Gifts (Action Powers Form)
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Heroic Action Role-Play |
Gifts are innate abilities that certain individuals have. They are not earned or learned but basically bestowed randomly.
- Alternate Names: Mutation, Creature Powers, Super Powers.
- Skill : Recon
- Attribute : Body
- Sense : All senses
- Mood : Egocentric, egotistic, individualistic
- Blast: Cutting
Gifts Cantrips
Basic Action
You can make your eyes (or other significant part of your anatomy) glow, providing illumination for a scene or until you use this power again to shut the light off.
You can detect if someone else is a power-user as soon as you sense them. As you get within Mind meters, you can compare one of your own skills to that of another power user, noticing if they are stronger, within 1 point of you, or weaker than you. The result is quite obvious and instinctively understood by all onlookers. It is brusque but not rude, like two beasts evaluating each other for dominance. It can be repeated for different skills. Often used to establish a dominance chain between monsters and sometimes between other gifted. A creature can pretend to be weaker than they are to fool you with an opposed Charm check.
Charm Gifts
Charm Monsters
Basic Action
You are supernaturally enchanting to certain creatures. You master whatever form of communication they use, even if you are normally unable to communicate with them at all.
Enchanting someone requires an opposed Charm roll. On an Outcome equal to the target's Mind, the target falls for your enchantment. On a lesser success you gain an advantage. A failed check interrupts the process, forcing you to look for a new opportunity at a later time.
Once someone has been enchanted, they will willingly follow and help you out. They seek to avoid conflict with their old allies, but if push comes to shove you cannot guarantee how they will react; they will try to avoid seeing you harmed, but they might make you a captive to save you later or even to have you at their mercy, or they might decide to throw in their lot with you and abandon their former allies. Someone who you have enchanted expects trust and help from you, but the enchantment breaks automatically only in the most blatant cases of maltreatment. If you are callous and disregard their interests they can make opposed Charm rolls against you to see through the enchantment. The same applies if a friend points out they have been charmed, but in this case it is an opposed roll against the friend's Charm skill and takes a Limit Break to do.
Enchantment normally wears off in about a weeks time, but can be maintained through continuous use of the power; it will last indefinitely if reapplied once per day. Even after the power ends you leave your targets with fond memories of you unless you mistreated them. Someone who realizes they have been enchanted and used can become vindictive or even downright hostile, but this is not the normal result.
This power only works on Gifted creatures such as mutants, supers, and monsters.
Limit Break
You get a bonus of +1 to all your skill values until the end of the scene. This bonus stacks with itself up to a maximum of +3.
An NPC using this ability gains an escalation bonus of +3, and the bonus decreases by one at the end of each round until it is reduced to zero. The power can only be used once per scene.
Gifted Companion
Basic Action
You have a Gifted companion, a Henchman Extra with 2/3 your points who looks out for your interest and will accompany you on adventures. Companions are very varied and form and function, they often take on the role of sidekicks, mounts, or war beasts. Some companions serve out of a sense of loyalty, others serve to work off a debt or because you have a hold on them. Up to this point the power is Inherent. You can communicate with your companion as a Basic Action, and the companion can do the same with you, regardless of distance or language barriers.
Instant Change
Basic Action
You can assume a mundane form or back again. The mundane form is normally human, but can be any Folk or a normal Animal. In this form, you have normal attribute maxima of your race, and you lose any powers. It is not possible to detect your lost powers or gifted nature when you are in this form; they simply are not present to be detected. Neither can you be identified with your powered self by any power. This is tied to the Mark of Power method.
Limit Break, Trigger Action
As a Limit Break, you can perfectly mimic one class of objects or creatures chosen when you take the power. Common choices are humanoids or furniture but other options are possible. You can Mimic specific creatures or objects of your chosen type, but must have detailed knowledge of what it looks like to do so. While Mimicking, all Charm checks to Acting to stay in role are Routine. You cannot use any powers that depend on physical features you do not have when using Mimic, and your effective Body is limited by your assumed mass unless you have some way around this problem.
You can assume your natural form at any time as a Basic Action. This has the effect of a Distraction stunt against all observers who did not know your true nature.
Spirit Friends
Basic Action
You have the ability to befriend and gain help from minor spirits and supernatural creatures you encounter. These spirits hang around you, check up on you, and otherwise perform small services and friendly gestures. If you get involved in a conflict while these spirits are around, they will try to help you. They are minor spirits, but can help in small ways by keeping track of foes, keeping you updated on what's going on or haunting your enemies keeping them awake at night. In a pinch they may fight for you, but that is not their normal behavior.
