Metal (Action Powers Form)
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Heroic Action Role-Play |
Metal is considered an element in some systems of thought, a mix of elements in others. It combines the resilience of earth with the flexibility and destructive potential of fire. It carries the mark of civilization, yet is used in wars of destruction. Metal, especially iron, is essential to technology and thus opposed to the fey and magic in general.
- Alternate Names: Edge, Tools, Craft
- Creature : Metal Elementals
- Skill : Melee
- Attribute : Reflexes
- Sense : Vibration
- Mood : Precise, decisive, confident
- Blast: Piercing
Metal Cantrips
Basic Action
You can change the elasticity of metal objects, making small metal objects soft and bendable, elastic like springs, or stiff and inert. Such changes only last while you hold the object. You can turn ferrous metals into magnets or demagnetize them. You can sharpen edges and cause metals to tarnish or give them a polish. You can cause metal to glitter and actually glow, creating ghostly illumination or pointing out particular parts of a large metal object.
Charm Metal
Charm Metal Elementals
Basic Action
You are supernaturally enchanting to certain creatures. You master whatever form of communication they use, even if you are normally unable to communicate with them at all.
Enchanting someone requires an opposed Charm roll. On an Outcome equal to the target's Mind, the target falls for your enchantment. On a lesser success you gain an advantage. A failed check interrupts the process, forcing you to look for a new opportunity at a later time.
Once someone has been enchanted, they will willingly follow and help you out. They seek to avoid conflict with their old allies, but if push comes to shove you cannot guarantee how they will react; they will try to avoid seeing you harmed, but they might make you a captive to save you later or even to have you at their mercy, or they might decide to throw in their lot with you and abandon their former allies. Someone who you have enchanted expects trust and help from you, but the enchantment breaks automatically only in the most blatant cases of maltreatment. If you are callous and disregard their interests they can make opposed Charm rolls against you to see through the enchantment. The same applies if a friend points out they have been charmed, but in this case it is an opposed roll against the friend's Charm skill and takes a Limit Break to do.
Enchantment normally wears off in about a weeks time, but can be maintained through continuous use of the power; it will last indefinitely if reapplied once per day. Even after the power ends you leave your targets with fond memories of you unless you mistreated them. Someone who realizes they have been enchanted and used can become vindictive or even downright hostile, but this is not the normal result.
This power only works on Metal Elementals.
Dragon Debt
Limit Break
Select an object you formerly owned. You call the creature carrying the object to you. Make an opposed Charm roll, ignoring line of sight and range modifiers. On a success the target is overcome with a compulsion to move towards you and return the object for one hour per point of Outcome (minimum of 15 minutes). You know if the power is still working or has been broken, but nothing more. If you leave the locale where you used the power, it ends.
The target will move towards you at normal Move. It knows what direction you are in, and will select what it thinks is the best path. If prevented from moving, the creature will struggle and even fight to be able to move on, but is not compelled to spend any Fortune. Once the target arrives, it will offer you the object and the compulsion ends.
An opposed Charm roll against you to break the effect is allowed whenever a particular creature first tries to get the target to stop and each round when in combat or other direct danger. On a success, the effect is broken. The target knows where you are at and can communicate this fact to anyone it encounters or can contact, as long as doing so would nor make it stop moving.
Limit Break
Select any one Schtick; the target can use this schtick for the rest of the Scene.
Magnetic Attraction
Basic Action
You set up an attraction between two people. Their eyes will meet, they will "randomly" come upon each other during normal social activities, but they are not emotionally attached to each other as a result of this power. An unaware or uncooperative target needs a successful opposed Charm roll to be affected. You need not affect both targets simultaneously, you can affect first one, then the other. One of the targets can be you.
What this does is that it brings about many "chance" encounters and charm tasks like Common Ground and Seduction can continue even if a charm roll fails.
Magnetic attraction lasts as long as the two people remain in an area where they could conceivably meet - if one of them is out of contact for a day, the effect ends.
Metal Inspiration
Trigger Action
You inspire others to be precise, decisive and cooly confident. Whenever someone in the vicinity fails an action based on these virtues, you can take a trigger action to give him an immediate Confident reroll. This applies to most uses of Melee, and to other skills and rolls as determined my the GM.
Create Metal
Analyze Metal
Basic Action
You can analyze the properties of metal. You learn the exact composition and properties of the object and what powers it has been affected by recently.
