Transmute (Action Powers Technique)
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Heroic Action Role-Play |
Create Skill Description
You can build, repair or design almost anything. If you are good, you are an inventor that can build or improve almost any machine or gizmo. If you are a beginner, you need blueprints and tools to work your "magic". What you can do depends on what design principles you are familiar with; an Egyptian priest-architect, Space Corps engineer, and a mage-smith of the Elven Empire work with very different principles, but they all create things. The Create skill defaults to Reflexes and an outcome matching this attribute will often result in a Setback on a Create stunt.
Use in Action
You can repair almost any object, given enough time and the right equipment. You can jury-rig from scrounged parts devices whose basic design is familiar to you. You can design and build new inventions, as long as you have the time, tools, parts, and can convince the GM that such a device is possible. These tasks are detailed under Tinkering, below.
You can recognize any technological device, and give an estimate of what it does and how well it does it. You can analyze structures and make educated guesses about their use, including the placement of traps and secret passages. You can recognize the works of others related to your background.
Grease monkeys gather in garages and greasy bars, and you fit right in among them. Other creators have their own social spots and networks, often inaccessible to those with less savvy. You also know suppliers for parts and customers who want to buy the finished product. As an adventuring fix-it, some of these customers are probably adventurers, spies, and soldiers, who could give you a hand in any number of situations.
You notice and recognize technological devices anywhere. You can see which are dangerous and which are useful. You notice changes in construction that might indicate doors, traps, or other clues.
Create is linked to the forms of Force, Plant, and Technology.
The most important Create stunt is Tinkering, a whole complex of rules covering almost any build or repair situation, but there are other stunts you can do using Create. These stunts assume you have (or improvise) the relevant tools for the job.
In most cases, the Create skill assumes you are jury-rigging on the top of your head, but if you have blueprints you can do much more impressive things. Appropriate blueprints give a +5 on Create tasks. Creating blueprints is difficult, but above all time consuming - this is not an adventure activity, it is something done as a long-time project. In many cases blueprints are mcguffins, thus allowing the impossible and be impossible to work without.
Action assumes character with Create are handy in most fields, but in some settings it might be important to see which crafts you are skilled with. Choose one craft for each point of skill above 10. Your actual ability depends on your Create skill. Crafts include such things as blacksmithing, whitesmithing, jewellry, carpentry, tailoring, and the like.
Craft Defense
Trigger Action (Defense)
When a Create stunt is made against you, you can defend. This adds +3 to the Create skill when used as the difficulty for the current shot. In a situation where shots are not counted, defending means you are not fully participating - you play defensive rather than engaging in the situation - which means you can't initiate actions or make stunts of your own. Craft stunts are usually directed against some kind of technological device, such as jamming against radar or radar, sand thrown to sabotage an engine, and such. To use this, you must be actively operating the machine the stunt is directed at.
Deep Pockets
You can rummage through your pockets and pack to find various odds and ends you stashed earlier. An item found this way cannot be so large that it would not fit in what you are currently wearing. The difficulty depends on the type of gear.
- 8 Everyday gear
- 10 Specialized gear you need for your adventuring career
- 12 Gear others need for their careers
- 14 Cutting-edge gear, items that use Powers
- 16 Out-of-context gear, such as a welding torch in a medieval setting. This must still be possible becasue of planar travel or whatever.
- 18 True rarities, not including macguffins or plot objects
Deep Pockets is not an action, but the item is often in your pack and may require a Basic Action to get ready. You can only try once to see if you are carrying an item, but new rolls are allowed when you get access to things like your tool bag, your big-trunk vehicle, your house, your machine shop, or your secret lair - at least the last two may also give you a bonus.
Limit Break
Make a Create roll against the Toughness of an object to destroy it utterly. Even on a failed result, you gain an Advantage.
You need appropriate tools to demolish an object (this can be another power with the GM's approval) and, depending on the tools used, you usually need to be adjacent to your target as well.
If the object is stationary relative to you, double the result of your Create roll. You may have to use other skills like Maneuver to get into such a position. You may have to use other skills (like Maneuver) to get into position on a moving vehicle or similar difficult situation
Disable Mechanism
Basic Action
You can disable a mechanism such as a trap, bomb, or vehicle, making it inoperable and safe to handle. You can break open normal locks, doors, widows, and similar everyday security devices. This also governs computer security. This requires an opposed Create roll against whoever installed the security (12 for normal professional security). Each failed roll takes away one Advantage or gives the device one Advantage to use to resist your efforts. Failing the check by a margin greater than your own Reflexes, you not only fail but suffer a Setback which might mean you take damage or the device is permanently stuck.
- Casual security, common for storage, early vehicles, and cheap housing only requires a success.
- Professional security such as most house and business locks require an Outcome equal to the difficulty of the check. Each success that fails to get the required Outcome instead gives you an Advantage.
- A safe or vault that requires a complicated process to unlock even with appropriate keys function as standard security, above, and also gains one Advantage for each attempt you make. The advice here is to use Action Advantage to counteract the Advantages the safe gets against you.
Limit Break
You search an area with a diameter equal to your Mind, locating hidden devices with an opposed Create check. Typical things you find are traps, alarms, surveillance equipment, and secret doors. You automatically find all things a normal Recon roll can find - normal concealed objects, improvised traps, doors, and other things that could be found with a quick Scan are obvious to an Examination. A roll is only required against a particularly well hidden thing, such as a trap or hidden passage part of the original construction of the area.
Limit Break
You create an item that attempts to duplicate another item in looks if not in function. If the item is to have any function, you need a comparable working object to start with. You might also need appropriate tools and materials in order to create a fake. You also need to know what you are faking, either a very detailed description or a very similar objects, such as a document from the same office or another version of the car you are faking. You then need to pass a Create check appropriate to the complexity of the object. Once all of this is resolved, you have a fake that will fool a casual inspection (Basic Action) unless they pass a Create, a Know check, or a check of the skill governing the use of the item against a difficulty equal to your Create.
Limit Break or basic Action
Using primitive fire-making tools such as a sun glass, fire bow, or fling & steel to ignite an object is time-consuming. You automatically light an object intended to be lit, such as a torch, lantern, candle, or burning fuse. Other items require a Create check against their Body to lit, if they are capable of burning.
If you have better fire making equipment, such as a [Gadgets_(Action)#Firepot|Firepot]], Slow Fuse, matches, a lighter, or similiar advanced fire making tools, this is a Basic Action.
One-Shot Mod
Limit Break
You can install a single Weapon Modification and use it once. Others can't use the modification at all.
Limit Break
Make a Create roll against the Body of a damaged item to restore it to full (if sometimes temporary) functionality. For personal gear, this is the Body they were designed for (usually the Body of the user or wearer). This applies to relatively simple repairs, more complex tasks should use the Tinkering rules or is simply hand-waived between adventures.
Basic Action
You search an area with a 1 meter radius adjacent to you. You can find hidden objects, traps, secret doors, and the like with an opposed Create roll. You may also spot an enemy trying to Sneak, the difficulty is their Recon. You can only try and Search an area once, further rolls require Examination.
In Action adventures, gadgets are built with frenzied effort and leaps of genius in very short time. These rules give a framework for tinkering; how to repair and redesign crafted items by creative genius. The following table gives benchmarks for calculating the difficulty of tinkering tasks. There are many schticks and powers that use or modify the tinkering rules. Tinkering itself is a specialized version of Power Experiments.
Decide what you want to do. Sum the difficulty modifiers from each column to get the final difficulty. For every three points of Outcome on the roll, you can improve one ability of the item by one category. If you fail, you still create something, even if it is much worse than intended; for every three points of negative Outcome or part thereof, reduce each ability of the item by one category, to a minimum of +0.
Tinkering Table
The difficulty of tinkering tasks is 5 + the sum of the modifiers from this table
Difficulty Modifier |
Time |
Size |
Construction |
Complexity |
Power |
Resources |
Difficulty Modifier |
+0 | Week | Personal | One-Use | Established | None | Factory | +0 |
+1 | Day | Car | Haphazard | Cutting Edge | One Schtick | Lab | +1 |
+2 | Hour | Truck | Functional | New Design | Two Schticks | Field kit | +2 |
+3 | Limit Break | Building | Concealed | Conceivable | Three Schticks | Basic tools | +3 |
+4 | Basic Action | Town | Miniaturized | Inconceivable | Four Schticks | Scrounge | +4 |
Time: This is how long you spend on the project.
Size: Larger installations take longer to build. This is the size of a normal, functional item of its kind, not including miniaturization. Want to make it smaller? See Construction, below.
Construction: How well-made and well-designed the item is.
- One-Use:The device can only be used once; it is inherently unstable or consumable. Even if not used, it will deteriorate on its own at the end of the session.
- Haphazard: The device is frail, with exposed wiring and mechanics. It cannot stand normal wear and tear, and looks odd. It will break down on any snakeyes roll and ceases to function at the end of the session. Most gadgets that techies make during scenarios will be of this category, if nothing else so as to avoid the hassle of the item hanging around and costing xp in the future.
- Functional: The gizmo looks like what it is, showing its function. It can be pretty if that does not impede its function.
- Concealed: The item is so artfully constructed that its function is not obvious. It may look like something else, like a dagger that looks like a hair ornament or be a work of art that attracts positive attention and can be considered a fashion accessory. It can look harmless and conceals its main function if you like, or it is merely cool enough to pass as an accessory rather than what it is.
- Miniaturized The item is smaller than expectations indicate and as a result will pass most inspection. Reduce its Size by one category. Even if it found, an opposed Create check against the maker is needed to realize what it does without extensive experimentation.
Complexity: A measure of how much the device twists technological sensibilities. GMs should veto anything beyond cutting edge if it disrupts their campaign world. The examples are from Earth around 2015.
- Established: Run-of-the-mill technology of the day. Why don’t you simply go to the store and buy one?
- Cutting Edge: This is everyday technology that is fine-tuned and adapted with great skill and care, pushing the envelope slightly. An expensive racing car.
- New Design: A brand new item, possible under the tech level but not yet invented. Quadcopter personal transport.
- Conceivable: This is something that people of the day can conceive how it would work, but which has never been done and is not normally possible under the local tech level. It may push the technology level by one step, or it might be something people in the past believed to be right around the corner, but we today know that it was not. Allowing this into a campaign gives it a distinct pulp feeling. Clockwork automatons.
- Inconceivable: This is something that would cause the everyday observer to be flabbergasted, or which pushes the local technological level more than one step. The GM should only allow this in weird science campaigns. Teleportation.
Power: This is the number of experience points the item would have cost if paid for as a power, and thus a measure of its utility. If you have actually paid the xp, ignore this category. It is mainly applicable to jury-rigged, one-time desperation efforts.
Resources: This is what you have to work with. It is harder to improvise something out of rubber bands in the field than it is to order your ten thousand mooks to build it using state-of-the-art tools.
- Factory: A full set of equipment, plentiful supplies, and a willing and able workforce.
- Lab: More than you can carry. A truck full of gear or access to a large trash heap.
- Field kit What you can carry in a Large bag or backpack.
- Basic tools: A small toolkit and some junk. A Swiss army knife and what you can loot from a wreck.
- Scrounge: Something to work with, but none of it suitable.
Repairs & Tuning Tuning or rebuilding an item takes less time, because you don’t have to work from the ground up. The difficulty is the same as for building it, only you get to ignore the Construction column. Tuning up an existing invention of your own allows you to ignore the Complexity column; to you it is now established tech.
Power Gadgets Tinkering generally applies to technology, but in a supernatural world, a creator can also tinker with magic items. In order to produce an item that uses a power, you generally need to know the form of the power involved. This is an open field in the rules, you have to work with your GM to determine what works for a particular campaign.
Permanent Gadgets When used to emulate powers and schticks the results of tinkering are always temporary, lasting at most until the end of the story. If you want a permanent item, you have to purchase it using character points. But tinkering gives you an excellent means of procuring all kinds of oddities to enhance your style; odd and wonderful devices your GM might otherwise feel are too odd for his world but which are still not powers. Tinkering also provides an easy way to change exactly what gadgets and power items you have.
