Ride Powers (Action)
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Heroic Action Role-Play |
This page collects all Schticks and Powers related to Skills in one place.
Ride Schticks
Animal Mastery
Basic Action
You know how to play on animals' instincts to manipulate their behavior. Choose the animal's Impress or Charm as the difficulty. The Outcome required for a Setback is the animal's Mind. A success at either check causes the animal to back off and not attack, but neither does it give room or allow you to interfere with its pack—pressing the issue causes the animal to attack. Against Impress, a Setback causes the animal to flee, into a trap if you have one ready. Against Charm, a setback lures the animal, giving you a chance to capture and tame it. If either check fails, the animal behaves as it normally would. Once this happens, you cannot attempt this trick again, but you can use Ride instead of Impress to Scare the animal. Note that most animals do have an Impress skill but lack a Charm skill. Against an animal under supervision, the difficulty is the supervisor's Ride.
Beast Jockey
You are at home in the saddle and treat all Terrain Driving tasks as routine as long as you are riding a live beast. This applies to all terrains your riding beast is native to.
Blood Hound
Ride rolls for Cut Off, Track, and Trapping tasks are Routine for you.
You spend a lot of time on the road, and have a tendency to just happen to be there when it happens. Any time another character is alone and needs help, you can show up with an opposed Ride against the best skill among the opposition - as long as it is even remotely plausible.
Fast Hero
When you mount or sit down at the controls of a vehicle, and in the first round of an action sequence when you are driving a vehicle, you can focus.
You are also a lucky guy; people tend to leave their cars empty with the motor running near you. At the end of any round when it makes any kind of sense in the story you can find vehicles suitable for a chase ready and waiting for both you and your opposition, turning an ordinary scene into a chase scene. If an enemy makes a getaway you will generally find a suitable vehicle to chase them with, but sometimes villains are meant to escape and no pursuit will be possible.
Final Push
When you make a successful Ride stunt against an opponent with a score of 8 or more in the attribute used to see if it is a Setback, you can add three to the Outcome of the action.
Fit Hero
You have great Endurance. Substitute your Ride for your Body when using Endurance, Hold Breath and other stamina-related stunts.
You are at home in aircraft and treat all Air Piloting tasks as routine.
Basic Action
You can use a bike, skates, skate board, surf board, snow board, skiis, and similar toys to increase your land speed. All of these devices only work under circumstances specific to each of them, and this schtick can only be used under such circumstances.
You can move your Ride in a straight line as a basic action. This is the only way you can use this increased speed, but you can do this as part of a chase.
Mad Cap Captain
You are at home in boats and treat all Boating tasks as routine.
Keep Moving!
You can ride a mount or drive a vehicle and simultaneously take other actions. When mounted, you can move your Move meters before each Basic Action you take. This movement must be in a straight line, This allows you to move-move-act or move-act-move.
You cannot use Keep Moving if the basic Action is one that in itself allows additional movement or when attacking with a Static weapon.
You have an exceptional and loyal mount. This is a Henchman and usually an animal or magical creature. Construct a mount as a Henchman with 273 of your points. You can take this schtick several times to have several mounts , but generally only one of them accompanies you on adventures: the others can appear as appropriate when you move from one environment to another.
You are a master of the wild. You can trail blaze pathways to cross road less land. You can be a tour guide and help others to avid natural dangers and discomforts. Finding food and shelter is easy for you. You can use the subtle clues of nature to find and avoid natural dangers.
- You can predict and avoid natural hazards, like cold, rain, avalanches and so on.
- Pathfinding tasks are Routine for you.
- Sense of Location stunts are inherent for you; you can make a roll for them whenever you are affected by such a power or effect.
You may not be in the best of shape. Too much drive-in food. But with your car, you dance like a ballerina.
Normally, the effective Reflexes of a driver and his vehicle is the lower of the two Reflex values. You can ignore your own Reflexes when you are behind the wheel, using only the Reflexes of your ride.
Basic Action
You are a master at observing nature and its ways.
- You can Track as a part of any movement, even while running.
- When you Track the penalty is one per day old the trail is rather than one per hour, as long as there has been no significant precipitation or other manner of trail destruction.
- You automatically identify animals, plants, and minerals on sight or from spoor.
- You can scrounge medicines and improvise basic gear from nature, using Recon in place of another skill's contact element while in nature.
- Make Camp are Routine for you.
Rodeo Riding
Basic Action
You can ride the unwilling, remaining safely on top of them in spite of their bests attempts to throw you. This works against both creatures and vehicles. The target of this maneuver must be considerably larger than you, generally with a Body at least 2 higher than yours. It must also be moving about; this does not work against a stationary object.
Make a Ride check against the Dodge or Body of an adjacent target. If you succeed, you move on top of the creature and can stay there until thrown. Once mounted, you can repeat this maneuver to inflict one Hit from fatigue. You can also take any other action you like, against the mount or anyone else.
The creature cannot attack you while you are in this position. As a basic action, he can attempt to throw you. This is the reverse of the above roll; a Dodge or Body against your Ride. On a success, you end up on the ground adjacent to him and take one Hit from the fall.
Sea Wolf
You are at home in submersibles and treat all Submersible Piloting tasks as routine.
Skirt the Edge
Limit Break
You cannot create Natural Hazards, but you can find an exploit them. When in an environment where a Natural Hazard makes sense, you can use this schtick to find an exploit such a hazard. The exact nature of the hazard is up to the GM, but you can certainly make suggestions. You are aware of the nature of the hazard, where it will strike, and so on. The hazard rating is equal to your Ride. The hazard can either trigger immediately in which case it is not a surprise, or be hidden in the environment and waiting to be triggered.
Space Jockey
You are at home in spacecraft and treat all Space Piloting tasks as routine.
Stunt Driver
You are at home in ground vehicles of all kinds and treat all Terrain Driving tasks on land as routine.
Sudden Start
You do not need to spend a Basic Action to do the the Mount stunt. When you are in position, you can take control over a ride without spending any shots. If you start a round mounted, your Initiative check is Confident.
Move Air
Cloud Travel
Basic Action or Limit Break
You teleport from a cloud to cloud. You movie into a cloud or mist dense enough to hide you completely from everyone not included in this power, only to appear moments later from another cloud. Roll for this as if it was a ranged attack with a difficulty determined by Cover and with normal Range modifiers. You ignore difficulties from concealment based on air, such as clouds of vapor, smoke, or dust. On a failed roll, you either fail to teleport or suffer a Setback, as appropriate. If performed as a limit break, you ignore range modifiers and ignore sight obstructions - only hard cover counts. You can specify a destination and will arrive in the nearest suitable cloud.
If using Flying Carpet to enter the cloud, you and all passengers can teleport together.
Flight Boost
Touch a vehicle or creature capable of flight; its Move is increased by +2 when flying. You need not continue to touch the creature to maintain this stance.
Basic Action
This is intended as a travel power useful in chase scenes and somewhat impractical for ordinary adventuring.
You take off and fly through the air with a Move equal to your Ride skill. You must continuously use this or rely on another flight power to remain airborn. If you don't, you sink towards the ground at a rate of Ride meters per shot expended on other actions.
Flying Carpet
Basic Action
You lift a large flat object, such as a carpet, and turn it into a conveyance that can carry passengers or cargo. The carpet has a Body and Move equal to your Ride and carries things like a creature of its strength. It must be no more than Mind meters from corner to corner. If you sit on the carpet it works like an open vehicle. Everything on the carpet is protected from slipstream. You can remote control its movement as a basic action, but if it is distance from you normal range penalties apply to your control rolls.
You can only control one object at a time. If you let go of control of an object or move out of range, it moves towards the ground at full speed and lands safely after a harrowing dive.
You can lift objects other than carpets this way as long as they are reasonably large and have a flat underside - carriages and cars come to mind. However, in this case the weight of the object counts against the weight capacity of the power.
Phantom Steed
Basic Action
You create a mount made that only you can ride. This mount has Body, Reflexes and Speed equal to your Mind or your value in the attribute in question, whichever is higher, and a Dodge and Maneuver skill equal to your Ride. When others try to ride your spectral mount, it is insubstantial. It can be attacked and is an unnamed creature. The mount disappears when you dismount but is otherwise tireless.
You can create a spectral mount for another rider, using your Mind but that creature's value in the other attributes and in the Ride skill.
Planar Pursuit
Basic Action
You can Track another creature through the air and even through other dimensions. You must start with a spoor that is no more than one day old. When Tracking successfully, you are not only able to track the creature, you can follow it through any Teleports it uses, following it with single-minded determination.
War Rider
Basic Action
You carry an aura of war along with you until the end of the next round. Creatures within Ride meters and to all who can see you. Creatures in this area are prone to violence and will fight at the drop of a hat.
