closest power effect, but by concentrating on a particular type (name, form, or general description) you can eliminate all others. This means you may have to use this power many times to sort through a complex scene.
You can analyze the properties of any power within reach, even if it is inside a container or otherwise separated from you. You learn what power it is, who used it, when, to what effect, and an approximate power level. Even powers that have ended leave a signature that can be analyzed, though the impressions fade; after the end of the scene, it is no longer possible to determine who used the power and its exact effect. The signature fades completely in a matter of days or weeks, stronger and more dramatic uses leaving stronger impressions.
This is a meta-power that affects other powers. In some campaign worlds there is a strong Origin Divide among different origins. Check with your GM regarding your campaign. Origins that are opposed cannot cannot be modified by meta-powers; it is as if powers from the opposing origin was actually a schtick rather than a power.
Anti-Magic Shell
Basic Action
You create an immobile sphere with a diameter equal to your Mind that inhibits powers. This circle lasts for the rest of the scene. Anyone inside the area suffers from power failure. Even Inherent powers fail. Existing power effects in the area are suspended and have no effect while the Anti-Magic Circle is active.
This is a meta-power that affects other powers. In some campaign worlds there is a strong Origin Divide among different origins. Check with your GM regarding your campaign. Origins that are opposed cannot cannot be modified by meta-powers; it is as if powers from the opposing origin was actually a schtick rather than a power.
Dispel Magic
Limit Break
Age of Effect |
Minimum Difficulty |
Three days | 12 |
One Month | 14 |
One year | 16 |
A decade | 18 |
A century | 20 |
A millennium | 22 |
Ten millennia | 24 |
You can end the effects of other powers. You can only dispel powers you know of (though a vague description, such as "whatever is making Bert turn green" is ok). You can try to dispel a single Finisher, Limit Break, or any power that has been in effect for a week or more, or you can try to dispel all powers except those mentioned above on one creature or in an area with a diameter equal to your Mind. When dispelling several powers at once, you can choose to ignore some of them as long as you know of each power you want to make an exception for.
A power that has been dispelled cannot be used again by that creature in this scene, and another creature that tries to use the same power in the same general area must match your Know with the stunt the power is used with, or it fails.
This will not negate a Curse, but will tell you how to defeat the curse if the roll is successful.
Inherent powers cannot be dispelled.
The difficulty is the skill of the most skilled creature involved in making the effect. Effects that have been around a long time are harder to dispel: see the table. Use the highest relevant difficulty.
This is a meta-power that affects other powers. In some campaign worlds there is a strong Origin Divide among different origins. Check with your GM regarding your campaign. Origins that are opposed cannot cannot be modified by meta-powers; it is as if powers from the opposing origin was actually a schtick rather than a power.
Form Studies
Limit Break
You temporarily gain the use of one Form. Select one form when you use this power; you gain the use of this form for the rest of the scene, or until you use this power again. You gain the cantrip the form offers.
This is mainly useful in combination with other Magic powers that have variable results depending on what forms you know, but also combines well with Spell Preparation.
Spell Parry
Trigger Action (Defense)
Whenever a power is used against a nearby ally, you can attempt to counter it. The difficulty of that power becomes your Know +3. If the target or ally is at range, calculate range penalties to the nearest of the two. You cannot use Spell Parry against an attacker with Hard Cover or doing a Melee action. This is a meta-power that affects other powers. In some campaign worlds there is a strong Origin Divide among different origins. Check with your GM regarding your campaign. Origins that are opposed cannot cannot be modified by meta-powers; it is as if powers from the opposing origin was actually a schtick rather than a power.
Spellcasting Lore
Basic Action
Select another power when you use Spellcasting Lore. Once, before the end of the round, when you use the selected power, you can base any roll or stunt using that power on your Know skill instead of whatever skill the power would normally be based on. Effectively you are spending extra time in order to substitute what skill is used.
This is a meta-power that affects other powers. In some campaign worlds there is a strong Origin Divide among different origins. Check with your GM regarding your campaign. Origins that are opposed cannot cannot be modified by meta-powers; it is as if powers from the opposing origin was actually a schtick rather than a power.
True Name Finisher
Limit Break
You can use a Finisher on any creature whose True Name you know. Make an opposed Know roll. If you fail, you can still try again later.
Wizard's Stance
Trigger Action (Combo)
When you use another power that is a Basic Action, Limit Break, or Trigger Action (Defense), you can use this power to activate two stances that you know. This is an exception to the rule that trigger actions cannot trigger other trigger actions.
This is a meta-power that affects other powers. In some campaign worlds there is a strong Origin Divide among different origins. Check with your GM regarding your campaign. Origins that are opposed cannot cannot be modified by meta-powers; it is as if powers from the opposing origin was actually a schtick rather than a power.
Dispel Spiritual
Limit Break
You make a place sacred to your faith; the radius is equal to the result of the Know roll that created it. If cast inside a room or building of approximately the right size, Consecrate will protect the entire room or building (including exterior walls) but not extend outside. It lasts as long as you remain inside the area. If there is an alter or other stationary object dedicated to your faith in the area, you can make the object the focus of Consecrate and the effect then lasts as long as the object remains and is intact.
Consecrate makes power use harder for infidels. The minimum difficulty to use any power against someone of your faith in the area or against the place itself or an object in the area is equal to your Know unless it includes a heartfelt praise of your spiritual patron.
The area keeps out supernatural creatures; Air Elementals, Earth Elementals, Electric Elementals, Fire Elementals, Water Elementals, Plant Elementals, Ice Elementals, Demons, Devils, Angels, Virtues, Aberrations, Spectres, and Undead cannot be summoned into the area unless accompanied by a heartfelt prayer to your patron. They can enter the area by mundane means, but only if they have been invited by someone inside who has at one timed uttered a heartfelt prayer there.
Crisis of Faith
The target suffers Power Loss. This is a Curse.
This is a meta-power that affects other powers. In some campaign worlds there is a strong Origin Divide among different origins. Check with your GM regarding your campaign. Origins that are opposed cannot cannot be modified by meta-powers; it is as if powers from the opposing origin was actually a schtick rather than a power.
Language of the Soul
Basic Action
Use this against another creature. Anything you say will appear to the target to be in that creature's native tongue. The effect lasts for a scene. It can be active on several creatures simultaneously by spending a Basic Action for each target. You can choose to talk only to the target, who will will hear you as if you were speaking even if you are not making any sound. This requires a separate basic action. You can do this even if the creature is out of hearing as long as they are within Know meters of you.
Limit Break
An omen is an event in the outer world that gives clues to the spiritual and thus the future. An omen can be observed anytime, but the information gained will relate to what is happening when the omen is observed. For example, an omen observed at a military rally will concern the future of the assembled troops, and so on. To gain information this way you make an opposed check against the targets' Recon. You gain valuable information based on the outcome of this roll; if the outcome matches the target's Mind you gain clear and important insights into the target's activities. On a failed roll, you learn obvious details and trivia; if the negative Outcome matches your Mind you learn misleading information or the target notices your spying. The GM has to decide who's Recon to use to resist this, often the main antagonist or their local lieutenant. Omen manifests this information in an obscure way, but this power is about interpreting omens, so the information you get is decently clear, but still subject to interpretation.
Trigger Action (Combo)
Use this when you start a stance. Select a number of allies equal to your Mind, who you must see and be within Mind meters of when you activate the stance. You can do this for each Stance that you activate, with a separate Trigger Action (Combo) for each Stance. As long as you maintain a stance it also affects these allies, even if they move away from you. It only affects stances that would normally affect you only; a stance that normally boosts others or causes an effect physically separated from you is not affected by Prayer.
This is a meta-power that affects other powers. In some campaign worlds there is a strong Origin Divide among different origins. Check with your GM regarding your campaign. Origins that are opposed cannot cannot be modified by meta-powers; it is as if powers from the opposing origin was actually a schtick rather than a power.
Test of Faith
Limit Break
Age of Effect |
Minimum Difficulty |
Three days | 12 |
One Month | 14 |
One year | 16 |
A decade | 18 |
A century | 20 |
A millennium | 22 |
Ten millennia | 24 |
You can end the effects of other powers. You can only dispel powers you know of (though a vague description, such as "whatever is making Bert turn green" is ok). You can try to dispel a single Finisher, Limit Break, or any power that has been in effect for a week or more, or you can try to dispel all powers except those mentioned above on one creature or in an area with a diameter equal to your Mind. When dispelling several powers at once, you can choose to ignore some of them as long as you know of each power you want to make an exception for.
A power that has been dispelled cannot be used again by that creature in this scene, and another creature that tries to use the same power in the same general area must match your Know with the stunt the power is used with, or it fails.
This will not negate a Curse, but will tell you how to defeat the curse if the roll is successful.
Inherent powers cannot be dispelled.
The difficulty is the skill of the most skilled creature involved in making the effect. Effects that have been around a long time are harder to dispel: see the table. Use the highest relevant difficulty.
This is a meta-power that affects other powers. In some campaign worlds there is a strong Origin Divide among different origins. Check with your GM regarding your campaign. Origins that are opposed cannot cannot be modified by meta-powers; it is as if powers from the opposing origin was actually a schtick rather than a power.
Understand Miracle
Basic Action
You can analyze the properties of any power within reach, even if it is inside a container or otherwise separated from you. You learn what power it is, who used it, when, to what effect, and an approximate power level. Even powers that have ended leave a signature that can be analyzed, though the impressions fade; after the end of the scene, it is no longer possible to determine who used the power and its exact effect. The signature fades completely in a matter of days or weeks, stronger and more dramatic used leaving stronger impressions.
This is a meta-power that affects other powers. In some campaign worlds there is a strong Origin Divide among different origins. Check with your GM regarding your campaign. Origins that are opposed cannot cannot be modified by meta-powers; it is as if powers from the opposing origin was actually a schtick rather than a power.
Dispel Tech
You automatically stabilize after a Mortal Wound. When you loose shots, the shot loss is reduced to just one. You can use Know instead of Body to resist Biological Damage. Your autodoc can gather and upload medical data and negate the symptoms of chronic illness (mostly a role-playing effect but might help negate certain curses). But this data can be stolen, in which case the Autodoc can lower your effective Body and Mind to zero when resisting damage and effects.
Cyber Secretary
This is an expert system that handles mundane mental chores. It records the surroundings and what you do for later playback, reminds you of appointments, keeps lists of names and addresses and similar stuff that makes you seem to be a neat, organized person. It functions as an internal radio modem and personal computer and has a mobile phone and answering service. Each round, you can activate one Stance without any shot cost.
This is a meta-power that affects other powers. In some campaign worlds there is a strong Origin Divide among different origins. Check with your GM regarding your campaign. Origins that are opposed cannot cannot be modified by meta-powers; it is as if powers from the opposing origin was actually a schtick rather than a power.
Operatives for shadow organizations are often fitted with cyber secretaries whether they want to or not. Such a secretary is often molded to a Behavior Chip or Black Box. Some even have obnoxious personalities of their own.
Electro-Magnetic Pulse
Limit Break
Age of Effect |
Minimum Difficulty |
Three days | 12 |
One Month | 14 |
One year | 16 |
A decade | 18 |
A century | 20 |
A millennium | 22 |
Ten millennia | 24 |
You can end the effects of other powers. You can only dispel powers you know of (though a vague description, such as "whatever is making Bert turn green" is ok). You can try to dispel a single Finisher, Limit Break, or any power that has been in effect for a week or more, or you can try to dispel all powers except those mentioned above on one creature or in an area with a diameter equal to your Mind. When dispelling several powers at once, you can choose to ignore some of them as long as you know of each power you want to make an exception for.
A power that has been dispelled cannot be used again by that creature in this scene, and another creature that tries to use the same power in the same general area must match your Know with the stunt the power is used with, or it fails.
This will not negate a Curse, but will tell you how to defeat the curse if the roll is successful.
Inherent powers cannot be dispelled.
The difficulty is the skill of the most skilled creature involved in making the effect. Effects that have been around a long time are harder to dispel: see the table. Use the highest relevant difficulty.
This is a meta-power that affects other powers. In some campaign worlds there is a strong Origin Divide among different origins. Check with your GM regarding your campaign. Origins that are opposed cannot cannot be modified by meta-powers; it is as if powers from the opposing origin was actually a schtick rather than a power.
Electronic Warfare
Inherent or Basic Action
The Electronic Warfare Package comes with advanced encoding/decryption systems, homers, jammers and ECM systems. It allows you to disrupt ranged communicative powers, eavesdrop on the radio communications of others, and to jam technological surveillance devices.
A character running an EW pack is immune to electronic detection or eavesdropping (even to that of another EW Pack user). Thuis effect is inherent.
A Basic Action can roughly locate radios within a few kilometers and and eavesdrop on them with an opposed Know roll. The range depends heavily on the amount of electronic clutter in the air.
This is a meta-power that affects other powers. In some campaign worlds there is a strong Origin Divide among different origins. Check with your GM regarding your campaign. Origins that are opposed cannot cannot be modified by meta-powers; it is as if powers from the opposing origin was actually a schtick rather than a power.
Any cybernetic systems you have are electronically masked; any power or technological tool used to detect them fails. They can still be observed trough normal means.
This is a meta-power that affects other powers. In some campaign worlds there is a strong Origin Divide among different origins. Check with your GM regarding your campaign. Origins that are opposed cannot cannot be modified by meta-powers; it is as if powers from the opposing origin was actually a schtick rather than a power.
Dispel Death
Analyze Death
Basic Action
You can analyze the abilities and attributes of any Undead or corpse within arm's reach, even if the target is inside a cage or otherwise separated from you. You learn the exact attributes, skills and schticks of the target and whether it has been affected by any powers recently. If you analyze a corpse this way, you learn if it has been affected by any powers, when it died, and rough description of how it died.
Limit Break
This the curse of the Undead, like Mummy Rot or the life-draining knives of the Nâzgul.
This is a slow effect, that does not have any immediate effect during the combat but which will, in time, kill the victim. You can use Bane on any target you have damaged during the current round. The target cannot heal Hits. Each day, you are allowed a Mind roll against the target's Body, if you succeed the target takes an additional Hit. This is a Curse and can be removed as such.
Barren Seed
You can make someone sterile, impotent, frigid, and and prevent menstruation and the production of milk or semen. The effect can last for a month or be a Curse, at your option.
This will kill a fetus, and can also be used to kill parasites, symbiotes, and other gestating creatures such as insects in the pupal stage.
Consume Corpse
You destroy a corpse and recover 3 Hits or the results of a Damage Setback. The corpse consumed will be completely destroyed by digestion in a day or so. Until then you can use other powers that target corpses on it (not Consume Corpse), but no-one else can and a power that requires the destruction of a corpse will not work.
Consume Life
Trigger Action (Combo)
Use this when you inflict a Hit on an opponent. Make an opposed Know roll against the target to heal one Hit you have taken.
Dispel Death
Limit Break
Age of Effect |
Minimum Difficulty |
Three days | 12 |
One Month | 14 |
One year | 16 |
A decade | 18 |
A century | 20 |
A millennium | 22 |
Ten millennia | 24 |
You can end the effects of other powers. You can only dispel powers you know of (though a vague description, such as "whatever is making Bert turn green" is ok). You can try to dispel a single Finisher, Limit Break, or any power that has been in effect for a week or more, or you can try to dispel all powers except those mentioned above on one creature or in an area with a diameter equal to your Mind. When dispelling several powers at once, you can choose to ignore some of them as long as you know of each power you want to make an exception for.
A power that has been dispelled cannot be used again by that creature in this scene, and another creature that tries to use the same power in the same general area must match your Know with the stunt the power is used with, or it fails.
This will not negate a Curse, but will tell you how to defeat the curse if the roll is successful.
Inherent powers cannot be dispelled.
The difficulty is the skill of the most skilled creature involved in making the effect. Effects that have been around a long time are harder to dispel: see the table. Use the highest relevant difficulty.
You can dispel any power of the Death form or which otherwise affects an Undead, the dead, or a cadaver.
Infection Vector
This is a way to seemingly "cure" someone of a disease, while potentially infecting many others.
You make an object or creature a vector carrying a disease, itself immune and unaffected. People, animals, objects, or communal places such as wells or larders make good targets for this power.
Anyone in contact with the vector, or consuming something that came into contact with the vector risks infection and must make a Know roll against your Know or become infected, taking one Hit of Infection damage, if the negative Outcome matches the victims Body the victim starts with three Hits of Infection damage. If the roll succeeds the target is or affected, and it the Outcome matches your Mind the source of the infection is identified. A target that takes precautions against disease is considered to be actively defending against the infection.
On a living target this is a Curse, on other kinds of targets the effect can be dispelled normally and also ends if the target is destroyed.
Lore of Blood
Basic Action
Taste a victim's blood (preserved or no more than a day old) and make an opposed Know check. If the result exceeds the target's highest skill value you gain an Advantage against the victim. On an Outcome matching the target's highest attribute score, you instead learn the target's True Name. You can only do this once per scene on a particular creature.
Lore of the Dead
Trigger Action (Combo)
You have knowledge generally only possessed by the dead. Whenever you are unsatisfied with a knowledge roll, you may roll again to represent things learnt from the long dead. The GM should slant such information based on the time it is from.
Dispel Force
Conceal Power
You can suppress the force emanation from any powers you are using; your power-use cannot be detected. As long as you don't do anything spectacular and only affect yourself, your powers will escape detection by other powers. The effect of powers are not concealed; an obvious effect is still obvious.
Dispel Force
Limit Break
Age of Effect |
Minimum Difficulty |
Three days | 12 |
One Month | 14 |
One year | 16 |
A decade | 18 |
A century | 20 |
A millennium | 22 |
Ten millennia | 24 |
You can end the effects of other powers. You can only dispel powers you know of (though a vague description, such as "whatever is making Bert turn green" is ok). You can try to dispel a single Finisher, Limit Break, or any power that has been in effect for a week or more, or you can try to dispel all powers except those mentioned above on one creature or in an area with a diameter equal to your Mind. When dispelling several powers at once, you can choose to ignore some of them as long as you know of each power you want to make an exception for.
A power that has been dispelled cannot be used again by that creature in this scene, and another creature that tries to use the same power in the same general area must match your Know with the stunt the power is used with, or it fails.
This will not negate a Curse, but will tell you how to defeat the curse if the roll is successful.
Inherent powers cannot be dispelled.
The difficulty is the skill of the most skilled creature involved in making the effect. Effects that have been around a long time are harder to dispel: see the table. Use the highest relevant difficulty.
You can dispel any power of the Force form and any power that moves things or gives a movement ability.
Dispel Life
Cure Ailment
Limit Break
This negates any biological damage; infection, neurotoxin or poison. The difficulty of cure ailment is the damage or skill value powering the effect. Cure Ailment removes any lingering effect and prevents future damage from this ailment; it does not cure hits already taken. It also removes mundane infection, disease, and other ailments, but does not help against Limitations, curses, or disabilities. Some severe or plot-related ailments are considered curses and cannot be treated with this power, tough it does give the first step; information on what needs to be done.
Curse of the Crone
You can change the targets age to any age you want. This is a Curse. This is always a shock to the targets social life, making them hard to recognize and testing friendships and loyalties severely. Any contacts checks the target makes are Stymied. If you make the target into a child, you can reduce the target's Body down to 3 under their racial minimum and give them the Kid limitation. If you make the target elderly, you can reduce Reflexes down to 3 points below their racial minimum, body by up to three, and give them the Elderly limitation. This age change is real, and will affect the target's remaining lifespan. Living and adjusting to their new age removes the contact check limitation after a year.
Dispel Life
Limit Break
Age of Effect |
Minimum Difficulty |
Three days | 12 |
One Month | 14 |
One year | 16 |
A decade | 18 |
A century | 20 |
A millennium | 22 |
Ten millennia | 24 |
You can end the effects of other powers. You can only dispel powers you know of (though a vague description, such as "whatever is making Bert turn green" is ok). You can try to dispel a single Finisher, Limit Break, or any power that has been in effect for a week or more, or you can try to dispel all powers except those mentioned above on one creature or in an area with a diameter equal to your Mind. When dispelling several powers at once, you can choose to ignore some of them as long as you know of each power you want to make an exception for.
A power that has been dispelled cannot be used again by that creature in this scene, and another creature that tries to use the same power in the same general area must match your Know with the stunt the power is used with, or it fails.
This will not negate a Curse, but will tell you how to defeat the curse if the roll is successful.
Inherent powers cannot be dispelled.
The difficulty is the skill of the most skilled creature involved in making the effect. Effects that have been around a long time are harder to dispel: see the table. Use the highest relevant difficulty.
You can dispel any power of the Life form or that affects a plant or a natural, living creature. This is normally any creature that is Plant, Animal, or Folk.
Eternal Life
Trigger Action (Combo)
You do not age and have lived a very long time. For each schtick you take in Eternal Life, you have lived about about fifty years more than a typical character. You have great experience and have lived through many things, so whenever you are unsatisfied with a knowledge roll, you may roll again to represent things learnt during your long life. The GM should slant such information based on the time it is from. You can make a number of rerolls equal to your number of Eternal Life schtick picks.
Eternal Life has a drawback; you are less energetic and driven, causing you to do less in downtime.
Heal Wounds
Limit Break
You heal three Hits or remove the effect of a Damage Setback from a touched living creature. The difficulty is the damage value of the attack that caused the damage or the skill value of who or whatever caused the problem.
Requite Life
Basic Action or Finisher
Make a Know check against the target's Dodge to link a living target's life force to those around him. Whenever the target harms another living creature, he risks taking damage himself. He must make an opposed Body check against the creature he just damaged, on a failure he too takes the effect of the hit he just inflicted on that creature. This is Wounding damage. A creature resistant to Wounding damage can use his soak value against such damage to make the check. This effect lasts until the end of the next round. As a Finisher it becomes a Curse.
Dispel Mind
Aura Mask
You can mask your aura, making you uninvolved and detached from things around you. This renders you immune to all detection powers that look for intent, hostility, lies, or that glean information from surface thoughts.
Dispel Mind
Limit Break
Age of Effect |
Minimum Difficulty |
Three days | 12 |
One Month | 14 |
One year | 16 |
A decade | 18 |
A century | 20 |
A millennium | 22 |
Ten millennia | 24 |
You can end the effects of other powers. You can only dispel powers you know of (though a vague description, such as "whatever is making Bert turn green" is ok). You can try to dispel a single Finisher, Limit Break, or any power that has been in effect for a week or more, or you can try to dispel all powers except those mentioned above on one creature or in an area with a diameter equal to your Mind. When dispelling several powers at once, you can choose to ignore some of them as long as you know of each power you want to make an exception for.
A power that has been dispelled cannot be used again by that creature in this scene, and another creature that tries to use the same power in the same general area must match your Know with the stunt the power is used with, or it fails.
This will not negate a Curse, but will tell you how to defeat the curse if the roll is successful.
Inherent powers cannot be dispelled.
The difficulty is the skill of the most skilled creature involved in making the effect. Effects that have been around a long time are harder to dispel: see the table. Use the highest relevant difficulty.
You can dispel any power of the Mind form or that affects Folk.
Flower of Knowledge
You can create a flowering of intellect where there was none before. This can give reasoning powers to an object or full sentience to a non-sentient creature. This can create any type of creature except Folk or an animal from an appropriate body. If used on a sentient, it creates a second personality, a mental disorder.
The newly created mind is shaped by you, and you can imbue it with part of your reasoning process and motivation. In general, it will start out friendly to you and sympathetic to your ideas, willing to perform whatever task you created it for. If created within another sentient being, it will be dominant for a time as the original personality is in shock, but after a day or so the two personalities will start to crash. Depending on how different they are from each other, this might be a conflict to the death over control and identity or they might merge almost seamlessly.
The tree of knowledge often bears bitter fruit. While this power can be very rewarding, it is also very dangerous. After a while, minds created this way tend to adopt some of your negative personality traits and might become your bitter enemies, especially if you have many personality flaws or treat them badly.
Mental Resistance
Use your Know in place of your your Mind to soak Psychic damage and to resist setback on powers and stunts that use your Charm or Impress as the difficulty.
Basic Action
Make an opposed Know check to learn a language of your choice the target creature near you knows for the rest of the scene. A cooperative creature can reduce the difficulty to a minimum of their Mind. You can also use this on a text, with a difficulty based on the complexity of the text for a native reader. If you fail, you cannot attempt again against that creature for the rest of the scene.
Your skill in the language becomes equivalent to that of your target, or based on your Know, whichever is less. You learn any form of the language the creature knows, such as spoken and written, but potentially also sign and other-sensory languages.
Dispel Time
Dispel Time
Limit Break
You can end the effects of other powers but accelerating time around them, making them run out. You can dispel any power that has a duration; you cannot affect permanent or instantaneous effects. You can only dispel powers you know of (though a vague description, such as "whatever is making Bert turn green" is ok). You can try to dispel a single Curse, Limit Break, Finisher, or any power that has been in effect for a week or more, or you can try to dispel all powers except those mentioned above on one creature or in an area with a diameter equal to your Mind. When dispelling several powers at once, you can choose to ignore some and dispel others.
A power that has been dispelled cannot be used again by that creature in this scene, and another creature that tries to use the same power in the same general area must match your Know with the stunt the power is used with, or it fails. You can use a Defense to increase your Know when someone tries to activate a power like this.
This will not dispel a Curse, but will tell you how to defeat it if the roll is successful. Inherent powers cannot be dispelled.
The difficulty is the skill of the most skilled creature involved in making the effect. Effects that have much remaining duration are harder to dispel: see this table. Use the highest relevant difficulty.
Time | Minimum Difficulty |
One Week | 12 |
One Month | 15 |
One year | 18 |
A decade | 21 |
A century | 24 |
A millennium | 27 |
Time | Difficulty |
One Day or less | 9 |
One Week or less | 12 |
One year or less | 15 |
A century or less | 18 |
A millennium or less | 21 |
Limit Break
You can restore a creature you touch, or part of it, to a previous condition. This is used to heal wounds or ailments.
Side effects are common, their seriousness depend on the severity of the injury. If used to restore mental health or restore whole-body conditions. The difficulty of avoiding them depends on the period of time the victim has been suffering the injury or the skill or damage or skill value of whatever caused the injury. A failed roll still restores the patient to full health, but brings an appropriate Setback or in severe cases or fumbles, a Curse. This typically involves the loss of memories first of the incident that caused the damage, on more severe failures long gaps in memory can occur, or the patient might forget a certain fact or person. Severe cases can induce total amnesia. Restoration does not help against Limitations or Curses.
Restoration can alleviate aging, but the difficulty is based on the target's chronological life span, it must be used once a year, any failure causes all removed age to return, and even with successful treatment the beneficiary is Cursed to become increasingly conservative and reactionary.
Mist of Time
Limit Break
You focus detection powers in a radius equal to your Know in meters around you. Anyone trying to detect or remotely sense the area see what occurred there in a at a point in the past you pick when using the power unless they score an Outcome on their skill roll matching your Know. The effect lasts until the end of the session.
Dispel Space
Reaching Touch
You have learned to overcome short distances, using powers and abilities that normally require touch at a distance in meters equal to your Know. You need to see the target clearly to use this power. You cannot physically touch anything this way, and this prevents the use of Reaching Touch for Melee attacks or stunts.
Smoothen Disruption
Limit Break
Age of Effect |
Minimum Difficulty |
Three days | 12 |
One Month | 14 |
One year | 16 |
A decade | 18 |
A century | 20 |
A millennium | 22 |
Ten millennia | 24 |
You can end the effects of other powers. You can only dispel powers you know of (though a vague description, such as "whatever is making Bert turn green" is ok). You can try to dispel a single Finisher, Limit Break, or any power that has been in effect for a week or more, or you can try to dispel all powers except those mentioned above on one creature or in an area with a diameter equal to your Mind. When dispelling several powers at once, you can choose to ignore some of them as long as you know of each power you want to make an exception for.
A power that has been dispelled cannot be used again by that creature in this scene, and another creature that tries to use the same power in the same general area must match your Know with the stunt the power is used with, or it fails.
This will not negate a Curse, but will tell you how to defeat the curse if the roll is successful.
Inherent powers cannot be dispelled.
The difficulty is the skill of the most skilled creature involved in making the effect. Effects that have been around a long time are harder to dispel: see the table. Use the highest relevant difficulty.
You can dispel any power of the Space form or that involves Teleportation or affects a Sanctum or Teleport Circle and its immediate surroundings, including the circle itself if you so desire.
Teleport Magnet
Basic Action or Limit Break
You create a trap. Anyone trying to teleport in or out of a point within a radius equal to your Know roll in meters must make an opposed Skill roll. If this roll fails, the teleport ends up in a a spot you designate within the area. Several adjacent teleport magnet can send those trapped to a single point in any of the areas.
The teleport trap lasts for a scene or until disarmed. If used as a Limit Break, the duration is a year and a day. You can set a password or key that bypasses the Teleport Magnet.
Transpose Terrain
Basic Action
You can transpose the terrain of a different location far away over the area you are in now. This allows you to add terrain features (but not remove them), effectively overwriting the terrain in the current area with new, more extensive terrain. Open ground can have terrain features added, existing terrain can be smoothed over with earth but not removed. You can add brush, sharp stones, or other impediments to the area.
You can increase the Free Running and Terrain Driving difficulty of each part of the area up to your Ride skill, or reduce it by up to three by smoothing it.
You cannot modify structures in the area, only terrain. You can add obstacles on top of structures, making them difficult ground.
The difficulty of this power is the highest Free Running difficulty in the area, and each use of the power affects an area with a diameter equal to your Mind. If this roll fails, you cannot reduce the Free Running or Terrain Driving in that spot and can increase it no higher than your Mind. You cannot try again until the current effect ends.
By placing spots of transposed terrain in a hexagonal patten with Mind meters between each hexagon, you can completely cover an area with repeated uses. The effect lasts for a scene.
Maneuver Schticks and Powers
Trigger Action (Defense)
When another creature succeeds at a roll against your Maneuver, you can make an active defense to increase your defensive Maneuver by +3 for the current shot. This bonus also applies when you do an Interference stunt.
You can move trough the air as long as there are branches, vines, ropes, curtains, or other accessible handholds for you to use. This is usually the case in dense forests, but occurs in other places as well, such as in construction sites, slaughterhouses, and quaint urban neighborhoods.
Caped Crusader
Strike a pose while wearing a great billowing cloak. For the rest of the round you can glide using this cape, flying but only horizontally or downwards. The GM may allow you to do stunts to catch updrafts to rise as appropriate to the situation.
Cat Man
When you succeed on a Climb check, you are not considered Static. If you fail the Climb you can neither move nor act.
Escape Artist
Basic Action
You have the marvelous ability to contort your limbs and dislocate your bones in order to make efficient Contortions stunts. You use Maneuver instead of Reflexes for such stunts.
Follow Through
When you make a successful Maneuver stunt to affect an opponent, add +3 to your Outcome. This works as if you had Advantage which means it stacks with anything else. Outcome is commonly used to determine if you score a Setback.
Limit Break
Formation is a variant of Swarm and Troop and is a complex and invasive power. It is only available to Folk but not to named characters. Military Formations go out of favor at the Combustion tech level when area weapons become common, but are still used by police and rioters.
A Formation is a group of 10 identical Unnamed Folk acting with cohesion and discipline in a tight formation. Though the members of the Formation are unnamed, the Formation as a whole is usually a Henchman in rank. Assuming Formation is a Limit Break tat even unnamed characters can do and requires no focus. A creature that has both the Troop and Formation schticks can change from Formation to Troop as a Basic Action.
The Formation acts much as a single creature and most normal rules apply with the following exceptions. This represents members of the Formation using Assist to help each other and so stacks with other modifiers.
- The space the Formation occupies on the map is twice the space in each dimension occupied by an individual creature.
- The Formation's Impress, Melee, and Shoot skills are increased by +3.
- Effects that affects only a single creature in the Formation have to be particularly powerful to have effect on the Formation as a whole; Add +3 to the Formation's defense value against such attacks. This adds to the bonuses from § 2.
- The Formation cannot take Damage Setbacks from attacks that only affect a single individual; only area attacks can do Damage Setbacks.
- Creatures can move away from the Formation and act normally using their own abilities, but each person leaving inflicts a Hit on the Formation.
- A Formation is Stymied at Free Running. The GM may require rolls for sudden shifts in direction.
A Formation can be larger than the normal 10 individuals. Taking this Schtick several times multiplies the number of creatures in the Formation by 10 each time. Each use increases space by one two meters and increases the bonus to Impress, Melee, and Shoot as well as Dodge against non-area attacks by +2. If a Formation one size smaller (1/10 of the total of men in the Formation) leaves such a larger Formation, the parent Formation takes a Hit
Height Advantage
When you are within 10 meters on any opponent horizontally and between 2 and 20 meters above all opponents vertically, you can focus.
You can make Confident Rolls when Free Running.
Power Hitch
Trigger Action
When a creature within Move meters of you uses a power to move you can make an opposed Maneuver roll to hitch a ride; moving along with the target and arriving at a spot of your choice within Move meters of that target. Examples of powers you can hitch on include Abundant Leap, Fly, and Teleport powers. If you were Sneaking when you used this and end up in a place you can hide, you are still sneaking.
Trigger Action (Combo)
After you have performed an action that includes movement, you can use this shtick to move again. This allows you to act-move-move or move-act-move. You cannot use Skirmish if you are you are Static or the action you just did is one that in itself allows additional movement.
When you perform a Run Push stunt, the Maneuver roll is Confident.
You are equally fast and maneuverable on land and in water. This negates the penalties of the Swimming rules. Unlike an Amphibian you can still breathe only air - or water if you are an qauatic creature.
Trigger Action
You can do a Interference stunt when flying or swimming and against an opponent with a Body up to 9 points higher than yours.
Troop is a variant of Swarm and Formation and is a complex and invasive power. It is only available to Folk and not to named characters.
A Troop is a group of 10 identical Unnamed Folk acting with cohesion and discipline in an open or skirmish formation. Though the members of the Troop are unnamed, the Troop as a whole is usually at least a Henchman in rank. The Troop acts much as a single creature and most normal rules apply. Creatures that move away from the Troop can act normally using their normal abilities, but each person leaving inflicts a Hit on the Troop.
- The space the Troop as a whole occupies on the map is three three than the space occupied by an individual creature.
- Troops do not fill the space they take up on the map. Creatures be in the space of a Troop, and the Troop can mill around obstacles. This applies as long as the creature or obstacle is about the same size as members of the troop. The troop can pass narrow terrain as if it was a single group member.
- The Troop's Dodge (against ranged attacks only), Impress, and Shoot skills are increased by +3. This represents members of the Troop using Assist to help each other.
- Things that affects only a single creature in the Troop have to be particularly powerful to have any effect at all on the troop in its entirety; Add +3 to the Formation's defense value against such attacks. This adds to the bonuses from §3.
- The Troop cannot take Damage Setbacks from attacks that only affect a single individual; only area attacks can do Damage Setbacks.
- Creatures can move away from the Troop and act normally using their own abilities, but each person leaving inflicts a Hit on the Troop.
The normal Troop comprises about 10 individuals, but some Troops are larger. Taking this power several times multiplies the number of creatures in the Troop by 10. This increases space by three additional meters and increases the bonus to Dodge, Impress, and Shoot by +2. If a troop one size smaller (1/10 of the total of men in the troop) leaves such a larger Troop, the parent Troop takes a Hit
Tunnel Rat
You are at home in caves, ventilation ducts, and other tight places. You can keep track of direction and distance and move without hesitation. Other people in such situations lose the movement that is part of a normal Basic Action and can only move their normal Move if they dedicate a whole basic action to it.
You automatically pass any Maneuver test to move around in a constricted space, as long as it is wider than your shoulders. Maneuver checks in tighter spaces are routine.
Body control powers used to change yourself or imbue yourself with additional abilities. It is possible to make a Shapeshift power that affect other's as well, but that is not their basic purpose.
Shapeshift Air
Abundant Leap
Basic Action
Make a huge leap, moving ten times your normal Move in any direction. If you use this power for overland movement, you move at four times your usual speed. This increases your effective Move value by +3 when determining your maximum speed, but is as taxing as running.
Air Adaption
Basic Action
The target can breathe air freely for the rest of the session and can move on land at normal speed. The target's skin will not take damage from exposure to normal air. This power is mainly useful for creatures that are normally aquatic, or adapted to some other non-gaseous environment. You can easily maintain this power on a number of targets equal to your Mind, more than that and it requires effort, similar to doing one Limit Break for each time you double the number of creatures, see Vitality.
Air Elemental Form
Limit Break
You assume the form of another creature decided when you gain the power. You must have created a variant form for yourself using your normal points and limits. If you do not have such a creature description ready, you cannot use this power. This creature cannot have higher value in any particular skill than you do. You can add powers of the same form the creature has and keep schticks and powers you already have, but you cannot otherwise add powers or schticks. This power cannot be used to imitate a specific individual; you remain yourself in mannerisms and detail while changing race, species, and creature type.
You remain in this form for a scene or until you fall asleep or unconscious or will yourself back to your normal form (a Basic Action). You can learn this power several times to learn to transform into several different creatures.
You can only assume the form on an Air Elemental with this version of the power.
Feather Fall
Trigger Action
You can cause a creature or object to be affected by gravity much less than normal. You can use this whenever something is in free fall or following a trajectory (as opposed to flying under its own power). Used on a falling object or creature, it requires a Action check against the Body of the falling object, or the Dodge of an unwilling target. The target floats harmlessly to the ground at a Move of 5. It can also be used against thrown weapons and ranged weapons of Blacksmith technology or lower. Used this way, it renders a missile harmless with a Action check against their attack roll. As a Trigger Action (Combo) used with a Feat of Strength. Reduce the effective mass of the object by one for every three points of Outcome. Once you have done this, the effect lasts as long as you continue to do a Feat of Strength on the object.
Gone Like the Wind
Trigger Action (Combo)
When you perform Basic Action, you can use this shtick to move an additional time after the action. This allows you to move-act-move or act-move-move. You can use Gone Like the Wind if the action you just did is one that in itself allows additional movement or when you are Static.
You can move through the air instead of along the ground. For aquatic creatures, this means they can swim in air. If you are not accustomed to exposure to air, you can breathe air freely and can now move on land and thru the air at normal speed. Your skin will not take damage from normal exposure to air.
Mist Form
You assume mist form. In this form, you can fly at your normal Move. You become Amorph and Resist Physical damage but vulnerable to gusts of wind. You can Sneak as if you were in cover if there is any natural fog about.
Prodigious Leap
You can move at your normal speed by jumping instead of by walking. This lets you get around obstacles and hindrances on the ground. No individual leap can be longer than your Move.
Basic Action
You create a buffeting wind shock that makes a flying target lose altitude. Make an opposed Maneuver check, on a success the target loses 3 shots and you can move them a number of meters equal to your Body, half of this must be straight down. On an outcome matching the target's Reflexes you can move the target twice as far and also cannot fly for the rest of the scene or until the he receives successful First Aid with a difficulty equal to your Maneuver. He can still fly down to land safely, but cannot perform any Basic Actions or Limit Breaks until safely on the ground. Unlike most Maneuver effects, Turbulence can be done at a distance, with normal range penalties. Turbulence also allows Outmaneuver and Trip to be made at range.
Shapeshift Earth
You (and only you) can move through the earth by burrowing. When you try to move through earth or stone, make a Confident Maneuver check with a difficulty of 8 plus the armor value of the material. This is not an action unless you fail the roll. If you fail by a margin less than your Reflexes, you need to focus on moving to the extent that the move itself counts as a Basic Action - if you planned to do something after the move you cannot, if you acted before moving the movement fails. If the negative outcome matches your Reflexes you suffer a Setback.
Earth Elemental Form
Limit Break
You assume the form of another creature decided when you gain the power. You must have created a variant form for yourself using your normal points and limits. If you do not have such a creature description ready, you cannot use this power. This creature cannot have higher value in any particular skill than you do. You can add powers of the same form the creature has and keep schticks and powers you already have, but you cannot otherwise add powers or schticks. This power cannot be used to imitate a specific individual; you remain yourself in mannerisms and detail while changing race, species, and creature type.
You remain in this form for a scene or until you fall asleep or unconscious or will yourself back to your normal form (a Basic Action). You can learn this power several times to learn to transform into several different creatures.
You can only assume the form on an Earth Elemental with this power.
Earth Feet
Your movement is unhindered, as long as you are in contact with the earth. Sand, broken ground, caltrops, pebbles, slopes, walls, and steps no taller than you are, all can be easily moved through. Halve the Free Running difficulty as long as you are in contact with a solid surface.
Levitating Rock
You ride a large rock, moving through the air instead of along the ground. The rock is large and clumsy enough that it is hard for you to fly in constricted spaces.
Basic Action or Finisher
You can turn yourself to stone as a basic action or turn an opponent to stone as a finishing move. This can either be a stone statue, a basic lump of rock, encasement in mineral substances, or a merger with existing stone or rock. It can be an useful item, such as a stairway, portal, or wall section. In either case size remains roughly the same, but mass is increased by a factor of four or so.
Someone who is petrified can take no actions and has only very basic sensory impressions of the surrounding. Biological functions and needs stop and this dulls the sense of time; if there are no stimuli to remember, eons seem to pass in moments. Add the targets Dodge value to the soak attribute against all types of damage.
This is a Curse, but you can use a basic action to break the effect at any time while touching the target.
Shapeshift Fire
Fire Elemental Form
Limit Break
You assume the form of another creature decided when you gain the power. You must have created a variant form for yourself using your normal points and limits. If you do not have such a creature description ready, you cannot use this power. This creature cannot have higher value in any particular skill than you do. You can add powers of the same form the creature has and keep schticks and powers you already have, but you cannot otherwise add powers or schticks. This power cannot be used to imitate a specific individual; you remain yourself in mannerisms and detail while changing race, species, and creature type.
You remain in this form for a scene or until you fall asleep or unconscious or will yourself back to your normal form (a Basic Action). You can learn this power several times to learn to transform into several different creatures.
You can only assume the form on a Fire Elemental with this version of the power.
Fire Glide
You can walk on any combustible object as if it was flat ground, causing it to ignite. You can even walk on an inverted surface or one that would not carry your weight. You can fly at normal Move so long as you remain within Maneuver meters of an open fire. You leave a trail of fire and embers as you move, making you easy to track.
Shapeshift Water
You become an amorph being with no definite form and no sensitive interior organs. You can displace your form to shift out of bonds or through tiny holes only large enough to let water through. Add your Mind to your Body and Toughness to soak Blunt damage.
Hover Bubble
You create a bubble of water around yourself that you can move. This lets you fly at your normal speed and helps sustain a water creature in air. It can also be used to create a bubble of air in water, with similar effects. You can keep another creature with you in a hover bubble, but unless that creature's Body is 5 or more lower than yours, neither of you can move as a part of a Basic Action while doing this.
Slippery When Wet
Basic Action
You can make an item or a 1 meter diameter patch of ground extremely slippery. To affect an item someone else holds requires an opposed Maneuver check, on a success the item becomes slippery and the wearer drops it. A creature trying to use an item must make an opposed Maneuver check or drop it. Slippery ground has a Free Running difficulty equal to your Maneuver. The effect lasts for the rest of the scene.
Water Adaptation
You can breathe water and can move underwater at normal speed. You will not take damage from normal exposure to water, and resists pressure at any depth.
Water Breathing
Basic Action
A target you touch (traditionally kiss) can breathe water. His skin will not take damage from normal exposure to water, and resists pressure down to 100 meters. You can affect yourself plus up to Mind others simultaneously with this power. It lasts for a session.