Craft Metal
Basic Action
You can create and repair objects made primarily out of metal. In this way, you can create basic tools, arms, and armor of no more than Clockwork sophistication. The duration is minutes equal to the Action Result. The difficulty is the Toughness of the item; weapons and armor are made for a specific creature and have a difficulty equal to they damage or toughness they grant. You can also manipulate devices made of metal or of Clockwork or lower sophistication, which is mainly useful for sabotage or to overcome Security. This is also useful for breaking and damaging metal or metal-reinforced objects. You can do Demolish stunts against such objects as a basic action. Disable Mechanism is Routine using this power. A repair has half the difficulty of creating an item, and is not limited in how technologically complex items if can affect.
Fool's Gold
Basic Action
You enchant an object so that it becomes highly attractive. The classic way to do this is to turn objects to gold, but cake and other subtler enchantments directed specifically at certain people are also possible as long as you can convince the GM. Decide who is to be affected when making the charm. When your mark encounters the object, make a Create vs. Charm roll. On a success the mark notices the objects and finds it particularly attractive. On an outcome matching their Mind, they find it irresistible and will want to take it along at almost any cost. The object returns to its original state at the end of the story.
Philosopher's Stone
Basic Action or Limit Break
This is a Transmutation power. If you have several Transmutation powers, you can transform things between the substances you have powers for. The difficulty is the Body/Mass of the object, or the Dodge of the wearer. Repairing objects has half the difficulty of creating them or the Create of the maker for very complex items. If you use a Basic Action the duration is one scene, after which the material will return to its natural shape. If you use a Limit Break to create items, they are permanent, but volatile substances and those that qualify as Items deteriorate at the end of a session unless paid for. Besides practical uses, this allows you to ignore the Resources column when Tinkering with this substance. This is also useful for breaking and damaging appropriate objects. You can do Demolish stunts against such objects as a Basic Action.
Metal Armor
Basic Action
You coat the target (which can be you) in protective metal. He gains 4 points of armor, increasing Toughness. Metal Armor is Large and Loud. It lasts until the end of the current scene. You can maintain this armor on yourself between scenes, but not on others; to protect others you must use it in or right before each scene.
Shrink Tools
Basic Action
You can shrink handheld weapons and personal gear, making them into what seems like tiny replicas on the real thing as long as they remain in your possession. Metal items are especially susceptible to this power; you can use it on whole-body metal suits and other metal objects about as large as yourself. When you shrink a weapon or piece of gear, it shrinks and becomes easy to stow, and can be worn as an adornment. This lets you carry more personal gear than others can, and makes changing what gear you use easy and practical.
Shrinking an item is a Basic Action. Making it resume its normal size is not; it is the equivalent of drawing a weapon and can be done at the beginning of a round or as a part of any action, even a trigger action. You can don a set of metal armor as a part of this process, making it grow to cover you.
Using this on something carried or worn by another requires a Create stunt vs. their Dodge. The target can spend 3 shots to keep possession of the object to be shrunk. On an Outcome matching the target's Reflexes you catch the object as it shrinks and the holder cannot save it.
Noticing that you are carrying items this way uses a Frisk check against your Create.
Wall of Metal
Limit Break
You can create a wall of metal that gains hardness as you advance in skill and power. The wall can be as long as the Create roll that created it, as high as your Mind and about 10 cm thick. It must be created so as to be stable; usually by making it curved or giving it a gentle wave form. It cannot be created on top of a creature. When using a map with squares or hexes, the wall lies on the edges between spaces. A wall must be created in contact with the ground or solid foundations, but you can control its shape and by buttressing it can be used as a road, rampart or bridge, have a basic portal, catwalk and so on.
The wall has a Body equal to your Create + Mind. It will corrode rapidly once created, losing one point of Body per day.
Dodge Metal
Gothic Frame
Your skin turns into elaborate metal armor, giving you a Toughness of Body +6. The armor is obvious, Large, and Noisy.
Metal Block
Trigger Action (Defense)
Use a metal weapon to block incoming attacks; gives a +3 Dodge bonus during the current shot. If an attacker that uses a metal melee weapon misses, his weapon takes damage, reducing it's damage bonus by 1 (to a minimum of +0). A single Repair fixes all this damage.
Metal Hide
Your skin turns into shiny metal, giving you a Toughness of Body +3. This is obvious when close but not at a distance or in poor visibility, similar to Medium size armor.