Any time a creature in the area is successfully interacted with using Charm or Impress, it must attack on its next action if there are any enemies present. On a Setback result, it must attack either way, possibly striking a nearby friend, and will continue to attack enemies each time their shot comes up for the rest of the round. This is in addition to the normal effect of the interaction.
Weather Control
Basic Action or Limit Break
This allows you to control the weather is a fairly small area, such as a small field, square, or large room (radius in meter equal to your Ride roll). Indoors, this becomes the diameter instead of radius. You can create any type of weather condition that could naturally occur in the area. The change is instantaneous and maintained by the power for a scene; if the power is negated natural weather conditions quickly return. If the weather you create is completely out of season or unreasonable in the locale, it takes a Limit Break to create even the smaller version.
If the weather has a damaging side effect, such as a tornado, fist-sized hail, or lightning, this damage is random; you cannot control how it strikes. Other than this, you can control how the weather manifests, even creating different conditions in different areas, as long as such conditions could naturally coexist.
If this is used as a Limit Break rather than a basic action, the area affected is much larger and can be increased with successive uses; the diameter of the effect is one kilometer and each additional use of the power doubles the diameter.
Maneuver and Ride rolls to avoid the effects of the conditions you create generally have a difficulty equal to your Ride.
- Cold Sends people inside in search of shelter. Forces opponents to don awkward and constraining heavy coats, scarves, and gloves. Causes guards to huddle together around heaters and fires, abandoning their posts. (No, this isn't mind control: these are things that might naturally occur as a result of cold weather.)
- Fog You can create a cloud of thick and concealing fog. The fog is opaque but not transparent; it is only possible to see what is near, perception rolls and ranged attacks suffer a penalty of -1 per meter of distance and it provides cover to Sneak. At a distance greater than an observers Mind in meters, even obvious things become hidden. There are schticks and powers that allows sight trough obscurement; these work normally in the area.
- Heat and Humidity Causes suffering to opponents wearing armor or heavy coats to conceal their portable arsenals. Accelerates rot and decay.
- Mist You can create a cloud of vaporous mist full of misleading shapes. Provides cover to Sneak, and you can concentrate it in certain areas and leave enemies exposed. Causes your enemies to be confused and separated.
- Rain Mires enemy vehicles in mud and makes hard surfaces slick. Clears the streets of pesky bystanders. Eventually puts out wildfires.
- Snow Snarls traffic. Causes flight cancellations. Obscures vision. Can cause sleet, making the ground treacherous to walk on.
- Thunder Impresses mooks and other underlings. Obscures sounds. Causes animals to stampede in terror. Provides very powerful (if brief) illumination that you can time as you like.
- Wind Blows away light objects. Damages buildings, knocks down trees and power lines. Creates sandstorms or snowstorms, which obscure vision and demoralizes foes. Makes water and air travel hazardous.
Move Earth
Basic Action
You can move prodigious amounts of sand, and huge amounts of earth or even stone. Use 8 plus the armor value as the difficulty, each point of Outcome moves a cubic meter of earth Mind meters. Earth moved this way does not fly and moves too slowly to be an an effective attack, but can quickly create difficult terrain. Construction created this way is unstable and will soon collapse into piles of earth and debris - construction more complex than ditches and road banks need more careful attention. If the earth is to be worked with any amount of precision, you have to work slower. Over a longer period of time, this power does the work of a number of manual laborers equal to your skill roll. When used to directly hinder opponents, the difficulty us their Maneuver or 10 plus the armor value of the ground, whichever is higher. Affected targets lose three shots mired in the ground. For every two points out outcome, you affect another target. Large creatures increase the amount of outcome needed to affect several; the Outcome needed to affect an additional creature is one for every multiple of 5 the creature has in Body. Dig can also create difficult ground with a Free Running difficulty equal to your Create in an area in square meters equal to your Create roll (as long as you beat the difficulty to break up the ground, you can spread debris in a large area. You can perform all three functions of this power with each use of it, subject to what makes sense and looks good.
Earth Floater
Basic Action
You create an earth floater, a solid lump of earth hovering gently at your command. The Earth Floater has a Body equal to your Ride plus your Mind, a Move of 4 and carries things like a creature of this strength. You can make the earth floater of any size from one meter in diameter to your Mind meters in diameter. At full size it can comfortably carry a number of passengers equal to your Mind squared. If you sit on the disc it works like an open vehicle, if you move independently it you can make it trail after you, it can follow a simple navigational directions, or you can remote control it to move as a Basic Action as a Ride stunt with normal range penalties. You can dispel it as a Basic Action and it falls apart if you create a new one.
Limit Break
An intense but highly localized tremor rips the ground. The shock knocks creatures down, collapses structures, opens cracks in the ground, and more. The earthquake affects all terrain, vegetation, structures, and creatures in the area.
Earthquake affects an area with a radius equal to your Create roll. Make a separate Create roll against each target in the area.
- Buildings: Make a Create check against 10 + Armor Value of each structure; on a success it collapses.
- Underground: Natural caves will not collapse unless they have been extensively engineered, but underground construction can collapse just like normal construction.
- Vegetation: Tall trees has a basic 50% chance to topple.
- Creatures: Make a Create roll against the target's Maneuver skill. If the creature is inside a collapsed building, add +5 to the Create roll. On a success the target slips and looses 3 shots. On an Outcome matching their Reflexes the target is pinned or falls into a crevasse and needs to escape. Make a separate damage roll with Mind Concussion damage soaked by Reflexes.
Basic Action
You create a big puddle of mud with a diameter equal to your mind. This creates Difficult ground with a difficulty up to your Create. A creature caught in mud cannot take off and fly. On a hard surface, this puddle just covers the ground, but on earth the puddle has depth. You can also remove mud, swamp, and other soggy conditions in a similar area, creating soft but solid earth. The difficulty is the Difficult ground difficulty of what is currently there. Various earth-walking, sand walking, and water walking powers negates this effect, as does alternate modes of movement such as flight.
Roam the Earth
Limit Break
You stretch distance in an area, making any path traced through this area longer or shorter. The actual size of objects, creatures, and terrain features is not affected, only distances to be crossed. The area you affect must be natural or roughly worked ground terrain; this power will work in caves, ruins, rough mines and similar spaces but not inside intact buildings. This power can be used in three ways, to make distances longer in an area, to make distances longer in an area, or to accelerate travel. Either use lasts for a scene.
If distances are made longer you affect a real-world area with a diameter up to your Ride skill. Distances in this area are multiplied by your Mind, making ranges longer and movement slower.
If distances are made shorter you affect a real-world area with a diameter up to your Ride squared. Add your Mind to the Move of those using the compressed space. In combat, this effect lasts for a scene and affects all creatures in the area.
If used as a travel power, you can affect a group of willing travelers equal to your Mind or fewer, all of whim must be within Mind meters of you. Increase the effective Move of everyone in the group to your Ride skill. You can also ignore all but the most adverse terrain when traveling this way, but intelligent creatures in your path become obstructions. If an intelligent creature you cannot affect comes into the area covered, the power is negated.
Shape Terrain
Basic Action
You can change the shape of terrain in an area. This allows you to add or remove terrain features. You can affect sand, soil, rock, grave, dirt and similar materials; this will not work on areas of empty air or water and is hindered by artificial construction or living plants extensive enough to require a Free Running stunt.
You can increase the Free Running and Terrain Driving difficulty of each part of the area up to your Ride skill, or reduce it down to zero.
The difficulty of this power is the highest Free Running difficulty in the area, and each use of the power affects a circle with a diameter equal to your Mind. If the roll fails or the power is used in an area of artificial construction or heavy foliage you cannot reduce the Free Running in that spot and can increase it no higher than your Mind. You cannot try again until the current effect ends.
By placing spots of transposed terrain in a hexagonal patten with Mind meters between each hexagon, you can completely cover an area with repeated uses. The effect is permanent, but erodes rather quickly.
Shortcut Passage
Limit Break
You can teleport a number of creatures willing to follow your directions equal to your Mind from one location enclosed in stone to another. This is usually used in caves, but catacombs or labyrinths work just as well. It can even work in concrete business labyrinths, as long as there are no witnesses. You must guide the travels of this group, either by accompanying them or by giving them travel directions to follow. The teleport is subtle, targets will often be surprised that they arrived so soon. A Spot roll can detect that something odd happened.
Both the start and end of the teleport must not be observed by any intelligent creature that are not among those teleported and similar enough that the transition can pass unnoticed; this generally means you can travel from caves to caves, from labyrinths to labyrinths, or from sewers to sewers but not between different types of passages. The power will pick the closest suitable spot to arrive at if you don't know of a good spot.
Select a land vehicle or creature you touch; its Move is increased by +2 when running on the ground. You need not continue to touch it to maintain the stance.