Water Elemental Form
Limit Break
You assume the form of another creature decided when you gain the power. You must have created a variant form for yourself using your normal points and limits. If you do not have such a creature description ready, you cannot use this power. This creature cannot have higher value in any particular skill than you do. You can add powers of the same form the creature has and keep schticks and powers you already have, but you cannot otherwise add powers or schticks. This power cannot be used to imitate a specific individual; you remain yourself in mannerisms and detail while changing race, species, and creature type.
You remain in this form for a scene or until you fall asleep or unconscious or will yourself back to your normal form (a Basic Action). You can learn this power several times to learn to transform into several different creatures.
You can only assume the form on a Water Elemental with this version of the power.
Water Walking
Basic Action
The target touched can walk on the surface of water or other liquid for the rest of the scene. You can ignore water-based difficult terrain. You are assumed to use this on yourself each scene.
Wave Action
Trigger Action (Combo)
When you do an action that includes movement, you can use this shtick to move again, either before or after the action. This allows you to act-move-move, move-act-move, or move-move-act. You cannot use Wave Action if you are you are Static or the action you just did is one that in itself allows additional movement.
Basic Action
You form a whirlpool with a diameter equal to your Mind, you must be in this area. Make a Trip maneuver against everyone in this area, friend and foe alike. You can move tripped targets to any point in the whirlpool; targets who you fail you trip instead decide where they end up.
Shapeshift Animal
You can breathe both water and air, and are just as fast and maneuverable in either environment. This negates the penalties of the Swimming rules.
Animal Shape
Basic Action or Finisher
You or willing target assumes the form of a mundane animal of your choice. He keeps his own skills and gain attributes typical of the selected animal. He gain whatever natural attacks, armor, senses, and movement abilities the animal has. He also get the Tool Ignorant limitation and suffer from Power Loss while changed, but he can still use any Animal Form powers normally. The power lasts for a session, or until you or the target opts to end it - a Basic Action. Used as a Finisher, the target need not volunteer and it is a Curse.
Animal Wings
Basic Action or Inherent
You grow wings that let you fly through the air at your normal Move for the rest of the scene or until you spend a basic action to transform back. As Basic Action when you have wings, you can fly with a Move equal to your Maneuver, and you can use this speed for overland travel. When used to travel long distances, you do so with a Move equal to your Ride. The wings are impractically large in cramped spaces, you can stunt to move trough a narrow space but cannot stay airborne unless you have wing room at some point of your move. When you take this power, you can choose it to be Inherent instead of a Basic Action, in which case you always have wings and can fly, but must still spend Basic Actions to fly fast.
Balancing Tail
You have a tail you can use for balance, like that of a squirrel, monkey, or cat. As long as this is free and unobstructed it allows you to make Maneuver tasks very confidently. Does not apply to opposed rolls or interaction stunts, but it makes unopposed acrobatic stunts into routine maneuvers. This includes most Free Running and Jump checks.
Beast Form
Limit Break
You assume the form of another creature decided when you gain the power. You must have created a variant form for yourself using your normal points and limits. If you do not have such a creature description ready, you cannot use this power. This creature cannot have higher value in any particular skill than you do. You can add powers of the same form the creature has and keep schticks and powers you already have, but you cannot otherwise add powers or schticks. This power cannot be used to imitate a specific individual; you remain yourself in mannerisms and detail while changing race, species, and creature type.
You remain in this form for a scene or until you fall asleep or unconscious or will yourself back to your normal form (a Basic Action). You can learn this power several times to learn to transform into several different creatures.
You can only assume the form on an Animal with this version of the power, but this includes all kinds of fantastic animals and beasts.
Cricket Legs
When you move, you can do so through the air in great leaps, instead of normal running. You can jump horizontally or vertically up to your normal speed as a part of a normal action, or twice that if you concentrate on leaping to the exclusion of other actions (a full move).
Fish Tail
Basic Action
A willing target you touch (traditionally with a kiss) grows a fish tail or finned feet and can breathe water and move underwater at normal speed. His skin will not take damage from normal exposure to water, and resists pressure down to 100 meters of depth. The target is now handicapped on land and cannot move as a part of a Basic Action. You can affect yourself plus up to Mind others simultaneously with this power. It otherwise lasts for a scene or until the target wills it to end.
Basic Action
You can move in great bursts of speed underwater, moving six times your normal Move in a reasonably straight line. You cannot sustain this speed for long enough for this to change your rate of travel.
Swarm is a very invasive power, that changes how your character works in complex ways. It is not generally recommended for player characters, except possibly as a part of a Shape Change.
You are not a single creature, but a communal entity composed of about 10 smaller creatures. You still act much as a single creature and most normal rules still apply. Incidental component creatures that move away from the swarm normally cannot act on their own - but you might explain other powers (Such as Tentacles as sub-swarms acting under your control.
The following happens to you, and attribute and skill changes apply after any normal limits or limitations. §1-§2 affects your intrinsic values and thus are cumulative with other modifications, §3 does not.
- Mind and Body are decreased by 3, which in turn reduces your Toughness. This is the attributes of an individual member of the swarm.
- Your mass and size does not change, but becomes the size of the swarm as a whole. A swarm is somewhat amorph, but assume there is a central hub that takes up about as much space as a regular creature. The creature uses it's original Body to qualify for Natural Reach, which then represents the swarms ability to spread out.
- If this would give you an attribute lower than zero (and the campaign does not use negative body scores) you cannot take this power. It is permissible to ignore mass limits on Body to get a body score of zero even for very small creatures, such as normal-sized insects.
- Your maneuver, Melee and Shoot skills are increased by +3. This represents members of the swarm assisting each other on such stunts.
- Damage resisted by Body or Toughness and that affects only a single creature in the swarm have to be particularly gruesome to have any effect at all; Add +3 to your Dodge against such attacks.
- As usual, skill bonuses are not cumulative, so this will not stack with other Dodge bonuses.
- You cannot take Damage Setbacks from attacks that only affect a single individual of the swarm; only area attacks can do Damage Setbacks.
The normal swarm comprises about 10 individuals, but some swarms actually comprise a larger number of even smaller creatures. Taking this power several times multiplies the number of creatures in the swarm by 10 and effects are cumulative.
When using a swarm in play, modify the base values according to §1 and §2. There is no need to recall the exact effects of these once they have had their effect on game values. Only apply §3 in play.
You can crawl along vertical or inverted walls or surfaces at your normal movement speed and with no penalty to actions. You can ignore difficult ground based on uneven or sticky surfaces.
Shapeshift Plant
Basic Action
You cause vegetation in a diameter equal to your Mind to animate and entangle creatures in the area. Free Running in the area has a minimum difficulty equal to your Maneuver. This lasts until the end of the scene. If the vegetation in the area is so sparse that it cannot effectively a certain creature, this has no effect on that creature. You and any creature using Plant Path are immune to your entangle.
Plant Elemental Form
Limit Break
You assume the form of another creature decided when you gain the power. You must have created a variant form for yourself using your normal points and limits. If you do not have such a creature description ready, you cannot use this power. This creature cannot have higher value in any particular skill than you do. You can add powers of the same form the creature has and keep schticks and powers you already have, but you cannot otherwise add powers or schticks. This power cannot be used to imitate a specific individual; you remain yourself in mannerisms and detail while changing race, species, and creature type.
You remain in this form for a scene or until you fall asleep or unconscious or will yourself back to your normal form (a Basic Action). You can learn this power several times to learn to transform into several different creatures.
You can only assume the form on a Plant Elemental with this version of the power.
Plant Path
Inherent or Basic Action
Plants part to allow passage to you. Evasion, Free Running, Make Camp and Pathfinding tasks are Routine for you in areas with significant plant life. Pathfinding is a Ride stunt and and Make Camp is a Recon stunt. You are immune to Plant powers that impede movement as long as the power-user's Mind is less than your Ride. This part of the power is inherent. As a Basic Action you can touch a creature allowing them to share the benefit for the rest of the scene as long as they stay within your Ride meters of you. You can benefit up to a number of creatures equal to your Mind this way.
Tree Trap
You trap your target inside a living tree (or other plant) within Mind meters. At your option, the target can be completely encased or partially exposed. Exposed parts of the target are awake and aware, while hidden parts are in suspended animation. You can shape the tree after it has imprisoned the target, and so can anyone who can manipulate living trees.
The targets life force is tied to that of the tree; as long as the tree is alive, the target survives. If the tree dies, so does the prisoner. A typical tree has a Body of 15-20 depending on size and kind. Freeing the targets requires breaking a Curse.
As an alternative, you can turn the target into a wooden statue or even a wooden object of approximately the same size such as a door, piece of furniture, or other item. In this form the victim can take no actions and has only very basic sensory impressions of the surrounding. Biological functions and needs stop and this dulls the sense of time; if there are no stimuli to remember, eons seem to pass in moments. Add the targets Dodge value to the soak attribute against all types of damage.
You can use this power on yourself, in which case you can break it as a basic action.
Shapeshift Metal
Flesh to Iron
Basic Action or Finisher
You can turn yourself to metal as a basic action or turn an opponent to metal as a finishing move. This can either be a metal statue, a metal bar, encasement in metal, or a merger with existing metal. It can be an useful item, such as a a weapon or set of armor. The item has about the same mass as the original, which makes the end result either smaller or hollow because of the higher density of metal. Someone who is turned to metal can take no actions and has only very basic sensory impressions of the surrounding. Biological functions and needs stop and this dulls the sense of time; if there are no stimuli to remember, eons seem to pass in moments, subjectively. Add the targets Dodge value to the soak attribute against all types of damage.
This is a Curse, but you can use a basic action to break the effect at any time while touching the target.
Metal Elemental Form
Limit Break
You assume the form of another creature decided when you gain the power. You must have created a variant form for yourself using your normal points and limits. If you do not have such a creature description ready, you cannot use this power. This creature cannot have higher value in any particular skill than you do. You can add powers of the same form the creature has and keep schticks and powers you already have, but you cannot otherwise add powers or schticks. This power cannot be used to imitate a specific individual; you remain yourself in mannerisms and detail while changing race, species, and creature type.
You remain in this form for a scene or until you fall asleep or unconscious or will yourself back to your normal form (a Basic Action). You can learn this power several times to learn to transform into several different creatures.
You can only assume the form on a Metal Elemental with this version of the power.
Metal Hover
You can move trough the air instead of along the ground. You must we wielding or wearing a large metal object for this to work. Alternatively, it can create a metal platform or a pair of metal wings you use to hover, but this can be hard to use in constricted spaces.
Basic Action or Finisher
You can turn yourself to metal as a basic action or turn an opponent into metal as a finishing move. This can either be a hollow metal statue, encasement in metal, or a useful item, such as a door, set of armor, or weapon. In either case volume is cut down to about 1/10 while mass is maintained.
Someone who is metalized can take no actions and has only very basic sensory impressions of the surrounding. Biological functions and needs stop and this dulls the sense of time; if there are no stimuli to remember, eons seem to pass in moments. Add the targets Dodge value to the soak attribute against all types of damage.
This is a Curse, but you can use a basic action to break the effect at any time while touching the target.
Shapeshift Ice
Deep Freeze
The target is frozen and in suspended animation, unconscious. At your option they can become ice statures or be encased in a block of ice or even frozen into an existing ice wall.
People in deep freeze are asleep and will not bleed, age or die while frozen, as long as the cold is maintained. Add the targets Dodge value to the soak attribute against all types of damage, and if in an ice block or wall of ice add your Mind to the soak attribute as well. They can be transported or stored and then thawed out.
Ice Elemental Form
Limit Break
You assume the form of another creature decided when you gain the power. You must have created a variant form for yourself using your normal points and limits. If you do not have such a creature description ready, you cannot use this power. This creature cannot have higher value in any particular skill than you do. You can add powers of the same form the creature has and keep schticks and powers you already have, but you cannot otherwise add powers or schticks. This power cannot be used to imitate a specific individual; you remain yourself in mannerisms and detail while changing race, species, and creature type.
You remain in this form for a scene or until you fall asleep or unconscious or will yourself back to your normal form (a Basic Action). You can learn this power several times to learn to transform into several different creatures.
You can only assume the form on a Ice Elemental with this version of the power.
Stance or Inherent
You can move unhindered and at your full Move with no risk of slipping or losing your balance on snow, ice or sleet. This part of the power is inherent.
You can create ice to ski over normal ground on even in less-than ideal circumstances; in this case Skate is a stance. You leave a path of ice after you move, but this is only cosmetic; it crumbles and melts almost instantly after you pass.
You can change your substance (but not your shape) into snow and ice. In this form, you are immune to cold and you can Sneak in ice and snow as if you had concealment. You can merge with snow, and pass through solid snow or ice at a rate of your Move as a Basic Action.
Shapeshift Illusion
Assume Identity
Basic Action
You assume an identity of your invention. This is a facade, but you act, feel, and think according to this identity, at least as far as any but the deepest mind probes can determine. You have a fake personality, motivations, loyalties, and memories. This makes you the perfect deep cover agent. Your own personality remains in the background, dormant, but can suspend or reactivate Assume Identity as a Basic Action.
Someone under Assume Identity will register as the assumed identity would to all detection powers and other detection effects and his surface thoughts read as those of the assumed personality.
Assume Identity lasts until you end it, but grows in strength over time. If there is a major conflict of interests, a personality conflict can develop; this is a Curse.
Living Illusion
For you, illusions are real. You can walk on illusory bridges, gain nourishment from illusory feasts, and gain protection from illusory armor.
Turn to Illusion
You turn your target into an insubstantial illusory image of itself. In this form it has the Incorporeal limitation and suffers from Power Loss. This is a Curse. As an alternative, you can capture the creature's image on reflective surface, but if you do, destroying the thing that bears this surface breaks the curse. Merely disrupting the image does not break the curse; imprisoning someone on the surface of a reflecting pool means they will only appear when the pool is calm, but the pool itself must be destroyed to break the curse.
Basic Action
You create the illusion of motion for all creatures in a diameter equal to your Mind with an opposed Maneuver check. Targets can no longer move as a part of a Basic Action for the rest of the scene. On an outcome matching the target's Reflexes that target is affected for the rest of the session.
Shapeshift Dark
Dark Form
You assume the form of a cloud of darkness. In this form, you can fly at your normal Move. You become Amorph and Resist Physical and Enervation damage but vulnerable to strong light and Radiation damage. You can Sneak as if you were in cover in darkness or shadow.
Guise of the Devil
Limit Break
You assume the form of another creature decided when you gain the power. You must have created a variant form for yourself using your normal points and limits. If you do not have such a creature description ready, you cannot use this power. This creature cannot have higher value in any particular skill than you do. You can add powers of the same form the creature has and keep schticks and powers you already have, but you cannot otherwise add powers or schticks. This power cannot be used to imitate a specific individual; you remain yourself in mannerisms and detail while changing race, species, and creature type.
You remain in this form for a scene or until you fall asleep or unconscious or will yourself back to your normal form (a Basic Action). You can learn this power several times to learn to transform into several different creatures.
You can only assume the form on a Devil with this version of the power.
Life Drain
Trigger Action
Whenever you successfully inflict a Damage Setback in combat, you can use life drain to regain one hit of damage.
Siphon Life
You can use the energy from a defeated creature to heal yourself and your allies. Allies in an area with a diameter equal to your Mind in meters, centered on you, regain one hit of damage. The total number of Hits healed cannot exceed the target's initial Hits.
Wings of Darkness
You grow ephemeral wings of darkness that let you fly through the air at your normal Move.
Shapeshift Flux
Whimsy Form
Limit Break
You assume the form of another creature decided when you gain the power. You must have created a variant form for yourself using your normal points and limits. If you do not have such a creature description ready, you cannot use this power. This creature cannot have higher value in any particular skill than you do. You can add powers of the same form the creature has and keep schticks and powers you already have, but you cannot otherwise add powers or schticks. This power cannot be used to imitate a specific individual; you remain yourself in mannerisms and detail while changing race, species, and creature type.
You remain in this form for a scene or until you fall asleep or unconscious or will yourself back to your normal form (a Basic Action). You can learn this power several times to learn to transform into several different creatures.
You can only assume the form on a Whimsy with this version of the power.
Flux Shape
Limit Break
Build a variant character for for yourself using your normal points and limits. The next time you would be transformed into another shape by any kind of power, you can choose to assume this shape instead of whatever form you'd normally assume. This effect lasts until the end of the session, and you can be assumed to begin each session having used this power. You can change what form you change into by using this power again.
Lucky Break
Basic Action
You create a burst of luck and imbue it into a creature. That creature gains a Fortune point. The new point must be spent before the end of the round, or it is lost.
Your Initiative rolls are Standard Rolls instead of Closed Rolls.
Shapeshift Order
Advantage of Order
Basic Action
You imbue a creature with perfection, giving it Advantage. The creature must use this advantage when its next shot comes up.
Unfailing Technique
You are calm and collected, able to do Maneuver tasks without distraction or imperfection. You treat all Maneuver tasks that are not opposed as Routine.
True Form
Trigger Action
You can return to your true form at any time when you are transformed. This includes even Curses. You do not heal any damage, but if the transformation is the result of a Setback you negate the setback and do not suffer any other consequence of that Setback.
Virtuous Shape
Limit Break
You assume the form of another creature decided when you gain the power. You must have created a variant form for yourself using your normal points and limits. If you do not have such a creature description ready, you cannot use this power. This creature cannot have higher value in any particular skill than you do. You can add powers of the same form the creature has and keep schticks and powers you already have, but you cannot otherwise add powers or schticks. This power cannot be used to imitate a specific individual; you remain yourself in mannerisms and detail while changing race, species, and creature type.
You remain in this form for a scene or until you fall asleep or unconscious or will yourself back to your normal form (a Basic Action). You can learn this power several times to learn to transform into several different creatures.
You can only assume the form on a Virtue with this version of the power.
Shapeshift Light
Angelic Form
Limit Break
You assume the form of another creature decided when you gain the power. You must have created a variant form for yourself using your normal points and limits. If you do not have such a creature description ready, you cannot use this power. This creature cannot have higher value in any particular skill than you do. You can add powers of the same form the creature has and keep schticks and powers you already have, but you cannot otherwise add powers or schticks. This power cannot be used to imitate a specific individual; you remain yourself in mannerisms and detail while changing race, species, and creature type.
You remain in this form for a scene or until you fall asleep or unconscious or will yourself back to your normal form (a Basic Action). You can learn this power several times to learn to transform into several different creatures.
You can only assume the form on an Angel with this version of the power. Doing so, you are filled with angelic virtue and become unable to do dark deeds.
Prismatic Division
Limit Break
You split into two creatures with identical abilities, but each of a different primary color. All copies share the same Hits, shot counter, and fortune pool. In detailed time each duplicate moves separately, up to Maneuver meters apart, but does the same actions. If both target the same creature, only one gets to roll but gets a +1 bonus per extra duplicate (this is an application of Assist Action). Only one duplicate can perform a Limit Break each round, with the other duplicate(s) assisting.
When one of you is subject to an effect, you can decide to either suffer the effect normally on all duplicates, or have the duplicate that was the target disappear. All but one duplicate disappears at the end of the scene. The last duplicate left is considered "you", the original, there is no difference between the duplicates while they are active.
You can take this power multiple times, gaining a number of additional selves equal to the number of power picks, up to seven.
You surround yourself with a blinding aura of power, making you appear powerful and exalted. It is hard to focus on you through this intense glare; anyone wishing to target you must first take a Basic Action to overcome the glare. Once this is done, they can freely target you for the rest of the scene. This does not apply against anyone against whom you have cover or concealment. Does not prevent interactions or area attacks.
Shapeshift Gifts
Beast Cloak
Basic Action
You can assume the form of an animal similar to yourself in size, as decided when you use the power. This does not change any of your skills or ability scores, but you gain a natural Melee attack doing Body +2 damage of an appropriate type.
Bestial Self
Limit Beak
You free your inner monstrous nature. You must build a monstrous variant for for yourself on the same point total. This is usually a hulking monstrosity, but is some cases it can be small and stealthy. It is never Folk or Animal.
The bestial self and you share Hits and Fortune points. When the bestial self runs out of Hits, it runs away until it gets away or until it has taken Hits equal to your Body, which causes it to be defeated. After successfully running away, when defeated, or at the end of the scene, you transform back into your normal form. Any hits and other effect taken remain with you, possibly leaving you unconscious.
Your bestial self is different enough that observers will not recognize you without some stunt. The transformation is shocking and distracting, which protects your identity; your normal form is assumed to be hiding or to have run away by casual observers.
Limit Break
You create a copy of yourself. This copy is a separate creature and has the same skills, attributes, and schticks you do, but is not Focused and lacks Hits and Fortune points. Whenever the duplicate spends one of these resources, you spend that resource instead. As an alternative, the Duplicate is defeated. When you use this power, make an Initiative check to see when it can act, but this can never be earlier than the current shot. At the end of the scene you absorb the duplicate, only in exceptional circumstances will it remain a separate creature as required in the plot.
Pick one Stance power. Your body mutates to accommodate this power, and it becomes inherent, always on, and a part of your body. This often changes your physical appearance and works well with the Mark of Power method.
You can take this power several times, each time it applies to a separate power that is a stance.
Ride the Blast
Trigger Action (Combo)
When you hit a target using a Shoot, you can use this power to Teleport to a spot adjacent to the target.
Shapeshift Magic
A golem is a magical construct with a vulnerability to a specific Form. Because of this connection, it is immune to all powers of all other forms. A golem can have Limitations that makes it vulnerable to other powers. A golem is a slave under the will of its creator. Certain golems have limitation that might break this control, making the golem lose all control and go wild. A golem is also Dumb.
Limit Break
You assume the form of another creature decided when you gain the power. You must have created a variant form for yourself using your normal points and limits. If you do not have such a creature description ready, you cannot use this power. This creature cannot have higher value in any particular skill than you do. You can add powers of the same form the creature has and keep schticks and powers you already have, but you cannot otherwise add powers or schticks. This power cannot be used to imitate a specific individual; you remain yourself in mannerisms and detail while changing race, species, and creature type.
You remain in this form for a scene or until you fall asleep or unconscious or will yourself back to your normal form (a Basic Action). You can learn this power several times to learn to transform into several different creatures.
The forms you can assume are limited by the forms you know.
- Air Elementals, are linked to the Air Form.
- Earth Elementals are linked to the Earth Form.
- Fire Elementals are linked to the Fire Form.
- Water Elementals are linked to the Water Form.
- Plant Elementals are linked to the Plant Form.
- Metal Elementals are linked to the Metal Form.
- Ice Elementals are linked to the Ice Form.
- Demons are linked to the Flux Form.
- Devils are linked to the Darkness Form.
- Angels are linked to the Light Form.
- Virtues are linked to the Order Form.
- Animals are linked to the Animal Form.
- Aberrations are linked to the Space form.
- Undead are linked to the Death Form.
Limit Break
This is an ancillary power to Morphism. Each time you use Polymorphism, you can change what creature you change into using Morphism. If you have Morphism several times, only one of your available forms can change each time you use Polymorphism.
Shapeshift Spiritual
Basic Action
You can assume a mundane form and back again. The mundane form is normally human, but you can choose any Folk or a normal Animal. In this form, you have normal attribute maxima of your assumed race. This power is negated as soon as you use any power. It is not possible to detect your lost powers or spiritual nature when you are in this form; they simply are not present to be detected. This is tied to the Mark of Power method.
Spirit Form
Basic Action
You can assume spirit form. You become Incorporeal. Add your Mind to all soak attributes. Damage and effects based on Psychic Damage affect you normally.
When you take this power, you must decide if your spirit form or your temporal form (the form you are in when not using this power) is your natural state. You begin play sessions in your natural state, and resume your natural state on Power Loss or if the power fails. It is possible to have your normal form be a Spirit Form without taking the power, but of you do, you can never manifest physically or change your medium and are always a spirit.
Spirit Incarnate
Pick one Stance power. You do not need to spend shots to activate this stance at the beginning of a scene. You still count as activating the power, which matters to other powers like Prayer. This often changes your physical appearance and works well with the Mark of Power method. You can take this power several times, each time it applies to a separate power that is a Stance.
This is a meta-power that affects other powers. In some campaign worlds there is a strong Origin Divide among different origins. Check with your GM regarding your campaign. Origins that are opposed cannot cannot be modified by meta-powers; it is as if powers from the opposing origin was actually a schtick rather than a power.
Shapeshift Tech
Balance Wires
Trigger Action
Cybernetic enhancements for the inner ear and enhanced neural receptors for spatial awareness give you the ability to dance on razor wires. Free Running and Fly stunts are Routine for you.
Cyborg Assimilation
Limit Break
You assume the form of another creature decided when you gain the power. You must have created a variant form for yourself using your normal points and limits. If you do not have such a creature description ready, you cannot use this power. This creature cannot have higher value in any particular skill than you do. You can add powers of the same form the creature has and keep schticks and powers you already have, but you cannot otherwise add powers or schticks. This power cannot be used to imitate a specific individual; you remain yourself in mannerisms and detail while changing race, species, and creature type.
You remain in this form for a scene or until you fall asleep or unconscious or will yourself back to your normal form (a Basic Action). You can learn this power several times to learn to transform into several different creatures.
You can only assume the form on a Robot with this version of the power.
Hardwiring is a neural override that takes over your body and allows you to use your Maneuver skill as if it was Melee. At the end of a combat scene when you used this, this inflicts a Hit on you due to strain.
Physical Skill Processor
You have a computer connected to your brain that can run PSPs, programs that give you access to skills and abilities you normally lack. You run a PSP by activating this stance and selecting a certain stunt; you can now use this stunt using Maneuver. The PSP only applies to physical skills: Dodge, Melee, Recon, Ride, and Shoot. You can run several skillsofts at once by activating this power several times; each time costs a shot and allows you to select another specific stunt.
Prosthetic Limb
Basic Action
You have an artificial limb of great strength. This can be either an arm, two legs, or some smaller body part such as a hand, jaws, or similar. When you concentrate in the use of this limb, you are very strong, with a Body equal to your Maneuver skill. This is great for specific tasks such as breaking down doors, bending iron bars, hanging on to the outside of moving vehicles and so on. For a limb that can do damage on this scale, select Cybernetic Pile-driver.
Shapeshift Death
Blood Drain
The target takes a Mortal Wound, quite likely killing him. Select one attribute of a living target. You temporarily increase your own attribute by two points, but not to a value higher than the target's. The attribute boost lasts the rest of the session, possibly more if the story merits it. You can only use Blood Drain once per session on any particular creature.
False Life
You can take three additional Hits before being defeated. If you drop this stance while having taken more hits than you can normally do, you are knocked out.
You seem to not be affected by gravity, wind, and similar gross physical forces. You can move through the air instead of along the ground, and often does this in a strange manner, as if walking, drifting, or simply appearing in a new position.
Life Drain
The target takes a Mortal Wound, quite likely killing him. You recover one Hit, one Fortune point, and become Focused. If the target's Mind is the same or higher than your own, you can instead opt to become a year younger. You can only use Life Drain once per day on any particular creature.
Steal Skill
The target takes a Mortal Wound, quite likely killing it. You gain temporary access to one skill and two related schticks the victim had. For the duration of the current story, you can use his skill value instead of your own (if it is better) and learn two schticks related to that skill the target had. If you know the proper forms, you can learn powers instead of schticks. This power does not stack, when you use it any previously stolen skill is lost.
Undead Form
Limit Break
You assume the form of another creature decided when you gain the power. You must have created a variant form for yourself using your normal points and limits. If you do not have such a creature description ready, you cannot use this power. This creature cannot have higher value in any particular skill than you do. You can add powers of the same form the creature has and keep schticks and powers you already have, but you cannot otherwise add powers or schticks. This power cannot be used to imitate a specific individual; you remain yourself in mannerisms and detail while changing race, species, and creature type.
You remain in this form for a scene or until you fall asleep or unconscious or will yourself back to your normal form (a Basic Action). You can learn this power several times to learn to transform into several different creatures.
You can only assume the form on an Undead with this version of the power.
Shapeshift Force
Animate Objects
Basic Action
You can imbue existing unattended objects with mobility and a rudimentary mind. This lasts until the end of the next round, but you can spend another Basic Action to renew the effect. You can either animate one object as a Henchman or a number of objects equal to your Reflexes as a group of identical Minions.
- Body depends on the mass of the object.
- Reflexes is equal to your Maneuver minus the object's Body.
- Mind is 1.
- Move is 4. They cannot fly but can move as if they were wielded by a human, which can give the impression they can fly.
- They have the Impassive and Varmint powers.
- They have Melee and Dodge equal to your Maneuver and can make a melee attack for Body +2 damage of a type appropriate to their form.
- Maneuver equal to the object's Reflexes
Inertial Dampening
Trigger Action (Defense)
When a target in sight is about to take Concussion damage, you can add your your Maneuver to the targets Reflexes to soak that damage.
You can move through the air instead of along the ground.
Telekinetic Hand
You can manipulate objects within Mind meters of you, just as if you were using your regular hands. This allows you to perform basic tasks, melee attacks, and such at a limited range - which often lets you position yourself out of harms way. This cannot be used with area attacks.
Shapeshift Life
Attribute Focus
Select one attribute of Body, Mind, or Reflexes. Increase the chosen attribute by three. Reduce the other two attributes by 2 each.
Body Control
Limit Break
You can change your shape within the limits of your species, body mass, and Body. You can dislocate and elongate limbs, change your apparent gender, mimic the facial features, stance and other cosmetic traits of others, and do other changes as long as you respect the three limitations above. You can use your Maneuver instead of your Reflexes for Contortions, and such checks are Routine for you. You can also use this to adopt a Disguise, tough you still need social skills in order to make the act believable.
Gender Change
You change the gender and/or sexual orientation of the target. You can also change how the target's species sexual dimorphism expresses itself (feminine, androgynous, masculine, hermaphroditic), the target's sex drive, and its fertility. The target remembers its previous gender and orientation and might have qualms about its new sexual orientation, but these are intellectual memories that have a hard time standing up to the target's new physical needs. This is a curse.
You grow to four times your ordinary weight (approximately 160% of your normal length), which gives you +3 Body, but reduces your Reflexes and Mind by one point each. You can take this power several times, multiplying the effect of the stance. Weight and size increase is exponential; three levels of growth makes you 256 times as heavy and four times as tall.
Improving Body places a strain on any weapons or other gear you use; it will break on a snakeyes result. Reducing Mind reduces the upper limit on daily expenditure of Fortune points while the stance is active. Reducing Reflexes costs you an equal number of shots.
Basic Action or Finisher
Make an opposed Maneuver roll, on a success the target's Move suffers a penalty of -1 until the end of the scene. This can be increased by various factors.
- If the attack scores an Outcome matching the target's Move, the penalty is increased by two.
- If performed as a Finisher, the penalty is increased by two and the effect is a Curse - including any previous Slow results.
The target also loses as many shots as the penalty, with a minimum of three shots lost.
Living Form
Limit Break
You assume the form of another creature decided when you gain the power. You must have created a variant form for yourself using your normal points and limits. If you do not have such a creature description ready, you cannot use this power. This creature cannot have higher value in any particular skill than you do. You can add powers of the same form the creature has and keep schticks and powers you already have, but you cannot otherwise add powers or schticks. This power cannot be used to imitate a specific individual; you remain yourself in mannerisms and detail while changing race, species, and creature type.
You remain in this form for a scene or until you fall asleep or unconscious or will yourself back to your normal form (a Basic Action). You can learn this power several times to learn to transform into several different creatures.
You can assume the form of any living creature using this power. This includes Folk, Animals, Plant Elementals, Fairies, Monsters, Mutants, and Supers.
Shapeshift Mind
Folk Form
Limit Break
You assume the form of another creature decided when you gain the power. You must have created a variant form for yourself using your normal points and limits. If you do not have such a creature description ready, you cannot use this power. This creature cannot have higher value in any particular skill than you do. You can add powers of the same form the creature has and keep schticks and powers you already have, but you cannot otherwise add powers or schticks. This power cannot be used to imitate a specific individual; you remain yourself in mannerisms and detail while changing race, species, and creature type.
You remain in this form for a scene or until you fall asleep or unconscious or will yourself back to your normal form (a Basic Action). You can learn this power several times to learn to transform into several different creatures.
You can only assume the form of Folk this power.
Folk Guise
Basic Action
You assume the form of any Race of Folk selected when you use the power. You keep your own skills but suffer the attributes maximums of the selected Folk and one race schtick of your choice. You lose any powers based on Race or physical form. This is not a disguise, you can still be recognized, but if you further disguise yourself any issues based on your physical form are overcome.
Steal Voice
You control your victim's ability to speak. You can change his voice, making it soft, croaking, roaring or whatever you like. You can make the target dumb, or prevent him from saying certain words or to talk about certain things. When applicable, this prevents the target from using the Charm and Impress skills at a value higher than his Mind. This is a mental effect, so telepathic communication if affected too.
You can mimic the target's voice and speech mannerisms. Any attempt you make to imitate the target is Routine, as long as your appearance makes it possible at all.
This is a Curse.
Shapeshift Time
Instant Action
Basic Action
One ally gets a burst of extra time and can immediately take one Basic Action or add three to their shot counter. Remember that the shot counter can never be higher than the current shot. If the target has Reflexes higher than your Maneuver, you must succeed at a Maneuver check against their Reflexes in order to affect them.
Task Prediction
Basic Action
A specialized prediction effect where you look into the future to see the most opportune way to do specific action. This makes the task Routine. If conditions change before you use this bonus, it is lost, so task prediction is usually best used in the same round. In order for another character to get this bonus, you must somehow transmit the information—such as by giving them advice. This only works on tasks that require direct action—it cannot help on Knowledge or Contact checks. It can be used for defense values, but that must be specified when the power is first used.
Time for Action
Basic Action
Up to Mind allies of you within Maneuver meters makes their next Initiative roll as a Closed Confident roll.
Time Stop
Limit Break
You stop time for everyone except yourself. Make a Maneuver check against the highest Reflexes among the opposition. If you succeed, you have a number of shots equal to the outcome where only you can act. Treat this as a separate round that is played out right now and where only you have an initiative count. Once your extra shots are spent, play resumes where it was. During this time, there are some special rules.
- You cannot focus during a time stop, and you cannot use time stop continuously.
- The only creature that can act or be directly affected by actions or events is you. All other characters are frozen in time and immovable and invulnerable. There minds are not there to be interacted with, and they cannot perceive anything.
- You can move (but not damage) nonliving, unattended objects by conscious effort. Objects do not move except when you move them. Even a flying or falling object is frozen in mid-air. An object you move this way loses its kinetic energy and, if unsupported, falls to the ground when time resumes.
- By setting up an object to trip or hider a creature, you can do so a Trip stunt with a +3 bonus, whose effect is applied after the time stop ends.
- Because creatures cannot perceive you, you can do a Sneak stunt with Confidence.
Shapeshift Space
Alter Size
You change the target's size and the size of all their carried equipment. This can have a set duration of up to one day, or be a Curse. Sufficient changes will also change the Body score. You can change Body by as many points as your Mind, potentially reducing an ogre to the size of a small child and vice versa.
If you increase Body, Reflexes is lowered by the same amount, but no lower than half the targets original Reflexes - further reductions are taken of Mind instead.
Reducing Body reduces Move and increases Reflexes by half as much each, but can make stunts such as escaping confinement and finding hiding places much easier.
This can be used as a plot hook to place players in a miniature world - in such cases their attributes are usually not changed, instead the setting is altered to fit their new scale.
Dimension Door
Basic Action
You can disappear, only to appear moments later in another location. You teleport to another location; roll for this as if it was a ranged attack against a Dodge of 5, with normal Range modifiers. Cover is very common when teleporting. When calculating Cover, teleportation treats anything infused with powers, living, ferrous, containing lead, or firmly anchored in the ground as hard cover - other obstructions are merely concealment.
On a failed roll, you either fail to teleport or suffer a Setback, as appropriate.
Holding Space
Basic Action
You can access a personal extra-dimensional space, useful for storage. It is a Basic Action to put something into or to take something out of this space. Objects in this space are not generally accessible to others but do not have plot immunity and can be stolen with an interaction Setback. You must be capable of lifting the object to move it into or out of this space. Your lifting can be assisted, which usually increases the time required a lot. No creature can enter the space, only reach into it to access the things inside. A holding space can carry a large quantity of goods, add your Mind to your Body to see how much you can carry.
Teleport Stance
This stance can turn normal movement into teleportation. When you take a Basic Action, you can teleport some or all of the distance you'd normally move. Such movement is not an action; it is only the movement part of a normal action. You must have a clear and unobstructed line of sight to the target spot, but you can do several small teleports to move around corners or one long teleport to cover an obstacle such as a pit. As a Full Move, you can teleport a distance equal to your Maneuver in meters.
Melee Schticks and Powers
All-Out Attack
Basic Action
Make a Melee attack with a +2 bonus. Until your next shot comes up or the end of the round, you cannot take a Trigger Action. You can use All-Out Attack and Rash together.
Trigger Action
You can do a Interference stunt using your Melee skill.
When your shot comes up and you are not adjacent to any enemy, and you move adjacent to an enemy and make a Melee attack, you can focus.
Basic action
When you do a Grab stunt, you gain several advantages.
- You gain a +3 defensive bonus against all Dodge and Impress stunts, not just from the person you grabbed.
- You can still employ a small or tiny weapon, both when grabbing someone or being grabbed.
- You can attack others not involved in your grapple.
- When an opponent has a grab on you, and you score an attack on them, you can either can free yourself or grab them.
- You can grab a number of creatures at once equal to your number of arms (or similar limbs). Each must be grabbed separately, but you can maintain several grabs at once.
Combat Banter
Trigger Action (Combo)
After you perform a successful Browbeat, Distraction, Scare, or Trick attempt, you can use this to perform a Normal Melee Attack against the same target.
Combat Binding
Basic Action
You are skilled in using ropes or cuffs to restrain an opponent in melee. Make a Melee check against the target's Dodge. On a success the target is partially bound and suffers one of the penalties noted below. On an Outcome matching the target's Reflexes he is more severely bound and suffers three of the conditions, or you can apply one restriction of your choice. Restraints are applied in this order: bound arms, immobilized, bound legs, blindfolding, hogtie. Physical restraint in Action does not completely prevent a hero from action, they impose handicaps to be overcome.
- Gagging prevents mundane speech. Stymies all Charm and Impress checks.
- Handcuffing is when your hands are tied in front of you, but not so tightly as to make them completely unusable; you can still use one hand effectively, such as using weapons or tools of Small size or smaller.
- Hobbling indicates restrained legs, but not fixed to each other. It means you cannot move as part of a normal Basic Action, and can only move your normal move when you do a Full Move action or otherwise do an action that grants extra movement..
- Immobilized, stuck to something, alternatively on a short leash which prevents movement beyond one or two meters. If you are stuck to a creature whose Body is greater than yours, you are forced along as it moves, otherwise you are both immobilized unless you two cooperate.
- Bound Legs you fall prone and cannot stand unsupported, which prevents and hinders many actions as determined by the situation and stunt description. Your Move is reduced to 1. Swimming and flying creatures are entangled, with similar effects.
- Bound Arms prevent most physical manipulation and the use of weapons and implements. You can still use tackles and head butts for (Body +0) damage or a Tiny Ranged Weapon, but limited to Close range.
- Blinded restricts your awareness, giving you only a rough estimate of objects and creatures in a diameter equal to your Mind; you are insensitive to things beyond this range. Everyone has enough concealment to Sneak on you, and against creatures beyond your perception range, you have to use Reflexes rather than Recon for defense against Recon stunts.
- (or more) Hogtie A hogtied character cannot act physically and can only move one meter as a standard action; no movement is otherwise allowed. This also prevents all Defense actions.
These restraints can be escaped with a Contortions stunt pitting Reflexes against your Melee or destroyed by another person; ropes have a Body of around 12 while metal cuffs have 15 or more. Weapons larger and more unwieldy than a dagger take an attack penalty equal to their damage add when attacking bonds.
You can aim for a specific condition. Threat any roll higher than that condition as that condition. If you are aiming for a specific condition and instead achieve another, you can choose to forgo that effect to get and Advantage that can add a +3 bonus on a later attempt.
Daredevil Stunt
Basic Action
Use your melee weapon (or unarmed attack) to make a Bait, Disarm, Feint, and Wingclip stunt with a +3 bonus. Typical stunts include trips, feints, called shots, disarm, and particularly outrageous and dashing maneuvers such as carving your initials or adjusting your opponent's coiffure in combat. It enables you to do all the fun but somewhat silly things done in pulpy Three Musketeers and pirate movies.
Dauntless Attack
Limit Break
You make a flashy Normal melee Attack that renews your confidence. Hit or miss, you regain 1 Hit. If you damage your opponent you instead regain 3 Hits.
Double Damage Dealing
Trigger Action (Combo)
You can use two one-handed melee weapons together. When using two melee weapons, one in each hand, you can follow up each Melee attack you use to attack with one of these melee weapons with a Normal Melee Attack from your second weapon on the same or a different target within reach.
When armed with a pole weapon without reach, you can make this additional attack with the butt of the weapon, which inflicts Body +3 damage. The simplest example of this is the quarterstaff.
Some prefer special double weapons, that combine two one-handed melee weapons into one, such as the lajatang (a double sword), double mace, mace-spear and so on. These weapons work as if you were wielding these two weapons separately.
Limit Break
You confront an opposing character in a way where others cannot easily intervene. This is usually because of the physical setting, somehow you and your opponent end up isolated from others and lasts until the end of the next round. Against opponents with a code of honor this can be a purely social barrier. If there is no such barrier you can use, the schtick will not work, but pretty strange coincidences are allowed.
Others can try to break the isolation with stunts against your Melee, but need to achieve an Outcome equal to your Reflexes to do so, collecting an Advantage for each success that does not have enough of an outcome. Those not involved in the duel cannot distract you with these stunts and are restricted to Gain Advantage attempts.
Flank Attack
Basic Action
You must not be in reach of any enemy to use this schtick. Make a Normal Melee Attack or Outmaneuver against an opponent that is not adjacent to any of his allies. You gain a +1 bonus on your check for each of your allies adjacent to him, to a maximum of +2. You do not count as your own ally.
Guarded Attack
Basic Action
Make a Normal Melee Attack attack. Until your next action you count as actively dodging, and get a +3 bonus to Dodge. It stops when you take any action, including a trigger action. Trigger actions you take the same shot you use Guarded Strike do not end the Dodge bonus. This is particularly useful against Riposte and attacks that do not allow an active defense.
Heart Attack
Limit Break
Make a Normal Melee Attack attack. If you hit the opponent, you cause a single Hit in addition to normal damage.
Iron Fist
You have hardened yourself so that you can do Body +4 Blunt damage with unarmed attacks. This attack does not cause any direct injury on a Damage Setback, instead favoring stun, knockback, and other non-lethal effects.
Junk Fu
Basic Action
You are very good with improvised weapons, such as beer bottles or chairs. Use this maneuver to pick up and wield some object lying about. For the rest of the round, you get a +3 bonus to Melee when using this object as a weapon. By the end of the round, if you drop the object, or if you roll snakeyes on your action die, the improvised weapon is destroyed and the effect ends. Objects with script immunity are not destroyed, merely dropped, but this schtick is still canceled for the sequence.
Improvised weapons generally do Body +1 damage, but particularly inventive items can function like some regular Melee weapon, generally with a damage penalty.