Resist Piercing
Basic Action
Add your Mind to your soak attribute against piercing damage for the rest of the scene. You are normally assumed to do this at the beginning of each scene, but sometimes you may want to not do it to be more inconspicuous.
Impress Metal
Metal Bonds
Basic Action
You conjure bands of metal and use them to restrain a creature. Make an Impress check against the target's Dodge. On a success the target is partially bound and suffers one of the penalties noted below. Roll 1d6 for a random restraint, adding +1 for each previous restraint. On an Outcome matching the target's Reflexes he is more severely bound and suffers three of the conditions, or you can apply one restriction of your choice.
Physical restraint in Action does not completely prevent a hero from action, they impose handicaps to be overcome.
- Gagging prevents mundane speech. Stymies all Charm and Impress checks.
- Handcuffing is when your hands are tied in front of you, but not so tightly as to make them completely unusable; you can still use one hand effectively, such as using weapons or tools of Small size or smaller.
- Hobbling indicates restrained legs, but not fixed to each other. It means you cannot move as part of a normal Basic Action, and can only move your normal move when you do a Full Move action or otherwise do an action that grants extra movement..
- Immobilized, stuck to something, alternatively on a short leash which prevents movement beyond one or two meters. If you are stuck to a creature whose Body is greater than yours, you are forced along as it moves, otherwise you are both immobilized unless you two cooperate.
- Bound Legs you fall prone and cannot stand unsupported, which prevents and hinders many actions as determined by the situation and stunt description. Your Move is reduced to 1. Swimming and flying creatures are entangled, with similar effects.
- Bound Arms prevent most physical manipulation and the use of weapons and implements. You can still use tackles and head butts for (Body +0) damage or a Tiny Ranged Weapon, but limited to Close range.
- Blinded restricts your awareness, giving you only a rough estimate of objects and creatures in a diameter equal to your Mind; you are insensitive to things beyond this range. Everyone has enough concealment to Sneak on you, and against creatures beyond your perception range, you have to use Reflexes rather than Recon for defense against Recon stunts.
- (or more) Hogtie A hogtied character cannot act physically and can only move one meter as a standard action; no movement is otherwise allowed. This also prevents all Defense actions.
These restraints can be dispelled, escaped with a Contortions stunt pitting Reflexes against your Impress or destroyed; they have a Body equal to your Impress. Weapons larger and more unwieldy than a dagger take an attack penalty equal to their damage add when attacking cuffs.
This curse reflects the force of weapons used by the target of the curse, damaging the weapon. All weapons the target uses are Unreliable, and any time the target rolls boxcars with a weapon, that weapon breaks before finishing the attack. This is a Curse
Summon Metal Elemental
Basic Action
You can seize a creature whose True Name you know through time and space and bring it into your presence. The creature must be in another dimension or juncture, and not currently summoned, imprisoned or otherwise occupied. You can summon one Henchman or a number of Minions of the same type equal to your Mind. It takes an Impress roll against the creature's Dodge or Impress to summon. The creature immediately makes an initiative check to see when it will next act, but this cannot be earlier than the shot in which it is summoned. In future rounds, the creature has its own initiative score. You can also use this power again on a creature (or group of unnamed creatures) you have summoned along with an Impress roll against the creature's Dodge or Impress, in order to extend your control over it until the end of the following round. During combat, you must succeed at this action each round or the creature will break free, but you can try repeatedly in each round. Out of combat, you only need to roll every scene, but any failed roll means you lose control of the creature. While a creature is under your control, you can order it to return to its home plane at any time. A creature that breaks free of control can choose to return on its own. Summoned creatures can also be Dispelled. You can also use this power to take control of a summoned creature did not summon yourself whose True Name you know. This requires an Impress roll against the creature's Dodge or Impress or against its summoner's Impress if he is present.
A creature cannot be ordered to perform deeds alien to its nature; an air elemental cannot be summoned into solid earth or water, an Epitome cannot act against its spiritual inclination, and so on. Summoned creatures can perceive your aura as you summon them. Their initial attitude depends on your reputation among this kind of creature and whether you have an allegiance or pact with them. In case of extreme misalignment, you may not even be able to summon them at all.
When you lose control of a summoned creature it usually returns home shortly; the creature knows anyone who knows its true name can seize control of it as noted above. But the creature might choose to remain on your plane indefinitely to act out its inclination. In order to acquire lengthy services you must bargain with the creature, or use a Power Experiment or other means to acquire its services. If you bargain a creature into a formal pact, it is considered controlled for as long as the conditions of the pact are met and cannot break the contract or return to its home until the pact expires.