Your Spirit Friends collectively is a Swarm of Minion Extras with a final skill (including Swarm) equal to your Charm. Its exact composition is highly mutable; you can change the composition of your spirit swarm, allowing you to change it for a specific situation. Most often, it is simplest to just make a Charm check to see if your spirit friends can accomplish their objective, with the assumption that they have whatever powers and skills are needed for minor tasks such as spying, haunting an area, moving a small object, and the like.
Create Gifts
This power binds a Gifted creature into an object, creating an Item of power. The creature must be willing or bound and you must know its True Name. The creature does not need to breathe, eat, or drink while in a fetish, nor does it age. It is possible to communicate with the creature when holding the fetish. Breaking the object frees the creature. The item gains a number of Item Schticks and Item Limitations equal to the creature's highest skill value -10. You have some influence over the selection of powers, but what Item Schticks and Item Limitations the item gains depends most on the creature bound to the fetish. You can add additional powers to the item, or remove limitations, by investing experience points and using the item rules.
Gift Circle
Trigger Action (Combo)
When you are using another power that usually only affects yourself, you can trigger this power to have it affect to your Mind creatures who are touching. If you can form a chain of hands to affect creatures adjacent to other targets. The power will affect everyone in the chain as long as you continue to touch one another (remain adjacent) or until the effect would normally end. You can only share one power at a time this way. You can take this power multiple time, this allows you to share a number of powers equal to the number of times you picked this power.
This is a meta-power that affects other powers. In some campaign worlds there is a strong Origin Divide among different origins. Check with your GM regarding your campaign. Origins that are opposed cannot cannot be modified by meta-powers; it is as if powers from the opposing origin was actually a schtick rather than a power.
Gift of Blood
Limit Break
You spill some of your blood, either drunk directly by another or into a container to be stored. Blood so stored will not coagulate. This functions as a Gizmo storing one of your powers for use by others. You can only have one Gizmo made by Gift of Blood in existence at any one time. This limit can be extended by taking the power several times. At the end of a story, all the Gizmos you made this way are destroyed unless they become someone's Gimmicks.
Invoke Elements
Limit Break
You call on elemental spirits to transform a place. This makes the place you are in go feral, as if abandoned by all Folk and not maintained for 100 years. Manufactured objects with Body equal or less than your Mind are reduced to dirt and Body equal or less than your Create are ruined and stop working, but keep their basic form. This has no effect on items of power or on creatures of any kind or the objects they carry.
In a highly artificial area, such as inside a building or a city street, you affect an area with a diameter equal to your Mind and the effect is blocked by walls. In an natural area or an area of only moderate development, such as a field or village, the effect is a radius equal to your Create in meters and is not stopped by walls.
Spirit Binding
This power binds a supernatural creature (Fairies, Epitomes, Gifted, and Strange), making it harmless. The creature does not need to breathe, eat, or drink while bound, nor does it age. It can use its powers, but only on voluntary recipients; an unwilling target is automatically immune. It cannot use powers on itself. It is considered to be on a different plane for the purpose of Summon powers, but can only be summoned by a creature holding the binding object. A bound creature turns into a small object relevant to its background. Art objects, gems, clothing, tools, and weapons are common. Powerful creatures become larger and more distinguished objects. The binding object functions as the creature's True Name as long as you carry the object. Spirit Binding can be broken by destroying the object, summoning the creature and then ordering it to be free, or broken like a Curse.
Grant Wish
Limit Break
You can grant a wish from someone who is Folk. Such a wish can grant most material things, including objects and physical powers. The person gives up one Fortune Point that you gain. If this takes over your normal maximum, you must immediately spend the point on a roll for this power. This works like Wish except that you can only grant other's wishes. The wishes need to genuinely be their own and not coerced, but you have a certain freedom of misinterpretation, particularly if they add conditions or reservations to their wish. A simple straightforward wish is harder to corrupt. If the wish relates to raw physical matter or to powers that deal with bodily changes or the ability to manipulate matter, your Create roll is Confident.
The metaplot behind this power is that ethereal beings have poor imagination. They need the imaginative input from Folk. The person gets their wish granted, but there is a slight cost in that their imagination gets a little bit dulled, manifested as the cost of a point of Fortune Point.
