Death (Action Powers Form)
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Heroic Action Role-Play |
Action and motivation need not cease with death. Characters can use the powers of the dead, learn their secrets, and even reanimate them as undead.
- Alternate Names: Necromancy.
Death Cantrips
Basic Action
You can tell when and how a creature died by touch. You do not learn details, only general information such as if the creature died by violence or disease. You can read the emotional state a creature died in if it died no more than a Mind roll hours ago. You can cause corpses to move depending on its size; a dead insect can move around freely, a dead human only twitch slightly or slowly move a body part, such as a hand. You can temporarily render a creature or plant infertile. You can make dead tissue glow, using such remains for illumination, this includes the nails and hair of living creatures. You can chill dead flesh a few degrees and prevent decay by killing microbes, fungi and other reducers.
Charm Death
Consume Identity
You gain temporary access to the target's memories and physical form. For the duration of the story, you can access his memories, and you can assume his likeness; this lets you Disguise yourself as your target and you suffer no penalty for physical differences.
You can use this power on a corpse to assume their appearance while alive, but memories gained from decomposed corpses is incomplete.
Charm Undead
Basic Action
You are supernaturally enchanting to certain creatures. You master whatever form of communication they use, even if you are normally unable to communicate with them at all.
Enchanting someone requires an opposed Charm roll. On an Outcome equal to the target's Mind, the target falls for your enchantment. On a lesser success you gain an advantage. A failed check interrupts the process, forcing you to look for a new opportunity at a later time.
Once someone has been enchanted, they will willingly follow and help you out. They seek to avoid conflict with their old allies, but if push comes to shove you cannot guarantee how they will react; they will try to avoid seeing you harmed, but they might make you a captive to save you later or even to have you at their mercy, or they might decide to throw in their lot with you and abandon their former allies. Someone who you have enchanted expects trust and help from you, but the enchantment breaks automatically only in the most blatant cases of maltreatment. If you are callous and disregard their interests they can make opposed Charm rolls against you to see through the enchantment. The same applies if a friend points out they have been charmed, but in this case it is an opposed roll against the friend's Charm skill and takes a Limit Break to do.
Enchantment normally wears off in about a weeks time, but can be maintained through continuous use of the power; it will last indefinitely if reapplied once per day. Even after the power ends you leave your targets with fond memories of you unless you mistreated them. Someone who realizes they have been enchanted and used can become vindictive or even downright hostile, but this is not the normal result.
This power only works on Undead.
Death Inspiration
Trigger Action
You inspire others to be morose, calm, and introspective. Whenever you or someone within Charm meters fails an action based on these virtues, you can take a trigger action to give him an immediate reroll. If the original roll was Confident or Stymied it remains so. This applies to most uses of the Know skill and to other skills and rolls as determined my the GM.
Trigger Action
You can enter a state of suspended animation where you appear to be dead for all practical purposes. You can do this as a reaction to taking a hit; to all appearances, that hit killed you. You register as dead to detection powers and all but the most invasive medical investigation.
In this state, you cannot take actions, but you are aware of your surroundings, and you can continue to maintain stances. You are immune to Biological Damage. You are helpless and have a Dodge of zero, but you get to subtract twice your Charm from any damage you take. At the beginning of any round, you can decide to end the hibernation.
Loan From Ancestors
Limit Break
Select any one Power. You know this Power until the end of the scene or until you use this power again.
Speak with Dead
Limit Break
You can communicate with the spirits of the dead. You need to be at the site they died, their grave, in the presence of a direct descendant or loved one, know their True name, or be in possession of a body part or and object important to them in life to use this power. You must also have a clear idea of who you are communing with, tough a name is not necessary.
The dead will appear as an apparition, merely as a ghostly voice, or manifested through some divination technique or device you use. You can ask the dead about things they knew in life, and it will answer as its personality dictates. The dead communed with are more sourly than they were in life, but will respond to interaction, people and inquiries much as they did while alive. They have no extra knowledge of death itself or other things they did not know when alive, tough some of them might make up stories or try to proselytize. You can ask them if they want to be resurrected or turned into undead, and make deals with them about such things. Even if they agree, it is sometimes the case that the spirit will not cooperate later; it is speculated that the conversation is not with the actual spirit of the departed, but only with a ghostly image or reflection left in the physical world.