Create Schticks
Schticks are mundane specializations.
You have mastered the esoteric art of Alchemy. Any Create check you do in relation to Alchemy is Confident.
You can plan and lead the construction of buildings, from hovels to palaces and dungeons. You have an intuitive understanding of such projects, and can make educated guesses about where to find hidden chambers, where corridors lead and where to find rooms of a certain description. You can deduce where traps and defensive works should be placed, based on the use of different chambers.
When examining the plans of a building or having it described to you, you can deduce the location of such things as if you were actually there, looking for them. You only get one chance to discern each feature this way. Any tasks related to building you could do without this schtick are Routine to you.
You have mastered one particular craft. This can be swordsmithing, woodcarving, painting, or any one pretty specific profession. In this you are a true master, able to craft extraordinary items of grace and quality; Tinkering rolls in your area of specialty are Routine, and anything you create is of Functional construction without increasing the difficulty (a higher construction level still pays full cost).
You are a master at finding technical solutions to practical problems. There is no practical problem that cannot be solved by building a device - tough it can sometimes take 10 years and a ten thousand workers to finish the project. Create tasks that involve creating devices are Routine to you. This can involve some Tinkering and Power Experiment projects. Engineer does not apply to asks governed by other Create Schticks, such as Security. In addition, you are proficient at a number of Crafts equal to twice your Create.
Basic Action
You can use the Demolish stunt as a Basic Action.
Focused Creator
You can perform a Limit Break with a Create stunt, schtick, or power as if you were focused. When you finish a task based on Create, you Focus.
You improve your Fakes to the point where it takes a Limit Break inspection to spot the forgery.
Jury Rig
You are a master of scrounging and improvising tools and parts. Hair pins and chewing gum work as well as tweeters and soldering in your hands. Tin foil, burned out light bulbs, and cans serve you as spare parts. As long as you can make entertaining technobabble about it, are effectively never without a toolkit or parts for Create tasks, including Tinkering at the Workshop level.
Magic Pockets
Deep Pockets checks are routine. As long as you have some plausible way to fit or find the gear, or make up a reasonable story of why you would have stashed the gear here, you can have large items and a greater number of items.
Basic Action
You are familiar with security measures of all types: locks, alarms and traps. Your Disable Mechanism checks are Routine.
Set Trap
Limit Break
You can set traps and alarms given the right equipment and circumstances. Alarms are fairly straightforward; they can be local loud alarms or remote, silent alarms depending on resources. Typical traps are weapons, snares, and pitfalls but they can also be built around powers you can use. A trap does damage equal to your Create. A snare trap steals shots equal to the attack outcome (this can carry over from a surprise round into the next round); on an outcome equal to the targets Reflexes he is rendered helpless. A pitfall causes a normal fall. When the trap attacks, make a Create roll against the Dodge of the victim, with the usual +3 bonus for being hidden. You can add a Finisher you know to the trap. If you do, and the trap inflicts a Setback, the Finisher replaces the Setback.
A trap can be found with Scan or Search and is automatically found when using Examine. Once found, traps are much less effective as there is no surprise bonus and targets can take trigger action defenses. Knowing what triggers the trap means it can often be circumvented.
Limit Break
You have knowledge of fashions of your time and understanding of what can be worn when and to provoke which reaction. This lets you make a dress and toilette for every occasion, and also gives you the savvy to dress oddly without causing a scandal. You have the presence and fame to create fashion trends. You are notorious in fashionable circles. This most commonly applies to dress and toilette, but it can apply to art, architecture, cuisine and other cultural traits as well.
You can take a Limit Break to dress up or spruce up an outfit to gain one of the following effects. The difficulty of the check is the target's Charm. A proper styling studio makes this check Routine.
Mood You temporarily allows subjects to use Dodge instead of either Charm or Impress, changing the impression they have on others. Only the values used for skill rolls change; the subject still uses his normal values as defense. This lasts for a couple of hours or until the target chooses to end the effect.
Occasion A makeup created for a specific social situation makes that situation Routine. This can be dressing up for a date, TV interview, board meeting or other specific social situation, generally no more than a scene in length. This only applies to the situation as it was expected to develop; if the interview turns into a hostage drama this bonus no longer applies.
Role Anyone attempting to use a disguise you helped create treat Charm rolls to maintain the role as Routine, and can impersonate specific persons and other races or genders without wearing bulky clothes.
Trigger Action
Whenever you or a team member within Reflexes meters of you are about to trigger a trap, you can use this as if it was Examine to find that trap and cancel the action that would have triggered the trap.
Weapon Mods
Limit break
You fiddle with weapons, coaxing new abilities out of them. Choose one of the following weapon abilities when you use this schtick. You can pick this schtick several times to apply multiple benefits with each application. It is a Limit Break and requires a Create check against the damage the weapon does in your hands to apply the modification and the benefit lasts until the end of the session. Some mods have prerequisites, that can be satisfied either in the weapon itself, or because you have installed a Weapon Mod for that ability.
Common Mods Can be applied to any weapon.
- Dual Damage and a +2 damage bonus.
- Penetrating
- Rash and a +2 damage bonus.
- Slick
- Stun
- Change the damage type to another damage type you can convince the GM to allow.
Ranged Mods These can be applied to ranged weapons only
- Area
- Scatter
- Saturation
- Increase Range by one category]]
Melee Mods
- Disarm
- Counter
- Entangle
- Parry
- Returning — Requires Throw.
- Stun
- Throw — Cannot be used with unarmed/natural attacks.
Limitations As an option, you can instead remove one for the following weapon abilities. You can remove limiting weapon abilities gained from Signature Mods through additional Signature Mods.
You start each session with a weapon mod of your choice and can use this and any other weapon mods you install until the end of the session. In the hands of others, a modified weapon loses its mods at the end of any scene where they are used.
Create Powers
These are powers related to the Create skill.
Transformation and conjuration of inanimate objects. Generally concerned with personal gear or environmental effects. Some transformation spells affect living creatures or parts of living creatures, but in a less holistic way that Shapeshift - transformation of the living is more like surgery than magical shapechange.
Create Air
Analyze Air
Basic Action
You can analyze the properties of any gas within reach, even if the gas is inside a container or otherwise separated from you. You learn the exact composition and properties of the gas and whether it has been affected by any powers recently.
Ether Cyclone
Basic Action
You call a storm in the ether, that disrupts teleportation and other planar travel. Any attempt to Teleport into or out of the area has a minimum difficulty equal to your Create; if the Outcome was less than your Mind the teleport succeeded, but the teleportee is dazed, making him loose all shots or be Surprised if out of combat.
Ether Cyclone covers a radius equal to your Create roll and lasts for a scene.
Fresh Air
Basic Action
You renew the quality of air, making it breathable and refreshing. This pushes out clouds and gas in a diameter equal to your Mind for the rest of the scene. You can also create air in an place where there's room for it, like in a cave or underwater, but not inside a solid.
You can create fresh air inside a creature's lungs. A single application will create enough air for a single creature for one hour; you can easily maintain the air for a number of creatures equal to your skill using this power; more with constant effort. Creatures whose Body exceeds your Mind counts as one additional creature per point in excess.
Wind Wall
Basic Action
A churning mass of volatile air can be used to block ranged attacks, fliers, and nastiness like gas and gouts of flame. The wall can be formed as a cloud, plane or sphere. It can be transparent or misty and translucent, as you desire. The wall has a duration (in minutes) and a maximum dimensions (in meters) equal to the Create roll that created it. Within this volume, you can shape it as you wish.
Any physical ranged attack through the wall is Stymied. A translucent wall also Stymies perception checks. Moving through the wall is hard and requires a Maneuver roll against your Create. A creature that is jumping or flying creature is Stymied on this check. Those failing to pass through the Wind Wall are tossed back to where they started and lose the rest of this action, but take no damage.
Winds of Change
Basic Action or Limit Break
This is a Transmutation power. If you have several Transmutation powers, you can transform things between the substances you have powers for. The difficulty is the Body/Mass of the object, or the Dodge of the wearer. Repairing objects has half the difficulty of creating them or the Create of the maker for very complex items. If you use a Basic Action the duration is one scene, after which the material will return to its natural shape. If you use a Limit Break to create items, they are permanent, but volatile substances and those that qualify as Items deteriorate at the end of a session unless paid for. Besides practical uses, this allows you to ignore the Resources column when Tinkering with this substance. This is also useful for breaking and damaging appropriate objects. You can do Demolish stunts against such objects as a Basic Action. A gas has a mass of about 1 kg per cubic meter, so you can transform substantial quantities of air.
Create Animal
Animal Token
Basic Action
You bind a loyal animal into a small token. The animal is generally a mount or animal companion, but other tame animals loyal to you are also possible. No attribute of the animal can be greater than your Create. The animal disappears when this power is used, being bound into the small object. While in this token, the animal is asleep and does not age or need sustenance. You can activate the token as a Basic Action, and you can throw it up to Body meters as you do so. If there is not enough room at the target point for the animal to appear, it is displaced to the nearest free space. The token is also activated if it is removed from your person.
You can use this power on an animal whose loyalty is to another person; that person becomes the token's owner and counts as "you" in the description above.
Birthday Suit
Basic Action
You cause the targets clothes and worn gear to shrivel, disappear, or merge into their bodily form, leaving the target naked. This can be used to remove various restraints, gear or armor. It does not work on anything currently held in the hands, but makes carried gear useless. Make a Create check against the target's Create while the target is within reach. On a success, the target is nude, freed from restraints, and loses any carried gear and worn armor but can grab on to what his hands can carry and save that. Lost gear reappears at the end of the scene. On an Outcome matching the target's Reflexes all gear is permanently lost unless it was story-critical or otherwise plot protected.
The target might be humiliated by this power, but will not lose any shots or suffer shock because of this; the animalistic nature of the power overcomes such human inhibitions.
Burden of the Beast
You transform the target into a normal animal. The target keeps most of its original values, but you can rearrange the target's attributes - the sum cannot be higher than before, but can certainly be lower. No attribute can be higher than your Create or the targets maximum skill value, whichever is lower. The target also gains the Tool Ignorant limitation and suffers from Power Loss until he learns to adjust his power use to in his new form - at least until the next story. He can still speak.
This is commonly used to transform the target into a form that is almost helpless, like a toad (all attributes at one). You cannot transform the target into a form incapable of survival where he is - no fish on land.
This is a Curse.
Create Chi
Lessons of Nature
Basic Action
When you are faced with a physical obstacle or dilemma, you can look inside yourself for the perseverance to succeed. You can use your observations of events mundane and dramatic to help you overcome physical challenges (such as a chasm too wide to leap, a door too heavy to open, or a stone to big to smash) or practical problem (the solution to any Create task).
Use this when you fail at such a task. Each scene, you accumulate perseverance to overcome your problem. This means that when you return you get a cumulative +1 bonus on any skill roll needed and on any Attribute used for the task for each scene that has passed (max +5). Giving up the task or finishing the story that gives the task means you have to start over, and you can only focus on one task at a time this way.
In some cases, the GM can make the bonus conditional on events or observations you make or even make the task into a role-playing one, making success automatic once you gain certain insights.
Create Dark
Cloud Device
Basic Action
You cause a device to not work against you and your compatriots for a time, disabling security and even allowing you to pass locked doors. This replaces the Security schtick and allows you to negate security at range (with normal range penalties). The device is not actually harmed and can still be triggered by others. This power lasts for a scene, which is usually until you have left the scene.
Cloud of Darkness
Basic Action
This allows you to create a cloud of darkness, reducing light in a large area, with a radius equal to your Create. The change is instantaneous and normally lasts for one scene; if the power is disrupted natural light conditions quickly return.