Dodge Gifts
Conditional Focus
Pick an Form. When a power of this form is used in an attempt to inflict harm on you, you can focus. This applies even if the attack failed to harm you. You can pick this power several times in order to gain additional triggers.The damage must come from the environment or from an enemy to let you focus - attacking yourself or having a friend attack does no good. It is ok to set up a situation where you take environmental damage.
Damage Absorption
Select a specific type of damage, such as Electricity. Whenever you take damage of this type you heal one Hit. You do this even if the amount of damage was insufficient to harm you.
Damage Immunity
Select one subtype of damage when you take this power. You are immune to that subtype of damage. Select a kind of attacks that can penetrate your Resist Wounds ability or a condition when it will not work; typical examples include weapons made of (or incorporating) certain materials (such as silver), or under particular circumstances (such as in daylight). You can take this power several times, picking a new subtype of damage each time.
Basic Action
You gain the appearance of a mundane object, and you have the ability to give up all movement to actually function as the object you are imitating. While Impassive and not moving or taking any action, you can use Dodge for Acting to stay in role and such checks are Routine. When you break this charade as a Basic Action you can use Dodge to Terrorize observers who are not aware of your true nature.
Quill Retaliation
Trigger Action (Defense)
Your body is covered by sharp quills, and anyone striking you is up for a jarring shock. Use this power as you are hit in close combat. The attacker takes Piercing damage equal to your Body minus his attack outcome. If you use a Body-enhancing technique along with Quill Retaliation, the damage you inflict will not increase.
You heal one Hit at the end of each round of combat in which you use this stance. You do not regenerate out of combat. This will not reduce the effect of a Damage Setback. You can take this schtick twice to regenerate out of combat, which quickly restores your Hits even when there is not a new scene.
Resist Damage
Select one Damage Type when you take this power. Add your Mind to your soak attribute against this type of damage. Select a kind of attacks that can penetrate your resistance or a condition when it will not work; typical examples include attacks based on a specific subtype of the damage type you are resistant to (such as Fire if you are resistant to Disruption damage), weapons made of (or incorporating) certain materials (such as silver), damage caused by effects that are mundane (not from powers). or under particular circumstances (such as in daylight). You can take this power several times, picking a new type of damage each time.
Resist Powers
When an opponent uses a power on you, your natural power resistance might protect you. The opponent must make a Mind check against your Mind (this does not cost any shots), on a failure the power did not affect you. When in use, this prevents all powers used against you except your own. You can negate the stance when you want to be affected by a power that is not your own, but you then have to activate it again. If you take this as a Mutation or otherwise make the power permanent you can still lower the resistance. Resist Power does not work against powers that create a freestanding effect, such as freestanding illusions, created objects or walls, cave-ins, and other indirect effects, as determined by the GM. Nor does it work against Melee powers that lack a damage value. This is a meta-power that affects other powers. In some campaign worlds there is a strong Origin Divide among different origins. Check with your GM regarding your campaign. Origins that are opposed cannot cannot be modified by meta-powers; it is as if powers from the opposing origin was actually a schtick rather than a power.
Resist Wounds
You cannot take deep wounds and are immune to Damage Setbacks from one damage type. Select a kind of attacks that can penetrate your resistance or a condition when it will not work; typical examples include attacks based on a specific subtype of the damage type you are resistant to (such as Fire if you are resistant to Disruption damage), weapons made of (or incorporating) certain materials (such as silver), damage caused by effects that are mundane (not from powers). or under particular circumstances (such as in daylight). You can take this power several times, each time you do, it applies to a separate damage type.
You are a primitive creature directed by some simple directive or instinct. You are immune to social interactions and thus to most stunts and powers targeting your Charm or Impress. You are unable to use Charm. If a stunt using either of these skills is made so that it would reasonably affect you, usually a physical trick, you can use Dodge as your defense.
Impress Gifts
Alpha Beast
You learn the True Name of the defeated or helpless creature.
Assume Identity
Basic Action
You can imitate a creature whose True Name you know, becoming that creature. You use that creatures abilities and statistics in place of your own, with one exception; you still use your own Impress skill to keep your shape-changed self under control.
It takes an Impress roll against the creature's Dodge or Impress to assume the creature's form. You do not have access to the imitated creatures memories, and if the creature assumes control it suffers from Amnesia and only has confused memory-images to go on, both from your memories and from the form it has.