This spell will not allow communication with a creature that is currently an Undead, tough it does make the creature aware of who you are and that you want to commune with it and where you are, as well as inform you that it is currently undead. Some undead will seek you out, and you have no control over them through this power, tough it does allow you to communicate with undead across language barriers.
Unto Death and Beyond
Basic Action
A voluntary target swears an oath to take on some task "Unto Death and Beyond ", forswearing eternal rest to complete an objective. As long as the target works to fulfill this task, he benefits from Life Immunity. However, should he stray and let himself be distracted he will take a Hit each day and find himself unable to heal any damage. The most horrific aspect of this power comes into play if the target dies without fulfilling the task; in this case he will return as an Undead at some future date as determined by the GM. Such forsworn undead often have Immortality.
Create Death
Basic Action
You can create and repair basic items out of bone, rusted metal, rotted cloth, and other tomb material. In this way you can create personal gear of Blacksmith sophistication or repair any kind of item. Items are permanent but turn to dust in a few minutes if used by a creature isn't undead and does not have this ability. The difficulty is the Toughness of the item; weapons and armor are made for a specific creature and have a difficulty equal to they damage or toughness they grant.
Brambles of Bones
Basic Action
You can create a palisade of bone, a bramble of sharp bone shards and grinning skulls that is extremely hard to pass trough. You can cover a number of square meters of brambles equal to your Mind, making one massive bristle or making a wall, palisade, or even a labyrinth with passages inside the area. The height of each square of brambles is equal to the number of adjacent squares of bramble, and each square must be adjacent to at least one other square.
Anyone in the brambles when it is created risks being restrained. Make an Create check against each target's Dodge. On a success the target is partially bound and suffers one of the penalties noted below. On an Outcome matching the target's Reflexes he is severely bound and suffers three of the conditions. Conditions are applied in this order; immobilized, bound legs, bound arms, hogtie, blinded. Apply the first condition on this list the target doesn't already suffer from. Physical restraint in Action does not completely prevent a hero from action, they impose handicaps to be overcome.
- Gagging prevents mundane speech. Stymies all Charm and Impress checks.
- Handcuffing is when your hands are tied in front of you, but not so tightly as to make them completely unusable; you can still use one hand effectively, such as using weapons or tools of Small size or smaller.
- Hobbling indicates restrained legs, but not fixed to each other. It means you cannot move as part of a normal Basic Action, and can only move your normal move when you do a Full Move action or otherwise do an action that grants extra movement..
- Immobilized, stuck to something, alternatively on a short leash which prevents movement beyond one or two meters. If you are stuck to a creature whose Body is greater than yours, you are forced along as it moves, otherwise you are both immobilized unless you two cooperate.
- Bound Legs you fall prone and cannot stand unsupported, which prevents and hinders many actions as determined by the situation and stunt description. Your Move is reduced to 1. Swimming and flying creatures are entangled, with similar effects.
- Bound Arms prevent most physical manipulation and the use of weapons and implements. You can still use tackles and head butts for (Body +0) damage or a Tiny Ranged Weapon, but limited to Close range.
- Blinded restricts your awareness, giving you only a rough estimate of objects and creatures in a diameter equal to your Mind; you are insensitive to things beyond this range. Everyone has enough concealment to Sneak on you, and against creatures beyond your perception range, you have to use Reflexes rather than Recon for defense against Recon stunts.
- (or more) Hogtie A hogtied character cannot act physically and can only move one meter as a standard action; no movement is otherwise allowed. This also prevents all Defense actions.
Creatures entering the area or who have freed themselves are not restrained but must make a Free Running check against your Create when moving about in the bramble. Ranged attacks trough a meter of bristles the area have a Cover difficulty equal to your Create. The bones are brittle, but too many to break individually. It has Toughness equal to your Mind but is only sensitive to area attacks or Feats of Strength - cutting individual bones can free someone who is bound, but does not harm the bramble itself. An area attack that destroys the bristle clears an area under the volume of the area. The bristles turn brittle and loose one point of Toughness for every 15 minutes they exist, falling apart after a while.
Basic Action
You cause an object to age and corrode, potentially reducing it to dust. This does not work on mobile objects. Make a Create check against the object's Body. On a success, the object takes a Setback. If you roll twice the object's Body, it is destroyed. Certain object that are particularly inert (bedrock, sand) or is particularly relevant to the plot cannot be destroyed this way.