Melee Technique
Pick one of the following weapon abilities. Any melee weapon you use, not including natural weapons and unarmed attacks, get these weapon techniques. You can take this schtick several times, selecting different changes each time.
- Change the damage type to another damage type you can convince the GM to allow.
- Counter
- Disarm
- Dual Damage and a +2 damage bonus.
- Entangle
- Parry
- Penetrating
- Rash and a +2 damage bonus.
- Returning — Requires Throw.
- Slick
- Stun
- Throw — Cannot be used with unarmed/natural attacks.
Limitations As an option, you can instead remove one for the following weapon abilities. You can remove limiting weapon abilities gained from Melee Techniques.
Power Attack
Basic Action
Make a Melee attack that does +2 additional damage.
Gain a +2 bonus on Melee and suffer a -2 penalty on Dodge and to Melee used to Guard.
Seven-Sword Strike
Basic Action
Make a Normal Melee Attack against all adjacent enemies. You cannot move as a part of this basic action, nor can you do Trigger Actions until your next shot comes up. See Combination Action for how you can combine this with movement.
Shield Feint
Trigger Action (Combo)
When you are wielding a melee weapon with shield in the name in one hand and another melee weapon that is of a smaller Size than the shield in the other hand, you can use this Combo to improve your attack. Opponents cannot use a Trigger Action (Defense) check against such an attack.
Shield Sacrifice
Trigger Action (Damage)
To use this, you must be using a shield. Add 10 to your Body, Mind, Reflexes, or Toughness to soak one specific attack, after the attack roll and defenses. You cannot benefit from a shield for the rest of the scene. A shield you are using breaks and is destroyed. If the shield has plot immunity, is of superior make, or of a higher tech level than the attacking weapon, you instead drop it.
Signature Melee Weapon
Select one specific melee, like the family ancestral sword or the shiv that saved your life in prison. Your fate is linked to this melee weapon.
- Even a small signature melee weapon is dangerous in your hands. Increase the weapon's damage by one, to a minimum of Body +4.
- You can own and carry this melee weapon even if it would normally be beyond your means, illegal, or require some special license. People tend to not question your right to take it along; unless the GM makes a montage of how it is taken, the melee weapon stays with you. It can also pop up in the unlikeliest places seemingly on its own.
- It is harder to steal or disarm you of this weapon. You are Confident on any stunt to hide or interaction check to keep it. When others try stunts to disable or make you lose your item, they are Stymied. Even if it is stolen, it always crops up later — it is never permanently lost.
- The melee weapon is tougher than normal, having a minimum Toughness score equal to your Melee. Even when seemingly destroyed, the melee weapon can always be repaired.
- Finally, the melee weapon becomes infused with your essence. It is considered a supernatural or magical melee weapon in situations where this matters.
You are an expert at attacking a particular type of enemy. This is generally a nemesis or ancestral enemy, but might also be focused skill and practice. When you make an attack against such an enemy, the attack roll is Confident. But if you roll snake eyes on such an attack, you suffer a Setback as your zeal backfires.
The kind of targets you can select as favored enemies depend on the campaign and must be approved by the GM. In general, a favored enemy should apply about 10% of all enemies you fight. Ethnicities and organizations work, even clans. Fantasy Races are usually appropriate, except against the dominant race of the setting (usually humans) where only specific ethnicities are applicable. Even more applicable in setting where they exist are different kinds of monsters, such as fairies, dragons, and so on.
Soft Strike
Basic Action
You make an attack when you use an enemy's strength against him. Make a Melee attack against the higher of your target's Dodge or Body, inflicting Concussion Stun damage equal to your Reflexes. Concussion damage is soaked using Reflexes. The target can use Body as Dodge if Body is higher.
When you make a Strength Push stunt, the Melee roll is Confident.
Takedown Counter
Trigger Action (Combo)
You use the power of an enemy's attack against him. Make a melee attack against a target that just missed you in melee, inflicting Concussion Stun damage equal to your Reflexes. Concussion damage is soaked using Reflexes. If you manage to do any damage, your target loses a shot. If the target moved before attacking you, you can throw him three meters in the direction he was moving before the attack, but then the damage is not stun. The target can use Body as Dodge if Body is higher.
Trigger Action (Combo)
One per Basic Action you take, you can trample a creature that is prone or that has a Body 5 or more lower than yours. Make a Normal Melee Attack that inflicts Body damage.
Use the form in close combat and martial arts, enhancing your physical attacks and abilities. This often involves the spirit or associations of the form.
Imbue Air
Buffeting Strike
You can make unarmed melee attacks that do Body +2 Concussion damage, soaked by Reflexes. The target can use Body as Dodge if Body is higher.
Flying Strike
Basic Action
Make a jumping charge at an enemy up to your Move meters extra in a reasonably straight line. All your movement this action must be in the same direction. Then make a Normal Melee Attack. If you jumped at least three meters you get +3 additional damage.
Lord's Bastion
Basic Action
Make a Normal Melee Attack attack. Until you next spend shots you gain a +3 bonus on Dodge and Impress defense values.
Lord's Strike
Basic Action
Make a Normal Melee Attack attack. Targets are pushed one meter away from you for each point the damage result exceeds the soak value, and a flier is also moved the same distance downwards.
Laughing Zephyr
Basic Action
Make a Melee attack: if successful you get a hold on a weapon in the hands of an opponent, forcing him to spend 3 shots or give up the weapon to you. If you score an Outcome matching his Reflexes, you take the weapon and he cannot choose to spend shots to retrieve it. If you get hold of the weapon all attacks made by you with this weapon against the former owner gain a +3 Action Value bonus until end of the scene.
Limit Break
Make a strike that causes a shockwave that strikes nearby opponents. You attack all enemies in a globe with a diameter of five meters with you at the center, doing Body +0 Concussion damage, soaked by Reflexes. After the attack all enemies are pushed back on meter per Hit taken. The target can use Body as Dodge if Body is higher.
Wind Dance
Basic Action
Make a Normal Melee Attack attack. After the attack you can jump your Move meters in any direction.
Wind Soul
You can use your body to do melee attacks that do Mind +2 Blunt damage, or more if you are using an Implement to improve damage.
Wind Sword
You create one or more melee weapons in your hand(s). These function exactly as normal weapons of the type you choose to create, but are constructs made of ephemeral materials and not of any particular material a creature might be vulnerable or resistant to. They disappear at the end of any round when it is not in your hand. You must be familiar with a weapon to create it this way.
This power can create swords and daggers of any technological complexity you are familiar with.
Wind Touch
Stance (Damage Boost)
You can imbue a Melee or Shoot attack with an additional type of damage. The damage of the attack increases by +2. Against a target that has different soak values against the two types of damage, use the lesser soak value but decrease the damage by 2. Wind Touch does Concussion damage soaked by Reflexes.
Basic Action
Make a Melee attack with Body Concussion damage against all adjacent enemies. The target can use Body as Dodge if Body is higher. After the attack all enemies are pushed back on meter per Hit taken. You cannot move as part of this Basic Action. See Combination Action for how you can combine this with movement.
Imbue Earth
Calcifying Touch
You can make a Melee Attack - either the basic stunt or using some other stunt, schtick, or power. Damage is your Mind +2. This is Neurotoxin damage soaked with Body.
You gradually turn the target and his gear to stone or encase them in stone. For each Hit you inflict, the target loses one point of Reflexes and one shot from his shot counter, but gains one point of Toughness. If the target's Reflexes are reduced to zero, he is petrified and helpless, this is a Curse. Lesser transformations and Reflex losses reverse themselves as the Hits are recovered.
Diamond Edge
Stance (Damage Boost)
You imbue a melee weapon with the power of stone, covering it with heavy rocks or sharp crystals. This increases the damage rating of the attack by +2. This is physical damage of the same type the weapon normally does. A weapon that does not do physical damage cannot benefit form this power.
You can only benefit from one damage-boost stance at a time.
Limit Break
Standing on solid ground, you strike the earth, making it lash out against nearby enemies touching the same solid surface. You attack all enemies standing on the ground in a globe with a diameter of five meters meters with you at the center. Damage is Body +4 Blunt. You cannot use this power while flying, swimming, or otherwise not firmly grounded.
Heaven Cannon
Basic Action
Make an unarmed attack against an opponent for Body +4 Blunt damage soaked by Body; if successful, the opponent is thrown a number of meters equal to the damage margin in a direction of your choice. If the target is thrown, he also loses a shot regaining his balance.
Humility of the Soil
Trigger Action (Defense)
Brace yourself while touching the ground or against some other solid surface such as a concrete wall. You use the strength of the earth as a shield against a single attack, letting it take most of the damage. Substitute your Melee for your Toughness to soak damage for the shot.
Stone Mace
You create one or more melee weapons in your hand(s). These function exactly as normal weapons of the type you choose to create, but are constructs made of ephemeral materials and not of any particular material a creature might be vulnerable or resistant to. They disappear at the end of any round when it is not in your hand. You must be familiar with a weapon to create it this way.
This power can create maces, mauls, clubs, hammers, bucklers, and fist weapons.
Stone Skin
Trigger Action (Defense)
Your body is hard as stone, and anyone striking you is up for a jarring shock.
Use this power as you are hit in close combat. The attacker takes Blunt damage equal to your Body minus his attack outcome. If you use a Body-enhancing technique along with Stone Skin, the damage you inflict will increase. Does not work against a flexible weapon or grappling technique. This can be used at the same time as Humility of the Soil.
Stone Strike
You can make melee attacks that do Body +4 Blunt damage, soaked by Toughness. The strike is so massive that it cannot be Blocked or Parried. A flying target descends your Shoot meters and if it hits the ground, it cannot take off again in this round.
Trigger Action
Use this after you have take a Hit. Your opponent's attack starts a tremor in your body, building up for a future attack. Your next Melee attack is at +3 Action Value. Powers that give a bonus to attacks are not cumulative.
Sword in Stone
Trigger Action
When an opponent hits you with a Melee attack, you can make their weapon or limb get stuck in you. Make an opposed Melee check. On a success, the attacker must either lose three shots or is disarmed, their weapon stuck to you. On an outcome matching the attacker's Body, both effects happen. A creature that would be disarmed but does not use a weapon instead becomes unable to take Trigger Actions until their next shot comes up. An unarmed attacker that loses shots lose their next action, while an unnamed attacker that is disarmed is defeated.
Imbue Fire
Breath of the Dragon
Basic Action
Make a Normal Melee Attack attack with a +3 bonus to damage.
Cinder Strike
Limit Break
Make a strike that causes cinders to leap out and strike nearby opponents. You attack all enemies in a globe with a diameter of five meters with you at the center, causing Mind +2 Fire damage, or more if you are using an Implement to improve damage.
Claw of the Dragon
Trigger Action (Combo)
Add +2 to the Outcome of an already successful Melee attack or stunt you have just made.
Flame Spear
You create one or more melee weapons in your hand(s). These function exactly as normal weapons of the type you choose to create, but are constructs made of ephemeral materials and not of any particular material a creature might be vulnerable or resistant to. They disappear at the end of any round when it is not in your hand. You must be familiar with a weapon to create it this way.
This power can create spears and pole arms.
Fire Strike
You can make melee attacks that do Body +4 Fire damage, soaked by Toughness. This attack can cause nasty, lasting burns to any target that takes damage. Unless the target takes a basic action to put out the burns, it will take one additional hit at the end of the round and the effect ends. A friend can help stop the burn before it inflicts damage, but this requires a First Aid stunt with a difficulty equal to the damage rating of the attack that caused Burn. A creature can only have one burn effect active at a time, even if damaged by several different types of attacks that each cause burn.
Fire Touch
Stance (Damage Boost)
You can imbue a Melee or Shoot attack with an additional type of damage. The damage of the attack increases by +2. Against a target that has different soak values against the two types of damage, use the lesser soak value but decrease the damage by 2. Fire Touch does Fire damage. This attack can cause nasty, lasting burns to any target that takes damage. Unless the target takes a basic action to put out the burns, it will take one additional hit at the end of the round and the effect ends. A friend can help stop the burn before it inflicts damage, but this requires a First Aid stunt with a difficulty equal to the damage rating of the attack that caused Burn. A creature can only have one burn effect active at a time, even if damaged by several different types of attacks that each cause burn.
Fuel for the Fire
Trigger Action (Focus)
Whenever you cause a Hit to an opponent using Melee, you can focus.
Hell's Heart
Limit Break
Make a Normal Melee Attack; if it causes a Hit the target takes a Damage Setback, in addition to normal damage.
Soul of Fire
You can use your body to do melee attacks that do Mind +2 Fire damage, or more if you are using an Implement to improve damage.
Imbue Water
Acid Strike
You can make melee attacks that does Body +4 Acid damage, soaked by Toughness. Your attack breaks armor. If you inflict a Hit on an opponent whose Toughness is greater than his Body, reduce his Toughness by one for the rest of the scene, but never to a value lower than his Body.
Acid Touch
Stance (Damage Boost)
You can imbue a Melee or Shoot attack with an additional type of damage. The damage of the attack increases by +2. Against a target that has different soak values against the two types of damage, use the lesser soak value but decrease the damage by 2. Acid Touch does Acid damage.
Acrobatic Strike
Basic Action
Make a Normal Melee Attack attack or a Dodge or Maneuver stunt that involves an an acrobatic maneuver. Until your next action you get a +3 bonus to Dodge. This stops at the end of the round or when you take any action, including a trigger action. Trigger actions you take the same shot you use Acrobatic Strike do not end the Dodge bonus.
Center of the Maelstrom
Trigger Action (Focus)
You can focus whenever you have been attacked by three different opponents in one round.
Soul of Acid
You can use your body to do melee attacks that do Mind +2 Acid damage, or more if you are using an Implement to improve damage.
Torrent of Fury
Limit Break
You make a whirling attack against multiple opponents, actually walking on them as you kick them. You may attack all opponents who are standing in an area with a diameter equal to your Move; you must stand inside the area you wish to attack. This uses your normal unarmed damage.
Water Strike
Basic Action
Make a motion in which your hands or weapon seems to become springy and flexible. Make a Normal Melee Attack against which your opponent can't use a trigger action.
Imbue Animal
Alligator Bite
Trigger Action (Combo)
After you have made a successful unarmed Melee attack you can do a Grab stunt as a trigger action.
Bear Hug
Basic action
You do a Grab stunt that is inflicts a Hit if it is successful.
Cornered Frenzy
Basic Action
Make a Normal Melee Attack using natural weapons against all adjacent enemies. You cannot move as a part of this basic action, nor can you do Trigger Actions during the shot you do this. See Combination Action for how you can combine this with movement.
Extend Claws
Inherent, Trigger Action (Combo)
You have a pair of powerful natural attacks that can be used in melee and does Body +4 Cutting damage. If you have two free hands and make an successful claw attack, you can use this to make an additional claw attack on the same opponent as a trigger action. This is not a damage-boosting stance; it creates a weapon. Claws can be retractable or not at your option.
Basic Action
You have a horn or horns that give you a powerful natural attacks that can be used in melee and does Body +5 Cutting Blunt or Cutting Piercing, as decided when the power is bought. A creature takes damage from Horn is unbalanced and loses a Shot from their shot counter.
Basic Action
Make a melee attack that does Body +6 Cutting damage
Razor Sharpness
Stance (Damage Boost)
You can imbue a Melee or Shoot attack with an additional type of damage. The damage of the attack increases by +2. Against a target that has different soak values against the two types of damage, use the lesser soak value but decrease the damage by 2. Razor Sharpness does Cutting damage.
Trigger Action (Combo) and Basic Action
After you have made a successful unarmed Melee attack that inflicts a Hit, you can do a Grab stunt as a trigger action. As long as you maintain this grip, you can spend a Basic Action to suck the targets blood with an opposed Melee check. On a success, you inflict Body +2 Wounding damage soaked by Body.
Limit Break
You swallow another creature whole with a Melee attack. This is blunt damage equal to your Body -5 (minus five) soaked by Body and you must inflict a hit in order to swallow. It takes a Setback against you for a swallowed target to escape; this is the actual result of the setback, not an additional result.
A swallowed target can use stunts against you or attack with a natural attack or a weapon of small size or smaller. Your innards don't benefit from armor and damage that you would normally soak with Toughness is instead soaked by Action.
Each time you take a Basic Action or Limit Break, you also make a Melee attack against any and all swallowed targets with damage as above.
Basic Action
Make a jumping or diving charge at an enemy (part of your normal movement for the round), then make a Normal Melee Attack, if you moved at least three meters in a straight line just before you attack you get a +3 bonus on damage. A swoop is often made when Sneaking with cumulative bonuses.
Tiger Rake
Trigger Action (Combo)
If you hit twice with Extend Claws, you may immediately use this to make a third unarmed attack on the same target with Body +8 Cutting damage. This is an exception to the rule that trigger actions cannot activate other trigger actions.
Imbue Plant
Falling Timber
Limit Break
Use your entire body as a weapon, battering your enemy down with your mass and power. A foe hit by this dreaded attack takes Blunt damage equal to twice your Body.
Log Lunge
Basic Action
You strike an opponent with a limb, branch, root or other massive appendage for Body +6 damage, soaked by Toughness or Reflexes, whichever is best.
Poison Strike
You can make melee attacks that do Body +4 Neurotoxin damage, soaked by Toughness. Neurotoxin damage has special rules for bypassing soak.
Poison Touch
Stance (Damage Boost)
You can imbue a Melee or Shoot attack with an additional type of damage. The damage of the attack increases by +2. Against a target that has different soak values against the two types of damage, use the lesser soak value but decrease the damage by 2. Poison Touch does neurotoxin damage soaked with Body. Not the special wounding rules for biological damage.
Serenity of the Soil
At any time when you have taken hits equal to half your Body, you can use this power to become Focused.
Sticky Sap
Trigger Action
When an opponent hits you with a Melee attack and inflicts damage, you can make their weapon or limb get stuck in you. Make an opposed Melee check. On a success, the attacker must either lose three shots or is disarmed, their weapon stuck to you. On an outcome matching the attacker's Body, both effects happen. An unarmed attacker sticks to you instead of being disarmed, and cannot chose to be disarmed and can only lose shots. The one of you with the lower Body score cannot move away from the other. If one of you has a greater Body, he can move away from the other as a Basic action, dragging the weaker one along.
An entangled weapon or limb can be dispelled, escaped with a Contortions stunt pitting Reflexes against your Body or destroyed; they have a Body equal to your Impress.
Thorn Explosion
Basic Action
Make a Melee attack with a natural attack or a wood-shafted weapon against all adjacent enemies. You cannot move as a part of this basic action, nor can you do Trigger Actions during the shot you do this. See Combination Action for how you can combine this with movement.
Thorn Strike
Basic Action, Trigger Action (Combo)
You grow thorns and use a Basic Action to make a Melee attack attack doing Body +4 Piercing damage. If you hit with this attack, you can attack another target you can reach as a Trigger Action (Combo). You can continue to do this as long as you don't attack any target more than once and continue to hit with each attack. This is an exception to the rule that Trigger Actions cannot trigger Trigger Actions.
You create one or more melee weapons in your hand(s). These function exactly as normal weapons of the type you choose to create, but are constructs made of ephemeral materials and not of any particular material a creature might be vulnerable or resistant to. They disappear at the end of any round when it is not in your hand. You must be familiar with a weapon to create it this way.
This power can create wooden and shafted weapons; axes, spears, staffs, shields, and clubs
Imbue Metal
Flying Steel
You can manipulate nearby tools and metal objects, and can use metal objects (such as a tool, some scrap metal, a metal gauntlet or a metal-studded glove) to manipulate any kind of object within Mind meters of you, just as if you were using your regular hands. You can also use this to attack with a metallic melee weapon against any target in range.
Iron Bonds
Basic Action
You bind your opponent in bands of metal. Make a Melee check against the target's Dodge. On a success the target is partially bound and suffers one of the penalties noted below. On an Outcome matching the target's Reflexes he is more severely bound and suffers three of the conditions, or you can choose the result of the die on one condition. Physical restraint in Action does not completely prevent a hero from action, they impose handicaps to be overcome.
- Gagging prevents mundane speech. Stymies all Charm and Impress checks.
- Handcuffing is when your hands are tied in front of you, but not so tightly as to make them completely unusable; you can still use one hand effectively, such as using weapons or tools of Small size or smaller.
- Hobbling indicates restrained legs, but not fixed to each other. It means you cannot move as part of a normal Basic Action, and can only move your normal move when you do a Full Move action or otherwise do an action that grants extra movement..
- Immobilized, stuck to something, alternatively on a short leash which prevents movement beyond one or two meters. If you are stuck to a creature whose Body is greater than yours, you are forced along as it moves, otherwise you are both immobilized unless you two cooperate.
- Bound Legs you fall prone and cannot stand unsupported, which prevents and hinders many actions as determined by the situation and stunt description. Your Move is reduced to 1. Swimming and flying creatures are entangled, with similar effects.
- Bound Arms prevent most physical manipulation and the use of weapons and implements. You can still use tackles and head butts for (Body +0) damage or a Tiny Ranged Weapon, but limited to Close range.
- Blinded restricts your awareness, giving you only a rough estimate of objects and creatures in a diameter equal to your Mind; you are insensitive to things beyond this range. Everyone has enough concealment to Sneak on you, and against creatures beyond your perception range, you have to use Reflexes rather than Recon for defense against Recon stunts.
- (or more) Hogtie A hogtied character cannot act physically and can only move one meter as a standard action; no movement is otherwise allowed. This also prevents all Defense actions.
These restraints can be escaped with a Contortions stunt pitting Reflexes against your Melee or destroyed by another person; they have a Body equal to your Melee. Weapons larger and more unwieldy than a dagger take an attack penalty equal to their damage add when attacking bonds.
Metal Strike
You can make melee attacks that do Body +4 Blunt, Cutting, and Piercing damage, soaked by Toughness. If the target has different soak values against these damage types, use the worst one.
Needle Sharpness
Stance (Damage Boost)
You can imbue a Melee or Shoot attack with an additional type of damage. The damage of the attack increases by +2. Against a target that has different soak values against the two types of damage, use the lesser soak value but decrease the damage by 2.
Needle Sharpness does Piercing damage.
After you throw a metal weapon, you can use this to instantly retrieve it.
Spring Back
Trigger Action (Combo)
You imbue a metal weapon with increased flexibility. If you miss with a melee attack with a metal weapon (not a thrown attack), you can use this to make an additional melee attack with that weapon. Any Trigger Actions used against the first attack do not apply against this second attack.
Steel Edge
You can extend a powerful natural weapon that can be used in melee and does Body +4 Piercing damage. This is not a damage-boosting stance; it is a natural weapon. It can be used with damage-boosting stances like Needle Sharpness.
You create one or more melee weapons in your hand(s). These function exactly as normal weapons of the type you choose to create, but are constructs made of ephemeral materials and not of any particular material a creature might be vulnerable or resistant to. They disappear at the end of any round when it is not in your hand. You must be familiar with a weapon to create it this way.
This power can create metal weapons; almost all melee weapons can be made of metal, as can crossbows and guns.
You can also use this to transmute a weapon you are using into another weapon or into another material - in this way a dagger can be turned into a shield or a spear into a silver spear.
Warp Metal
Basic Action
You can warp metal by touch, turning metal tools and objects into a useless mass of weird metal for a scene. When the duration is up it returns to its original form. Make a Melee attack to touch an opponent's armor or weapon. Opponents gain no bonus when using the Block or Parry abilities of metal items against this attack. A hit on armor renders any metal armor ineffectual for the rest of the scene. If you strike a metal-armored opponent several times with this power, treat later attacks as if you were using Iron Grip. If you hit a metal weapon, the opponent loses the grip on his weapon. He can immediately spend three shots retrieving it. If he chooses not to, or if your Outcome matches his Reflexes, the weapons is warped and useless. Against objects and creatures made of metal that lack armor (or whose armor you have defeated), such as Metal Elementals and most Robots this power instead does Body +6 damage.
Whirlwind Sword
Basic Action
Make a Normal Melee Attack with a melee weapon against all adjacent enemies. You cannot move as a part of this basic action, nor can you do Trigger Actions during the shot you do this. See Combination Action for how you can combine this with movement.
Imbue Ice
Cold Feint
Trigger Action (Combo)
When you are taking a Basic Action to attack and the opponent declares Trigger Action (Defense); the defense is negated and your target cannot make another. This is an exception to the rule that trigger actions cannot trigger each other.
Cold Strike
You can make melee attacks that do Body +4 Cold damage, soaked by Toughness. This attack can cause shock in the target. If any damage is inflicted, the target loses one shot from its current shot for the round.
Hailstorm Attack
Basic Action
Make two Normal Melee Attacks against the same or adjacent opponents.
Ice Touch
Stance (Damage Boost)
You can imbue a Melee or Shoot attack with an additional type of damage. The damage of the attack increases by +2. Against a target that has different soak values against the two types of damage, use the lesser soak value but decrease the damage by 2. Ice Touch does disruption/cold damage.
You create one or more melee weapons in your hand(s). These function exactly as normal weapons of the type you choose to create, but are constructs made of ephemeral materials and not of any particular material a creature might be vulnerable or resistant to. They disappear at the end of any round when it is not in your hand. You must be familiar with a weapon to create it this way.
This power can create rapiers, spears, and picks.
Icicle Explosion
Basic Action
Make a Melee attack with Body +4 Piercing damage against all adjacent enemies. You cannot move as a part of this basic action, nor can you do Trigger Actions during the shot you do this. See Combination Action for how you can combine this with movement.
Icicle Lunge
Limit Break
An extended Melee attack with a +3 bonus to the attack roll and to damage. You cannot take Trigger Actions until your next shot comes up.
Sharp Edges
Trigger Action (Result)
Make a Melee attack that is normally a Basic Action against an opponent who has just missed you with a melee attack.
Soul of Cold
You can use your body to do melee attacks that do Mind +2 Cold damage, or more if you are using an Implement to improve damage.
Imbue Illusion
King Monkey
Limit Break
Do a series of confusing and distracting moves, taunts, shrieks and poses. This gives you a +3 bonus on your Melee and Charm until you are next hit by an attack, until an opponent makes a successful Charm stunt against you, or the fight ends. This ability does not work outside of a fight. You cannot simultaneously benefit from several uses of King Monkey.
Monkey's Dance
Just after an action you attempted fails, you display anger, frustration, disappointment, pain or just generally making a fool of yourself. You become focused.
The very name of this maneuver is a taunt against the more formal styles, with their precise stances. It's pronunciation varies somewhere between the proper name and Monkey Stance.
Monkey Toss
Basic Action
Grab an opponent and roll along the ground with him, finally tossing him away.
This is a Melee attack that does damage equal to your Body +0. If you do any damage at all, you can make a normal Move, and take your opponent along for the ride. This is in addition to the normal movement for a basic action. You then let go and throw him three meters in a direction of your choice. The target loses a shot regaining his balance.
Spectral Strike
You can make melee attacks that do Body +4 Illusory damage, soaked by Toughness. A variant of psychic damage, illusory damage is perceived as some other kind of damage. Each time you use illusory damage, you get to choose what the apparent type of damage is. You can choose any damage type except Psychic Damage. Objects and creatures immune to psychic damage are also immune to illusory damage.
The attack is treated as a combination of two damage types. The target can use the soak attribute of the apparent damage, or Mind, whichever is best. For example, an illusory broadsword causes illusory cutting damage. The target can use either Toughness or Mind to resist this damage, whichever is highest. If the target has a resistance or Vulnerability or otherwise reacts differently to the imitated type of damage, these special effects apply.
Spectral Touch
Stance (Damage Boost)
You can imbue a Melee or Shoot attack with an additional type of damage. The damage of the attack increases by +2. Against a target that has different soak values against the two types of damage, use the lesser soak value but decrease the damage by 2. Spectral Touch Touch does Illusory damage. A variant of psychic damage, illusory damage is perceived as some other kind of damage. Each time you use illusory damage, you get to choose what the apparent type of damage is. You can choose any damage type except Psychic Damage. Objects and creatures immune to psychic damage are also immune to illusory damage.
The attack is treated as a combination of two damage types. The target can use the soak attribute of the apparent damage, or Mind, whichever is best. For example, an illusory broadsword causes illusory cutting damage. The target can use either Toughness or Mind to resist this damage, whichever is highest. If the target has a resistance or Vulnerability or otherwise reacts differently to the imitated type of damage, these special effects apply. Note that the illusory damage only applies if it is more effective than your normal damage.
Spectral Weapon
You create one or more illusory melee weapons or natural attacks of your choice in your hand(s). These weapons do Illusory damage. A variant of psychic damage, illusory damage is perceived as some other kind of damage. Each time you use illusory damage, you get to choose what the apparent type of damage is. You can choose any damage type except Psychic Damage. Objects and creatures immune to psychic damage are also immune to illusory damage.
The attack is treated as a combination of two damage types. The target can use the soak attribute of the apparent damage, or Mind, whichever is best. For example, an illusory broadsword causes illusory cutting damage. The target can use either Toughness or Mind to resist this damage, whichever is highest. If the target has a resistance or Vulnerability or otherwise reacts differently to the imitated type of damage, these special effects apply.
Vengeance of the Monkey
When you are attacked but missed by an opponent in hand-to-hand combat you may make a Melee attack with Body damage. If you inflict a Hit, the opponent is thrown 3 meters and loses a shot.
Imbue Dark
Dark Strike
You can make melee attacks that do Body +4 Enervation damage, soaked by Body.
Dark's Soft Whisper
Basic Action
An otherwise normal Melee attack you make enforces silence; no one can hear any sounds you or your target makes during the round that it occurs. If the attack misses, it is still silent, but your opponent is not silenced.
You create one or more melee weapons in your hand(s). These function exactly as normal weapons of the type you choose to create, but are constructs made of ephemeral materials and not of any particular material a creature might be vulnerable or resistant to. They disappear at the end of any round when it is not in your hand. You must be familiar with a weapon to create it this way.
This power can create flexible weapons like whips, lassos, flails, and nunchacks.
Enervating Touch
Stance (Damage Boost)
You can imbue a Melee or Shoot attack with an additional type of damage. The damage of the attack increases by +2. Against a target that has different soak values against the two types of damage, use the lesser soak value but decrease the damage by 2. Enervating Touch does disruption/enervation damage.
Hands Without Shadow
Basic Action
Make a strike seemingly coming out of nothing. Make a Normal Melee Attack attack against which your opponent can't use an Active Defense.
Soul of Darkness
You can use your body to do melee attacks that do Mind +2 Enervating damage, or more if you are using an Implement to improve damage. This is soaked with Body instead of Toughness.
Strike from Darkness
Basic Action
Make a Confident Martial Arts attack on an opponent who is unaware of your presence or intent to attack. If you hit, you inflict one extra Hit, in addition to any hits the damage of your attack may cause.
Imbue Flux
Aberrant Spasm
Trigger Action (Defense)
Use this when attacked. Bump into an opponent within reach; that opponent risks being hit by the attack that triggered Aberrant Spasm. Make a Melee roll. If this roll is greater than the attacker's skill check, the attack misses you. If it is also greater than the Dodge of the creature you bumped into, that creature is hit instead, using your Melee roll but the damage and effects of the initial attack.
Chaos Touch
Stance (Damage Boost)
You can imbue a Melee or Shoot attack with an additional type of damage. The damage of the attack increases by +2. Against a target that has different soak values against the two types of damage, use the lesser soak value but decrease the damage by 2.
Chaos Touch does a random type of damage each time it is used, roll 1d6 and read on the following table:
This attack can cause shock in the target. If any damage is inflicted, the target loses one shot from its current shot for the round.
Different Flux users may have different damage tables, but all should be soaked with Toughness
Chaos Strike
You can make melee attacks that do Body +4 damage. Chaos Strike does a random type of damage each time it is used, roll 1d6 and read on the following table:
This attack can cause shock in the target. If any damage is inflicted, the target loses one shot from its current shot for the round.
Drunken Fist
Basic Action
Strike an opponent, adding the number of hits you have taken to the attack roll, to a maximum of +3.
Soul of Chaos
You can use your body to do melee attacks that do Mind +2 damage, or more if you are using an Implement to improve damage. The damage type is random, rolled for each attack.
This attack can cause shock in the target. If any damage is inflicted, the target loses one shot from its current shot for the round.
Imbue Order
Hug of the Bear
Limit Break
Do a Clinch maneuver. If successful, the clinch prevents your target from taking any action except trying to break free. The only action your victim may take when his shot comes up is a Dodge check against your Melee; on a success the hold is broken.
Paw of the Bear
Basic Action
Do a Clinch maneuver. If successful, the clinch prevents your target from taking an action against anyone but you.
Sonic Strike
You can make melee attacks that do Body +4 Sonic damage, soaked by Body. It does +3 additional damage against hard, inanimate objects, +5 against those of a crystalline structure such as rocks or glass. Most nearby windows will shatter gratifyingly.
The Bell Tolls
Basic Action
Make a Melee attack that is clearly telegraphed but of great power. Unless the target uses an Active Defense to defend against this attack, you get a +3 bonus to this attack.
Thunder Touch
Stance (Damage Boost)
You can imbue a Melee or Shoot attack with an additional type of damage. The damage of the attack increases by +2. Against a target that has different soak values against the two types of damage, use the lesser soak value but decrease the damage by 2. Sonic Blast does energy/sonic damage soaked by Body. It does +3 additional damage against hard, inanimate objects, +5 against those of a crystalline structure such as rocks or glass. Most nearby windows will shatter gratifyingly.
Imbue Light
Banish Darkness
Any powers affecting the target can be negated at your option. For example, summoned targets are sent home, transformed targets returned to their basic shape, and dominated targets become free again. You can also negate stances and boosting powers on the target. A Curse is only temporarily negated for the current scene and then returns, but this might be enough for the cursed creature to make amends or seek help.
Center of the Universe
All enemies within Mind meters whose Mind is lower than yours and who are able to choose you as their target must do so, or refrain from attacking altogether. A target that is attacked by someone else can retaliate against that target instead of attacking you.
Glowing Hands
Stance (Damage Boost)
You can imbue a Melee or Shoot attack with an additional type of damage. The damage of the attack increases by +2. Against a target that has different soak values against the two types of damage, use the lesser soak value but decrease the damage by 2. Glowing Hands does Radiation damage.
Shining Strike
You can make melee attacks that do Body +4 Radiation damage, soaked by Toughness.
Soul of Light
You can use your body to do melee attacks that do Mind +2 Radiation damage damage, or more if you are using an Implement to improve damage.
Touch of Perfection
Basic Action
Make a normal Melee attack. The target can only use Toughness (or Body) to soak the damage, any exceptional types of damage reduction won't work.
Imbue Gifts
Attack Routine
Trigger Action (Combo)
You have a specific succession of attacks you regularly use, such as a claw/bite routine. Whenever you have done the first step in such a routine, you can follow up with the second step as a trigger action. Each step can be any specific Melee attack that is a Basic Action and made with a separate part of your body.
Longer attack routines are possible; if you take this power additional times, your attack routine gains one additional step, that triggers when the previous step is completed.
Beast Strike
You can make melee attacks that does Body +4 Cutting and Piercing damage, soaked by Toughness. Apply the best damage type against each target.
Death Frenzy
When defeated, you can launch a Basic Action melee attack on an adjacent creature. If you have any Trigger Action combos that can follow those attacks, you can use those too using normal rules but ignoring shot costs.
Embodiment of Power
Trigger Action (Combo)
Select one stunt, power, or stick that you can use and that is normally a Basic Action. Your body manifests this power very strongly; whenever you touch another creature - such as with a successful unarmed or natural Melee attack made by or against you - you can use this power and immediately use the chosen basic action against the creature that touched you.
Extra Arms
Stance or Inherent.
You have an extra pair of arms that work just like your normal arms. These "arms" may be a prehensile tail, short tentacles, legs, or other appendages capable of grasping weapons. One "pair" of arms can actually be a single limb, such as a tail.
The arms can be either inherent or a stance. Inherent arms are always there. With a stance, you only have the extra arms when you use the stance. This schtick gives you the arms and lets you use them in combat. They might be of use in other situations with different stunts, but it is in melee that their true utility comes out. You can take this schtick several times to gain even more arms and additional combat benefits.
You can make a Normal Melee Attack against two enemies in hand-to-hand combat. Each extra set of arms adds another enemy. Alternatively, you can use these extra arms to effectively assist yourself when attacking a single enemy. Each extra pair of arms gives a +1 modifier on Melee attacks, up to a maximum of +3 for 3 additional pairs of arms.
Quill Insertion
Basic Action
You insert quills into he victim's flesh, making it painful and hard for him to move. Make a roll of Melee vs. Dodge, on a success the target's Reflexes suffers a penalty of -1 until the end of the scene. If the attack scores an Outcome matching the target's Reflexes, the penalty is increased to three. The target also loses three shots. The penalty can be cured with a First Aid stunt using Know against your Melee, or the quills can be removed automatically outside of combat.
Trigger Action (Combo)
Use this power when you hit with an unarmed Melee attack or when you are hit with a Melee attack. Make a Melee vs. Dodge check. On a success, you and the target are stuck together. The target can avoid the effect by spending 3 shots. On an Outcome matching the target's Body, you are stuck no matter what.
A weapon stuck this way cannot be used and the wielder must either let go of it or try to pull it free with an opposed Body check as a Basic Action.
If you and another creature are stuck together this way, neither of you can move away from the other (tough circling around each other is possible). As a Basic Action, you can try to either drag the other along, or pull free - in both cases it is an opposed Body roll. It is also possible to use Contortions to slip free using Reflexes.
Basic Action
You can extend long tentacles. You can use these to attack enemies in hand-to-hand combat while keeping your own vital parts out of harm's way. Your tentacles are elastic and can stretch to cover a diameter equal to your Body in meters with you at the center. You can take this schtick several times tog gain multiple tentacles. You can have more tentacles than you have schtick picks in tentacles, but any additional tentacles are purely cosmetic. Variants of Tentacles can be just about anything. A prehensile tail, animated hair, a swarm of insects, flying scarves, tree roots, animated water, ectoplasmic manifestations, or psychic shock waves; anything is possible. You can do a Interference stunt using your Melee skill anywhere in this area.
Each tentacle is effectively an unnamed creature with your Body, but it lacks its own shot counter. It can only be interacted with as described here. As a Basic Action, you can activate all your tentacles to make a Normal Melee Attack against any creature in reach for Body +0 Blunt damage. You can only attack a particular target once when activating Tentacles, but up to four tentacles can assist each other against a target, with the usual +1 bonus for each additional tentacle. You can use other schticks that are Basic Action attacks with your tentacles. Damage is always Body +0, but the Damage Type can vary with powers/weapons used.
You can use a tentacle to absorb a melee attack; sacrificing a tentacle instead of suffering the normal effect. Opponents can make Melee attacks against your tentacles in any space the tentacles can reach. Any successful Melee attack against a tentacle puts it out of the fight. A defeated tentacle becomes unavailable for the rest of the scene. At your option, powers that heal can instead restore one tentacle per Hit it would normally heal.
Imbue Magic
Enchant Attack
Stance (Damage Boost)
You can imbue a Melee or Shoot attack with an additional type of damage. The damage of the attack increases by +2. Against a target that has different soak values against the two types of damage, use the lesser soak value but decrease the damage by 2.
Enchant Attack does damage based on any Form you know. Regardless of what forms you know you can always choose to do additional damage of the same type the weapon already does.
Mage Strike
You can make melee attacks that do Body +4 damage. The damage type is based on any Form you know; you can always choose to do Radiation damage.
Mage Touch
Stance (Damage Boost)
You can imbue a Melee or Shoot attack with an additional type of damage. The damage of the attack increases by +2. Against a target that has different soak values against the two types of damage, use the lesser soak value but decrease the damage by 2. Your damage value is not increased. The damage type is based on any Form you know; you can always choose to do Radiation damage.
Soul of Magic
You can use your body to do melee attacks that do Mind +2 damage, or more if you are using an Implement to improve damage.. The damage type is based on any Form you know; you can always choose to do Radiation damage.
Imbue Spiritual
Blessed Strike
You can make melee attacks that does Body +4 Spiritual damage soaked with Mind. This damage only affects supernatural creatures: Air Elementals, Earth Elementals, Electric Elementals, Fire Elementals, Water Elementals, Plant Elementals, Ice Elementals, Demons, Devils, Angels, Virtues, Aberrations, Spectres, and Undead.
Blessed Smite
You can make Normal Melee Attacks that do normal weapon damage, but of an unusual type. Used unarmed, this does Body +4.. Blessed Smite does Spiritual damage soaked with Mind. This damage only affects supernatural creatures: Air Elementals, Earth Elementals, Electric Elementals, Fire Elementals, Water Elementals, Plant Elementals, Ice Elementals, Demons, Devils, Angels, Virtues, Aberrations, Spectres, and Undead.
Blessed Weapon
Stance (Damage Boost)
You can imbue a Melee or Shoot attack with an additional type of damage. The damage of the attack increases by +2. Against a target that has different soak values against the two types of damage, use the lesser soak value but decrease the damage by 2.
Smite does Spiritual damage soaked with Mind. This damage only affects supernatural creatures: Air Elementals, Earth Elementals, Electric Elementals, Fire Elementals, Water Elementals, Plant Elementals, Ice Elementals, Demons, Devils, Angels, Virtues, Aberrations, Spectres, and Undead.
An attack like this that does both physical and mental damage can either add +2 to the physical damage, or use its normal damage, soaked by Mind.
Divine Weapon
You create one or more melee weapons in your hand(s). These function exactly as normal weapons of the type you choose to create, but are constructs made of ephemeral materials and not of any particular material a creature might be vulnerable or resistant to. They disappear at the end of any round when it is not in your hand. You must be familiar with a weapon to create it this way. This power can create weapons favored by your patron god(s) or otherwise aligned with you spiritually.
Soul Smite
You can use your body to do melee attacks that do Mind +2 damage, or more if you are using an Implement to improve damage. This is Spiritual damage soaked with Mind. This damage only affects supernatural creatures: Air Elementals, Earth Elementals, Electric Elementals, Fire Elementals, Water Elementals, Plant Elementals, Ice Elementals, Demons, Devils, Angels, Virtues, Aberrations, Spectres, and Undead.
Soul Touch
Stance (Damage Boost)
You can imbue a Melee or Shoot attack with an additional type of damage. The damage of the attack increases by +2. Against a target that has different soak values against the two types of damage, use the lesser soak value but decrease the damage by 2. This is Spiritual damage soaked with Mind. This damage only affects supernatural creatures: Air Elementals, Earth Elementals, Electric Elementals, Fire Elementals, Water Elementals, Plant Elementals, Ice Elementals, Demons, Devils, Angels, Virtues, Aberrations, Spectres, and Undead.
Spirit Weapon
Trigger Action (Combo)
You can create an ephemeral fist or animate a melee weapon to fight independently of you, which allows you to make a Normal melee Attack against any opponent within Mind meters as a combo with any other Basic Action. Use your Melee skill and a damage of Mind +2, or more if using a melee weapon with higher damage.
Select a creature that is somehow abhorrent to your ethos when you activate this stance. A creature can qualify because of its type, race (making you a racist), or ethos. When you make an attack against this creature, the attack roll is Confident. But if you roll snake eyes on such an attack, you suffer a Setback as your zeal backfires.
Imbue Tech
Behavior Chip
A popular device, with many applications in psychology and crime prevention, but also the perfect tool for an autocratic regime, the Behavior Chip is an AI personality that overrides the user's motivations.
