Suel (Greyhawk Action)
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Greyhawk Action! |
Heirs to a long-lost empire, the Suel are now scattered far and wide. Their culture is proud and assimilates poorly with others, which has forced them to run from Oerdians for millennia.
Attributes and Schticks
Body: 5-10
Mind: 5-10
Reflexes: 5-10
Move: 5
Endurance Hunter
Inherent or Limit Break
You have trained your endurance to its full potential. Substitute your Maneuver for your Body when using Endurance, Hold Breath and other stamina-related stunts. These uses of Endurance Hunter are all Inherent abilities.
You can use this as a Limit break when pursuing or being pursued to drive your prey past their endurance. Make an opposed Maneuver check. On a success the target suffers one Hit from fatigue. On an outcome matching the target's Move, it suffers 2 Hits.
Hybrid Race
Select one Race other than human. You are a hybrid of human and the selected race. The GM might not allow hybrids with all races, check before making your selection. Someone with this feat is often called a half-X, where the X stands for the selected race.
- You look like a hybrid between a human and your selected race and might be mistaken for either.
- You can purchase the racial schticks of the selected race.
- Note which attribute has the highest racial maximum for the selected race; you get to pick one if there is a tie. Your racial maximum for this attribute becomes 11.
Pride of Race
Trigger Action
When you suffer a Setback you can use this schtick and spend a Fortune point to reduce the setback to an ordinary success. Any other result of the action that caused the setback remains; only the setback itself is canceled. The Suel traditionally use this to thwart any attempt to try to convince them trough trickery or diplomacy
Select one Race Schtick; you learn this schtick. You do not become a halfbreed or otherwise have your looks or physical form changed except as required for the schtick to work.
You cannot take this schtick go learn a schtick you already know a second time, nor can you pick Throwback multiple times.
Pseudo-Ariyans Descended from refugees of the homeland that is now the Sea of Dust, the Suel are a fair-skinned folk. Most Suel have merged with Oerdian and Flan to form the mixed Common people of the central Flaeness; the groups that remain culturally Suel have done so because of isolation or xenophobia.
Suel are tall and tend towards light frames. Their coloration is fair, with pale pink skin. Hair color ranges from platinum blonde to golden blond, with some individuals having sand-colored or black hair.
The Suel are a race of contrasts, and their traits can manifest in very different ways, often in pairs of virtues and vices. Thrifty/Selfish, Competitive/Domineering, Honest/Blunt, Self-assured/Opinionated, Ambitious/Proud are typical such pairs. Suel tend to go to extremes in alignment. The Suel are traditionally tolerant about good-evil variations. Even in the Scarlet Brotherhood, good members can be tolerated as long as they contribute to the power of the order. Instead, the conflicts within the Suel are between Law and Chaos. There is a constant conflict between loyalty and pride within each Suel. Few Suel are ever neutral on the Law - Chaos axle; it is not uncommon to have a crisis of faith, where the individual changes his past allegiance and decides to either roam free or adhere to order. Even seemingly lawful Suel often have some hidden vice, while the most freedom-loving and proud can accept great trials to uphold an oath or some tie of loyalty.
Suel are amazing society builders, but also pursue clan feuds ranging across centuries. This makes it hard for different Suel nations to cooperate. This is a large part of why the Suel were driven off by Oerdians throughout most of the Flaness.
Suel do not integrate well, but they are able to live as a distinct cultural group in settlements with other peoples, notably the Olman and Tuov. Suel often end up leading such mixed societies, their familiarity with their own people's clannishness makes them able to adapt to the idiosyncrasies of subjects of other peoples. Suel that allow themselves to be integrated in another culture quickly adopt the Common culture.
Conventional monogamy, divorce is possible but seen as a sign of "turning to chaos" and resigning your post in society. Descent is traced separately on the male and female line. A boy is a member of his father's family, a girl a member of her mother's family. A bastard boy is cast out or killed unless the biological father assumes responsibility. Combine this with an incest taboo that extends to second cousins of both genders, and Suel family trees become epically complex. The nuclear family is very strong, the extended family too complex and interwoven to function.
It is the duty of the head of the family, separately on the male and female side, to see that each newborn infant is fit, pure suel, and has a recognized parent. If found wanting, children are exposed to the elements, leading to much death and a few spontaneous druids of great power who are usually hostile to their ancestry.
Suel tend to egomania and chauvinism for themselves, their clan, and their people, in this order. They can spend inordinate amounts of time mapping their own family tree and trying to arrange the best mates for themselves and their children.
Power Use
Suel have an deep attraction to magic and use it to change the world around them with transmutation spells or to summon and bind supernatural servants with conjuration spells. Great theorists, the Sueloise prefer wizards to sorcerers or bards. Divine magic is often focused on means rather than ends; Suel classify miracles by domain rather than ethos. Clerics, Wizards, and Sorcerers are respected among the Suel.
Suel gods tend to be impersonal manifestations of ideas. They are very lawful or very chaotic and examples of skill and ability rather than great leaders with a personal agenda. There was a great turnover of Suel gods after the twin cataclysms; Lendor, the leader of the pantheon, withdrew from daily affairs and is hardly known today which left a power vacuum that still exists today.
The Suel lord of time and of tedium, Lendor is a scholarly deity not much involved in the everyday affairs of the world or his pantheon.
Lendor (LEN-dor), the leader and progenitor of the Suel pantheon, is depicted as a white-haired and bearded husky older man. Largely withdrawn from the affairs of the world to care for larger issues, Lendor considers himself superior to other gods and especially to his children, as he has the ability to banish any of his children or undo their magic. A blow from his flaming sword Afterglow is said to be the force that started the flow of time at the dawn of the universe. His holy symbol is a crescent moon in front of a new moon surrounded by fourteen stars (sometimes less or more).
Time stretches to infinity, and issues that seem pressing are merely a smaller part of a larger whole. In order to make sense of the universe, one must look at the entire mosaic instead of just a part of it. Age brings experience, wisdom, and the impetus to take things slow.
Lendor's clergy are mostly older, particularly sages, village elders, and record keepers. They tend to have little interaction with the outside world, remaining cloistered in their libraries and temples for years at a time. Occasionally a younger person will be drawn to this faith, taking the role of wandering adviser, preaching the need to keep the present in perspective; these preachers often become advisers to conservative leaders or mount expeditions to recover ancient tomes and artifacts lost for generations.
Alignment: Lawful Neutral
Weapon: Greatsword
Symbol: Crescent moon in front of a new moon surrounded by a ring of stars.
Action Domains
Flux, Life, Order, Spiritual, Time.
Pathfinder Domains
Community, Knowledge, Law, Protection, Repose.
Pathfinder Traits
Pathfinder Obedience
Lay a heavy rope (or other burden) across your shoulders and meditate on the strengths and weaknesses of your true self. Remove the rope and continue to meditate on the feeling of lightness that comes with the loss of an burden. Gain a +4 sacred bonus on saving throws against effects that damage, drain, or penalize ability scores.
- The Tender's Path (Sp) remove fear 3/day, calm emotions 2/day, or sands of time 1/day
- Elder's Wisdom (Su) You immediately age into the next age category, though you take only the mental bonuses for the next age category and none of the physical penalties. If you are venerable when you receive this boon, gain a +2 sacred bonus to your Wisdom instead.
- Judgement (Sp) You can cast freedom or imprisonment once per day.
Bahamut the platinum dragon is the god of chivalry, protection, and nobility.
In the oldest Suel legends, Bahamut is the teacher and exemplar of the Suel people. He succeeded in teaching them the strength in order, but not quite the importance of benevolence. He has been a constant good influence throughout Suel history, often intervening subtly to check the machinations of Tiamat.
In the Common pantheon, Bahamut has replaced Hieroneous as the god of chivalry. He is seen as less upper-class and conservative, more hands on and impartial. But chivalry is not a major factor in the Common, and Bahamut is a somewhat odd figure known by many but favored by few. His cult is not very large and still seen as impractical or even bigoted.
In Synchretism, Bahamut is seen as the primary power of chivalry, nobles, and paternal protection. He presents himself to the world as Al´Akbar the Baklunish prophet of duty, Solonor the elven patron of archery, Arvoreen the halfling exarch of defense, and Hieroneous the Oerdian exemplar of honorable knighthood and rulership.
Bahamut (bah-hahm-ut) is revered in many locales. Though all good dragons pay homage to Bahamut, gold, silver, and brass dragons hold him in particularly high regard. Other dragons, even evil ones (except perhaps his archrival Tiamat), respect Bahamut for his wisdom and power. In his natural form, Bahamut is a long, sinuous dragon covered in silver-white scales that sparkle and gleam even in the dimmest light. Bahamut’s catlike eyes are deep blue, as azure as a midsummer sky, some say. Others insist that Bahamut’s eyes are a frosty indigo, like the heart of a glacier. Perhaps the two accounts merely reflect the Platinum Dragon’s shifting moods.
Bahamut is stern and very disapproving of evil. He brooks no excuses for evil acts. In spite of this, he is among the most compassionate beings in the multiverse. He has limitless empathy for the downtrodden, the dispossessed, and the helpless. He urges his followers to promote the cause of good, but prefers to let beings fight their own battles when they can. To Bahamut, it is better to offer information, healing, or a (temporary) safe refuge rather than to take other’s burdens upon oneself. Bahamut is served by seven great gold wyrms that often accompany him or one of his avatars.