Each round in which you remain shape-changed, you need to use this power and roll your Impress against the creature's Dodge or Impress in order to extend your control over it until the end of the following round. During combat, you must succeed at this action each round or the creature will break free, but you can try repeatedly in each round. Out of combat, you only need to roll every 15 minutes, but any failed roll means you lose control of the creature.
When you lose control of your shape, it will act as that creature normally would. Because of its incomplete memories, the creature is usually confused and afraid in this situation. This generally means it either attacks or runs away, depending on the situation. You can try to regain control at the end of the scene, and after one day has elapsed. If both these rolls fail, you have to find someone to help you out of your predicament; your shape-changed form will sometimes look for such help from half-remembered friends of yours. Other times, the creature instead seeks out companionship and help appropriate to its current shape.
As long as you remain in control, you can resume your own shape as a Basic Action. If you use this to impersonate the creature whose form you take, that is a Charm stunt.
Infect your victims with your own supernatural essence: if this taint is left unchecked they become supernatural creatures as well. This is a particularly nasty Curse. A victim of corruption turns into a monster after the passing of three mid-nights. Once the three mid-nights have passed, the victim is reborn as a creature of your Creature Type. An unnamed creature becomes a typical creature of this type; a named creature is rebuilt with the same point total, using you as a model. You learn the victim's True Name once they become fully corrupted. A variant of the power does not take three nights but is based on some other criteria, such as the rise of the full moon. Rare variant of this causes corruption in unnamed creatures by the end of the round, but this costs two schtick picks and is not recommended for player characters.
Debt of Service
Basic Action
You can seize a creature whose True Name you know through time and space and bring it into your presence. The creature must be in another dimension or juncture, and not currently summoned, imprisoned or otherwise occupied. You can summon one Henchman or a number of Minions of the same type equal to your Mind. It takes an Impress roll against the creature's Dodge or Impress to summon. The creature immediately makes an initiative check to see when it will next act, but this cannot be earlier than the shot in which it is summoned. In future rounds, the creature has its own initiative score. You can also use this power again on a creature (or group of unnamed creatures) you have summoned along with an Impress roll against the creature's Dodge or Impress, in order to extend your control over it until the end of the following round. During combat, you must succeed at this action each round or the creature will break free, but you can try repeatedly in each round. Out of combat, you only need to roll every scene, but any failed roll means you lose control of the creature. While a creature is under your control, you can order it to return to its home plane at any time. A creature that breaks free of control can choose to return on its own. Summoned creatures can also be Dispelled. You can also use this power to take control of a summoned creature did not summon yourself whose True Name you know. This requires an Impress roll against the creature's Dodge or Impress or against its summoner's Impress if he is present.
A creature cannot be ordered to perform deeds alien to its nature; an air elemental cannot be summoned into solid earth or water, an Epitome cannot act against its spiritual inclination, and so on. Summoned creatures can perceive your aura as you summon them. Their initial attitude depends on your reputation among this kind of creature and whether you have an allegiance or pact with them. In case of extreme misalignment, you may not even be able to summon them at all.
When you lose control of a summoned creature it usually returns home shortly; the creature knows anyone who knows its true name can seize control of it as noted above. But the creature might choose to remain on your plane indefinitely to act out its inclination. In order to acquire lengthy services you must bargain with the creature, or use a Power Experiment or other means to acquire its services. If you bargain a creature into a formal pact, it is considered controlled for as long as the conditions of the pact are met and cannot break the contract or return to its home until the pact expires.
You can use this against any creature you have met.
Foul Trail
When you move, you leave a trail of foul slime in your wake. This works in any medium you can move normally in - usually land but potentially air, water and other environments as well. A living, breathing creature in the cloud who spent any time during his current action in trail must make an opposed Impress check with you; on a failure he cannot act. Characters in the trail can move even if the roll fails. The trail lasts for a scene unless dispelled or dispersed by wind or flowing water.
Lethal Impression
Trigger Action
Select one power that you know. Whenever you first come within Mind meters of a creature, you may use this power on them as a trigger action. There is generally some method targets can use to make themselves immune to this effect.
Examples of this is the nauseating stench of the a ghast avoided with a filter mask or the gaze of the medusa avoided by looking in a mirror.
Omega Curse
The targets gains one or more of your Limitations or the limitation part of one of your Methods. This is a Curse. If the effect lasts past the end of the story, the character should take any Limitations and Methods the normal way.