You can install a Behavior Chip in Melee, and it takes a Melee vs. Create roll to do successfully. If it is surgically installed, it is so well concealed and hard to remove that it is considered a Curse.
The Behavior Chip contains a set of goals and objectives for the individual and his behavior, that he will normally obey with enthusiasm. Through a concerted effort of will the victim can fight the chip, but this is very difficult. They can make a Mind roll with a difficulty of 10. For each point of negative outcome, the chip is in total control for one round . For each point of positive outcome, the character has control of himself for one round. If the target manages an outcome matching your Mind, the Behavior Chip burns itself out.
Certain behavior chips trigger only under certain circumstances, such as a mole chip that makes you report on you activities each day or a traitor chip that makes you turn on your comrades in a particular situation. A Behavior Chip can be programmed prevent short-term memories from being recorded in long-term memory, creating periods of lost time, but it must delete a minute within five minutes of the event, or it will be in long-term memory.
Black Box
Often fitted in operatives who are considered unreliable, untrustworthy or expendable, the Black Box is a recording device that records everything. Every movement, every emotion, every word, every pang of lust or jealousy is recorded and subject to later study and evaluation.
You can install a Black Box in Melee, and it takes a Melee vs. Create roll to do successfully. If it is surgically installed, it is so well concealed and hard to remove that it is considered a Curse. The black box will upload its data by radio on demand or whenever the user connects to an open network. If the target is also fitted with Bug, the updates are constant. People with access to the victim's files know all his personal weaknesses, and can thus use social interaction directly against his Mind rather than against his Charm or Impress.
Basic Action
Technologiocal surveilance devices gain more and more complexity and stealth capabilities. The first ones were large and had to be mounted in rooms or cars, but sophisticated ones are not only small, but actively disguise themselves, deploy decoys, and move if their internal logic realizes they are spotted. You can install a Bug in Melee, and it takes a Melee vs. Dodge roll to do successfully. If it is surgically installed, it is so well concealed and hard to remove that it is considered a Curse. These are bugs which are installed in the target's body. They broadcast homing and listening signals up to 5 kilometers which can be picked up with a receiver with the proper encoding. In a networked environment, this means the target can be kept track of and listened to almost anywhere.
Cortex Bomb
It takes very little to kill you if explosives are placed inside your body.
You can install a Cortex Bomb in Melee. If it is surgically installed, it is so well concealed and hard to remove that it is considered a Curse. If the right stimuli, such as an encoded radio signal or a set time limit expires, the bomb explodes. A Behavior Chip can be given control over the Cortex Bomb, a particularly nasty situation. An exploding cortex bomb inflicts a [Wound] with a damage value equal to the installer's Melee skill. A Cortex Bomb explosion can be set to be grossly obvious by exploding the head or neck, or to be barely noticeable, looking like a natural medical event to all but an autopsy.
You have reinforced fist bones that can be used in melee and does Body +4 blunt damage. This is not a damage-boosting stance; it is a weapon that can be used with damage-boosting stances like Razor Fangs.
Cybernetic Pile-driver
Limit Break or Basic Action
You have a cybernetic limb of vast strength you can use to inflict damage equal to your Melee. This is an arm, leg, head, or other large limb such as a pile-driver tail or it can even be mounted along the spine to strike straight up or down. Used against an opponent, this is a Limit Break. Used against a stationary object such as a door or wall, it is a Basic Action.
Impact Touch
Stance (Damage Boost)
You can imbue a Melee or Shoot attack with an additional type of damage. The damage of the attack increases by +2. Against a target that has different soak values against the two types of damage, use the lesser soak value but decrease the damage by 2. This is Impact damage.
Override Plug
Your sponsor might want you to be a psychopathic killer, but they still want some control. With an override, this control is easily achievable; they can remotely shut you down at the flip of a switch. So can anyone else with the proper access code.
You can install an Override Plug in Melee. If it is instead surgically installed, it is so well concealed and hard to remove that it is considered a Curse. Anyone with the proper access code can automatically paralyze a body with an Override Plug installed as a Basic Action; the target loses all Hits.
You can extend a concealed cybernetic weapon that can be used in melee and does Body +6 slashing or piercing damage (your choice on getting the power). This is not a damage boost; it creates a weapon that can be used with damage-boosting stances like Razor Fangs.
You have sharp nails that can be used in melee and does Body +3 slashing damage. Slicers will pass even close examination. This is not a boost; it is a weapon that can be used with damage-boosting stances like Razor Fangs.
Imbue Death
Death Grip
Basic Action
Make a Clinch attack. If successful, you lock your opponent in a death grip. A death grip can only be broken if you go unconscious, suffer a Setback, or attack another creature with the limb you did a death attack with.
Once you have the target in a death grip, you can use the power again to attack your held target, and automatically hit. Even if your attack misses, it still does damage - you still add the outcome, which is now negative, causing less than the base damage.
If your Body scores are within 1 point of each other, you cannot move along with a Basic Action, but can move as a Move as a Basic Action. If either of you have 2 or more Body higher than your opponent, the stronger one can move normally, carrying the weaker one around like a rag doll.
Death Strike
You can make melee attacks that do Body +4 Infection damage, soaked by Toughness. Infection damage has special rules for inflicting hits and recovery.
Death Touch
Stance (Damage Boost)
You can imbue a Melee or Shoot attack with an additional type of damage. The damage of the attack increases by +2. Against a target that has different soak values against the two types of damage, use the lesser soak value but decrease the damage by 2. Death Touch does Infection damage soaked by Body and has special recovery rules. Objects and creatures without a metabolism such as robots and undead are immune.
Draining Attack
You can make melee attacks that do Body +0 Enervation damage, soaked by Body. Infection damage has special rules for inflicting hits and recovery. In addition, a living target that takes a Hit also loses one point in an attribute selected when the power is bought. This damage lasts until the end of the session and can be healed as if they were Hits.
Eyes of the Tiger
Basic action
Make a Normal Melee Attack. If the target takes any damage, he loses any focus he might have.
Ghost Strikes
You make all your Melee attacks immaterial. An immaterial attack does mind blast damage equal to your Mind +0, soaked by the target's Mind. You ignore the normal damage value of any attack you use, but you can still take advantage of other aspects of schticks and powers.
Point Blockage
The foe does not suffer a Damage Setback and is instead paralyzed. The victim retains all of his senses while paralyzed but is otherwise completely helpless. This is a Curse.
Shadow Fist
Finisher, Focus
If you knock out a living opponent and use this finishing move, you become focused. The opponent is not dead, but becomes torn by an intense fever and will die in three days unless cured by you or the Curse is removed.
Soul of Death
You can use your body to do melee attacks that do Mind +2 Infection damage, or more if you are using an Implement to improve damage.
Storm of the Tiger
Limit Break
Make an attack, adding your Mind attribute to the damage inflicted.
Vengeance of the Tiger
Trigger Action
When you are hit in hand-to-hand combat, you may immediately launch a Melee counterattack against the opponent who just hit you. If you took any damage, add +3 to your attack roll.
Wounding Strike
You can use your body to do melee attacks that do Mind +2 - or more if you are using an Implement to improve damage. This is Wounding damage which has special rules. Non-living creatures and objects (such as robots and doors) are immune, but Undead always soak this damage using Body alone - no armor or resist powers will work for them.
Imbue Force
Extended Attack
Basic Action
Attack an opponent from a distance. The range of your strike in meters is equal to your Mind. Damage is normal for the type of attack. If your attack hits, you have managed to keep that opponent at bay for some time. Because your opponent now has a hard time reaching through your guard to strike back at you, your passive Dodge against his Melee attacks is increased by +3 until he hits you or until the end of the round, whichever comes first. This bonus does not stack with any other Dodge bonuses.
Force Strike
You can make melee attacks that do Body +4 Impact damage, soaked by Body.
Force Touch
Stance (Damage Boost)
You can imbue a Melee or Shoot attack with an additional type of damage. The damage of the attack increases by +2. Against a target that has different soak values against the two types of damage, use the lesser soak value but decrease the damage by 2. Force Touch does Impact damage.
You create one or more melee weapons in your hand(s). These function exactly as normal weapons of the type you choose to create, but are constructs made of ephemeral materials and not of any particular material a creature might be vulnerable or resistant to. They disappear at the end of any round when it is not in your hand. You must be familiar with a weapon to create it this way. This power can create any melee weapon of Clockwork or lower tech level.
Ram Touch
Basic Action
Push an opponent by making a Melee attack that does Body +4 Blunt damage. For each point your damage exceeds the target's Toughness he is pushed one meter away from you. If the target is pushed he loses a shot regaining his balance.
Against immobile objects, Ram Touch does +5 damage instead of pushing them back, breaking what it cannot push.
Soul of Force
You can use your body to do melee attacks that do Mind +2 Impact damage, or more if you are using an Implement to improve damage.
Imbue Life
You can use your body to do melee attacks that do Mind +2 soaked by Body - or more if you are using an Implement to improve damage. This is Wounding damage which has special rules. Non-living creatures and objects (such as robots and doors) are immune, but Undead always soak this damage using Body alone - no armor or resist powers will work for them.
Fountain of Life
Limit Break
You release a burst of life energy than enlivens allies and shocks enemies. You affect all creatures who are within 2 meters of you. Make a Melee attack against each enemy in the area doing Body +2 Wounding Stun damage soaked by Body. Wounding damage has special rules. Allies in the area (but not you) recover one Hit as long as their Body is not higher than your Melee. Depending on style, this can have side effects like flower petals all over the area.
Life Attack
Basic Action
Make a Normal Melee Attack attack. The difficulty of this attack is always the target's base Dodge score - no defensive modifiers apply.
Shed the Unliving
Basic Action
You make a living body shed any non-living attachments it might have, removing armor, clothes (as far as the genre allows), and other equipment of your choice. Make a Melee attack; on a hit you can make the target drop one significant item or set of armor. The target can choose to keep holding the item by immediately sacrificing three shots. If your Outcome matches the target's Reflexes the item is lost with no chance to retain it, and the target cannot pick it up again for the rest of the scene as his body actually repels it.
Wounding Strike
You can make melee attacks that do Body +4 Wounding damage, soaked by Body. Wounding damage has special rules. Non-living creatures and objects (such as robots and doors) are immune, but Undead always soak this damage using Body alone - no armor or resist powers will work for them.
Wounding Touch
Stance (Damage Boost)
You can imbue a Melee or Shoot attack with an additional type of damage. The damage of the attack increases by +2. Against a target that has different soak values against the two types of damage, use the lesser soak value but decrease the damage by 2. Wounding Touch does Wounding damage soaked by Body. Wounding damage has special rules. Non-living creatures and objects (such as robots and doors) are immune to this damage, but Undead always soak this damage using Body alone - no armor or resist powers will work for them.
Imbue Mind
Focus of the Void
Trigger Action (Focus)
Spend a Fortune point and use this schtick to become focused.
Mind vs. Body
You can use your body to do melee attacks that do Mind +2 psychic damage soaked by Mind, or more if you are using an Implement to improve damage.
No Presence
Limit Break
By suppressing your aura, you can escape attention. You can take a single basic action, and no-one can see or react to this action in any way. If you attack, targets can only use Reflexes for defense. You always become visible at the end of the action when using No Presence; there is no way to make yourself continuously invisible.
You can use No Presence out of action rounds, this allows short dashes from cover to cover. You can sneak across open spaces in rushes no longer than twice your Move in meters.
Soul of Psyche
You can use your body to do melee attacks that do Mind +2 Psychic damage, or more if you are using an Implement to improve damage. This is soaked with Mind instead of Toughness. Objects and creatures without sentience, such as Animals and Robots are immune.
Strength of Will
You can substitute your Mind for your Body when calculating the damage of unarmed Melee attacks.
Imbue Time
Coil of the Snake
Trigger Action (Focus)
You can use this to focus when you are attacked in melee and your opponent misses.
Lunge of the Snake
Limit Break
This is a Melee attack with a +3 bonus on the attack roll and against which an opponent cannot use an Trigger Action. A trigger action that can be used when surprised still works against Lunge of the Snake.
Strike of the Snake
Trigger Action (Defense)
Whenever you are attacked in melee, you may use this to do an unarmed Melee attack for Strength +0 damage.
Time Touch
Stance (Damage Boost)
You can imbue a Melee or Shoot attack with an additional type of damage. The damage of the attack increases by +2. Against a target that has different soak values against the two types of damage, use the lesser soak value but decrease the damage by 2. You increase the effective mass of your weapon to cause Blunt damage.
Timelesss Strike
You can make melee attacks that does Body +4 Blunt damage. Targets cannot take trigger actions in response to a Timeless Strike.
Imbue Space
Dim Mak
Basic Action
You can transfer the force of your blow through an inanimate object without harming the object. Make a Melee attack that ignores any Armor the opponent may have, attacking Body instead of Toughness. You can also do other special Stunts based on the ability to ignore intervening substance, such as strike at a wall to damage a man leaning against the other side or destroy a specific brick in a pile.
Core Strike
Limit Break
Strike at your opponent's core; your attack materializes inside his body. The target's soak attribute against this attack is zero. It is hard to damage very large things this way. The target can use Body as Dodge if Body is higher.
Extended Touch
Trigger Action (Defense, Combo)
You nearby warp space so that you can reach further. You can intercept opponents attacking you from within Mind meters, striking would-be attackers that you manage to keep at bay. Whenever an opponent within Mind meters of you misses you with an attack using Shoot or Melee, you can use this to make a Normal Melee Attack on them, even at range.
You can also use it as a combo to make your melee attacks reach further.
Teleport Strike
Basic Action
Instead of moving normally, you teleport a distance up to your Move and make a melee attack from an unexpected direction. This is a Normal Melee Attack against which your opponent can't use a trigger action. Trigger actions that can be used when surprised can still be used against Teleport Strike.
Ride Schticks and Powers
Animal Mastery
Basic Action
You know how to play on animals' instincts to manipulate their behavior. Choose the animal's Impress or Charm as the difficulty. The Outcome required for a Setback is the animal's Mind. A success at either check causes the animal to back off and not attack, but neither does it give room or allow you to interfere with its pack—pressing the issue causes the animal to attack. Against Impress, a Setback causes the animal to flee, into a trap if you have one ready. Against Charm, a setback lures the animal, giving you a chance to capture and tame it. If either check fails, the animal behaves as it normally would. Once this happens, you cannot attempt this trick again, but you can use Ride instead of Impress to Scare the animal. Note that most animals do have an Impress skill but lack a Charm skill. Against an animal under supervision, the difficulty is the supervisor's Ride.
Beast Jockey
You are at home in the saddle and treat all Terrain Driving tasks as routine as long as you are riding a live beast. This applies to all terrains your riding beast is native to.
Blood Hound
Ride rolls for Cut Off, Track, and Trapping tasks are Routine for you.
You spend a lot of time on the road, and have a tendency to just happen to be there when it happens. Any time another character is alone and needs help, you can show up with an opposed Ride against the best skill among the opposition - as long as it is even remotely plausible.
Fast Hero
When you mount or sit down at the controls of a vehicle, and in the first round of an action sequence when you are driving a vehicle, you can focus.
You are also a lucky guy; people tend to leave their cars empty with the motor running near you. At the end of any round when it makes any kind of sense in the story you can find vehicles suitable for a chase ready and waiting for both you and your opposition, turning an ordinary scene into a chase scene. If an enemy makes a getaway you will generally find a suitable vehicle to chase them with, but sometimes villains are meant to escape and no pursuit will be possible.
Final Push
When you make a successful Ride stunt against an opponent with a score of 8 or more in the attribute used to see if it is a Setback, you can add three to the Outcome of the action.
Fit Hero
You have great Endurance. Substitute your Ride for your Body when using Endurance, Hold Breath and other stamina-related stunts.
You are at home in aircraft and treat all Air Piloting tasks as routine.
Basic Action
You can use a bike, skates, skate board, surf board, snow board, skiis, and similar toys to increase your land speed. All of these devices only work under circumstances specific to each of them, and this schtick can only be used under such circumstances.
You can move your Ride in a straight line as a basic action. This is the only way you can use this increased speed, but you can do this as part of a chase.
Mad Cap Captain
You are at home in boats and treat all Boating tasks as routine.
Keep Moving!
You can ride a mount or drive a vehicle and simultaneously take other actions. When mounted, you can move your Move meters before each Basic Action you take. This movement must be in a straight line, This allows you to move-move-act or move-act-move.
You cannot use Keep Moving if the basic Action is one that in itself allows additional movement or when attacking with a Static weapon.
You have an exceptional and loyal mount. This is a Henchman and usually an animal or magical creature. Construct a mount as a Henchman with 273 of your points. You can take this schtick several times to have several mounts , but generally only one of them accompanies you on adventures: the others can appear as appropriate when you move from one environment to another.
You are a master of the wild. You can trail blaze pathways to cross road less land. You can be a tour guide and help others to avid natural dangers and discomforts. Finding food and shelter is easy for you. You can use the subtle clues of nature to find and avoid natural dangers.
- You can predict and avoid natural hazards, like cold, rain, avalanches and so on.
- Pathfinding tasks are Routine for you.
- Sense of Location stunts are inherent for you; you can make a roll for them whenever you are affected by such a power or effect.
You may not be in the best of shape. Too much drive-in food. But with your car, you dance like a ballerina.
Normally, the effective Reflexes of a driver and his vehicle is the lower of the two Reflex values. You can ignore your own Reflexes when you are behind the wheel, using only the Reflexes of your ride.
Basic Action
You are a master at observing nature and its ways.
- You can Track as a part of any movement, even while running.
- When you Track the penalty is one per day old the trail is rather than one per hour, as long as there has been no significant precipitation or other manner of trail destruction.
- You automatically identify animals, plants, and minerals on sight or from spoor.
- You can scrounge medicines and improvise basic gear from nature, using Recon in place of another skill's contact element while in nature.
- Make Camp are Routine for you.
Rodeo Riding
Basic Action
You can ride the unwilling, remaining safely on top of them in spite of their bests attempts to throw you. This works against both creatures and vehicles. The target of this maneuver must be considerably larger than you, generally with a Body at least 2 higher than yours. It must also be moving about; this does not work against a stationary object.
Make a Ride check against the Dodge or Body of an adjacent target. If you succeed, you move on top of the creature and can stay there until thrown. Once mounted, you can repeat this maneuver to inflict one Hit from fatigue. You can also take any other action you like, against the mount or anyone else.
The creature cannot attack you while you are in this position. As a basic action, he can attempt to throw you. This is the reverse of the above roll; a Dodge or Body against your Ride. On a success, you end up on the ground adjacent to him and take one Hit from the fall.
Sea Wolf
You are at home in submersibles and treat all Submersible Piloting tasks as routine.
Skirt the Edge
Limit Break
You cannot create Natural Hazards, but you can find an exploit them. When in an environment where a Natural Hazard makes sense, you can use this schtick to find an exploit such a hazard. The exact nature of the hazard is up to the GM, but you can certainly make suggestions. You are aware of the nature of the hazard, where it will strike, and so on. The hazard rating is equal to your Ride. The hazard can either trigger immediately in which case it is not a surprise, or be hidden in the environment and waiting to be triggered.
Space Jockey
You are at home in spacecraft and treat all Space Piloting tasks as routine.
Stunt Driver
You are at home in ground vehicles of all kinds and treat all Terrain Driving tasks on land as routine.
Sudden Start
You do not need to spend a Basic Action to do the the Mount stunt. When you are in position, you can take control over a ride without spending any shots. If you start a round mounted, your Initiative check is Confident.
Move the from about, or use the form to move.
Move Air
Cloud Travel
Basic Action or Limit Break
You teleport from a cloud to cloud. You movie into a cloud or mist dense enough to hide you completely from everyone not included in this power, only to appear moments later from another cloud. Roll for this as if it was a ranged attack with a difficulty determined by Cover and with normal Range modifiers. You ignore difficulties from concealment based on air, such as clouds of vapor, smoke, or dust. On a failed roll, you either fail to teleport or suffer a Setback, as appropriate. If performed as a limit break, you ignore range modifiers and ignore sight obstructions - only hard cover counts. You can specify a destination and will arrive in the nearest suitable cloud.
If using Flying Carpet to enter the cloud, you and all passengers can teleport together.
Flight Boost
Touch a vehicle or creature capable of flight; its Move is increased by +2 when flying. You need not continue to touch the creature to maintain this stance.
Basic Action
This is intended as a travel power useful in chase scenes and somewhat impractical for ordinary adventuring.
You take off and fly through the air with a Move equal to your Ride skill. You must continuously use this or rely on another flight power to remain airborn. If you don't, you sink towards the ground at a rate of Ride meters per shot expended on other actions.
Flying Carpet
Basic Action
You lift a large flat object, such as a carpet, and turn it into a conveyance that can carry passengers or cargo. The carpet has a Body and Move equal to your Ride and carries things like a creature of its strength. It must be no more than Mind meters from corner to corner. If you sit on the carpet it works like an open vehicle. Everything on the carpet is protected from slipstream. You can remote control its movement as a basic action, but if it is distance from you normal range penalties apply to your control rolls.
You can only control one object at a time. If you let go of control of an object or move out of range, it moves towards the ground at full speed and lands safely after a harrowing dive.
You can lift objects other than carpets this way as long as they are reasonably large and have a flat underside - carriages and cars come to mind. However, in this case the weight of the object counts against the weight capacity of the power.
Phantom Steed
Basic Action
You create a mount made that only you can ride. This mount has Body, Reflexes and Speed equal to your Mind or your value in the attribute in question, whichever is higher, and a Dodge and Maneuver skill equal to your Ride. When others try to ride your spectral mount, it is insubstantial. It can be attacked and is an unnamed creature. The mount disappears when you dismount but is otherwise tireless.
You can create a spectral mount for another rider, using your Mind but that creature's value in the other attributes and in the Ride skill.
Planar Pursuit
Basic Action
You can Track another creature through the air and even through other dimensions. You must start with a spoor that is no more than one day old. When Tracking successfully, you are not only able to track the creature, you can follow it through any Teleports it uses, following it with single-minded determination.
War Rider
Basic Action
You carry an aura of war along with you until the end of the next round. Creatures within Ride meters and to all who can see you. Creatures in this area are prone to violence and will fight at the drop of a hat.
Any time a creature in the area is successfully interacted with using Charm or Impress, it must attack on its next action if there are any enemies present. On a Setback result, it must attack either way, possibly striking a nearby friend, and will continue to attack enemies each time their shot comes up for the rest of the round. This is in addition to the normal effect of the interaction.
Weather Control
Basic Action or Limit Break
This allows you to control the weather is a fairly small area, such as a small field, square, or large room (radius in meter equal to your Ride roll). Indoors, this becomes the diameter instead of radius. You can create any type of weather condition that could naturally occur in the area. The change is instantaneous and maintained by the power for a scene; if the power is negated natural weather conditions quickly return. If the weather you create is completely out of season or unreasonable in the locale, it takes a Limit Break to create even the smaller version.
If the weather has a damaging side effect, such as a tornado, fist-sized hail, or lightning, this damage is random; you cannot control how it strikes. Other than this, you can control how the weather manifests, even creating different conditions in different areas, as long as such conditions could naturally coexist.
If this is used as a Limit Break rather than a basic action, the area affected is much larger and can be increased with successive uses; the diameter of the effect is one kilometer and each additional use of the power doubles the diameter.
Maneuver and Ride rolls to avoid the effects of the conditions you create generally have a difficulty equal to your Ride.
- Cold Sends people inside in search of shelter. Forces opponents to don awkward and constraining heavy coats, scarves, and gloves. Causes guards to huddle together around heaters and fires, abandoning their posts. (No, this isn't mind control: these are things that might naturally occur as a result of cold weather.)
- Fog You can create a cloud of thick and concealing fog. The fog is opaque but not transparent; it is only possible to see what is near, perception rolls and ranged attacks suffer a penalty of -1 per meter of distance and it provides cover to Sneak. At a distance greater than an observers Mind in meters, even obvious things become hidden. There are schticks and powers that allows sight trough obscurement; these work normally in the area.
- Heat and Humidity Causes suffering to opponents wearing armor or heavy coats to conceal their portable arsenals. Accelerates rot and decay.
- Mist You can create a cloud of vaporous mist full of misleading shapes. Provides cover to Sneak, and you can concentrate it in certain areas and leave enemies exposed. Causes your enemies to be confused and separated.
- Rain Mires enemy vehicles in mud and makes hard surfaces slick. Clears the streets of pesky bystanders. Eventually puts out wildfires.
- Snow Snarls traffic. Causes flight cancellations. Obscures vision. Can cause sleet, making the ground treacherous to walk on.
- Thunder Impresses mooks and other underlings. Obscures sounds. Causes animals to stampede in terror. Provides very powerful (if brief) illumination that you can time as you like.
- Wind Blows away light objects. Damages buildings, knocks down trees and power lines. Creates sandstorms or snowstorms, which obscure vision and demoralizes foes. Makes water and air travel hazardous.
Move Earth
Basic Action
You can move prodigious amounts of sand, and huge amounts of earth or even stone. Use 8 plus the armor value as the difficulty, each point of Outcome moves a cubic meter of earth Mind meters. Earth moved this way does not fly and moves too slowly to be an an effective attack, but can quickly create difficult terrain. Construction created this way is unstable and will soon collapse into piles of earth and debris - construction more complex than ditches and road banks need more careful attention. If the earth is to be worked with any amount of precision, you have to work slower. Over a longer period of time, this power does the work of a number of manual laborers equal to your skill roll. When used to directly hinder opponents, the difficulty us their Maneuver or 10 plus the armor value of the ground, whichever is higher. Affected targets lose three shots mired in the ground. For every two points out outcome, you affect another target. Large creatures increase the amount of outcome needed to affect several; the Outcome needed to affect an additional creature is one for every multiple of 5 the creature has in Body. Dig can also create difficult ground with a Free Running difficulty equal to your Create in an area in square meters equal to your Create roll (as long as you beat the difficulty to break up the ground, you can spread debris in a large area. You can perform all three functions of this power with each use of it, subject to what makes sense and looks good.
Earth Floater
Basic Action
You create an earth floater, a solid lump of earth hovering gently at your command. The Earth Floater has a Body equal to your Ride plus your Mind, a Move of 4 and carries things like a creature of this strength. You can make the earth floater of any size from one meter in diameter to your Mind meters in diameter. At full size it can comfortably carry a number of passengers equal to your Mind squared. If you sit on the disc it works like an open vehicle, if you move independently it you can make it trail after you, it can follow a simple navigational directions, or you can remote control it to move as a Basic Action as a Ride stunt with normal range penalties. You can dispel it as a Basic Action and it falls apart if you create a new one.
Limit Break
An intense but highly localized tremor rips the ground. The shock knocks creatures down, collapses structures, opens cracks in the ground, and more. The earthquake affects all terrain, vegetation, structures, and creatures in the area.
Earthquake affects an area with a radius equal to your Create roll. Make a separate Create roll against each target in the area.
- Buildings: Make a Create check against 10 + Armor Value of each structure; on a success it collapses.
- Underground: Natural caves will not collapse unless they have been extensively engineered, but underground construction can collapse just like normal construction.
- Vegetation: Tall trees has a basic 50% chance to topple.
- Creatures: Make a Create roll against the target's Maneuver skill. If the creature is inside a collapsed building, add +5 to the Create roll. On a success the target slips and looses 3 shots. On an Outcome matching their Reflexes the target is pinned or falls into a crevasse and needs to escape. Make a separate damage roll with Mind Concussion damage soaked by Reflexes.
Basic Action
You create a big puddle of mud with a diameter equal to your mind. This creates Difficult ground with a difficulty up to your Create. A creature caught in mud cannot take off and fly. On a hard surface, this puddle just covers the ground, but on earth the puddle has depth. You can also remove mud, swamp, and other soggy conditions in a similar area, creating soft but solid earth. The difficulty is the Difficult ground difficulty of what is currently there. Various earth-walking, sand walking, and water walking powers negates this effect, as does alternate modes of movement such as flight.
Roam the Earth
Limit Break
You stretch distance in an area, making any path traced through this area longer or shorter. The actual size of objects, creatures, and terrain features is not affected, only distances to be crossed. The area you affect must be natural or roughly worked ground terrain; this power will work in caves, ruins, rough mines and similar spaces but not inside intact buildings. This power can be used in three ways, to make distances longer in an area, to make distances longer in an area, or to accelerate travel. Either use lasts for a scene.
If distances are made longer you affect a real-world area with a diameter up to your Ride skill. Distances in this area are multiplied by your Mind, making ranges longer and movement slower.
If distances are made shorter you affect a real-world area with a diameter up to your Ride squared. Add your Mind to the Move of those using the compressed space. In combat, this effect lasts for a scene and affects all creatures in the area.
If used as a travel power, you can affect a group of willing travelers equal to your Mind or fewer, all of whim must be within Mind meters of you. Increase the effective Move of everyone in the group to your Ride skill. You can also ignore all but the most adverse terrain when traveling this way, but intelligent creatures in your path become obstructions. If an intelligent creature you cannot affect comes into the area covered, the power is negated.
Shape Terrain
Basic Action
You can change the shape of terrain in an area. This allows you to add or remove terrain features. You can affect sand, soil, rock, grave, dirt and similar materials; this will not work on areas of empty air or water and is hindered by artificial construction or living plants extensive enough to require a Free Running stunt.
You can increase the Free Running and Terrain Driving difficulty of each part of the area up to your Ride skill, or reduce it down to zero.
The difficulty of this power is the highest Free Running difficulty in the area, and each use of the power affects a circle with a diameter equal to your Mind. If the roll fails or the power is used in an area of artificial construction or heavy foliage you cannot reduce the Free Running in that spot and can increase it no higher than your Mind. You cannot try again until the current effect ends.
By placing spots of transposed terrain in a hexagonal patten with Mind meters between each hexagon, you can completely cover an area with repeated uses. The effect is permanent, but erodes rather quickly.
Shortcut Passage
Limit Break
You can teleport a number of creatures willing to follow your directions equal to your Mind from one location enclosed in stone to another. This is usually used in caves, but catacombs or labyrinths work just as well. It can even work in concrete business labyrinths, as long as there are no witnesses. You must guide the travels of this group, either by accompanying them or by giving them travel directions to follow. The teleport is subtle, targets will often be surprised that they arrived so soon. A Spot roll can detect that something odd happened.
Both the start and end of the teleport must not be observed by any intelligent creature that are not among those teleported and similar enough that the transition can pass unnoticed; this generally means you can travel from caves to caves, from labyrinths to labyrinths, or from sewers to sewers but not between different types of passages. The power will pick the closest suitable spot to arrive at if you don't know of a good spot.
Select a land vehicle or creature you touch; its Move is increased by +2 when running on the ground. You need not continue to touch it to maintain the stance.
Basic Action
You can dig a tunnel through the earth. Make a Ride roll against 5 plus the armor value of the material; if you succeed, you can proceed at normal speed (not running speed) this action, creating a tunnel others can crawl trough as long as their Body is not five greater than yours. If you fail, you are stuck but can try again on your next action.
Move Fire
Burst of Speed
Select a vehicle or Fire Elemental you touch; its Move is increased by +2.
Fiery Visions
Limit Break
You can see trough any open flame. You must either know the flame is there, or focus on an area to see trough the largest flame present there. A larger flame gives you a clearer vision. Considering how ubiquitous fire is in most fantasy settings, this is quite handy, especially if used at evening gathering hours. Range is not a factor. The power lets you look through several fires with each use, letting you look around for the information you seek.
To gain information this way you make an opposed check against the targets' Recon. You gain valuable information based on the outcome of this roll; if the outcome matches the target's Mind you gain clear and important insights into the target's activities. On a failed roll, you learn obvious details and trivia; if the negative Outcome matches your Mind you learn misleading information or the target notices your spying.
You can give someone staring into a fire you are scrying a simple vision or short message, this ends the power. If you and the target both have this power, you can use it to converse.
Flame Walk
Basic Action or Limit Break
You combust, only to appear moments later in a burst of flame. You teleport either to or from a fire large enough for you to stand in; a large campfire or brazier will do for a human. Roll for this as if it was a ranged attack with a difficulty determined by Cover and with normal Range modifiers. On a failed roll, you either fail to teleport or suffer a Setback, as appropriate. If performed as a limit break, you must teleport from one fire to another, but ignore range modifiers and cover - you need only imagine a location and you will arrive in the nearest suitable conflagration.
Basic Action
This is intended as a travel power useful in chase scenes and somewhat impractical for ordinary adventuring.
You take off and fly through the air with a Move equal to your Ride skill. You must continuously use this or rely on another flight power to remain airborn. If you don't, you sink towards the ground at a rate of Ride meters per shot expended on other actions.
This power uses heat and combustion to fly in a spectacular, highly visible, and somewhat haphazard manner.
Move Water
Airy Water
Basic Action
You create a bubble with a diameter equal to your Ride that has the properties of both air and water. Any air or water in the bubble is affected, solid material, vacuum or other substances that are not air or liquid cannot be affected. Both air-breathers and water-breathers can breathe in the area, and both swim, fly, and walk movement is unhindered. Both air and water vehicles can travel in the area. Stunts and attacks that would function in either air or water function in the area. The bubble lasts as long as you remain inside it, or for one scene if you leave. You can center the bubble on a creature, object, or location. The GM is the sole arbiter of what this does to gasses that are not air or to liquids that are not water.
Select a water vehicle or swimming creature you touch; its Move is increased by +2 when in water. You need not continue to touch it to maintain the stance.
Floating Reservoir
Limit Break
You can collect and move a reservoir of water drawn from the surroundings. The collection of water is normally instant, but dries out the environment and might deplete the water table. In arid locales, you only get a fraction of the water you'd normally collect. The largest reservoir possible is a sphere with a diameter equal to your Mind, but you can choose to make it smaller and take any shape as long as no two points of it are more than your Mind meters apart.
The Floating Reservoir has a Body equal to your Ride plus your Mind, a Move of 2 and carries things like a creature of this strength. If you ride in the reservoir it works like a vehicle or it can follow a simple navigational directions. You can dispel it as a Limit Break and it falls apart if you create a new one. It will slowly evaporate over time if not replenished.
Ranged Attacks are deflected when passing through the walls of the reservoir but can certainly harm the Floating Reservoir itself.
Underwater, this power can be used to create a similar large bubble of self-replenishing air or to lift heavy objects.
Water Jet
Basic Action
This is intended as a travel power useful in chase scenes and somewhat impractical for ordinary adventuring.
While in or on water, substitute your Move with your Ride. You can move your Ride in a straight line as a basic action. You can use this speed as part of a chase.
Water Rider
Basic Action
You carry an aura of impeding water along with you until the end of the next round. Creatures within Ride meters and to all who can see you. Creatures in this area are burdened as if carrying a heavy load through water. Any Free Running or Terrain Driving stunt in the area is Stymied.
Limit Break
You can create and purify water. The difficulty depends on how alien the area is to water; from as high as 20 in the deep desert to 15 in arid conditions, 10 in temperate but dry areas, 5 in tropical or humid areas and zero in swamps or near bodies of water. Success creates a flow of water that lasts for the rest of the scene.
This can be a wellspring of drinkable, fresh water. Depending on the outcome this can be a trickle (zero outcome) or stream (10), but in either case it is sufficient to replenish water supplies over time.
Or you can make a flood of impure water that is no good for drinking, but which can nurture plants and which makes the nearby area (diameter of 10 meters per point of outcome) slippery, muddy and waterlogged. This creates Difficult ground with a difficulty up to your Ride.
Move Animal
False Tracks
You leave tracks as if you were some other type of creature. Select a creature when you adopt this stance; as long as you remain in the stance, you leave tracks as a natural creature of this type would. The creature has to have a Body that differs from yours by no more than your Mind. This does not give you any powers or abilities of the imitated creature.
Famine Rider
You spread an aura of hunger and potential gluttony. Creatures within Ride meters or who can see you feel terrible hunger pangs. A creature who ends the round in this aura and has not spent a Basic Action eating in the round that just ended must make an opposed Ride check or take a Hit. A creature adjacent to a helpless creature or corpse realize they can eat from that to satisfy this aura.
Pet Portal
You can teleport a pet animal to you and back. This teleport takes the place of normal movement; when it becomes the pet's turn to act, it instantly arrives near you and can act normally. It can similarly disappear at the beginning of any of its actions. One end of the teleport must be within Ride meters of you, the other must be in a safe location far away. As an option, the pet can reside in an extradimensional space when dismissed.
Select a living creature you touch; its Move is increased by +2. You need not continue to touch it to maintain the stance.
Scent of Sight
Basic Action
Your sense of smell develops to fantastic proportions. You can track, identify creatures and substances, and tell a creature's mood by scent alone. You automatically succeed at any scent-related task possible to a normal human. Make Recon checks only for stunts a normal human simply could not do. If blinded, you can still perceive creatures in a range out to your Mind in meters. This has the effects of a Scan stunt, and you automatically spot creatures in this area who are not Sneaking, even if they would be impossible to sense with your normal senses.
Basic Action
Substitute your Move with your Ride. You can move your Ride in a straight line as a basic action. This is the only way you can use this increased speed, but you can do this as part of a chase.
Move Plant
Blight Rider
You spread a strong smell of rot and decay. Creatures within Ride meters or who can see you have their senses filled with this rot. Any attempt to recover, heal, or doctor has a minimum difficulty equal to your Ride. Any use of the perception element of a skill also has a minimum difficulty equal to your Ride. Creatures in the area must satisfy the normal requirements to Sneak, but they can use your Ride for Sneak checks.
Forest Shortcut
Limit Break
You can teleport a number of creatures willing to follow your directions equal to your Mind from one forest location to another. You must guide the travels of this group, either by accompanying them or by giving them travel directions to follow. Both the start and end of the teleport must not observed by any intelligent creature that are not among those teleported. You need not know of an empty forest location to teleport to; just specify where you want to go, and the power picks a suitable location near your destination. The teleport is subtle, targets will often be surprised that they arrived so soon. Ride can detect that something odd happened.
Plant Walk
Limit Break
You step into one plant, which must be large enough for you to step into it's trunk or other solid part. You then exit through another plant of the same kind and sufficient size anywhere. Distance is not a factor, and the destination can even be on another plane. You need not know of the destination plant, the power will find the closest suitable plant to where you want to go. If there are no suitable plants on the same plane of existence as the destination, the power fails.
Wooden Horse
Basic Action
You can take a wooden object of a size appropriate for you to ride, and use it as a mount. This mount has Body, Reflexes and Speed equal to your Mind or your value in the attribute in question, whichever is higher, and a Dodge and Maneuver skill equal to your Ride. It has Toughness equal to its Body +3. It can be attacked and is an unnamed creature. The mount returns to being an object when you dismount but is otherwise tireless. You can create a wooden horse for another rider, using your Mind but that creature's value in the other attributes and Ride skill.
Move Metal
Metal Ride
Basic Action
This is intended as a travel power useful in chase scenes and somewhat impractical for ordinary adventuring.
You take off and fly through the air with a Move equal to your Ride skill. You must continuously use this or rely on another flight power to remain airborn. If you don't, you sink towards the ground at a rate of Ride meters per shot expended on other actions.
Use this to make a metal object fly. This can either be an existing metal object, or you can create a large object (such as a set or metallic wings, a metallic platform, or a sledge) and ride on that. If the object is large enough it can carry additional passengers, but this reduces Move by one per passenger carried.
Silver Rider
Basic Action
You carry an aura of steadfast purity along with you until the end of the next round. Creatures within Ride meters or who can see you are inspired to act forthrightly and sneakiness is penalized. Any Sneak and Disable Mechanism stunt in the area has a minimum difficulty equal to your Ride, and a failure causes a Setback to the creature that failed. Any Scan stunt can use your Ride as the acting value.
Tool Teleport
You can summon a set of gear you own to you over any distance. This can be any kind or combination of personal gear, or one larger item made mainly of metal, such as a vehicle. The difficulty of Tool Teleport depends on the object's Body, as read on the Body/Weight table, but only roll for items whose Body exceeds your Mind.
The object stays with you until you end the stance, whereupon it returns from whence it came. You can choose to keep it around when the stance ends, but if you do you cannot teleport it back later using this power.
If the object has been stolen from you, add the current owner's Mind to the difficulty. If you fail to call a stolen object, it is no longer considered yours for this purpose until you retrieve it normally.
Move Ice
Cold Spell
Basic Action or Limit Break
As a Basic Action you can cause cold weather is a fairly small area, with a diameter equal to your Ride. With a Limit Break, the radius is ten times that. Temperature drops about thirty degrees Celsius (15 degrees Fahrenheit). The change is instantaneous and maintained by the power; it the power is disrupted natural weather conditions quickly return. Make an opposed Ride check against each target in the area who is not protected from cold. On a success the unseasonable cold sends creatures in search of shelter; those who have to remain outside huddle together around heaters and garbage-can bonfires, abandoning their posts, but they wont flee from an immediate threat. People unsuitably dressed and not near a heat source suffer one Hit from the cold at the end of the first round they spend in the cold but no more after that. Repeated uses can extend the area but not increase the effect.
Basic Action
Substitute your Move with your Ride when moving over ice or snow.
You can move your Ride in a straight line or along a frozen surface as a basic action. This is the only way you can use this increased speed, but you can do this as part of a chase.
If you are using the the Skate power, you can create your own icy surface to move along, effectively flying.
Basic Action
You can coat a section of floor or flat ground with sleet or ice, making it treacherous to walk on. Make a Ride roll, this is the radius of Sleet in meters. The Free Running difficulty of the area becomes equal to your Ride (this is your base skill, not modified as above). You can make the area smaller if you want. If you want to shape the sleet beyond making it a big puddle, the area becomes smaller; making it some simple geometrical form or excluding certain areas or making islands of safety gives a -2 penalty on the roll for each such manipulation. Range penalties also apply. The whole area must still be withing the radius. The sleet melts naturally; in warm climes it melts by the end of the scene, in cold climate it may last indefinitely.
Snow Shape
Basic Action
You can move prodigious amounts of snow and huge amounts of ice. Use 10 plus the armor value as the difficulty, each point of Outcome moves a cubic meter of ice or snow. Construction created this way is unstable and will soon collapse. If the ice and snow is to be worked with any amount of precision, you will work slower. Over a longer period of time, this power does the work of a number of manual laborers equal to your skill roll.
You can also use this to create an opening through ice or snow. Use 10 plus the armor value as the difficulty, the Outcome must exceed the thickness of the barrier (in meters), or nothing happens. The portal remains open a number of rounds equal to the Outcome, then gradually closes over the course of one round. It does not affect structural integrity.
Move Illusion
Distant Image
Limit Break
You create an illusory duplicate of yourself at any location you are familiar with or adjacent to a creature you are familiar with. This image is clearly illusory and looks just like you, including any disguise or illusion you are using at the time. You can use it's senses and interact with others, but can't use powers or make attacks or affect objects in any way. It can fly at a Move equal to your Ride skill. It takes no actions on its own, instead you can decide if the actions you take originate from you or from your projected image or both. If the distant image does not take an action for one full round, it disappears. If attacked, it uses your defensive skills and stats but no schticks or powers. It disappears on any hit.
Ride | Radius | |
Basic Action | Limit Break | |
8-9 | 20 m | 40 m |
10-11 | 25 m | 100 m |
12-13 | 30 m | 250 m |
14-15 | 35 m | 600 m |
16-17 | 40 m | 1,500 m |
18-19 | 45 m | 4,000 m |
20 | 50 m | 10,000 m |
Basic Action or Limit Break
You create an illusion of terrain features in an area with a radius depending on your Ride skill, see the Hallucinatory Terrain Radius table. This terrain contains natural features typical of the area you are in, but you can mix and match terrain components as you wish. You can set the Free Running and Terrain Driving difficulty of the terrain to any value from half the current difficulty up to your Ride in difficulty.