Bahamut has few clerics and even fewer temples. He accepts only good clerics. Clerics of Bahamut, be they dragons, half-dragons, or other beings attracted to Bahamut’s philosophy, strive to take constant, but subtle action on behalf of good, intervening wherever they are needed but striving to do as little harm in the process as possible. Many gold, silver, and brass dragons maintain simple shrines to Bahamut in their lairs, usually nothing more elaborate than Bahamut’s symbol scribed on a wall.
Alignment: LG
Weapon: Lance
Symbol: Blue gem or crystal.
Action Domain
Air, Force, Light, Order, Spiritual.
Pathfinder Domains
Good, Law, Glory, Scalykind (Dragon), War.
Pathfinder Traits
Count your money and your blessings, meditating on each coin and the good deeds it will inspire you to do. Make a promise to yourself about a goal you wish to achieve today. As long as you make a reasonable effort towards this goal, you gain a +2 sacred bonus on Appraise and Perception checks.
- Comfort of Faith (Sp) sanctuary 3/day, align weapon (law or good only) 2/day, or magic circle against chaos/evil 1/day
- Demanding Presence (Sp) You can cast silenced holy word once per day.
- Divine Gaze (Su) Your eyes become the golden eyes of a dragon. You gain darkvision out to a range of 60 feet (or, if you already have darkvision, extend your current range by 60 feet). Once per day as a standard action, you can shower yourself and any allies within 30 feet with divine light from your eyes, granting each affected target a +4 sacred bonus to AC, a +4 resistance bonus on all saving throws, and SR 25 for 1 round per HD you possess.
Beltar is the Suel hag goddess and mother of monsters is rarely worshiped by humans.
The haglike goddess Beltar (BEL-tar) one of the stranger Suel deities, known to appear as a beholder, red dragon, or marilith demon (the likely cause of Suloise snake-cult rumors). She was once a goddess of mines and earth, but was supplanted by others in her pantheon and finally relegated to worship by nonhuman slaves. She hates most everything, even other gods. Her holy symbol is a set of monstrous fangs closing to bite. She takes many mates in her various forms, but she is known to eat them afterward, as well as her own young.
Mine and explore caves in pursuit of foes and riches. Fear is not acceptable in the face of adversity, and only hatred is allowed for those who stand in your way.
Primarily worshiped by evil nonhumans and savage humans, Beltar pushes her followers to band together into armies and ally with more powerful creatures, such as red dragons, beholders, demons, or greater undead. They must wage war on hated foes.
Clerics of Beltar are expected to take positions of leadership in their tribes; those who cannot do so are cast out to find heathen tribes to convert or new enemies for to fight. They inspire hatred in others and make examples of traitors or the weak-willed. Worship services involve sacrifices and are conducted in caves or points of low ground. Devoted clerics rise from the grave as undead within a year of their deaths, usually returning to aid their original tribe and show proof of the goddess' power.
Alignment: CE
Weapon: Claws (spiked gauntlets)
Symbol: Monstrous fangs closing to bite.
Action Domain
Animal, Darkness, Earth, Gifts, Spiritual.
Pathfinder Domains
Chaos, Earth, Evil, Strength, Trickery.
Patfinder Traits
Pathfinder Obedience
Sacrifice an unwilling living creature in the name of the Mother of Monsters. Draw the process out to inspire the maximum terror and suffering in your victim. The death blow you deal should be savage and destructive—do not grant your sacrifice a clean death. Once the creature is dead, remove one of its bones and sharpen it to a point. Use the bone to cut yourself deeply enough to leave a scar. Leave the sacrificed creature’s mutilated form in the open where scavengers may devour it or travelers may see it and know of Beltar’s power. Gain a +1 natural armor bonus to your AC.
Evangelist or Feat
- Savage Summoner (Sp) summon monster I 3/day, summon swarm 2/day, or summon nature’s ally III 1/day
- Terrifying Eidolon (Su) Your eidolon gains the frightful presence evolution for free, if you wish. Whenever you gain a new level in the summoner class (or the evangelist prestige class, if your aligned class has the eidolon class feature) and you reassign your evolution points, you can choose to assign or remove the frightful presence evolution. Once your choice has been made, it can’t be altered until the next time you gain an appropriate level. If you don’t have the eidolon class feature, you can instead use summon monster V once per day as a spell-like ability.
- Tainted Ally (Sp) Once per day as a standard action, you can summon a baregara (Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 3 34). The baregara follows your commands perfectly for 1 minute for every Hit Die you possess before vanishing back to its home in the Abyss. The baregara doesn’t follow commands that would cause it to act in lawful, good, or otherwise beneficial ways. Such commands not only earn a snarl of disgust from the creature, but could cause the baregara to attack you if the command is particularly egregious.
- Howling Terror (Sp) cause fear 3/day, mad hallucinationUM 2/day, or fear 1/day
- Maddening Thoughts (Su) Your mind constantly swirls with dark whispers and disturbing thoughts. You gain a +4 profane bonus on saving throws against mind-affecting (compulsion) spells and effects and against divination spells and effects that attempt to read your thoughts. Anyone who targets you with such a spell or effect must succeed at a Will saving throw (with a DC equal to 10 + your Wisdom modifier + 1/2 your Hit Dice) or take 1d4 points of Wisdom damage.
- Monstrous Transformation (Sp) Once per day, you can use baleful polymorph, except you change the target into a horribly mutated form of the chosen animal. The target takes a –4 penalty on its saving throw to resist your spell (if the new form would prove fatal for the creature, it still gains a +4 bonus on its saving throw, effectively negating this penalty). In addition to the other effects of the spell, the subject is in constant pain from its twisted and disfigured form, and takes 1d6 points of nonlethal damage each round. This constant agony imposes a –2 penalty on all of the target’s ability checks, skill checks, saving throws, attack rolls, and damage rolls.
- Ferocious Battler (Sp) stone fistAPG 3/day, bear’s endurance 2/day, or greater magic fang 1/day
- Bestial Jaws (Ex) Your jaw distends slightly and you grow prominent canines. You gain a bite attack that deals 1d4 points of damage if you’re Medium or 1d3 points of damage if you’re Small, plus half your Strength bonus. When part of a full attack, the bite attack is made at your full base attack bonus –5. You can also make a bite attack as part of the action to maintain or break free from a grapple. This attack is resolved before the grapple check is attempted. If the bite attack hits, you gain a +2 bonus on your grapple check and any other grapple check against the same creature this round.
- Scarred Form (Su) An armor-like epidermis of thick scars covers you. You take a –2 penalty on Charisma checks and Charisma-based skill checks (except intimidate). You gain damage reduction 5/—. If you already had damage reduction with no method of bypass (such as from the barbarian’s damage reduction class feature), you instead increase that damage reduction by
- Lunatic’s Gift (Sp) lesser confusion 3/day, touch of idiocy 2/day, or summon monster III 1/day
- Teratoma (Ex) You gain a beneficial deformity. Generally, this deformity manifests as a tentacle, tail, claw, or bite that grants you a secondary natural attack dealing 1d6 (1d4 for Small creatures) points of damage. You gain an additional ability depending on the attack chosen as well—this ability can be chosen from the following special attacks: bleed 3, grab, trip, or a 5-foot increase to reach with the natural attack only.
- Third Eye (Su) A third eye opens in your forehead. This eye grants you darkvision to a range of 60 feet (if you already have darkvision, it extends the range of your darkvision by 60 feet) and a +4 profane bonus on Perception checks. Three times per day, you may use a gaze attack that lasts for 1 round; activating this gaze attack is a swift action. This gaze attack has a range of 30 feet, and drives those who fail to resist its effects with a Will save permanently insane, as per the spell insanity (save DC equals 10 + half your HD + your Charisma modifier).
Antipaladin Code
The leaders of Beltar’s children are proud of their deformities and rage against civilization. They seek to tear the blinders from the eyes of the world and show them the nightmare of nature, the writhing and endlessly fecund truth. Their code is one of bloodshed and howling madness. Its tenets include the following adages.
- All things are monstrous, and only the weak hide their marks. I show the world as it is.
- I will bring the outcasts in from the cold and teach them the taste of victory.
- I fill the wombs. I birth the children. I teach our enemies why they fear the night.
- I bring madness to the cities, that in their blood and fear they may understand the chaos of the world.
- I will spread the Mother’s seed. If the blind cannot be taught to see, their children can.
Bralm is the Suel goddess of industry and insects, Bralm seeks to create a perfectly lawful society where everything has its assigned role. Has a large following among the Scarlett Brotherhood, but is not one of their official sponsor deities.
Bralm (BRAHLM) is depicted as a middle-aged woman with dark blonde hair, sometimes with insect wings. She is friendly with rest of the Suel pantheon but has no close allies there because she judges others on ability, not age or status. Trithereon has earned her enmity because of his individualism, and fiery deities like Pyremius and Joramy are avoided because of her dislike of that element. Her symbol is a giant wasp in front of an insect swarm.
Everyone has a place in a society, and you must master your role even if you don't understand how it is important. Those who know more or are in superior positions must be obeyed; you can learn much by observing those around you. Work hard and be satisfied with your work.