Limit Break
You can bind spirits to create a haunt, a danger similar to a trap but powered by spirits of the dead. This must be done using the remains of a creature that violently or with remorse, or in a location where such death or violent emotions occurred. When the haunt attacks, make a Create roll against the Dodge of the victim, with the usual +3 bonus for being hidden. It does damage equal to your Create. This is usually usually Spiritual or Enervation damage, but might be any type of damage appropriate to the scene reenacted. It need not do direct damage, and often has other gruesome effects similar to Interaction Stunts.
A haunt can be found with Scan and is automatically found when using Examine. Once found, haunts are less effective as there is no surprise bonus and targets can take trigger action defenses.
A haunt is a Curse. It can normally activate only once in any given day, but it is very hard to permanently end. A haunt always provides a clue to its own nature, reenacting a scene related to the event it builds upon, and this usually provides a clue on how to end the haunt.
Dodge Death
You are immune to social interactions and thus to most stunts and powers targeting your Charm or Impress. You are also unable to use Charm. If a stunt using either of these skills is made as a physical stunt rather than a lapse of judgement you can use Dodge as your defense.
Bone Shield
Trigger Action (Defense)
Use this when an attack would succeed against you. You create a shield of interlocking bones, that provides a +3 bonus to Dodge and Toughness for the current shot. The Toughness bonus stacks with other Toughness bonuses, such as armor.
Death Throes
You can focus when close to death. Whenever you are attacked whith Infection damage or otherwise subject to harmful Infection or otherwise subject to harmful Death powers, you can focus. The damage need not hit, cause a Hit, or otherwise have an effect on you. You can also focus when you take a Damage Setback. If you take a Mortal Wound you can immediately take a Limit Break when focusing this way, but you then fall unconscious.
Stance or Inherent
You become Incorporeal. Add your Mind to your soak attribute against Acid, Cold, Enervation, and all forms of Biological and Physical Damage. Silver weapons bypass this resistance. This power is normally a stance, but commonly inherent in nonliving creatures, such as Undead. When you take this power, decide of it is a stance or inherent.
Life Immunity
Become resistant to extremes of temperature, disease, poison, lack of food water or air and other discomforting environmental conditions suffered by living creatures. You are immune to environmental conditions without a damage value, such as lack of air, food, or water, uncomfortable temperatures, and any kind of fatigue or lack of endurance. Add your Mind to your soak attribute against biological damage. This power is normally a stance, but commonly inherent in nonliving creatures, such as Undead.
Impress Death
Awaken the Dead
Limit Break
You can resurrect the dead as Undead monstrosities. Depending on the condition of the corpse, it might be a bare-bones skeleton or just a pale version of itself while alive. The creature must have been truly alive at one point, which means it should have been an Animal or Folk at one time. The creature must be willing to be resurrected, and they know who you are and what your supernatural allegiances are before deciding. Most dead folk are content to be dead, only the ambitious would consider resurrection unless a former tie calls them back.
The creature gains the Undead type and the xx, xx, and xx powers using the Gifts Origin. It is otherwise the same as it was while it was alive.
Command Undead
Basic Action
You can control an undead creature (or group of unnamed creatures) whose True Name you know with an Impress roll against the creature's Dodge or Impress, in order to control it until the end of the following round. During combat, you must succeed at this action each round or the creature will break free, but you can try repeatedly in each round. Out of combat, you only need to roll every 15 minutes, but any failed roll means you lose control of the creature.
Death of the Senses
Limit Break, Finisher
With an opposed Impress roll you dull the targets senses to the point of non-functionality; sight becomes a blur, hearing faint, taste and smell stagnant, and touch painful. The target becomes unable to perceive anyone beyond Mind meters and even inside this area, targets have concealment enough to Sneak. When stuck by this power, all enemies become hidden from the target, and anyone out of the sensory area becomes hidden while the power is active.
While under Death of the Senses, targets visible to friends are not automatically spotted by the victim; it takes a successful Scan from the victim or that an opponent acts against the victim to make them visible.
Lasts for a scene. If the initial roll scored an Outcome matching the target's Reflexes the effect lasts for the session or until dispelled. It can also be used as a Finisher, in which case it is a Curse.