Basic Action
You can dig a tunnel through the earth. Make a Ride roll against 5 plus the armor value of the material; if you succeed, you can proceed at normal speed (not running speed) this action, creating a tunnel others can crawl trough as long as their Body is not five greater than yours. If you fail, you are stuck but can try again on your next action.
Move Electricity
Electric Teleport
Limit Break
You can Teleport to any point along an electric connection; a wire, cable or other continuous metal, such as a railroad track. During a lightning storm you can teleport to any point where there is currently a lightning storm; this calls a lightning bolt to strike each location.
Lightning Conductor
Basic Action
Substitute your Move with your Ride as long as you move along any metallic surface, even if friction-less, vertical, or inverted. You can move your Ride in a straight line or along a metallic surface as a basic action. This is the only way you can use this increased speed, but you can do this as part of a chase.
You always know magnetic north and gain a +3 bonus in Ride checks made to navigate as long as there is a magnetic field to help you - like the natural magnetism of Earth or the sun in space. You can sense magnetic fields and know the distance and direction from the emitter.
Move Fire
Burst of Speed
Select a vehicle or Fire Elemental you touch; its Move is increased by +2.
Fiery Visions
Limit Break
You can see trough any open flame. You must either know the flame is there, or focus on an area to see trough the largest flame present there. A larger flame gives you a clearer vision. Considering how ubiquitous fire is in most fantasy settings, this is quite handy, especially if used at evening gathering hours. Range is not a factor. The power lets you look through several fires with each use, letting you look around for the information you seek.
To gain information this way you make an opposed check against the targets' Recon. You gain valuable information based on the outcome of this roll; if the outcome matches the target's Mind you gain clear and important insights into the target's activities. On a failed roll, you learn obvious details and trivia; if the negative Outcome matches your Mind you learn misleading information or the target notices your spying.
You can give someone staring into a fire you are scrying a simple vision or short message, this ends the power. If you and the target both have this power, you can use it to converse.
Flame Walk
Basic Action or Limit Break
You combust, only to appear moments later in a burst of flame. You teleport either to or from a fire large enough for you to stand in; a large campfire or brazier will do for a human. Roll for this as if it was a ranged attack with a difficulty determined by Cover and with normal Range modifiers. On a failed roll, you either fail to teleport or suffer a Setback, as appropriate. If performed as a limit break, you must teleport from one fire to another, but ignore range modifiers and cover - you need only imagine a location and you will arrive in the nearest suitable conflagration.
Basic Action
This is intended as a travel power useful in chase scenes and somewhat impractical for ordinary adventuring.
You take off and fly through the air with a Move equal to your Ride skill. You must continuously use this or rely on another flight power to remain airborn. If you don't, you sink towards the ground at a rate of Ride meters per shot expended on other actions.
This power uses heat and combustion to fly in a spectacular, highly visible, and somewhat haphazard manner.
Move Water
Airy Water
Basic Action
You create a bubble with a diameter equal to your Ride that has the properties of both air and water. Any air or water in the bubble is affected, solid material, vacuum or other substances that are not air or liquid cannot be affected. Both air-breathers and water-breathers can breathe in the area, and both swim, fly, and walk movement is unhindered. Both air and water vehicles can travel in the area. Stunts and attacks that would function in either air or water function in the area. The bubble lasts as long as you remain inside it, or for one scene if you leave. You can center the bubble on a creature, object, or location. The GM is the sole arbiter of what this does to gasses that are not air or to liquids that are not water.
Select a water vehicle or swimming creature you touch; its Move is increased by +2 when in water. You need not continue to touch it to maintain the stance.
Floating Reservoir
Limit Break
You can collect and move a reservoir of water drawn from the surroundings. The collection of water is normally instant, but dries out the environment and might deplete the water table. In arid locales, you only get a fraction of the water you'd normally collect. The largest reservoir possible is a sphere with a diameter equal to your Mind, but you can choose to make it smaller and take any shape as long as no two points of it are more than your Mind meters apart.
The Floating Reservoir has a Body equal to your Ride plus your Mind, a Move of 2 and carries things like a creature of this strength. If you ride in the reservoir it works like a vehicle or it can follow a simple navigational directions. You can dispel it as a Limit Break and it falls apart if you create a new one. It will slowly evaporate over time if not replenished.
Ranged Attacks are deflected when passing through the walls of the reservoir but can certainly harm the Floating Reservoir itself.
Underwater, this power can be used to create a similar large bubble of self-replenishing air or to lift heavy objects.
Water Jet
Basic Action
This is intended as a travel power useful in chase scenes and somewhat impractical for ordinary adventuring.
While in or on water, substitute your Move with your Ride. You can move your Ride in a straight line as a basic action. You can use this speed as part of a chase.
Water Rider
Basic Action
You carry an aura of impeding water along with you until the end of the next round. Creatures within Ride meters and to all who can see you. Creatures in this area are burdened as if carrying a heavy load through water. Any Free Running or Terrain Driving stunt in the area is Stymied.
Limit Break
You can create and purify water. The difficulty depends on how alien the area is to water; from as high as 20 in the deep desert to 15 in arid conditions, 10 in temperate but dry areas, 5 in tropical or humid areas and zero in swamps or near bodies of water. Success creates a flow of water that lasts for the rest of the scene.
This can be a wellspring of drinkable, fresh water. Depending on the outcome this can be a trickle (zero outcome) or stream (10), but in either case it is sufficient to replenish water supplies over time.
Or you can make a flood of impure water that is no good for drinking, but which can nurture plants and which makes the nearby area (diameter of 10 meters per point of outcome) slippery, muddy and waterlogged. This creates Difficult ground with a difficulty up to your Ride.
Move Animal
False Tracks
You leave tracks as if you were some other type of creature. Select a creature when you adopt this stance; as long as you remain in the stance, you leave tracks as a natural creature of this type would. The creature has to have a Body that differs from yours by no more than your Mind. This does not give you any powers or abilities of the imitated creature.
Famine Rider
You spread an aura of hunger and potential gluttony. Creatures within Ride meters or who can see you feel terrible hunger pangs. A creature who ends the round in this aura and has not spent a Basic Action eating in the round that just ended must make an opposed Ride check or take a Hit. A creature adjacent to a helpless creature or corpse realize they can eat from that to satisfy this aura.
Pet Portal
You can teleport a pet animal to you and back. This teleport takes the place of normal movement; when it becomes the pet's turn to act, it instantly arrives near you and can act normally. It can similarly disappear at the beginning of any of its actions. One end of the teleport must be within Ride meters of you, the other must be in a safe location far away. As an option, the pet can reside in an extradimensional space when dismissed.
Select a living creature you touch; its Move is increased by +2. You need not continue to touch it to maintain the stance.
Scent of Sight
Basic Action
Your sense of smell develops to fantastic proportions. You can track, identify creatures and substances, and tell a creature's mood by scent alone. You automatically succeed at any scent-related task possible to a normal human. Make Recon checks only for stunts a normal human simply could not do. If blinded, you can still perceive creatures in a range out to your Mind in meters. This has the effects of a Scan stunt, and you automatically spot creatures in this area who are not Sneaking, even if they would be impossible to sense with your normal senses.
Basic Action
Substitute your Move with your Ride. You can move your Ride in a straight line as a basic action. This is the only way you can use this increased speed, but you can do this as part of a chase.
Move Plant
Blight Rider
You spread a strong smell of rot and decay. Creatures within Ride meters or who can see you have their senses filled with this rot. Any attempt to recover, heal, or doctor has a minimum difficulty equal to your Ride. Any use of the perception element of a skill also has a minimum difficulty equal to your Ride. Creatures in the area must satisfy the normal requirements to Sneak, but they can use your Ride for Sneak checks.
Forest Shortcut
Limit Break
You can teleport a number of creatures willing to follow your directions equal to your Mind from one forest location to another. You must guide the travels of this group, either by accompanying them or by giving them travel directions to follow. Both the start and end of the teleport must not observed by any intelligent creature that are not among those teleported. You need not know of an empty forest location to teleport to; just specify where you want to go, and the power picks a suitable location near your destination. The teleport is subtle, targets will often be surprised that they arrived so soon. Ride can detect that something odd happened.
Plant Walk
Limit Break
You step into one plant, which must be large enough for you to step into it's trunk or other solid part. You then exit through another plant of the same kind and sufficient size anywhere. Distance is not a factor, and the destination can even be on another plane. You need not know of the destination plant, the power will find the closest suitable plant to where you want to go. If there are no suitable plants on the same plane of existence as the destination, the power fails.
Wooden Horse
Basic Action
You can take a wooden object of a size appropriate for you to ride, and use it as a mount. This mount has Body, Reflexes and Speed equal to your Mind or your value in the attribute in question, whichever is higher, and a Dodge and Maneuver skill equal to your Ride. It has Toughness equal to its Body +3. It can be attacked and is an unnamed creature. The mount returns to being an object when you dismount but is otherwise tireless. You can create a wooden horse for another rider, using your Mind but that creature's value in the other attributes and Ride skill.