The darkness created is equal to a starry but moonless night; it is possible to see what is near you, but perception rolls and ranged attacks suffer a penalty of -1 per meter of distance and it provides cover to Sneak. At a distance greater than an observers Mind in meters, even obvious things become hidden. A light source will still glow and be visible at range in the area, but its light does not illuminate unless it has some special power over darkness. There are many schticks and powers that penetrate darkness; these work normally in the area. Direct sunlight will burn away at the darkness, negating it.
Cloying Darkness
Basic Action
You create an volume of sticky black goo with a diameter equal to your mind. This creates Difficult ground with a Maneuver difficulty equal to your Create. This is a spherical volume, but it will deform and form a hemisphere on the ground at the end of the round unless somehow supported. A flying creature that fails a maneuver check in the area is harmlessly brought to the ground and cannot fly any more in this scene.
A creature protected from Enervation damage or otherwise resistant to darkness effects ignores cloying darkness.
Dimensional Darkness
Basic Action
You ward an area against teleportation by making it impenetrably dark. Any attempt to Teleport into or out of the area has a minimum difficulty equal to your Create; if the Outcome was less than your Mind the teleport succeeded, but the teleportee is surprised. Teleport barrier covers a radius equal to your Create roll and lasts for a scene or until the area is illuminated, whichever is longer.
Basic Action
You can touch an object to make it disintegrate into fine dust. Make a Create roll against the Toughness of an object to break it. If the object was hand crafted or is maintained with extra care, your Create roll must also match that craftsman's Create. If the object is in a creature's possession or being operated by a creature, your Create roll must also match their Dodge or Ride respectively. Certain objects have plot immunity, they cannot be disintegrated and are instead dropped.
Finishing Greed
Limit Break
You place a magical condition on an object and select a Finisher you know as the consequence of owning it. This object must be something desirable, a treasure, treat, or valuable - it cannot be just a simple tool or ordinary piece of gear. A creature that claims the object, such as by stealing it, eating it, wearing it, displaying it, or otherwise enjoying its exclusivity, suffers the full effect of the finisher.
Create Death
Basic Action
You can create and repair basic items out of bone, rusted metal, rotted cloth, and other tomb material. In this way you can create personal gear of Blacksmith sophistication or repair any kind of item. Items are permanent but turn to dust in a few minutes if used by a creature isn't undead and does not have this ability. The difficulty is the Toughness of the item; weapons and armor are made for a specific creature and have a difficulty equal to they damage or toughness they grant.
Brambles of Bones
Basic Action
You can create a palisade of bone, a bramble of sharp bone shards and grinning skulls that is extremely hard to pass trough. You can cover a number of square meters of brambles equal to your Mind, making one massive bristle or making a wall, palisade, or even a labyrinth with passages inside the area. The height of each square of brambles is equal to the number of adjacent squares of bramble, and each square must be adjacent to at least one other square.
Anyone in the brambles when it is created risks being restrained. Make an Create check against each target's Dodge. On a success the target is partially bound and suffers one of the penalties noted below. On an Outcome matching the target's Reflexes he is severely bound and suffers three of the conditions. Conditions are applied in this order; immobilized, bound legs, bound arms, hogtie, blinded. Apply the first condition on this list the target doesn't already suffer from. Physical restraint in Action does not completely prevent a hero from action, they impose handicaps to be overcome.
- Gagging prevents mundane speech. Stymies all Charm and Impress checks.
- Handcuffing is when your hands are tied in front of you, but not so tightly as to make them completely unusable; you can still use one hand effectively, such as using weapons or tools of Small size or smaller.
- Hobbling indicates restrained legs, but not fixed to each other. It means you cannot move as part of a normal Basic Action, and can only move your normal move when you do a Full Move action or otherwise do an action that grants extra movement..
- Immobilized, stuck to something, alternatively on a short leash which prevents movement beyond one or two meters. If you are stuck to a creature whose Body is greater than yours, you are forced along as it moves, otherwise you are both immobilized unless you two cooperate.
- Bound Legs you fall prone and cannot stand unsupported, which prevents and hinders many actions as determined by the situation and stunt description. Your Move is reduced to 1. Swimming and flying creatures are entangled, with similar effects.
- Bound Arms prevent most physical manipulation and the use of weapons and implements. You can still use tackles and head butts for (Body +0) damage or a Tiny Ranged Weapon, but limited to Close range.
- Blinded restricts your awareness, giving you only a rough estimate of objects and creatures in a diameter equal to your Mind; you are insensitive to things beyond this range. Everyone has enough concealment to Sneak on you, and against creatures beyond your perception range, you have to use Reflexes rather than Recon for defense against Recon stunts.
- (or more) Hogtie A hogtied character cannot act physically and can only move one meter as a standard action; no movement is otherwise allowed. This also prevents all Defense actions.
Creatures entering the area or who have freed themselves are not restrained but must make a Free Running check against your Create when moving about in the bramble. Ranged attacks trough a meter of bristles the area have a Cover difficulty equal to your Create. The bones are brittle, but too many to break individually. It has Toughness equal to your Mind but is only sensitive to area attacks or Feats of Strength - cutting individual bones can free someone who is bound, but does not harm the bramble itself. An area attack that destroys the bristle clears an area under the volume of the area. The bristles turn brittle and loose one point of Toughness for every 15 minutes they exist, falling apart after a while.
Basic Action
You cause an object to age and corrode, potentially reducing it to dust. This does not work on mobile objects. Make a Create check against the object's Body. On a success, the object takes a Setback. If you roll twice the object's Body, it is destroyed. Certain object that are particularly inert (bedrock, sand) or is particularly relevant to the plot cannot be destroyed this way.
Limit Break
You can bind spirits to create a haunt, a danger similar to a trap but powered by spirits of the dead. This must be done using the remains of a creature that violently or with remorse, or in a location where such death or violent emotions occurred. When the haunt attacks, make a Create roll against the Dodge of the victim, with the usual +3 bonus for being hidden. It does damage equal to your Create. This is usually usually Spiritual or Enervation damage, but might be any type of damage appropriate to the scene reenacted. It need not do direct damage, and often has other gruesome effects similar to Interaction Stunts.
A haunt can be found with Scan and is automatically found when using Examine. Once found, haunts are less effective as there is no surprise bonus and targets can take trigger action defenses.
A haunt is a Curse. It can normally activate only once in any given day, but it is very hard to permanently end. A haunt always provides a clue to its own nature, reenacting a scene related to the event it builds upon, and this usually provides a clue on how to end the haunt.
Create Earth
Analyze Earth
Basic Action
You can analyze the properties of any solid object within reach. You learn the exact composition and properties of the object and whether it has been affected by any powers recently.
Finally, you can use this to detect tremors and other seismic phenomena and to sense if they are natural or the result of power use. You can predict natural tremors.
Craft Earth
Basic Action or Limit Break
You can create and repair objects out of earth that will perform as if they were basic items. In this way, you can create basic clothing, tools, arms, and armor of no more than Blacksmith sophistication that last for a scene. If you use a Limit Break to create items, they are permanent but still wear out faster than normal, lasting a week or so. The difficulty is the Toughness of the item; weapons and armor are made for a specific creature and have a difficulty equal to they damage or toughness they grant. Repairs have half the usual difficulty, but the same duration.
This is also useful for breaking and objects. You can do Demolish stunts against such objects as a basic action.
Earth Armor
Basic Action or Limit Break
You coat a willing target (which can be you) in protective rock. This increases Toughness by 3 points but is obvious, effectively Large. If you use this as a Basic Action, it lasts until the end of the scene, if you use it as a Limit Break it lasts for the rest of the session. You can maintain this armor on yourself between scenes, but not on others; to protect others you must use it in or right before each action scene.
Extra-Dimensional Earth
Basic Action
You ward an area, making the earth there impassible to teleportation. Any attempt to Teleport trough such objects has a minimum difficulty equal to your Create; if the Outcome was less than your Mind the teleport succeeded, but made an awful noise and dazed the teleportee, making him surprised.
Extradimensional Earth covers a radius equal to your Create roll and the area retains this power until it is damaged or even notched - a Basic Action and an opposed Create check can manage this.
X-Ray Eyes
Basic Action
You can see through solid objects, especially sand, earth, and stone. This allows you to find buried treasures, traps, and hidden doors with ease. The difficulty of seeing through a wall or barrier is 5 plus its armor value. If it is made of earth, sand, or stone you can see one meter per point of outcome through a barrier, otherwise you can only see through one-tenth of that.
Stone Shape
Limit Break
You can shape stone, creating statues or simple devices and bypassing locks and traps embedded in stone. You cannot make fine details or devices of more than Ancient Technology sophistication. Use 10 plus the armor value as the difficulty, every three points of Outcome shapes a cubic meter of earth or stone, with a minimum of a 30 cm cube of you fail to get an Outcome of 3.
Stone Trap
Limit Break
You can turn the ground into a treacherous Trap, an area of loose soil that appears normal but will not support any weight. The change is gradual; if quicksand is created beneath an opponent he can automatically escape. The trap remains for a number of hours equal to your skill roll and has a width + length that is also equal to the Create roll that created it. Anyone caught by the trap is encased in earth and cannot escape for the power's duration. They will not suffocate (or starve), though their companions may well give them up for dead. Vigorous digging by someone who is not caught and knows of the trap can free a victim - this is a Limit Break unless they have powers to move or shape earth.
Transmute Earth
Basic Action or Limit Break
This is a Transmutation power. If you have several Transmutation powers, you can transform things between the substances you have powers for. The difficulty is the Body/Mass of the object, or the Dodge of the wearer. Repairing objects has half the difficulty of creating them or the Create of the maker for very complex items. If you use a Basic Action the duration is one scene, after which the material will return to its natural shape. If you use a Limit Break to create items, they are permanent, but volatile substances and those that qualify as Items deteriorate at the end of a session unless paid for. Besides practical uses, this allows you to ignore the Resources column when Tinkering with this substance. This is also useful for breaking and damaging appropriate objects. You can do Demolish stunts against such objects as a Basic Action. Transmute Earth covers solids that are not metal or wood.
Wall of Earth
Limit Break
You can create a wall of earth that gains solidity as you advance in skill and power. The wall can be as long as the Create roll that created it, as high as your Mind and has a thickness of two meters. It cannot be created adjacent (within one meter of) a creature. A wall must be created in contact with the ground or solid foundations, but you can control its shape and by buttressing it can be used as a road, rampart or bridge, have a basic portal, catwalk and so on.
The wall has a Body equal to your Create + Mind and will erode naturally, but even under adverse conditions it should last a number of days equal to your Create roll. Damaging the wall will only harm a small section of it; weakening a two-meter section and potentially forming a tunnel.
Create Electricity
Analyze Electricity
Basic Action
You can analyze the properties of any electric or magnetic phenomena within reach, even if it is behind a non-conductive shell, inside a container, or otherwise separated from you. You learn the exact properties of the phenomena and whether it has been affected by any powers recently. In the case of electronics, you can sense the presence and general function but not the patterns are to complex to give full understanding.
Ether Static
Basic Action
You call a storm in the ether, that disrupts teleportation and other planar travel. Any attempt to Teleport into or out of the area has a minimum difficulty equal to your Create; if the Outcome was less than your Mind the teleport succeeded, but there is a clash of thunder and the teleportee is dazed, making him loose all shots for this round.
Ether Static covers a radius equal to your Create roll and lasts for a scene.
Electric Fence
Basic Action
A churning mass of electricity blocks passage and powers. The wall can be formed as a cloud, plane or sphere. It is transparent or but crackles and glows.
As a basic action you can create a 3 by 3 meter wall of electric fencing. You can spend multiple basic actions to build a large continuous electric fence, but no dimension of such an electric fence can be more than your Create in meters. If you create a continuous barrier hedging an area, you can create a roof and floor as well with no additional effort.
The wall is stationary relative to its frame of reference - if created on a vehicle it moves with that vehicle. It is unaffected by gravity and can be placed wholly or partially inside material objects. Any creature inside the fence when it appears is pushed to either side of it - the creature chooses which side.