Hive insects follow this path, with some members sacrificing themselves for the betterment of the entire hive. Some splinter churches elevate insects as creatures to be worshiped and keep giant insects as guards or pets. Bralm's clerics act as overseers for complex tasks involving large numbers of people: military captains, farm overseers, mine controllers, slave drivers, and so on. They intercede to prevent destruction of crops by insects and are not above getting their hands dirty to get something done. They enjoy leading groups for the sake of imposing order on a group of independent- minded people. Their prayer times are twilight and dawn.
Alignment: Lawful Neutral.
Weapon: Sawtooth sabre.
Symbol: Giant wasp in front of an insect swarm.
Action Domains
Animal, Life, Order, Plant, Spiritual.
Pathfinder Domains
Animal (Vermin), Artifice (Toil), Death (Murder), Trickery, War.
Pathfinder Traits
Pathfinder Obedience
Work together with ten other member's of Bralm's church on a single community project. If no cultists are available, meditate while allowing insects of any type to crawl upon your body. If no vermin is available, you must instead lie facedown in a trench dug into soil and mouth prayers to Bralm into the dirt while scratching yourself with sharp bits of bone or wood. Gain a +4 profane (or sacred, if good) bonus on all saving throws against disease and against effects caused by vermin.
- 'Bram's Industriousness (Sp) ant haul 3/day, summon swarm 2/day, or summon monster III (vermin only) 1/day
- Swarm Walker (Su) You can walk through any swarm without fear of taking damage or suffering any ill effects— swarms recognize you as one of their own. As long as you stand within a swarm, you gain a +4 profane bonus on attacks of opportunity and on all saving throws.
- Swarm Master (Sp) Quickened insect plague 1/day.
Note: In the Living Greyhawk Gazettteer, Cyndor is described as an Oerdan god, but also as the servant of Lendor (the cheif Suel god). In my campaign I have resolved this by making Cyndor mainly a Suel god, but one some Oerdians feel is an Oerdian god.
Cyndor is a Suel god, servant of Lendor and charged by him to rule over time, Cyndor is too obscure for the modern world and barely remembered. He is mainly know to sages and wizards, some of whom give him worship.
Cyndor (SIN-dohr) has three duties: meditate upon how manipulating time-space alters the universe, record the actions of every creature on Oerth in his Perpetual Libram, and guard the time-stream from powerful beings that might alter it to their advantage. He endorses the concept of predestination, although his perspective differs from that of Istus or even his sometime ally (and superior) Lendor. He is shown as a towering manform with no features and block-like limbs of terrible strength, representing the unknowable and inevitable advance of time. His symbol is a rounded hourglass of black and white set on its side, much like the symbol for infinity.
Time is not a static thing, but rather something liquid that stretches from the forgotten past to the present and into the distant future. Events of the past cause events in the present, which have consequences that last far beyond the lifetimes of their progenitors. There is no need to worry about the choices one makes in life, for all actions are determined and your fate is set based upon those choices. Augury is useful only as a moral balm to allow realization and acceptance of one's place in the stream of life.
Clerics of Cyndor converge near sites of pending importance or disruptions in the time-flow. They study old lore to plot the course of history and learn the future, and many work as advisers or seers. They debunk charlatan fortune-tellers and other false prophets. They travel with people whom they perceive will have interesting futures.
Alignment: Lawful Neutral.
Weapon: Sling.
Symbol: Rounded hourglass of black and white set on its side, much like the symbol for infinity.
Pathfinder Domains
Artifice (Toil), Destruction, Knowledge (Memory), Magic (Divine), Repose (Ancestors).
Pathfinder Traits
Action Domains
Life, Order, Space, Spiritual, Time.
Dalt is the somewhat obsessed Suel god of locks and lock picking, and by extension of craft, science, and perfection at any cost. He appears as an old man with ragged white hair. One moment he is designing the perfect lock to bind all power in the world, the next he is martyring himself to free prisoners and the oppressed. His symbol is a locked door with a skeleton key under it.
Dalt (DAHLT) was forgotten for many years while he sought to free his brother Vatun; he is once again recognized as a god. First re-discovered by the Suloise people in the southeast, his embrace of new solutions and technology has spread his cult thinly across the Flanaess.
He talks with other gods (except Telchur) in order to solicit help in his quest, and more recently to repay debts for assistance rendered. Dalt is shown as an old man with wild white hair and piercing eyes or as a red-haired young thief.
Confront obstacles from different angles until a solution presents itself.
Dalt is constantly trying to build a better mousetrap while being the better mouse. His name is used to bless fortresses, prisons, and chests of valuables, as well as the construction of new homes and tools. His churches tend to be a mix of clerics who lock things and those who open them, each side seeing the need for the other.
Clerics of Dalt are much like their god, tinkering in workshops, building locks, traps and devices, then turning around and trying to figure a way to undo their own work. Lately this has developed into an ambition to lock down the secrets of the universe, while finding fault in other Daltist's theories. They teach their building skills to artificers and locksmiths, while training aspiring thieves and spies in the locksmith arts. They firmly believe in guarding valuables, and liberating goods from those who don't deserve to own them. They like to wander about cities and dungeons, looking for situations that would challenge their skills.
Alignment: Chaotic neutral
Weapon: Dagger
Symbol: A locked door with a skeleton key under it, or just the door or just the key.
Action Techniques
Pathfinder Domains
Artifice, Earth (Metal), Liberation, Rune, Trickery (Thievery).
Pathfinder Traits
Pathfinder Obedience
Work on your preferred method of creation. Follow any creative thoughts that arise to their conclusion, only to realize there is a better way. Tear up what you just made, and start over. This process might be repeated several time during the hour of the ritual, finishing either with a new item, or wild plans for how to improve the design later. Gain a +4 sacred bonus on Craft and Disable Device checks.
- Voice of Brass (Sp) jury rigUC 3/day, fox's cunning 2/day, sands of timeUM1/day
- Living Construct (Su) You can affect constructs as if they were living creatures. Once per day, you can target a construct with a spell or spell-like ability, and the spell resolves as if the target's creature type was humanoid.
- Frozen Time (Sp) You gain the ability to halt time. You can use time stop as a spell-like ability once per day.
- 1: Creator (Sp) crafter’s fortuneAPG 3/day, make whole 2/day, minor creation 1/day
- Safely Locked (Su) Your body is as resistant as a construct. You gain a +2 sacred bonus on saves against effects that cause ability damage, ability drain, fatigue, exhaustion, energy drain, or nonlethal damage.
- Inspired Crafting (Su) When crafting magic items while adventuring, you can devote 4 hours each day to creation and take advantage of the full amount of time spent crafting instead of netting only 2 hours’ worth of work. In addition, you can use fabricate once per day as a spell-like ability. Though you can’t create magic items with the fabricate spell, you can use it to create items that you later enhance magically.
- Bronze Warrior (Sp) crafter’s curseAPG 3/day, heat metal 2/day, haste 1/day
- Constructed Form (Su) As a swift action, you gain DR 3/— for a number of rounds per day equal to your Hit Dice. These rounds need not be consecutive.
- Call to Battle (Su) Once per day as a full-round action, you can summon a clockwork golem (Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 2 137). The golem follows your commands perfectly for 1 minute for each hit die you possess before vanishing.
Fortubo was once a Suel god, but forsook them for their many sins. He is still included in lists of traditional Suel gods, but has no temples of his own in their lands; among Dwarves he is an honored adopted god of hills and nature above ground.
Fortubo (for-TOO-boh) was once a Suel god but abandoned that race in favor of dwarves when he found that the Suel were responsible for the creation of the evil derro. He is friendly with the gods of the dwarven pantheon but avoids all other gods except his brother Jascar. His holy symbol is a glowing-headed hammer, and his personal weapon is a great hammer named Golbi that returns to his hand when thrown and is said to be a gift from the dwarf god Moradin. He is shown as a small bearded Suel man who resembles a dwarf.
Focus on your tasks. Do not allow yourself to lie distracted by other careers or concerns outside of protecting the community. Feel your kinship with the stone and do not cut it more than what your community needs. Commit no theft, murder, or evil, for they will shackle the dwarven people more strongly than any chains.
Fortubo protects dwarven communities and welcomes clerics of either sex, especially married couples. Fortubo's clerics plan defenses to the smallest detail and are more than willing to shoulder more than their share of the responsibility if they feel anyone else involved is incapable of pulling their weight. They search for orcs and goblins, which they feel harm the earth with their pointless tunneling. Any hammer will serve as a holy symbol. Married pairs of clerics are said to be especially blessed by Fortubo and their children are born with exceptional insight and endurance.
Alignment: Lawful Good
Weapon: Longhammer, dwarven
Holy Symbol: Any hammer.
Action Domains
Earth, Life, Metal, Order, Spiritual.
Pathfinder Domains
Artifice, Earth, Good, Law, Protection.
Pathfinder Traits
Pathfinder Obedience
There is little ritual to Jascar's obedience, just a single action. Slay a proven wrongdoer in Jascar’s name. It is not enough for the sacrifice to have an evil heart or evil intentions; the sacrifice must have committed evil or unlawful deeds. Gain a +4 sacred bonus on saving throws against spells and effects cast by evil creatures. The obedience lasts 24 hours from the last time you did it, making t possible to keep it running from day to day.
