Classes (5A)

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Starfox's 5th Edition Fan Page

This is still sketches written to learn the ins and outs of the system. If you'd like to try any of there options, talk to the GM.

Classes and Archetypes


  1. Alchemist
  2. ArchivistUA
  3. Armorer
  4. Artillerist
  5. Battle Smith
  6. Chymist5A
  7. Conveyor5A
  8. Draper5A
  9. Element Shaper5A
  10. Forge AdeptUA
  11. Geometrician5A
  12. MaverickUA
  13. Metamorpher5A
  14. Psychometrist5A
  15. Puppeteer5A
  16. Reanimator5A


  1. Ancestral Guardian
  2. Battlerager
  3. Beast
  4. Berserker
  5. Cat5A
  6. FrostbiteEN
  7. Giant Weapon5A
  8. JotunEN
  9. Moon RagerEN
  10. Steel Titan5A
  11. Storm Herald
  12. Street Fighter5A
  13. Totem Warrior
  14. Wild Magic
  15. Zealot


  1. Artistes5A
  2. Bows5A
  3. Chanting5A
  4. Creation
  5. Dance5A
  6. Domains5A
  7. Eloquence
  8. Glamor
  9. GimcraksEN
  10. Heraldry5A
  11. Letters5A
  12. Lore
  13. Palinodes5A
  14. MiseryEN
  15. Protegés5A
  16. Spirits
  17. Psychics5A
  18. Singing Sword5A
  19. Swords
  20. Valor
  21. Villons5A
  22. Whispers


  1. Animist5A
  2. Arcana
  3. Cold5A
  4. Darkness5A
  5. Death
  6. Earth5A
  7. Forge
  8. Grave
  9. Insidious5A
  10. Knowledge
  11. LabyrinthEN
  12. Liberation5A
  13. Life
  14. Light
  15. Luck5A
  16. Masks5A
  17. Nature
  18. Order
  19. Peace
  20. Prophecy5A
  21. ProtectionEN
  22. Relic Weapon5A
  23. Spiritualism5A
  24. Tempest
  25. Travel5A
  26. Trickery
  27. Twilight
  28. War
  29. Water5A


  1. Beasts5A
  2. Community5A
  3. Corruption5A
  4. Dreams
  5. ElementsEN
  6. Land
  7. LifeEN
  8. Moon
  9. Shepherd
  10. Song5A
  11. Spirits5A
  12. Spores
  13. Stars
  14. StoneEN
  15. StrangeEN
  16. TerritoryEN
  17. WildEN
  18. Wildfire
  19. WorldEN


  1. Daredevil (Dexterity)
  2. Engineer (Intelligence)
  3. Investigator (Intelligence)
  4. Ironman (Constitution)
  5. Leader (Charisma)
  6. Mystic (Wisdom)
  7. Occultist (Intelligence)
  8. Physic (Wisdom)
  9. Pugilist (Strength)
  10. Sage (Wisdom)
  11. Savant (Intelligence)
  12. Scrapper (Dexterity)
  13. Spy (Charisma)
  14. Strongman (Strength)


  1. Arcane Archer
  2. Banneret
  3. Battle Master
  4. Cavalier
  5. Champion
  6. Commander5A
  7. Daredevil5A
  8. Echo Knight
  9. Eldritch Knight
  10. Elemental Elite5A
  11. Escort5A
  12. HauntedEN
  13. Landsknecht5A
  14. Professional5A
  15. Psi Warrior
  16. Rune Knight
  17. Samurai
  18. SentinelEN
  19. Unseelie KnightEN
  20. Warped WarriorEN
  21. Warrior Poet5A


  1. Ace
  2. Bushwacker
  3. Grenadier
  4. Gun Mage
  5. Musketeer
  6. Pistolieer
  7. Sharpshooter


  1. Arcane Adept5A
  2. Ascendant Dragon
  3. Astral Self
  4. Drunken Master
  5. Four Elements
  6. Frozen BloodEN
  7. Infinite WorldsEN
  8. IrreverenceEN
  9. Kensei
  10. Long Death
  11. Mercy
  12. One Element5A
  13. Open Hand
  14. Primeval5A
  15. Shadow
  16. Soft Whisper5A
  17. Spiral Monk5A
  18. Sun Soul
  19. Tranquility
  20. Turtle5A
  21. Wild5A


  1. Ancients
  2. Conquest
  3. Crown
  4. Devotion
  5. DiscoveryEN
  6. Glory
  7. Masked5A
  8. Oathbreaker
  9. Redemption
  10. Shadow5A
  11. Vengeance
  12. Watchers


  1. Beast Master
  2. Drakewarden
  3. Elemental Archer5A
  4. Fey Wanderer
  5. Gloom Stalker
  6. Horizon Walker
  7. Hunter
  8. Monster Slayer
  9. NightstalkerEN
  10. Ranger Knight5A
  11. Swarmkeeper
  12. TempestEN


  1. Acrobat5A
  2. Arcane Trickster
  3. Assassin
  4. Barber5A
  5. Chirurgeon5A
  6. Curse-HandedEN
  7. Ghost Gunner5A
  8. Heavy5A
  9. Holy Slayer5A
  10. Mage Slayer5A
  11. Inquisitive
  12. Mastermind
  13. Mountebank5A
  14. Pet Partner5A
  15. Phantom
  16. Saint of Sinners5A
  17. Sapper5A
  18. Scout
  19. Soulknife
  20. Swashbuckler
  21. Thief
  22. Valet5A
  23. Witch HunterEN


  1. Aberrant Mind
  2. Adventurer5A
  3. Clockwork
  4. Divine
  5. Draconic
  6. DreadEN
  7. Elemental5A
  8. Storm
  9. Hengeyokai5A
  10. Mystic5A
  11. OozeEN
  12. Seelie5A
  13. Shadow
  14. Unseelie5A
  15. Wild
  16. Wildcard5A


  1. Archfey
  2. Celestial
  3. Cold SoulEN
  4. Delusion5A
  5. Enigmatic EyeEN
  6. Fathomless
  7. Fiend
  8. Genie
  9. Great Old One
  10. Hexblade
  11. Heart-EaterEN
  12. OracleEN
  13. Pagan5A
  14. RavenUA
  15. SeducerEN
  16. SeekerUA
  17. TricksterEN
  18. Undead
  19. Undying
  20. Warmonger5A


  1. Abjuration
  2. Arcane HorizonEN
  3. Astral Magic5A
  4. Bladesinging
  5. Chronurgy
  6. Conjuration
  7. Divination
  8. Enchantment
  9. Evocation
  10. Graviturgy
  11. Illusion
  12. InventionUA
  13. Iron5A
  14. Mentalism5A
  15. Necromancy
  16. Occultism5A
  17. PraxisUA
  18. ScribesUA
  19. ShadowcallingEN
  20. TheurgyUA
  21. Transmutation
  22. War Magic

Other Classes

These are classes from obscure sources that do not merit the full class treatment. All are works in progress.

SavantFeywalkerAdeptAdept 2Morph.

Not Ported

These classes I have read and they look decent, but I have not ported over to 5A and do not seem to require major changes.

  • Cardcaster by Josh Gentry from En5ider 106 and 110.