Electric Fence requires concentration to maintain. If you suffer a Setback the wall disappears, in addition to the normal result of the Setback.
Passing through the wall inflicts Electric Damage equal to your power skill rating; this attack always hits, but the target can substitute Dodge for Toughness to soak it as a Basic Action stunt when moving trough. Any attempt to Teleport, do Energy Damage, use Electricity or Technology Form powers, or use radio or electronics through this wall suffers a penalty equal to your Create.
Spot Trap
Basic Action
You can sense the pent-up energy in a Trap. This works as Examine, but only against traps and electric power-lines and devices.
Create Fey
Dream Agent
Limit Beak
You free an inner creature to act as your spirit agent while you sleep. You must build a variant for for yourself as a henchman. This can be any type of creature, but is same each time you use this power. Others that you use the power on become the same general kind of creature you become, but each has their own exact attributes. Dream agents tend to be small and stealthy, but some are hulking guardians instead. You can learn this power several times to learn to create several different kinds of dream agents.
While you use this power, your body remains asleep and will not awaken by itself. It can be woken up by shaking it forcefully (a standard action) in which case the power ends and the dream agent disappears. Your body is not protected, but the power provides nourishment.
Fairy Craft
Limit Break
Select an object you have created. You gain power over someone who owns, wears, or carries that object. Make an opposed Create roll, ignoring range modifiers. On a success the target is overcome with a compulsion to cherish and protect the object. He will refuse to part with the object for one day per point of Outcome, and either carries the object around or secures it as well as he can by hiding it or putting it under lock and key. If not carrying it, the creature will check on the object at least once per day. After the target has owned the object a number of days equal to his Mind, you can use a Finisher against your target. You can only use this power once per session against a particular creature. Multiple applications do not stack; only the last use counts, and can cancel earlier uses of the power.
Gift of the Gift
Limit Break
You give another creature the use of one of your powers. You create an object representing the power you lend, this has to be something related to or representative of the power lent. The target must keep this object to retain the power. If it is taken from them, it disappears, but they can voluntarily pass on the power by giving away the object. The effect lasts for the rest of the scene. You can chose to give away the power, losing the use of the power while Gift of the gift lasts. In this case, the power lasts for the rest of the story if it makes sense. If the target did not have a Tradition before, he inherits your Tradition and all your Methods while Gift of the Gift is running.
This is a meta-power that affects other powers. In some campaign worlds there is a strong Origin Divide among different origins. Check with your GM regarding your campaign. Origins that are opposed cannot cannot be modified by meta-powers; it is as if powers from the opposing origin was actually a schtick rather than a power.
Basic Action
You can turn objects into other objects that are similar in some way, shaping and weaving the matter of fairy. Wreaths of autumn leaves can be turned to golden jewelry, sticks to weapons or tools, an insect carapace into a suit of armor. Any transformation that would make sense to an imaginative 4 year old at play works. The result often looks ostentatious and unlikely, but works as well as a mundane object. Glamored objects may look and work like iron, but they never count as iron for the purpose of weaknesses. In this way you can create personal gear at least two Tech Levels less than the setting in general (Ancient gear can always be created). If you do this in fairy, the result lasts until abandoned or discarded. If done in another plane, the item lasts for only a scene. Touching a glamored object with iron, or negating the power, reverses the transformation. By repeated application of this ability it is possible to construct larger objects, such as vehicles or dwellings. The difficulty is the Toughness of the item created or transmuted.
Create Fire
Analyze Fire
Basic Action
You can analyze the properties of any fire within range, even if it is inside a container or otherwise separated from you. Fire includes any combustion or energy releasing chemical or nuclear reaction, including the digestion of food in living creatures. You learn what is burning, how hot it is, what damage it can do, what type and how much fuel it uses and how long the fuel will last and any other mundane detail you can come up with about fire. You also learn whether it has been affected by any powers recently.
All your attacks can cause nasty continuing burns. An attack that already has this ability does not further improve. Burn attacks gain the following quality: "This attack can cause nasty, lasting burns to any target that takes damage. Unless the target takes a basic action to put out the burns, it will take one additional hit at the end of the round and the effect ends. A friend can help stop the burn before it inflicts damage, but this requires a First Aid stunt with a difficulty equal to the damage rating of the attack that caused Burn. A creature can only have one burn effect active at a time, even if damaged by several different types of attacks that each cause burn.".
Craft of the Firebringer
Basic Action or Limit Break
Fire is the craftsman's element and the firebringer is the spirit of craftsmanship. You can craft or repair personal gear out of normal raw materials. In this way, you can create basic clothing, tools, arms, and armor of no more than Combustion sophistication. If you use a basic action and shoddy or substitute materials the item will still perform as normal, but the duration is minutes equal to the Action Result, after which the material will burn up. If you use a Limit Break to create items, they are permanent, but may wear out very fast if you used makeshift raw materials. The difficulty is the Toughness of the item; weapons and armor are made for a specific creature and have a difficulty equal to they damage or toughness they grant. Halve the difficulty for a repair. This is also useful for breaking and damaging objects. You can do Demolish stunts against such objects as a basic action and Disable Mechanism is Routine using this power.
Fire Tamer
Basic Action
You can tame fire, causing it to go out, move, change color or form, burn only certain substances, change the intensity (increase damage by 3 and multiply fuel consumption by four, or reduce damage and divide consumption) and so on.
The difficulty is either the diameter of the fire (in meters), the damage value, or the Dodge of whoever is using it (whichever is higher). If you score an Outcome equal to the damage value of the fire, it cannot be re-lit for the rest of the scene; this can prevent an opponent's use of a fire power.
Basic Action
Create a cloud of smoke with a diameter equal to your Create roll in meters. Within this area, you can shape the smokescreen as you like. The change is instantaneous and normally lasts for one scene; drafts and wind can disperse the cloud in a round.
The smoke is opaque but not transparent; it is possible to see what is near you, but perception rolls and ranged attacks suffer a penalty of -1 per meter of distance and it provides cover to Sneak. At a distance greater than an observers Mind in meters, even obvious things become hidden. There are schticks and powers that allows sight trough obscurement; these work normally in the area.
Wall of Fire
Limit Break
A self-sustaining mass of flames that obscures vision and damages anything passing through. It can be transparent or misty and translucent, as you desire. The wall has a maximum length (in meters) equal to the Create roll. The maximum height is four meters and thickness one meter. It can curve or bend as you wish. The wall lasts for a scene. The wall provides Concealment (Dodge from 10 to 14 as desired) to anyone on the other side. Passing through the wall inflicts Fire Damage equal to your power skill rating; this attack always hits, but the target can substitute Dodge for Toughness to soak it as a Basic Action stunt.
Create Flux
Trigger Action
Attack a technological artifact of Clockwork or higher complexity that has just done damage to you. Make an opposed Create roll against the operator, if you succeed the weapon is inoperable for the rest of the scene.
Basic Action
You can make a piece of machinery inoperable by introducing chaos to the orderly device. To be affected, the device must have some kind of mechanism, moving parts, or internal power; it will work on a sling, bow, firearm or lock (generally Clockwork technology or more) but not on straightforward devices such as swords or spades.
The difficulty is the operator's skill rating (usually Create for personal devices Ride for machines) or the device's Body. A success means the device is inoperable for three shots; the operator can lose these shots or discard the device. Outcome matching the machine's or operators Reflexes means the machine breaks down and needs repairs. This can also render security inoperable, replacing the Security schtick but leaving a trail of broken machinery.
Against objects and creatures made of metal, such as Metal Elementals and most Robots, you can roll Create vs. Dodge as an Interaction Stunt.
Hazardous Ground
Basic Action
You make an area hazardous to move in, objects and terrain conspiring to trip those who try to move trough. Make a Mind roll, this is the maximum diameter of the Hazardous Ground in meters. Hazardous Ground lasts until the end of the scene. The Free Running difficulty of the area becomes equal to your Create. This applies to all kinds of movement, not only on foot. The Hazardous Ground is not immediately obvious, but neither is it particularly hard to spot. Anyone moving into the area notices it, as will any Scan.
Water to Wine
Basic Action
You can turn any liquid to wine (or other spirits). The quality depends on your skill roll, with an 8 is barely drinkable, 12 is a good basic beverage and a 15 is excellent. If the liquid is toxic, you must match the damage value with a Create roll. Drink so created lasts for a scene.
Depending on cultural context, this power can also produce other intoxicants, but not poisons.
Limit Break
You create a wild flux of magic and attempt to shape it by the force of your own will. The results are spectacular but not always what you want them to be. You make a short sentence explaining your wish. The GM then interprets this, depending on your power skill roll and how outrageous the demand is. Anything normally possible to powers is certainly within the scope of a wish, and outrageous effects outside the scope of the normal rules may be granted, based on the GMs whim and your skill roll.
There seems to be an equalizer effect to wishes. If you have been successful and fortunate lately, wishes usually backfire. If you have been unlucky and suffered numerous setbacks lately, they often go well. This is just a tendency though, not a law.
Here is a little benchmark of what a Wish can do, from easiest to hardest.
Wish | Difficulty |
Serve personal needs, such as food, drink, air, grooming | 8 |
Create personal gear, often very luxurious | 9 |
Emulate a power that is a Basic Action or Stance | 10 |
Transport the wisher and friends | 11 |
Create material goods or propriety; chariots, buildings and so on | 12 |
Cure a condition or affliction | 13 |
Grant a power, transform the wisher into another form | 14 |
Emulate a power that is a Limit Break or Finisher | 15 |
Cure or inflict a Curse | 16 |
Grant a schtick | 17 |
Emulate a successful Power Experiment | 18 |
Any permanent effects from a Wish have to be paid for in experience points, but effects that last only for the current story are free.
World Flux
Limit Break
You can make the world around you go mad: straight surfaces twist, distances change and even directions seem to reverse themselves. The area effected is a diameter equal to your Create check. Most actions taken here fail, but some succeed spectacularly.
Any action in, through or into the area is affected. To succeed, any action taken in this area must score a result on the dice of +1 or better. This is based only on the result of the dice, skill has no effect och this extra chance of failure.
Create Force
Analyze Force
Basic Action
You can analyze the properties of Force powers. You learn the exact effect, form, and technique of the power.
You can also find and understand other forces, natural or otherwise, using this power. You can gain information about the mechanics of power-generating engines or devices, the statics of intricate architecture, the equilibrium of forces in a static system and so on.
Craft Force
Basic Action
You can create simple objects out of intangible force fields. You can make these items semitransparent or merely translucent, but not fully solid-looking. They glow, but you can make this glow so faint it is only visible in the dark. In this way, you can create basic tools, arms, and armor of no more than Blacksmith sophistication. These items' hardness exceeds that or normal metal but they lack a certain solidity and they perform as ordinary items of their type. The duration is minutes equal to the Action Result. The difficulty is the Toughness of the item; weapons and armor are made for a specific creature and have a difficulty equal to they damage or toughness they grant.
Force Armor
Basic Action
Your target's skin is protected by a very tight and form-fitting force field. He gains 2 points of armor, increasing Toughness. The armor shimmers and is easy to see, but does not alter appearance. You can target yourself in this way. Force Armor lasts for one scene. You can maintain this armor on yourself between scenes, but not on others; to protect others you must use it in or right before an action scene. Force Armor also acts to keep out hostile environments for its duration, but the air inside the armor is fouled after one scene and needs to be renewed.
Force Tools
Basic Action
You create specialized tools made of tangible force fields and powered by telekinesis. You design these tools with a specific Create task in mind, and the tools will help you perform this task, allowing you to do things that would normally require specialized tools and/or knowledge to do, such as a machine shop or Safecracking and Security. However, you do not get any raw materials, knowledge, contacts, or other resources you'd normally get, and your power use may leave clues for others to follow. This counts as a Lab for Tinkerig.
