Space (Action Powers Form)
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Heroic Action Role-Play |
Space governs the position of all things in this universe and others. It is a very ordered form, at odds with powers like Flux and Time that represent change. Yet space magic is used to break the barriers between worlds and shatter the very rules it seems to uphold. The signature power of Space is teleportation.
- Alternate Names: Correspondence, Gate, Teleport
- Skill : Ride
- Attribute : Reflexes
- Sense : Spatial awareness
- Mood : Exact, Patterned, Going with the flow
- Blast: Enervation
Space Cantrips
You know your exact movement as long as you can perceive your surroundings. You can teleport wallet-sized objects to and from a location within 10 cm of your body, but it is a stunt to do so accurately or unobtrusively. You magnify your vision to emulate a normal telescope or microscope.
Charm Space
Local Attraction
Limit Break
You make a spot attractive to be in for a number of days equal to your Mind. Creatures passing by tend to stop there, and might even take a detour to pass by. When a creature passes within a range of 10 meters times your Charm, the effects makes a roll using your Charm. On a success, the creature is drawn to the location and will pause a few minutes, but is not forced to make a detour if it path does not lead to the location. On a success matching the creature's Mind it will take a detour and stay at the location for about an hour before moving on. Local Attraction can simultaneously affect a number of creatures equal to your Charm. If the effect exceeds this number, it stops affecting random creatures until the legal number is reached.
Spatial Link
Charm | Range (meters) |
8 | 40 |
9 | 60 |
10 | 100 |
11 | 160 |
12 | 250 |
13 | 400 |
14 | 600 |
15 | 1,000 |
16 | 1,600 |
17 | 2,500 |
18 | 4,000 |
+5 | x10 |
Basic Action
Touch a willing friend to create a spacial link to his location; you can now see and talk to this friend and use powers as if you had line of sight, ignoring all cover. You can also use Teleport powers to move this friend, or to move to the location where this friend is.
The range of Spatial Friends depends on your Charm skill. The power ends if you move out of range. You can have several spatial friends at once, up to your Mind in number. The power normally lasts until the end of a session, but the GM can judge that a mid-session break of a day or so breaks it.
Teleport Embrace
Basic Action
Select up to your Mind willing targets you can touch or who touch each other - it is possible to form a chain of hands. The next time you use a Teleport power to move, these people go along with you.
Anyone who moves out of touch with the chain of hands breaks the effect.
Create Space
Resize Object
Basic Action or Finisher
You change size of an object, making it larger or smaller. The target can be a set of linked objects, like an outfit with accessories, or a bag full of stuff. The difficulty is the Body of the object. This lasts for the rest of the scene but becomes a Curse when used as a Finisher. You can set up a condition, such as an action or command word, that ends the resizing.
Changes will change the item's Body score. Check the Body and Mass for the Body of objects. You can change the target to a Body no higher than your Create, and you can modify the Body by up to your Create.
Restoring a shrunk object is not an action (it is the equivalent of drawing a weapon), and can be a part of a stunt, such as using Create to place a barrier or trap, or releasing a great gout of smoke or flame to Impress.
Instantly Teleports items from your wardrobe onto your body from any distance. Replaced objects are teleported to your wardrobe. The wardrobe can be in an extra-dimensional space if you have access to one from other abilities. You can replace any number of items at once, as long as they are all personal equipment you can carry.
If an item has been stolen from you, make a opposed Create check against the current owner to take it back. If it is currently being worn by someone else, Requip automatically fails. If this power fails, you are no longer considered the owner of that particular outfit until you recover it normally.
Requip is an unusual stance in that the entire effect occurs on activation, it effectively has no duration and cannot be made permanent. Neither does ending the stance have any effect.
Teleport Barrier
Basic Action
You ward an area against teleportation, placing symbols that disrupt teleportation attempts. Any attempt to Teleport into or out of the area has a minimum difficulty equal to your Create; if the Outcome was less than your Mind the teleport succeeded, but made an awful noise and dazed the teleportee, making him loose all shots for the first round.
Teleport barrier covers a radius equal to your Create roll and lasts for a scene. If the anti-teleportation symbols are incorporated into the decor of a place, or even hidden into the walls, the Teleport Barrier lasts as long as the symbols remain.