Death Curse
Trigger Action
When you suffer a Mortal Wound you can make an opposed Impress check against your slayer if you sense them or know their name. If successful, you can apply any Finisher you know to them.
Basic Action, Limit Break, or Finisher
Make an opposed Impress, on a success the target's Body suffers a penalty of -1 until the end of the scene. This can be increased by various factors:
- If performed as a Limit Break, the penalty is increased by two.
- If the attack scores an Outcome matching the target's Body, the penalty is increased by two.
- If performed as a Finisher, the penalty is increased by two and the effect is a Curse - including any previous Frailty from this scene.
Basic Action
Make an opposed Impress roll to to paralyze an opponent. On a success the target is paralyzed on his next basic action. On an Outcome matching the target's Body he is paralyzed on his next three actions. Paralysis can carry over from round to round. A paralyzed target cannot take any action until the paralysis wears off. This prevent Trigger Actions, but Stances continue to work.
You take over the target's body. He becomes a passenger in his own body, barely even aware of what happens. You take on the body and appearance of the target. Initially, use the physical attributes Body and Reflexes of the host body, but these attributes revert to your usual values if the possession continues at the end of the story. The basic appearance (modified by attribute changes), gender, and age of the host remains. If you have Soul Bind or Soul Transfer you can include the use of either of those as a part of a single Finisher.
Soul Bind
Binds the soul of the target to you - either directly to your own soul or to a specially prepared receptacle. A creature whose soul has been bound like this cannot be resurrected, communed with, turned into an undead, or otherwise interacted with. If the target was alive when soul bound, the body remains alive but is inanimate and needs to be cared for or it will die of hunger and thirst. Such an empty body is also extremely vulnerable to possession. The bound soul can be traded, communicated with, or used to possess a soulless body.
Breaking the receptacle or dispelling the power frees the soul. If the creature's body is still alive, the soul goes back there. Otherwise it merely dies.
Summon Undead
Basic Action
You can seize a creature whose True Name you know through time and space and bring it into your presence. The creature must be in another dimension or juncture, and not currently summoned, imprisoned or otherwise occupied. You can summon one Henchman or a number of Minions of the same type equal to your Mind. It takes an Impress roll against the creature's Dodge or Impress to summon. The creature immediately makes an initiative check to see when it will next act, but this cannot be earlier than the shot in which it is summoned. In future rounds, the creature has its own initiative score. You can also use this power again on a creature (or group of unnamed creatures) you have summoned along with an Impress roll against the creature's Dodge or Impress, in order to extend your control over it until the end of the following round. During combat, you must succeed at this action each round or the creature will break free, but you can try repeatedly in each round. Out of combat, you only need to roll every scene, but any failed roll means you lose control of the creature. While a creature is under your control, you can order it to return to its home plane at any time. A creature that breaks free of control can choose to return on its own. Summoned creatures can also be Dispelled. You can also use this power to take control of a summoned creature did not summon yourself whose True Name you know. This requires an Impress roll against the creature's Dodge or Impress or against its summoner's Impress if he is present.
A creature cannot be ordered to perform deeds alien to its nature; an air elemental cannot be summoned into solid earth or water, an Epitome cannot act against its spiritual inclination, and so on. Summoned creatures can perceive your aura as you summon them. Their initial attitude depends on your reputation among this kind of creature and whether you have an allegiance or pact with them. In case of extreme misalignment, you may not even be able to summon them at all.
When you lose control of a summoned creature it usually returns home shortly; the creature knows anyone who knows its true name can seize control of it as noted above. But the creature might choose to remain on your plane indefinitely to act out its inclination. In order to acquire lengthy services you must bargain with the creature, or use a Power Experiment or other means to acquire its services. If you bargain a creature into a formal pact, it is considered controlled for as long as the conditions of the pact are met and cannot break the contract or return to its home until the pact expires.
This power only works on Undead.
Basic Action
Make an opposed Impress roll to cause terror in each enemy in a diameter equal to your Mind. On a success the target is terrorized on his next basic action. On an Outcome matching the target's Mind he is terrorized for the rest of the round.
A terrorized target who can see you must back as far away from you as possible, using his Move before taking each basic action, spending the movement portion of the basic action to do so. He cannot move closer to you under his own volition. He can otherwise act normally.