Portal Seal
Basic Action
You seal a door, portal, or even a narrow tunnel with a field of force. The sum of the opening's height and with in meters cannot exceed your Mind. The sealed object gains a Dodge equal to your Create. If it is fitted with a lock or other security, it now requires an Outcome matching your Mind to defeat that security. When used to seal an open passage such as a corridor or doorless portal, or used on a door that is less robust than this, the barrier has a Toughness equal to your Create. A portal seal is permanent until dispelled. You can open your own Portal Seal without dispelling it. You can give the seal a key, an item, password, gesture, or even physical description that opens it.
Wall of Force
Basic Action, Trigger Action
You can create or remove a wall of night-invulnerable force. A wall of force is transparent and permits speech and interactions, but hinders powers and stops attacks. The wall lasts for a scene unless destroyed. If the placement of the wall needs to be very precise, such as between two melee combatants, this may require a Create against Maneuver. As a basic action you can create a flat force wall up to 3 by 3 meters. You can spend multiple basic actions to build a large continuous force field, but no dimension of such a force field can be more than your Create in meters. If you create a continuous barrier hedging an area in the horizontal plane, you can create a roof and floor as well with no additional effort. A continuous wall counts as a single effect for dispelling and destroying. The wall is stationary relative to its frame of reference—if created on a vehicle it moves with that vehicle. It is unaffected by gravity and can be placed wholly or partially inside material objects. Any creature inside the wall when it appears is pushed to either side of it—the creature chooses which side. If your become unconscious or your concentration is broken (typically a Setback) the wall disappears. If it takes damage matching twice your Create it disappears, but you can choose to take a Trigger Action to sustain the wall, exerting yourself to increase the limit to three times your Create for the current shot. It can be broken with a Feat of Strength by Body matching your Create.
Create Gifts
This power binds a Gifted creature into an object, creating an Item of power. The creature must be willing or bound and you must know its True Name. The creature does not need to breathe, eat, or drink while in a fetish, nor does it age. It is possible to communicate with the creature when holding the fetish. Breaking the object frees the creature. The item gains a number of Item Schticks and Item Limitations equal to the creature's highest skill value -10. You have some influence over the selection of powers, but what Item Schticks and Item Limitations the item gains depends most on the creature bound to the fetish. You can add additional powers to the item, or remove limitations, by investing experience points and using the item rules.
Gift Circle
Trigger Action (Combo)
When you are using another power that usually only affects yourself, you can trigger this power to have it affect to your Mind creatures who are touching. If you can form a chain of hands to affect creatures adjacent to other targets. The power will affect everyone in the chain as long as you continue to touch one another (remain adjacent) or until the effect would normally end. You can only share one power at a time this way. You can take this power multiple time, this allows you to share a number of powers equal to the number of times you picked this power.
This is a meta-power that affects other powers. In some campaign worlds there is a strong Origin Divide among different origins. Check with your GM regarding your campaign. Origins that are opposed cannot cannot be modified by meta-powers; it is as if powers from the opposing origin was actually a schtick rather than a power.
Gift of Blood
Limit Break
You spill some of your blood, either drunk directly by another or into a container to be stored. Blood so stored will not coagulate. This functions as a Gizmo storing one of your powers for use by others. You can only have one Gizmo made by Gift of Blood in existence at any one time. This limit can be extended by taking the power several times. At the end of a story, all the Gizmos you made this way are destroyed unless they become someone's Gimmicks.
Invoke Elements
Limit Break
You call on elemental spirits to transform a place. This makes the place you are in go feral, as if abandoned by all Folk and not maintained for 100 years. Manufactured objects with Body equal or less than your Mind are reduced to dirt and Body equal or less than your Create are ruined and stop working, but keep their basic form. This has no effect on items of power or on creatures of any kind or the objects they carry.
In a highly artificial area, such as inside a building or a city street, you affect an area with a diameter equal to your Mind and the effect is blocked by walls. In an natural area or an area of only moderate development, such as a field or village, the effect is a radius equal to your Create in meters and is not stopped by walls.
Spirit Binding
This power binds a supernatural creature (Fairies, Epitomes, Gifted, and Strange), making it harmless. The creature does not need to breathe, eat, or drink while bound, nor does it age. It can use its powers, but only on voluntary recipients; an unwilling target is automatically immune. It cannot use powers on itself. It is considered to be on a different plane for the purpose of Summon powers, but can only be summoned by a creature holding the binding object. A bound creature turns into a small object relevant to its background. Art objects, gems, clothing, tools, and weapons are common. Powerful creatures become larger and more distinguished objects. The binding object functions as the creature's True Name as long as you carry the object. Spirit Binding can be broken by destroying the object, summoning the creature and then ordering it to be free, or broken like a Curse.
Grant Wish
Limit Break
You can grant a wish from someone who is Folk. Such a wish can grant most material things, including objects and physical powers. The person gives up one Fortune Point that you gain. If this takes over your normal maximum, you must immediately spend the point on a roll for this power. This works like Wish except that you can only grant other's wishes. The wishes need to genuinely be their own and not coerced, but you have a certain freedom of misinterpretation, particularly if they add conditions or reservations to their wish. A simple straightforward wish is harder to corrupt. If the wish relates to raw physical matter or to powers that deal with bodily changes or the ability to manipulate matter, your Create roll is Confident.
The metaplot behind this power is that ethereal beings have poor imagination. They need the imaginative input from Folk. The person gets their wish granted, but there is a slight cost in that their imagination gets a little bit dulled, manifested as the cost of a point of Fortune Point.
Create Ice
Craft Ice
Basic Action or Limit Break
This is a Transmutation power. If you have several Transmutation powers, you can transform things between the substances you have powers for. The difficulty is the Body/Mass of the object, or the Dodge of the wearer. Repairing objects has half the difficulty of creating them or the Create of the maker for very complex items. If you use a Basic Action the duration is one scene, after which the material will return to its natural shape. If you use a Limit Break to create items, they are permanent, but volatile substances and those that qualify as Items deteriorate at the end of a session unless paid for. Besides practical uses, this allows you to ignore the Resources column when Tinkering with this substance. This is also useful for breaking and damaging appropriate objects. You can do Demolish stunts against such objects as a Basic Action. You can create simple objects out of ice that will perform as if they were basic metal items of no more than Blacksmith sophistication. In this way, you can create basic tools, arms, and armor that last for a scene. In frozen conditions, the items will not melt but will chip and break after a few days of use.
Ice Armor
Basic Action
You coat the target (which can be you) in protective ice. He gains 3 points of armor, increasing Toughness. Ice armor is Large and obvious and lasts for a scene. You can maintain this armor on yourself between scenes, but not on others; to protect others you must use it in or right before each action scene.
Ice Wall
Limit Break
You can create a wall of massive ice. The wall can be as long as the Create roll that created it, as high as your Mind and has a thickness of one meter. It cannot be created adjacent (within one meter of) a creature. A wall must be created in contact with the ground or solid foundations, but you can control its shape and by buttressing it can be used as a road, rampart or bridge, have a basic portal, catwalk and so on.
The wall has a Body equal to your Create + Mind and will naturally melt depending on weather conditions, but will last a day or so even in a tropical climate.
Interdimensional Ice
Basic Action
You ward an area against teleportation, creating ethereal ice crystals that prevent planar travel. Any attempt to Teleport into or out of the area has a minimum difficulty equal to your Create; if the Outcome was less than your Mind the teleport succeeded, but the teleportee arrives frozen in ice, making him loose all shots for this and the next round.
Interdimensional Ice covers a radius equal to your Create roll and lasts for a scene. If the temperature is sub-freezing the ward lasts longer, until the area is thawed out.
Transmute Ice
Basic Action or Limit Break
This is a Transmutation power. If you have several Transmutation powers, you can transform things between the substances you have powers for. The difficulty is the Body/Mass of the object, or the Dodge of the wearer. Repairing objects has half the difficulty of creating them or the Create of the maker for very complex items. If you use a Basic Action the duration is one scene, after which the material will return to its natural shape. If you use a Limit Break to create items, they are permanent, but volatile substances and those that qualify as Items deteriorate at the end of a session unless paid for. Besides practical uses, this allows you to ignore the Resources column when Tinkering with this substance. This is also useful for breaking and damaging appropriate objects. You can do Demolish stunts against such objects as a Basic Action.
You can transform one frozen liquid substance into another or change ice into complex forms.
Create Illusion
Illusory Apparel
Basic Action
You create illusory clothes on up to your Mind willing creatures within Mind meters. You can instead affect a single unwilling target with a Create vs. Dodge check, with normal range penalties. All targets affected by a single use of the power get the same outfit with some individual flare, but you can use it separately to give each target unique apparel. You can hide and/or modify the appearance of existing clothes.
You can use this to set up a Acting & Disguise stunt. As long as clothes alone are sufficient to create an identity, targets can do a Acting & Disguise stunt using your Create skill.
The illusion can last for the rest of the session or until an event you decide on. You can mimic a specific outfit if you are familiar with it or have used Capture Scene on it. Close inspection allows an opposed Create roll to discover the illusory nature of the clothes. A creature that has seen through the illusion can make a melee attack to negate the illusion on one target.
You can create equipment as a part of the apparel, and this equipment appears functional, but it cannot actually have a physical effect.
Basic Action
Create an area of shifting colors and images with a diameter equal to your Create roll in meters.
The affected area becomes treacherous to the senses; it is possible to sense what is near, but perception rolls and ranged attacks suffer a penalty of -1 per meter of distance. This will fool even extraordinary senses or powers that enhance the senses. Moving in the area requires a Free Running or Terrain Driving stunt against your Create. You can ignore the movement penalty, but not the increased range penalty in the area.
Basic Action
You create a scene. In this area, you can change the appearance and feel of all objects and even create entirely new illusory objects and background creatures. You can make dangerous objects appear harmless (creating a Trap), create Cover or hindering terrain, create a distraction, create an illusory shop with illusory wares, or just to set the mood for a scene. You can change the apparent apparel and grooming of creatures in the area, but not disguise their appearance.
The illusion will fool all senses. What you create lacks substance, but can fool the sense of touch as long as no real pressure is applied. After an hour sitting on a tree trunk disguised as an opulent couch someone might get a backache, but may not realize why. Close inspection, trading illusory goods, or actual physical effects on a victim allows an opposed Create roll to discover the illusory nature of the scenery. Within this limitation, what you create works just as the real thing, with an effective Create Skill equal to your Mind.
You can completely control scenery up to your Create meters in diameter. If you make the scenery larger, you control lessen. At ten times the size, you can change color, form, and sound but not scent or touch. At a hundred times the size, you can only make changes in color.
Scenery lasts for a scene. To maintain the Scenery you need to spend a Basic Action on it each scene, at the end of a scene in which you did not spend a Basic Action on it, it disappears.
Create Life
You can shape living bodies, changing their exact form within the norms of their species, or grafting preserved body parts onto them. It is generally hard to restore a creature changed by Fleshcraft; it is considered a Curse. Of course, further applications of Fleshcraft can give the semblance of a cure.
Cosmetic Change: Perhaps the most common way, this is used to create a permanent disguise or disfigurement, or simply to appease the target's vanity. With extensive work you can switch the the target's Charm and Impress skills.
Changing Form: You can change the target, making him or her thin or obese, harmoniously proportioned or a monster. This allows you to rearrange the targets attributes within the norms of his species. You can make the target frail and uncoordinated (down to Body and Reflexes 3 for a human, but you cannot increase the targets attribute total.
Grafting: You can attach an alien body part to a creature. This is most often done to impart some new physiological power, usually a Mutation. This places great strain on the patient's body and sanity; for each mutation so grafted, the patient loses one point from an attribute of his choice. The can be recovered with Limitations or by purchasing the mutations as schticks using experience points.
Automatons: You can repair and animate dead bodies, making them living automatons. Though the methods are different and you need to harvest, repair, and combine suitable body parts, the effects of creating an automaton is similar to that of the Crucible of Life power.