Teleport Circle
Limit Break
You can create and use a Teleport Circle, a beacon that can be used as the target for long-range teleport powers.
A teleport circle must be tied to a clearly visible, odd-looking material object, and creating this object is not a part of this power - it is usually done using mundane Create techniques. The durability of the teleport circle depends on the materials used - a chalk circle is a lot easier to destroy than a circle of standing stones, but also much faster to set up.
A Teleport Circle lasts until you remove it or it is dispelled. You can only keep one Teleport Circle running at any one time and cannot create a new one if this would exceed your limit. You can learn this power several times; your limit on how many teleport circles you can maintain is the square of the number of points spent on this ability. Any teleport circles you were maintaining when you die become permanent, lasting until destroyed.
When you vist an existing teleport circle you can bind to it, adding it to your repertoire of teleport destinations. Such found circles do not count towards your limit.
Finally, you can use this power to teleport between two teleport circles you are bound to over any distance.
Teleport Lock
Limit Break
You lock a Teleport Circle, preventing its use to anyone who does not know the secret password you set or possess a gate key you created.
Alternatively, you can place a Trap on the Teleport Circle. You can make the trap so that it only affects either those entering or those exiting. Note that it is actually possible to place a beneficial effect as a gate trap; for example a trap that turns those exiting an underwater gate to fish.
One gate can be both locked and trapped, but you cannot place a lock on a locked circle you do not have access to or second trap on a trapped circle.
Teleport Lock is a Curse on the Teleport Circle. Breaking the curse can either destroy the lock or give the curse-breaker a key to the lock. It is possible to bypass Teleport Lock using Disable Mechanism, but not to remove it that way.
Dodge Space
You have access to an extradimensional space where you can store weapons and other hand-held gear no larger than Large relative to you. It is not an action to draw, stow, or change one piece of gear to another from Hammerspace. You can store a number of item equal to your Reflexes. Objects in this space are not generally accessible to others but do not have plot immunity and can be stolen with an appropriate interaction Setback. This overcomes the limitations of the Stowed limitation.
Hard Lessons
When you miss an opponent who used an Active Defense, or when you hit someone but fail to inflict damage, you can focus.
Reverse Bullets
Trigger Action (Defense)
You set up a spatial defense field that redirects attacks targeted at you. You gain a +3 bonus to Dodge. If you are missed by a ranged attack while using this power, the attacker takes damage equal to your Reflexes plus his negative attack outcome (wider miss means more damage). The target must be within Dodge meters for you to reflect damage. The damage is of the same type as his original attack.
Impress Space
Dimensional Anchor
Basic Action
Make an opposed Impress roll to prevent the target from using teleport powers for the rest of the scene.
Planar Prison
Basic Action or Finisher
You try to send the target into a planar prison, a small plane that holds only the creatures you affected by this power. Make an opposed Impress check. On a success, the target loses 3 shots to resist imprisonment. On an Outcome matching the target's Reflexes, it is sent to the planar prison. While there, it can try to find a way out. As a Basic Action it can make a Ride check against your Impress to return to where it was. It can also use any planar travel abilities it has to exit the prison, but once it does so it loses the option to return outlined here. You can spend a Basic Action to communicate with an imprisoned creature, which can include any Basic Action covered by the Charm or Impress skills. If you use this as a Finisher, the target is unable to free themselves and must be freed by an outside agent.
Plane Shift
Limit Break
You teleport to a location on another plane where you have a bound Teleport Circle. If you lack such a bound circle, you can teleport to a plane you can identify uniquely. Planes of existence have unique identifiers such as runes, harmonic notes, hyper-spatial coordinates, IP addresses, or serial numbers. If you teleport to a plane known this way, you arrive at a random spot of open terrain, generally within 1d6 days travel of your true destination.
Summoning Pact
You bind with the target with a pact that allows you to summon it even if it is on the same plane you are. This is a Curse. When summoned, the creature is teleported to your location and arrives fully prepared and equipped, even if it was not so in the location it came from. The creature and all gear reappears where it originally was when the summoning ends. You can order the creature to fight for you, but you cannot order it to betray friends or divulge secrets. If the creature suffers a Damage Setback it immediately returns with zero remaining Hits but otherwise unharmed. This might break the Curse depending on story needs.