- Virtuous Combat (Sp) bless weapon 3/day, litany of righteousness 2/day, or magic vestment 1/day
- Retribution (Su) You gain a sacred bonus equal to half your HD on damage rolls made with slashing weapons against the last creature to have physically wounded you within the last 24 hours.
- Pure Soul (Sp) You can cast holy aura on yourself once per day. In addition to the effects of the spell, you gain DR 10/good and cold iron and you treat any weapon in hand as a +5 holy weapon for the duration of the effect.
Jascar, the Suel god of hills and mountains
Jascar (JAS-kar) is the brother of Fortubo and dedicated foe of Beltar; his holy symbol is a snow-capped mountain peak. With his dark beard and shining silver breastplate, Jascar doesn't resemble the Suel people that worship him, but his visage strikes fear into orcs and goblins. He is sometimes shown as a great horse or pegasus—two forms he once took when fighting Beltar. He is often aided by Phaulkon in his efforts to advance the cause of good, and Jascar's hammer is the bane of all undead. Other than Phaulkon and Fortubo, Jascar talks little with other gods and is often perceived as driven and aloof.
In synchretism, he is seen as a barely concealed avatar of Moradin in his aspect as fighter against evil.
Hold no quarter for evil nonhumans like orcs and goblinoids, and equally hate those who would make the beautiful hills and mountains ugly. Protect the hills and mountains from plundering by evil forces and you will be rewarded with the treasures Jascar places under the earth for good folk to find.
The church teaches common tactics used by evil nonhumans. Jascar's clerics often lead cross-country and underground crusades against evil nonhumans. They survey for precious metals, and advise miners on how to dig their tunnels safely and cause a minimal amount of damage to the surrounding environment. Their single-mindedness often alienates them from others, but their dependable nature means that an entire temple can be called upon in times of crisis; the network of the multi-racial Jascarian faith is strong as stone.
Alignment: Lawful Good.
Weapon: Warhammer.
Symbol: Snow-capped mountain peak.
Action Domains
Earth, Life, Light, Order, Spiritual.
Pathfinder Domains
Earth, Good, Law, Protection, War.
Pathfinder Traits
Pathfinder Obedience
Pray while holding a heavy shield over your head for an hour. Gain a +4 sacred bonus on Strength checks and Strength-based skill checks.
- Divine Defense (Sp) shield of faith 3/day, shield other 2/day, or magic vestment 1/day
- Greaves of Silver (Su) You gain a +10 sacred bonus to your CMD when an opponent attempts to bull rush you. You may always attempt attacks of opportunity when a creature attempts to bull rush you, even if your opponent has the Improved Bull Rush feat or a similar ability. In addition, you may attempt an attack of opportunity whenever a charging opponent enters a space you threaten.
- Transmogrify (Sp) You can cast extended polymorph any object once per day.
Joramy the Shrew is the power of righteous rage and fiery temper in the Suel pantheon. She is also a goddess of flame and volcanoes. Her rage is generally just, but tends to burn everything in its way.
Joramy (JOR-um-ee) is a hot-tempered but generally good-natured goddess. Shown as a nondescript woman with fiery hair and one fist raised, Joramy argues for the sake of arguing, and uses emotional arguments when rational ones fail. She is on good terms with nonevil gods who enjoy her aggressive side, but disdains emotionally distant beings such as Delleb, Rao, and her estranged lover Zodal. Her holy symbol is a stylized volcano or pillar of flame.
The dance of a flame and the twisting patterns of molten rock are the most beautiful sights in the world, representing fire's argument with earth. Let your passions burn as hot as these things in all arguments, and never back down when you have the opportunity to convert someone to your perspective. Ideals and opinions forms and shapes a person, and not defending with all your effort what you hold in your heart to be the truth is a betrayal to yourself and your ideals. Any rival opinion is a challenge—answer that challenge with the same fervor that you would a physical threat.
Clerics of Joramy make good political leaders and revolutionaries. They are willing to defend their ideals to the death and have a gift for inspiring others to do the same. Many work as diplomats for small but aggressive nations, where their tendency to escalate talks into heated arguments makes their parent nation appear stronger than it is. They go adventuring to find new people to argue with and new causes to champion.
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Weapon: Quarterstaff
Symbol: Pillar of flame.
Action Domains
Earth, Fire, Flux, Life, Spiritual.
Pathfinder Domains
Destruction (Rage), Fire, Glory (Heroism), Liberation (Revolution), War.
Pathfinder Traits
Pathfinder Obedience
Have a heated argument with a sentient creature. If this argument escalates into a fight, fight fair and only kill if you have to. If no sentient creature with differences of opinion is available, set a wooden pole up vertically. Light a fire at its base and watch it burn until it falls over. Gain a +4 sacred bonus on all saving throws against mind-affecting effects.
- Fire Shrew (Sp) burning hands 3/day, flaming sphere 2/day, or fire snake 1/day
- Flame's Consort (Ex) Gain fire resistance 30. If you are immune to fire, you may instead gain cold resistance 30. You may change to cold resistance if you gain immunity to fire at a point after you gain this boon.
- Awaken Flames (Su) As a standard action once per day, you may call forth an elder fire elemental from any flame source. Alternatively, you may activate this ability as a swift action during the casting of any fire spell. The elemental appears immediately, and you can direct its actions as a free action via telepathy. The elemental is considered called, not summoned, and remains your minion for 1 hour.
Kord is a Suel god, sometimes a hero, sometimes a bumbling fool, always willing to take on any challenge - he is the god of sports and challenges but also of freedom and self expression. He sponsors gladiator games and other sporting events. In civilized settlements his cult provides an outlet, in barbarian ones he can be the focus of the entire community.
In the Common pantheon Kord is mainly a god of sport and gladiatorial games, tough some swashbuckling youth have started to favor him as well.
In Synchretism he is the main good of male strength and heroes. As Procan he is the untamable father of the Oerdian wind gods. He has sponsored ascended mortals who embody his virtues in ways relevant to their cultures. Aedrie Faenya is the elven goddess of air and birds, Tritherion the summoner is the god of individuality and self-defense, while Obad-Hai is the first king and first husband, patriarch of the Flan.
Kord (KOHRD) is an incredibly powerful Suel god, second only to his grandfather, Lendor. Son of Phaulkon and Syrul, he is shown as a hugely muscular man with long red hair and beard, wearing dragonhide gauntlets (white), boots (blue), and fighting girdle (red); these items can each be used as his holy symbol, although a star composed of spears and maces is also popular. He fights with his intelligent dragon-slaying greatsword Kelmar, and when wounded he often enters a blood rage so intense only Lendor can control him when he succumbs; because of this, a cleric of Kord will always defer to a ranking cleric of Lendor. He is reputed to have dallied with beautiful humans, elves, or even giants, and tales are told of the great heroes who are born of such liaisons.
The strong and fit should lead the weaker. Bravery is the greatest quality in any ruler. Scorn cowardice.
Kord loves physical challenges and contests, and it is this love that inspires many barbarian tribes to use nonlethal sports as a method for resolving disputes. Kord's clerics are expected to be leaders or companions to leaders. They train people to become stronger, organize athletic tournaments, and participate in challenging physical activities. Doubting their fitness is a grave insult, and they go to great lengths to prove their physical abilities (although they realize the difference between difficult and suicidal challenges). Wearing of dragon-hide by a cleric is a blasphemy, unless the wearer is a descendant of Kord (which many claim to be). Clerics believe magic should be used to enhance allies rather than strike directly at foes.
Alignment: Chaotic Good.
Weapon: Greatsword.
Symbol: White dragonhide gauntlets, blue boots, or red fighting girdle.
Pathfinder Domains
Chaos, Good, Liberation, Luck, Strength.
Pathfinder Traits
Pathfinder Obedience
Shout your oath of loyalty to Kord at the top of your lungs, challenging any foe to take you on. After your oath is done, kneel on one knee with your weapon resting against the other knee. Recite your victories in a sonorous voice until the time for your obedience is done. If you should be attacked while conducting your obedience, defeat the creature who dared test your might. (You may be assisted by allies, but you must attack the opponent with the greatest Strength; you magically sense which opponent this is.) Gain a +4 sacred bonus on Strength checks and Strength-based skill checks.
- Champion (Sp) bless weaponAPG 3/day, bull's strength 2/day, or greater magic weapon 1/day
- Heroic Feat (Ex) After you've failed a Strength check, you can add 1d6 to the result. You take the same amount of hit point damage. When your base attack bonus reaches +4, and every 4 points of base attack bonus thereafter, you can roll an additional d6 and att to both the result and the damage taken.
- Heroic Charge (Ex) Once per day, you can make a heroic charge attack. You must declare your use of this ability before you roll your attack. You deal 1d6 extra points of damage on a successful charge, and this charge does not provoke attacks of opportunity.
- Battler (Sp) magic stone 3/day, spiritual weapon 2/day, or deadly juggernaut 1/day
- Mass Strength Surge (Su) When using the strength surge granted power from the Strength domain, you can target allies within 30 feet of you instead of having to touch a single target. You can target a maximum number of allies equal to 1 + 1 for every 4 Hit Dice you possess (maximum 6). If you don’t have access to the Strength domain, you instead gain the ability to use the strength surge granted power a number of times per day equal to 3 + your Wisdom modifier, as listed in the strength surge description. However, you can touch only a single target when using this granted power.