You can induce pregnancy in a living creature. You can either take a genetic seed from the target, or impregnate the target with generic seed you carry; either your own or one you have previously taken from someone else. If the target is not normally capable of carrying a child (for example, because it is male), it will still develop a fetus, but will need special care or the fetus will abort in a few days.
Basic Action
You imbue an ally with life. He will recover one Hit at the end of each round of combat until the end of the scene. This will not reduce the effect of a Damage Setback.
You transform one living creature into another. This heals all damage setbacks and harmful effects the target suffers from, but does not restore any Hits. You must build a variant form for him using his normal Creature Type and points. The target keeps most of its original abilities, but you can rearrange the target's attributes - the sum cannot be higher than before, but can certainly be lower. You can also add powers and schticks related to the new form, as long as the total point value does not increase. You can use this to make the target younger, but doing so reduces the targets skills and total point value, at the discretion of the GM. This power cannot be used to imitate a specific creature, not even the target's previous form. Voice, mannerisms, autograph, all changes, and he will have problems recalling the kind of trivia normally used to test someone's identity. This is a Curse.
Create Light
Create Light
Basic Action
You illuminate a large area, such as a field, square, or large room (about 100 meter diameter). The change is instantaneous and normally lasts for one scene; it the power is disrupted natural light conditions quickly return. The area is brightly but not painfully lit by a diffuse, pearly light. There are few shadows or dark areas, but the light cannot shine through solid objects, and thus becomes weaker or nonexistent if there is but a small channel for it to spread through. Create Light overcomes all darkness, even that created by Darkness powers.
Luck of the Angels
You recover a spent Fortune point. You can always do this in an action scene, but outside of action scenes you can only recover Fortune this way after you have spent a Fortune point on enlightened and benevolent actions, facing situations with virtuous actions and placing the safety of others above your own.
Create Magic
Animate Object
Basic Action
Animate an object you can see up to Create meters away and weighting no more than Mind kilos. The object becomes an Unnamed Character with the object's Body and Toughness and a score equal to your Mind in all other attributes. It uses your skills. It takes no actions on its own, you must use a Basic Action in order to give the animated item a Basic Action. It otherwise works as if you were holding the object. If the object takes a Hit the animating force is defeated and the effect ends. If the object is attended, it takes a Create roll against the holders Dodge to animate it. On a success the holder of the object must either let go of it or loose three shots which makes the animation fail; on an Outcome matching its Reflexes it suffers both results.
Limit Break
You prepare an elixir imbuing the drinker with any one power whose Form you know. You do not need to know the specific power.
Anyone can drink such an elixir to gain a single use of the power. Actually using the power takes its normal action type. Using the elixir itself takes no extra time, it is a part of the use of the power. If the power affects only the drinker, he can continue to use it up for the current scene (or as long as it makes sense) If the power is a Limit Break that affects only the drinker, he need not be Focused to use the elixir, but can only use it once.
You can only use this power once per session. At the end of a session, you can choose to stop powering any of your elixirs still in existence. If you don't, you can't replace that elixir this session, the existing elixir counts as the once per session use. An elixir you have stopped powering ends unless it has become a part of another creature's Gadget Pool or similar ability.
This power can be taken several times; each time lets you prepare one additional elixir each session.
This is a meta-power that affects other powers. In some campaign worlds there is a strong Origin Divide among different origins. Check with your GM regarding your campaign. Origins that are opposed cannot cannot be modified by meta-powers; it is as if powers from the opposing origin was actually a schtick rather than a power.
Extend Duration
Limit Break
You can extend the duration of any one lasting power that is already in effect to last a whole session. Does not apply to stances nor to instant effects with no duration. The power can still be dispelled or end in some other way that does not involve its duration running out.
You have a companion, a Golem Henchman Extra with 2/3 of your points who looks out for your interest and will accompany you on adventures. Most homunculi appear as small humanoids; fey, angels, or devils. This is not an absolute rule; homunculi can have any appearance.
Your homunculus is not entirely a separate creature; it is formed out of your magical essence. This means that the two of you are always in telepathic contact. Up to this point the power is Inherent. You can re-absorb this essence when touching the homunculus to Focus. This destroys the homonoculus. At the beginning of each session, your homunculus re-forms beside you or in a spot you assigned it to guard, regardless of where it were earlier, even if it was dead or at the other end of the universe.
Limit Break
You write a line of script or runes on an object and select a Finisher you can use. This writing is obvious but innocuous; it can be hidden as decoration or as a part of a written text. You also set a simple condition when the runes will trigger, such as "when it changes ownership for the third time", "when it comes into the possession of Fred Fod", or "on April 1st". A runetrapped object must be accepted or picked up; you cannot plant it on somebody, but anyone holding or using the object is considered to have accepted it. When triggered, the finisher affects the current holder or owner of the object. If no-one has accepted the object, the creator is considered the owner.
The runetrap is a Trap and can be recognized for what it is with an Examination. If it is recognized, it can be disarmed or dispelled normally. If the object is destroyed the trap triggers.
Spell Preparation
Limit Break
Use Spell Preparation to prepare any one power you do not know, but whose Form you do know. After using this power you temporarily know and can now use the prepared power. Once you use the power, Spell preparation ends at the end of the next round. If the power is a stance or inherent, you can continue to keep it up for one scene (or as long as it makes sense). If you prepare a new power, you lose the previously prepared one. This power can be taken several times; each time lets you prepare one additional power or one additional use for a power you have already prepared. Unless there is a plot reason not to, you can start each session with a power already prepared for use.
This is a meta-power that affects other powers. In some campaign worlds there is a strong Origin Divide among different origins. Check with your GM regarding your campaign. Origins that are opposed cannot cannot be modified by meta-powers; it is as if powers from the opposing origin was actually a schtick rather than a power.
Spirit Prison
Limit Break
This power creates an object that can act as a prison for a supernatural creature (Fairies, Epitomes, Gifted, and Strange), making the creature harmless. In order to put a creature into a spirit prison, you use a Summon power and order it into the prison. Creatures can also be fooled or intimidated into a Spirit Prison. The creature does not need to breathe, eat, or drink while imprisoned, nor does it age. It can use its powers, but only on voluntary recipients who touch the prison; an unwilling target is automatically immune. It cannot use powers on itself. It is considered to be on a different plane for the purpose of Summon powers, but can only be summoned by a creature touching the Spirit Prison. A Spirit Prison is an object with mystic symbols, selected for small size and durability. Metal tokens are common. Powerful creatures require larger or more distinguished objects. Objects used as prisons often have a sealed opening or other mechanism that can be opened and sealed again to allow temporarily undoing the prison to speak to the spirit, but this practice is not universal. Spirit Prison can be broken by destroying the object, summoning the creature and then ordering it to be free, or broken like a Curse.
Create Metal
Analyze Metal
Basic Action
You can analyze the properties of metal. You learn the exact composition and properties of the object and what powers it has been affected by recently.
Craft Metal
Basic Action
You can create and repair objects made primarily out of metal. In this way, you can create basic tools, arms, and armor of no more than Clockwork sophistication. The duration is minutes equal to the Action Result. The difficulty is the Toughness of the item; weapons and armor are made for a specific creature and have a difficulty equal to they damage or toughness they grant. You can also manipulate devices made of metal or of Clockwork or lower sophistication, which is mainly useful for sabotage or to overcome Security. This is also useful for breaking and damaging metal or metal-reinforced objects. You can do Demolish stunts against such objects as a basic action. Disable Mechanism is Routine using this power. A repair has half the difficulty of creating an item, and is not limited in how technologically complex items if can affect.
Fool's Gold
Basic Action
You enchant an object so that it becomes highly attractive. The classic way to do this is to turn objects to gold, but cake and other subtler enchantments directed specifically at certain people are also possible as long as you can convince the GM. Decide who is to be affected when making the charm. When your mark encounters the object, make a Create vs. Charm roll. On a success the mark notices the objects and finds it particularly attractive. On an outcome matching their Mind, they find it irresistible and will want to take it along at almost any cost. The object returns to its original state at the end of the story.
Philosopher's Stone
Basic Action or Limit Break
This is a Transmutation power. If you have several Transmutation powers, you can transform things between the substances you have powers for. The difficulty is the Body/Mass of the object, or the Dodge of the wearer. Repairing objects has half the difficulty of creating them or the Create of the maker for very complex items. If you use a Basic Action the duration is one scene, after which the material will return to its natural shape. If you use a Limit Break to create items, they are permanent, but volatile substances and those that qualify as Items deteriorate at the end of a session unless paid for. Besides practical uses, this allows you to ignore the Resources column when Tinkering with this substance. This is also useful for breaking and damaging appropriate objects. You can do Demolish stunts against such objects as a Basic Action.
Metal Armor
Basic Action
You coat the target (which can be you) in protective metal. He gains 4 points of armor, increasing Toughness. Metal Armor is Large and Loud. It lasts until the end of the current scene. You can maintain this armor on yourself between scenes, but not on others; to protect others you must use it in or right before each scene.
Shrink Tools
Basic Action
You can shrink handheld weapons and personal gear, making them into what seems like tiny replicas on the real thing as long as they remain in your possession. Metal items are especially susceptible to this power; you can use it on whole-body metal suits and other metal objects about as large as yourself. When you shrink a weapon or piece of gear, it shrinks and becomes easy to stow, and can be worn as an adornment. This lets you carry more personal gear than others can, and makes changing what gear you use easy and practical.
Shrinking an item is a Basic Action. Making it resume its normal size is not; it is the equivalent of drawing a weapon and can be done at the beginning of a round or as a part of any action, even a trigger action. You can don a set of metal armor as a part of this process, making it grow to cover you.
Using this on something carried or worn by another requires a Create stunt vs. their Dodge. The target can spend 3 shots to keep possession of the object to be shrunk. On an Outcome matching the target's Reflexes you catch the object as it shrinks and the holder cannot save it.
Noticing that you are carrying items this way uses a Frisk check against your Create.
Wall of Metal
Limit Break
You can create a wall of metal that gains hardness as you advance in skill and power. The wall can be as long as the Create roll that created it, as high as your Mind and about 10 cm thick. It must be created so as to be stable; usually by making it curved or giving it a gentle wave form. It cannot be created on top of a creature. When using a map with squares or hexes, the wall lies on the edges between spaces. A wall must be created in contact with the ground or solid foundations, but you can control its shape and by buttressing it can be used as a road, rampart or bridge, have a basic portal, catwalk and so on.
The wall has a Body equal to your Create + Mind. It will corrode rapidly once created, losing one point of Body per day.
Create Mind
This Curse removes the perks of the target's old life, making him a stranger even to his friends and family. All of the target’s facial features, vocal cues, and identifying physical traits change, transforming the target into an unremarkable and anonymous member of its race and gender. It likewise transforms anything the target wears or carries that could be used as identification and renders all seals, keys, and similar non-functional. It takes a Charm check with a difficulty equal your Create and an outcome equal to your Mind to either see through the change or convince someone of the target's identity.
The target cannot speak, read, or write any language, gaining the more severe version of the Incommunicado limitation. This is a Curse.
Create Emotions
Basic Action
Allows you to foster a desired emotion in any thinking being. The love spell is the most famous example. You may also specify the object of the emotion, which need not be another thinking being. For example, you could inspire hatred of a truck or lust to own a jewel. Make an opposed Charm roll. Any interaction using this emotion (including repeated use of this power) Gains an Advantage. If the Outcome exceeds the target's Mind, he cannot control his emotions and immediately acts on them, a kind of Setback.
The advantage of this over a regular stunt is that it allows more precise control.
Empathic Beacon
Limit Break
You create an empathic beacon that is either intensely attractive or intensely repellant to certain creatures. The beacon affects a radius in meters equal to your Create roll when using the power, but needs line of sight to the center point.
When you use this power, select these three things:
- One type of creature that the beacon is attuned to. This can be by race, species, equipment, or gender.
- Whether the beacon is to be exclusive or inclusive; an exclusive beacon affects only the type of creature outlined above, an inclusive beacon includes all creatures but the one specified in §1.