Power Collision
Trigger Action (Defense)
When an enemy hits you with an attack that is power you can counter with this ability to create a power collision; a gathering of power between you that is released in an explosion that might hurt either or both of you. This can only be used against powers; it does not work against attacks that are not powers. The opponent's attack is negated. Instead, you both take damage equal to the opponent's Mind, soaked by Body, whether the attack roll is a success or not. Add the Outcome of the attacker's roll to the damage you take and subtract the Outcome of the attack from the damage your opponent takes. Remember that subtracting a negative number adds to the result. The opponent inflicts the same type damage as the attack you countered. You must decide on a Melee or Shoot power to use with Power Collision and that power determines the damage type you inflict. If you lack such a power, you deal the same type of damage your opponent does.
This is a meta-power that affects other powers. In some campaign worlds there is a strong Origin Divide among different origins. Check with your GM regarding your campaign. Origins that are opposed cannot cannot be modified by meta-powers; it is as if powers from the opposing origin was actually a schtick rather than a power.
Ward Breaker
You are extraordinarily resistant to Summon powers, and add +5 to your Impress skill to resist them.
Know Gifts
Gifts Dispel
Limit Break
Age of Effect |
Minimum Difficulty |
Three days | 12 |
One Month | 14 |
One year | 16 |
A decade | 18 |
A century | 20 |
A millennium | 22 |
Ten millennia | 24 |
You can end the effects of other powers. You can only dispel powers you know of (though a vague description, such as "whatever is making Bert turn green" is ok). You can try to dispel a single Finisher, Limit Break, or any power that has been in effect for a week or more, or you can try to dispel all powers except those mentioned above on one creature or in an area with a diameter equal to your Mind. When dispelling several powers at once, you can choose to ignore some of them as long as you know of each power you want to make an exception for.
A power that has been dispelled cannot be used again by that creature in this scene, and another creature that tries to use the same power in the same general area must match your Know with the stunt the power is used with, or it fails.
This will not negate a Curse, but will tell you how to defeat the curse if the roll is successful.
Inherent powers cannot be dispelled.
The difficulty is the skill of the most skilled creature involved in making the effect. Effects that have been around a long time are harder to dispel: see the table. Use the highest relevant difficulty.
This is a meta-power that affects other powers. In some campaign worlds there is a strong Origin Divide among different origins. Check with your GM regarding your campaign. Origins that are opposed cannot cannot be modified by meta-powers; it is as if powers from the opposing origin was actually a schtick rather than a power.
Steal the Gift
Basic Action
The gifted are founts of power that can be tapped by the unscrupulous. Make an opposed Impress roll against a named Controlled Gifted creature. On a success you inflict one Hit on the Gifted creature and gain one Fortune point. If your Impress scores an outcome matching the Gifted creature's Mind you must instead gain two Fortune points and inflict a Hit and a Damage Setback on the Gifted creature. If you gain Fortune in excess of your Mind this way you must spend any excess points by the end of the scene, or they are lost.
Visions of Power
You focus detection powers on yourself, hiding those around you. The area is a radius equal to your Know in meters around you. Anyone trying to detect or remotely sense the area only see you doing a display of power that does not give them any information of your whereabouts unless they score an Outcome on their skill roll matching your Know.
Maneuver Gifts
Beast Cloak
Basic Action
You can assume the form of an animal similar to yourself in size, as decided when you use the power. This does not change any of your skills or ability scores, but you gain a natural Melee attack doing Body +2 damage of an appropriate type.
Bestial Self
Limit Beak
You free your inner monstrous nature. You must build a monstrous variant for for yourself on the same point total. This is usually a hulking monstrosity, but is some cases it can be small and stealthy. It is never Folk or Animal.
The bestial self and you share Hits and Fortune points. When the bestial self runs out of Hits, it runs away until it gets away or until it has taken Hits equal to your Body, which causes it to be defeated. After successfully running away, when defeated, or at the end of the scene, you transform back into your normal form. Any hits and other effect taken remain with you, possibly leaving you unconscious.
Your bestial self is different enough that observers will not recognize you without some stunt. The transformation is shocking and distracting, which protects your identity; your normal form is assumed to be hiding or to have run away by casual observers.
Limit Break
You create a copy of yourself. This copy is a separate creature and has the same skills, attributes, and schticks you do, but is not Focused and lacks Hits and Fortune points. Whenever the duplicate spends one of these resources, you spend that resource instead. As an alternative, the Duplicate is defeated. When you use this power, make an Initiative check to see when it can act, but this can never be earlier than the current shot. At the end of the scene you absorb the duplicate, only in exceptional circumstances will it remain a separate creature as required in the plot.