Creatures can disbelieve this illusion, but it is tactile and they must still interact with it in order to move.
Negative Space
Basic Action or Limit Break
You create an illusion of empty space. You can create an illusion of space inside something solid or hide something and make it seem like an empty space. You can cover an area with a diameter equal to your Mind and the effect lasts for a scene. As a Limit Break you affect a radius equal to your Ride and lasts for a session. Inside this area you can edit out objects and substance as you wish. The borders of volume you edit out adapt so as not to attract attention, but you cannot merge several negative spaces to create one large area. You can hide creatures in the area, even if they move around after you set up the illusion. This works just as Blur. They use their own Recon skill for this. If they move outside the area the effect ends. Creatures or objects moved into the area after it is created are not affected.
A creature that interacts with the illusion can make an opposed Ride check to realize it is an illusion, but this does not cause the illusion to disappear. If the interaction is based on faulty assumptions, such as someone trying to walk into a Negative Space that is really solid rock, suffer any negative outcome on this roll as an Aggressive Driving stunt directed at them.
Project Image
Basic Action
You create an illusory duplicate of yourself within Ride meters of yourself. This image is identical to you. It has the same equipment you do, but it cannot pick up or carry anything beyond what it is created with, nor can it use up consumable items (anything you keep track of how many you have). The two of you share a single Fortune pool. It takes no actions on its own, instead you can decide if the actions you take originate from you or from your projected image. The image moves as you direct whenever either of you takes a Basic Action, but disappears if it ends up more than Ride meters from you or you don't have line of sight to it. You can see from the vantage of your projected image, but this does not count as a line of sight to the image itself. The image can be a target of attacks and stunts. Anything affecting the image affects you, but at any time you can decide to have the image disappear rather than taking the effect.
Move Dark
Dark Rider
Basic Action
You carry an aura of darkness along with you until the end of the next round. Creatures within Ride meters and all areas you can see are affected. Ominous dark clouds gather, reducing night and indoor locations to a starless black void with the effect of Cloud of Darkness and darkening daylight into a murk that can still be seen in, but that allows Sneaking and does not penalize creatures sensitive to light.
Horseless Rider
Basic Action
You carry an aura of darkness that scares Animals until the end of the next round. Creatures within Ride meters and all areas you can see are affected. Animals flee the area unless they have a strong reason to resist. Animals that are defensing young or extremely territorial can stay, but any action an animal in the area takes has a minimum difficulty equal to your Ride. A creature directing an animal, such as a rider or beast master, must make an opposed Ride check for each order given to the animal, or it will balk and ignore the order. This does not require any additional action on the beast master's part, just an additional roll and chance to fail.
Rumor Rider
Basic Action
You carry an aura of bad rumors and ill will along with you until the end of the next round. Creatures within Ride meters and to all who can see you hear whispered rumors and feel others are whispering about them. Any attempt to Assist or affect an ally with any ability has a minimum difficulty equal to your Ride.
Shadow Ambush
Basic Action
You transport yourself, your allies, a target and the target's allies into a shadowy reflection of the physical world. The place you appear at is the same as the physical world in all respects, except that only creatures affected by this power are there and that it appears drab and shadowy, almost monochrome. Any damage done to objects or structures in the area do not translate to the real world.
You make a Ride roll to see how many targets you can affect. The power lasts for one scene, until the two sides lose contact, until you choose to end it (a Basic Action), or until dispelled or broken with an appropriate Setback scored on you. When the power ends, all targets return to the normal world and you and your allies become hidden.
Shadow Walk
Basic Action or Limit Break
You can disappear into a shadow or patch of darkness, only to appear moments later in a similar location. You teleport to another shadow or place of darkness whose location you know of. Both shadows must be large enough that you can stand in them. As a Basic Action, you need line of sight, with a Limit Break you don't, and can even travel between planes
You are expected to use previous knowledge or other powers to locate suitable spots of darkness. If the area you intended to step into is brightly lit, the power fails.
Twilight Rider
Basic Action
You carry an aura of shadow along with you until the end of the next round. Creatures within Ride meters and all areas you can see are affected. The area is covered in murky twiligt, overriding any natural illumination or darkness. This murk can still be seen in, but allows Sneaking and does not penalize creatures sensitive to light. Any attempt to create light or darkness in this area has a minimum difficulty equal to your Ride. At the end of each round, you can make a Ride check against the skill that created each effect in the area that causes light or darkness, on a success that effect ends. Permanent effects are instead suppressed while the area is covered by Twilight Rider.
Move Flux
Chaos Rider
Basic Action
You carry an aura of chaos along with you until the end of the next round. Creatures within Ride meters or who can see you are prone to fumble. Objects and terrain conspire to trip those who try to move in the area. The Free Running difficulty of the area becomes equal to your Mind. This applies to all kinds of movement, not only on foot.
Basic Action
You you create a chaotic mix of loud noise until the end of the next round. Creatures within Ride meters or who can see you are assaulted by this noise and find it hard to focus. All uses of Charm, Create, Know, Melee, and Shoot have a minimum difficulty equal to your Ride.
Basic Action
You may move through solid matter at your basic speed. You have a basic sense inside the material as you move, so you know when you are about to emerge.
You must specify a type of matter you cannot pass through; this should be a broad category like "metal", "stone" or "organic matter". A common variant is where you cannot pass through substances of living spirit; this includes all living things as well as the earth itself; soil and bedrock.
You can never pass through any Order effect or through a wall made by Force in this way.
Open Path
You are incredibly lucky when moving around. You always manage to step on the one safe spot, paths randomly swing out of the way, and you can always find the most open path through a traffic jam.
You are immune to powers that impede movement as long as the power-user's Mind is less than your Ride.
Evasion*, Free Running*, Vehicle Evasion, and Terrain Driving tasks are Routine for you.
* Evasion and Free Running are Maneuver stunts and not Ride stunts.
Reality Warping
Limit Break
You can walk between dimensions, Teleporting from one plane to another or to another place in your own reality by crossing multiple planes. You must actually be traveling to use this power, and you change only a single aspect of your environment with each use of the power; one use could change the weather, another the color of the sky, a third the flowers by the roadside and so on. You continue changing the environment thus until you get to a place matching your destination. If you stop before you get to the place you want, you end up in one of myriad alternate realities, which can be a merely confusing or lead to entire new worlds adventure, depending on the GM's whim.
To simplify the use of this power, the GM can call for a single Ride check with a difficulty depending on how different your goal is from where you are now. On a success, you get there in a few minutes. On a failure, you get there after a harrowing journey involving either a long delay or some concrete danger or plot. If you fail by a margin wider than your Mind you get lost and end up in an unexpected place - this is either one that is hard to get out of, or one that is deceptively similar to what you were looking for, but not the same.
Condition | Difficult |
Only random details differ | 14 |
Same general environment | 16 |
Different environment but same world | 18 |
Different but similar world | 20 |
Similar world with very specific details | 22 |
Alien world | 24 |
Completely alien setting | 26 |
Alien setting with specific details | 28 |
Returning to a reality you have previously visited is a Routine task.
Your Move is increased by +2.
Move Order
Harmony of Space
Limit Break
You ward an area against teleportation. Any attempt to Teleport into or out of the area has a minimum difficulty equal to your Ride; if the Outcome was less than your Mind the teleport succeeded, but made an awful noise and dazed the teleportee, making him Surprised.
Harmony of Space covers a radius equal to your Ride skill in meters and lasts for an hour. If there are chimes, bells, or some other recurring sound in the area each day, the effect can be sustained so that it resumes for an hour after each time the sound is made.
Path of Destiny
You never become lost, intuitively sensing the path to your personal destiny. You are never too late, always arriving at the exact time your path requires. Tough your travels might seem aimless, you are on the golden road to your glorious doom. You might be a relentless quester or a fool drifting on the winds of fate, but you are never completely lost and never wander aimlessly. If you are wandering deep in the woods or wide-open desert it is because there is a meaningful task or lesson for you there. You might have to struggle to survive, as that might very well be the lesson. But boring and mundane travel for travel's sake is not an issue for you; the time you spend traveling is never wasted and distance is not an impediment when you are in search of adventure.
This power can take you anywhere your destiny lies, even to faraway or fantastical times and places, and you can lead a small band of companions there. Basically, this gives you an excuse to appear in an adventure regardless of how strange or ridiculous it might seem, being a more extreme variant of Drifer. It can also give the GM an excuse to make adventures in places and locations far outside the normal scope of the campaign, tough you have no control over this. Your destiny can be open or specific, and you can suggest adventures and places to the GM that you think your destiny ought to take you to. Generally, you can easily pass a source of supplies on your travels, but if the adventure is about lack of supplies, you are as badly pf as your team.
Truth Rider
Basic Action
You carry an aura of truth along with you until the end of the next round. Creatures within Ride meters and to all who can see you are affected and find it very hard to lie or even utter unintentional falsehoods.
Any action based on a lie is Stymied. A creature that rolls lower than your Ride cannot knowingly lie and has to remain silent. A creature that rolls lower than your Mind cannot speak an untruth, even if they believe it is true.
World Spin
Limit Break
Give me a fixed point, and I will move the world - Archimedes.
You can Teleport from one place to another or even to other planes. You must keep some aspect of your surrounding constant while changing all others. For example, you could focus on a rock and teleport to another location with a very similar rock. It generally takes a number of such shifts to arrive at a destination, and the intervening places you pass by can be harrowing.
To simplify the use of this power, the GM can call for a single Ride check with a difficulty depending on how different your goal is from where you are now. On a success, you get there with one use of the power. On a failure, you get there after a harrowing journey involving either a long delay or some concrete danger or plot. If you fail by a margin wider than your Mind you get lost and end up in an unexpected place - this is either one that is hard to get out of, or one that is deceptively similar to what you were looking for, but not the same.
Condition | Difficult |
Only random details differ | 14 |
Same general environment | 16 |
Different environment but same world | 18 |
Different but similar world | 20 |
Similar world with very specific details | 22 |
Alien world | 24 |
Completely alien setting | 26 |
Alien setting with specific details | 28 |
Going to a well known location is a Routine task.
Move Light
Bright Rider
Basic Action
You carry an aura of compromise, goodwill, and flash realizations along with you until the end of the next round. Creatures within Ride meters or who can see you are rational and willing to compromise. Trying to provoke good or rational actions becomes easier. And any Charm roll prompting such that succeeds against a creature whose Charm is less than your Ride counts as a Setback or otherwise as if it had sufficient Outcome for any improved effect. Any other type of Charm stunt in the area has a minimum difficulty equal to your Ride.
Champion Pact
Basic Action
You forge a pact between a champion and a protectee. You assume one of these roles, and another willing creature assumes the other role. This requires touch and the consent and True Name of both. Either party can cancel the pact at any time, and the power will inform the other party the pact is broken. The protectee can now summon the champion at any time, who will be Teleported to their location in a flash of light. The champion will arrive fully prepared and equipped, but is not under the protectee's control and can return to its initial location as a Basic Action. If the champion is harmed or killed, he can choose to break the Champion Pact in order to avoid these consequences and return unarmed.
Shining Rider
Basic Action
You carry an aura of physical light that will banish darkness and reveal the hidden. Creatures within Ride meters or who can see you are affected. The area is lit to bright indoor illumination if not already brighter than that. And any Recon roll to Shadow, Sneak, Stay Low or do Surveillance in the area has a minimum difficulty equal to your Ride.
Walk the Light
Basic Action
You teleport from one brightly lit location to another spot within clear line-of sight; this limits the distance to a kilometer or depending on light condition and vision enhancement. You can teleport over any distance to sites either very brightly illuminated or a point of spiritual illumination, such as a holy place. You can eve teleport to such places on other planes.
Move Gifts
Beast Rider
Basic Action
You carry an anti-social aura along with you until the end of the next round. Creatures within Ride meters or who can see you are prone to anger and misunderstanding.
Any Charm stunt in the area has a minimum difficulty equal to your Ride, and any Charm roll that fails is a fumble, aggravating listeners.
Beast Wings
Basic Action
You grow wings that let you fly through the air at your normal Move for the rest of the scene or until you spend a basic action to transform back. The wings are impractically large in cramped spaces, you can stunt to move trough a narrow space but cannot stay airborne unless you have wing room at some point of your move.
As a further Basic Action, you can fly in a straight line with a Move equal to your Ride.
Ethereal Jaunt
Limit Break
You and up to your Mind other willing creatures who form a chain of touch can travel the Ethereal planes. Ethereal Jaunt shifts you into the Aether and from there you can travel to the inner planes in some safety, able to control your motion and to travel to a place you have reasonable knowledge of in about a day. It is possible to navigate towards another spot on the same plane. Traveling to the astral realms using this power is very dangerous, as you lose control and guidance.
Mark of Fate
Trigger Action
You create a mystic link between you and your victim. Your fates are entwined; you WILL meet again and confront one another again. You can only mark named characters. Either you or your victim must cause some damage to the other, but Mark of Fate is automatically successful. This is a twisting of fate, not any supernatural movement. If your victim flees far away, this twist can be quite strange and terrible.
You just happen to be caught in a meat-grinder and processed into astronaut food, only to regenerate for that rendezvous on the moon which Mark of Fate has set you up for.
You can release your Mark of Fate voluntarily, but only at the end of a play session. It can also be removed as a Curse. Many creatures with this schtick will delay attacking their target, stalking and slaying bystanders, slowly closing in on loved ones and finally the victim. After all, there is no way he can get away.
Transfer Focus
Limit Break
You transfer your focus to another character who is within sight. That character can choose to immediately perform a Limit Break, at normal shot cost. If he has no shots left, he also takes a Hit from backlash.
Transfer Power
Basic Action
You channel one or more Fortune Points to another character you can see. You spend these points, and the target receives them, replenishing any lost Fortune points. If this leaves the target with more than a full Fortune pool, the points must be spent before the end of the round or they return to you.
Wild Rider
Basic Action
You carry an aura of chaos and mutation along with you until the end of the next round. Creatures within Ride meters or who can see you risk being mutated. Creatures with Dodge greater than your Mind are immune. Affected creatures are Confused. Choose one of your powers for all creatures get power while they are confused.
Move Magic
Arcane Arena
Limit Break
You transport yourself, your allies, a target and the target's immediate allies into an arcane reflection of the physical world. This cannot be more creatures than your Ride roll; if more creatures than that would be affected, the power fails. You make a Ride roll to see how many targets you can affect, the power fails if more creatures than that would be moved.
The place you appear at is the same as the physical world in all respects, except that only creatures affected by this power are there and that it appears more vivid and colorful, less drab and worn. Any damage done to objects or structures in the area do not translate to the real world.
The power lasts for one scene, until the two sides lose contact, until you choose to end it (a Basic Action), or until dispelled or broken with an appropriate Setback scored on you. When the power ends, all targets return to the normal world in their current location in the arcane arena.
Calculate Location
Limit Break
You learn the physical location of an object or creature. You must have enough information about the target to describe it uniquely; if you have a general description you will find the nearest target that fits the description. This can include name, number, origin, dat of origin, or a physical description. You can use this to discern your own location if you are lost. It can also be used to analyze a teleport performed in the area in the last hour, which tells you what teleported where.
Limit Break
In order to use this power, you must possess a part of the target's body (hair, blood, nail clippings, or a body part) or an item very dear to the target. You use contagion along with some other power that is a Basic Action, and this power will affect the target as if you were touching, regardless of range. The target feels a premonition of the incoming power, and cannot be surprised.
Move Spiritual
Bounty of Spirit
Basic Action
You bless a creature and provide him with sustenance lasting a day. Even just a little nourishment will let the creature stay well and healthy, and even in the total absence of air the creature can survive, but still takes damage from Endurance and Hold Breath, but will not die or suffer any permanent harm falling into a deep sleep at zero hits. You can provide for a number of people each day equal to the number of kilos carried by a creature with a body equal to your Ride.
Limit Break
You establish a link with another, through which powers can be channeled. You must touch the target to establish the link. The two of you have a weak empathic link; you cannot transmit specific information, but you both know the other's general mood and health. It is common to use other powers to get more specific information, at least in times of stress, doing so makes the channel power much more useful.
When this power is active, any power either of you uses can manifest through the other, just as if the other character was using the power (tough it is still based on the actual user's skills and attributes). If the power is to target anything other than the other linked character, the linked character needs to take a Trigger Action to target the effect.
The link lasts until the end of the story or until either of you enters another link that allows the transfer of powers.
Basic Action
You channel one Fortune Point to another character, who need not be present. You spend this point, and the target receives it, replenishing any lost Fortune points. If this leaves the target with more than a full Fortune pool, the points must be spent before the end of the scene or they return to you. Intercession works over any distance; you only need a clear image in your mind of the person you are interceding for.
Trigger Action (Defense)
Use this power when you take damage or suffer a finisher. You die and go to whatever place your spirit is destined to go, but you can come back from this place and reappear in the mundane world at a later time. While "dead" you cannot be affected in any way, except possibly with Summon powers. You reappear at the gamemaster's discretion, generally in the next session but possibly later. Your reappearance is linked to the plot and tied to your allies rather than to a place or to enemies.
Sacred Teleport
Limit Break
You Teleport up to Mind willing creatures (which can include yourself) to a sacred site. To teleport to a spiritual site, you must have been there and attuned yourself to it using this power. If you are attuned to several sacred sites, you can select which of these sites to recall to another use of this power. This selection remains until you change it. To serve as a sacred site, a place needs to be consecrated to a faith you share, and there must be some kind of iconography there to show its significance. If the site is destroyed or defiled, it can no longer be used until it is restored. Once it is restored, any sacred recall links to the site are automatically restored as well.
Spirit Rider
Basic Action
You carry an aura of spiritual purity along with you until the end of the next round. Creatures within Ride meters and to all who can see you are affected, but those who share your faith are not. In case of doubt, you decide who shares your faith. Creatures in this area who try to use the Impress skill or any Teleport powers have a minimum difficulty equal to your Ride. Creatures that share your faith or credo are immune.
Move Tech
Piloting Rig
You can make a Confident roll to drive a vehicle equipped with cybernetic controls. Certain hi-tech, hi-performance vehicles require such a link to operate at all.
Select a cyborg, machine, robot, or vehicle you touch; its Move is increased by +2. You need not continue to touch it to maintain the stance.
You establish a link with an object, through which powers can be channeled. You must touch the target to establish the link. As long as you maintain this stance, you can use your senses and powers through the remote. When this power is active, any power you use can manifest through the remote, just as if you were there. The object counts as unnamed, making it relatively easy to destroy. If the object is carried by another, a successful stunt directed at the remote and any Setback suffered by the bearer destroys the remote (this is in addition to the normal effects of the setback).
This is a meta-power that affects other powers. In some campaign worlds there is a strong Origin Divide among different origins. Check with your GM regarding your campaign. Origins that are opposed cannot cannot be modified by meta-powers; it is as if powers from the opposing origin was actually a schtick rather than a power.
Limit Break
You can use a single power once without range penalties. You must still see your target for powers that requires a line-of-sight, and Cover and Concealment applies normally. Casting a spell through remote viewing (cameras, divination) causes a low rumble that prevents the target from being surprised.
Move Death
Headless Rider
Basic Action
You carry an aura of death along with you until the end of the next round. Creatures within Ride meters and to all who can see you suffer more grave wounds than usual. Any creature defeated in this area suffer a Damage Setback, even if they went down from accumulated Hits without Damage Setbacks. You can turn this aura on or off as a Basic Action.
Mysterious Death
Trigger Action
This is a Teleport power that lets you disappear when taking damage, seemingly dying, only to reappear later at an opportune time. You go wherever it is you spend your time "off", and cannot be affected in any way, except possibly with Summon powers.
This power always have some unique nemesis, and if this method or item is used to kill you or anoint your body before the end of the round, Immortality will not work. This can be cutting off the head, staking the heart, or some similar maneuver. It generally takes a Setback to do, once the proper method is known.
You reappear at the gamemaster's discretion, usually at the end of the scene or fight when you "died", tough sometimes the away time can be months or even years. You have no direct control over when and how you reappear. You can specify an anchor when you purchase the power; an event, place, person or item that acts to draw you back. Examples include avenging ghosts that appear at the scene of a rape or to haunt the wearer of a sword.
Mystic Death can be used to overcome travel obstacles for monsters: it is hard for a golem to walk onto an airplane, but when your pals go to New York city, you can die and then conveniently materialize when they arrive. You can only appear as directed by the story, but as long as you are willing to let your gamemaster control the details, this is a good travel power.
Where you spend the time dead is largely irrelevant. Perhaps you go to the underworld, perhaps you become astral or step out of the time flow. The GM might design special scenarios in this off-world, but don't count on it. It can be cool to role-play the effects this in-between place has on you - it might be scary, paradisaical or just weird.
Use this when you are knocked out. You die, only to reappear later at the same spot at the end of the round. You return with three Hits. You can only do this once per scene. A named creature can take this power up to three times to be able to recover from more than one knockout in a scene, starting out with two hits after your second death and one hit after your third death.
An unnamed creature instead has has a 50% chance to succeed at this power; if the roll fails the creature is out of action normally. There is no restriction on the number of times this can happen.
This power always have some unique nemesis, and if this method or item is used to kill you or anoint your body before the end of the round, Immortality will not work. This can be cutting off the head, staking the heart, or some similar maneuver. It generally takes a Setback to do, once the proper method is known.
Some immortal creatures do not reappear in the same spot, but instead at a specific spot elsewhere - such as in their coffin, sacred tree, or other significant location. If this location is destroyed or desecrated, this variant of Immortality fails. If you have Mysterious Death you can choose to use that power instead when defeated.
Pale Rider
Basic Action
You carry an aura of infection along with you until the end of the next round. Creatures within Ride meters and to all who can see you count all wounds they have as if they were Infected. You can turn this aura on or off as a Basic Action.
Soul Transfer
You kill your the target (which can be yourself) and send the soul looking for a new body to inhabit. A host needs to be of the same species the target of the power was when alive, and recently dead. If the initial target is Undead, the corpse need not be fresh. Decide on a location; the power will locate the closest suitable host and present it to the soul to accept or reject. If it is rejected, the power locates the second closest one and so on. The target gets a vision of each host as it is found. There is a delay of 1d6 hours between each vision. Any new potential hosts appearing in the area can also appear as candidates, and it is possible to spend up to a year and a day looking for a suitable host.
To any onlookers, it seems as if the corpse animated itself or the newly dead creature suddenly recovered. Initially, use the physical attributes Body and Reflexes of the host body, but these attributes revert to their usual values at the rate of one point per hour. The basic appearance (modified by attribute changes), gender, and age of the host remains.
Move Force
Floating Disc
Basic Action
You create a disk of force that floats under your command and can carry passengers or cargo. The disc has a Body equal to your Ride skill, Move equal to yours and carries things like a creature of its Body. It is a flat or hourglass-shaped surface whose exact form you can control as long as its no more than 2 meters in diameter. If you sit on the disc it works like an open vehicle, if you move independently it trails after you. You can remote control its movement as a basic action, but it never moves more than Mind meters away from you. You can dismiss it as a basic action, and it disappears if you create a new one.
Survival Sphere
Basic Action
You create a force field around a creature whose Body does not exceed your Ride. This field conserves the environment around the creature, maintaining ambient temperature, pressure, radiation, humidity and other environmental factors conductive to survival. The field negates any problems with buoyancy and is similarly non-hampering in other environments. The field does not protect against damage, interaction, or attacks of any kind, but neither is it damaged by such things. The survival sphere lasts for a scene and can be renewed.
Basic Action
You can move objects and creatures, even very heavy objects. Make a Ride check against the target's Dodge. On a success the target is unbalanced and loses one shot and Telekinesis ends. On an Outcome matching the target's Body the target is also suspended and unable to move around under its own power until you the end of the round, and you can move the target with a Move equal to your Mind. The an inanimate object has zero Dodge and Body depending on its mass. If you use this to move a heavy object into position to drop it as a missile or use it to ram, it is highly inaccurate; use your Mind as the attack skill doing Concussion damage equal to your Ride skill.
Telekinetic Flight
Basic Action
This is intended as a travel power useful in chase scenes and somewhat impractical for ordinary adventuring.
You take off and fly through the air with a Move equal to your Ride skill. You must continuously use this or rely on another flight power to remain airborn. If you don't, you sink towards the ground at a rate of Ride meters per shot expended on other actions.
Move Life
Absorb Pain
Basic Action
You can transfer health problems from a touched creature to yourself. You transfer Hits, Damage Setbacks, or any other type of ailment from the target to yourself. This power can kill you or knock you out; if you absorb more damage than you can survive, the patient is still cured of that damage.
Fetus Theft
You transfer a fetus from one carrier to another or between two carriers, who must be within 5 Body of each other. A carrier can either be a female creature, a fertilized egg from a creature of the appropriate size, or a specially prepared container. In this way you can move a fetus from a mother to another, between two expectant females, to, from, or between eggs or even artificial containers.
The transference process itself is instantaneous and does no bodily harm. The fetus will adapt to its new conditions, and can be carried to term normally there (though the mother might be very surprised at what she gives birth to). If the fetus is transferred into a container, it remains alive inside the container, ready to be transferred again or carried to term within the container.
Life Support
You are inherently resistant to extremes of environment, surviving conditions such as extreme temperature, pressure, chemical environment, and radiation. You can survive in any environment where life can survive, but you may have to suspend your body functions to survive in truly exotic locales.
Select a living creature you touch; its Move is increased by +2. You need not continue to touch it to maintain the stance.
Transfer Pain
You can transfer health problems from a yourself or a creature you touch to a third party. You transfer Hits, Damage Setbacks, or any one other ailment per use of the power. This power can kill the target; if you transfer more damage than the target can survive, any extra damage is not transferred. A creature with a Body 3 less than yours is too frail to absorb one of your damage setbacks, while a creature with Body 5 less than you is too frail to take on any but the most minor conditions.
Move Mind
Astral Quest
Limit Break
You leave your body behind and enter astral space, the land of dreams and spirits. Your spirit can instantaneously move to any area that is not warded against spirits. Range and speed are not a factor.
This is mostly uses to spy. To gain information this way you make an opposed check against the targets' Recon. You gain valuable information based on the outcome of this roll; if the outcome matches the target's Mind you gain clear and important insights into the target's activities. On a failed roll, you learn obvious details and trivia; if the negative Outcome matches your Mind you learn misleading information or the target notices your spying. You can communicate with those you scry on.
While on an astral quest, your body is in suspended animation; you do not need sustenance but are helpless. Your spirit and body takes damage together, and you can end the astral quest as a Basic Action - unless you are in a particularly tricky situation of the GMs devising.
Astral Quests are usually done to seek information, but sometimes it is possible to affect physical reality by performing a quest on the astral plane. Such astral quests are filled with visions, inspirations and subconscious symbolism, but are not linear adventures in the normal fashion. The main use is to resolve some moral issue, personality issue, or to gain insight. In certain cases an astral quest can break a Curse. Sometimes, an astral quest can directly affect another person or even an object or place by changing the astral resonance, but such use is strictly a plot device for the game master. A number of other people equal to your Mind can be taken along on this sort of quest.
Body Theft
Your psyche changes body with another creature within 5 points of your own Body and Reflexes.
Once successful, the ritual makes you and the target exchange bodies. This does not change game statistics, but you do exchange equipment, race, sex, age and appearance. Any conditions and effects stay with the body, making this a way to get rid of a curse, disease, or other affliction. You do not have access to each others memories, but appearance, voice, and mannerisms stay with the body, giving you a +5 bonus to Charm checks to impersonate each other. On the flip side, it can be hard for you to convince those who knew you in your old body of your identity.
If either of you has powers related to physical body parts the two of you do not share (such as wings), those powers will not work while in the other body.
It is possible for either of you to end the power by forcing his way back into the old body as a Finisher. If either body dies while the power is in effect, the effect becomes permanent.
Dream Touch
Limit Break
You can contact the mind of a dreamer, entering their dreams to communicate or even cause harm. If the target is not asleep at the time, the power fails. When it works, this allows you to use one other Mind Form powers against the target at any range. You must have a clear mental image of whoever you are trying to contact. The target will remember you when they awake, and will automatically awake after you harm them.
Mind Diving
You enter the mind of the target, who must be delirious, sleeping, or helpless.
Generally, you enter the mind of others in order to get hard-to-find information or to correct psychic problems. It is also possible to manipulate the psyche of others in order to affect their personality and behavior. This can be played out or resolved through social interaction die rolls.
The rough way to use this power is to initiate combat. Such a combat works just as combat in the real world; both characters have access to imaginary versions of any gear normally used. Damage from the physical world does not carry over into this psychic conflict. If you bring companions along, the sleeper may create phantasmal versions of his normal allies to match their number. If you render the mind you are diving into unconscious in such combat, you can do very invasive changes to the target's mind, permanently changing memories and parts of the target's personality. In special cases, you might be forced to enter an even deeper level of the target's mind and subconscious, Mind Diving again and repeating the process; this is especially true if the target has multiple personalities or several layers of psychic problems, or if you otherwise want to make very fundamental mental changes. This is more a storytelling device than a rule; player characters are not assumed to be into this kind of mind rape, so the rules are somewhat sketchy.
While a character is Mind Diving, her body lies comatose. Long trances can be harmful.
Mind Touch
Limit Break
You reach out to touch the mind of another creature. This allows you to use one other Mind Form powers against the target at any range. You must have a clear mental image of whoever you are trying to contact. The target feels a tentative mental contact and can sense who you are. It can refuse to acknowledge your mind touch, which makes the power fail.
Psychic Duel
Limit Break
You can initiate a psychic contact with another character, regardless of distance. You must have a clear mental image of your target. The two of you engage in a single round of combat, as if you were standing next to one another. Both of you can use any powers, equipment, or other features you would normally be equipped with. Others can affect either of you normally if they are in your presence, but cannot reach through the psychic link to affect the other. Once the one round of combat is over, the link goes down and you are each left to your own devices. You cannot initiate a Psychic Duel against that target again this session. The target gets a premonition of danger, so no surprise is possible.
This power can be used for other, non-combat purposes such as remote healing, conversation, or even trysts, but the time it lasts is still very short.
Basic Action
You can send a limited telepathic message; a maximum of one minute of normal speech, to anyone you know of, anywhere. The target can send back a similar reply within the next few minutes. Other than identifying the sender, you do not gain any information about each other or your whereabouts, and Sending does not enable any other powers to function. Certain places or people are warded against telepathic communication; Sending has no power to penetrate such wards.
Move Time
Select a creature or vehicle you touch; its Move is increased by +2.
Momentous Occasion
Limit Break
Select an event of Momentous Occasion, something that is important to you. You must describe this event, such as "When general Xaramos meets the king of Holl" or "When Lucan receives a mortal blow". Once this event comes to pass you teleport to the location of the event. You receive a short advance warning, allowing you to take a Basic Action to prepare. When used in downtime, Momentous Occasion is often the hook for an adventure. If used in a story, it generally dissipates with no effect if it hasn't triggered by the end of that story. The GM is the final arbiter of when Momentous Occasion triggers or dissipates. If the event happens in secret, you must succeed on a Ride check against the best Recon of the participants.
Time Gash
Limit Break
To use this power, you must make a record of how the scene is at the beginning of a round, noting positions, numbers, conditions, and health of everyone in the scene. If using miniatures, this is best done with a photograph of the map. You need nt actually use Time Gash, just because you have made these preparations, but if you always make these preparations just in case, you are likely to annoy the GM.
When you use Time gash, time is rewound to the start of the round, just before initiative is rolled. Everything that happened in the round didn't actually happen, and all results of the round are undone, with the exception of your own Fortune points spent - which remain spent.
This requires a Ride check against the greatest initiative result anyone involved in the action scored, and affects an area with a radius equal to your Ride check in meters. if the area is insufficient to contain the entire scene, the power fails. The GM might judge that a part of a larger scene is sufficiently separate to allow the power to work, such as in a duel in the middle of a battlefield.
Those who are affected by this even might have some memories or flashbacks about the lost time if it further the plot.
Time Pocket
Limit Break
You, your allies, a target and the target's allies enter a pocket of time. This cannot be more creatures than your Mind; if more creatures than that would be affected, the power fails. You cannot use this to isolate a target from its immediate allies; if you include a creature its allies on the spot must be included as well or the power fails.
While in this loop everything else in the universe is frozen in time; impossible to affect in any way.
The power lasts for one scene or until any creature moves further away from where you activated the effect than a number of meters equal to the result of the Ride roll made when you activated the power. When the power ends, time resumes normally for the rest of the universe.
Time Travel
Limit Break
Those present teleport away to a faraway time. They usually stay there only for a limited time, or until a specific event occurs, but this is highly variable. Any changes caused while time traveling are usually temporary and will have worked themselves out in the intervening time, so you usually cannot change the present by changing the past. You can gain new knowledge, rescue someone, find loot and so on, depending on the exact properties of this particular time rift and the GM's whim.
The difficulty does not depend on the amount of time bridged, but on the connection between the present time and place and your target. So, if you want to travel to the time of Ancient Egypt, go to the pyramids. You must research the time you want to go to and its relationship to your own time, finding the exact spot and time when time shift is possible. This must be done as a part of the preparations for an adventure, in collaboration with he GM. If you manage to come to the specific time and place and use this power, the story usually depends on this effect, and thus always works. Otherwise, it fails.
Move Space
Cargo Teleport
Limit Break
You can Teleport a large mass of inanimate matter that you touch. The mass is limited by your Ride
The difficulty depends on mass and cover, and the check is modified by range. For mass, read on weight of the load on the Body and Mass table. If you teleport the cargo to a bound Teleport Circle ignore range and cover. If you have this power and use another Teleports power to teleport yourself, you can bring cargo along when you do.
Distort Space
Limit Break
You can either compress or stretch space. The effect can be lasting, but only affects a rather small area or a certain path between two places. It is generally wise to remove such an effect when no longer needed, as it can cause all kinds of problems.
When you compress space, you make travel times shorter without actually changing speed. Instead you make the distance to be traveled shorter. This change applies to anyone traveling that same road at the same time, so it can potentially affect a large number of travelers in a caravan. Add your Mind to the Move of those using the compressed space. In combat, this effect lasts for a scene and affects a number of creatures equal to your Reflexes.
When you stretch distance in an area, you make any path traced through this area longer. You affect a real-world area with a diameter up to your Ride skill. All distances in this area is multiplied by your Mind, making ranges longer and movement slower. The actual size of objects, creatures, and terrain features is not affected, only distances to be crossed.
This power can also be used to make places that are larger on the inside than on the outside, multiplying the available area inside a building by your Mind. This is mostly used on tents or buildings, but can also work on natural caves and similar enclosed spaces as long as the total (original) area is no larger than your Ride in meters along any one dimension.
Remote Sense
Limit Break
You can create a limited teleportation portal at any spot you like - the range is unlimited but you must know the spatial coordinates. This portal only transmits sensory input, but does not allow anyone to step through or affect the world on the other side in any way. You can use all your senses this way, and sensory powers as well. You can speak trough the remote sensory point, but you cannot move it. You cannot use this to help a teleport.
You can scry on those at the chosen position. To gain information this way you make an opposed check against the targets' Recon. You gain valuable information based on the outcome of this roll; if the outcome matches the target's Mind you gain clear and important insights into the target's activities. On a failed roll, you learn obvious details and trivia; if the negative Outcome matches your Mind you learn misleading information or the target notices your spying.
Basic Action
This allows you to Teleport yourself to or from a safe extra-dimensional area, your Sanctum. The real-world opening of the Sanctum is always at your physical location, unless you are inside it, in which case it is at your last location in the physical world.
The Sanctum is a private extra-dimensional space. Each time you use this power, you end up in the same space. The space has a diameter equal to your Mind and you control its shape and appearance, furnishing it as you see fit. The sanctum provides ample food and drink for all creatures within. It is considered its own dimension which makes other kinds of teleportation difficult. Teleport Circles cannot exist in the Sanctum.
It is possible for others to enter and exit on their own, but the entrance is hard to find from the outside; even when looking in the right spot it still takes a Examine stunt against your Create to find it, and only the finder can enter. Anyone inside that is not restrained can leave the Sanctum as a Basic Action. When you are inside, you can evict a creature as a Basic Action with an opposed Create roll.
You can store things in the Sanctum, finding something in the Sanctum is at least a Basic action, more commonly it takes minutes. This is in addition to the time it takes to teleport in and out. Using this as a large auxiliary cargo space is discouraged - you have to be your own bearer, and it can make the Sanctum's entrance easier to find and marks you as someone very much worth robbing. Finally, something might slip out of a full Sanctum on a Setback.
Sanctum Invitation
Limit Break
This allows you to Teleport up to your Mind willing (or helpless) creatures to a safe area - your Sanctum. You do not need to know the Sanctum power, but this power is obviously less practical that using the Sanctum power itself when teleporting only yourself.
Limit Break
You can disappear, only to appear moments later in another location. You teleport on the same plane of existence, to a bound Teleport Circle or to an open space under the open sky whose location you are aware of, with no intelligent creatures within a hundred meters or so.
Limit Break
You set up a magical portal, trough which anyone can teleport. Choose two locations on the same plane of existence that you you have bound Teleport Circle; you must be at one of them when you use this power. A portal appears in each location, enabling travel in either direction. The portal lasts until you move more than Mind meters away.
Shoot Schticks and Powers
Shoot schticks are made for use with ranged weapons. Any mention of particular types of ranged weapons in schtick descriptions, such as guns or bows, is flavor.
Artist's Cross-hairs
You are not only an expert shootist, you are an artistic one. You can express moods and convey messages through your shots—generally negative ones. This works with both weapons and image recording devices. You can use Shoot as if it was the Charm or Impress skills, but the effect is not immediate, the result of the shot must be inspected for this to become evident. Besides psychotic slayers, this skill is also highly useful to photographers, Photography stunts are routine to you and the photographs you take can use the Charm and Impress effects above—such Shoot checks are not routine.
Bag Full of Guns
Inherent Weapon
You are carrying way more firearms than sensibly possible. This involves some kind of pack; a violin case, large suitcase, duffer bag, instrument case, bulky trench coat, or a sexy fanny pack are all typical examples.
Any gun you could reasonably have had access too and one of which could fit in the bag is in the bag, even tough it is clearly impossible for them all to fit in there at once. Restricted, futuristic, or military weapons are only in the bag if they make a reasonable part of the story. Weapons not found there in a contemporary civilian setting include flamethrowers, rocket launchers, and lasers.
Both Guns Blazing
Trigger Action (Combo)
When using two ranged weapons, one in each hand, you can follow up each Normal Ranged Attack you use to attack with a ranged weapon with a Normal Ranged Attack from your second weapon on the same or a different target.
Carnival of Carnage
Trigger Action
Whenever an unnamed character is about to make an attack while in your sight, you may use Carnival of Carnage to shoot him.
Clean Shot
Basic Action
You can make clean, damaging shots even with light weapons. If Clean Shot hits and the attack roll was greater than the target's Toughness (or whatever soak attribute is relevant for the attack you are using), it inflicts a Hit. If your damage is more effective than this, use that instead.
Stance, then Trigger Action
Start this stance by dramatically working the action of a weapon. This produces a dramatic sound, a 'click', 'ka-chak', the sound of a bow being drawn, the warm-up whine of energy weapon or the sizzling runes of a magic spell. You can do this in a surprise round, but not before a fight.
You can now shoot once as a trigger action as a response to any hostile action. Thus, you kind of "save up" an attack for later use. Firing the readied weapon in any manner or for any reason cancels the schtick.
In later rounds you can start this stance again. You cannot restart it in a round in which you used it.
Cool Steel
Basic Action
Draw a cool, fresh gun you have not used in this fight. The weapon can be one you carry or you can pick it up. The next Shoot attack with this weapon this round gets a +3 bonus. You can do other actions in between drawing this weapon and getting the attack bonus, but any firing the weapon ends the bonus.
Dramatic Reload
Bullets | Bonus |
1-2 | +3 |
3-6 | +2 |
7+ | +1 |
More | No bonus; can be used to refill your magazines after an earlier Dramatic Reload, but not if you ran out of bullets. |
Basic Action
Reload your gun dramatically and deliberately. Depending on how many bullets you reload, you get a bonus to your Shoot attacks until your bullets run out, after which you cannot shoot any more with this weapon until you use this schtick again. All these effects end at the end of the round. You can Reload as a part of a Dramatic Reload, but weapons with the Reload quality can only hold one bullet.
"Bullets" in this case refer to the number of actions you can use to attack, not strictly to individual bullets. Automatic weapons normally fire more than one bullet with each action, but the language of this schtick ignores this.
Eagle Eye
Basic Action
You're particularly adept at firing at armored opponents and hitting the teeny-tiny bits of them that aren't armored. Your Shoot attacks that would normally be soaked by Toughness are instead soaked by Body.
This schtick never works with any kind of area attack, not does it work when attacking objects.
Fast Draw
For the first round of any fight, your Initiative is a Closed Confident roll. Your first Basic Action for the round must involve Shoot or you lose 3 shots instead of taking that action.
Fields of Fire
When you are in combat, but at least 15 meters from the closest enemy, you can focus.
First Salvo
Whenever you manage to score surprise, you can perform a Limit Break instead of the normal Basic Action, but the only skill you can use this with is Shoot.
Great Balls of Fire
Limit Break
There is always something in an urban combat scene that is ready to explode. You shot, and it blows up - taking everyone nearby with it. You cause an explosion that attacks everyone in a globe with a diameter equal to your Mind attribute in meters.
Damage is Body +2 impact damage.
Away from a high-tech urban setting, this schtick only works as the GM allows.
You can use heavy guns and other artillery with full effect.
People lacking training with such weapons can generally still fire them. They cannot reload or use or take more advanced shots, such as indirect fire. On a snake eyes result the weapon misfires.
Limit Break
You love to tinker with your guns, selecting ammunition for each target and otherwise using your gear to best effect. This adds +3 to the damage value of your gun against a specific type of target. Examples include unarmored people, people in a particular type of armor, or a particular type of monster. The benefit lasts until you use this schtick again to load a different kind of ammo or the end of the session. This schtick is often used before the action to face an expected enemy.
You are also an expert at making bullets out of unorthodox materials. If you learn what a certain target is vulnerable to, you can quickly make bullets out of that material or using that weakness if you have the materials at hand.
Hail of Bullets
You can use fanning, simultaneous multiple arrows on the string, or some other rapid-fire technique to shot a regular weapon as if it was an auto-fire weapon. A ranged weapon in your hands adds +2 damage and gains the Area and Rash abilities.
If you are using a a Reload or Slow weapon, you do not gain the abilities listed above, but can ignore these flaws.
If you spend a Basic Action Shooting but not moving, you can focus.
You can decide how bad you want to hurt your target, choosing whether to inflict a Mortal Wound, a regular Regular Setback and what kind, or no special effect when you put them down.
Named Bullet
Limit Break
Narrate a brief flashback where you dedicate a specific piece of ammunition against a specific target. You must have known the target at the flashback point. Make an attack against a single target that is a Confident Roll with a +3 bonus to Shoot. Target cannot use Powers to resist this damage.
Piercing Shot
Trigger Action (Combo)
You can over-penetrate and hit two targets with the same shot, attacking a second target along the path of your bullet. Use this any time you inflict damage with a ranged attack. The extra target can stand either in front of or behind your first target. Hitting a target in front as a second target might seem odd, but the main thing is that you were concentrating on someone else and the second target is just a bonus.
