Summon Spiritual (Action Powers)
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- Main article: Powers (Action)
Limit Break
"You" in this text refers to the original who created avatars. In some cases a player might be playing an avatar of a higher being, but this is not the assumption in how the power is written. Avatars are serious things. The loss of a powerful avatar is a great loss and successful avatars bring you prestige and power, but in most campaigns actual xp gain would be contrary to how experience works in Action - everybody in a campaign is supposed to have the same xp. Still, you should not take your avatars lightly.
You create a lower-powered copy of yourself, and send this copy off on it's own adventures. The copy does not appear near you, instead you use this power in response to a situation you hear about and the avatar appears near the epicenter of that situation. The avatar then acts on its own initative, and might be active for days, years, or a lifetime.
You can take this schtick many times. For each time you take it, you can have more avatars, but the new avatars granted are less powerful than those of an earlier level. This can be read on the table below. For example, if you take this power twice, you can have a total of 12 avatars, 3 which are 30 points weaker than you, and 9 that are 45 points weaker than you. Remember that for each 15 points removed, you Maximum Value is reduced by one, this has its own column in the table below. You need not create your avatars in order, you can make the weaker avatars first and keep some powerful potential avatars in reserve. You can even create an avatar weaker that the weakest indicated by your number of power picks - perhaps preparing for a day when you get more schticks in this power.
Schtick Picks | Total Avatars | Avatars of this level | Avatar points | Maximum Value |
1 | 3 | 3 | -30 | -2 |
2 | 12 | 9 | -45 | -3 |
3 | 39 | 27 | -60 | -4 |
4 | 120 | 81 | -75 | -5 |
All avatars start out as lesser-powered versions of yourself - you must remove abilities without adding any new ones. No avatar can have the Avatar power. 10% of the points of each avatar can be rearranged, making avatars slightly different from you. You can also change cosmetic details such as appearance, gender, or even (if within the budget) Race or Creature Type. In general you do so to match the environment of wherever you are sending your avatar - if the avatar is to act among the blue-skinned natives of the world ocean, it is smart to match the skin color and aquatic ability of the natives. You can also select what memories your avatar has - it can know all you knows (skills and schticks permitting) or it can be given false memories of a background appropriate to the setting it is to act in.
This is how the avatars are first created. Your avatars adventure independently of you and can gain experience points on their own. This means you can play a lower-powered version of yourself in another campaign - as long as your avatar's points confirm to the starting points of that campaign and the GM agrees. Avatar experience points spent need not be spent in ways identical to your original character - avatars can grow increasingly different form their original over time.
You have a general idea of what all your avatars are doing at all times, and can communicate with them by using the power again, sharing experiences as if one being. You get to decide how much of this the avatar recalls. If the original has advanced in points, this advancement can be applied to an avatar in this way - as if you used the Avatar power again, re-creating the avatar from scratch.
If two avatars, or you and one of your avatars, ever touch, the lowest-point avatar is dispelled. The original can also use the Avatar power again to dismiss any avatar. All memories of the dispelled avatar transfer over to the avatar that dispelled it.
If an avatar is unwilling to accept what you or a senior avatar does to it, it can resist. You (as the senior avatar) must then make an opposed Impress roll, and if this roll fails the unwilling avatar stops being an avatar; it instantly becomes an independent being and does no longer count against avatar limits. You can also free an avatar voluntarily to let it continue as its own separate being, but this incurs a loss of prestige and should not be done lightly.
Binding Invocation
You learn the True Name of the defeated or helpless creature.
Limit Break
You get a spiritual revelation about a topic decided upon before using this power; the reply comes in the form of a short sentence, poem, or possibly a dream or prophetic vision. Range is irrelevant, but topics of spiritual import are generally easier to divine.
To gain information this way you make an opposed check against the targets' Recon. You gain valuable information based on the outcome of this roll; if the outcome matches the target's Mind you gain clear and important insights into the target's activities. On a failed roll, you learn obvious details and trivia; if the negative Outcome matches your Mind you learn misleading information or the target notices your spying.
Basic Action
When you witness someone breaking the central tenets of both their and your own beliefs, you can condemn their action. Make an opposed Impress roll. On a success, you can inflict the target with a Finisher you know, but this Finisher ends at the end of the session. If you score an Outcome matching the target's Mind, the Finisher has its full normal effect. This is linked to the Belief method and requires you to have a code of ethics. The target needs to pay at least lip service to a code, but not as strictly as you.