Move Metal
Metal Ride
Basic Action
This is intended as a travel power useful in chase scenes and somewhat impractical for ordinary adventuring.
You take off and fly through the air with a Move equal to your Ride skill. You must continuously use this or rely on another flight power to remain airborn. If you don't, you sink towards the ground at a rate of Ride meters per shot expended on other actions.
Use this to make a metal object fly. This can either be an existing metal object, or you can create a large object (such as a set or metallic wings, a metallic platform, or a sledge) and ride on that. If the object is large enough it can carry additional passengers, but this reduces Move by one per passenger carried.
Silver Rider
Basic Action
You carry an aura of steadfast purity along with you until the end of the next round. Creatures within Ride meters or who can see you are inspired to act forthrightly and sneakiness is penalized. Any Sneak and Disable Mechanism stunt in the area has a minimum difficulty equal to your Ride, and a failure causes a Setback to the creature that failed. Any Scan stunt can use your Ride as the acting value.
Tool Teleport
You can summon a set of gear you own to you over any distance. This can be any kind or combination of personal gear, or one larger item made mainly of metal, such as a vehicle. The difficulty of Tool Teleport depends on the object's Body, as read on the Body/Weight table, but only roll for items whose Body exceeds your Mind.
The object stays with you until you end the stance, whereupon it returns from whence it came. You can choose to keep it around when the stance ends, but if you do you cannot teleport it back later using this power.
If the object has been stolen from you, add the current owner's Mind to the difficulty. If you fail to call a stolen object, it is no longer considered yours for this purpose until you retrieve it normally.
Move Ice
Cold Spell
Basic Action or Limit Break
As a Basic Action you can cause cold weather is a fairly small area, with a diameter equal to your Ride. With a Limit Break, the radius is ten times that. Temperature drops about thirty degrees Celsius (15 degrees Fahrenheit). The change is instantaneous and maintained by the power; it the power is disrupted natural weather conditions quickly return. Make an opposed Ride check against each target in the area who is not protected from cold. On a success the unseasonable cold sends creatures in search of shelter; those who have to remain outside huddle together around heaters and garbage-can bonfires, abandoning their posts, but they wont flee from an immediate threat. People unsuitably dressed and not near a heat source suffer one Hit from the cold at the end of the first round they spend in the cold but no more after that. Repeated uses can extend the area but not increase the effect.
Basic Action
Substitute your Move with your Ride when moving over ice or snow.
You can move your Ride in a straight line or along a frozen surface as a basic action. This is the only way you can use this increased speed, but you can do this as part of a chase.
If you are using the the Skate power, you can create your own icy surface to move along, effectively flying.
Basic Action
You can coat a section of floor or flat ground with sleet or ice, making it treacherous to walk on. Make a Ride roll, this is the radius of Sleet in meters. The Free Running difficulty of the area becomes equal to your Ride (this is your base skill, not modified as above). You can make the area smaller if you want. If you want to shape the sleet beyond making it a big puddle, the area becomes smaller; making it some simple geometrical form or excluding certain areas or making islands of safety gives a -2 penalty on the roll for each such manipulation. Range penalties also apply. The whole area must still be withing the radius. The sleet melts naturally; in warm climes it melts by the end of the scene, in cold climate it may last indefinitely.
Snow Shape
Basic Action
You can move prodigious amounts of snow and huge amounts of ice. Use 10 plus the armor value as the difficulty, each point of Outcome moves a cubic meter of ice or snow. Construction created this way is unstable and will soon collapse. If the ice and snow is to be worked with any amount of precision, you will work slower. Over a longer period of time, this power does the work of a number of manual laborers equal to your skill roll.
You can also use this to create an opening through ice or snow. Use 10 plus the armor value as the difficulty, the Outcome must exceed the thickness of the barrier (in meters), or nothing happens. The portal remains open a number of rounds equal to the Outcome, then gradually closes over the course of one round. It does not affect structural integrity.
Move Illusion
Distant Image
Limit Break
You create an illusory duplicate of yourself at any location you are familiar with or adjacent to a creature you are familiar with. This image is clearly illusory and looks just like you, including any disguise or illusion you are using at the time. You can use it's senses and interact with others, but can't use powers or make attacks or affect objects in any way. It can fly at a Move equal to your Ride skill. It takes no actions on its own, instead you can decide if the actions you take originate from you or from your projected image or both. If the distant image does not take an action for one full round, it disappears. If attacked, it uses your defensive skills and stats but no schticks or powers. It disappears on any hit.
Ride | Radius | |
Basic Action | Limit Break | |
8-9 | 20 m | 40 m |
10-11 | 25 m | 100 m |
12-13 | 30 m | 250 m |
14-15 | 35 m | 600 m |
16-17 | 40 m | 1,500 m |
18-19 | 45 m | 4,000 m |
20 | 50 m | 10,000 m |
Basic Action or Limit Break
You create an illusion of terrain features in an area with a radius depending on your Ride skill, see the Hallucinatory Terrain Radius table. This terrain contains natural features typical of the area you are in, but you can mix and match terrain components as you wish. You can set the Free Running and Terrain Driving difficulty of the terrain to any value from half the current difficulty up to your Ride in difficulty.
Creatures can disbelieve this illusion, but it is tactile and they must still interact with it in order to move.
Negative Space
Basic Action or Limit Break
You create an illusion of empty space. You can create an illusion of space inside something solid or hide something and make it seem like an empty space. You can cover an area with a diameter equal to your Mind and the effect lasts for a scene. As a Limit Break you affect a radius equal to your Ride and lasts for a session. Inside this area you can edit out objects and substance as you wish. The borders of volume you edit out adapt so as not to attract attention, but you cannot merge several negative spaces to create one large area. You can hide creatures in the area, even if they move around after you set up the illusion. This works just as Blur. They use their own Recon skill for this. If they move outside the area the effect ends. Creatures or objects moved into the area after it is created are not affected.
A creature that interacts with the illusion can make an opposed Ride check to realize it is an illusion, but this does not cause the illusion to disappear. If the interaction is based on faulty assumptions, such as someone trying to walk into a Negative Space that is really solid rock, suffer any negative outcome on this roll as an Aggressive Driving stunt directed at them.
Project Image
Basic Action
You create an illusory duplicate of yourself within Ride meters of yourself. This image is identical to you. It has the same equipment you do, but it cannot pick up or carry anything beyond what it is created with, nor can it use up consumable items (anything you keep track of how many you have). The two of you share a single Fortune pool. It takes no actions on its own, instead you can decide if the actions you take originate from you or from your projected image. The image moves as you direct whenever either of you takes a Basic Action, but disappears if it ends up more than Ride meters from you or you don't have line of sight to it. You can see from the vantage of your projected image, but this does not count as a line of sight to the image itself. The image can be a target of attacks and stunts. Anything affecting the image affects you, but at any time you can decide to have the image disappear rather than taking the effect.
Move Dark
Dark Rider
Basic Action
You carry an aura of darkness along with you until the end of the next round. Creatures within Ride meters and all areas you can see are affected. Ominous dark clouds gather, reducing night and indoor locations to a starless black void with the effect of Cloud of Darkness and darkening daylight into a murk that can still be seen in, but that allows Sneaking and does not penalize creatures sensitive to light.
Horseless Rider
Basic Action
You carry an aura of darkness that scares Animals until the end of the next round. Creatures within Ride meters and all areas you can see are affected. Animals flee the area unless they have a strong reason to resist. Animals that are defensing young or extremely territorial can stay, but any action an animal in the area takes has a minimum difficulty equal to your Ride. A creature directing an animal, such as a rider or beast master, must make an opposed Ride check for each order given to the animal, or it will balk and ignore the order. This does not require any additional action on the beast master's part, just an additional roll and chance to fail.
Rumor Rider
Basic Action
You carry an aura of bad rumors and ill will along with you until the end of the next round. Creatures within Ride meters and to all who can see you hear whispered rumors and feel others are whispering about them. Any attempt to Assist or affect an ally with any ability has a minimum difficulty equal to your Ride.
Shadow Ambush
Basic Action
You transport yourself, your allies, a target and the target's allies into a shadowy reflection of the physical world. The place you appear at is the same as the physical world in all respects, except that only creatures affected by this power are there and that it appears drab and shadowy, almost monochrome. Any damage done to objects or structures in the area do not translate to the real world.
You make a Ride roll to see how many targets you can affect. The power lasts for one scene, until the two sides lose contact, until you choose to end it (a Basic Action), or until dispelled or broken with an appropriate Setback scored on you. When the power ends, all targets return to the normal world and you and your allies become hidden.