- Kord's Shout (Sp) Once per day as a swift action, you can use litany of thunder or [primal scream as a spell-like ability. In order to use this ability, you must shout a battle cry at top volume, ending your shout in praise to Kord.
- Mighty Warrior (Sp) enlarge person 3/day, aid 2/day, or badger's ferocity 1/day
- Two-Handed Smash (Ex) If you make a full attack while wielding a two-handed melee weapon, you may make a single unarmed strike in addition to your normal attacks. In essence, after you complete your two-handed weapon attacks, you smash with your elbow, kick out with a foot, or make some other unarmed strike against an opponent. This bonus attack is made at your highest base attack bonus, and provokes an attack of opportunity if you lack the Improved Unarmed Strike feat or a similar ability. If you’re Medium, you deal 1d6 points of damage with this unarmed strike; if you’re Small, you deal 1d4 points of damage. Add half your Strength bonus to the damage dealt. The attack roll for the unarmed strike is subject to the normal penalties for two-weapon fighting unless you have the feats to reduce these penalties.
- Devout Rage (Ex) You enter a holy frenzy whenever you rage, depending on your alignment. You gain a +2 bonus on your attack and damage rolls while raging. If you don’t have the rage class feature, you can fly into a rage once per day as the rage spell, though you don’t need to concentrate. Instead, the rage lasts for a number of rounds equal to your Hit Dice or until you choose to end it, whichever comes first.
Liberator Code
- Always speak openly and proudly. As Kord's champion, you bow to no-one who hasn't bested you in personal combat.
- Always accept a challenge, unless the result is a foregone conclusion. Novices have to prove their mettle before champions will take them seriously.
- When you freely give your word, you intend to keep it. Your honor is your own, and if you don't uphold it, it is lost. Respect the spirit of any challenge, but don't let rules make a fool of you.
- Respect victory, and respect defeat. Once a fight is settled, it is over. Resentment only drags you down.
- Not everyone can fight. Protect the humble and give them spirit. Release slaves and lead them to freedom. Train the weak so they can protect themselves. Provide for others when you can, but not everyone can be saved.
- Some enemies cannot accept defeat honorably and send minions to fight while they hide. They must be disgraced or killed to stop them from breaking the spirit of honor.
Action Techniques
Llerg is the wild man of the Suel pantheon, the savage force of nature. In legends he is often an adventuring companion to Kord, who mostly takes a support role in fights and among people, but is the unquestioned master in the wilderness.
The most uncivilized god in the Suel pantheon, Llerg (LERG) ignores most other gods, seeing them as too civilized, but has a friendly rivalry with Kord and a hatred for Telchur. He is shown as a strong, shaggy man wearing furs and a fighting girdle or as a great bear, snake, or alligator. These animals are sacred to him, and they are his three holy symbols. He fights with a battle axe or in one of his animal forms and may be the ancestor of the original dire bears, dire alligators, and giant snakes. He is popular among the jungle savages, who call him Hlerg.
Be strong so that others respect you. Be fierce like the creatures of the animal world. Humans have lost contact with their inner animal nature—watch and learn how the predator lives, and you will again be as you should be.
Llerg supports barbarians defending their lands against encroaching civilization. Llerg's clerics choose one of his sacred animals as their totem animal. They act as intermediaries when tribes meet, and range far in search of prey when times are lean for their tribe. They bless weapons, warriors, and sites of battle to ensure victory, and in more peaceful times they train young warriors in armed and unarmed combat. Some clerics see visions and travel to find the meaning of what they have seen.
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral.
Weapon: Battleaxe.
Symbol: Great bear, snake, or alligator.
Action Domains
Animal, Flux, Gifts, Life, Spiritual.
Pathfinder Domains
Animal, Chaos, Liberation, Plant (Growth), Strength.
Pathfinder Traits
Pathfinder Obedience
Build a fire and burn an item or set of items worth at least 50 gp. If you are in nature, you instead burn 3 natural objects that catched your fancy in the last day. When the flames have died down, roll among the cinders to extinguish the last bits of fire and grind the ashes into the ground. Each time you perform this obedience, choose either acid, cold, electricity, or fire. Gain energy resistance equal to your HD against the chosen energy type.
- Master of Elements (Sp) produce flame 3/day, soften earth and stone 2/day, or call lightning 1/day
- Quake (Sp) You can cast earthquake once per day.
- Wrath of Nature (Su) Once per day, you can assume the form of a Gargantuan earth or fire elemental for up to 1 hour. If you choose the form of an earth elemental, you gain a +10 size bonus to your Strength, a –4 penalty to your Dexterity, a +6 size bonus to your Constitution, and a +8 natural armor bonus. If you choose the form of a fire elemental, you gain a +8 size bonus to your Dexterity, a +6 size bonus to your Constitution, and a +6 natural armor bonus. This ability is otherwise identical to elemental body IV.
Lydia is a wise and benevolent Suel goddess who seeks to instruct trough music and to recover old lore and separate fact from fiction. She is very similar to Lirr.
Lydia (LIH-dee-ah) is a wise Suel goddess, shown as a dynamic older woman with white hair and clear blue eyes. Her symbol is a spray of colors from an open hand. She interacts with many other gods, exchanging information and songs.
People must gain knowledge to better themselves. Music is a key to learning, and the light of day lets one see their own ignorance.
Lydia's church has an open policy on all records, for the goddess hates secrets and those who would hoard information to the detriment of others. Her teachings are presented in song form so that they may be easily remembered, and her church often converts current and historical texts into ballads. Her church uses education to uplift women from lesser stations in life; this tends to make her unpopular with patriarchies.
Most of her clerics are women. They discover and spread information wherever they travel, and are often found in the company of clerics of Fharlanghn. They are required to help women in need of education, and they spend much of their time in villages teaching women and children how to read and acting as midwives. They travel to discover lost caches of information and song, preferring historical accounts of actual deeds rather than fictionalizations and hearsay tales.
Alignment: Neutral Good
Weapon: Shortspear
Symbol: spray of colors from an open hand.
Action Techniques
Pathfinder Domains
Charm, Good, Knowledge, Sun, Travel.
Pathfinder Traits
Pathfinder Obedience
Sing or play a musical instrument in public where strangers can hear you and be instructed. If no suitable public areas are located nearby, compose an original poem about a piece of lore significant to you. Gain a +4 sacred bonus on saving throws against sonic effects.
- Communicator (Sp) color spray 3/day, vizualisation of the mind 2/day, or sculpt sound 1/day
- Quiet Muse (Sp) You can cast extended brilliant inspiration three times per day.
- Paralyzing Song (Su) You make music with such skill and pathos that all around you become frozen still. Once per day as a full-round action, you may attempt a Perform (keyboard instruments, percussion instruments, string instruments, wind instruments, or sing) check. All enemies within 30 feet who can hear you must make a successful Will save (DC 10 + 1/2 your Perform skill modifier) or be affected as though by hold monster for as long as you continue playing.
Norebo is the Suel god of luck and gambling, Norebo has had a "secret" affair with Wee Jas for the last thousand years, and in this time We Jas has advanced to a position as the major lawful god of the Suel. This has made his cult something of a god of freedom under order, a safety valve of social pressure.
Norebo (noh-REE-boh) is one of the more popular Suel gods, known for his willingness to make a bet on anything and his fondness for dice games; his symbol (a pair of eight sided dice) stems from this. He has been paired with most of the female members of his pantheon, but has been linked to Wee Jas for the past one thousand years despite their alignment differences. He particularly despises Ralishaz for giving gambling and risks a bad name. Norebo is shown as a man of average height, weight, and features, but can assume animal forms, especially when he wishes to be hidden.
Life is full of risks and gambling with fate is the only thing that makes life worth living. Owning property and life itself are fleeting things, and best be enjoyed while you have them.
His worship is popular in the barbarian lands and large cities, and donations to his temples (called Churches of the Big Gamble) are usually in the form of lost bets (as gambling operations are run on-site). Some patrons donate to his temple in the hopes of warding off thieves and assassins. Clerics of the Norebo are willing to make wagers on anything and are usually employed at least part of the time in a gambling house. Others wander the world to bring chance and elements of risk into people's lives; they especially love bothering clerics and followers of rigid gods such as Allitur, Pholtus, and St. Cuthbert.
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral.
Weapon: Dagger.
Symbol: Pair of eight sided dice.
Action Technique
Pathfinder Traits
Pathfinder Domains
Animal (Fur), Chaos, Charm (Lust), Luck, Trickery.
Pathfinder Obedience
Spend an hour gambling at a gambling hall. If no gambling hall is available, gamble with any nearby intelligent creatures. If no creature is available to gamble with, make a bet with yourself on some situation where you could profit or make a loss in the next day. Gain a +2 sacred (or profane if evil) bonus on all Reflex saves, Profession (gambler) checks, and Sleight of Hand checks.
- Gambler's Readiness (Sp) cultural adaption 3/day, perceive clues 2/day, or contingent action 1/day
- Always Timely (Su) As a full-round action you can Invite one or several creatures within 30 ft. to gamble. Unless they succeed at a Will save (DC 10 +1/2 your Hit Dice + your Charisma modifier) they will accept this invitation. This is a fascination effect and cannot be used in combat, and doesn't prevent targets from gambling as well as they can. You can use this a number of times per day equal to your Wisdom modifier. Each use lasts for as long as you continue to gamble, up to an hour.