Basic Action or Finisher
You return a creature native to another plane to its home plane. This is a Basic Action against a creature whose True Name you know, a Finisher otherwise. If the Impress check matches the creature’s Mind, it cannot return to the plane it was dismissed from for a time dependent upon the result of the check. This is considered a Curse on the creature.
Impress Check Result | Time Dismissed |
7 or lower | A month and a day |
8-11 | A year and a day |
12-15 | A decade and a day |
16-19 | A century and a day |
20 or higher | A millennium and a day |
Invocation of Power
Limit Break
Select one power other than this one. Until the end of the scene, when you use this power, you can base any roll or stunt using that power on your Impress skill instead of whatever skill the power would normally be based on.
Spirit Supervisor
You give the target a guiding spirit that advices him on how to act and what the faith requires of him in different situation. This spirit draws on the dogma and teaching of your religion as well as both your and the victim's knowledge and personality. It can interact with the target using your Impress skill and can cause the target Setbacks when he blasphemes or breaks major tenets of the faith with a successful opposed Impress roll. It can try to interact with the target once per round. The Spirit Supervisor is removed as if it was a Curse.
Spirit Ward
Limit Break
You create a permanent ward similar to Ward Enemy. It counts as an unnamed creature with your Mind and Impress skill and will try to ward against all creatures not aligned with your faction or faith. The ward is focused in a physical object; often a statue, stone, or pattern on the ground; destroying this object disrupts the ward.
Summoning Invocation
Basic Action
You can seize a creature whose True Name you know through time and space and bring it into your presence. The creature must be in another dimension or juncture, and not currently summoned, imprisoned or otherwise occupied. You can summon one Henchman or a number of Minions of the same type equal to your Mind. It takes an Impress roll against the creature's Dodge or Impress to summon. The creature immediately makes an initiative check to see when it will next act, but this cannot be earlier than the shot in which it is summoned. In future rounds, the creature has its own initiative score. You can also use this power again on a creature (or group of unnamed creatures) you have summoned along with an Impress roll against the creature's Dodge or Impress, in order to extend your control over it until the end of the following round. During combat, you must succeed at this action each round or the creature will break free, but you can try repeatedly in each round. Out of combat, you only need to roll every scene, but any failed roll means you lose control of the creature. While a creature is under your control, you can order it to return to its home plane at any time. A creature that breaks free of control can choose to return on its own. Summoned creatures can also be Dispelled. You can also use this power to take control of a summoned creature did not summon yourself whose True Name you know. This requires an Impress roll against the creature's Dodge or Impress or against its summoner's Impress if he is present.
A creature cannot be ordered to perform deeds alien to its nature; an air elemental cannot be summoned into solid earth or water, an Epitome cannot act against its spiritual inclination, and so on. Summoned creatures can perceive your aura as you summon them. Their initial attitude depends on your reputation among this kind of creature and whether you have an allegiance or pact with them. In case of extreme misalignment, you may not even be able to summon them at all.
When you lose control of a summoned creature it usually returns home shortly; the creature knows anyone who knows its true name can seize control of it as noted above. But the creature might choose to remain on your plane indefinitely to act out its inclination. In order to acquire lengthy services you must bargain with the creature, or use a Power Experiment or other means to acquire its services. If you bargain a creature into a formal pact, it is considered controlled for as long as the conditions of the pact are met and cannot break the contract or return to its home until the pact expires.
You can summon creatures that share your spiritual views; spirit servants of your religion or creatures you can impress by your spiritual nature. Because they are on some level aligned with you they rarely go hostile if you lose control of them, but they might return home, pontificate, or play to their own agenda. Only the most evil of creatures will attack you on sight, making this power dangerous for truly evil spiritualists.
Ward Enemy
Stance and Trigger Action
You keep hostile supernatural creatures at bay. This protects an area with your Mind meters in diameter; you must be in the warded area. At any time when a supernatural creature tries to enter the area or attack anyone inside, you are alerted to its presence and can take a trigger action to make an opposed Impress roll. The loser takes psychic damage equal to the opponent's Mind plus the absolute outcome. If you win, the creature's action fails and it is expelled from the area. If the creature wins, you have the option of dropping the ward rather than take damage; if you do so, you cannot use this power again in this scene.
This power only affects supernatural creatures: Air Elementals, Earth Elementals, Electric Elementals, Fire Elementals, Water Elementals, Plant Elementals, Ice Elementals, Demons, Devils, Angels, Virtues, Aberrations, Spectres, and Undead.