Pinning Fire
Trigger Action
When you use Covering Fire the difficulty of your opponent's action is your Shoot +3. You can force a moving target to do a Free Running stunt.
Signature Mods
You fiddle with your ranged weapons, coaxing new abilities out of them. Choose one of the following weapon abilities when you take this schtick. You can pick this schtick several times to apply multiple benefits. Any ranged weapon you use that you have had a chance to work on overnight or longer get these weapon techniques. Some have prerequisites, that can be satisfied either in the weapon itself, or because you already have a Signature Mod for that ability.
- Area
- Dual Damage and a +2 damage bonus.
- Penetrating
- Rash and a +2 damage bonus.
- Saturation - Only works on a weapon with Scatter
- Scatter
- Stun
- Increase Range by one category]]
- Change the damage type to another damage type you can convince the GM to allow.
As an option, you can instead remove one for the following weapon abilities. You can remove limiting weapon abilities gained from Signature Mods through additional Signature Mods.
Signature Gun
Select one specific gun, like grandma's shotgun or one you brought home from the war. Your fate is linked to this gun.
- Even a light signature gun is dangerous in your hands. Increase the weapon's damage to Body +4 if it is less than this.
- You can own and operate this gun legally even if it would normally be beyond your means, illegal, or require some special license. People tend to not question your right to take it along; unless the GM makes a montage of how it is taken, the gun stays with you. It can also pop up in the unlikeliest places seemingly on its own.
- It is harder to steal or disarm you of this gun. You are Confident on any stunt to hide or interaction check to keep the weapon. When others try stunts to disable or make you lose your gun, they are Stymied. Even if it is stolen, it always crops up later — it is never permanently lost.
- The gun is tougher than normal, having a minimum Toughness score equal to your Shoot. Even when seemingly destroyed, the gun can always be repaired.
- Finally, the gun becomes infused with your essence. It is considered a supernatural or magical gun in situations where this matters.
Slow Mo’ Vengeance
Trigger Action
Even as the bullets strike your body, you heedlessly keep going, putting every ounce of power into your gun.
Each time you take a Hit, you can use Slow Mo’ Vengeance to make a normal ranged attack as a Trigger Action.
Basic Action
You can make a ranged attack and still Sneak as if you had not attacked, as long as you do not move, remain in cover and are at least 20 meters from all opponents. You ignore all range penalties out to the effective range of the weapon - typically five range increments or more.
Steady Fire
Basic Action
Make a Shoot attack with a +2 bonus. You cannot move as a part of this action. Until your next shot comes up or the end of the round, you cannot take a Trigger Action.
Trick Shot
Basic Action
You are good at hitting small targets and precise locations. Think of this as a kind of limited telekinesis; if a task can be accomplished with a push or knock in the right direction, you can do the task as a gun stunt. Pushing buttons, switching levers, cutting ropes, cutting that trigger wire that disarms the bomb or sending messages by punching them out with bullets in plaster; all are simple tasks for you. Tasks requiring complex manipulation (unscrewing the lid on a barrel) takes you multiple actions and some such actions might be impossible.
You suffer no negative modifiers for stunts that require you to shoot at very small targets; you can shoot a pistol out of the hands of a gunman, or a thrown knife zipping through the air, for example. Whenever the difficulty of the shot is determined by the small size of the target, halve the difficulty.
Like the Environment Interaction stunt, you can combine Trick Shot with other actions, such as an Interaction Stunt, with no additional shot cost. When you use Covering Fire to deflect the attack of a weapon that fires a missile larger than a bullet, such as an arrow or thrown knife, you get to decide where that weapon ricochets to.
Walking Fire
Trigger Action (Combo)
You can "walk" fire from one target to the next, attacking several adjacent targets one after the other.
Pick the closest target within two meters of a target you just fired on and attack the new target with a Normal Ranged Attack. You can continue to use walking fire as long as there are targets. This is an exception to the rule that a trigger action cannot trigger another trigger action. You can do this several times in succession as long as you do not attack any target twice. Walking Fire is prone to friendly fire. If an ally or bystander is adjacent to your target you hit that friend or bystander on a Snakeyes roll, make a confident roll, this becomes the Outcome of an attack against your ally.
Weapon Implement
Particularily at high levels of technology, the best tool to focus magic is often a modified firearm.
A Ranged weapon with this ability also works as an Implement. An implement is mainly useful for Shoot powers, but works with other powers that allow the use of Implements. The wielder gains all the weapon's abilities, including damage add, range, and other weapon abilities.
Blast uses the various forms to attack. In often incorporates elements of the move, transmute, or even summon techniques, but the effects are transitory and focused on combat. It generally does not involve any spiritual manifestations, focusing on using the form directly.
Blast Air
Limit Break
As a preparation for using this power, you prepare a number of arrows, writing a possible answer to a question on each arrow. You must also add at least one blank arrow to the mix. When using this power, you ask a question and draw an arrow; it the power was successful, the arrow with the most relevant and correct answer will be drawn. If none of the answers were relevant or correct, you will draw a blank arrow.
Belomancy can only answer questions about things you will encounter within the next six hours, and can only give out information you would automatically notice during such encounters. Typical questions include "Which way to the dragon" or "what monster will I meet behind this door". Deeply analytical questions, such as "Who killed the duke", "what is the nature of life" or "should I get married" always draw a blank.
The difficulty of the check is either 5 + the number of arrows in the quiver, or the Shoot of whoever the divination is directed against. As an alternative, a single arrow can be tossed in the air, if it is a direction you want. This has a minimum difficulty of 10.
Cutting Wind
You can make a Ranged Attack - either the basic stunt or using some other stunt, schtick, or power. Damage is Mind +2, or more if you are using an Implement to improve damage. Cutting Wind does cutting damage and tosses the target about. Targets are pushed one meter away from you for each point the damage result exceeds the soak value, and a flier is also moved the same distance downwards.
Gust of Wind
Basic Action
You blast everyone in a cone; a triangle with you at one corner. You can control the exact dimensions of the cone when you create it, with some limitations. The base of the triangle can be as wide as your Mind and both the other sides have the same length and can be as long as your Shoot. All measurements are in meters. Damage is Mind +2, or more if you are using an Implement. Make a separate attack roll against each target, including friends and bystanders. Gust of Wind does Blunt damage, but causes no Hits. Instead, targets are pushed one meter away from you for each point the damage result exceeds the soak value, and a flier is also moved the same distance downwards. Gust of wind can also rearrange the battlefield. Flames are extinguished and sand or open liquids blown into a spray. Furniture and vehicles are tossed about and shoddy constructions might collapse.
Poison Cloud
Limit Break
You create a cloud of toxic air in a diameter equal to your Mind. The cloud is impenetrable to most senses, giving a penalty of -1 per meter of foul air in between. The cloud lasts for a scene unless dispelled or dispersed by strong wind. It is heavier than air, and will sink into lower-lying areas. You can move it your Mind meters as a Basic Action. Without spending an action you can make a Shoot attack any living, breathing creature who spent any time during his current action (including trigger actions) in the cloud. The cloud does Neurotoxin damage but has no damage value. Per the rules for Neurotoxin damage, if the attack roll of the attack exceeds both the target's effective Dodge and his Toughness, he takes one Hit.
Limit Break
You can blast all enemies in a globe with a diameter equal to your Mind; you must be somewhere in this area. Your control of this attack is so precise that you can avoid any friends in the area. Damage is Mind +2, or more if you are using an Implement to improve damage. Make a separate attack roll against each target. The target can use Body as Dodge if Body is higher. Whirlwind pulls objects and creatures (including fliers) into the air, then lets them fall down again in a random spot within the area. It does concussion damage soaked by Reflexes. Objects are not damaged directly, but might be blown about and will suffer falling damage if they are not anchored. Flames are extinguished and open liquids blown into a spray.
Wind Burst
You can make a Ranged Attack - either the basic stunt or using some other stunt, schtick, or power. Damage is Mind +2, or more if you are using an Implement to improve damage. The target can use Body as Dodge if Body is higher. Strong winds twists the target and buffets it in all directions at once. Wind Burst does Concussion damage soaked by Reflexes. After the attack all enemies are pushed back on meter per Hit taken.
Blast Earth
You can make a Ranged Attack - either the basic stunt or using some other stunt, schtick, or power. Damage is Mind +2, or more if you are using an Implement to improve damage. This is Neurotoxin damage soaked with Body.
You gradually turn the target and his gear to stone or encase them in stone. For each Hit you inflict, the target loses one point of Reflexes and one shot from his shot counter, but gains one point of Toughness. If the target's Reflexes are reduced to zero, he is petrified and helpless, this is a Curse. Lesser transformations and Reflex losses reverse themselves as the Hits are recovered.
Earth Javelin
You can make a Ranged Attack - either the basic stunt or using some other stunt, schtick, or power. Damage is Body +2, or more if you are using an Implement to improve damage. You create and hurl a stone spear, which does physical damage of the blunt subtype.
Basic Action
You use this to prevent a creature from using special movement modes, such as flight, swimming, wall walking, burrowing and the like. All it can do is move along the ground (or sea bottom). Make a Shoot check against Dodge, on a success the special movement mode is negated for the rest of the round. On an outcome matching the target's Reflexes the special movement is negated for the rest of the scene. A creature that would be stuck in a dangerous position due to this maneuver can still move to safety, but can perform no Basic Actions or Limit Breaks until they are safely on the ground.
Hurl Rock
You can make a Ranged Attack - either the basic stunt or using some other stunt, schtick, or power. Damage is Mind +2, or more if you are using an Implement to improve damage. You create and shoot a clump of rock with great force, which does physical damage of the blunt subtype. The missile is so massive that it cannot be Deflected. A flying target descends your Shoot meters and if it hits the ground, it cannot take off again in this round.
Basic Action
You hit the target with a truly massive ram of earth. This is a ranged attack that hits poorly but does a great deal of Blunt damage when it hits. Use your Mind as the attack skill, damage is your Shoot + Body.
Limit Break
You can blast everyone in a globe with a diameter equal to your Mind in meters. Damage is Mind +2, or more if you are using an Implement. Make a separate attack roll against each target, including friends and bystanders. Rockfall creates large falling rocks that do physical damage of the blunt subtype. A flying target descends your Shoot meters and if it hits the ground, it cannot take off again in this round. The missile is so massive that it cannot be Deflected.
Blast Fire
Limit Break
You can blast everyone in a globe with a diameter equal to your Mind in meters. Damage is Mind +2, or more if you are using an Implement. Make a separate attack roll against each target, including friends and bystanders. Fireball does fire damage. This attack can cause nasty, lasting burns to any target that takes damage. Unless the target takes a basic action to put out the burns, it will take one additional hit at the end of the round and the effect ends. A friend can help stop the burn before it inflicts damage, but this requires a First Aid stunt with a difficulty equal to the damage rating of the attack that caused Burn. A creature can only have one burn effect active at a time, even if damaged by several different types of attacks that each cause burn.
Fire Blast
You can make a Ranged Attack - either the basic stunt or using some other stunt, schtick, or power. Damage is Mind +2, or more if you are using an Implement to improve damage. Fire Blast does fire damage. This attack can cause nasty, lasting burns to any target that takes damage. Unless the target takes a basic action to put out the burns, it will take one additional hit at the end of the round and the effect ends. A friend can help stop the burn before it inflicts damage, but this requires a First Aid stunt with a difficulty equal to the damage rating of the attack that caused Burn. A creature can only have one burn effect active at a time, even if damaged by several different types of attacks that each cause burn.
Fire Bomb
Limit Break
You create and hurl a sphere that explodes into a fiery bomb on impact, which does fire damage. You blast everyone in a globe with a diameter equal to your Body in meters. Make a separate attack roll against each target, including friends and bystanders. Damage is Body +2, or more if you are using an Implement. Make a separate attack roll against each target, including friends and bystanders.
Fire Breath
Limit Break
You blast everyone in a cone; a triangle with you at one corner. You can control the exact dimensions of the cone when you create it, with some limitations. The base of the triangle can be as wide as your Mind and both the other sides have the same length and can be as long as your Shoot. All measurements are in meters. Damage is Mind +2, or more if you are using an Implement. Make a separate attack roll against each target, including friends and bystanders. Fire Breath does fire damage. This attack can cause nasty, lasting burns to any target that takes damage. Unless the target takes a basic action to put out the burns, it will take one additional hit at the end of the round and the effect ends. A friend can help stop the burn before it inflicts damage, but this requires a First Aid stunt with a difficulty equal to the damage rating of the attack that caused Burn. A creature can only have one burn effect active at a time, even if damaged by several different types of attacks that each cause burn.
Fire Burst
Limit Break
You can blast all enemies in a globe with a diameter equal to your Mind; you must be somewhere in this area. Your control of this attack is so precise that you can avoid any friends in the area. Damage is Mind +2, or more if you are using an Implement to improve damage. Make a separate attack roll against each target. Fire Burst does fire damage. This attack can cause nasty, lasting burns to any target that takes damage. Unless the target takes a basic action to put out the burns, it will take one additional hit at the end of the round and the effect ends. A friend can help stop the burn before it inflicts damage, but this requires a First Aid stunt with a difficulty equal to the damage rating of the attack that caused Burn. A creature can only have one burn effect active at a time, even if damaged by several different types of attacks that each cause burn.
Blast Water
Acid Blast
You can make a Ranged Attack - either the basic stunt or using some other stunt, schtick, or power. Damage is Mind +2, or more if you are using an Implement to improve damage. Acid Blast does Disruption/Acid damage. Your attack breaks armor. If you inflict a Hit on an opponent whose Toughness is greater than his Body, reduce his Toughness by one for the rest of the scene, but never to a value lower than his Body.
Acid Spray
Limit Break
You blast everyone in a cone; a triangle with you at one corner. You can control the exact dimensions of the cone when you create it, with some limitations. The base of the triangle can be as wide as your Mind and both the other sides have the same length and can be as long as your Shoot. All measurements are in meters. Damage is Mind +2, or more if you are using an Implement. Make a separate attack roll against each target, including friends and bystanders. Acid Spray does Disruption/Acid damage. Your attack breaks armor. If you inflict a Hit on an opponent whose Toughness is greater than his Body, reduce his Toughness by one for the rest of the scene, but never to a value lower than his Body.
Limit Break
You blast everyone in a cone; a triangle with you at one corner. You can control the exact dimensions of the cone when you create it, with some limitations. The base of the triangle can be as wide as your Mind and both the other sides have the same length and can be as long as your Shoot. All measurements are in meters. Damage is Mind +2, or more if you are using an Implement. Make a separate attack roll against each target, including friends and bystanders. The target can use Body as Dodge if Body is higher. Flood picks up people hurl them with great force. It does concussion damage. This attack does not cause any direct injury on a Damage Setback, instead favoring stun, knockback, and other non-lethal effects.
You can make a Ranged Attack - either the basic stunt or using some other stunt, schtick, or power. Damage is Body +2, or more if you are using an Implement to improve damage. Waterball does Smashing damage. This attack does not cause any direct injury on a Damage Setback, instead favoring stun, knockback, and other non-lethal effects.
Blast Animal
Claw Burst
Limit Break
You can blast all enemies in a globe with a diameter equal to your Mind; you must be somewhere in this area. Your control of this attack is so precise that you can avoid any friends in the area. Damage is Mind +2, or more if you are using an Implement to improve damage. Make a separate attack roll against each target. Claw Burst does Cutting damage. Its target-seeking and ignores Cover.
Cutting Claw
You can make a Ranged Attack - either the basic stunt or using some other stunt, schtick, or power. Damage is Mind +2, or more if you are using an Implement to improve damage. Cutting Claw does Cutting damage. Its target-seeking and ignores Cover.
Basic Action
You shoot a sticky strand of webbing. A target hit by this loses three shots, and moves at half speed for the rest of the round or until it spends a basic action to free itself.
Torrent of Claws
Limit Break
You blast everyone in a cone; a triangle with you at one corner. You can control the exact dimensions of the cone when you create it, with some limitations. The base of the triangle can be as wide as your Mind and both the other sides have the same length and can be as long as your Shoot. All measurements are in meters. Damage is Mind +2, or more if you are using an Implement. Make a separate attack roll against each target, including friends and bystanders.
Force Blast does cutting damage. Its target-seeking and ignores Cover.
Blast Plant
Multiple Buds
Trigger Action (Combo)
You have several buds that have weapons that can operate independently. Whenever you make a Shoot attack, your Multiple Buds can also make a Shoot attack at the same or a different target. When multiple buds attack the same target, make only one attack and use the Assist rules. You can select this power multiple times, each allows you to use the Trigger Action (Combo) an additional time with each regular attack you make. This is an exception to the rule that you can only use a single Trigger Action in response to each event. The Multiple Buds can use any type of Shoot attack available to you.
Inherent or Finisher
When you score a Hit with a Shoot attack, the target also loses a Shot. When used as a Finisher target is paralyzed and helpless for a period determined by you, which can be indefinitely. This is a Curse. A target resistant or immune to Neurotoxin is immune to Paralytic.
Poison Burst
Limit Break
You can blast all enemies in a globe with a diameter equal to your Mind; you must be somewhere in this area. Your control of this attack is so precise that you can avoid any friends in the area. Damage is Mind +2, or more if you are using an Implement to improve damage. Make a separate attack roll against each target. Poison Burst does neurotoxin damage soaked by Body.
Poison Spit
You can make a Ranged Attack - either the basic stunt or using some other stunt, schtick, or power. Damage is Mind +2, or more if you are using an Implement to improve damage. Poison Spit does neurotoxin damage soaked by Body.
Poison Spray
Limit Break
You blast everyone in a cone; a triangle with you at one corner. You can control the exact dimensions of the cone when you create it, with some limitations. The base of the triangle can be as wide as your Mind and both the other sides have the same length and can be as long as your Shoot. All measurements are in meters. Damage is Mind +2, or more if you are using an Implement. Make a separate attack roll against each target, including friends and bystanders. Poison Spray does neurotoxin damage soaked by Body.
Wood Javelin
You can make a Ranged Attack - either the basic stunt or using some other stunt, schtick, or power. Damage is Body +2, or more if you are using an Implement to improve damage. You create and hurl a spear of wood, which does Piercing damage.
Wooden Volley
Limit Break
You create and hurl a volley of wooden spears, which do Body +2 Piercing damage, or more if you are using an Implement. They can hit everyone in a cone; a triangle with you at one corner. You can control the exact dimensions of the cone when you create it, with some limitations. Each side of the triangle has the same length and can be as long as your Shoot, while the base can be as long as your Body. Make a separate attack roll against each target, including friends and bystanders.
Blast Metal
Conjure Javelin
Basic Action
You create and hurl a metal spear, which does Body +2 Piercing damage, or more if you are using an Implement.
Conjure Volley
Limit Break
You create and hurl a volley of metal spears, which do Body +2 Piercing damage, or more if you are using an Implement. They can hit everyone in a cone; a triangle with you at one corner. You can control the exact dimensions of the cone when you create it, with some limitations. Each side of the triangle has the same length and can be as long as your Shoot, while the base can be as long as your Body. Make a separate attack roll against each target, including friends and bystanders.
Dancing Metal
You can make a Ranged Attack - either the basic stunt or using some other stunt, schtick, or power. Damage is Mind +2, or more if you are using an Implement to improve damage. Dancing Metal does Piercing damage. If you are wielding a metal melee weapon, you can use the damage type and add of the weapon instead of the normal +2.
Melee Implement
You can use a Melee Weapon of Blacksmith or Clockwork tech level as an Implement. An implement is mainly useful for Shoot powers, but works with other powers that allow the use of Implements. The wielder gains all the weapon's abilities, including damage add and other weapon abilities. The type of damage inflicted depends on the Shoot power used; ignore the damage type the Melee Weapon does. The range of the blast depends on the range of the melee attack, as follows: Weapons with range Melee gains Close range. Weapons with range Close or Reach or the Throw weapon ability gains Short range.
Metal Storm
Limit Break
You can blast all enemies in a globe with a diameter equal to your Mind; you must be somewhere in this area. Your control of this attack is so precise that you can avoid any friends in the area. Damage is Mind +2, or more if you are using an Implement to improve damage. Make a separate attack roll against each target. Metal Storm does Piercing damage. If you are wielding a metal melee weapon, you can use the damage type and add of the weapon instead of the normal +2.
Limit Break
You blast everyone in a cone; a triangle with you at one corner. You can control the exact dimensions of the cone when you create it, with some limitations. The base of the triangle can be as wide as your Mind and both the other sides have the same length and can be as long as your Shoot. All measurements are in meters. Damage is Mind +2, or more if you are using an Implement. Make a separate attack roll against each target, including friends and bystanders. Scythe does Piercing damage. If you are wielding a metal melee weapon, you can use the damage type and add of the weapon instead of the normal +2.
Blast Ice
Limit Break
You can blast all enemies in a globe with a diameter equal to your Mind; you must be somewhere in this area. Your control of this attack is so precise that you can avoid any friends in the area. Damage is Mind +2, or more if you are using an Implement to improve damage. Make a separate attack roll against each target. Coldsnap does cold damage. This attack can cause shock in the target. If any damage is inflicted, the target loses one shot from its current shot for the round.
Frost Breath
Limit Break
You blast everyone in a cone; a triangle with you at one corner. You can control the exact dimensions of the cone when you create it, with some limitations. The base of the triangle can be as wide as your Mind and both the other sides have the same length and can be as long as your Shoot. All measurements are in meters. Damage is Mind +2, or more if you are using an Implement. Make a separate attack roll against each target, including friends and bystanders. Frost Breath does cold damage. This attack can cause shock in the target. If any damage is inflicted, the target loses one shot from its current shot for the round.
Ice Blast
You can make a Ranged Attack - either the basic stunt or using some other stunt, schtick, or power. Damage is Mind +2, or more if you are using an Implement to improve damage. Ice Blast does cold damage. This attack can cause shock in the target. If any damage is inflicted, the target loses one shot from its current shot for the round.
Ice Javelin
You can make a Ranged Attack - either the basic stunt or using some other stunt, schtick, or power. Damage is Body +2, or more if you are using an Implement to improve damage. You create and hurl a spear of ice, which does Piercing damage.
Icicle Rain
Limit Break
You can blast everyone in a globe with a diameter equal to your Mind in meters. Damage is Mind +2, or more if you are using an Implement. Make a separate attack roll against each target, including friends and bystanders. Rain of Icicles does Cold and Piercing damage - use the worst soak attribute.
Blast Illusion
Color Spray
Limit Break
You blast everyone in a cone; a triangle with you at one corner. You can control the exact dimensions of the cone when you create it, with some limitations. The base of the triangle can be as wide as your Mind and both the other sides have the same length and can be as long as your Shoot. All measurements are in meters. Damage is Mind +2, or more if you are using an Implement. Make a separate attack roll against each target, including friends and bystanders.
You shoot a spray of scintillating colors dealing Radiation damage. A target damaged by Color Spray also loses a shot from its shot counter. On a Damage Setback, the creature is temporarily blinded and/or stunned rather than suffering any physical injury.
Fatal Illusion
Limit Break
This is a Ranged Attack. Damage is your Mind +2 (or more if using an implement) Illusory Damage damage. A variant of psychic damage, illusory damage is perceived as some other kind of damage. Each time you use illusory damage, you get to choose what the apparent type of damage is. You can choose any damage type except Psychic Damage. Objects and creatures immune to psychic damage are also immune to illusory damage.
The attack is treated as a combination of two damage types. The target can use the soak attribute of the apparent damage, or Mind, whichever is best. For example, an illusory broadsword causes illusory cutting damage. The target can use either Toughness or Mind to resist this damage, whichever is highest. If the target has a resistance or Vulnerability or otherwise reacts differently to the imitated type of damage, these special effects apply. You attack with the illusion of an overpowering attack, giving the impression that only fantastic luck can save the target. Examples include a mountain collapsing on the target or a volcano erupting under their feet. If this attack inflicts a Damage Setback the target suffers a Mortal Wound.
Spectral Wounds
You can make a Ranged Attack - either the basic stunt or using some other stunt, schtick, or power. Damage is Mind +2, or more if you are using an Implement to improve damage.
Spectral Wounds does Illusory Damage. A variant of psychic damage, illusory damage is perceived as some other kind of damage. Each time you use illusory damage, you get to choose what the apparent type of damage is. You can choose any damage type except Psychic Damage. Objects and creatures immune to psychic damage are also immune to illusory damage.
The attack is treated as a combination of two damage types. The target can use the soak attribute of the apparent damage, or Mind, whichever is best. For example, an illusory broadsword causes illusory cutting damage. The target can use either Toughness or Mind to resist this damage, whichever is highest. If the target has a resistance or Vulnerability or otherwise reacts differently to the imitated type of damage, these special effects apply.
Shadow Evocation
Limit Break
You can blast everyone in a globe with a diameter equal to your Mind in meters. Damage is Mind +2, or more if you are using an Implement. Make a separate attack roll against each target, including friends and bystanders.
You cause an illusory explosion that does Illusory Damage. A variant of psychic damage, illusory damage is perceived as some other kind of damage. Each time you use illusory damage, you get to choose what the apparent type of damage is. You can choose any damage type except Psychic Damage. Objects and creatures immune to psychic damage are also immune to illusory damage.
The attack is treated as a combination of two damage types. The target can use the soak attribute of the apparent damage, or Mind, whichever is best. For example, an illusory broadsword causes illusory cutting damage. The target can use either Toughness or Mind to resist this damage, whichever is highest. If the target has a resistance or Vulnerability or otherwise reacts differently to the imitated type of damage, these special effects apply.
Zone of Shadows
Limit Break
You can blast all enemies in a globe with a diameter equal to your Mind; you must be somewhere in this area. Your control of this attack is so precise that you can avoid any friends in the area. Damage is Mind +2, or more if you are using an Implement to improve damage. Make a separate attack roll against each target.
You release maddening visions around yourself that do Illusory Damage. A variant of psychic damage, illusory damage is perceived as some other kind of damage. Each time you use illusory damage, you get to choose what the apparent type of damage is. You can choose any damage type except Psychic Damage. Objects and creatures immune to psychic damage are also immune to illusory damage.
The attack is treated as a combination of two damage types. The target can use the soak attribute of the apparent damage, or Mind, whichever is best. For example, an illusory broadsword causes illusory cutting damage. The target can use either Toughness or Mind to resist this damage, whichever is highest. If the target has a resistance or Vulnerability or otherwise reacts differently to the imitated type of damage, these special effects apply.
Blast Dark
The target is reduced to dust. In general, this means that the target dies immediately. With much effort this dust can be gathered and the disintegration reversed, but even after the dust has been gathered the effect is considered a Curse. If the dust is collected and the curse is broken, the creature is alive but dying.
Enervating Blast
You can make a Ranged Attack - either the basic stunt or using some other stunt, schtick, or power. Damage is Mind +2, or more if you are using an Implement to improve damage. Enervating Blast does disruption/enervation damage soaked with Body instead of Toughness.
Enervating Burst
Limit Break
You can blast all enemies in a globe with a diameter equal to your Mind; you must be somewhere in this area. Your control of this attack is so precise that you can avoid any friends in the area. Damage is Mind +2, or more if you are using an Implement to improve damage. Make a separate attack roll against each target. Enervating Burst does disruption/enervation damage soaked with Body instead of Toughness.
Enervating Cone
Limit Break
You blast everyone in a cone; a triangle with you at one corner. You can control the exact dimensions of the cone when you create it, with some limitations. The base of the triangle can be as wide as your Mind and both the other sides have the same length and can be as long as your Shoot. All measurements are in meters. Damage is Mind +2, or more if you are using an Implement. Make a separate attack roll against each target, including friends and bystanders. Enervating Cone does disruption/enervation damage soaked with Body instead of Toughness.
Blast Flux
Chaos Blast
You can make a Ranged Attack - either the basic stunt or using some other stunt, schtick, or power. Damage is Mind +2, or more if you are using an Implement to improve damage.
Chaos Blast does a random type of damage, roll 1d6 and read on the following table:
Due to the unpredictable nature of Chaos Blast, it is not possible to take a Active Defense against these attacks. Other kinds of trigger actions, such as counters, are still possible and Dodge bonuses from other sources still apply.
Different Flux users may have different damage tables, but all should be soaked with Toughness
Chaos Cone
Limit Break
You blast everyone in a cone; a triangle with you at one corner. You can control the exact dimensions of the cone when you create it, with some limitations. The base of the triangle can be as wide as your Mind and both the other sides have the same length and can be as long as your Shoot. All measurements are in meters. Damage is Mind +2, or more if you are using an Implement. Make a separate attack roll against each target, including friends and bystanders.
Chaos Cone does a random type of damage, roll 1d6 and read on the following table:
Due to the unpredictable nature of Chaos Blast, it is not possible to take a Active Defense against these attacks. Other kinds of trigger actions, such as counters, are still possible and Dodge bonuses from other sources still apply.
Different Flux users may have different damage tables, but all should be soaked with Toughness.
Predict Randomness
Trigger Action
Whenever random chance can affect an outcome, you can use this action to predict the result. Since all die rolls in Action involve chance, this allows you to predict the outcome of most actions, just as they are about to occur. The usefulness of this is debatable, but it does allow you to decide whether to use other Trigger Actions triggered by the event you predicted the outcome for.
Prismatic Ray
Prismatic Effects Table | ||
d6 | Color | Blast Power |
1 | Red | Fire Blast |
2 | Orange | Acid Blast |
3 | Yellow | Lightning Blast |
4 | Green | Poison Spit |
5 | Indigo | Calcify |
6 | Violet | Banishing Blast |
You can make a Ranged Attack - either the basic stunt or using some other stunt, schtick, or power. Damage is Mind +2, or more if you are using an Implement to improve damage.
You shoot a ray of random color, duplicating a random other blast, roll 1d6 and read on the prismatic effects table.
Prismatic Spray
Limit Break
You blast everyone in a cone; a triangle with you at one corner. You can control the exact dimensions of the cone when you create it, with some limitations. The base of the triangle can be as wide as your Mind and both the other sides have the same length and can be as long as your Shoot. All measurements are in meters. Damage is Mind +2, or more if you are using an Implement. Make a separate attack roll against each target, including friends and bystanders.
You shoot a ray of random color against each opponent, duplicating a random other blast, roll 1d6 and read on the prismatic effects table.
Ray of Randomness
You can make a Ranged Attack - either the basic stunt or using some other stunt, schtick, or power. Damage is Mind +2, or more if you are using an Implement to improve damage.
Ray of Randomness does a random type of damage, roll 1d6 and read on the following table:
- Blunt damage - Armor defeating
- Electricity damage - Shock
- Cold damage - Shock
- Fire damage - Burn
- Acid damage - Burn
- Roll twice, mixing damage types and applying both side effects. If the target has different soak values against the two types of damage, use the lowest one.
Depending on what effect is rolled, this has a different side effect, as noted in the table.
- Armor defeating : Your attack breaks armor. If you inflict a Hit on an opponent whose Toughness is greater than his Body, reduce his Toughness by one for the rest of the scene, but never to a value lower than his Body.
- Burn: This attack can cause nasty, lasting burns to any target that takes damage. Unless the target takes a basic action to put out the burns, it will take one additional hit at the end of the round and the effect ends. A friend can help stop the burn before it inflicts damage, but this requires a First Aid stunt with a difficulty equal to the damage rating of the attack that caused Burn. A creature can only have one burn effect active at a time, even if damaged by several different types of attacks that each cause burn.
- Shock: This attack can cause shock in the target. If any damage is inflicted, the target loses one shot from its current shot for the round.
Different Flux users can have different damage tables. Pick five different forms and put them - and their regular blast side effects or alternate soak rolls - on a table. You need not know these forms, and are not limited to the side effects from the standard table.
Zone of Random Destruction
Limit Break
You can blast everyone in a globe with a diameter equal to your Mind in meters. Damage is Mind +2, or more if you are using an Implement. Make a separate attack roll against each target, including friends and bystanders.
Zone of Random Destruction does a random type of damage, roll 1d6 and read on the following table:
- Blunt damage - Armor defeating
- Electricity damage - Shock
- Cold damage - Shock
- Fire damage - Burn
- Acid damage - Burn
- Roll twice, mixing damage types and applying both side effects. If the target has different soak values against the two types of damage, use the lowest one.
Depending on what effect is rolled, this has a different side effect, as noted in the table.
- Armor defeating : Your attack breaks armor. If you inflict a Hit on an opponent whose Toughness is greater than his Body, reduce his Toughness by one for the rest of the scene, but never to a value lower than his Body.
- Burn: This attack can cause nasty, lasting burns to any target that takes damage. Unless the target takes a basic action to put out the burns, it will take one additional hit at the end of the round and the effect ends. A friend can help stop the burn before it inflicts damage, but this requires a First Aid stunt with a difficulty equal to the damage rating of the attack that caused Burn. A creature can only have one burn effect active at a time, even if damaged by several different types of attacks that each cause burn.
- Shock: This attack can cause shock in the target. If any damage is inflicted, the target loses one shot from its current shot for the round.
Different Flux users can have different damage tables. Pick five different forms and put them - and their regular blast side effects or alternate soak rolls - on a table. You need not know these forms, and are not limited to the side effects from the standard table.
Blast Order
Laughter of the Dragon
Basic Action
You blast everyone in a cone; a triangle with you at one corner. You can control the exact dimensions of the cone when you create it, with some limitations. The base of the triangle can be as wide as your Mind and both the other sides have the same length and can be as long as your Shoot. All measurements are in meters. Damage is Mind +2, or more if you are using an Implement. Make a separate attack roll against each target, including friends and bystanders. Laughter of the Dragon does Sonic damage soaked by Body, but causes no Hits. Instead, targets are pushed one meter away from you for each point the damage result exceeds the soak value. Laughter of the Dragon has no effect on objects but can affect constructs and robots.
Limit Break
You blast everyone in a cone; a triangle with you at one corner. You can control the exact dimensions of the cone when you create it, with some limitations. The base of the triangle can be as wide as your Mind and both the other sides have the same length and can be as long as your Shoot. All measurements are in meters. Damage is Mind +2, or more if you are using an Implement. Make a separate attack roll against each target, including friends and bystanders. Sonic Cone does energy/sonic damage soaked by Body. It does +3 additional damage against hard, inanimate objects, +5 against those of a crystalline structure such as rocks or glass. Most nearby windows will shatter gratifyingly.
Sonic Blast
You can make a Ranged Attack - either the basic stunt or using some other stunt, schtick, or power. Damage is Mind +2, or more if you are using an Implement to improve damage.
Sonic Blast does energy/sonic damage soaked by Body. It does +3 additional damage against hard, inanimate objects, +5 against those of a crystalline structure such as rocks or glass. Most nearby windows will shatter gratifyingly.
The Great Shout
Limit Break
You can blast all enemies in a globe with a diameter equal to your Mind; you must be somewhere in this area. Your control of this attack is so precise that you can avoid any friends in the area. Damage is Mind +2, or more if you are using an Implement to improve damage. Make a separate attack roll against each target.
The Great Shout does energy/sonic damage soaked by Body. It does +3 additional damage against hard, inanimate objects, +5 against those of a crystalline structure such as rocks or glass. Most nearby windows will shatter gratifyingly.
Blast Light
Basic Action
You can blind everyone in a globe with a diameter equal to your Mind attribute in meters with an intense flash of light. Damage is Mind +2, or more if you are using an Implement. Make a separate attack roll against each target, including friends and bystanders. Flash does Radiation damage damage, but normally causes no Hits. A target that would normally take a hit instead loses three shots from his shot counter instead. A Damage Setback has no additional effect. Treat groups of unnamed characters in the area as one target for the purpose of flash; either they are all hit or all missed.
Searing Burst
Limit Break
You can blast all enemies in a globe with a diameter equal to your Mind; you must be somewhere in this area. Your control of this attack is so precise that you can avoid any friends in the area. Damage is Mind +2, or more if you are using an Implement to improve damage. Make a separate attack roll against each target. Searing Burst does Radiation damage.
Searing Ray
You can make a Ranged Attack - either the basic stunt or using some other stunt, schtick, or power. Damage is Mind +2, or more if you are using an Implement to improve damage. Searing Ray does Radiation damage. This attack can cause shock in the target. If any damage is inflicted, the target loses one shot from its current shot for the round.
Searing Sphere
Limit Break
You can blast everyone in a globe with a diameter equal to your Mind in meters. Damage is Mind +2, or more if you are using an Implement. Make a separate attack roll against each target, including friends and bystanders. Searing Sphere does Radiation damage.
This attack can cause shock in the target. If any damage is inflicted, the target loses one shot from its current shot for the round.
Blast Gifts
Natural Implement
You have a power focus as a part of your body. This is clearly visible (unless disguised) and reminiscent of the blast it works with. Examples include a flaming mane, burning eyes, or a glowing gem embedded in your body that emanates power. You use your Natural Implement as if it was an Implement, doing Mind +4 damage.
Heart Quill
Basic Action
You can make a very precise Ranged Attack. Damage is Reflexes +0 Physical Piercing damage. This is a material attack that uses ephemeral matter and thus cannot use any special materials such as silver or iron. Note that this is a Basic Action, which limits what other powers it works with.
Quill Cone
Limit Break
You blast everyone in a cone; a triangle with you at one corner. You can control the exact dimensions of the cone when you create it, with some limitations. The base of the triangle can be as wide as your Mind and both the other sides have the same length and can be as long as your Shoot. All measurements are in meters. Damage is Mind +2, or more if you are using an Implement. Make a separate attack roll against each target, including friends and bystanders. Quill Cone does Piercing damage.
You can make a Ranged Attack - either the basic stunt or using some other stunt, schtick, or power. Damage is Body +2, or more if you are using an Implement to improve damage. You create and hurl a quill, barb, bone, or other sharp part of your anatomy, which does Piercing damage.
Ride The Blast
Trigger Action (Combo)
After you hit with a Shoot attack (you need not inflict any damage), you can Teleport to a location next to the target of the attack.
Blast Magic
If you have a magical connection to another creature, such as a body part, former belonging, or ideally a True Name. When you use an area effect you can choose to only affects targets to whom you have contagion, or those to whom you do not have contagion.
Mage Blast
You can make a Ranged Attack - either the basic stunt or using some other stunt, schtick, or power. Damage is Mind +2, or more if you are using an Implement to improve damage. Mage Blast does damage based on any Form you know and you can always choose to do Radiation damage.
Sword Implement
You can use a Blade as an Implement. An implement is mainly useful for Shoot powers, but works with other powers that allow the use of Implements. The wielder gains all the weapon's abilities, including damage add and other weapon abilities and a Short range. The type of damage inflicted depends on the Shoot power used; ignore the damage type the Blade does.
Wizard's Wrath
Limit Break
You can blast everyone in a globe with a diameter equal to your Mind in meters. Damage is Mind +2, or more if you are using an Implement. Make a separate attack roll against each target, including friends and bystanders. Wizard's Wrath does damage based on any Form you know and you can always choose to do Radiation damage.
Blast Spiritual
Limit Break
To use this power, you need a set of lots or tokens, each associated with a spiritual entity, creature, or ideal. You also need one blank lot. To use the power, you randomly select one of them. Cleromancy will make you select the lot whose symbol most closely represents your answer. If none of the lots are relevant, a successful Cleromancy will yield the blank lot.
The two most common ways to use this power is to identify a person or group of people who most closely answers the question, or to find under what divinity or spirits influence the answer lies.
Anwulf the norse rune-priests casts the runes to determine the fate of his lost father, putting tokens for Thor, Odin, Heimdal, and Tyr in the jar. The GM knows his father is involved in an intrigue. Anwulf successfully reads the runes and finds that the relevant god is Heimdal. Had Loki been in the lot, this token would have been the most meaningful.
The difficulty of the check is either 5 + the number of lots drawn from, or the Recon of whoever the divination is directed against. whichever is higher. By adding more potential answers to the lot, you can gain more information but the divination becomes correspondingly harder.
Community | Damage | Propeties |
1-3 | +3 | Close |
4-9 | +4 | Short |
10-25 | +5 | Short |
26-100 | +6 | Short |
101-250 | +7 | Long, Static |
251 or more | +8 | Long, Static |
When you begin this stance, you gain the benefits of an Implement with a power depending on the number of faithful who are present and rooting for your success when you use the power. You can select a lower category of Properties if you like.
You can make a Ranged Attack - either the basic stunt or using some other stunt, schtick, or power. Damage is Mind +2, or more if you are using an Implement to improve damage.
Exorcism does Spiritual damage. This damage only affects supernatural creatures: Fairies, Epitomes, Gifted, and Strange
You can manifest the power of an ideal or credo. This creates a clearly visible power that shows your spiritual allegiance. This can be a halo, nimbus, cloud, miasma, dark aura or the like. You use your Manifestation as if it was an Implement, doing Mind +4 damage.
Merciful Blast
Spirits guide your attacks, avoiding any harm to innocents. You can choose not to damage a certain target when you would normally do so. This is useful in combination with area attacks and other non-selective powers.
Righteous Smite
Limit Break
You can blast everyone in a globe with a diameter equal to your Mind in meters. Damage is Mind +2, or more if you are using an Implement. Make a separate attack roll against each target, including friends and bystanders. Righteous Smite does Radiation damage. You can choose to ignore certain targets in the area.
Limit Break
You blast everyone in a cone; a triangle with you at one corner. You can control the exact dimensions of the cone when you create it, with some limitations. The base of the triangle can be as wide as your Mind and both the other sides have the same length and can be as long as your Shoot. All measurements are in meters. Damage is Mind +2, or more if you are using an Implement. Make a separate attack roll against each target, including friends and bystanders.
Wrath does Spiritual damage. This damage only affects supernatural creatures: Fairies, Epitomes, Gifted, and Strange
Blast Tech
You can make a Ranged Attack - either the basic stunt or using some other stunt, schtick, or power. Damage is Mind +2, or more if you are using an Implement to improve damage. Bullet does impact damage, and you need a small mundane object to use as a projectile. This has the advantage that the attack itself is not power-related; targets with special resistance to powers or to your power origin cannot use such resistance against this attack. However, anything that protects from mundane bullets or from impact damage works normally.
Exploding Shell
Limit Break
You create and hurl a grenade that explodes on impact, doing Impact damage. You blast everyone in a globe with a diameter equal to your Body in meters. Make a separate attack roll against each target, including friends and bystanders. Damage is Body +2, or more if you are using an Implement. Make a separate attack roll against each target, including friends and bystanders.
Gun Pod
Trigger Action (Combo)
You carry around a small turret with an integral weapon. Whenever you make a Shoot attack, your Gun Pod can also make a Shoot attack at the same or a different target. The gun pod does a type of damage selected when it is bought; this can be any type of damage you can do with a Shoot attack, including when you use Ranged Weapons, but always does Body +6 damage. Changing the damage type is a Limit Break.
Kill Drone
You can make a Ranged Attack - either the basic stunt or using some other stunt, schtick, or power. Damage is Mind +2, or more if you are using an Implement to improve damage. A Kill Drone is a tiny drone that exists to crash into targets at high speed. This does impact damage, and can fly around to ignore Cover.
Kill Drone Cloud
Limit Break
You can blast all enemies in a globe with a diameter equal to your Mind; you must be somewhere in this area. Your control of this attack is so precise that you can avoid any friends in the area. Damage is Mind +2, or more if you are using an Implement to improve damage. Make a separate attack roll against each target. A Kill Drone Cloud is a cloud of tiny drone that exists to crash into targets at high speed. This does impact damage, and can fly around to ignore Cover.