- Divine Deal (Su) Once per day you can gamble against Norebo himself. Tha game is played in your mind, and each game taking an hour. Make a Wisdom or Charisma check (DC 20). If you succeed, Norebo gives you credit for a wish and you can raise the stakes by trying again. If you fail, you lose any accumulated wishes and you lose 25,000 gp worth of valuables or magic items. If you quit the game while still ahead, you can immediately cash out your wishes.
Osprem is the Suel goddess of sea travel and wife of Xerbo, a civilizing influence on the sea lanes. Legends say that after the mythical war with AnaKeri, the seas were closed and Xerbo was a sea monster that enforced this divine rule. Osprem was a villager who fell in love with the monster and after many trials succeeded in winning his heart—and won the Suel the right to travel on water. This is said to have happened after the twin cataclysms, making Osprem one of the youngest Suel gods.
Osprem (AH-sprem) is a generally benign goddess, revered by the Suel people as the protector of those who travel on the water. She is more compassionate than her occasional companion Xerbo, yet she is not averse to punishing those who offend her or disobey her laws. She is shown as a beautiful gowned woman, a dolphin, a barracuda, or a sperm whale; the latter two are interchangeably used as her holy symbol. She wears no armor but is protected by a ring carved from a whale's tooth, given to her by the grandfather of all whales.
The seas provide a bounty of food and a means of travel; protect the sea as you would your own home, or face Osprem's wrath.
She protects those who sail and their vessels as long as they respect her and abide by her laws. She guides vessels through dangerous waters and is the patron goddess of naval explorers. Those who defy her laws are punished by storms of ice, and it is said entire towns were wiped out because of serious transgressions against her.
Her clerics are skilled navigators and often become the spiritual leaders of communities that rely on the sea for survival. Many gain political power for themselves based on the need for their abilities. Clerics not tied to one place might travel a great deal by ship; though they feel awkward away from the ocean, they are comfortable enough near lakes or rivers to venture inland.
Alignment: Lawful Neutral
Weapon: Trident
Symbol: Barracuda or a sperm whale
Action Domains
Animal, Life, Order, Spiritual, Water.
Pathfinder Domains
Animal (Any subdomain), Law, Protection, Travel, Water (Flotsam).
Pathfinder Traits
Pathfinder Obedience
Recite a sailor's tale from memory ot sing a sea chanty while weaving a small basket from reed and filling the basket with food, money, or other sources of comfort and releasing it on the waves. Gain a +4 sacred bonus on Swim checks and Constitution checks to hold your breath.
- Comfort of Faith (Sp) sanctuary 3/day, air step 2/day, or water breathing 1/day
- Aquatic Assistance (Sp) You can cast summon nature's ally VII once per day, but only to summon swimming creatures. You have telepathy range 100 ft. to summoned creatures, and the effect lasts one minute per HD you have. If you restrict yourself to summon nature's ally IV, the duration is extended to one hour per level.
- Sea Sight (Su) You gain blindsense 100 ft. and blindsight 30 ft., but only in water.
Phaukon, the father of Kord and an impressive Suel hero in his own right, Phaukon is a god of the air and archery. He brings people hope and teaches them to hunt and support themselves; he had an instrumental role in saving many of the Suel after the Invoked Devastation.
Synchretists see Phaukon as alternate name for Procan.
Phaulkon (FAHL-kahn) is an active deity, promoting the cause of good and chasing down evil. He concerns himself with all things that happen under the open sky, and is a scholar of artifacts (and how to negate their powers). Father of Kord and second only to him in fighting ability, he is friendly with Aerdrie Faenya (the elven goddess of air and weather), Jascar, and the other gods with portfolios similar to his own. Depicted as a powerful, clean-shaven, bare-chested, wingless man, his holy symbol is a winged human silhouette.
Victory in battle depends upon archery. The sky is the dome over creation, and creatures of the sky are blessed for freeing themselves from the soil. Take the fight to the enemy; do not wait for the encroach of evil. The ancient devices of war are best left alone, as their use involves great danger.
Phaulkon's clerics study the sky and clouds for portents, and work to protect the nesting places of flying animals. They teach archery and hunting to common people so they may feed and protect themselves, teach farmers the difference between birds that eat seeds and those that kill seed-eaters, and train soldiers in the more difficult aspects of ranged combat. When rumors of ancient evil magic surface, they seek out the source to make sure the item gets destroyed or at least stays buried. His clerics tend to be wanderers, enjoying living under the open sky and fighting evil where they discover it.
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Weapon: Longbow
Symbol: Winged human silhouette or stylized wing symbol.
Action Domains
Air, Animal, Flux, Life, Spiritual.
Pathfinder Domains
Air (Wind), Animal (Feather), Chaos (Azata), Good (Azata), War (Tactics).
Pathfinder Traits
Pathfinder Obedience
Recite a tale of heroism from memory while weaving or folding a small bird. Release the bird created on the wind. The farther it travels, the better. This can lead to impromptu contests between devotees.
- Comfort of Faith (Sp) divine favor 3/day, align weapon (chaos or good only) 2/day, or remove curse 1/day
- Avian Assistance (Sp) You can cast summon nature's ally VII once per day, but only to summon flying creatures. You have telepathy range 1000 ft. to summoned creatures, and the effect lasts one minute per HD you have.
- Raptor Gaze (Su) Your eyes become the golden eyes of a bird of prey. You gain the ability to ignore all range penalties on Perception checks. This is a sacred bonus.
Phyton, the Suel god of agriculture, was once a power of the wilderness, but allowed himself to be tamed and turned into a civilized farmer. He is also a god of beauty and physical perfection. His cult is large but lacks much influence. Some worshipers of phyton has turned the god's aspect of beauty into sustenance, and he has thus become a god of prostitution.
Phyton (FIE tahn) is a tall, slender, youthful looking Suel god who can take the form of any forest creature. Once like most nature deities, he now represents man's dominion over nature, and this puts him at odds with those who would protect a forest from the actions of mankind, just as his dominion over beauty angers Wee Jas. He clears forests to make room for crops, cuts tracks through mountains to make roads, and dams rivers to form fishing ponds. His symbol, a scimitar in front of an oak tree, hearkens back to his old purpose.
Nothing in nature is so beautiful as what man can make of it. A field of crops, a garden of herbs, and a swamp drained to form fertile soil are all marvels of nature as much as the forest and mountains. Natural animals that can be domesticated should be, but those that are dangerous to man or his works should be slain.
Clerics of Phyton act as protectors for farming settlements and look for ways to make use of nearby land. Each normally chooses a region to watch over, typically a circle one day's walk in diameter. They might use their powers to redirect a river to suit a town's needs, or to cull a forest of its uglier plants to leave a more pleasant locale. Some clerics wander the unsettled parts of the world, looking for destructive creatures to kill, abandoned sites of old civilizations, or wild places that might be useful to mankind.
Alignment: Lawful Neutral.
Weapon: Scimitar.
Symbol: Scimitar in front of an oak tree.
Pathfinder Domains
Animal, Charm (Love), Plant, Sun, Water.
Pathfinder Domains
Action Domains
Animal, Earth, Life, Plant, Spiritual.
Pyremius is the Suel god of fire and assassins and a patron of the Scarlett Brotherhood.
Pyremius (pie-REH-mee-us) was once a demigod of poison and murder, but he poisoned Ranet, the Suel goddess of fire, and assumed her portfolio. He is now the patron of assassins, and he carries a longsword called Red Light and a whip called Viper. He is friendly with fiends; jermlaine worship him, as do many nonhuman tribes. He keeps other gods at arm's length, except for Syrul, a fellow patron of the Scarlet Brotherhood. His holy symbol is a demonic face with ears like a bat's wings.
The world will perish in fire. Anything that threatens you must be burned, and those who would keep you from doing this must be killed. The greatest enemy must sleep sometime. Those who fall to such tactics deserve their fate, and those who exploit these weaknesses are the most crafty of all.
This doctrine means ranking clerics tend to prey upon each other, and smarter ones sometimes leave a temple to found their own order of the church. His clerics watch other people for weaknesses or openings in their defenses. They expose themselves to great heat to test their strength, plot against those who hold things they want, build superior forges, and explore exotic locations to find rare plants and other substances from which poisons can be made. Assassins can be hired at their temples; turnover among the clerics is high because of internal feuds,
Alignment: Lawful Evil.
Weapon: Longsword, whip, poi, unarmed attack.
Symbol: Demonic face with ears like a bat's wings.
Action Domains
Darkness, Fire, Life, Plant, Spiritual.
Pathfinder Domains
Darkness (Night), Death (Murder), Destruction, Evil (Fear), Fire (any subdomain).
Pathfinder Traits
Pathfinder Obedience
Strike a practice dummy with every melee attack you are capable of until the dummy smolders from profane fire. If no dummy is available, you can do with a wooden pillar or even a tree. When you score a critical hit, you inflict an additional 1d6 points of fire damage for every four hit dice you have.
- Martial Excellence (Sp) divine favor 3/day, spiritual weapon 2/day, or greater magic weapon 1/day
- Strong Arm (Su) As a swift action, you can increase the damage die of your weapon by one step for a number of rounds per day equal to your HD. These rounds need not be consecutive.