Teleport Pull
Basic Action
Succeed at an opposed Impress against the target to Teleport it to a location within a number of meters of you equal to your Impress check you where he can stand safely. You can choose to exchange places with the creature. You can use this power against friends under suitable circumstances. You can also use this to fetch objects you are strong enough to carry, but against objects carried on a creature this works like a Disarm stunt using your Impress skill, and even unattended objects near a creature can be defended using the Interpose stunt.
You can also do this over any distance (ignoring range and concealment) against a creature whose True Name you know.
Know Space
Reaching Touch
You have learned to overcome short distances, using powers and abilities that normally require touch at a distance in meters equal to your Know. You need to see the target clearly to use this power. You cannot physically touch anything this way, and this prevents the use of Reaching Touch for Melee attacks or stunts.
Smoothen Disruption
Limit Break
Age of Effect |
Minimum Difficulty |
Three days | 12 |
One Month | 14 |
One year | 16 |
A decade | 18 |
A century | 20 |
A millennium | 22 |
Ten millennia | 24 |
You can end the effects of other powers. You can only dispel powers you know of (though a vague description, such as "whatever is making Bert turn green" is ok). You can try to dispel a single Finisher, Limit Break, or any power that has been in effect for a week or more, or you can try to dispel all powers except those mentioned above on one creature or in an area with a diameter equal to your Mind. When dispelling several powers at once, you can choose to ignore some of them as long as you know of each power you want to make an exception for.
A power that has been dispelled cannot be used again by that creature in this scene, and another creature that tries to use the same power in the same general area must match your Know with the stunt the power is used with, or it fails.
This will not negate a Curse, but will tell you how to defeat the curse if the roll is successful.
Inherent powers cannot be dispelled.
The difficulty is the skill of the most skilled creature involved in making the effect. Effects that have been around a long time are harder to dispel: see the table. Use the highest relevant difficulty.
You can dispel any power of the Space form or that involves Teleportation or affects a Sanctum or Teleport Circle and its immediate surroundings, including the circle itself if you so desire.
Teleport Magnet
Basic Action or Limit Break
You create a trap. Anyone trying to teleport in or out of a point within a radius equal to your Know roll in meters must make an opposed Skill roll. If this roll fails, the teleport ends up in a a spot you designate within the area. Several adjacent teleport magnet can send those trapped to a single point in any of the areas.
The teleport trap lasts for a scene or until disarmed. If used as a Limit Break, the duration is a year and a day. You can set a password or key that bypasses the Teleport Magnet.
Transpose Terrain
Basic Action
You can transpose the terrain of a different location far away over the area you are in now. This allows you to add terrain features (but not remove them), effectively overwriting the terrain in the current area with new, more extensive terrain. Open ground can have terrain features added, existing terrain can be smoothed over with earth but not removed. You can add brush, sharp stones, or other impediments to the area.
You can increase the Free Running and Terrain Driving difficulty of each part of the area up to your Ride skill, or reduce it by up to three by smoothing it.
You cannot modify structures in the area, only terrain. You can add obstacles on top of structures, making them difficult ground.
The difficulty of this power is the highest Free Running difficulty in the area, and each use of the power affects an area with a diameter equal to your Mind. If this roll fails, you cannot reduce the Free Running or Terrain Driving in that spot and can increase it no higher than your Mind. You cannot try again until the current effect ends.
By placing spots of transposed terrain in a hexagonal patten with Mind meters between each hexagon, you can completely cover an area with repeated uses. The effect lasts for a scene.
Maneuver Space
Alter Size
You change the target's size and the size of all their carried equipment. This can have a set duration of up to one day, or be a Curse. Sufficient changes will also change the Body score. You can change Body by as many points as your Mind, potentially reducing an ogre to the size of a small child and vice versa.
If you increase Body, Reflexes is lowered by the same amount, but no lower than half the targets original Reflexes - further reductions are taken of Mind instead.
Reducing Body reduces Move and increases Reflexes by half as much each, but can make stunts such as escaping confinement and finding hiding places much easier.