This power only works on Metal Elementals.
Know Metal
Dispel Metal
Limit Break
Age of Effect |
Minimum Difficulty |
Three days | 12 |
One Month | 14 |
One year | 16 |
A decade | 18 |
A century | 20 |
A millennium | 22 |
Ten millennia | 24 |
You can end the effects of other powers. You can only dispel powers you know of (though a vague description, such as "whatever is making Bert turn green" is ok). You can try to dispel a single Finisher, Limit Break, or any power that has been in effect for a week or more, or you can try to dispel all powers except those mentioned above on one creature or in an area with a diameter equal to your Mind. When dispelling several powers at once, you can choose to ignore some of them as long as you know of each power you want to make an exception for.
A power that has been dispelled cannot be used again by that creature in this scene, and another creature that tries to use the same power in the same general area must match your Know with the stunt the power is used with, or it fails.
This will not negate a Curse, but will tell you how to defeat the curse if the roll is successful.
Inherent powers cannot be dispelled.
The difficulty is the skill of the most skilled creature involved in making the effect. Effects that have been around a long time are harder to dispel: see the table. Use the highest relevant difficulty.
You can dispel any power of the Metal form, a metal elemental or a metal object.
Limit Break
Dowsing involves the use of a dowsing fork or pendulum to locate something that is sought. You must have a clear image of what you seek. It can be either a specific item that a participant in the ritual has seen, or a general substance such as water or gold, in which case it detects the largest store of such material in range that was previously unknown to you. You can choose to set a maximum range not to be exceeded in order to limit the detection to a certain area.
Basic Action
You can cause a ferrous item or creature to rust. This weakens the object or creature. Make a Know check against the Dodge or Body of the target, a creature or object. On a success, you reduce the Body of a target with a metal body by two or lower all derived values such as damage or Toughness bonus of the target's metal equipment.
Maneuver Metal
Flesh to Iron
Basic Action or Finisher
You can turn yourself to metal as a basic action or turn an opponent to metal as a finishing move. This can either be a metal statue, a metal bar, encasement in metal, or a merger with existing metal. It can be an useful item, such as a a weapon or set of armor. The item has about the same mass as the original, which makes the end result either smaller or hollow because of the higher density of metal. Someone who is turned to metal can take no actions and has only very basic sensory impressions of the surrounding. Biological functions and needs stop and this dulls the sense of time; if there are no stimuli to remember, eons seem to pass in moments, subjectively. Add the targets Dodge value to the soak attribute against all types of damage.
This is a Curse, but you can use a basic action to break the effect at any time while touching the target.
Metal Elemental Form
Limit Break
You assume the form of another creature decided when you gain the power. You must have created a variant form for yourself using your normal points and limits. If you do not have such a creature description ready, you cannot use this power. This creature cannot have higher value in any particular skill than you do. You can add powers of the same form the creature has and keep schticks and powers you already have, but you cannot otherwise add powers or schticks. This power cannot be used to imitate a specific individual; you remain yourself in mannerisms and detail while changing race, species, and creature type.
You remain in this form for a scene or until you fall asleep or unconscious or will yourself back to your normal form (a Basic Action). You can learn this power several times to learn to transform into several different creatures.
You can only assume the form on a Metal Elemental with this version of the power.
Metal Hover
You can move trough the air instead of along the ground. You must we wielding or wearing a large metal object for this to work. Alternatively, it can create a metal platform or a pair of metal wings you use to hover, but this can be hard to use in constricted spaces.
Basic Action or Finisher
You can turn yourself to metal as a basic action or turn an opponent into metal as a finishing move. This can either be a hollow metal statue, encasement in metal, or a useful item, such as a door, set of armor, or weapon. In either case volume is cut down to about 1/10 while mass is maintained.
Someone who is metalized can take no actions and has only very basic sensory impressions of the surrounding. Biological functions and needs stop and this dulls the sense of time; if there are no stimuli to remember, eons seem to pass in moments. Add the targets Dodge value to the soak attribute against all types of damage.
This is a Curse, but you can use a basic action to break the effect at any time while touching the target.
Melee Metal
Flying Steel
You can manipulate nearby tools and metal objects, and can use metal objects (such as a tool, some scrap metal, a metal gauntlet or a metal-studded glove) to manipulate any kind of object within Mind meters of you, just as if you were using your regular hands. You can also use this to attack with a metallic melee weapon against any target in range.