- Ranet's Rings (Su) Once per day, you can summon a floating array of giant iron rings that provide cover or attack foes, as if you had cast crushing hand, except that it has the [fire] subtype and any damage the hand inflicts is fire damage..
Syrul is a Suel goddess of deceit and trickery and patron of the Scarlet Brotherhood, rarely worshiped openly outside their lands. She likes to hide the truth under layers of illusion.
Syrul (SIGH-rul) appears as a dirty, smelly old hag in tattered clothing (an illusion that covers her nondescript appearance). She is never without Small Lie (a dagger of venom made from an evil unicorn's horn) and Harsh Truth (a rod of withering made from a gold dragon's crystallized soul), and rides a great nightmare called Flamedevil. She can see through any deception or illusion, and her holy symbol is a forked tongue. Syrul avoids other deities except for Pyremius, whom she partners with in many things.
The best way to protect what you know is to shield it in a lie. Speech is deadlier than any weapon; the greatest and smallest fall with a well-spoken untruth. Give your word to advance your cause, and break it when it is no longer of use. Trust is for fools, and betraying a fool is the greatest gift and lesson you can give them. Honesty and straightforwardness are for the dull-witted.
Her churches get along well despite their communication obstacles. Her clerics use their ability to lie effectively in situations where they can cause the most trouble: markets, courtrooms, embassies, and fortunetellers' booths. Many are skilled actors, performing in self-written plays that slander authority figures. They engage in debate, and are hired by leaders to confuse and misdirect spies and unwarranted foreign dignitaries. They travel to escape persecution, to find rumors to escalate, and to exploit the trust of greedy and foolish explorers.
Alignment: Neutral Evil
Weapon: Dagger
Symbol: Forked tongue.
Action Domains
Darkness, Illusion, Life, Order, Spiritual.
Pathfinder Domains
Charm, Evil (Daemon), Knowledge (Thought), Luck (Curse), Trickery.
Pathfinder Obedience
Torture a living creature with a knife. The creature must remain alive for the duration,. Gain a +4 profane bonus on saves against illusions and a +4 profane bonus to Bluff and Sense Motive.
- Liar's Trick (Sp) disguise self 3/day, passing fancy 2/day, or glibness 1/day
- Deeper Cuts (Ex) When you damage a creature with a slashing weapon or effect that deals slashing damage, at your discretion you may add a bleed 5 effect to the target.
- Syrul's Kiss (Sp) You can use geas once per day. This takes only a standard action, but requires touch.
Tharizdun, the god of madness, is not worshiped by the Suel per se, but over time he has had a fundamental influence over Suel culture, manly their wizardry. He plays a role in many legends and inspired the invoked devastation, his greatest triumph to date.
In Synchretism Tharizdun is seen not so much a god as the destructive principle, the impulse to madness and destruction inherent to intelligence. He masquerades as Ralishaz the god of madness and misfortune among the Baklunish and is served by Wastri the hopping prophet.
Thadzdun (iha-RIZ-dun) is an old and evil god of uncertain origin, imprisoned by the concerted effort of all of the gods, He has not been heard from in over one thousand years. If freed, it is said that the gods would again unite to lock him away, for he wishes no less than to unravel the fabric of the universe. Sites keyed to him still exist, and his relics still hold power. Although no true depictions of him remain, he is thought to be an utterly black entity without a solid form, leaving cold, decay, and insanity in his wake. His modern worshipers (such as the Scarlet Brotherhood, many say) carry a symbol of a dark spiral or inverted pyramid.
Light must be snuffed, perfection decayed, order dissolved, and minds fragmented.
All sorts of evil are described in the few remaining texts—foul rituals of sacrifice, destruction, and horrors from beyond the world unleashed upon the innocent. The current teachings of this faith revolve around the number three, the discovery of items relating to his power (keys to contacting him), and the means to free him from his confinement. Many of his clerics are mad. The rest are deluded enough to think that his release will grant them privilege when he remakes the world. They are very secretive and learn to trust only other members of the cult. They conduct bizarre rituals and explore ancient sites for keys to his chains. Because of their god's imprisonment, his clerics must be in contact with an object or site imbued with some of Tharizdun's power to prepare or cast spells.
Alignment: Chaotic Evil
Weapon: Spiral of decay (chakram)
Symbol: Dark spiral or inverted pyramid.
Action Domains
Darkness, Flux, Mind, Space, Spiritual.
Pathfinder Domains
Darkness (Normal or Loss), Chaos (Entropy), Destruction, Evil (Fear), Knowledge (Normal or Thought), Luck (Curse), Madness (any subdomain), Magic (Arcane), Plant (Decay), Trickery, Void (normal, Dark Tapestry). Tharizdun has far more domains than any other deity, this is part of his terrible temptation.
Pathfinder Traits
Pathfinder Obedience
Carve a jagged spiral in living flesh—your own if no other is available. Follow the spiral in your mind, letting you lead to you a vision of the dissolution of all things. Spend half an hour in a swoon, recovering from the ordeal. If you cannot perform this rite, you can instead focus your mind on visualizing the inverted pyramid. This only takes one minute, but you take 1d4 Wisdom damage.
- Secret Lore (Sp) identify 3/day, augury 2/day, or bestow curse 1/day
- Heretical Revelation (Su) Up to three times per day, you can whisper terrible secrets to an adjacent target as a standard action. The target can resist with a Will save (DC = 10 + 1/2 your HD + your Charisma modifier). If the target fails its save, it is stunned for 1 round, then confused for 1d4 rounds, and then nauseated for 2d6 rounds. This is a mind-affecting effect.
- Penultimate Incantation (Sp) You can cast maze of madness and suffering three times per day.
Tiamat has been subtly influencing the Suel since the dawn of history, often as a respected goddess, sometimes as a tempting voice in the darkness. She is worshiped both openly and secretly.
Tiamat is part of the Common pantheon as the goddess of power and wealth. Cruel lords and unscrupulous merchants flock to her temples. Her cult is pretty good at staying out of trouble. Attendants are encouraged to wear masks, which allows them to avoid blame when one of the flock is discovered doing nefarious deeds.
In Synchretism Tiamat is the evil god of tyranny, pride, and greed. She is seen to manifest as Abbathor among dwarves, Beltar among the Suel and Urdlen among gnomes. Her most important sponsored godling is Hextor, the Oerdian god of tyranny and brother of Hieroneous. Others include Pyremius, patron of the Scarlet Brotherhood. Kurtumlak, an ascended kobold and the god of traps. Raxivort the god of goblins and rats. Her most respectable divine follower is Xerbo the Suel god of the sea and trade. It is seen as a testament to Tiamat's influence among the Suel that she has one avatar and two agents in their pantheon as well as being worshiped directly.
Tiamat (tee-ah-mat), like her archrival, Bahamut, is revered as a deity in many locales. All evil dragons pay homage to Tiamat; green and blue dragons acknowledge her sovereignty the most readily. Good dragons have a healthy respect for Tiamat, though they usually avoid mentioning her or even thinking about her. In her natural form, Tiamat is a thick-bodied dragon with five heads and a wyvern’s tail. Each head is a different color: white, black, green, blue, and red. Her massive body is striped in those colors. Tiamat has many consorts, include great wyrm dragons of the white, black, green, blue, and red types.
Tiamat concerns herself with spreading evil, defeating good, and propagating evil dragons. She enjoys razing the occasional village, city, or country, but only as a diversion from her subtle, worldspanning plots. She is the villain who lurks in the shadows. Her presence is felt but seldom seen. Tiamat constantly seeks to extend the power and dominion of evil dragons over the land, particularly when her subjects find themselves embroiled in territorial disputes with good dragons. Tiamat also unfailingly demands reverence, homage, and tribute from her subjects.
Like Bahamut, Tiamat has few clerics and even fewer temples. Tiamat’s clerics, like Tiamat herself, seek to place the world under the domination of evil dragons. Though most evil dragons honor Tiamat, few keep shrines dedicated to her in their lairs because they don’t want Tiamat’s greedy eyes gazing at their treasure hoards. Instead, they dedicate vast, gloomy caverns to their deity and keep them stocked with treasure and sacrifices.
Alignment: Lawful Evil.
Weapon: Bardiche.
Symbol: An amulet of five parts, or a stylized dragon, or a set of five full helms.
Action Domains
Darkness, Gifts, Life, Order, Spiritual.
Pathfinder Domains
Destruction, Evil (Fear), Nobility, Scalykind (Dragon), War.
Pathfinder Traits
Pathfinder Obedience - Seducer Aspect
Achieve sexual release, either alone or with a partner, and then defile a page torn from the religious canon of a lawful good deity. Gain a +4 bonus on saves against enchantment effects.
- Sins of the Flesh (Sp) charm person 3/day, eagle’s splendor 2/ day, or beast shape I 1/day
- Compelling Voice (Su) Your mind-affecting effects become harder to resist. Increase the save DC of such effects created by you by +1, or by +2 when used against an intelligent creature that could be sexually attracted to you.
- Truth in the Flesh (Sp) Shapechange 1/day.