This can be used as a plot hook to place players in a miniature world - in such cases their attributes are usually not changed, instead the setting is altered to fit their new scale.
Dimension Door
Basic Action
You can disappear, only to appear moments later in another location. You teleport to another location; roll for this as if it was a ranged attack against a Dodge of 5, with normal Range modifiers. Cover is very common when teleporting. When calculating Cover, teleportation treats anything infused with powers, living, ferrous, containing lead, or firmly anchored in the ground as hard cover - other obstructions are merely concealment.
On a failed roll, you either fail to teleport or suffer a Setback, as appropriate.
Holding Space
Basic Action
You can access a personal extra-dimensional space, useful for storage. It is a Basic Action to put something into or to take something out of this space. Objects in this space are not generally accessible to others but do not have plot immunity and can be stolen with an interaction Setback. You must be capable of lifting the object to move it into or out of this space. Your lifting can be assisted, which usually increases the time required a lot. No creature can enter the space, only reach into it to access the things inside. A holding space can carry a large quantity of goods, add your Mind to your Body to see how much you can carry.
Teleport Stance
This stance can turn normal movement into teleportation. When you take a Basic Action, you can teleport some or all of the distance you'd normally move. Such movement is not an action; it is only the movement part of a normal action. You must have a clear and unobstructed line of sight to the target spot, but you can do several small teleports to move around corners or one long teleport to cover an obstacle such as a pit. As a Full Move, you can teleport a distance equal to your Maneuver in meters.
Melee Space
Dim Mak
Basic Action
You can transfer the force of your blow through an inanimate object without harming the object. Make a Melee attack that ignores any Armor the opponent may have, attacking Body instead of Toughness. You can also do other special Stunts based on the ability to ignore intervening substance, such as strike at a wall to damage a man leaning against the other side or destroy a specific brick in a pile.
Core Strike
Limit Break
Strike at your opponent's core; your attack materializes inside his body. The target's soak attribute against this attack is zero. It is hard to damage very large things this way. The target can use Body as Dodge if Body is higher.
Extended Touch
Trigger Action (Defense, Combo)
You nearby warp space so that you can reach further. You can intercept opponents attacking you from within Mind meters, striking would-be attackers that you manage to keep at bay. Whenever an opponent within Mind meters of you misses you with an attack using Shoot or Melee, you can use this to make a Normal Melee Attack on them, even at range.
You can also use it as a combo to make your melee attacks reach further.
Teleport Strike
Basic Action
Instead of moving normally, you teleport a distance up to your Move and make a melee attack from an unexpected direction. This is a Normal Melee Attack against which your opponent can't use a trigger action. Trigger actions that can be used when surprised can still be used against Teleport Strike.
Recon Space
Discern Location
Limit Break
You learn the exact physical location of an object or creature. You must have enough information about the target to describe it uniquely; if you have a general description you will find the nearest target that fits the description. Space is the Form of shape, so the description must be based on shape, not substance or ephemeral qualities like color. The result is revealed in whatever system of reference you understand and which is most relevant and practical. You can use this to discern your own location if you are lost. It can also be used to analyze a teleport performed in the area in the last hour, which tells you what teleported where.
Magic Mapping
Limit Break
You create a map of the area. The result can be a hand-drawn map or be represented trough technological or supernatural means depending on your tradition. Make a Recon roll against the highest Recon of a non-friendly creature in the area, gaining a better map the better you roll. The power centers on a point you choose as the target and range penalties apply. You do not need to see the target point. Powers or abilities that stop detect powers prevents magic mapping.
The GM builds the map based on map points - you start out with a number of map points equal to your Mind and add the outcome (positive or negative) on the Recon roll to that. Each of the following features costs a point to map. In general, features at the beginning of the list are mapped first, but the map has more detail in nearby areas.
- A room, square, street, or other open area
- A door, gateway, or similar barrier
- Interesting but obvious features such as furniture, statues, and other furnishings
- A stairway, lift, or other marked change in level
- A concealed, hidden, or otherwise not obvious feature (this is in addition to the normal cost above)
Note that the point system is a rough guideline only. Depending on the scenario, the game-masters degree of preparation, and the dynamic of the group you are in, this power will often work or fail on a GM fiat. If another player in your group plays a scout and enjoys discovering the map, this map can fail simply to allow that style of play. In other circumstances the GM might have a printed map or tactical overlay to show you that far exceeds what this power would normally allow.
