Summon Illusion (Action Powers)
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Fata Morgana
The most powerful form of illusion, the Fata Morgana is a complete takeover of the target's senses. Everything he perceives is controlled by you, effectively he is in a dream world of your making. By spending a Basic Action, you take direct control of the target's dream world for one round and can observe the targets actions in the dream world. You can change how the target perceives time, making a lifetime pass in a few moments or make it as if no time at all has passed.
While imprisoned in the dream world, the target's body seems to be asleep. This is a Curse. If the target takes a Mortal_Wound either in the dream or to the body, Fata Morgana ends.
Identity Theft
Basic Action
You can make an illusion that you are in fact a specific creature whose True Name you know. This allows you to almost become that creature. You use that creatures abilities and statistics in place of your own, with one exception; you still use your own Impress skill to keep your shape-changed self under control.
It takes an Impress roll against the creature's Dodge or Impress to assume the creature's form. You do not have access to the imitated creatures memories.
Each round in which you remain under the illusion, you need to use this power and roll your Impress against the creature's Dodge or Impress in order to extend the identity theft until the end of the following round. During combat, you must succeed at this action each round or the creature will break free, but you can try repeatedly in each round. Out of combat, you only need to roll every 15 minutes. If this roll fails, you return to your own identity.
If you use this to impersonate the creature whose form you take, that is a Charm stunt.
As a Basic Action, a spectator can use Scrutinize to make an opposed Charm roll to disbelieve the illusion, which causes you to either take one Hit or end the illusion (your choice). If the Spot check scores an outcome equal to your Mind the illusion is automatically dispelled.
Image Theft
Basic Action, then Stance
You can exchange the appearance of two creatures and/or objects with a successful opposed Impress roll - one of whom can be you. Speech and mannerisms are also affected by this change. A target does not notice the change unless it sees itself reflected. Any Disguise check to trick people into believing you are the other is Routine. A Charm check opposed by your Charm is required for the target to makes his true identity plausible, or for someone else to discover the target's true identity using Scrutinize.
Lost Friend
Select one creature other than the target. The target cannot remember this creature and cannot perceive this creature except by direct touch. Even the target's memories of the creature grow hazy, requiring knowledge element checks even for things that would otherwise automatically be remembered. This is a Curse.
You can make the creature lose a number of creatures equal to your Mind, but if you do so the effect only lasts for the current session.
Phantasmal Killer
Basic Action
You make an illusory copy of a creature True Name you know and bring it into the mind of another creature. Except as noted here, this is the same as as #Spectral Monster. The creature immediately makes an initiative check to see when it will next act, but this cannot be earlier than the current shot. All it does if fight, seeking to kill its target, or you if uncontrolled.
A phantasmal killer only exists in your mind and that of your victim. It can affect and be affected by what you and the victim does normally, but is completely oblivious to all other creatures and even to traps and hazards. It is otherwise affected normally by terrain. If either you or the victim is killed or knocked unconscious, the phantasmal killer disappears.
You can also use this power again on a phantasmal killer you have created along with an Impress roll against the creature's Dodge or Impress, in order to extend your control over it until the end of the following round or to dismiss it. If a phantasmal killer is uncontrolled, it turns on you.
Scary Image
Basic Action
You create an illusion of a scary scene. This scene can involve setting or creatures or both. Creatures that are different from each other might not be scared by the same things, at the GM's discretion. Make an opposed Impress roll against those the illusion is scary against. On a success the target is scared on his next basic action. On an Outcome matching the target's Mind he is scared for the rest of the round.
A scared target must back as far away from the illusion as possible, using his Move before taking each basic action, spending the movement portion of the basic action to do so. He cannot move closer to you under his own volition. He can otherwise act normally.
Spectral Monster
Basic Action
You make an illusory copy of a creature whose True Name you know. You can summon a number of Minions of the same type equal to your Mind or one Henchman, but Henchmen created this way never have Fortune points. Spectral Monsters are Specters but otherwise identical to the creature you copy. They do not possess the full knowledge of what they are copying, only enough to react appropriately in common situations. It takes an Impress roll against the creature's Impress or Dodge to create a spectral monster.
The creature immediately makes an initiative check to see when it will next act, but this cannot be earlier than the current shot.
You can also use this power again on a spectral monster you have created along with an Impress roll against the creature's Dodge or Impress, in order to either maintain control until the end of the following round or to dismiss the spectral monster. During combat, you must succeed at this action each round or lose control, but you can try repeatedly in each round. Out of combat, you only need to roll every 15 minutes, but any failed roll means control is lost. If you fail to maintain a spectral monster, it begins to interact with you; an illusion of a creature hostile to you attacks, an illusion of a friendly creature takes interaction stunts to make sure it gets your full attention. After one round uncontrolled, the spectral monster usually disappears, but in rare cases it may run away and do mischief on its own.
Spectral Monsters are vulnerable to having their illusory nature revealed through interaction. When you succeed at a non-attack Stunt against a Spectral Monster, it suffer a Hit in addition to the normal effect.
A Spectral Monster can be perceived by cameras and similar remote viewing, but it cannot manipulate objects. Its attacks inflict Illusory damage, but always of an apparent type and amount consistent with the original creature. This means targets can soak the damage normally, or using Mind.