Vatun is the patron of the Suel barbarians of the North-East, Vatun the one-eyed is a harsh and unforgiving master that sends long ships south to plunder and sets tribe against tribe in trials of strength and valor. Because he is currently imprisoned, his worshipers need to carry a burning torch in order to invoke spells from him.
Vatun (VAY-tun) is largely forgotten outside the Thillonrian peninsula. Not worshiped by the Suel Imperium, Vatun is included in that pantheon because of his worship by the Suel-descended northern barbarians. Vatun was imprisoned by clerics of Telchur about the time of the Battle of a Fortnight's Length. He wields an ice battleaxe called Winter's Bite. When free, Vatun was a whirlwind of cold rage and energy, inspiring his followers to raid south as often as possible. Dalt and Llerg are his only allies. He is shown as a huge Suel man wearing polar bear skins and a beard of ice and snow, with frozen fog coming from his mouth. His holy symbol is the sun setting on a snowy landscape.
Winter is a time for culling the weak so that the strong may survive. Snow shall cover cowards and they shall be forgotten by all. The people of the north are the true survivors and will inherit the world when the Great Winter comes to cover the land.
Vatun's clerics preach violence against Telchur's faith, help their tribes survive in winter, heal the injured, and aid their people in battle. Level-headed clerics are sent to search for the Five Blades of Corusk, which if united will free Vatun from his prison (or so say the legends). Recent lore indicates a diabolical connection to Vatun's prison, and so his clerics have become ardent foes of devils. Because of his imprisonment, Vatun's clerics must be within ten feet of a torch-sized (or larger) flame to prepare or cast spells.
Alignment: Chaotic Evil.
Weapon: Battleaxe.
Symbol: Sun setting on snow.
Action Domains
Death, Flux, Ice, Life, Spiritual.
Pathfinder Domains
Air, Destruction (Catastrophe), Fire (Smoke), Strength (Resolve), Weather (Storms).
Pathfinder Traits
Pathfinder Obedience
Recite all the names you can recall of those who have died by your hand. Mediate upon their faces and the circumstances of their deaths, evaluating your actions in the light of cold. Gain a +4 sacred bonus to AC against critical hit confirmation rolls.
- Chooser of the Slain (Sp) shield of faith 3/day, death knell 2/day, or keen edge 1/day
- Severe Strike (Su) You ignore the first 5 points of creatures’ damage reduction when making melee weapon attacks, regardless of the type and composition of your weapon. For example, a creature with DR 10/silver would be treated as having DR 5/silver against your attacks.
- Execute (Sp) You can cast power word kill once per day.
Wee Jas
Wee Jas is the Suel goddess of beauty, death, and magic. She is the most important lawful Suel divinity today. Wee Jas has had flirtations with evil over the ages, which is not a big thing the way the Suel see it. She also in a relationship with Norebo.
Wee Jas (WEE jas) is portrayed as a stunning woman dressed in a beautiful gown, wearing some piece of jewelry with a skull motif. She promotes the utilization of spells and magic items (though many of her Suel followers insist she favors the creation of such things). She gained her death aspect when the survivors of the Rain of Colorless Fire looked to their goddess of magic for assurance that the dead were being escorted to the afterworld. Her allies are the lawful Suel gods while the chaotic ones are her enemies (except Norebo, who is her lover despite their philosophical differences). She respects Boccob, dislikes the beauty goddess Myhriss, and ignores most other deities. Her symbol is a red skull, sometimes in front of a fireball.
Magic is the key to all things. Understanding, personal power, security, order, and control over fate come with the study of magic. Respect those who came before you, left their knowledge, and died to make room for you; there will come a time when your life is over and those who come after will honor your learning and your memory.
Clerics of Wee Jas arbitrate disputes, give advice on magic, investigate magical curiosities, create magic items, and administer funerals. The more powerful clerics use their magic to fortify their temple and city. Clerics of lower level are expected to defer to ones of higher level at all times. Her clerics must get her permission before restoring a weak or chaotic being to life.
Alignment: Lawful Neutral.
Weapon: Dagger.
Symbol: Red skull, sometimes in front of a fireball.
Pathfinder Domains
Death, Knowledge (Memory), Law, Magic (Arcane), Repose (Souls).
Pathfinder Traits
Obedience Speak the words of a spell that has had a significant effect on your fate, over and over, while studying your own face in a mirror. Meditate on how this spell has changed you, what you would like if this spell had not been, and finally on death and how this spell contributed to keeping you alive. At the culmination of your obedience, cast any spell or spell-like ability or activate a spell completion or spell trigger magic item. Gain a +4 sacred or profane bonus on concentration checks. The type of bonus depends on your alignment—if you’re neither good nor evil, you must choose either sacred or profane the first time you perform your obedience, and this choice can’t be changed.
Evangelist or Feat
- Arcane Essence (Sp) mage armor 3/day, false life 2/day, or speak with dead 1/day
- Arcane Eye (Sp) You can use arcane eye three times per day as a spell-like ability. The arcane eye you summon functions as if you had cast deathwatch and were able to view its information through the arcane eye.
- Beauty of Wee-Jas (Su) You gain a sacred or profane bonus to armor class equal to your Charisma bonus (minimum 1). The type of this bonus is the same as that granted by your obedience.
- Magical Essences (Sp) magic aura 3/day, misdirection 2/day, or arcane sight 1/day
- Atame (Su) You can deliver touch spells with a casting time of one standard action or longer through a dagger. Using this ability doesn’t change the casting time or other qualities of the spell, but you must make a throwing attack with your dagger against the target’s touch touch AC. You take normal range penalties on this attack. This allows you to deliver touch spells at range. Hit or miss, the dagger teleports back into your hand, holding the charge if you missed the attack roll.
- Pure Magic Aura (Su) You radiate an aura of the pure essence of magic. You can use this ability a number of rounds per day equal to 1 + 1 for every 4 Hit Dice you possess (maximum 6 rounds). These rounds don’t need to be consecutive, and you can activate and deactivate your aura as a free action. You and any allies within 20 feet of you increase your caster levels by 1d4. Roll this die when you activate this ability and use the same value for all who gain this benefit. The increase affects spell qualities (such as duration and number of targets) that rely on caster level, as well as caster level checks made to overcome spell resistance. The bonus caster levels don’t grant higher-level spell slots or cause the recipients to learn new spells.
- Magical Enhancer (Sp) magic weapon 3/day, arrow eruptionAPG 2/day, or vampire touch 1/day
- Strip Defences (Sp) Once per day when you hit an opponent with a melee attack, you can cast greater dispel magic with a caster level equal to your HD, as a free action that does not trigger attacks of opportunity.
- Wee-Jas's Protection (Su) A complex arcane sigil manifests on your skin. The location of this sigil varies by individual, but always appears in a place easily displayed. (Most commonly, the sigil appears on your upper chest.) While the sigil remains uncovered, you gain a deflection bonus to AC equal to 1 + 1 for every 4 Hit Dice you possess (maximum +6). You lose the deflection bonus if the sigil becomes obscured, but it returns once the sigil is made visible once again.
Action Domains
Death, Life, Magic, Order, Spiritual.
Xerbo is a Suel god of monsters and the ocean depths, mainly worshiped in conjunction with his wife Osprem.
Xerbo (ZER-boh) is a stern and indifferent god. He is shown as a large man with matted kelplike hair, wearing dragon turtle armor and shield. His trident, Murky Deep, enchants and grants him dominion over all ocean life and can enchant his opponents. Xerbo is also a mercantile god, where his stern demeanor represents the drive for a hard bargain. Most revere him as a merchant's god and placate him as a sea god. He avoids other gods except his estranged wife Osprem, battles Procan regularly, and sulks whenever Zilchus encroaches on his followers. His symbol is a dragon turtle.
The law of the sea states that no sea creature should be favored over another. Land creatures, including intelligent ones, have no place in the water; it is a place to be feared and respected, not exploited. Land creatures in danger on the sea deserve no help unless they act to protect sea creatures or the sea itself. Do not let one's emotions get in the way of making trade; no person should be favored over another. This last thought makes him popular with smaller merchants and disliked by unions and guilds.
Xerbo's clerics are expected to protect the sea and sea life. They watch over merchant vessels on trade routes or facilitate business meetings in port cities. The god does not tolerate extended forays on land, especially for foolish pursuits such as exploring ruins and dungeons.
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Weapon: Trident
Symbol: Dragon turtle.
Action Domains: Animal, Flux, Life, Spiritual, Water.
Pathfinder Domains
Animal (Normal, Fur), Knowledge, Plant (Growth), Travel (Trade), Water (Flotsam or Oceans).
Pathfinder Traits
Pathfinder Obedience
Throw a coin or other treasure into the sea. In you are not by the sea, put the offering into a turtle shell, that you will empty when you are next by the sea. If you lose your turtle shell while there are offerings within it, you cannot perform this obedience until you have reclaimed it or dropped a piece of jewelry worth 100 gp. or more into the sea.
- First Oath (Sp) speak with animals (aquatic animals only) 3/ day, summon nature's ally II (aquatic creatures only) 2/day, or water breathing 1/day.
- Second Oath (Ex) You become immune to damage from water pressure, and gain the ability to breathe water, a +2 profane bonus to Constitution, and a swim speed equal to your base land speed (or increase your current swim speed by 30 ft.).
- Third Oath (Sp) Dominate monster 1/day (aquatic creatures only).