Mind Map
You have great powers of visualization, and can picture any three-dimensional shape with perfect accuracy in your mind. By continuously using these abilities, you create a mental mind-map that allows you to retrace your steps and create a mental image of how you have moved and what you have seen where. You can perfectly judge the spatial relation between any two points you have visited and you can ignore cover when teleporting (using some other power) to any spot you have ever been while conscious.
Spatial Sense
You can sense the basic shape of things within Mind meters. In this area you can sense things even around corners or behind walls, incorporating them in your mental world-image. This has the effects of a Scan stunt, and you automatically spot creatures in this area who are not Sneaking, even if they would be impossible to sense with your normal senses. You still cannot see—colors, script, images, and other stimuli based on color rather than form are imperceptible to this power. This also allows you to sense teleports that happened earlier in the same scenario. You can extend this sense to an area at range, with normal range penalties.
Walk Through Walls
Basic Action
Teleport to the other side of a wall you are touching. You need to make a Recon roll with a difficulty of 5 plus the thickness of the wall in meters plus the Armor Value of the wall material. You cannot pass through living matter or walls made of Force.
You cannot take any other movement as a part of this action, but it is possible to Sneak while doing it, using the same roll as the one to walk trough the wall. Sneaking like this always requires a roll if there are observers on either side.
Ride Space
Cargo Teleport
Limit Break
You can Teleport a large mass of inanimate matter that you touch. The mass is limited by your Ride
The difficulty depends on mass and cover, and the check is modified by range. For mass, read on weight of the load on the Body and Mass table. If you teleport the cargo to a bound Teleport Circle ignore range and cover. If you have this power and use another Teleports power to teleport yourself, you can bring cargo along when you do.
Distort Space
Limit Break
You can either compress or stretch space. The effect can be lasting, but only affects a rather small area or a certain path between two places. It is generally wise to remove such an effect when no longer needed, as it can cause all kinds of problems.
When you compress space, you make travel times shorter without actually changing speed. Instead you make the distance to be traveled shorter. This change applies to anyone traveling that same road at the same time, so it can potentially affect a large number of travelers in a caravan. Add your Mind to the Move of those using the compressed space. In combat, this effect lasts for a scene and affects a number of creatures equal to your Reflexes.
When you stretch distance in an area, you make any path traced through this area longer. You affect a real-world area with a diameter up to your Ride skill. All distances in this area is multiplied by your Mind, making ranges longer and movement slower. The actual size of objects, creatures, and terrain features is not affected, only distances to be crossed.
This power can also be used to make places that are larger on the inside than on the outside, multiplying the available area inside a building by your Mind. This is mostly used on tents or buildings, but can also work on natural caves and similar enclosed spaces as long as the total (original) area is no larger than your Ride in meters along any one dimension.
Remote Sense
Limit Break
You can create a limited teleportation portal at any spot you like - the range is unlimited but you must know the spatial coordinates. This portal only transmits sensory input, but does not allow anyone to step through or affect the world on the other side in any way. You can use all your senses this way, and sensory powers as well. You can speak trough the remote sensory point, but you cannot move it. You cannot use this to help a teleport.
You can scry on those at the chosen position. To gain information this way you make an opposed check against the targets' Recon. You gain valuable information based on the outcome of this roll; if the outcome matches the target's Mind you gain clear and important insights into the target's activities. On a failed roll, you learn obvious details and trivia; if the negative Outcome matches your Mind you learn misleading information or the target notices your spying.
Basic Action
This allows you to Teleport yourself to or from a safe extra-dimensional area, your Sanctum. The real-world opening of the Sanctum is always at your physical location, unless you are inside it, in which case it is at your last location in the physical world.
The Sanctum is a private extra-dimensional space. Each time you use this power, you end up in the same space. The space has a diameter equal to your Mind and you control its shape and appearance, furnishing it as you see fit. The sanctum provides ample food and drink for all creatures within. It is considered its own dimension which makes other kinds of teleportation difficult. Teleport Circles cannot exist in the Sanctum.