This only affects mortal creatures; Animals and Folk.
Know Death
Analyze Death
Basic Action
You can analyze the abilities and attributes of any Undead or corpse within arm's reach, even if the target is inside a cage or otherwise separated from you. You learn the exact attributes, skills and schticks of the target and whether it has been affected by any powers recently. If you analyze a corpse this way, you learn if it has been affected by any powers, when it died, and rough description of how it died.
Limit Break
This the curse of the Undead, like Mummy Rot or the life-draining knives of the Nâzgul.
This is a slow effect, that does not have any immediate effect during the combat but which will, in time, kill the victim. You can use Bane on any target you have damaged during the current round. The target cannot heal Hits. Each day, you are allowed a Mind roll against the target's Body, if you succeed the target takes an additional Hit. This is a Curse and can be removed as such.
Barren Seed
You can make someone sterile, impotent, frigid, and and prevent menstruation and the production of milk or semen. The effect can last for a month or be a Curse, at your option.
This will kill a fetus, and can also be used to kill parasites, symbiotes, and other gestating creatures such as insects in the pupal stage.
Consume Corpse
You destroy a corpse and recover 3 Hits or the results of a Damage Setback. The corpse consumed will be completely destroyed by digestion in a day or so. Until then you can use other powers that target corpses on it (not Consume Corpse), but no-one else can and a power that requires the destruction of a corpse will not work.
Consume Life
Trigger Action (Combo)
Use this when you inflict a Hit on an opponent. Make an opposed Know roll against the target to heal one Hit you have taken.
Dispel Death
Limit Break
Age of Effect |
Minimum Difficulty |
Three days | 12 |
One Month | 14 |
One year | 16 |
A decade | 18 |
A century | 20 |
A millennium | 22 |
Ten millennia | 24 |
You can end the effects of other powers. You can only dispel powers you know of (though a vague description, such as "whatever is making Bert turn green" is ok). You can try to dispel a single Finisher, Limit Break, or any power that has been in effect for a week or more, or you can try to dispel all powers except those mentioned above on one creature or in an area with a diameter equal to your Mind. When dispelling several powers at once, you can choose to ignore some of them as long as you know of each power you want to make an exception for.
A power that has been dispelled cannot be used again by that creature in this scene, and another creature that tries to use the same power in the same general area must match your Know with the stunt the power is used with, or it fails.
This will not negate a Curse, but will tell you how to defeat the curse if the roll is successful.
Inherent powers cannot be dispelled.
The difficulty is the skill of the most skilled creature involved in making the effect. Effects that have been around a long time are harder to dispel: see the table. Use the highest relevant difficulty.
You can dispel any power of the Death form or which otherwise affects an Undead, the dead, or a cadaver.
Infection Vector
This is a way to seemingly "cure" someone of a disease, while potentially infecting many others.
You make an object or creature a vector carrying a disease, itself immune and unaffected. People, animals, objects, or communal places such as wells or larders make good targets for this power.
Anyone in contact with the vector, or consuming something that came into contact with the vector risks infection and must make a Know roll against your Know or become infected, taking one Hit of Infection damage, if the negative Outcome matches the victims Body the victim starts with three Hits of Infection damage. If the roll succeeds the target is or affected, and it the Outcome matches your Mind the source of the infection is identified. A target that takes precautions against disease is considered to be actively defending against the infection.
On a living target this is a Curse, on other kinds of targets the effect can be dispelled normally and also ends if the target is destroyed.
Lore of Blood
Basic Action
Taste a victim's blood (preserved or no more than a day old) and make an opposed Know check. If the result exceeds the target's highest skill value you gain an Advantage against the victim. On an Outcome matching the target's highest attribute score, you instead learn the target's True Name. You can only do this once per scene on a particular creature.
Lore of the Dead
Trigger Action (Combo)
You have knowledge generally only possessed by the dead. Whenever you are unsatisfied with a knowledge roll, you may roll again to represent things learnt from the long dead. The GM should slant such information based on the time it is from.
Maneuver Death
Blood Drain
The target takes a Mortal Wound, quite likely killing him. Select one attribute of a living target. You temporarily increase your own attribute by two points, but not to a value higher than the target's. The attribute boost lasts the rest of the session, possibly more if the story merits it. You can only use Blood Drain once per session on any particular creature.