- If the beacon is to attract or repel.
Each time a creature that could be affected by the beacon and inside its area takes a Basic Action, the beacon tries to control their movement, making a Create roll against the creatures Mind. If the compulsion succeeds, the creature must use its full Move this action and move towards or away from the beacon as specified in §3.
Two Empathic Beacons cannot overlap; the stronger one prevails.
Modify Memory
Limit Break
You can modify, create, or remove a memory in the target. If your try to remove or modify a memory the target does not have, the power fails and you realize it fails.
Make a Create vs. Dodge roll, an unaware or helpless target uses Reflexes instead. On a success, you modify the memory but some flaws and remnants remain. The target may notice these flaws if cross-examined or thinking a lot about the event, and it can be cured as an ailment. An outcome equal to the target's Mind makes this a Curse and makes the target unable to find fault with the memory; another might do so trough tools like Mind Diving or Psychology.
Create Order
Activate Machine
Basic Action
You activate a machine or device, making it perform its intended function. A trap will spring, a vehicle move, a door open and so on. If the device is capable of continuous operation, you have started it up but it might further guidance to continue to work - in this case the power only lasts while you are operating the device. In many cases this requires a Create roll to do successfully, using the normal difficulty but overcoming limitations due to lack of tools or proficiency.
The main use of this is to overcome security limitations on who can activate a device, so some people consider it a misuse of order - using the intent of the machine (to function) against the limitations imposed upon it trough security. Some see this as a perversion or order, others see it as invoking a state of perfect function.
Meliorate Machine
Limit Break
You repair a damaged or destroyed machine or object, restoring it to full functionality. You must have at least 95% of the parts, or replacement materials and a good working knowledge of the object to be repaired. This power is geared to personal objects; anything larger than a van might require several applications of the power to restore various sub-systems.
Perpetuum Mobile
Basic Action
You invoke order over an item, usually a vehicle or other machine. This reduces wear and tear on the machine, making it perform its intended function flawlessly without need for maintainable. This does not prevent intentional damage to the object, but prevents fumbles when operating it, reduces fuel or power cinsumption by half, and removes any penalties the device might impose due to damage, design flaws, or whatever.
This power lasts as long as you remain in the general presence of the machine - usually within a hundred meters or so. Invoking this over a large machine involves many, many applications of the power, taking hours or even days for huge things like battleships.
Basic Action
You link a set of objects equal to your Mind, preferably ones that are resonant, such as metal blades or sea shells. Any sound near one of these objects is transmitted to all the others, in a very muted form. Speaking directly to the object transmits the speech to all the other objects in the set. This works somewhat like a normal open radio channel; allowing communication over long distances with the same kind of requirement for communication discipline. The range is equal to your skill in kilometers. The power lasts for a session. You can-de attune items from the set and attune new items each time you use the schtick, but the number of attuned items can never be higher than your Mind.
Create Plant
Limit Break
This Curse causes an area of land with a diameter of your Mind in kilometers to become incapable of sustaining plant life. Once cast, it slowly kills all plant life existing in the zone - small plants die in a matter of hours, large trees can live up to a month, dead trees might stand for several years. The curse also prevents any new vegetation from growing until after the next winter. The effect does not kill animal life, but creatures within the area of effect usually die or move away from lack of food.
If the curse is broken quickly, some vegetation can be saved.
Stomach to Heart
Limit Break
Prepare a meal. Someone who voluntarily eats this meal can be affected by a Finisher you select when cooking the meal. Make an opposed Create check to affect your target. Both preparing and consuming the meal is a separate Limit Break. The meal needs to be consumed in the same session it is prepared.
Transmute Wood
Basic Action or Limit Break
This is a Transmutation power. If you have several Transmutation powers, you can transform things between the substances you have powers for. The difficulty is the Body/Mass of the object, or the Dodge of the wearer. Repairing objects has half the difficulty of creating them or the Create of the maker for very complex items. If you use a Basic Action the duration is one scene, after which the material will return to its natural shape. If you use a Limit Break to create items, they are permanent, but volatile substances and those that qualify as Items deteriorate at the end of a session unless paid for. Besides practical uses, this allows you to ignore the Resources column when Tinkering with this substance. This is also useful for breaking and damaging appropriate objects. You can do Demolish stunts against such objects as a Basic Action.
You can create basic items out of plant materials, shaping and weaving organic matter. In this way you can create personal gear of no more than Ancient sophistication. You can also shape living plants (or parts of them), making living houses, furniture etc.
This does not work on Plant Elementals.
Create Psi
Psychic Key
Limit Break
You can fashion a psychic key, an object that can be used to link to other individuals. Each psychic key is linked to one specific individual. You touch the person whose key you are making. A psychic key allows the holder to establish a Psychic Network as if physically touching.
Create Space
Resize Object
Basic Action or Finisher
You change size of an object, making it larger or smaller. The target can be a set of linked objects, like an outfit with accessories, or a bag full of stuff. The difficulty is the Body of the object. This lasts for the rest of the scene but becomes a Curse when used as a Finisher. You can set up a condition, such as an action or command word, that ends the resizing.
Changes will change the item's Body score. Check the Body and Mass for the Body of objects. You can change the target to a Body no higher than your Create, and you can modify the Body by up to your Create.
Restoring a shrunk object is not an action (it is the equivalent of drawing a weapon), and can be a part of a stunt, such as using Create to place a barrier or trap, or releasing a great gout of smoke or flame to Impress.
Instantly Teleports items from your wardrobe onto your body from any distance. Replaced objects are teleported to your wardrobe. The wardrobe can be in an extra-dimensional space if you have access to one from other abilities. You can replace any number of items at once, as long as they are all personal equipment you can carry.
If an item has been stolen from you, make a opposed Create check against the current owner to take it back. If it is currently being worn by someone else, Requip automatically fails. If this power fails, you are no longer considered the owner of that particular outfit until you recover it normally.
Requip is an unusual stance in that the entire effect occurs on activation, it effectively has no duration and cannot be made permanent. Neither does ending the stance have any effect.
Teleport Barrier
Basic Action
You ward an area against teleportation, placing symbols that disrupt teleportation attempts. Any attempt to Teleport into or out of the area has a minimum difficulty equal to your Create; if the Outcome was less than your Mind the teleport succeeded, but made an awful noise and dazed the teleportee, making him loose all shots for the first round.
Teleport barrier covers a radius equal to your Create roll and lasts for a scene. If the anti-teleportation symbols are incorporated into the decor of a place, or even hidden into the walls, the Teleport Barrier lasts as long as the symbols remain.
Teleport Circle
Limit Break
You can create and use a Teleport Circle, a beacon that can be used as the target for long-range teleport powers.
A teleport circle must be tied to a clearly visible, odd-looking material object, and creating this object is not a part of this power - it is usually done using mundane Create techniques. The durability of the teleport circle depends on the materials used - a chalk circle is a lot easier to destroy than a circle of standing stones, but also much faster to set up.
A Teleport Circle lasts until you remove it or it is dispelled. You can only keep one Teleport Circle running at any one time and cannot create a new one if this would exceed your limit. You can learn this power several times; your limit on how many teleport circles you can maintain is the square of the number of points spent on this ability. Any teleport circles you were maintaining when you die become permanent, lasting until destroyed.
When you vist an existing teleport circle you can bind to it, adding it to your repertoire of teleport destinations. Such found circles do not count towards your limit.
Finally, you can use this power to teleport between two teleport circles you are bound to over any distance.
Teleport Lock
Limit Break
You lock a Teleport Circle, preventing its use to anyone who does not know the secret password you set or possess a gate key you created.
Alternatively, you can place a Trap on the Teleport Circle. You can make the trap so that it only affects either those entering or those exiting. Note that it is actually possible to place a beneficial effect as a gate trap; for example a trap that turns those exiting an underwater gate to fish.
One gate can be both locked and trapped, but you cannot place a lock on a locked circle you do not have access to or second trap on a trapped circle.
Teleport Lock is a Curse on the Teleport Circle. Breaking the curse can either destroy the lock or give the curse-breaker a key to the lock. It is possible to bypass Teleport Lock using Disable Mechanism, but not to remove it that way.
Create Spiritual
Trigger Action (Combo)
When you are using another power that usually only affects yourself, you can trigger this power to have it affect another person who is within Mind meters of you. You can do this for several people, with a separate shot cost for each. The power will affect everyone as long as they remain in the area or until it ends normally.
This is a meta-power that affects other powers. In some campaign worlds there is a strong Origin Divide among different origins. Check with your GM regarding your campaign. Origins that are opposed cannot cannot be modified by meta-powers; it is as if powers from the opposing origin was actually a schtick rather than a power.
Celestial City
Limit Break
You call on astral spirits to transform a place. This creates an urban landscape, a mix of palatial pavilions and park. It has a radius in meters equal to your Create result. As a part of this process, you can manufacture objects with Body equal or less than your Mind and buildings with a Body equal to your Create. You do not have exact control over what's created, but it will always be aesthetically and functionally pleasing to you. You can change the Free Running difficulty of the terrain as long as your Create is higher than the current Free Running difficulty. You can set it to any value between zero and your Create skill (not the skill roll). If you succeed at a Create roll against the Body of a construction, it can be morphed to merge with the theme, but constructions of higher Body are only whitewashed; they retain form and function but are decorated to fit the new setting. The change lasts for the rest of the session or up to the end of the story as appropriate to the plot.
Basic Action
Touching an object tells you how it was made and if there are any legends or stories it has been involved in you learn those. You can tell its exact abilities.
Personal Purgatorium
You send the target into a spiritual realm, where they re-live events from their life from different perspectives. For someone who has lived a life beneficial to others this can be a good experience, but the target gets to live through every experience they have ever caused for another, making this hell for most creatures. The creature is caught in this state until they have settled their conscience and worked out their reasons for acting. In most cases this will leave the target reformed and considerate, a good creature. But for those whose true nature is to be evil, the opposite can happen. For Mundane sinners this process takes only moments of real time, tough it takes ages of subjective time. For exceptional sinners or saints, and for creatures that are not Mundane, this causes the creature to disappear and be impossible to summon for a time, usually several years. A Mundane creature this happens to becomes some kind of supernatural creature appropriate to their ethos. You can choose to lessen the effect or even make this a personal paradise instead, but this also lessens the redemptive quality.
Seance of Power
Limit Break
You hold a seance to share power among the participants. You all form a chain of hands with up to your Mind participants. Select one power known to a participant. All participants can use this power for a scene.
This is a meta-power that affects other powers. In some campaign worlds there is a strong Origin Divide among different origins. Check with your GM regarding your campaign. Origins that are opposed cannot cannot be modified by meta-powers; it is as if powers from the opposing origin was actually a schtick rather than a power.
Create Tech
Analyze Technology
Basic Action
You can analyze the properties of any power within reach, even if it is inside a container or otherwise separated from you. You learn what power it is, who used it, when, to what effect, and an approximate power level. Even powers that have ended leave a signature that can be analyzed, though the impressions fade; after the end of the scene, it is no longer possible to determine who used the power and its exact effect. The signature fades completely in a matter of days or weeks, stronger and more dramatic uses leaving stronger impressions. This is a meta-power that affects other powers. In some campaign worlds there is a strong Origin Divide among different origins. Check with your GM regarding your campaign. Origins that are opposed cannot cannot be modified by meta-powers; it is as if powers from the opposing origin was actually a schtick rather than a power.
Automated System
Basic Action
When you use another power, you can base any roll or stunt using that power on your Create skill instead of whatever skill the power would normally be based on. This power ends at the end of the round or when you move. This is a meta-power that affects other powers. In some campaign worlds there is a strong Origin Divide among different origins. Check with your GM regarding your campaign. Origins that are opposed cannot cannot be modified by meta-powers; it is as if powers from the opposing origin was actually a schtick rather than a power.