Pick one Stance power. Your body mutates to accommodate this power, and it becomes inherent, always on, and a part of your body. This often changes your physical appearance and works well with the Mark of Power method.
You can take this power several times, each time it applies to a separate power that is a stance.
Ride the Blast
Trigger Action (Combo)
When you hit a target using a Shoot, you can use this power to Teleport to a spot adjacent to the target.
Melee Gifts
Attack Routine
Trigger Action (Combo)
You have a specific succession of attacks you regularly use, such as a claw/bite routine. Whenever you have done the first step in such a routine, you can follow up with the second step as a trigger action. Each step can be any specific Melee attack that is a Basic Action and made with a separate part of your body.
Longer attack routines are possible; if you take this power additional times, your attack routine gains one additional step, that triggers when the previous step is completed.
Beast Strike
You can make melee attacks that does Body +4 Cutting and Piercing damage, soaked by Toughness. Apply the best damage type against each target.
Death Frenzy
When defeated, you can launch a Basic Action melee attack on an adjacent creature. If you have any Trigger Action combos that can follow those attacks, you can use those too using normal rules but ignoring shot costs.
Embodiment of Power
Trigger Action (Combo)
Select one stunt, power, or stick that you can use and that is normally a Basic Action. Your body manifests this power very strongly; whenever you touch another creature - such as with a successful unarmed or natural Melee attack made by or against you - you can use this power and immediately use the chosen basic action against the creature that touched you.
Extra Arms
Stance or Inherent.
You have an extra pair of arms that work just like your normal arms. These "arms" may be a prehensile tail, short tentacles, legs, or other appendages capable of grasping weapons. One "pair" of arms can actually be a single limb, such as a tail.
The arms can be either inherent or a stance. Inherent arms are always there. With a stance, you only have the extra arms when you use the stance. This schtick gives you the arms and lets you use them in combat. They might be of use in other situations with different stunts, but it is in melee that their true utility comes out. You can take this schtick several times to gain even more arms and additional combat benefits.
You can make a Normal Melee Attack against two enemies in hand-to-hand combat. Each extra set of arms adds another enemy. Alternatively, you can use these extra arms to effectively assist yourself when attacking a single enemy. Each extra pair of arms gives a +1 modifier on Melee attacks, up to a maximum of +3 for 3 additional pairs of arms.
Quill Insertion
Basic Action
You insert quills into he victim's flesh, making it painful and hard for him to move. Make a roll of Melee vs. Dodge, on a success the target's Reflexes suffers a penalty of -1 until the end of the scene. If the attack scores an Outcome matching the target's Reflexes, the penalty is increased to three. The target also loses three shots. The penalty can be cured with a First Aid stunt using Know against your Melee, or the quills can be removed automatically outside of combat.
Trigger Action (Combo)
Use this power when you hit with an unarmed Melee attack or when you are hit with a Melee attack. Make a Melee vs. Dodge check. On a success, you and the target are stuck together. The target can avoid the effect by spending 3 shots. On an Outcome matching the target's Body, you are stuck no matter what.
A weapon stuck this way cannot be used and the wielder must either let go of it or try to pull it free with an opposed Body check as a Basic Action.
If you and another creature are stuck together this way, neither of you can move away from the other (tough circling around each other is possible). As a Basic Action, you can try to either drag the other along, or pull free - in both cases it is an opposed Body roll. It is also possible to use Contortions to slip free using Reflexes.
Basic Action
You can extend long tentacles. You can use these to attack enemies in hand-to-hand combat while keeping your own vital parts out of harm's way. Your tentacles are elastic and can stretch to cover a diameter equal to your Body in meters with you at the center. You can take this schtick several times tog gain multiple tentacles. You can have more tentacles than you have schtick picks in tentacles, but any additional tentacles are purely cosmetic. Variants of Tentacles can be just about anything. A prehensile tail, animated hair, a swarm of insects, flying scarves, tree roots, animated water, ectoplasmic manifestations, or psychic shock waves; anything is possible. You can do a Interference stunt using your Melee skill anywhere in this area.