Shadow Walk
Basic Action or Limit Break
You can disappear into a shadow or patch of darkness, only to appear moments later in a similar location. You teleport to another shadow or place of darkness whose location you know of. Both shadows must be large enough that you can stand in them. As a Basic Action, you need line of sight, with a Limit Break you don't, and can even travel between planes
You are expected to use previous knowledge or other powers to locate suitable spots of darkness. If the area you intended to step into is brightly lit, the power fails.
Twilight Rider
Basic Action
You carry an aura of shadow along with you until the end of the next round. Creatures within Ride meters and all areas you can see are affected. The area is covered in murky twiligt, overriding any natural illumination or darkness. This murk can still be seen in, but allows Sneaking and does not penalize creatures sensitive to light. Any attempt to create light or darkness in this area has a minimum difficulty equal to your Ride. At the end of each round, you can make a Ride check against the skill that created each effect in the area that causes light or darkness, on a success that effect ends. Permanent effects are instead suppressed while the area is covered by Twilight Rider.
Move Flux
Chaos Rider
Basic Action
You carry an aura of chaos along with you until the end of the next round. Creatures within Ride meters or who can see you are prone to fumble. Objects and terrain conspire to trip those who try to move in the area. The Free Running difficulty of the area becomes equal to your Mind. This applies to all kinds of movement, not only on foot.
Basic Action
You you create a chaotic mix of loud noise until the end of the next round. Creatures within Ride meters or who can see you are assaulted by this noise and find it hard to focus. All uses of Charm, Create, Know, Melee, and Shoot have a minimum difficulty equal to your Ride.
Basic Action
You may move through solid matter at your basic speed. You have a basic sense inside the material as you move, so you know when you are about to emerge.
You must specify a type of matter you cannot pass through; this should be a broad category like "metal", "stone" or "organic matter". A common variant is where you cannot pass through substances of living spirit; this includes all living things as well as the earth itself; soil and bedrock.
You can never pass through any Order effect or through a wall made by Force in this way.
Open Path
You are incredibly lucky when moving around. You always manage to step on the one safe spot, paths randomly swing out of the way, and you can always find the most open path through a traffic jam.
You are immune to powers that impede movement as long as the power-user's Mind is less than your Ride.
Evasion*, Free Running*, Vehicle Evasion, and Terrain Driving tasks are Routine for you.
* Evasion and Free Running are Maneuver stunts and not Ride stunts.
Reality Warping
Limit Break
You can walk between dimensions, Teleporting from one plane to another or to another place in your own reality by crossing multiple planes. You must actually be traveling to use this power, and you change only a single aspect of your environment with each use of the power; one use could change the weather, another the color of the sky, a third the flowers by the roadside and so on. You continue changing the environment thus until you get to a place matching your destination. If you stop before you get to the place you want, you end up in one of myriad alternate realities, which can be a merely confusing or lead to entire new worlds adventure, depending on the GM's whim.
To simplify the use of this power, the GM can call for a single Ride check with a difficulty depending on how different your goal is from where you are now. On a success, you get there in a few minutes. On a failure, you get there after a harrowing journey involving either a long delay or some concrete danger or plot. If you fail by a margin wider than your Mind you get lost and end up in an unexpected place - this is either one that is hard to get out of, or one that is deceptively similar to what you were looking for, but not the same.
Condition | Difficult |
Only random details differ | 14 |
Same general environment | 16 |
Different environment but same world | 18 |
Different but similar world | 20 |
Similar world with very specific details | 22 |
Alien world | 24 |
Completely alien setting | 26 |
Alien setting with specific details | 28 |
Returning to a reality you have previously visited is a Routine task.
Your Move is increased by +2.
Move Order
Harmony of Space
Limit Break
You ward an area against teleportation. Any attempt to Teleport into or out of the area has a minimum difficulty equal to your Ride; if the Outcome was less than your Mind the teleport succeeded, but made an awful noise and dazed the teleportee, making him Surprised.
Harmony of Space covers a radius equal to your Ride skill in meters and lasts for an hour. If there are chimes, bells, or some other recurring sound in the area each day, the effect can be sustained so that it resumes for an hour after each time the sound is made.
Path of Destiny
You never become lost, intuitively sensing the path to your personal destiny. You are never too late, always arriving at the exact time your path requires. Tough your travels might seem aimless, you are on the golden road to your glorious doom. You might be a relentless quester or a fool drifting on the winds of fate, but you are never completely lost and never wander aimlessly. If you are wandering deep in the woods or wide-open desert it is because there is a meaningful task or lesson for you there. You might have to struggle to survive, as that might very well be the lesson. But boring and mundane travel for travel's sake is not an issue for you; the time you spend traveling is never wasted and distance is not an impediment when you are in search of adventure.
This power can take you anywhere your destiny lies, even to faraway or fantastical times and places, and you can lead a small band of companions there. Basically, this gives you an excuse to appear in an adventure regardless of how strange or ridiculous it might seem, being a more extreme variant of Drifer. It can also give the GM an excuse to make adventures in places and locations far outside the normal scope of the campaign, tough you have no control over this. Your destiny can be open or specific, and you can suggest adventures and places to the GM that you think your destiny ought to take you to. Generally, you can easily pass a source of supplies on your travels, but if the adventure is about lack of supplies, you are as badly pf as your team.
Truth Rider
Basic Action
You carry an aura of truth along with you until the end of the next round. Creatures within Ride meters and to all who can see you are affected and find it very hard to lie or even utter unintentional falsehoods.
Any action based on a lie is Stymied. A creature that rolls lower than your Ride cannot knowingly lie and has to remain silent. A creature that rolls lower than your Mind cannot speak an untruth, even if they believe it is true.
World Spin
Limit Break
Give me a fixed point, and I will move the world - Archimedes.
You can Teleport from one place to another or even to other planes. You must keep some aspect of your surrounding constant while changing all others. For example, you could focus on a rock and teleport to another location with a very similar rock. It generally takes a number of such shifts to arrive at a destination, and the intervening places you pass by can be harrowing.
To simplify the use of this power, the GM can call for a single Ride check with a difficulty depending on how different your goal is from where you are now. On a success, you get there with one use of the power. On a failure, you get there after a harrowing journey involving either a long delay or some concrete danger or plot. If you fail by a margin wider than your Mind you get lost and end up in an unexpected place - this is either one that is hard to get out of, or one that is deceptively similar to what you were looking for, but not the same.
Condition | Difficult |
Only random details differ | 14 |
Same general environment | 16 |
Different environment but same world | 18 |
Different but similar world | 20 |
Similar world with very specific details | 22 |
Alien world | 24 |
Completely alien setting | 26 |
Alien setting with specific details | 28 |
Going to a well known location is a Routine task.
Move Light
Bright Rider
Basic Action
You carry an aura of compromise, goodwill, and flash realizations along with you until the end of the next round. Creatures within Ride meters or who can see you are rational and willing to compromise. Trying to provoke good or rational actions becomes easier. And any Charm roll prompting such that succeeds against a creature whose Charm is less than your Ride counts as a Setback or otherwise as if it had sufficient Outcome for any improved effect. Any other type of Charm stunt in the area has a minimum difficulty equal to your Ride.
Champion Pact
Basic Action
You forge a pact between a champion and a protectee. You assume one of these roles, and another willing creature assumes the other role. This requires touch and the consent and True Name of both. Either party can cancel the pact at any time, and the power will inform the other party the pact is broken. The protectee can now summon the champion at any time, who will be Teleported to their location in a flash of light. The champion will arrive fully prepared and equipped, but is not under the protectee's control and can return to its initial location as a Basic Action. If the champion is harmed or killed, he can choose to break the Champion Pact in order to avoid these consequences and return unarmed.
Shining Rider
Basic Action
You carry an aura of physical light that will banish darkness and reveal the hidden. Creatures within Ride meters or who can see you are affected. The area is lit to bright indoor illumination if not already brighter than that. And any Recon roll to Shadow, Sneak, Stay Low or do Surveillance in the area has a minimum difficulty equal to your Ride.
Walk the Light
Basic Action
You teleport from one brightly lit location to another spot within clear line-of sight; this limits the distance to a kilometer or depending on light condition and vision enhancement. You can teleport over any distance to sites either very brightly illuminated or a point of spiritual illumination, such as a holy place. You can eve teleport to such places on other planes.
Move Chi
Ripples on the Pond
Limit Break
All allies who can see or hear you and are within Ride meters of you become focused. This can potentially allow them to perform a second Limit Break in the same round if they somehow get the opportunity for an extra action. Does nothing out of action scenes.
Move Gifts
Beast Rider
Basic Action
You carry an anti-social aura along with you until the end of the next round. Creatures within Ride meters or who can see you are prone to anger and misunderstanding.
Any Charm stunt in the area has a minimum difficulty equal to your Ride, and any Charm roll that fails is a fumble, aggravating listeners.