Basic Action
Jack yourself to an appropriately prepared weapon. Presto, targeting information, weapon data and a cross-hairs is projected in your field of vision. You need no cybereyes to do this, thanks to Pro-Ict internal display systems.
Spend an action aiming at a specific target. Each time you attack that target before the end of the round you get a +3 bonus on your Shoot skill.
Shrapnel Burst
Limit Break
You can blast all enemies in a globe with a diameter equal to your Mind; you must be somewhere in this area. Your control of this attack is so precise that you can avoid any friends in the area. Damage is Mind +2, or more if you are using an Implement to improve damage. Make a separate attack roll against each target. Shrapnel Burst does impact damage, and you need a number of small mundane objects to use as a projectiles. This has the advantage that the attack itself is not power-related; targets with special resistance to powers or to your power origin cannot use such resistance against this attack. However, anything that protects from mundane bullets or from impact damage works normally.
Spray of Bullets
Limit Break
You blast everyone in a cone; a triangle with you at one corner. You can control the exact dimensions of the cone when you create it, with some limitations. The base of the triangle can be as wide as your Mind and both the other sides have the same length and can be as long as your Shoot. All measurements are in meters. Damage is Mind +2, or more if you are using an Implement. Make a separate attack roll against each target, including friends and bystanders. Spray of Bullets does impact damage, and you need a number of small mundane objects to use as a projectiles. This has the advantage that the attack itself is not power-related; targets with special resistance to powers or to your power origin cannot use such resistance against this attack. However, anything that protects from mundane bullets or from Impact damage works normally.
Virtual Weapon
You can make a Ranged Attack - either the basic stunt or using some other stunt, schtick, or power. Damage is Body +2, or more if you are using an Implement to improve damage. When you use this attack power, a pistol appears in your hand, doing Impact damage. This firearm has the Area, Penetrating, and Rash abilities.
Blast Death
Black Breath
Limit Break
You blast everyone in a cone; a triangle with you at one corner. You can control the exact dimensions of the cone when you create it, with some limitations. The base of the triangle can be as wide as your Mind and both the other sides have the same length and can be as long as your Shoot. All measurements are in meters. Damage is Mind +2, or more if you are using an Implement. Make a separate attack roll against each target, including friends and bystanders. Black Breath does Infection damage.
Bone Burst
Limit Break
You blast everyone in a cone; a triangle with you at one corner. You can control the exact dimensions of the cone when you create it, with some limitations. The base of the triangle can be as wide as your Mind and both the other sides have the same length and can be as long as your Shoot. All measurements are in meters. Damage is Mind +2, or more if you are using an Implement. Make a separate attack roll against each target, including friends and bystanders. You shoot pieces of your own skeleton that does Physical Piercing damage soaked with Toughness. On a damage setback, the damage also has the effects of Infection damage.
Bone Bolt
You can make a Ranged Attack - either the basic stunt or using some other stunt, schtick, or power. Damage is Mind +2, or more if you are using an Implement to improve damage. You shoot pieces of your own skeleton that does Physical Piercing damage soaked with Toughness. On a damage setback, the damage also has the effects of Infection damage.
Limit Break
You can blast everyone in a globe with a diameter equal to your Mind in meters. Damage is Mind +2, or more if you are using an Implement. Make a separate attack roll against each target, including friends and bystanders. Plague does Infection damage.
Plague Blast
You can make a Ranged Attack - either the basic stunt or using some other stunt, schtick, or power. Damage is Mind +2, or more if you are using an Implement to improve damage. Infection does Infection damage.
Plague Burst
Limit Break
You can blast all enemies in a globe with a diameter equal to your Mind; you must be somewhere in this area. Your control of this attack is so precise that you can avoid any friends in the area. Damage is Mind +2, or more if you are using an Implement to improve damage. Make a separate attack roll against each target. Plague does Infection damage.
Blast Force
Force Blast
Limit Break
You can blast everyone in a globe with a diameter equal to your Mind in meters. Damage is Mind +2, or more if you are using an Implement. Make a separate attack roll against each target, including friends and bystanders. Force Blast does Impact damage. Its target-seeking and ignores Cover.
Force Bolt
You can make a Ranged Attack - either the basic stunt or using some other stunt, schtick, or power. Damage is Mind +2, or more if you are using an Implement to improve damage. Force bolt does Impact damage. Its target-seeking and ignores Cover.
Force Burst
Limit Break
You can blast all enemies in a globe with a diameter equal to your Mind; you must be somewhere in this area. Your control of this attack is so precise that you can avoid any friends in the area. Damage is Mind +2, or more if you are using an Implement to improve damage. Make a separate attack roll against each target. Force Burst does Impact damage. Its target-seeking and ignores Cover.
Force Deflect
Trigger Action (Defense) Focus your power defensively, deflecting blows without any physical contact. Use this when you are about to be damaged by an attack, after the hit is determined. Substitute your Shoot for your Toughness to soak damage.
Force Ram
Basic Action
Notice that as a Basic Action, this cannot be combined with many other abilities.
You can make a Ranged Attack - either the basic stunt or using some other stunt, schtick, or power. Damage is Mind +2, or more if you are using an Implement to improve damage. Force Ram deals Blunt damage and pushes creatures or objects with Body no more than higher than the damage value. For each point your damage exceeds a creature's Toughness he is pushed one meter away from you. If the target is pushed he loses a shot regaining his balance. Against immobile objects or targets with Body five or more points above the damage value, Force Ram does +5 additional damage instead of pushing them back, breaking what it cannot push.
You can make a Ranged Attack - either the basic stunt or using some other stunt, schtick, or power. Damage is Mind +2, or more if you are using an Implement to improve damage. Lift does concussion damage. It damages foes by causing them to fall upwards, then come crashing down. It does not matter if there is a roof above, as the effect is the same from one impact with the floor or two impacts from floor and ceiling. Flying creatures are affected normally, as the disruption of gravity disrupts their spatial sense. A flier that takes any damage ends up on the floor.
Reverse Gravity
Limit Break
You can blast everyone in a globe with a diameter equal to your Mind in meters. Damage is Mind +2, or more if you are using an Implement. Make a separate attack roll against each target, including friends and bystanders. The target can use Body as Dodge if Body is higher. Reverse Gravity does concussion damage. It damages foes by causing them to fall upwards, then come crashing down. It does not matter if there is a roof above, as the effect is the same from one impact with the floor or two impacts from floor and ceiling. Flying creatures are affected normally, as the disruption of gravity disrupts their spatial sense. A flier that takes any damage ends up on the floor.
Blast Life
Clothing Explosion
Basic Action
You make a living body shed any non-living attachments it might have, removing armor, clothes, and worn items, but not something carried in hand. Make a Shoot attack; on a hit you can make the target drop one significant item or set of armor. The target can choose to keep holding the item by immediately sacrificing three shots. If your Outcome matches the target's Reflexes the item is lost with no chance to retain it, and the target cannot pick it up again for the rest of the scene as his body actually repels it. If you choose to affect the target's clothes (not gear or armor, just clothes), a stripped target who would be humiliated by exposure Grants an advantage.
Sleep Cloud
Limit Break
You can blast everyone in a globe with a diameter equal to your Mind in meters. Damage is Mind +2, or more if you are using an Implement. Make a separate attack roll against each target, including friends and bystanders.
Mass Soporific causes Neurotoxin damage. A target defeated this way falls into a deep sleep and is harmlessly knocked out. A target suffering a damage setback from Soporific, and who is in a situation where he could reasonably fall asleep (guard duty, tending the fire, sedentary work) falls into a light slumber from which he can be woken by loud noises, such as nearby combat or shouting. He can be tied up without waking up as a limit break, an all opponents are assumed to be Sneaking against him while dozing.
Sleep Spores
You can make a Ranged Attack - either the basic stunt or using some other stunt, schtick, or power. Damage is Mind +2, or more if you are using an Implement to improve damage. Sleep Spores causes Neurotoxin damage. A target defeated this way falls into a deep sleep and is harmlessly knocked out. A target suffering a damage setback from Soporific, and who is in a situation where he could reasonably fall asleep (guard duty, tending the fire, sedentary work) falls into a light slumber from which he can be woken by loud noises, such as nearby combat or shouting. He can be tied up without waking up as a limit break, an all opponents are assumed to be Sneaking against him while dozing.
Wounding Ray
You can make a Ranged Attack - either the basic stunt or using some other stunt, schtick, or power. Damage is Mind +2, or more if you are using an Implement to improve damage.
Wounding Ray does Wounding damage. Non-living creatures and objects (such as robots and doors) are immune.
Wounding Sphere
Limit Break
You can blast everyone in an area with a diameter equal to your Mind in meters, centered on yourself. You never damage yourself with this power. Make a separate attack against each target in the area, including friends and bystanders. Damage is Mind +2, unless you are using a weapon or technique to improve damage.
Wounding Sphere does Wounding damage. Non-living creatures and objects (such as robots and doors) are immune.
Blast Mind
Basic Action, Limit Break, or Finisher
Make a roll of Shoot vs. Dodge, on a success the target's Mind suffers a penalty of -1 until the end of the scene. Lowering Mind lowers the number of Fortune that can be spend in a session for a named character, effectively reducing available fortune points. The number of points lost and the duration can be increased by various factors.
- If the attack scores an Outcome matching the target's Mind, the penalty is increased by two.
- If performed as a Limit Break, the penalty is increased by two and it lasts for a day or until cured as an ailment.
- If performed as a Finisher, the penalty is increased by two and the effect is a Curse - and this turns all current Feeblemind results on the target into one big curse.
Mental Blast
You can make a Ranged Attack - either the basic stunt or using some other stunt, schtick, or power. Damage is Mind +2, or more if you are using an Implement to improve damage. Psychic Blast does psychic damage. Objects and creatures without a true mind, such as Animals and Robots are immune.
Mental Burst
Limit Break
You can blast all enemies in a globe with a diameter equal to your Mind; you must be somewhere in this area. Your control of this attack is so precise that you can avoid any friends in the area. Damage is Mind +2, or more if you are using an Implement to improve damage. Make a separate attack roll against each target.
Psychic Burst does psychic damage. Objects and creatures without a true mind, such as Animals and Robots are immune.
Mental Shockwave
Limit Break
You blast everyone in a cone; a triangle with you at one corner. You can control the exact dimensions of the cone when you create it, with some limitations. The base of the triangle can be as wide as your Mind and both the other sides have the same length and can be as long as your Shoot. All measurements are in meters. Damage is Mind +2, or more if you are using an Implement. Make a separate attack roll against each target, including friends and bystanders.
Psychic Cone does psychic damage. Objects and creatures without a true mind, such as Animals and Robots are immune.
Blast Time
Damocle's Sword
You can make a Ranged Attack - either the basic stunt or using some other stunt, schtick, or power. Damage is Mind +2, or more if you are using an Implement to improve damage. Targets cannot take trigger actions in response to this attack. Damocle's sword blunt damage. You step outside of time set up projectiles to hit the target. The projectiles move when time resumes. Any ranged or thrown weapon can be used as an implement of this attack. If you are within reach, you can use a melee weapon. Doing this changes the damage add and type to that of the weapon.
Arrows of Time
Limit Break
You can blast all enemies in a globe with a diameter equal to your Mind; you must be somewhere in this area. Your control of this attack is so precise that you can avoid any friends in the area. Damage is Mind +2, or more if you are using an Implement to improve damage. Make a separate attack roll against each target. Targets cannot take trigger actions in response to this attack.
Arrows of time does blunt damage. You step outside of time and set up projectiles to hit each target. The projectiles move when time resumes. Any ranged or thrown weapon can be used as an implement of this attack. Doing so changes the damage add and type to that of the weapon.
Hail of Time
Limit Break
You blast everyone in a cone; a triangle with you at one corner. You can control the exact dimensions of the cone when you create it, with some limitations. The base of the triangle can be as wide as your Mind and both the other sides have the same length and can be as long as your Shoot. All measurements are in meters. Damage is Mind +2, or more if you are using an Implement. Make a separate attack roll against each target, including friends and bystanders. Targets cannot take trigger actions in response to this attack.
Arrow of time does blunt damage. You step outside of time and hurl projectiles at the area. The projectiles move when time resumes. Any ranged or thrown weapon can be used as an implement of this attack. Doing so changes the damage add and type to that of the weapon.
Time Tomb
Time Tomb puts the target into suspended animation, removing him from the time stream until the effect collapses. He either ceases to exist in the meantime, or stands about still as a statue, impervious to everything in normal time. Time Tomb is normally permanent, but can be broken as a Curse.
Blast Space
You can make a Ranged Attack - either the basic stunt or using some other stunt, schtick, or power. Damage is Mind +2, or more if you are using an Implement to improve damage. The target can use Body as Dodge if Body is higher. This does Concussion damage soaked by Reflexes, trying to teleport the target. A target can negate the damage by accepting to be teleported to a random safe spot within you Mind kilometers. If the target takes a Damage Setback, he is always teleported. A target that is under an effect that hinders teleportation can add his Body to his Reflexes to soak, but can still be teleported.
If you know certain other powers, you can change where targets end up when they get teleported.
- Dimension Door: At a spot of your choice within 100 meters where the target is not in immediate danger.
- Plane Shift: On a plane selected by the GM as appropriate to the creature, eother poetic justice or to its home plane if different from where you are.
If this is used to teleport several creatures in the same scene, they all end up at the same destination.
Banishing Ball
Limit Break
You can blast everyone in a globe with a diameter equal to your Mind in meters. Damage is Mind +2, or more if you are using an Implement. Make a separate attack roll against each target, including friends and bystanders. The target can use Body as Dodge if Body is higher. This does Concussion damage soaked by Reflexes, trying to teleport the target. A target can negate the damage by accepting to be teleported to a random safe spot within you Mind kilometers. If the target takes a Damage Setback, he is always teleported. A target that is under an effect that hinders teleportation can add his Body to his Reflexes to soak, but can still be teleported.
If you know certain other powers, you can change where targets end up when they get teleported.
- Dimension Door: At a spot of your choice within 100 meters where the target is not in immediate danger.
- Plane Shift: On a plane selected by the GM as appropriate to the creature, eother poetic justice or to its home plane if different from where you are.
If this is used to teleport several creatures in the same scene, they all end up at the same destination.
Space Binding
You create a space link between yourself and the target for the rest of the scene.
When you Dimension Door, Teleport, or Plane Shift, you can bring the target of Space Binding to the same spot you teleported to. You can also use one of these powers to teleport only the target without going along yourself. You can affect the target as if you were touching him, ignoring modifiers for visibility cover, range, and obstructions.
Spacial Point-Blank
Limit Break
You create a unity of space between your weapon and the target, firing point-blank even at distant targets. Make a Normal Ranged Attack that ignore modifiers for cover, range, and obstructions. You must be able to see where the target is, but there does not need to be a line of effect for the shot.
The Storm Reverses
Trigger Action (Defense)
Use this after you've been missed of failed to be damaged by a Shoot Attack. You can return the attack against the attacker using your own attributes and Shoot, just as if you had just spent the action to use it. You cannot affect anyone except the original attacker, even if the reflected attack was originally an area attack or otherwise affected several targets.
Spot Schticks and Powers
Found Ya!
Trigger Action (Combo)
When you successfully Scan and spot someone who is Sneaking, you can use this schtick to immediately take a Basic Action against that creature. If you found several creatures withe the same action, you can still only take one action but if that action targets mutliple creatures or an area, you can affect all those you just spotted.
Limit Break
You are a forensics expert, able to analyze clues and physical remains and create a coherent image of what happened at a scene you are investigating. Certain details might need to be verified in a lab, but you can get a general idea of what happened and clues to what kind of people were involved. As more information is added from witnesses and technical reports, you can flesh out your image of what happened. You can put all of this down into reports that other investigators can read and understand, and you can quickly skim such reports to find similar cases which can offer additional insights.
Lip Reading
Basic Action
You have the rather unique ability to decipher what people are saying merely from looking at their lips moving. As long as you can get a reasonably good view of a speaker's lips and know the language, you can get the gist of what is said. Certain parts may be obscure or missing, depending on your skill roll or the needs of the plot.
Material Link
Limit Break
By investigating a place were a creature bled or slept, you can secure a sample of their blood, hair or other tissue sufficient to give you their True Name, or at least secure an advantage against them. Make an opposed Spot check, on a success you gain an Advantage against them that is persistent form scene to scene. On an Outcome matching their Reflexes you learn their True Name.
Limit Break
You are sensitive to psychic impressions, and can often catch the mood of a place and get glimpses of important events that happened there in the past. You can commune and catch glimpses of information from spirits. Make a Spot check to seek answers from spirits, which is much the same as Contacts, only the answers are colored by the nature of the spirits of the place.
This is not a Power, but it assumes spirits exist in the setting; if they do not this schtick won't work.
You get a +5 bonus (instead of the usual +3) on Keep Watch stunts. When you do a Scan or Surveilance stunt the the roll is Confident.
You are a master at observing nature and its ways. When you Track the penalty is one per day old the trail is rather than one per hour, as long as there has been no significant precipitation or other manner of trail destruction. You are not distracted by natural sounds and obstructions, your Spot checks are never penalized because of such things. You can identify animals, plants, and minerals on sight.
Basic Action
When you use this power, you are aware if there are any active powers within ten meters times the result of your Spot roll. Within one meter per point rolled, you can pinpoint and identify such powers.
To pinpoint things that are hiding, your Spot must match their Hide.
You have a good sense of personal and small unit tactics. You can sense at what shot creatures within Spot meters will act, and you can sense the groups minions and are organized in, who leads who, and creature's typical combat mode and Role. All of these actions are automatic and take no time to use. You cannot read creatures whose Spot is higher than yours.
When the GM has you make a roll to discern enemy tactics or deployments, such rolls are Confident.
Target Acquired
Trigger Action (Focus)
When you spot a Sneaking enemy or an enemy fails to Sneak on you, you can focus.
Total Recall
Limit Break
You have perfect recall; years afterwards, you can call up the precise words of a conversation or recall details of a room seen only at a glance. This allows you to analyze as scene from memory as though you were actually present there now. You can retroactively use the Spot skill to notice things you didn't think of looking for when you were actually there, which in turn might give more information from other skills such as Know. The game master can play up a small flashback from the time you learned the information recalled, which will often give some additional insight into your problem or your character's background.
The Limit Break refers to the act of remembering, it is not something you have to do to record the memory in the first place.
Whenever you are in danger of triggering a trap or alarm, you can make a Spot against the Create of the trapmaker - on a success you spor the trap just as you are about to blunder into it, and can stop doing whatever would trigger the trap. When you Scan for traps, you get a +3 modifier.
Detects or analyzes the form, or uses the form to gather information in some way.
All detect powers have one limitation; they create an image in the user's mind, and using the same power again will not contradict or enhance this image. Thus you cannot re-try a detect power that failed to acheive a desired result.
Detect Air
Analyze Air
Basic Action
You can analyze the properties of any gas within reach, even if the gas is inside a container or otherwise separated from you. You learn the exact composition and properties of the gas and whether it has been affected by any powers recently.
You can sense the presence of gas at a distance. Make a skill roll and multiply the result by 10; this is the range in meters. Normally, you detect any type of gas (not normally very useful), but by concentrating on a particular type of gas you can eliminate all others.
Finally, you can use this to predict the weather and to sense if a weather pattern is natural or the result of power use.
Limit Break
As a preparation for using this power, you prepare a number of arrows, writing a possible answer to a question on each arrow. You must also add at least one blank arrow to the mix. When using this power, you ask a question and draw an arrow; it the power was successful, the arrow with the most relevant and correct answer will be drawn. If none of the answers were relevant or correct, you will draw a blank arrow.
Belomancy can only answer questions about things you will encounter within the next six hours, and can only give out information you would automatically notice during such encounters. Typical questions include "Which way to the dragon" or "what monster will I meet behind this door". Deeply analytical questions, such as "Who killed the duke", "what is the nature of life" or "should I get married" always draw a blank.
The difficulty of the check is either 5 + the number of arrows in the quiver, or the Spot of whoever the divination is directed against. As an alternative, a single arrow can be tossed in the air, if it is a direction you want. This has a minimum difficulty of 10.
Touch of Air
You gain an awareness of the air within your Mind meters. This extends your sense of touch to this distance, which means you can "see" without using your eyes. This sense does not extend through a gas-tight barrier, but does extend around corners.
Detect Earth
Analyze Earth
Basic Action
You can analyze the properties of any solid object within reach. You learn the exact composition and properties of the object and whether it has been affected by any powers recently.
You can sense the presence of solid objects at a distance. Make a skill roll and multiply the result by 10; this is the range in meters. Normally, you detect any type of solid object (not normally very useful), but by concentrating on a particular shape or composition you can eliminate all others. This lets you locate either objects of a basic shape (such as pistols or wheels) or specific substances (such as gunpowder or rubber).
Finally, you can use this to predict tremors and other seismic phenomena and to sense if they are natural or the result of power use.
Knowledge Stone
Limit Break
You imbue a stone with the ability to sense and store information. You need a man-size chunk of stone, a fist-sized rock crystal, or a tiny gem to enchant it this way. To interact with a knowledge stone requires concentration, even when just communicating. To someone passing by or ignoring it, a knowledge stone is inert. An knowledge stone can be set to buzz slightly when active in order to attract attention.
There are basically four ways to use a knowledge stone. The first is as a recording device useful as a camera or for spying. By leaving a knowledge stone in a location and instructing it to record, you can later return or retrieve the stone to watch what happened in its vicinity. Second, you can set it as a display, showing a message to anyone. The third is as an information storage device; recording and retrieving information like a a journal or library would. The fourth is as a communication device; by attuning (a separate Limit Break when holding two Knowledge Stones) it becomes possible to communicate verbally and visually.
You can sense and target objects and creatures within Mind meters, as long as you have a connection trough solid objects between yourself and what you are perceiving. This prevents Sneaking by moving creatures.
X-Ray Eyes
Basic Action
You can see through solid objects, especially sand, earth, or stone. This allows you to find buried treasures, traps and hidden doors with ease.
The difficulty of seeing through a wall or barrier is 5 plus its armor value. If it is made of earth, sand, or stone you can see one meter per point of outcome through a barrier, otherwise you can only see through one-tenth of that.
Detect Fire
Analyze Fire
Basic Action
You can analyze the properties of any fire within range, even if it is inside a container or otherwise separated from you. Combustion includes any energy releasing chemical or nuclear reaction, including the digestion of food in living creatures. You learn what is burning, how hot it is, what damage it can do, what type and how much fuel it uses and how long the fuel will last and any other mundane detail you can come up with about fire. You also learn whether it has been affected by any powers recently.
You can sense the presence of fire at a distance. Make a skill roll and multiply the result by 10; this is the range in meters. Normally, you detect any type of fire, but by concentrating on a particular type (by such factors as fuel, temperature, origin etc) you can eliminate all others.
Fiery Visions
Limit Break
You can see trough any open flame. You must either know the flame is there, or focus on an area to see trough the largest flame present there. A larger flame gives you a clearer vision. Considering how ubiquitous fire is in most fantasy settings, this is quite handy, especially if used at evening gathering hours. Range is your Mind in kilometers but there are no range modifiers. The power lets you look through several fires wit each use, letting you look around for the information you seek.
To gain information this way you make an opposed check against the targets' Recon. You gain valuable information based on the outcome of this roll; if the outcome matches the target's Mind you gain clear and important insights into the target's activities. On a failed roll, you learn obvious details and trivia; if the negative Outcome matches your Mind you learn misleading information or the target notices your spying.
Heat Sight
You discern the temperature of objects and creatures withing your Mind meters. This sense extends like a sense of touch to this distance, which means you can "see" in complete darkness, as long as everything is not of a uniform temperature, something that is very rare except in undisturbed cellars, caves and other places with an isolated climate. You are blind if surrounded by heat insulating or very cold materials, such as underwater or in a snow storm.
Detect Water
Analyze Water
Basic Action
You can analyze the properties of any liquid within reach, even if it is inside a container or otherwise separated from you. You learn the exact composition and properties of the liquid and whether it has been affected by any powers recently.
You can sense the presence of liquid at a distance. Make a skill roll and multiply the result by 10; this is the range in meters. Normally, you detect any type of liquid (not normally very useful), but by concentrating on a particular type you can eliminate all others.
Finally, you can use this to gain perfect understanding of currents and other aquatic phenomena.
Touch of Water
You gain an awareness of water withing your Mind meters. This extends your sense of touch to this distance, which means you can "see" without using your eyes. On land this lets you see living creatures even when otherwise blind, but you cannot see objects and still move about as if blind. Underwater, this gives you complete situation awareness.
Detect Animal
Adaptive Senses
Like most animals, your senses become finely attuned to the surroundings. You ignore all perception penalties based on the environment, such as low light, fog, sun glare, altitude etc. You still cannot see where there is no light, but senses like smell, hearing and vibration sense lets you perceive anything moving in a range out to your power skill in meters. It is still possible to sneak on you.
Animal Spy
Basic Action or Limit Break
You can scry what an animal senses, including all senses. Range is not a factor, but there must be an animal on the scene for you to scry. Scryig at one specific location or trough the eyes of a known individual animal is a Basic Action; looking around to find something takes a Limit Break.
To gain information this way you make an opposed check against the targets' Recon. You gain valuable information based on the outcome of this roll; if the outcome matches the target's Mind you gain clear and important insights into the target's activities. On a failed roll, you learn obvious details and trivia; if the negative Outcome matches your Mind you learn misleading information or the target notices your spying.
Scent of Sight
Your sense of smell develops to fantastic proportions. You can track, identify creatures and substances, tell a creature's mood by scent alone. You automatically succeed at any scent-related task possible to a normal human. Use your powers skill only for stunts a normal human simply could not do. If blinded, you can still perceive creatures in a range out to your power skill in meters.
Scent the Unnatural
Limit Break
You use this power by running around, sniffing out an area. Male a Spot check. Compare the result to the Impress of any supernatural creatures or events in the vicinity (within Spot meters). This includes most creatures except Animals and Folk and all Traditions except yours. On a success, you sense the unnatural presence and its approximate nature and location. This includes creature type and a general description. On a failure, you still realize something is there, but also that it is too powerful for you to analyze or meddle with.
The usual way to use this is on a wide-ranging patrol, in which case it is usually sufficient to make one roll each potential unnatural presence that can be found.
Sense Animal
Basic Action
You can analyze the abilities and attributes of any animal within reach, even if the animal is inside a cage or otherwise separated from you. You learn the exact attributes, skills and schticks of the animal and whether it has been affected by any powers recently.
You can sense the presence of animals at a distance. Make a skill roll and multiply the result by 10; this is the range in meters. Normally, you detect any type of animal, but by concentrating on a particular species, individual or descriptive trait you can eliminate all others.
Detect Plant
Eye of Nature
You can read the signs of nature and flora, sensing their relationships and the presence of anything which disturbs them out to a distance of your Mind in meters. This allows you to "see" through foliage. It is not possible for others to use plant cover to Sneak on you in this area, but if they take this into account they may still be able to sneak there using more solid cover. Beyond this range, your line of sight extends trough foliage and lets you see obvious things as if out in the open, but it is possible for others to Sneak normally there.
Sense Plant
Basic Action
You can analyze the abilities and attributes of any plant within reach, even if it is inside a container or otherwise separated from you. You learn the exact attributes, skills and schticks of plant creatures or the traits of plants and items made from former plants. You also learn and whether it has been affected by any powers recently.
You can sense the presence of plants at a distance. Make a skill roll and multiply the result by 10; this is the range in meters. Normally, you detect any type of plant, but by concentrating on a particular species, individual or descriptive trait you can eliminate all others.
Detect Metal
Analyze Metal
Basic Action
You can analyze the properties of metal. You learn the exact composition and properties of the object and whether it has been affected by any powers recently.
You can sense the presence of metal and metal ore at a distance. Make a skill roll and multiply the result by 10; this is the range in meters. Normally, you detect any type of metal, but by concentrating on a particular shape or composition you can eliminate all others.
Limit Break
Dowsing involves the use of a dowsing fork or pendulum to locate something that is sought. You must have a clear image of what you seek. It can be either a specific item that a participant in the ritual has seen, or a general substance such as water or gold, in which case it detects the largest store of such material in range that was previously unknown to you. You can choose to set a maximum range not to be exceeded in order to limit the detection to a certain area.
Dowsing requires a Spot roll for Detection, opposed when looking for something that is owned or deliberately hidden. Apply normal range penalties to this roll. Line of sight is not a factor.
Detect Ice
Analyze Ice
Basic Action
You can analyze the properties of ice and snow. You learn the exact composition and properties of the object and whether it has been affected by any powers recently.
You can sense the presence of ice at a distance. Make a skill roll and multiply the result by 10; this is the range in meters. Normally, you detect any type of ice or snow (not normally very useful), but by concentrating on a particular shape or composition you can eliminate all others. You can also detect holes in solid layers of ice and/or snow, this is highly useful for finding buried objects and creatures. This lets you locate objects of a basic shape (such as pistols, wheels, and humans).
Finally, you can use this to predict cold weather and to sense if it is natural or the result of power use.
Snow Sight
You can see through ice and snow. This allows you to find buried objects, traps and hidden doors with ease. You are also immune to snow glare or snow blindness. Your sight is not hindered by snow in the air.
Detect Illusion
Capture Scene
Basic Action
You have perfect recall of anything you experience when you use this action. If you have other powers that let you create images, you can recreate what you experienced in perfect detail. Making an illusion of something captured in this way is Routine as long as the situation captured and the illusion are reasonably similar.
You appear somewhat distracted when using this power, something those who see you clearly can notice if you fail an opposed Spot roll, and they can then automatically distract you and spoil your use of this power if they choose.
Basic Action
You can create shining lights or an aura about a creature or object. This does not change the appearance of the target, but makes it impossible for the target to use darkness or shadows to sneak and negates powers that allow sneaking in plain sight. The target can still hide behind regular cover and concealment. You can also use it to mark different targets in different ways. At your option, the outline is only visible to certain people, and you can vary the color and other details of the glow. This can be used to paint targets, which can be very useful tactically. If the target can't see the glow, he can't tell that you used this effect on him. Thus you can use this to mark certain people that enter a city gate, and make the glow visible to city guards, allowing these people to be arrested at a later time.
A roll of Spot vs. Maneuver is required to put the glow on someone, and the effect lasts for an hour or so. You can use this against someone you only suspect is there by targeting a likely hiding place - this does not suffer any penalty against an opponent that is successfully sneaking.
Limit Break
You can cause the image of what appears far away to appear before you, usually in a mirror, reflecting pool, or as an outline in smoke. The image is never entirely clear; basic details can be easily discerned, but details like faces and text can be blurry and hard to read. To target the scrying you need some kind of link to the person or place; his full name, an object or creature with ties to the target, or information on his current whereabouts. Range is not a factor.
To gain information this way you make an opposed check against the targets' Recon. You gain valuable information based on the outcome of this roll; if the outcome matches the target's Mind you gain clear and important insights into the target's activities. On a failed roll, you learn obvious details and trivia; if the negative Outcome matches your Mind you learn misleading information or the target notices your spying.
Sense Illusion
Basic Action
You can sense the presence of illusions and Spectres at a distance. Make a skill roll and multiply the result by 10; this is the range in meters. Normally, you detect any type of illusion, but by concentrating on a particular type or description you can eliminate all others.
Detect Dark
Analyze Darkness
Basic Action
You can sense the presence of shadow or darkness at a distance. Make a skill roll and multiply the result by 10; this is the range in meters. You can concentrate upon a specific form of darkness (a shadow, a dark room) and sense only that if you like.
You can sense darkness in a creature. You can sense if a creature is overcome by negative emotions, what emotion, and what it is directed against.
Detect Enemy
Basic Action
You sense creatures that hate or intend harm to you, a group you represent, or someone who is present and under your protection. The range in meters is equal to your power skill roll when used blindly, or ten times that if you can perceive the creature in some fashion.
Detect Falsehood
Basic Action
You can sense moods and feelings, getting an impression of the intents and desires of others. This can allow you to penetrate disguise, falsehoods and insincere seduction attempts with a power skill roll against the Charm or Impress skill of your target.
Sense Sin
When you first learn this power, pick one type of vice or sin that is considered morally distasteful in your culture. Whenever someone within 10 meters times your Mind commits this sin, make a Spot opposed by their Charm to sense where they are and what they did.
Touch of the Dark
You can smell, taste and hear the darkness within Mind meters. In this area you can sense things even around corners or behind cover, as if touching them with umbral tendrils. It is still possible to sneak on you, but the darkness does not help in any form or fashion. You feel safe in the dark, and you are not affected by the supposed terrors of the night. You are never impaired in any way because of darkness, but you still cannot see - colors, script, screen images, and other purely visual things are imperceptible to this power.
Detect Flux
Eyes of the Fox
You can use this once per die roll someone else makes. The GM must tell you the numerical value of one of the character's attributes, skills, or current point totals. You choose which one. You can do this in or out of combat.
Predict Randomness
Trigger Action
Whenever random chance can affect an outcome, you can use this action to predict the result. Since all die rolls in Action involve chance, this allows you to predict the outcome of most actions, just as they are about to occur. The usefulness of this is debatable, but it does allow you to decide whether to use other Trigger Actions triggered by the event you predicted the outcome for.
Sense Power
Basic Action
You can sense the presence of Powers. All powers play around with the natural state of the world, and those sensitive to flux can sense such changes. You can normally sense the presence of an active power effect without knowing what power it is, but you can choose to limit the detection to certain forms, techniques or even specific powers. Make a skill roll and multiply the result by 10; this is the range in meters. If the power detected is in range of your physical senses, you also gain a basic understanding of it and how it works.
Detect Order
Analyze Order
Basic Action
You can sense the presence of order and structure at a distance. Concentrate on a particular type of structure or ordered system, make a skill roll and multiply the result by 10; this is the range in meters. If the system detected is in range of your physical senses, you also gain a basic understanding of it and how it works.
You can use this to detect and understand both physical and social structures. Examples of physical structures include most architecture and static construction, as well as crystalline matrices and such. Social structures include dependencies and hierarchies; you can tell who commands who and detect the members of rigid social hierarchies, such as most military and some highly organized syndicates, criminal or otherwise.
Detect Lie
You can detect spoken falsehood; when a creature within your Spot meters of you tells a deliberate falsehood, you know of it. You cannot penetrate deceit unless lies are involved.
Measure Difficulty
Trigger Action
When you face a task, you can determine how difficult it is by analyzing order. Make a Spot roll. If the difficulty of the analyzed task is this high or lower, you learn the difficulty and what skill and equipment/schticks/powers are relevant to the task, otherwise you simply learn that it is more difficult than the result of your roll. If several skills can be used for the task, you learn of all of those your roll covers for.
If you have the necessary schticks/powers to perform the task, there is a +5 bonus to the Spot roll. If the task requires no special schticks or powers, you always get this bonus.
Detect Light
Detect Evil
Basic Action
Many magic traditions have defined evil, an opposing philosophy or set of ideals that are anathema to everything you powers stand for. With this effect, you can sense such evil. Make a skill roll and multiply the result by 10; this is the range in meters. If you can see the evil creature or object you can pinpoint it; otherwise you merely know evil is present.
This power is not relevant to all traditions, particularly of the technology origin.
Eyes of the Sun
Your vision is improved. You can see perfectly over long distances as if you were using a binocular with x100 enlargement (things appear as if they were only 1/100 as far away), yet there is no reduction in your field of vision. You are never blinded by glare or bright light, and are immune to flashes used as distractions.
True Sight
Basic Action
On a successful power skill check, you can identify illusions and conjured objects as false or divine the true forms of transformed creatures. The difficulty is whatever skill the target is using.
Limit Break
You get a vision of something that greatly concerns you or someone in your presence who you use the power for. The vision can contain factual information or advice, depending on the situation and story needs.
You do not pick the target of Vision, the power picks an appropriate target automatically. Range is not a factor. To gain information this way you make an opposed check against the targets' Recon. You gain valuable information based on the outcome of this roll; if the outcome matches the target's Mind you gain clear and important insights into the target's activities. On a failed roll, you learn obvious details and trivia; if the negative Outcome matches your Mind you learn misleading information or the target notices your spying.
Detect Gifts
Analyze Gifts
Basic Action
You can sense the presence of powers at a distance. Make a skill roll and multiply the result by 10; this is the range in meters. Normally, you detect any type of power, but by concentrating on a particular type (name, form, or general description) you can eliminate all others.
You can analyze the properties of any power within reach, even if it is inside a container or otherwise separated from you. You learn what power it is, who used it, when, to what effect, and an approximate power level. Even powers that have ended leave a signature that can be analyzed, though the impressions fade; after the end of the scene, it is no longer possible to determine who used the power and its exact effect. The signature fades completely in a matter of days or weeks, stronger and more dramatic used leaving stronger impressions.
This is a meta-power that affects other powers. In some campaign worlds there is a strong Origin Divide among different origins. Check with your GM regarding your campaign. Origins that are opposed cannot cannot be modified by meta-powers; it is as if powers from the opposing origin was actually a schtick rather than a power.
Flexible Gifts
Limit Break
Use any one Power of a Form you know that is a Basic Action, Stance, or Trigger Action (finisher). You need not know the power. If the power is a stance, you can continue to keep it up for one scene (or as long as it makes sense).
Mark Territory
Basic Action
You mark a physical location, making it a part of your territory. Other power users instinctively know the location is claimed when they get within your Create x10 meters of the spot. You claim lasts a number of days equal to your Create skill. Analyzing your mark can give others a rough idea of what you are.
Powers used in the claimed area subtly alter the mark. By inspecting your mark and making an opposed Spot check, you know which power was used, which origin the user has, and a basic idea of who they are. Using this power in the claimed area, or dispelling Mark Territory, is immediately noticeable.
This is a meta-power that affects other powers. In some campaign worlds there is a strong Origin Divide among different origins. Check with your GM regarding your campaign. Origins that are opposed cannot cannot be modified by meta-powers; it is as if powers from the opposing origin was actually a schtick rather than a power.
Power Gaze
Pick one power. You can use this power and any stunts related to it with the Spot skill instead of whatever skill it is usually based on. You can take this power several times, each time applying it to a separate power.
This is a meta-power that affects other powers. In some campaign worlds there is a strong Origin Divide among different origins. Check with your GM regarding your campaign. Origins that are opposed cannot cannot be modified by meta-powers; it is as if powers from the opposing origin was actually a schtick rather than a power.
Resist Power
When an opponent uses a power on you, your natural power resistance might protect you. The opponent must make an opposed Mind check (this does not cost any shots), on a failure the power did not affect you. Resist power does not work against powers that create a freestanding effect, such as freestanding illusions, created objects or walls, cave-ins, and other indirect effects, as determined by the GM. When in use, this prevents all power use except your own, when you wish to be affected by a power, you must take a trigger action to temporarily lower your power resistance.
This is a meta-power that affects other powers. In some campaign worlds there is a strong Origin Divide among different origins. Check with your GM regarding your campaign. Origins that are opposed cannot cannot be modified by meta-powers; it is as if powers from the opposing origin was actually a schtick rather than a power.
Second sight
Basic Action
Your affinity to the supernatural lets you see things others only imagine. You see spirits or ghosts wherever you go - most of these are just how you perceive natural phenomena and can be useful for noticing otherwise mundane phenomena, but have no supernatural significance other than to make noticing the dangerous ones trickier.
Make a Scan stunt. You automatically spot active powers, including powers used as traps and creatures using powers to hide. In this way you automatically notice a creature that is sneaking and relying on concealment you can see through or using a power to conceal it. If it could sneak under the normal rules, without the help of a power, Second sight can still spot them normally, but gives no additional help.
When using Second sight, you can see through smoke, fog or darkness (even supernatural darkness), but not through solid objects. In a scene where have scanned such an obscured area with second sight, you are not considered blind there and can act normally. Creatures can still use such obscurement to sneak against you, but you can use second sight again to automatically spot them.
You can penetrate a disguise if your Scan beats the other creatures Charm. If you recognize that a creature has altered or concealed its true appearance, you know what it ordinarily looks like.
This is a meta-power that affects other powers. In some campaign worlds there is a strong Origin Divide among different origins. Check with your GM regarding your campaign. Origins that are opposed cannot cannot be modified by meta-powers; it is as if powers from the opposing origin was actually a schtick rather than a power. Second sight won't automatically perceive powers or see through stealth powers against which it has an origin divide.
Detect Magic
Arcane Calculations
Limit Break
You gain information about a person, place, or object through arcane means. This involves such methods as astrology, numerology, reading tea leaves, the I-ching and similar arcane methods of divination. This gives you answers to specific questions; the answer must be a few words or numbers. Range is not a factor. To gain information this way you make an opposed check against the targets' Recon. You gain valuable information based on the outcome of this roll; if the outcome matches the target's Mind you gain clear and important insights into the target's activities. On a failed roll, you learn obvious details and trivia; if the negative Outcome matches your Mind you learn misleading information or the target notices your spying.
Astral Sight
Basic Action
You shift your senses from the physical world to the astral, the world of spirit. Using astral senses, living creatures and power effects stand out clearly, while inanimate objects, especially industrially manufactured ones, are hard to discern. Objects with a strong empathic resonance are easy to see, while mass-produced objects who lack any psychic impressions appear fuzzy and ephemeral, with no discernible detail. You can find empathic traces of strongly emotional events by studying astral resonance.
You automatically spot active powers, including powers used as traps and creatures using powers to hide. In this way you automatically notice a creature that is sneaking and relying on concealment you can see through or using a power to conceal it. If a creature could sneak under the normal rules, without the help of a power, Astral Sight can still spot them, but gives no additional help. This works as a Scan stunt, except that it is bad at noticing very mundane things, as described above.
When using Astral Sight, you can see through smoke, fog, or darkness (even supernatural darkness), but not through solid objects. In a scene where have used astral sight, you are not considered blind in such conditions and can act normally. Creatures can still use such obscurement to sneak against you, but you can use astral sight again to spot them again.
Astral sight can find subtle clues left from powers or highly emotional events, as if using Search. This only tells you a power has been used, not what power or how it was used.
This is a meta-power that affects other powers. In some campaign worlds there is a strong Origin Divide among different origins. Check with your GM regarding your campaign. Origins that are opposed cannot cannot be modified by meta-powers; it is as if powers from the opposing origin was actually a schtick rather than a power. Astral sight won't automatically perceive powers or see through stealth powers against which it has an origin divide.
Calculate Location
Limit Break
You learn the physical location of an object or creature. You must have enough information about the target to describe it uniquely; if you have a general description you will find the nearest target that fits the description. This can be a name, number, birthdate, creation date, origin, or a physical description. You can use this to discern your own location if you are lost. It can also be used to analyze a teleport performed in the area in the last hour, which tells you what teleported where.
Detect Spiritual
Limit Break
You get a spiritual revelation about a topic decided upon before using this power; the reply comes in the form of a short sentence, poem, or possibly a dream or prophetic vision. Range is irrelevant, but topics of spiritual import are generally easier to divine.
To gain information this way you make an opposed check against the targets' Recon. You gain valuable information based on the outcome of this roll; if the outcome matches the target's Mind you gain clear and important insights into the target's activities. On a failed roll, you learn obvious details and trivia; if the negative Outcome matches your Mind you learn misleading information or the target notices your spying.