Iron Bonds
Basic Action
You bind your opponent in bands of metal. Make a Melee check against the target's Dodge. On a success the target is partially bound and suffers one of the penalties noted below. On an Outcome matching the target's Reflexes he is more severely bound and suffers three of the conditions, or you can choose the result of the die on one condition. Physical restraint in Action does not completely prevent a hero from action, they impose handicaps to be overcome.
- Gagging prevents mundane speech. Stymies all Charm and Impress checks.
- Handcuffing is when your hands are tied in front of you, but not so tightly as to make them completely unusable; you can still use one hand effectively, such as using weapons or tools of Small size or smaller.
- Hobbling indicates restrained legs, but not fixed to each other. It means you cannot move as part of a normal Basic Action, and can only move your normal move when you do a Full Move action or otherwise do an action that grants extra movement..
- Immobilized, stuck to something, alternatively on a short leash which prevents movement beyond one or two meters. If you are stuck to a creature whose Body is greater than yours, you are forced along as it moves, otherwise you are both immobilized unless you two cooperate.
- Bound Legs you fall prone and cannot stand unsupported, which prevents and hinders many actions as determined by the situation and stunt description. Your Move is reduced to 1. Swimming and flying creatures are entangled, with similar effects.
- Bound Arms prevent most physical manipulation and the use of weapons and implements. You can still use tackles and head butts for (Body +0) damage or a Tiny Ranged Weapon, but limited to Close range.
- Blinded restricts your awareness, giving you only a rough estimate of objects and creatures in a diameter equal to your Mind; you are insensitive to things beyond this range. Everyone has enough concealment to Sneak on you, and against creatures beyond your perception range, you have to use Reflexes rather than Recon for defense against Recon stunts.
- (or more) Hogtie A hogtied character cannot act physically and can only move one meter as a standard action; no movement is otherwise allowed. This also prevents all Defense actions.
These restraints can be escaped with a Contortions stunt pitting Reflexes against your Melee or destroyed by another person; they have a Body equal to your Melee. Weapons larger and more unwieldy than a dagger take an attack penalty equal to their damage add when attacking bonds.
Metal Strike
You can make melee attacks that do Body +4 Blunt, Cutting, and Piercing damage, soaked by Toughness. If the target has different soak values against these damage types, use the worst one.
Needle Sharpness
Stance (Damage Boost)
You can imbue a Melee or Shoot attack with an additional type of damage. The damage of the attack increases by +2. Against a target that has different soak values against the two types of damage, use the lesser soak value but decrease the damage by 2.
Needle Sharpness does Piercing damage.
After you throw a metal weapon, you can use this to instantly retrieve it.
Spring Back
Trigger Action (Combo)
You imbue a metal weapon with increased flexibility. If you miss with a melee attack with a metal weapon (not a thrown attack), you can use this to make an additional melee attack with that weapon. Any Trigger Actions used against the first attack do not apply against this second attack.
Steel Edge
You can extend a powerful natural weapon that can be used in melee and does Body +4 Piercing damage. This is not a damage-boosting stance; it is a natural weapon. It can be used with damage-boosting stances like Needle Sharpness.
You create one or more melee weapons in your hand(s). These function exactly as normal weapons of the type you choose to create, but are constructs made of ephemeral materials and not of any particular material a creature might be vulnerable or resistant to. They disappear at the end of any round when it is not in your hand. You must be familiar with a weapon to create it this way.
This power can create metal weapons; almost all melee weapons can be made of metal, as can crossbows and guns.
You can also use this to transmute a weapon you are using into another weapon or into another material - in this way a dagger can be turned into a shield or a spear into a silver spear.
Warp Metal
Basic Action
You can warp metal by touch, turning metal tools and objects into a useless mass of weird metal for a scene. When the duration is up it returns to its original form. Make a Melee attack to touch an opponent's armor or weapon. Opponents gain no bonus when using the Block or Parry abilities of metal items against this attack. A hit on armor renders any metal armor ineffectual for the rest of the scene. If you strike a metal-armored opponent several times with this power, treat later attacks as if you were using Iron Grip. If you hit a metal weapon, the opponent loses the grip on his weapon. He can immediately spend three shots retrieving it. If he chooses not to, or if your Outcome matches his Reflexes, the weapons is warped and useless. Against objects and creatures made of metal that lack armor (or whose armor you have defeated), such as Metal Elementals and most Robots this power instead does Body +6 damage.