Beast Wings
Basic Action
You grow wings that let you fly through the air at your normal Move for the rest of the scene or until you spend a basic action to transform back. The wings are impractically large in cramped spaces, you can stunt to move trough a narrow space but cannot stay airborne unless you have wing room at some point of your move.
As a further Basic Action, you can fly in a straight line with a Move equal to your Ride.
Ethereal Jaunt
Limit Break
You and up to your Mind other willing creatures who form a chain of touch can travel the Ethereal planes. Ethereal Jaunt shifts you into the Aether and from there you can travel to the inner planes in some safety, able to control your motion and to travel to a place you have reasonable knowledge of in about a day. It is possible to navigate towards another spot on the same plane. Traveling to the astral realms using this power is very dangerous, as you lose control and guidance.
Mark of Fate
Trigger Action
You create a mystic link between you and your victim. Your fates are entwined; you WILL meet again and confront one another again. You can only mark named characters. Either you or your victim must cause some damage to the other, but Mark of Fate is automatically successful. This is a twisting of fate, not any supernatural movement. If your victim flees far away, this twist can be quite strange and terrible.
You just happen to be caught in a meat-grinder and processed into astronaut food, only to regenerate for that rendezvous on the moon which Mark of Fate has set you up for.
You can release your Mark of Fate voluntarily, but only at the end of a play session. It can also be removed as a Curse. Many creatures with this schtick will delay attacking their target, stalking and slaying bystanders, slowly closing in on loved ones and finally the victim. After all, there is no way he can get away.
Transfer Focus
Limit Break
You transfer your focus to another character who is within sight. That character can choose to immediately perform a Limit Break, at normal shot cost. If he has no shots left, he also takes a Hit from backlash.
Transfer Power
Basic Action
You channel one or more Fortune Points to another character you can see. You spend these points, and the target receives them, replenishing any lost Fortune points. If this leaves the target with more than a full Fortune pool, the points must be spent before the end of the round or they return to you.
Wild Rider
Basic Action
You carry an aura of chaos and mutation along with you until the end of the next round. Creatures within Ride meters or who can see you risk being mutated. Creatures with Dodge greater than your Mind are immune. Affected creatures are Confused. Choose one of your powers for all creatures get power while they are confused.
Move Magic
Arcane Arena
Limit Break
You transport yourself, your allies, a target and the target's immediate allies into an arcane reflection of the physical world. This cannot be more creatures than your Ride roll; if more creatures than that would be affected, the power fails. You make a Ride roll to see how many targets you can affect, the power fails if more creatures than that would be moved.
The place you appear at is the same as the physical world in all respects, except that only creatures affected by this power are there and that it appears more vivid and colorful, less drab and worn. Any damage done to objects or structures in the area do not translate to the real world.
The power lasts for one scene, until the two sides lose contact, until you choose to end it (a Basic Action), or until dispelled or broken with an appropriate Setback scored on you. When the power ends, all targets return to the normal world in their current location in the arcane arena.
Calculate Location
Limit Break
You learn the physical location of an object or creature. You must have enough information about the target to describe it uniquely; if you have a general description you will find the nearest target that fits the description. This can include name, number, origin, dat of origin, or a physical description. You can use this to discern your own location if you are lost. It can also be used to analyze a teleport performed in the area in the last hour, which tells you what teleported where.
Limit Break
In order to use this power, you must possess a part of the target's body (hair, blood, nail clippings, or a body part) or an item very dear to the target. You use contagion along with some other power that is a Basic Action, and this power will affect the target as if you were touching, regardless of range. The target feels a premonition of the incoming power, and cannot be surprised.
Move Psi
Psychic Channeling
Trigger Action (Combo)
Use this when you use another power. The power does not originate from you, but from a willing ally you touch or can see. You must perceive the target of the power. (Psyhcic Network and other perception powers are sufficient for this), but line of effect, range and other such factors are calculated from your ally and not from you.
This is a meta-power that affects other powers. In some campaign worlds there is a strong Origin Divide among different origins. Check with your GM regarding your campaign. Origins that are opposed cannot cannot be modified by meta-powers; it is as if powers from the opposing origin was actually a schtick rather than a power.
Move Spiritual
Bounty of Spirit
Basic Action
You bless a creature and provide him with sustenance lasting a day. Even just a little nourishment will let the creature stay well and healthy, and even in the total absence of air the creature can survive, but still takes damage from Endurance and Hold Breath, but will not die or suffer any permanent harm falling into a deep sleep at zero hits. You can provide for a number of people each day equal to the number of kilos carried by a creature with a body equal to your Ride.
Limit Break
You establish a link with another, through which powers can be channeled. You must touch the target to establish the link. The two of you have a weak empathic link; you cannot transmit specific information, but you both know the other's general mood and health. It is common to use other powers to get more specific information, at least in times of stress, doing so makes the channel power much more useful.
When this power is active, any power either of you uses can manifest through the other, just as if the other character was using the power (tough it is still based on the actual user's skills and attributes). If the power is to target anything other than the other linked character, the linked character needs to take a Trigger Action to target the effect.
The link lasts until the end of the story or until either of you enters another link that allows the transfer of powers.
Basic Action
You channel one Fortune Point to another character, who need not be present. You spend this point, and the target receives it, replenishing any lost Fortune points. If this leaves the target with more than a full Fortune pool, the points must be spent before the end of the scene or they return to you. Intercession works over any distance; you only need a clear image in your mind of the person you are interceding for.
Trigger Action (Defense)
Use this power when you take damage or suffer a finisher. You die and go to whatever place your spirit is destined to go, but you can come back from this place and reappear in the mundane world at a later time. While "dead" you cannot be affected in any way, except possibly with Summon powers. You reappear at the gamemaster's discretion, generally in the next session but possibly later. Your reappearance is linked to the plot and tied to your allies rather than to a place or to enemies.
Sacred Teleport
Limit Break
You Teleport up to Mind willing creatures (which can include yourself) to a sacred site. To teleport to a spiritual site, you must have been there and attuned yourself to it using this power. If you are attuned to several sacred sites, you can select which of these sites to recall to another use of this power. This selection remains until you change it. To serve as a sacred site, a place needs to be consecrated to a faith you share, and there must be some kind of iconography there to show its significance. If the site is destroyed or defiled, it can no longer be used until it is restored. Once it is restored, any sacred recall links to the site are automatically restored as well.
Spirit Rider
Basic Action
You carry an aura of spiritual purity along with you until the end of the next round. Creatures within Ride meters and to all who can see you are affected, but those who share your faith are not. In case of doubt, you decide who shares your faith. Creatures in this area who try to use the Impress skill or any Teleport powers have a minimum difficulty equal to your Ride. Creatures that share your faith or credo are immune.
Move Tech
Piloting Rig
You can make a Confident roll to drive a vehicle equipped with cybernetic controls. Certain hi-tech, hi-performance vehicles require such a link to operate at all.
Select a cyborg, machine, robot, or vehicle you touch; its Move is increased by +2. You need not continue to touch it to maintain the stance.
You establish a link with an object, through which powers can be channeled. You must touch the target to establish the link. As long as you maintain this stance, you can use your senses and powers through the remote. When this power is active, any power you use can manifest through the remote, just as if you were there. The object counts as unnamed, making it relatively easy to destroy. If the object is carried by another, a successful stunt directed at the remote and any Setback suffered by the bearer destroys the remote (this is in addition to the normal effects of the setback).
This is a meta-power that affects other powers. In some campaign worlds there is a strong Origin Divide among different origins. Check with your GM regarding your campaign. Origins that are opposed cannot cannot be modified by meta-powers; it is as if powers from the opposing origin was actually a schtick rather than a power.
Limit Break
You can use a single power once without range penalties. You must still see your target for powers that requires a line-of-sight, and Cover and Concealment applies normally. Casting a spell through remote viewing (cameras, divination) causes a low rumble that prevents the target from being surprised.
Move Death
Headless Rider
Basic Action
You carry an aura of death along with you until the end of the next round. Creatures within Ride meters and to all who can see you suffer more grave wounds than usual. Any creature defeated in this area suffer a Damage Setback, even if they went down from accumulated Hits without Damage Setbacks. You can turn this aura on or off as a Basic Action.
Mysterious Death
Trigger Action
This is a Teleport power that lets you disappear when taking damage, seemingly dying, only to reappear later at an opportune time. You go wherever it is you spend your time "off", and cannot be affected in any way, except possibly with Summon powers.
This power always have some unique nemesis, and if this method or item is used to kill you or anoint your body before the end of the round, Immortality will not work. This can be cutting off the head, staking the heart, or some similar maneuver. It generally takes a Setback to do, once the proper method is known.
You reappear at the gamemaster's discretion, usually at the end of the scene or fight when you "died", tough sometimes the away time can be months or even years. You have no direct control over when and how you reappear. You can specify an anchor when you purchase the power; an event, place, person or item that acts to draw you back. Examples include avenging ghosts that appear at the scene of a rape or to haunt the wearer of a sword.