Bypass Security
Basic Action
One security system, surveillance device, lock, or trap will open and allow you to bypass it or otherwise not react to your presence or that of your allies for the rest of the round. This substitutes for the Security and Safecracking schticks and allows you to negate security at range (with normal range penalties), but the duration is only until the end of the round, after which the device resumes operation.
Camera Capture
Basic Action or Limit Break
You can see trough any camera. You must either know the camera is there, or focus on a location to see trough the closest camera. Scrying at one specific location is a Basic Action; looking around to find something takes a Limit Break. Range is irrelevant, but such things as border security and isolated systems are a limit. To gain information this way you make an opposed check against the targets' Recon. You gain valuable information based on the outcome of this roll; if the outcome matches the target's Mind you gain clear and important insights into the target's activities. On a failed roll, you learn obvious details and trivia; if the negative Outcome matches your Mind you learn misleading information or the target notices your spying. If the Create skill used to maintain camera security is higher that the target's Spot, use this value as the scrying difficulty.
Common Platform
Trigger Action
When you use a power that normally only affects one target, you can use Common Platform to instead affect all willing targets within Mind meters. This does not work on stances or other powers that only affects yourself. This is a meta-power that affects other powers. In some campaign worlds there is a strong Origin Divide among different origins. Check with your GM regarding your campaign. Origins that are opposed cannot cannot be modified by meta-powers; it is as if powers from the opposing origin was actually a schtick rather than a power.
Conventional Technology
Your powers do not register as such, instead appearing to be mundane technology. They can still be found with powers that detect mundane technology, but powers that specifically look for other powers will fail unless the searcher is actually touching or otherwise directly interacting with the power. The GM may restrict how this power can be applied, depending on how technology works in your campaign. It is linked to the Props method and requires that each power you use be a prop or cybernetic implant. This is a meta-power that affects other powers. In some campaign worlds there is a strong Origin Divide among different origins. Check with your GM regarding your campaign. Origins that are opposed cannot cannot be modified by meta-powers; it is as if powers from the opposing origin was actually a schtick rather than a power.
Jury Rig
Basic Action
You can make a Repair stunt as a Basic Action.
Nanite Factory
Limit Break
You can create personal gear out of either valuable raw materials or common trash, shaping and weaving matter to your specification. In this way you can create personal gear of any sophistication. If you used good raw materials and either had a blueprint or made a Create roll sufficient to design the device, it lasts as long as a normal device would. Otherwise the item is Improvised and will break down at the end of the scene.
Basic Action
This is a special net interface unit that keeps track of and displays any net connections in your vicinity. This allows you to be present both in the net and in the physical world. You can see and interface with any electronic net-connected device in the vicinity. This allows you to try and hack into these machines. You can remote-control vehicles and machines with auto pilots - which can include gun pods and armed vehicles. You are mostly aware of net-connected security devices, traps, checkpoints and other computer-controlled devices before they become a problem. You can try to Hack any remote controlled system or vehicle in your path as a Basic Action. Success is automatic if you have the appropriate access. This makes you very powerful if you have a high level of authority, such as corporate police units have on their own turf.
Power Battery
You have a battery that contains an extra Fortune point that you can only use with powers. This replenishes at the end of each session. You can take this power several times to gain additional Fortune points. This is a meta-power that affects other powers. In some campaign worlds there is a strong Origin Divide among different origins. Check with your GM regarding your campaign. Origins that are opposed cannot cannot be modified by meta-powers; it is as if powers from the opposing origin was actually a schtick rather than a power.
Power Capacitor
Trigger Action (Focus)
Once per session you can use this power to focus, regardless of other circumstances.
Reverse Engineering
Limit Break
By studying the effects of a power, you can understand its principles and replicate it. Make a Create roll against the target's Dodge. You learn one of the target's powers and can use it for the rest of the session. This is a meta-power that affects other powers. In some campaign worlds there is a strong Origin Divide among different origins. Check with your GM regarding your campaign. Origins that are opposed cannot cannot be modified by meta-powers; it is as if powers from the opposing origin was actually a schtick rather than a power.
Simple Gadget
Basic Action
Your powers are used on gadgets that are simple to use, even if the technology behind them is incredibly complex. You can use this power to give away and explain the use of a particular power. You lose the power in question, and whoever you gave it to gains it instead and can use it as long as he keeps the gadget or until the end of the story. You regain the power if you regain the gadget, or you can replace it at the end of a story. This ability is linked to the Props method and requires that each power you use be a prop.
Technological Prodigy
You can understand, create, and use technology that is more advanced than the standard of your setting. Increase the Tech Level of the setting by one for you personally. You can manufacture and use devices of this complexity. Because you have to do most of the manufacturing in person, there is still a limit on how much high-technology gear you can possess and use. Personal gear is not generally a problem, but the GM might require you to purchase such devices as Item schticks. A vehicle requires a lot more support and is always a schtick. Anything requiring an infrastructure to work is impossible. If another creature uses one of your devices it will generally work normally once and then require reloading or resetting which they are not capable of. Others using your devices suffer a malfunction on any snake eyes roll. You can select this power more than once, each time you take it you can use technology of one additional tech level, but manufacturing such complex devices becomes harder and harder as your local supply of materials becomes more and more obsolete.
Create Time
Analyze Time
You have a perfect internal clock and call always tell local and global time, even when involved with time dilation, time travel, and other confusing circumstances. You can analyze the properties of time in your vicinity. You learn and whether it has been affected by any powers recently. These ripples are easy to detect, but hard to pinpoint. The GM should give you warning well ahead of time when you encounter someone using Time magics other than time sense. Distance is about ten meters or minutes per point of Mind you have. You can increase your sensitivity by setting up chronal disruption detectors; this is mainly a plot device which can be used as an adventure hook against time-using rivals.
Limit Break
You recreate a place out of history, restoring ancient glories to fallen ruins and resetting traps and inanimate guardians. Anything that has been destroyed, worn out or fallen into decay in the location is restored; objects that were taken away are not. Some specific eternal guardians may be restored as well, but generally, mortal creatures are not affected. This is great for adventures in exotic past locations, looking for treasures in buried palaces and so on. The difficulty does not depend on the amount of time bridged, but on the connection between the present time and place and your target. So, if you want to travel to the time of Ancient Egypt, go to the pyramids. You must research the time you want to go to and its relationship to your own time, finding the exact spot and time when time shift is possible. This must be done as a part of the preparations for an adventure, in collaboration with the GM. If you manage to come to the specific time and place and use this power, the story usually depends on this effect, and thus it works. Otherwise, it fails.
Restore Object
Limit Break
You restore a personal device, man-sized or smaller object, or small piece of scenery to an earlier state. The GM might allow you to affect larger objects with additional work. Pick a point in the past (usually when the object or device was new and in pristine condition) - the object is restored to its state at this time. You have an intuitive feeling for the state of the object at various times, but exacting work requires more detailed study. You can only restore parts of the object that are available; you can reconstruct a piece of paper from the component molecules among the moldering earth it has been buried in, but if half the object is missing you cannot restore the missing part. You can destroy an object this way, reverting it to its components just before assembly, but you cannot go any further back than that. Besides repairs, this power can be useful for restoring evidence and examining the object at various times. Affecting an object in the possession of another creature requires that you be within reach and succeed on an Create vs. Dodge roll. Affecting a mechanism, such as a lock, uses the normal difficulty for that kind of stunt; you are considered qualified to manipulate whatever you are trying to restore.
Time for Work
Limit Break
You can create more time for an individual, giving him more time for work, sleep, play and leisure. It seems time never runs out for this guy, though he moves no faster than usual. This is usually done to benefit yourself, but you can affect another, or even s small group as long as they stay together during the entire period. Add your Mind to his effective Body for Endurance. It effectively lets a character work two jobs in one day, or to adventure and still work normally. This can involve small time-leaps of a Mind hours at most. Generally this aspect of the power is ignored, but it can sometimes be used as a tool or hook in an adventure, with the GMs active cooperation. If someone under Time for Work ever get spotted by his old self, he takes one Hits per round of such contact.
Create Water
Analyze Water
Basic Action
You can analyze the properties of any liquid within reach, even if it is inside a container or otherwise separated from you. You learn the exact composition and properties of the liquid and whether it has been affected by any powers recently.
Finally, you can use this to gain perfect understanding of currents and other aquatic phenomena.
Armor Breaker
All your attacks are inherently armor breaking. An attack that already has this ability does not further improve. Armor Breaker attacks gain the following quality: "Your attack breaks armor. If you inflict a Hit on an opponent whose Toughness is greater than his Body, reduce his Toughness by one for the rest of the scene, but never to a value lower than his Body.".
Craft Liquid
Basic Action
You can create small amounts of exotic liquids with powerful effects. Examples include rocket fuel, nitroglycerine, superglue, strong acids, universal solvent and so on. The difficulty ranges from 10 for basic substances to 12 for complex compounds, 14 for custom-made specials and 16 or higher for futuristic or experimental substances. Having a sample to reproduce reduces the difficulty by 2. You create about a liquid ounce (30 ml) of liquid as a basic action, meaning you can create a liter of liquid in 30 seconds and a gallon in 3 minutes. If you collect a lot of the liquid for use all at once, make only one Create check for the whole batch. Mostly, this is used to solve immediate problems; creating an acid to break a lock or steel bar, creating a lubricant to allow you to move something heavy and so on. Used this way, craft liquid can replace other Create schticks and the lack of tools, as long as it makes some kind of sense. You can also make exotic medicines, drugs, and such to order, but this requires the Know skill (yours or someone else's) to administer properly - Craft Liquid replaces drugs and medicines, not medical skill.
Basic Action
Create a cloud of fog with a diameter equal to your Create roll in meters. Within this area, you can shape the fog cloud as you like. The change is instantaneous and normally lasts for one scene; drafts and wind can disperse the cloud in a round.
The fog is opaque but not transparent; it is possible to see what is near you, but perception rolls and ranged attacks suffer a penalty of -1 per meter of distance and it provides cover to Sneak. At a distance greater than an observers Mind in meters, even obvious things become hidden. There are schticks and powers that allows sight trough obscurement; these work normally in the area.
Wall of Water
Basic Action
You create a mass of churning water in a cube with a side of up to three meters. Several such masses can be created next to each other in order to form a wall.
Ranged attacks cannot penetrate the sides of the wall. Any action or stunt trying to act trough the churning waters has a minimum difficulty equal to your Create. Moving trough the water requires a Swim check against your Create. You can designate up to your Mind creatures that can move trough the wall without having to roll.
The water wall lasts for a scene, or you can dispel any number of water walls you've created as a Basic Action. The water in the wall disappears when the power ends; it can't be used as a source of sustenance.
Water Mastery
Limit Break
You can manipulate large amounts of water or other liquid. The difficulty depends on the Body corresponding to the Mass you can manipulate. One cubic meter of water corresponds to Body 15. If all you want to do is move water around, the limit is set by your Create roll + Mind. For other manipulations or other liquids, the limit is your Create.
With this you can move the liquid as you wish, with a Move equal to your Mind. If used to attack it does Blunt Stun damage equal to your Mind, attacking with your Create. A target hit this way also loses a shot, and you can do various stunts this way.
Thew power lasts for a scene. Certain uses of the power can be made permanent, creating new streams, fountains etc at the GMs discretion. Duplicating Item sticks this way costs xp if they are to last.
Water to Wine
Basic Action or Limit Break
This is a Transmutation power. If you have several Transmutation powers, you can transform things between the substances you have powers for. The difficulty is the Body/Mass of the object, or the Dodge of the wearer. Repairing objects has half the difficulty of creating them or the Create of the maker for very complex items. If you use a Basic Action the duration is one scene, after which the material will return to its natural shape. If you use a Limit Break to create items, they are permanent, but volatile substances and those that qualify as Items deteriorate at the end of a session unless paid for. Besides practical uses, this allows you to ignore the Resources column when Tinkering with this substance. This is also useful for breaking and damaging appropriate objects. You can do Demolish stunts against such objects as a Basic Action.