Each tentacle is effectively an unnamed creature with your Body, but it lacks its own shot counter. It can only be interacted with as described here. As a Basic Action, you can activate all your tentacles to make a Normal Melee Attack against any creature in reach for Body +0 Blunt damage. You can only attack a particular target once when activating Tentacles, but up to four tentacles can assist each other against a target, with the usual +1 bonus for each additional tentacle. You can use other schticks that are Basic Action attacks with your tentacles. Damage is always Body +0, but the Damage Type can vary with powers/weapons used.
You can use a tentacle to absorb a melee attack; sacrificing a tentacle instead of suffering the normal effect. Opponents can make Melee attacks against your tentacles in any space the tentacles can reach. Any successful Melee attack against a tentacle puts it out of the fight. A defeated tentacle becomes unavailable for the rest of the scene. At your option, powers that heal can instead restore one tentacle per Hit it would normally heal.
Recon Gifts
All-Around Vision
Trigger Action (Defense), Inherent
Use this when another character's roll beats your Recon. When your Scan is used as the difficulty you get a +3 bonus on your defensive Recon. In addition, you are all times immune to Flank Attack and similar effects—this part of the power is Inherent.
Flexible Gifts
Limit Break
Until the end of the next round you can use any one Power of a Form you know that is a Basic Action, Stance, or Trigger Action (finisher). You need not know the power. If the power is a stance, you must activate the stance before the end of the next round but can continue to keep it up for one scene (or as long as it makes sense).
Mark Territory
Basic Action
You mark a physical location, making it a part of your territory. Other Gifts users instinctively know the location is claimed when they get within your Recon x10 meters of the spot. You claim lasts a number of days equal to your Recon skill. Analyzing your mark can give others a rough idea of what you are.
Powers used in the claimed area subtly alter the mark. By inspecting your mark and making an opposed Recon check, you know which power was used, which origin the user has, and a basic idea of who they are. Using this power in the claimed area, or dispelling Mark Territory, is automatically noticeable as soon as you are in the area, without taking an action.
Power Gaze
Pick one power. You can use this power and any stunts related to it with the Recon skill instead of whatever skill it is usually based on. You can take this power several times, each time applying it to a separate power.
This is a meta-power that affects other powers. In some campaign worlds there is a strong Origin Divide among different origins. Check with your GM regarding your campaign. Origins that are opposed cannot cannot be modified by meta-powers; it is as if powers from the opposing origin was actually a schtick rather than a power.
Second sight
Basic Action
Your affinity to the supernatural lets you see things others only imagine. You see spirits or ghosts wherever you go - most of these are just how you perceive natural phenomena and can be useful for noticing otherwise mundane phenomena, but have no significance. This works as a Scan stunt, except that it is bad at noticing very mundane things, as described below. When using Second Sight, you can see through smoke, fog or darkness (even supernatural darkness), but not through solid objects. In a scene where have scanned such an obscured area with second sight, you are not considered blind there and can act normally. Creatures can still use such obscurement to Sneak against you, but you can use Second Sight again to automatically spot them.
Make a Scan stunt. You automatically spot active powers, including creatures using Invisibility powers to hide, and Invisible creatures you notice this way can't use Invisibility against you this scene. If a creature could sneak under the normal rules, without the help of a power, Astral Sight can still spot them, but gives no additional help.
If you recognize that a creature has altered or concealed its true appearance, Second Sight allows you know what it ordinarily looks like.
This is a meta-power that affects other powers. In some campaign worlds there is a strong Origin Divide among different origins. Check with your GM regarding your campaign. Origins that are opposed cannot cannot be modified by meta-powers; it is as if powers from the opposing origin was actually a schtick rather than a power. Second sight won't automatically perceive powers or see through stealth powers against which it has an origin divide.
Sense Gifts
Basic Action
You can sense the presence of powers at a distance. Make a skill roll and multiply the result by 10; this is the range in meters. Normally, you detect any type of power, but by concentrating on a particular type (name, form, or general description) you can eliminate all others. You must make an opposed Recon check to sense a creature that is Sneaking or an object in such a creature's possession. If you know a target's True Name, checks against that target are Confident.
You can analyze the properties of any power within reach, even if it is inside a container or otherwise separated from you. You learn what power it is, who used it, when, to what effect, and an approximate power level. Even powers that have ended leave a signature that can be analyzed, though the impressions fade; after the end of the scene, it is no longer possible to determine who used the power and its exact effect. The signature fades completely in a matter of days or weeks, stronger and more dramatic uses leaving stronger impressions.