Mystic Death can be used to overcome travel obstacles for monsters: it is hard for a golem to walk onto an airplane, but when your pals go to New York city, you can die and then conveniently materialize when they arrive. You can only appear as directed by the story, but as long as you are willing to let your gamemaster control the details, this is a good travel power.
Where you spend the time dead is largely irrelevant. Perhaps you go to the underworld, perhaps you become astral or step out of the time flow. The GM might design special scenarios in this off-world, but don't count on it. It can be cool to role-play the effects this in-between place has on you - it might be scary, paradisaical or just weird.
Use this when you are knocked out. You die, only to reappear later at the same spot at the end of the round. You return with three Hits. You can only do this once per scene. A named creature can take this power up to three times to be able to recover from more than one knockout in a scene, starting out with two hits after your second death and one hit after your third death.
An unnamed creature instead has has a 50% chance to succeed at this power; if the roll fails the creature is out of action normally. There is no restriction on the number of times this can happen.
This power always have some unique nemesis, and if this method or item is used to kill you or anoint your body before the end of the round, Immortality will not work. This can be cutting off the head, staking the heart, or some similar maneuver. It generally takes a Setback to do, once the proper method is known.
Some immortal creatures do not reappear in the same spot, but instead at a specific spot elsewhere - such as in their coffin, sacred tree, or other significant location. If this location is destroyed or desecrated, this variant of Immortality fails. If you have Mysterious Death you can choose to use that power instead when defeated.
Pale Rider
Basic Action
You carry an aura of infection along with you until the end of the next round. Creatures within Ride meters and to all who can see you count all wounds they have as if they were Infected. You can turn this aura on or off as a Basic Action.
Soul Transfer
You kill your the target (which can be yourself) and send the soul looking for a new body to inhabit. A host needs to be of the same species the target of the power was when alive, and recently dead. If the initial target is Undead, the corpse need not be fresh. Decide on a location; the power will locate the closest suitable host and present it to the soul to accept or reject. If it is rejected, the power locates the second closest one and so on. The target gets a vision of each host as it is found. There is a delay of 1d6 hours between each vision. Any new potential hosts appearing in the area can also appear as candidates, and it is possible to spend up to a year and a day looking for a suitable host.
To any onlookers, it seems as if the corpse animated itself or the newly dead creature suddenly recovered. Initially, use the physical attributes Body and Reflexes of the host body, but these attributes revert to their usual values at the rate of one point per hour. The basic appearance (modified by attribute changes), gender, and age of the host remains.
Move Force
Floating Disc
Basic Action
You create a disk of force that floats under your command and can carry passengers or cargo. The disc has a Body equal to your Ride skill, Move equal to yours and carries things like a creature of its Body. It is a flat or hourglass-shaped surface whose exact form you can control as long as its no more than 2 meters in diameter. If you sit on the disc it works like an open vehicle, if you move independently it trails after you. You can remote control its movement as a basic action, but it never moves more than Mind meters away from you. You can dismiss it as a basic action, and it disappears if you create a new one.
Survival Sphere
Basic Action
You create a force field around a creature whose Body does not exceed your Ride. This field conserves the environment around the creature, maintaining ambient temperature, pressure, radiation, humidity and other environmental factors conductive to survival. The field negates any problems with buoyancy and is similarly non-hampering in other environments. The field does not protect against damage, interaction, or attacks of any kind, but neither is it damaged by such things. The survival sphere lasts for a scene and can be renewed.
Basic Action
You can move objects and creatures, even very heavy objects. Make a Ride check against the target's Dodge. On a success the target is unbalanced and loses one shot and Telekinesis ends. On an Outcome matching the target's Body the target is also suspended and unable to move around under its own power until you the end of the round, and you can move the target with a Move equal to your Mind. The an inanimate object has zero Dodge and Body depending on its mass. If you use this to move a heavy object into position to drop it as a missile or use it to ram, it is highly inaccurate; use your Mind as the attack skill doing Concussion damage equal to your Ride skill.
Telekinetic Flight
Basic Action
This is intended as a travel power useful in chase scenes and somewhat impractical for ordinary adventuring.
You take off and fly through the air with a Move equal to your Ride skill. You must continuously use this or rely on another flight power to remain airborn. If you don't, you sink towards the ground at a rate of Ride meters per shot expended on other actions.
Move Life
Absorb Pain
Basic Action
You can transfer health problems from a touched creature to yourself. You transfer Hits, Damage Setbacks, or any other type of ailment from the target to yourself. This power can kill you or knock you out; if you absorb more damage than you can survive, the patient is still cured of that damage.
Fetus Theft
You transfer a fetus from one carrier to another or between two carriers, who must be within 5 Body of each other. A carrier can either be a female creature, a fertilized egg from a creature of the appropriate size, or a specially prepared container. In this way you can move a fetus from a mother to another, between two expectant females, to, from, or between eggs or even artificial containers.
The transference process itself is instantaneous and does no bodily harm. The fetus will adapt to its new conditions, and can be carried to term normally there (though the mother might be very surprised at what she gives birth to). If the fetus is transferred into a container, it remains alive inside the container, ready to be transferred again or carried to term within the container.
Life Support
You are inherently resistant to extremes of environment, surviving conditions such as extreme temperature, pressure, chemical environment, and radiation. You can survive in any environment where life can survive, but you may have to suspend your body functions to survive in truly exotic locales.
Select a living creature you touch; its Move is increased by +2. You need not continue to touch it to maintain the stance.
Transfer Pain
You can transfer health problems from a yourself or a creature you touch to a third party. You transfer Hits, Damage Setbacks, or any one other ailment per use of the power. This power can kill the target; if you transfer more damage than the target can survive, any extra damage is not transferred. A creature with a Body 3 less than yours is too frail to absorb one of your damage setbacks, while a creature with Body 5 less than you is too frail to take on any but the most minor conditions.
Move Mind
Astral Quest
Limit Break
You leave your body behind and enter astral space, the land of dreams and spirits. Your spirit can instantaneously move to any area that is not warded against spirits. Range and speed are not a factor.
This is mostly uses to spy. To gain information this way you make an opposed check against the targets' Recon. You gain valuable information based on the outcome of this roll; if the outcome matches the target's Mind you gain clear and important insights into the target's activities. On a failed roll, you learn obvious details and trivia; if the negative Outcome matches your Mind you learn misleading information or the target notices your spying. You can communicate with those you scry on.
While on an astral quest, your body is in suspended animation; you do not need sustenance but are helpless. Your spirit and body takes damage together, and you can end the astral quest as a Basic Action - unless you are in a particularly tricky situation of the GMs devising.
Astral Quests are usually done to seek information, but sometimes it is possible to affect physical reality by performing a quest on the astral plane. Such astral quests are filled with visions, inspirations and subconscious symbolism, but are not linear adventures in the normal fashion. The main use is to resolve some moral issue, personality issue, or to gain insight. In certain cases an astral quest can break a Curse. Sometimes, an astral quest can directly affect another person or even an object or place by changing the astral resonance, but such use is strictly a plot device for the game master. A number of other people equal to your Mind can be taken along on this sort of quest.
Body Theft
Your psyche changes body with another creature within 5 points of your own Body and Reflexes.
Once successful, the ritual makes you and the target exchange bodies. This does not change game statistics, but you do exchange equipment, race, sex, age and appearance. Any conditions and effects stay with the body, making this a way to get rid of a curse, disease, or other affliction. You do not have access to each others memories, but appearance, voice, and mannerisms stay with the body, giving you a +5 bonus to Charm checks to impersonate each other. On the flip side, it can be hard for you to convince those who knew you in your old body of your identity.
If either of you has powers related to physical body parts the two of you do not share (such as wings), those powers will not work while in the other body.
It is possible for either of you to end the power by forcing his way back into the old body as a Finisher. If either body dies while the power is in effect, the effect becomes permanent.
Dream Touch
Limit Break
You can contact the mind of a dreamer, entering their dreams to communicate or even cause harm. If the target is not asleep at the time, the power fails. When it works, this allows you to use one other Mind Form powers against the target at any range. You must have a clear mental image of whoever you are trying to contact. The target will remember you when they awake, and will automatically awake after you harm them.
Mind Diving
You enter the mind of the target, who must be delirious, sleeping, or helpless.
Generally, you enter the mind of others in order to get hard-to-find information or to correct psychic problems. It is also possible to manipulate the psyche of others in order to affect their personality and behavior. This can be played out or resolved through social interaction die rolls.