It is possible for others to enter and exit on their own, but the entrance is hard to find from the outside; even when looking in the right spot it still takes a Examine stunt against your Create to find it, and only the finder can enter. Anyone inside that is not restrained can leave the Sanctum as a Basic Action. When you are inside, you can evict a creature as a Basic Action with an opposed Create roll.
You can store things in the Sanctum, finding something in the Sanctum is at least a Basic action, more commonly it takes minutes. This is in addition to the time it takes to teleport in and out. Using this as a large auxiliary cargo space is discouraged - you have to be your own bearer, and it can make the Sanctum's entrance easier to find and marks you as someone very much worth robbing. Finally, something might slip out of a full Sanctum on a Setback.
Sanctum Invitation
Limit Break
This allows you to Teleport up to your Mind willing (or helpless) creatures to a safe area - your Sanctum. You do not need to know the Sanctum power, but this power is obviously less practical that using the Sanctum power itself when teleporting only yourself.
Limit Break
You can disappear, only to appear moments later in another location. You teleport on the same plane of existence, to a bound Teleport Circle or to an open space under the open sky whose location you are aware of, with no intelligent creatures within a hundred meters or so.
Limit Break
You set up a magical portal, trough which anyone can teleport. Choose two locations on the same plane of existence that you you have bound Teleport Circle; you must be at one of them when you use this power. A portal appears in each location, enabling travel in either direction. The portal lasts until you move more than Mind meters away.
Shoot Space
You can make a Ranged Attack - either the basic stunt or using some other stunt, schtick, or power. Damage is Mind +2, or more if you are using an Implement to improve damage. The target can use Body as Dodge if Body is higher. This does Concussion damage soaked by Reflexes, trying to teleport the target. A target can negate the damage by accepting to be teleported to a random safe spot within you Mind kilometers. If the target takes a Damage Setback, he is always teleported. A target that is under an effect that hinders teleportation can add his Body to his Reflexes to soak, but can still be teleported.
If you know certain other powers, you can change where targets end up when they get teleported.
- Dimension Door: At a spot of your choice within 100 meters where the target is not in immediate danger.
- Plane Shift: On a plane selected by the GM as appropriate to the creature, eother poetic justice or to its home plane if different from where you are.
If this is used to teleport several creatures in the same scene, they all end up at the same destination.
Banishing Ball
Limit Break
You can blast everyone in a globe with a diameter equal to your Mind in meters. Damage is Mind +2, or more if you are using an Implement. Make a separate attack roll against each target, including friends and bystanders. The target can use Body as Dodge if Body is higher. This does Concussion damage soaked by Reflexes, trying to teleport the target. A target can negate the damage by accepting to be teleported to a random safe spot within you Mind kilometers. If the target takes a Damage Setback, he is always teleported. A target that is under an effect that hinders teleportation can add his Body to his Reflexes to soak, but can still be teleported.
If you know certain other powers, you can change where targets end up when they get teleported.
- Dimension Door: At a spot of your choice within 100 meters where the target is not in immediate danger.
- Plane Shift: On a plane selected by the GM as appropriate to the creature, eother poetic justice or to its home plane if different from where you are.
If this is used to teleport several creatures in the same scene, they all end up at the same destination.
Space Binding
You create a space link between yourself and the target for the rest of the scene.
When you Dimension Door, Teleport, or Plane Shift, you can bring the target of Space Binding to the same spot you teleported to. You can also use one of these powers to teleport only the target without going along yourself. You can affect the target as if you were touching him, ignoring modifiers for visibility cover, range, and obstructions.
Spacial Point-Blank
Limit Break
You create a unity of space between your weapon and the target, firing point-blank even at distant targets. Make a Normal Ranged Attack that ignore modifiers for cover, range, and obstructions. You must be able to see where the target is, but there does not need to be a line of effect for the shot.
The Storm Reverses
Trigger Action (Defense)
Use this after you've been missed of failed to be damaged by a Shoot Attack. You can return the attack against the attacker using your own attributes and Shoot, just as if you had just spent the action to use it. You cannot affect anyone except the original attacker, even if the reflected attack was originally an area attack or otherwise affected several targets.