This is a meta-power that affects other powers. In some campaign worlds there is a strong Origin Divide among different origins. Check with your GM regarding your campaign. Origins that are opposed cannot cannot be modified by meta-powers; it is as if powers from the opposing origin was actually a schtick rather than a power.
With this stance you move partly out of this world. You become invisible and you can move while Sneaking without having to make additional Recon checks, but you cannot use Melee or Shoot while invisible.
This is an invisibility power. Invisibility allows you to Sneak as if you had concealment, even in plain sight. Certain powers penetrate invisibility; against such a power ability to sneak in plain sight is lost.
Ride Gifts
Beast Rider
Basic Action
You carry an anti-social aura along with you until the end of the next round. Creatures within Ride meters or who can see you are prone to anger and misunderstanding.
Any Charm stunt in the area has a minimum difficulty equal to your Ride, and any Charm roll that fails is a fumble, aggravating listeners.
Beast Wings
Basic Action
You grow wings that let you fly through the air at your normal Move for the rest of the scene or until you spend a basic action to transform back. The wings are impractically large in cramped spaces, you can stunt to move trough a narrow space but cannot stay airborne unless you have wing room at some point of your move.
As a further Basic Action, you can fly in a straight line with a Move equal to your Ride.
Ethereal Jaunt
Limit Break
You and up to your Mind other willing creatures who form a chain of touch can travel the Ethereal planes. Ethereal Jaunt shifts you into the Aether and from there you can travel to the inner planes in some safety, able to control your motion and to travel to a place you have reasonable knowledge of in about a day. It is possible to navigate towards another spot on the same plane. Traveling to the astral realms using this power is very dangerous, as you lose control and guidance.
Mark of Fate
Trigger Action
You create a mystic link between you and your victim. Your fates are entwined; you WILL meet again and confront one another again. You can only mark named characters. Either you or your victim must cause some damage to the other, but Mark of Fate is automatically successful. This is a twisting of fate, not any supernatural movement. If your victim flees far away, this twist can be quite strange and terrible.
You just happen to be caught in a meat-grinder and processed into astronaut food, only to regenerate for that rendezvous on the moon which Mark of Fate has set you up for.
You can release your Mark of Fate voluntarily, but only at the end of a play session. It can also be removed as a Curse. Many creatures with this schtick will delay attacking their target, stalking and slaying bystanders, slowly closing in on loved ones and finally the victim. After all, there is no way he can get away.
Transfer Focus
Limit Break
You transfer your focus to another character who is within sight. That character can choose to immediately perform a Limit Break, at normal shot cost. If he has no shots left, he also takes a Hit from backlash.
Transfer Power
Basic Action
You channel one or more Fortune Points to another character you can see. You spend these points, and the target receives them, replenishing any lost Fortune points. If this leaves the target with more than a full Fortune pool, the points must be spent before the end of the round or they return to you.
Wild Rider
Basic Action
You carry an aura of chaos and mutation along with you until the end of the next round. Creatures within Ride meters or who can see you risk being mutated. Creatures with Dodge greater than your Mind are immune. Affected creatures are Confused. Choose one of your powers for all creatures get power while they are confused.
Shoot Gifts
Natural Implement
You have a power focus as a part of your body. This is clearly visible (unless disguised) and reminiscent of the blast it works with. Examples include a flaming mane, burning eyes, or a glowing gem embedded in your body that emanates power. You use your Natural Implement as if it was an Implement, doing Mind +4 damage.
Heart Quill
Basic Action
You can make a very precise Ranged Attack. Damage is Reflexes +0 Physical Piercing damage. This is a material attack that uses ephemeral matter and thus cannot use any special materials such as silver or iron. Note that this is a Basic Action, which limits what other powers it works with.
Quill Cone
Limit Break
You blast everyone in a cone; a triangle with you at one corner. You can control the exact dimensions of the cone when you create it, with some limitations. The base of the triangle can be as wide as your Mind and both the other sides have the same length and can be as long as your Shoot. All measurements are in meters. Damage is Mind +2, or more if you are using an Implement. Make a separate attack roll against each target, including friends and bystanders. Quill Cone does Piercing damage.
You can make a Ranged Attack - either the basic stunt or using some other stunt, schtick, or power. Damage is Body +2, or more if you are using an Implement to improve damage. You create and hurl a quill, barb, bone, or other sharp part of your anatomy, which does Piercing damage.
Ride The Blast
Trigger Action (Combo)
After you hit with a Shoot attack (you need not inflict any damage), you can Teleport to a location next to the target of the attack.