False Life
You can take three additional Hits before being defeated. If you drop this stance while having taken more hits than you can normally do, you are knocked out.
You seem to not be affected by gravity, wind, and similar gross physical forces. You can move through the air instead of along the ground, and often does this in a strange manner, as if walking, drifting, or simply appearing in a new position.
Life Drain
The target takes a Mortal Wound, quite likely killing him. You recover one Hit, one Fortune point, and become Focused. If the target's Mind is the same or higher than your own, you can instead opt to become a year younger. You can only use Life Drain once per day on any particular creature.
Steal Skill
The target takes a Mortal Wound, quite likely killing it. You gain temporary access to one skill and two related schticks the victim had. For the duration of the current story, you can use his skill value instead of your own (if it is better) and learn two schticks related to that skill the target had. If you know the proper forms, you can learn powers instead of schticks. This power does not stack, when you use it any previously stolen skill is lost.
Undead Form
Limit Break
You assume the form of another creature decided when you gain the power. You must have created a variant form for yourself using your normal points and limits. If you do not have such a creature description ready, you cannot use this power. This creature cannot have higher value in any particular skill than you do. You can add powers of the same form the creature has and keep schticks and powers you already have, but you cannot otherwise add powers or schticks. This power cannot be used to imitate a specific individual; you remain yourself in mannerisms and detail while changing race, species, and creature type.
You remain in this form for a scene or until you fall asleep or unconscious or will yourself back to your normal form (a Basic Action). You can learn this power several times to learn to transform into several different creatures.
You can only assume the form on an Undead with this version of the power.
Melee Death
Death Grip
Basic Action
Make a Clinch attack. If successful, you lock your opponent in a death grip. A death grip can only be broken if you go unconscious, suffer a Setback, or attack another creature with the limb you did a death attack with.
Once you have the target in a death grip, you can use the power again to attack your held target, and automatically hit. Even if your attack misses, it still does damage - you still add the outcome, which is now negative, causing less than the base damage.
If your Body scores are within 1 point of each other, you cannot move along with a Basic Action, but can move as a Move as a Basic Action. If either of you have 2 or more Body higher than your opponent, the stronger one can move normally, carrying the weaker one around like a rag doll.
Death Strike
You can make melee attacks that do Body +4 Infection damage, soaked by Toughness. Infection damage has special rules for inflicting hits and recovery.
Death Touch
Stance (Damage Boost)
You can imbue a Melee or Shoot attack with an additional type of damage. The damage of the attack increases by +2. Against a target that has different soak values against the two types of damage, use the lesser soak value but decrease the damage by 2. Death Touch does Infection damage soaked by Body and has special recovery rules. Objects and creatures without a metabolism such as robots and undead are immune.
Draining Attack
You can make melee attacks that do Body +0 Enervation damage, soaked by Body. Infection damage has special rules for inflicting hits and recovery. In addition, a living target that takes a Hit also loses one point in an attribute selected when the power is bought. This damage lasts until the end of the session and can be healed as if they were Hits.
Eyes of the Tiger
Basic action
Make a Normal Melee Attack. If the target takes any damage, he loses any focus he might have.
Ghost Strikes
You make all your Melee attacks immaterial. An immaterial attack does mind blast damage equal to your Mind +0, soaked by the target's Mind. You ignore the normal damage value of any attack you use, but you can still take advantage of other aspects of schticks and powers.
Point Blockage
The foe does not suffer a Damage Setback and is instead paralyzed. The victim retains all of his senses while paralyzed but is otherwise completely helpless. This is a Curse.
Shadow Fist
Finisher, Focus
If you knock out a living opponent and use this finishing move, you become focused. The opponent is not dead, but becomes torn by an intense fever and will die in three days unless cured by you or the Curse is removed.
Soul of Death
You can use your body to do melee attacks that do Mind +2 Infection damage, or more if you are using an Implement to improve damage.
Storm of the Tiger
Limit Break
Make an attack, adding your Mind attribute to the damage inflicted.
Vengeance of the Tiger
Trigger Action
When you are hit in hand-to-hand combat, you may immediately launch a Melee counterattack against the opponent who just hit you. If you took any damage, add +3 to your attack roll.