Whirlwind Sword
Basic Action
Make a Normal Melee Attack with a melee weapon against all adjacent enemies. You cannot move as a part of this basic action, nor can you do Trigger Actions during the shot you do this. See Combination Action for how you can combine this with movement.
Recon Metal
Sense Metal
Basic Action
You can sense the presence of metal and metal ore at a distance. Make a skill roll and multiply the result by 10; this is the range in meters. Normally, you detect any type of metal, but by concentrating on a particular shape or composition you can eliminate all others. You must make an opposed Recon check to sense a creature that is Sneaking or an object in such a creature's possession.
Ride Metal
Metal Ride
Basic Action
This is intended as a travel power useful in chase scenes and somewhat impractical for ordinary adventuring.
You take off and fly through the air with a Move equal to your Ride skill. You must continuously use this or rely on another flight power to remain airborn. If you don't, you sink towards the ground at a rate of Ride meters per shot expended on other actions.
Use this to make a metal object fly. This can either be an existing metal object, or you can create a large object (such as a set or metallic wings, a metallic platform, or a sledge) and ride on that. If the object is large enough it can carry additional passengers, but this reduces Move by one per passenger carried.
Silver Rider
Basic Action
You carry an aura of steadfast purity along with you until the end of the next round. Creatures within Ride meters or who can see you are inspired to act forthrightly and sneakiness is penalized. Any Sneak and Disable Mechanism stunt in the area has a minimum difficulty equal to your Ride, and a failure causes a Setback to the creature that failed. Any Scan stunt can use your Ride as the acting value.
Tool Teleport
You can summon a set of gear you own to you over any distance. This can be any kind or combination of personal gear, or one larger item made mainly of metal, such as a vehicle. The difficulty of Tool Teleport depends on the object's Body, as read on the Body/Weight table, but only roll for items whose Body exceeds your Mind.
The object stays with you until you end the stance, whereupon it returns from whence it came. You can choose to keep it around when the stance ends, but if you do you cannot teleport it back later using this power.
If the object has been stolen from you, add the current owner's Mind to the difficulty. If you fail to call a stolen object, it is no longer considered yours for this purpose until you retrieve it normally.
Shoot Metal
Conjure Javelin
Basic Action
You create and hurl a metal spear, which does Body +2 Piercing damage, or more if you are using an Implement.
Conjure Volley
Limit Break
You create and hurl a volley of metal spears, which do Body +2 Piercing damage, or more if you are using an Implement. They can hit everyone in a cone; a triangle with you at one corner. You can control the exact dimensions of the cone when you create it, with some limitations. Each side of the triangle has the same length and can be as long as your Shoot, while the base can be as long as your Body. Make a separate attack roll against each target, including friends and bystanders.
Dancing Metal
You can make a Ranged Attack - either the basic stunt or using some other stunt, schtick, or power. Damage is Mind +2, or more if you are using an Implement to improve damage. Dancing Metal does Piercing damage. If you are wielding a metal melee weapon, you can use the damage type and add of the weapon instead of the normal +2.
Melee Implement
You can use a Melee Weapon of Blacksmith or Clockwork tech level as an Implement. An implement is mainly useful for Shoot powers, but works with other powers that allow the use of Implements. The wielder gains all the weapon's abilities, including damage add and other weapon abilities. The type of damage inflicted depends on the Shoot power used; ignore the damage type the Melee Weapon does. The range of the blast depends on the range of the melee attack, as follows: Weapons with range Melee gains Close range. Weapons with range Close or Reach or the Throw weapon ability gains Short range.
Metal Storm
Limit Break
You can blast all enemies in a globe with a diameter equal to your Mind; you must be somewhere in this area. Your control of this attack is so precise that you can avoid any friends in the area. Damage is Mind +2, or more if you are using an Implement to improve damage. Make a separate attack roll against each target. Metal Storm does Piercing damage. If you are wielding a metal melee weapon, you can use the damage type and add of the weapon instead of the normal +2.
Limit Break
You blast everyone in a cone; a triangle with you at one corner. You can control the exact dimensions of the cone when you create it, with some limitations. The base of the triangle can be as wide as your Mind and both the other sides have the same length and can be as long as your Shoot. All measurements are in meters. Damage is Mind +2, or more if you are using an Implement. Make a separate attack roll against each target, including friends and bystanders. Scythe does Piercing damage. If you are wielding a metal melee weapon, you can use the damage type and add of the weapon instead of the normal +2.