Limit Break
To use this power, you need a set of lots or tokens, each associated with a spiritual entity, creature, or ideal. You also need one blank lot. To use the power, you randomly select one of them. Cleromancy will make you select the lot whose symbol most closely represents your answer. If none of the lots are relevant, a successful Cleromancy will yield the blank lot.
The two most common ways to use this power is to identify a person or group of people who most closely answers the question, or to find under what divinity or spirits influence the answer lies.
Anwulf the norse rune-priests casts the runes to determine the fate of his lost father, putting tokens for Thor, Odin, Heimdal, and Tyr in the jar. The GM knows his father is involved in an intrigue. Anwulf successfully reads the runes and finds that the relevant god is Heimdal. Had Loki been in the lot, this token would have been the most meaningful.
The difficulty of the check is either 5 + the number of lots drawn from, or the Spot of whoever the divination is directed against. whichever is higher. By adding more potential answers to the lot, you can gain more information but the divination becomes correspondingly harder.
Basic Action
Touching an object tells you how it was made and if there are any legends or stories it has been involved in you learn those. You can tell its exact abilities.
This is a meta-power that affects other powers. In some campaign worlds there is a strong Origin Divide among different origins. Check with your GM regarding your campaign. Origins that are opposed cannot cannot be modified by meta-powers; it is as if powers from the opposing origin was actually a schtick rather than a power.
Understand Miracle
Basic Action
You can sense the presence of powers at a distance. Make a skill roll and multiply the result by 10; this is the range in meters. Normally, you detect any type of power, but by concentrating on a particular type (name, form, or general description) you can eliminate all others.
You can analyze the properties of any power within reach, even if it is inside a container or otherwise separated from you. You learn what power it is, who used it, when, to what effect, and an approximate power level. Even powers that have ended leave a signature that can be analyzed, though the impressions fade; after the end of the scene, it is no longer possible to determine who used the power and its exact effect. The signature fades completely in a matter of days or weeks, stronger and more dramatic used leaving stronger impressions.
This is a meta-power that affects other powers. In some campaign worlds there is a strong Origin Divide among different origins. Check with your GM regarding your campaign. Origins that are opposed cannot cannot be modified by meta-powers; it is as if powers from the opposing origin was actually a schtick rather than a power.
Zone of Revelation
Basic Action
You create an area where the natural and the supernatural overlap, making living and/or supernatural presences that are normally hard to perceive obvious. The area is either a sphere with a radius equal to your Spot centered on you, or a sphere with a diameter equal to your Mind that you can create at a distance.
Within this area, living creatures and power effects stand out clearly, and can be seen through smoke, fog or darkness (even supernatural darkness), but not through solid objects. Empathic traces of strongly emotional events can be discerned through study.
This makes it easier to spot creatures using powers to hide. You automatically notice a creature that is sneaking and relying on a power to conceal it. If it is using a power, but could sneak under the normal rules, Zone of Revelation gives no additional help.
This is a meta-power that affects other powers. In some campaign worlds there is a strong Origin Divide among different origins. Check with your GM regarding your campaign. Origins that are opposed cannot cannot be modified by meta-powers; it is as if powers from the opposing origin was actually a schtick rather than a power.
Detect Tech
Amplify Light
You can amplify trace amounts of light. This lets you see normally in anything but complete darkness. It is still possible to sneak on you; there are still shadows and darker areas, but you are not impaired by lack of ambient light.
Analyze Technology
Basic Action
You can sense the presence of powers at a distance. Make a skill roll and multiply the result by 10; this is the range in meters. Normally, you detect any type of power, but by concentrating on a particular type (name, form, or general description) you can eliminate all others.
You can analyze the properties of any power within reach, even if it is inside a container or otherwise separated from you. You learn what power it is, who used it, when, to what effect, and an approximate power level. Even powers that have ended leave a signature that can be analyzed, though the impressions fade; after the end of the scene, it is no longer possible to determine who used the power and its exact effect. The signature fades completely in a matter of days or weeks, stronger and more dramatic uses leaving stronger impressions.
This is a meta-power that affects other powers. In some campaign worlds there is a strong Origin Divide among different origins. Check with your GM regarding your campaign. Origins that are opposed cannot cannot be modified by meta-powers; it is as if powers from the opposing origin was actually a schtick rather than a power.
Camera Capture
Basic Action or Limit Break
You can see trough any tv camera. You must either know the camera is there, or focus on a location to see trough the closest camera. Scrying at one specific location is a Basic Action; looking around to find something takes a Limit Break. Range is irrelevant, but such things as border security and isolated systems are a limit.
To gain information this way you make an opposed check against the targets' Recon. You gain valuable information based on the outcome of this roll; if the outcome matches the target's Mind you gain clear and important insights into the target's activities. On a failed roll, you learn obvious details and trivia; if the negative Outcome matches your Mind you learn misleading information or the target notices your spying. If the Create skill used to maintain camera security is higher that the target's Spot, use this value as the scrying difficulty.
Tactical Overlay
This power helps you to keep track of the relative position of friends and enemies in combat. As long as you occasionally let your vision sweep across the area, or get information from external sensors or other characters equipped with a tactical overlay, you have an innate spatial awareness of the location of everything and everyone in the vicinity, even when out of your line of sight. You also know your map position.
Two or more friendly characters with Tactical Overlay can link their tactical data for maximum benefit.
- You need never be afraid of hitting one another, this is particularly useful with area attacks.
- All of you can attack a target anyone of you can see regardless of visual obstructions, as long as any physical barriers can be penetrated.
- If anyone connected to your Tactical Overlay is aware of something that is about to surprise you, you are not surprised.
The risk with Tactical Overlay is that an opponent that can read your transmissions and feed them to his own Tactical Overlay; this gives him a +3 bonus on Dodge and Shoot against you.
Detect Death
Sense Death
Basic Action
You can analyze the abilities and attributes of any Undead or corpse within arm's reach, even if the creature is inside a cage or otherwise separated from you. You learn the exact attributes, skills and schticks of the animal and whether it has been affected by any powers recently. If you analyze a corpse this way, you learn if it has been affected by any powers, when it died, and rough description of how it died.
You can sense the presence of Undead at a distance. Make a skill roll and multiply the result by 10; this is the range in meters. Normally, you detect any type of Undead, but by concentrating on a particular type, individual, or descriptive trait you can eliminate all others.
Speak with Dead
Basic Action
You can communicate with the spirits of the dead. You need to be at the site they died, their grave, in the presence of a direct descendant or loved one, or in possession of a body part or and object important to them in life to use this power. You must also have a clear idea of who you are communing with, tough a name is nor necessary.
The dead will appear as an apparition, merely as a ghostly voice, or manifested through some divination technique or device you use. You can ask the dead about things they knew in life, and it will answer as its personality dictates. The dead communed with are more sourly than they were in life, but will respond to interaction, people and inquiries much as they did while alive. They have no extra knowledge of death itself or other things they did not know when alive, tough some of them might make up stories or try to proselytize. You can ask them if they want to be resurrected or turned into undead, and make deals with them about that. Even if they agree, it is sometimes the case that the spirit will not cooperate later; it is speculated that the conversation is not with the actual spirit of the departed, but only with a ghostly image or reflection left in the physical world.
This spell will not allow communication with a creature that is currently an Undead, tough it does make the creature aware of who you are and that you want to commune with it and where you are, as well as inform you that it is currently undead. Some undead will be able to come to you quickly, and you have no control whatsoever over them through this power.
Ghost Spy
Limit Break
You send a discorporate spirit to spy for you, instructing it to look for specific pieces of information. It will report back to you when if finds the information you seek. It cannot enter an area warded against death or the undead. Ghost Spy has a range of your Mind kilometers but no range modifiers. To gain information this way you make an opposed check against the targets' Recon. You gain valuable information based on the outcome of this roll; if the outcome matches the target's Mind you gain clear and important insights into the target's activities. On a failed roll, you learn obvious details and trivia; if the negative Outcome matches your Mind you learn misleading information or the target notices your spying.
Detect Force
Analyze Force
Basic Action
You can sense the presence of each active Force powers at a distance. Make a skill roll and multiply the result by 10; this is the range in meters. You can analyze the properties of Force powers. You learn the exact effect, form, and technique of the power.
You can also find and understand other forces, natural or otherwise, using this power. You can gain information about the mechanics of power-generating engines or devices, the statics of intricate architecture, the equilibrium of forces in a static system and so on.
Remote Eye
Basic Action
You create invisible eyes that float about under your command - each command is a basic action. You must spend at least one basic action each round on an eye to maintain it. You can maintain several eyes at once by doing this several times each round.
Remote eyes have one Hit, Dodge, Maneuver, Move, and Spot skills equal to your Spot and have Blur.
The eyes are material but lack [Body (Action)|Body]] and cannot pass barriers that would stop a wind-driven toy balloon.
A common use for this is to send the eyes out to survey an area or spy on a person. To gain information this way you make an opposed check against the targets' Recon. You gain valuable information based on the outcome of this roll; if the outcome matches the target's Mind you gain clear and important insights into the target's activities. On a failed roll, you learn obvious details and trivia; if the negative Outcome matches your Mind you learn misleading information or the target notices your spying. You can make one scry roll for every fifteen minutes of surveillance, and the eyes must move into the area before surveillance can begin.
Detect Life
Life Watch
Basic Action
Touch another to start monitoring their health. Against an unwilling target, this takes a Spot vs. Dodge roll. The effect lasts for as long as you maintain it, spending an Basic Action on it at least once per day. You can maintain no more than Mind life watches at a time; if you would exceed this number your oldest ongoing life watch is cancelled. At any time, you can take a Basic Action to check on the health and condition of those you Lifewatch – you learn details about his physical health, and get general indications on changes in his general well-being in other ways, such as if he is cursed, mind-controlled, or otherwise impaired. If a creature under your Lifewatch dies, is reduced to zero hits, or otherwise incapacitated, you are immediately informed of this fact, with no need to spend an action.
Sense Life
Basic Action
Allows you to see the flow of life energy in an area. Life energy exists not only in living creatures; it is what animates plants and even flows trough natural environments and ecosystems. The stronger a place's Chi, the easier it is to see. You can sense the presence of living creatures within ten meters per point of Spot and pinpoint them within Mind meters. Against a creature that is Sneaking this requires an opposed roll against that creatures Maneuver, but you do not need line-of-sight in order to spot it.
You can also sense and pinpoint places of power and any powers currently in use in the same area, but you cannot identify which power. By using the power again and focusing on a particular creature, you learn it's attribute ratings.
Detect Mind
Analyze Thoughts
Basic Action
You can sense active minds are present in an area. Make a skill roll and multiply the result by 10; this is the range in meters. You can focus on only a certain area or search only for a certain kind of mind (by creature type or species).
You can read the surface thoughts of a creature you can see eavesdrop on telepathic communication. To gain information this way you make an opposed check against the targets' Recon. You gain valuable information based on the outcome of this roll; if the outcome matches the target's Mind you gain clear and important insights into the target's activities. On a failed roll, you learn obvious details and trivia; if the negative Outcome matches your Mind you learn misleading information or the target notices your spying.
Astral Quest
Limit Break
You leave your body behind and enter astral space, the land of dreams and spirits. Your spirit can instantaneously move to any area that is not warded against spirits. Range and speed are not a factor. To gain information this way you make an opposed check against the targets' Recon. You gain valuable information based on the outcome of this roll; if the outcome matches the target's Mind you gain clear and important insights into the target's activities. On a failed roll, you learn obvious details and trivia; if the negative Outcome matches your Mind you learn misleading information or the target notices your spying. You can communicate with those you meet.
While on an astral quest, your body is in suspended animation; you do not need sustenance but are helpless. Your spirit and body takes damage together, and you can end the astral quest as a Basic Action - unless you are in a particularly tricky situation of the GMs devising.
Astral Quests are usually done to seek information, but sometimes it is possible to affect physical reality by performing a quest on the astral plane. Such astral quests are filled with visions, inspirations and subconscious symbolism, but are not linear adventures in the normal fashion. The main use is to resolve some moral issue, personality issue, or to gain insight. In certain cases an astral quest can break a Curse. Sometimes, an astral quest can directly affect another person or even an object or place by changing the astral resonance, but such use is strictly a plot device for the gamemaster. A number of other people equal to your Mind can be taken along on this sort of quest.
Basic Action
You can tell what happens in well-known places, to friends or to people you hold a former body part of or an object dear to. You will get a brief vision, often very subjective. The power scans for strong psychic impressions; humdrum everyday events are harder to detect. Sometimes these visions randomly focus on an emotionally intense moment in the past or future. Range is not a factor.
To gain information this way you make an opposed check against the targets' Recon. You gain valuable information based on the outcome of this roll; if the outcome matches the target's Mind you gain clear and important insights into the target's activities. On a failed roll, you learn obvious details and trivia; if the negative Outcome matches your Mind you learn misleading information or the target notices your spying.
Dream Touch
Limit Break
You can contact the mind of a dreamer, entering their dreams to communicate or even cause harm. If the target is not asleep at the time, the power fails. When it works, this allows you to use one other Mind Form powers against the target at any range. You must have a clear mental image of whoever you are trying to contact. The target will remember you when they awake, and will automatically awake after you harm them.
Mind Touch
Limit Break
You reach out to touch the mind of another creature. This allows you to use one other Mind Form powers against the target at any range. You must have a clear mental image of whoever you are trying to contact. The target feels a tentative mental contact and can sense who you are. It can refuse to acknowledge your mind touch, which makes the power fail.
Detect Time
Analyze Time
You have a perfect internal clock and call always tell local and global time, even when involved with time dillation, time travel, and other potentially confusing circumstances.
You can analyze the properties of time in your vicinity. You learn and whether it has been affected by any powers recently. These ripples are easy to detect, but hard to pinpoint. The GM should give you warning well ahead of time when you encounter someone using Time magics other than time sense. Distance is about ten meters or minutes per point of Mind you have. You can increase your sensitivity by setting up chronal disruption detectors; this is mainly a plot device which can be used as an adventure hook against time-using rivals.
Basic Action
You can try to predict the future, either the future of a person present or future events of the location you are in. Prediction is very uncertain, so predictions are never very accurate. The GM will give you his best estimate of what will happen, but he might well be wrong. The difficulty is not static; the GM will simply expend more effort trying to think up a better prediction if you roll is better. To gain information this way you make an opposed check against the targets' Recon. You gain valuable information based on the outcome of this roll; if the outcome matches the target's Mind you gain clear and important insights into the target's activities. On a failed roll, you learn obvious details and trivia; if the negative Outcome matches your Mind you learn misleading information or the target notices your spying. The Spot of an object or place is it's most frequent user's skill for the purpose of this power.
You are planning to attack a warehouse, and want a clue about how it will go. The GM knows this is the hideout of a sorcerer. A result less than the sorcerer's Spot will give a general impression of a hard-fought victory, as the GM is expecting a tough but not impossible fight. A roll about equal to his Spot might yield images of the hostile sorcerer's flame blasts. A higher result might show how some goons as they come out of their hiding places (making it impossible for them to surprise you during the fight) while an Outcome matching the sorcerer's Mind clearly shows the enemy sorcerer enchanting the goons' weapons to cause poisoned wounds.
Basic Action
You can look into the past to see what really happened. This is not reading psychic impressions, this is actually seeing exactly what was in the past. You can read the past of a location, person, or object you touch. Higher rolls give better impressions. To gain information this way you make an opposed check against the targets' Recon. You gain valuable information based on the outcome of this roll; if the outcome matches the target's Mind you gain clear and important insights into the target's activities. On a failed roll, you learn obvious details and trivia; if the negative Outcome matches your Mind you learn misleading information or the target notices your spying.
You can see the past of a place, creature, or object. The past of a place includes everyone there. The past of an object or person only includes the thing observed and occasional minor glimpses of what is very near. The Spot of an object or place is it's most frequent user's skill for the purpose of this power.
If you do not know when the event you want to see occurred, you have scant the past, shifting trough events. It can also considerable time to scan large spans of time, so it is always best if you know what date you are looking for.
Task Prediction
Limit Break
A specialized prediction effect where you look into the future to see the most opportune way to do specific action. This makes the task Routine. If conditions change a lot before you use this bonus, it is lost, so task prediction is usually best used for immediate tasks. In order for another character to get this bonus, you must somehow transmit the information - such as by giving them advice.
Detect Space
Discern Location
Limit Break
You learn the exact physical location of an object or creature. You must have enough information about the target to describe it uniquely; if you have a general description you will find the nearest target that fits the description. Space is the Form of shape, so the description must be based on shape, not substance or ephemeral qualities like color. The result is revealed in whatever system of reference you understand and which is most relevant and practical. You can use this to discern your own location if you are lost. It can also be used to analyze a teleport performed in the area in the last hour, which tells you what teleported where.
Magic Mapping
Limit Break
You create a map of the area. The result can be a hand-drawn map or be represented trough technological or supernatural means depending on your tradition. Make an opposed Spot roll against the watchman, chief of security, or most impressive creature in the area, gaining a better map the better you roll. If you do this at range, the power centers on a point you choose as the target and range penalties apply. Powers or abilities that stop detect powers prevents magic mapping.
The GM builds the map based on map points - you start out with a number of map points equal to your Mind and add the outcome (positive or negative) on the Spot roll to that. Each of the following features costs a point to map. In general, features at the beginning of the list are mapped first, but the map has more detail in nearby areas.
- A room, square, street, or other open area
- A closed door
- Interesting but obvious features such as furniture, statues, and other furnishings
- A stairway, lift, or other marked change in level
- A concealed, hidden, or otherwise not obvious feature (this is in addition to the normal cost above)
Note that the point system is a rough guideline only. Depending on the scenario, the gamemasters degree of preparation, and the dynamic of the group you are in, this power will often work or fail on a GM fiat. If another player in your group plays a scout and enjoys discovering the map, this map can fail simply to allow that style of play. In other circumstances the GM might have a printed map or tactical overlay to show you that far exceeds what this power would normally allow.
Remote Sense
Limit Break
You can create a limited teleportation portal at any spot you like - the range is unlimited but you must know the spatial coordinates. This portal only transmits sensory input, but does not allow anyone to step through or affect the world on the other side in any way. You can use all your senses this way, and sensory powers as well. You can speak trough the remote sensory point, but you cannot move it. You cannot use this to help a teleport.
You can scry on those at the chosen position. To gain information this way you make an opposed check against the targets' Recon. You gain valuable information based on the outcome of this roll; if the outcome matches the target's Mind you gain clear and important insights into the target's activities. On a failed roll, you learn obvious details and trivia; if the negative Outcome matches your Mind you learn misleading information or the target notices your spying.
Spatial Sense
You can sense the basic shape of things within Mind meters. In this area you can sense things even around corners or behind walls, incorporating them in your mental world-image. Because mobile objects are somewhat fuzzy, it is still possible to sneak on you. You still cannot see - colors, script, screen images, and other stimuli based on color rather than form are imperceptible to this power.
This also allows you to sense Gates and teleports out to ten times the normal range.
Race Schticks
Maneuver Celestial
Endurance Hunter
Inherent or Limit Break
You have trained your endurance to its full potential. Substitute your Maneuver for your Body when using Endurance, Hold Breath and other stamina-related stunts. These uses of Endurance Hunter are all Inherent abilities.
You can use this as a Limit break when pursuing or being pursued to drive your prey past their endurance. Make an opposed Maneuver check. On a success the target suffers one Hit from fatigue. On an outcome matching the target's Move, it suffers 2 Hits.
None Celestial
Hybrid Race
Select one Race other than human. You are a hybrid of human and the selected race. The GM might not allow hybrids with all races, check before making your selection. Someone with this feat is often called a half-X, where the X stands for the selected race.
- You look like a hybrid between a human and your selected race and might be mistaken for either.
- You can purchase the racial schticks of the selected race.
- Note which attribute has the highest racial maximum for the selected race; you get to pick one if there is a tie. Your racial maximum for this attribute becomes 11.
You are obsessed with a specific craft, task or ability. Your obsession is a goal in itself, sometimes to your peril. You spend much time learning every variation and nuisance of this single ability. Obsession is prized in craftsmen and artists, and objects thus made sometimes even display wondrous magical enchantments, as appropriate to their nature.
Chose an area of specialization. This can be a skill, but also an area related to a part of several skills. Examples include gems, gardening, playing the lyre, explosives, rocketry, and so on.
When working in this field, after making a die roll, you can spend a Fortune point and roll 1d6 and add this to your Outcome. This additional die is not open-ended.
Select one Race Schtick; you learn this schtick. You do not become a halfbreed or otherwise have your looks or physical form changed except as required for the schtick to work.
You cannot take this schtick go learn a schtick you already know a second time, nor can you pick Throwback multiple times.
Know Dwarf
Long Life
Trigger Action (Combo)
You have lived a very long time. For each schtick you take in Long Life, you have lived about about a hundred years more than a typical character. You have great experience and have lived through many things, so whenever you are unsatisfied with a knowledge roll, you may roll again to represent things learnt during your long life. The GM should slant such information based on the time it is from. You can make a number of rerolls equal to your number of Long Life schtick picks.
Long Life has a drawback; you are less energetic and driven, causing you to do less in downtime.
Recon Dwarf
Earth Sense
While in contact with the earth, you have a short range tremor sense. You can sense the extent of solid, anchored objects like the ground, floors, and walls within range. This gives you a mental map of the area, including spaces behind walls. You can also sense when anything touching these things moves, tough it is still possible to Sneak, normal obstruction modifiers do not apply. The sense has a range equal to your Mind.
None Dwarf
You are obsessed with a specific craft, task or ability. Your obsession is a goal in itself, sometimes to your peril. You spend much time learning every variation and nuisance of this single ability. Obsession is prized in craftsmen and artists, and objects thus made sometimes even display wondrous magical enchantments, as appropriate to their nature.
Chose an area of specialization. This can be a skill, but also an area related to a part of several skills. Examples include gems, gardening, playing the lyre, explosives, rocketry, and so on.
When working in this field, after making a die roll, you can spend a Fortune point and roll 1d6 and add this to your Outcome. This additional die is not open-ended.
Maneuver Elf
Basic Action
Grace is a variant of Sneak where you become supernaturally light and can move in places where you normally could not. You do not actually need to Sneak in order to use Grace, but you still move only at normal pace and cannot take other actions. You can walk along any surface, even one that could not carry your weight, a distance equal to your Move. You are not deterred by vertical surfaces, narrow ledges, slack ropes and can even walk along a thin thread, spider web, or on soft snow. You still need to use Free Running, but ignore difficulties based on the narrowness of your path, the weight your path can support, and the inclination of the surface. You cannot walk on inverted or liquid surfaces. This can be used to make you hard to spot because you are in positions where nobody would think to look for you, so you are assumed to have concealment enough to Sneak as long as you can stay above your prey or otherwise in a blind spot they would not normally look. After this action, you can stand still in a position that could not normally support you for the rest of the round, but must use Grace again if you wish to continue moving in such terrain.
Know Elf
Long Life
Trigger Action (Combo)
You have lived a very long time. For each schtick you take in Long Life, you have lived about about a hundred years more than a typical character. You have great experience and have lived through many things, so whenever you are unsatisfied with a knowledge roll, you may roll again to represent things learnt during your long life. The GM should slant such information based on the time it is from. You can make a number of rerolls equal to your number of Long Life schtick picks.
Long Life has a drawback; you are less energetic and driven, causing you to do less in downtime.
None Elf
Mystic Form
You have an association with a Form of power. Using powers of this form is natural to you. Your use of this power cannot be affected by Metapowers used by others. This means that powers of your Mystic Form can be detected and dispelled based on their Form, but not because they are powers or because of your power origin. You can use powers of this form, even if you lack a power tradition. You never lose these powers as a result of your Methods or Power Loss limitations.
Maneuver Flan
Endurance Hunter
Inherent or Limit Break
You have trained your endurance to its full potential. Substitute your Maneuver for your Body when using Endurance, Hold Breath and other stamina-related stunts. These uses of Endurance Hunter are all Inherent abilities.
You can use this as a Limit break when pursuing or being pursued to drive your prey past their endurance. Make an opposed Maneuver check. On a success the target suffers one Hit from fatigue. On an outcome matching the target's Move, it suffers 2 Hits.
None Flan
Hybrid Race
Select one Race other than human. You are a hybrid of human and the selected race. The GM might not allow hybrids with all races, check before making your selection. Someone with this feat is often called a half-X, where the X stands for the selected race.
- You look like a hybrid between a human and your selected race and might be mistaken for either.
- You can purchase the racial schticks of the selected race.
- Note which attribute has the highest racial maximum for the selected race; you get to pick one if there is a tie. Your racial maximum for this attribute becomes 11.
Recon Flan
Sense the Unnatural
Basic Action
You have a sense for the unnatural. You gain premonitions as you approach a creature, thing, or situation that involves Powers. The GM might call for Recon checks to notice this, or you can call for a check as a Basic Action. This does not help you spot a power-user, but helps prevent surprise.
None Flan
Select one Race Schtick; you learn this schtick. You do not become a halfbreed or otherwise have your looks or physical form changed except as required for the schtick to work.
You cannot take this schtick go learn a schtick you already know a second time, nor can you pick Throwback multiple times.
Charm Hob
Trigger Action (Combo)
Use this after you've hit or successfully interacted with someone. The target suffers a -3 penalty on all attacks and interactions directed at a creature that did not use Mockery against him this round.
None Hob
Mystic Form
You have an association with a Form of power. Using powers of this form is natural to you. Your use of this power cannot be affected by Metapowers used by others. This means that powers of your Mystic Form can be detected and dispelled based on their Form, but not because they are powers or because of your power origin. You can use powers of this form, even if you lack a power tradition. You never lose these powers as a result of your Methods or Power Loss limitations.
You are obsessed with a specific craft, task or ability. Your obsession is a goal in itself, sometimes to your peril. You spend much time learning every variation and nuisance of this single ability. Obsession is prized in craftsmen and artists, and objects thus made sometimes even display wondrous magical enchantments, as appropriate to their nature.
Chose an area of specialization. This can be a skill, but also an area related to a part of several skills. Examples include gems, gardening, playing the lyre, explosives, rocketry, and so on.
When working in this field, after making a die roll, you can spend a Fortune point and roll 1d6 and add this to your Outcome. This additional die is not open-ended.
Maneuver Oerdian
Endurance Hunter
Inherent or Limit Break
You have trained your endurance to its full potential. Substitute your Maneuver for your Body when using Endurance, Hold Breath and other stamina-related stunts. These uses of Endurance Hunter are all Inherent abilities.
You can use this as a Limit break when pursuing or being pursued to drive your prey past their endurance. Make an opposed Maneuver check. On a success the target suffers one Hit from fatigue. On an outcome matching the target's Move, it suffers 2 Hits.
None Oerdian
Hybrid Race
Select one Race other than human. You are a hybrid of human and the selected race. The GM might not allow hybrids with all races, check before making your selection. Someone with this feat is often called a half-X, where the X stands for the selected race.
- You look like a hybrid between a human and your selected race and might be mistaken for either.
- You can purchase the racial schticks of the selected race.
- Note which attribute has the highest racial maximum for the selected race; you get to pick one if there is a tie. Your racial maximum for this attribute becomes 11.
Push to Glory
Trigger Action (Combo)
Use this when you have spent a Fortune point, after you know the result of the die roll. You can spend another Fortune point and add another d6 to the result of that action. This additional die is not open-ended.
Select one Race Schtick; you learn this schtick. You do not become a halfbreed or otherwise have your looks or physical form changed except as required for the schtick to work.
You cannot take this schtick go learn a schtick you already know a second time, nor can you pick Throwback multiple times.
Body Ogre
Limit Break
You can perform prodigious feats of strength. Add 5 to your Body for a single task, such as a single attack or a mighty feat like lifting or breaking something. You can take a Basic Action as a part of this Limit Break, and the benefits apply only to that single Basic Action.
None Ogre
When you take a Hit, you can focus.
Melee Ogre
Basic Action
Make a Melee attack with a damage value of Body +4. A creature taking damage from this loses a shot from its shot counter and is thrown one meter per Hit inflicted.
Maneuver Olman
Endurance Hunter
Inherent or Limit Break
You have trained your endurance to its full potential. Substitute your Maneuver for your Body when using Endurance, Hold Breath and other stamina-related stunts. These uses of Endurance Hunter are all Inherent abilities.
You can use this as a Limit break when pursuing or being pursued to drive your prey past their endurance. Make an opposed Maneuver check. On a success the target suffers one Hit from fatigue. On an outcome matching the target's Move, it suffers 2 Hits.
None Olman
Dramatic Moment
Trigger Action (Combo)
Use this when you take an action, before you roll the dice. The result is an automatic Boxcars, making the result very good or very bad. Note that boxcars overrides a Condifent or Stymied roll.
Hybrid Race
Select one Race other than human. You are a hybrid of human and the selected race. The GM might not allow hybrids with all races, check before making your selection. Someone with this feat is often called a half-X, where the X stands for the selected race.
- You look like a hybrid between a human and your selected race and might be mistaken for either.
- You can purchase the racial schticks of the selected race.
- Note which attribute has the highest racial maximum for the selected race; you get to pick one if there is a tie. Your racial maximum for this attribute becomes 11.
Select one Race Schtick; you learn this schtick. You do not become a halfbreed or otherwise have your looks or physical form changed except as required for the schtick to work.
You cannot take this schtick go learn a schtick you already know a second time, nor can you pick Throwback multiple times.
Recon Ork
You can use hoots and howls as a means of echolocation. When you use Howl, you do a Scan using Impress. For the rest of the scene you gain a general awareness of the area you are in out to a hundred meters. You can perceive as well as normal sight at a range out to your Mind in meters, but you cannot distinguish color or shade, only shape and texture. While others can hear your howls, they are indistinct and do not tell them where you are, only that someone is howling in the area.
Body Ork
Limit Break
You can perform prodigious feats of strength. Add 5 to your Body for a single task, such as a single attack or a mighty feat like lifting or breaking something. You can take a Basic Action as a part of this Limit Break, and the benefits apply only to that single Basic Action.
None Ork
When you take a Hit, you can focus.
Maneuver Rhenne
Endurance Hunter
Inherent or Limit Break
You have trained your endurance to its full potential. Substitute your Maneuver for your Body when using Endurance, Hold Breath and other stamina-related stunts. These uses of Endurance Hunter are all Inherent abilities.
You can use this as a Limit break when pursuing or being pursued to drive your prey past their endurance. Make an opposed Maneuver check. On a success the target suffers one Hit from fatigue. On an outcome matching the target's Move, it suffers 2 Hits.
None Rhenne
Evil Eye
Trigger Action
When you see another creature within Mind meters succeed on an action, you can spend a Fortune point to force them to reroll. This is a Stymied roll.
Hybrid Race
Select one Race other than human. You are a hybrid of human and the selected race. The GM might not allow hybrids with all races, check before making your selection. Someone with this feat is often called a half-X, where the X stands for the selected race.
- You look like a hybrid between a human and your selected race and might be mistaken for either.
- You can purchase the racial schticks of the selected race.
- Note which attribute has the highest racial maximum for the selected race; you get to pick one if there is a tie. Your racial maximum for this attribute becomes 11.
Select one Race Schtick; you learn this schtick. You do not become a halfbreed or otherwise have your looks or physical form changed except as required for the schtick to work.
You cannot take this schtick go learn a schtick you already know a second time, nor can you pick Throwback multiple times.
Body Saurian
You are an amphibian, able to move unhindered both on land, in water, and in muddy and marsh conditions such as swamps and bogs. You breathe air, but can hold your breath for ten times your Body in minutes.
Maneuver Saurian
You have long lived in harmony with your home terrain, and learned it's way. Your skin is colored to fit the environment. You must choose a home terrain to take this schtick. Typical examples are forest, desert, savanna, or mountains.
While in your home terrain you are able to sneak even without cover. If you take up a hidden position on home terrain before enemies come into view and remain completely still, enemies need an outcome equal to your Reflexes in order to spot you when using Scan, even when right next to you.
Melee Saurian
Tail Might
Trigger Action
You have a powerful tail that can be used as a natural weapon. You can make an attack with your tail when a creature moves into a flanking position or tries to use a Maneuver stunt against you.
Make a Melee attack for Body +2 Blunt damage. If the target takes a Hit he is unbalanced and loses his current action.
Maneuver Suel
Endurance Hunter
Inherent or Limit Break
You have trained your endurance to its full potential. Substitute your Maneuver for your Body when using Endurance, Hold Breath and other stamina-related stunts. These uses of Endurance Hunter are all Inherent abilities.
You can use this as a Limit break when pursuing or being pursued to drive your prey past their endurance. Make an opposed Maneuver check. On a success the target suffers one Hit from fatigue. On an outcome matching the target's Move, it suffers 2 Hits.
None Suel
Hybrid Race
Select one Race other than human. You are a hybrid of human and the selected race. The GM might not allow hybrids with all races, check before making your selection. Someone with this feat is often called a half-X, where the X stands for the selected race.
- You look like a hybrid between a human and your selected race and might be mistaken for either.
- You can purchase the racial schticks of the selected race.
- Note which attribute has the highest racial maximum for the selected race; you get to pick one if there is a tie. Your racial maximum for this attribute becomes 11.
Pride of Race
Trigger Action
When you suffer a Setback you can use this schtick and spend a Fortune point to reduce the setback to an ordinary success. Any other result of the action that caused the setback remains; only the setback itself is canceled.
Select one Race Schtick; you learn this schtick. You do not become a halfbreed or otherwise have your looks or physical form changed except as required for the schtick to work.
You cannot take this schtick go learn a schtick you already know a second time, nor can you pick Throwback multiple times.
Maneuver Tuov
Endurance Hunter
Inherent or Limit Break
You have trained your endurance to its full potential. Substitute your Maneuver for your Body when using Endurance, Hold Breath and other stamina-related stunts. These uses of Endurance Hunter are all Inherent abilities.
You can use this as a Limit break when pursuing or being pursued to drive your prey past their endurance. Make an opposed Maneuver check. On a success the target suffers one Hit from fatigue. On an outcome matching the target's Move, it suffers 2 Hits.
None Tuov
Great Hunter
Trigger Action (Combo)
You can move your Move meters Before each Basic Action you take. This allows you to move-move-act or move-act-move.
You cannot use Great Hunter if the basic Action is one that in itself allows additional movement or when attacking with a Static weapon.
Hybrid Race
Select one Race other than human. You are a hybrid of human and the selected race. The GM might not allow hybrids with all races, check before making your selection. Someone with this feat is often called a half-X, where the X stands for the selected race.
- You look like a hybrid between a human and your selected race and might be mistaken for either.
- You can purchase the racial schticks of the selected race.
- Note which attribute has the highest racial maximum for the selected race; you get to pick one if there is a tie. Your racial maximum for this attribute becomes 11.
Select one Race Schtick; you learn this schtick. You do not become a halfbreed or otherwise have your looks or physical form changed except as required for the schtick to work.
You cannot take this schtick go learn a schtick you already know a second time, nor can you pick Throwback multiple times.
Maneuver Cat
Basic Action
Grace is a variant of Sneak where you become supernaturally light and can move in places where you normally could not. You do not actually need to Sneak in order to use Grace, but you still move only at normal pace and cannot take other actions. You can walk along any surface, even one that could not carry your weight, a distance equal to your Move. You are not deterred by vertical surfaces, narrow ledges, slack ropes and can even walk along a thin thread, spider web, or on soft snow. You still need to use Free Running, but ignore difficulties based on the narrowness of your path, the weight your path can support, and the inclination of the surface. You cannot walk on inverted or liquid surfaces. This can be used to make you hard to spot because you are in positions where nobody would think to look for you, so you are assumed to have concealment enough to Sneak as long as you can stay above your prey or otherwise in a blind spot they would not normally look. After this action, you can stand still in a position that could not normally support you for the rest of the round, but must use Grace again if you wish to continue moving in such terrain.
Melee Cat
Trigger Action (Combo)
You can mix social and physical interactions. When you succeed on a Charm, Impress, or Melee roll against a single creature you are adjacent to, you can use this schtick to immediately make an opposed roll using another of these three skills: an opposed Charm or Impress roll or Melee roll against Dodge. If you succeed the target loses 3 shots.
Basic Action
Make a great leap of up to your Move in meters with an optional Normal Melee Attack at the end. This is in addition to the normal movement for a Basic Action, but you cannot move after the leap.
Recon Briaur
You can see outdoors at night as well as a human does during the day in the same kind of weather but you do not see color in the dark. You see no better indoors.
Maneuver Briaur
Sure Footed
The sure-footed are not troubled by uneven ground, cliffs, rock or steep slopes. Maneuver checks to move in terrain are routine.
Move Briaur
Twin Body
You have developed an independent ability to act between your upper and lower body, which allows you to move your Move meters before or after each Basic Action you take. This allows you to move-move-act, act-move-move, or move-act-move. You cannot use Twin Body if the basic Action is one that in itself allows additional movement or when attacking with a Static weapon.
Move Centaur
Killing Pace
Basic Action
Move three times your Move. In a long-distance chase or march you gain +1 Move, but if you maintain this pace a number of minutes equal to your Body, you take one Hit. If this is your last hit, you take a Damage Setback.
Twin Body
You have developed an independent ability to act between your upper and lower body, which allows you to move your Move meters before or after each Basic Action you take. This allows you to move-move-act, act-move-move, or move-act-move. You cannot use Twin Body if the basic Action is one that in itself allows additional movement or when attacking with a Static weapon.
Body Centaur
Beast of Burden
You are able to carry and pull great weights for extended periods of time. Increase your Body by +3 when calculating Encumbrance.
Move Gnoll
Killing Pace
Basic Action
Move three times your Move. In a long-distance chase or march you gain +1 Move, but if you maintain this pace a number of minutes equal to your Body, you take one Hit. If this is your last hit, you take a Damage Setback.
Melee Gnoll
Basic Action
When two or more friends fight the same target as you in Melee can make a Normal Melee Attack with a +3 bonus to Melee against that target.
Trigger Action (Combo)
Use this after you've hit or successfully interacted with someone. The target suffers a -3 penalty on all attacks and interactions directed at a creature that did not use Mockery against him this round.
Charm Minotaur
Basic Action
You can come on to someone sexually in a very direct manner without being overtly threatening or rude. Those you use this on are overtaken by lust and lost in the moment, but might wonder at their own behavior later.
You can use Seduction as a basic action. If you fail a roll, the target gathers his wits. This can make further seduction impossible and might put you in a awkward situation.
Body Minotaur
Limit Break
You can perform prodigious feats of strength. Add 5 to your Body for a single task, such as a single attack or a mighty feat like lifting or breaking something. You can take a Basic Action as a part of this Limit Break, and the benefits apply only to that single Basic Action.
Melee Minotaur
Basic Action
Charge straight a distance equal to your Move and make a Normal Melee Attack. You can move normally in the round you Ram, either before or after the charge. If you hit you do Body +4 Blunt damage and the target is toppled over if he takes a Hits, losing a shot. An immobile target, such as a wall, door, or very heavy object, takes Body +8 Blunt damage instead, but if you fail to break the object, you loose a shot.
Charm Satyr
Basic Action
You can come on to someone sexually in a very direct manner without being overtly threatening or rude. Those you use this on are overtaken by lust and lost in the moment, but might wonder at their own behavior later.
You can use Seduction as a basic action. If you fail a roll, the target gathers his wits. This can make further seduction impossible and might put you in a awkward situation.
Melee Satyr
Basic Action
Charge straight a distance equal to your Move and make a Normal Melee Attack. You can move normally in the round you Ram, either before or after the charge. If you hit you do Body +4 Blunt damage and the target is toppled over if he takes a Hits, losing a shot. An immobile target, such as a wall, door, or very heavy object, takes Body +8 Blunt damage instead, but if you fail to break the object, you loose a shot.
Move Satyr
Sure Footed
The sure-footed are not troubled by uneven ground, cliffs, rock or steep slopes. Maneuver checks to move in terrain are routine.
Maneuver Wolfen
Endurance Hunter
Inherent or Limit Break
You have trained your endurance to its full potential. Substitute your Maneuver for your Body when using Endurance, Hold Breath and other stamina-related stunts. These uses of Endurance Hunter are all Inherent abilities.
You can use this as a Limit break when pursuing or being pursued to drive your prey past their endurance. Make an opposed Maneuver check. On a success the target suffers one Hit from fatigue. On an outcome matching the target's Move, it suffers 2 Hits.
None Wolfen
When you take a Hit, you can focus.
Melee Wolfen
Trigger Action (Combo)
You can mix social and physical interactions. When you succeed on a Charm, Impress, or Melee roll against a single creature you are adjacent to, you can use this schtick to immediately make an opposed roll using another of these three skills: an opposed Charm or Impress roll or Melee roll against Dodge. If you succeed the target loses 3 shots.
None Fox
Trigger Action
When someone uses a schtick or power within Mind meters of you, you can use this power to temporarily learn that schtick or power. You use it as if it was a schtick even if it is ordinarily a power and can use it until the end of the session or until you use Copycat again.
Trigger Action (Combo)
Use this after you've hit or successfully interacted with someone. The target suffers a -3 penalty on all attacks and interactions directed at a creature that did not use Mockery against him this round.
Dodge Fox
Trigger Action (Defense)
Use this schtick when attacked. You get a +3 bonus to Dodge against that specific attack only. If the triggering attack misses and there is a plausible target near you or in the line of fire, you can redirect the attack. You can redirect a Melee attack back on the attacker but must otherwise choose a third party as your target. Make a Dodge roll (without the +3 bonus) and treat the result as an attack on your chose target, redirecting the original attack. Damage and effect remains the same.
None Mouse
Trigger Action
When someone uses a schtick or power within Mind meters of you, you can use this power to temporarily learn that schtick or power. You use it as if it was a schtick even if it is ordinarily a power and can use it until the end of the session or until you use Copycat again.
Dodge Mouse
Down the Hole
Trigger Action (Defense)
Use this when you are either attacked or someone tries to Scan to find you. You gain a +3 bonus to your defensive Dodge and Recon for the current shot.
Trigger Action (Defense)
When you are attacked, you can take a move and get a +3 bonus to Dodge. If you manage to move out of an area effect in this way, you are safe, but you cannot avoid single-target effects this way. If you are not hit and move into concealment, you can try to Sneak as a part of this action.
Charm Rabbit
Basic Action
You can come on to someone sexually in a very direct manner without being overtly threatening or rude. Those you use this on are overtaken by lust and lost in the moment, but might wonder at their own behavior later.
You can use Seduction as a basic action. If you fail a roll, the target gathers his wits. This can make further seduction impossible and might put you in a awkward situation.
Melee Rabbit
Basic Action
Make a great leap of up to your Move in meters with an optional Normal Melee Attack at the end. This is in addition to the normal movement for a Basic Action, but you cannot move after the leap.
Dodge Rabbit
Trigger Action (Defense)
When you are attacked, you can take a move and get a +3 bonus to Dodge. If you manage to move out of an area effect in this way, you are safe, but you cannot avoid single-target effects this way. If you are not hit and move into concealment, you can try to Sneak as a part of this action.
None Dog
You are never surprised by creatures. Traps can still get the drop on you, but you can always act in a surprise round when hostile creatures are involved.
Impress Dog
Trigger Action (Focus)
When an ally within Impress meters or suffers a Setback, you can focus.
Melee Dog
Trigger Action (Combo)
You can mix social and physical interactions. When you succeed on a Charm, Impress, or Melee roll against a single creature you are adjacent to, you can use this schtick to immediately make an opposed roll using another of these three skills: an opposed Charm or Impress roll or Melee roll against Dodge. If you succeed the target loses 3 shots.