Wounding Strike
You can use your body to do melee attacks that do Mind +2 - or more if you are using an Implement to improve damage. This is Wounding damage which has special rules. Non-living creatures and objects (such as robots and doors) are immune, but Undead always soak this damage using Body alone - no armor or resist powers will work for them.
Recon Death
Detect Undead
Basic Action
You can sense the presence of Undead at a distance. Make a skill roll and multiply the result by 10; this is the range in meters. Normally, you detect any type of Undead, but by concentrating on a particular type, individual, or descriptive trait you can eliminate all others. You must make an opposed Recon check to sense a creature that is Sneaking, but you can sense them even through barriers unless they are designed to block detection powers.
Ghost Walk
Basic Action
You can walk trough material objects, such as walls, using them to hide. You cannot walk trough any living substance, bedrock, or moving water. This allows you to Sneak inside any material object large enough to hold you, as well as by moving through walls to hide on the other side. You can peek out from inside an object, and even jump out to attack, just as you could from ordinary cover. You cannot perform actions other than observing, hiding, and moving while inside an object.
Ghost Spy
Limit Break
You send a discorporate spirit to spy for you, instructing it to look for specific pieces of information. It will report back to you when if finds the information you seek. It cannot enter an area warded against death or the undead. Ghost Spy has a range of your Mind kilometers but no range modifiers. To gain information this way you make an opposed check against the targets' Recon. You gain valuable information based on the outcome of this roll; if the outcome matches the target's Mind you gain clear and important insights into the target's activities. On a failed roll, you learn obvious details and trivia; if the negative Outcome matches your Mind you learn misleading information or the target notices your spying.
Soul Sight
Basic Action
You have a sensory affinity for spirits, tombs, corpses, and to a lesser extent any material commonly used for burial - this includes most natural materials, including earth, stone, water and fire. You can use Tomb Sense to scan an area at range, with normal range penalties. You instantly know the location of all graves and corpses within this area. After using Soul Sight you can sense such things within Mind meters without using sight. This allows you to avoid blindness penalties for the rest of the scene. You can see the motivating force of creatures, their spirit or soul. Make a Scan stunt. You automatically spot creatures Indivisibility to hide. In this way you automatically notice a creature that is sneaking and relying on Indivisibility to conceal it. If it could sneak under the normal rules, Soul Sight can still spot them, but gives no help. This is a meta-power that affects other powers. In some campaign worlds there is a strong Origin Divide among different origins. Check with your GM regarding your campaign. Origins that are opposed cannot cannot be modified by meta-powers; it is as if powers from the opposing origin was actually a schtick rather than a power. Soul Sight won't automatically perceive powers or see through stealth powers against which it has an origin divide.
Zone of Silence
You create a zone around you in which sounds are dampened to the point of extinction. This is a diameter equal to your Mind, with you in the center. Subtract your Mind from the skill roll of any sound-based attack or stunt in the area. In order to make any kind of sound in the area, such as shouting an alarm, a creature in the area must roll the relevant skill against your Recon. Even then, the sound is dampened and will not carry nearly as far as normal.
Ride Death
Headless Rider
Basic Action
You carry an aura of death along with you until the end of the next round. Creatures within Ride meters and to all who can see you suffer more grave wounds than usual. Any creature defeated in this area suffer a Damage Setback, even if they went down from accumulated Hits without Damage Setbacks. You can turn this aura on or off as a Basic Action.
Mysterious Death
Trigger Action
This is a Teleport power that lets you disappear when taking damage, seemingly dying, only to reappear later at an opportune time. You go wherever it is you spend your time "off", and cannot be affected in any way, except possibly with Summon powers.
This power always have some unique nemesis, and if this method or item is used to kill you or anoint your body before the end of the round, Immortality will not work. This can be cutting off the head, staking the heart, or some similar maneuver. It generally takes a Setback to do, once the proper method is known.
You reappear at the gamemaster's discretion, usually at the end of the scene or fight when you "died", tough sometimes the away time can be months or even years. You have no direct control over when and how you reappear. You can specify an anchor when you purchase the power; an event, place, person or item that acts to draw you back. Examples include avenging ghosts that appear at the scene of a rape or to haunt the wearer of a sword.
Mystic Death can be used to overcome travel obstacles for monsters: it is hard for a golem to walk onto an airplane, but when your pals go to New York city, you can die and then conveniently materialize when they arrive. You can only appear as directed by the story, but as long as you are willing to let your gamemaster control the details, this is a good travel power.