The rough way to use this power is to initiate combat. Such a combat works just as combat in the real world; both characters have access to imaginary versions of any gear normally used. Damage from the physical world does not carry over into this psychic conflict. If you bring companions along, the sleeper may create phantasmal versions of his normal allies to match their number. If you render the mind you are diving into unconscious in such combat, you can do very invasive changes to the target's mind, permanently changing memories and parts of the target's personality. In special cases, you might be forced to enter an even deeper level of the target's mind and subconscious, Mind Diving again and repeating the process; this is especially true if the target has multiple personalities or several layers of psychic problems, or if you otherwise want to make very fundamental mental changes. This is more a storytelling device than a rule; player characters are not assumed to be into this kind of mind rape, so the rules are somewhat sketchy.
While a character is Mind Diving, her body lies comatose. Long trances can be harmful.
Mind Touch
Limit Break
You reach out to touch the mind of another creature. This allows you to use one other Mind Form powers against the target at any range. You must have a clear mental image of whoever you are trying to contact. The target feels a tentative mental contact and can sense who you are. It can refuse to acknowledge your mind touch, which makes the power fail.
Psychic Duel
Limit Break
You can initiate a psychic contact with another character, regardless of distance. You must have a clear mental image of your target. The two of you engage in a single round of combat, as if you were standing next to one another. Both of you can use any powers, equipment, or other features you would normally be equipped with. Others can affect either of you normally if they are in your presence, but cannot reach through the psychic link to affect the other. Once the one round of combat is over, the link goes down and you are each left to your own devices. You cannot initiate a Psychic Duel against that target again this session. The target gets a premonition of danger, so no surprise is possible.
This power can be used for other, non-combat purposes such as remote healing, conversation, or even trysts, but the time it lasts is still very short.
Basic Action
You can send a limited telepathic message; a maximum of one minute of normal speech, to anyone you know of, anywhere. The target can send back a similar reply within the next few minutes. Other than identifying the sender, you do not gain any information about each other or your whereabouts, and Sending does not enable any other powers to function. Certain places or people are warded against telepathic communication; Sending has no power to penetrate such wards.
Move Time
Select a creature or vehicle you touch; its Move is increased by +2.
Momentous Occasion
Limit Break
Select an event of Momentous Occasion, something that is important to you. You must describe this event, such as "When general Xaramos meets the king of Holl" or "When Lucan receives a mortal blow". Once this event comes to pass you teleport to the location of the event. You receive a short advance warning, allowing you to take a Basic Action to prepare. When used in downtime, Momentous Occasion is often the hook for an adventure. If used in a story, it generally dissipates with no effect if it hasn't triggered by the end of that story. The GM is the final arbiter of when Momentous Occasion triggers or dissipates. If the event happens in secret, you must succeed on a Ride check against the best Recon of the participants.
Time Gash
Limit Break
To use this power, you must make a record of how the scene is at the beginning of a round, noting positions, numbers, conditions, and health of everyone in the scene. If using miniatures, this is best done with a photograph of the map. You need nt actually use Time Gash, just because you have made these preparations, but if you always make these preparations just in case, you are likely to annoy the GM.
When you use Time gash, time is rewound to the start of the round, just before initiative is rolled. Everything that happened in the round didn't actually happen, and all results of the round are undone, with the exception of your own Fortune points spent - which remain spent.
This requires a Ride check against the greatest initiative result anyone involved in the action scored, and affects an area with a radius equal to your Ride check in meters. if the area is insufficient to contain the entire scene, the power fails. The GM might judge that a part of a larger scene is sufficiently separate to allow the power to work, such as in a duel in the middle of a battlefield.
Those who are affected by this even might have some memories or flashbacks about the lost time if it further the plot.
Time Pocket
Limit Break
You, your allies, a target and the target's allies enter a pocket of time. This cannot be more creatures than your Mind; if more creatures than that would be affected, the power fails. You cannot use this to isolate a target from its immediate allies; if you include a creature its allies on the spot must be included as well or the power fails.
While in this loop everything else in the universe is frozen in time; impossible to affect in any way.
The power lasts for one scene or until any creature moves further away from where you activated the effect than a number of meters equal to the result of the Ride roll made when you activated the power. When the power ends, time resumes normally for the rest of the universe.
Time Travel
Limit Break
Those present teleport away to a faraway time. They usually stay there only for a limited time, or until a specific event occurs, but this is highly variable. Any changes caused while time traveling are usually temporary and will have worked themselves out in the intervening time, so you usually cannot change the present by changing the past. You can gain new knowledge, rescue someone, find loot and so on, depending on the exact properties of this particular time rift and the GM's whim.
The difficulty does not depend on the amount of time bridged, but on the connection between the present time and place and your target. So, if you want to travel to the time of Ancient Egypt, go to the pyramids. You must research the time you want to go to and its relationship to your own time, finding the exact spot and time when time shift is possible. This must be done as a part of the preparations for an adventure, in collaboration with he GM. If you manage to come to the specific time and place and use this power, the story usually depends on this effect, and thus always works. Otherwise, it fails.
Move Space
Cargo Teleport
Limit Break
You can Teleport a large mass of inanimate matter that you touch. The mass is limited by your Ride
The difficulty depends on mass and cover, and the check is modified by range. For mass, read on weight of the load on the Body and Mass table. If you teleport the cargo to a bound Teleport Circle ignore range and cover. If you have this power and use another Teleports power to teleport yourself, you can bring cargo along when you do.
Distort Space
Limit Break
You can either compress or stretch space. The effect can be lasting, but only affects a rather small area or a certain path between two places. It is generally wise to remove such an effect when no longer needed, as it can cause all kinds of problems.
When you compress space, you make travel times shorter without actually changing speed. Instead you make the distance to be traveled shorter. This change applies to anyone traveling that same road at the same time, so it can potentially affect a large number of travelers in a caravan. Add your Mind to the Move of those using the compressed space. In combat, this effect lasts for a scene and affects a number of creatures equal to your Reflexes.
When you stretch distance in an area, you make any path traced through this area longer. You affect a real-world area with a diameter up to your Ride skill. All distances in this area is multiplied by your Mind, making ranges longer and movement slower. The actual size of objects, creatures, and terrain features is not affected, only distances to be crossed.
This power can also be used to make places that are larger on the inside than on the outside, multiplying the available area inside a building by your Mind. This is mostly used on tents or buildings, but can also work on natural caves and similar enclosed spaces as long as the total (original) area is no larger than your Ride in meters along any one dimension.
Remote Sense
Limit Break
You can create a limited teleportation portal at any spot you like - the range is unlimited but you must know the spatial coordinates. This portal only transmits sensory input, but does not allow anyone to step through or affect the world on the other side in any way. You can use all your senses this way, and sensory powers as well. You can speak trough the remote sensory point, but you cannot move it. You cannot use this to help a teleport.
You can scry on those at the chosen position. To gain information this way you make an opposed check against the targets' Recon. You gain valuable information based on the outcome of this roll; if the outcome matches the target's Mind you gain clear and important insights into the target's activities. On a failed roll, you learn obvious details and trivia; if the negative Outcome matches your Mind you learn misleading information or the target notices your spying.
Basic Action
This allows you to Teleport yourself to or from a safe extra-dimensional area, your Sanctum. The real-world opening of the Sanctum is always at your physical location, unless you are inside it, in which case it is at your last location in the physical world.
The Sanctum is a private extra-dimensional space. Each time you use this power, you end up in the same space. The space has a diameter equal to your Mind and you control its shape and appearance, furnishing it as you see fit. The sanctum provides ample food and drink for all creatures within. It is considered its own dimension which makes other kinds of teleportation difficult. Teleport Circles cannot exist in the Sanctum.
It is possible for others to enter and exit on their own, but the entrance is hard to find from the outside; even when looking in the right spot it still takes a Examine stunt against your Create to find it, and only the finder can enter. Anyone inside that is not restrained can leave the Sanctum as a Basic Action. When you are inside, you can evict a creature as a Basic Action with an opposed Create roll.
You can store things in the Sanctum, finding something in the Sanctum is at least a Basic action, more commonly it takes minutes. This is in addition to the time it takes to teleport in and out. Using this as a large auxiliary cargo space is discouraged - you have to be your own bearer, and it can make the Sanctum's entrance easier to find and marks you as someone very much worth robbing. Finally, something might slip out of a full Sanctum on a Setback.
Sanctum Invitation
Limit Break
This allows you to Teleport up to your Mind willing (or helpless) creatures to a safe area - your Sanctum. You do not need to know the Sanctum power, but this power is obviously less practical that using the Sanctum power itself when teleporting only yourself.
Limit Break
You can disappear, only to appear moments later in another location. You teleport on the same plane of existence, to a bound Teleport Circle or to an open space under the open sky whose location you are aware of, with no intelligent creatures within a hundred meters or so.
Limit Break
You set up a magical portal, trough which anyone can teleport. Choose two locations on the same plane of existence that you you have bound Teleport Circle; you must be at one of them when you use this power. A portal appears in each location, enabling travel in either direction. The portal lasts until you move more than Mind meters away.