Where you spend the time dead is largely irrelevant. Perhaps you go to the underworld, perhaps you become astral or step out of the time flow. The GM might design special scenarios in this off-world, but don't count on it. It can be cool to role-play the effects this in-between place has on you - it might be scary, paradisaical or just weird.
Use this when you are knocked out. You die, only to reappear later at the same spot at the end of the round. You return with three Hits. You can only do this once per scene. A named creature can take this power up to three times to be able to recover from more than one knockout in a scene, starting out with two hits after your second death and one hit after your third death.
An unnamed creature instead has has a 50% chance to succeed at this power; if the roll fails the creature is out of action normally. There is no restriction on the number of times this can happen.
This power always have some unique nemesis, and if this method or item is used to kill you or anoint your body before the end of the round, Immortality will not work. This can be cutting off the head, staking the heart, or some similar maneuver. It generally takes a Setback to do, once the proper method is known.
Some immortal creatures do not reappear in the same spot, but instead at a specific spot elsewhere - such as in their coffin, sacred tree, or other significant location. If this location is destroyed or desecrated, this variant of Immortality fails. If you have Mysterious Death you can choose to use that power instead when defeated.
Pale Rider
Basic Action
You carry an aura of infection along with you until the end of the next round. Creatures within Ride meters and to all who can see you count all wounds they have as if they were Infected. You can turn this aura on or off as a Basic Action.
Soul Transfer
You kill your the target (which can be yourself) and send the soul looking for a new body to inhabit. A host needs to be of the same species the target of the power was when alive, and recently dead. If the initial target is Undead, the corpse need not be fresh. Decide on a location; the power will locate the closest suitable host and present it to the soul to accept or reject. If it is rejected, the power locates the second closest one and so on. The target gets a vision of each host as it is found. There is a delay of 1d6 hours between each vision. Any new potential hosts appearing in the area can also appear as candidates, and it is possible to spend up to a year and a day looking for a suitable host.
To any onlookers, it seems as if the corpse animated itself or the newly dead creature suddenly recovered. Initially, use the physical attributes Body and Reflexes of the host body, but these attributes revert to their usual values at the rate of one point per hour. The basic appearance (modified by attribute changes), gender, and age of the host remains.
Shoot Death
Black Breath
Limit Break
You blast everyone in a cone; a triangle with you at one corner. You can control the exact dimensions of the cone when you create it, with some limitations. The base of the triangle can be as wide as your Mind and both the other sides have the same length and can be as long as your Shoot. All measurements are in meters. Damage is Mind +2, or more if you are using an Implement. Make a separate attack roll against each target, including friends and bystanders. Black Breath does Infection damage.
Bone Burst
Limit Break
You blast everyone in a cone; a triangle with you at one corner. You can control the exact dimensions of the cone when you create it, with some limitations. The base of the triangle can be as wide as your Mind and both the other sides have the same length and can be as long as your Shoot. All measurements are in meters. Damage is Mind +2, or more if you are using an Implement. Make a separate attack roll against each target, including friends and bystanders. You shoot pieces of your own skeleton that does Physical Piercing damage soaked with Toughness. On a damage setback, the damage also has the effects of Infection damage.
Bone Bolt
You can make a Ranged Attack - either the basic stunt or using some other stunt, schtick, or power. Damage is Mind +2, or more if you are using an Implement to improve damage. You shoot pieces of your own skeleton that does Physical Piercing damage soaked with Toughness. On a damage setback, the damage also has the effects of Infection damage.
Limit Break
You can blast everyone in a globe with a diameter equal to your Mind in meters. Damage is Mind +2, or more if you are using an Implement. Make a separate attack roll against each target, including friends and bystanders. Plague does Infection damage.
Plague Blast
You can make a Ranged Attack - either the basic stunt or using some other stunt, schtick, or power. Damage is Mind +2, or more if you are using an Implement to improve damage. Infection does Infection damage.
Plague Burst
Limit Break
You can blast all enemies in a globe with a diameter equal to your Mind; you must be somewhere in this area. Your control of this attack is so precise that you can avoid any friends in the area. Damage is Mind +2, or more if you are using an Implement to improve damage. Make a separate attack roll against each target. Plague does Infection damage.