Beltar (Greyhawk Action)
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Greyhawk Action! |
Chaotic Evil
Beltar is the Suel hag goddess and mother of monsters is rarely worshiped by humans.
The haglike goddess Beltar (BEL-tar) one of the stranger Suel deities, known to appear as a beholder, red dragon, or marilith demon (the likely cause of Suloise snake-cult rumors). She was once a goddess of mines and earth, but was supplanted by others in her pantheon and finally relegated to worship by nonhuman slaves. She hates most everything, even other gods. Her holy symbol is a set of monstrous fangs closing to bite. She takes many mates in her various forms, but she is known to eat them afterward, as well as her own young.
Mine and explore caves in pursuit of foes and riches. Fear is not acceptable in the face of adversity, and only hatred is allowed for those who stand in your way.
Primarily worshiped by evil nonhumans and savage humans, Beltar pushes her followers to band together into armies and ally with more powerful creatures, such as red dragons, beholders, demons, or greater undead. They must wage war on hated foes.
Clerics of Beltar are expected to take positions of leadership in their tribes; those who cannot do so are cast out to find heathen tribes to convert or new enemies for to fight. They inspire hatred in others and make examples of traitors or the weak-willed. Worship services involve sacrifices and are conducted in caves or points of low ground. Devoted clerics rise from the grave as undead within a year of their deaths, usually returning to aid their original tribe and show proof of the goddess' power.
Alignment: CE
Weapon: Claws (spiked gauntlets)
Symbol: Monstrous fangs closing to bite.
Action Domain
Animal, Darkness, Earth, Gifts, Spiritual.
Pathfinder Domains
Chaos, Earth, Evil, Strength, Trickery.
Patfinder Traits
Pathfinder Obedience
Sacrifice an unwilling living creature in the name of the Mother of Monsters. Draw the process out to inspire the maximum terror and suffering in your victim. The death blow you deal should be savage and destructive—do not grant your sacrifice a clean death. Once the creature is dead, remove one of its bones and sharpen it to a point. Use the bone to cut yourself deeply enough to leave a scar. Leave the sacrificed creature’s mutilated form in the open where scavengers may devour it or travelers may see it and know of Beltar’s power. Gain a +1 natural armor bonus to your AC.
Evangelist or Feat
- Savage Summoner (Sp) summon monster I 3/day, summon swarm 2/day, or summon nature’s ally III 1/day
- Terrifying Eidolon (Su) Your eidolon gains the frightful presence evolution for free, if you wish. Whenever you gain a new level in the summoner class (or the evangelist prestige class, if your aligned class has the eidolon class feature) and you reassign your evolution points, you can choose to assign or remove the frightful presence evolution. Once your choice has been made, it can’t be altered until the next time you gain an appropriate level. If you don’t have the eidolon class feature, you can instead use summon monster V once per day as a spell-like ability.
- Tainted Ally (Sp) Once per day as a standard action, you can summon a baregara (Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 3 34). The baregara follows your commands perfectly for 1 minute for every Hit Die you possess before vanishing back to its home in the Abyss. The baregara doesn’t follow commands that would cause it to act in lawful, good, or otherwise beneficial ways. Such commands not only earn a snarl of disgust from the creature, but could cause the baregara to attack you if the command is particularly egregious.
- Howling Terror (Sp) cause fear 3/day, mad hallucinationUM 2/day, or fear 1/day
- Maddening Thoughts (Su) Your mind constantly swirls with dark whispers and disturbing thoughts. You gain a +4 profane bonus on saving throws against mind-affecting (compulsion) spells and effects and against divination spells and effects that attempt to read your thoughts. Anyone who targets you with such a spell or effect must succeed at a Will saving throw (with a DC equal to 10 + your Wisdom modifier + 1/2 your Hit Dice) or take 1d4 points of Wisdom damage.
- Monstrous Transformation (Sp) Once per day, you can use baleful polymorph, except you change the target into a horribly mutated form of the chosen animal. The target takes a –4 penalty on its saving throw to resist your spell (if the new form would prove fatal for the creature, it still gains a +4 bonus on its saving throw, effectively negating this penalty). In addition to the other effects of the spell, the subject is in constant pain from its twisted and disfigured form, and takes 1d6 points of nonlethal damage each round. This constant agony imposes a –2 penalty on all of the target’s ability checks, skill checks, saving throws, attack rolls, and damage rolls.
- Ferocious Battler (Sp) stone fistAPG 3/day, bear’s endurance 2/day, or greater magic fang 1/day
- Bestial Jaws (Ex) Your jaw distends slightly and you grow prominent canines. You gain a bite attack that deals 1d4 points of damage if you’re Medium or 1d3 points of damage if you’re Small, plus half your Strength bonus. When part of a full attack, the bite attack is made at your full base attack bonus –5. You can also make a bite attack as part of the action to maintain or break free from a grapple. This attack is resolved before the grapple check is attempted. If the bite attack hits, you gain a +2 bonus on your grapple check and any other grapple check against the same creature this round.
- Scarred Form (Su) An armor-like epidermis of thick scars covers you. You take a –2 penalty on Charisma checks and Charisma-based skill checks (except intimidate). You gain damage reduction 5/—. If you already had damage reduction with no method of bypass (such as from the barbarian’s damage reduction class feature), you instead increase that damage reduction by
- Lunatic’s Gift (Sp) lesser confusion 3/day, touch of idiocy 2/day, or summon monster III 1/day
- Teratoma (Ex) You gain a beneficial deformity. Generally, this deformity manifests as a tentacle, tail, claw, or bite that grants you a secondary natural attack dealing 1d6 (1d4 for Small creatures) points of damage. You gain an additional ability depending on the attack chosen as well—this ability can be chosen from the following special attacks: bleed 3, grab, trip, or a 5-foot increase to reach with the natural attack only.
- Third Eye (Su) A third eye opens in your forehead. This eye grants you darkvision to a range of 60 feet (if you already have darkvision, it extends the range of your darkvision by 60 feet) and a +4 profane bonus on Perception checks. Three times per day, you may use a gaze attack that lasts for 1 round; activating this gaze attack is a swift action. This gaze attack has a range of 30 feet, and drives those who fail to resist its effects with a Will save permanently insane, as per the spell insanity (save DC equals 10 + half your HD + your Charisma modifier).
Antipaladin Code
The leaders of Beltar’s children are proud of their deformities and rage against civilization. They seek to tear the blinders from the eyes of the world and show them the nightmare of nature, the writhing and endlessly fecund truth. Their code is one of bloodshed and howling madness. Its tenets include the following adages.
- All things are monstrous, and only the weak hide their marks. I show the world as it is.
- I will bring the outcasts in from the cold and teach them the taste of victory.
- I fill the wombs. I birth the children. I teach our enemies why they fear the night.
- I bring madness to the cities, that in their blood and fear they may understand the chaos of the world.
- I will spread the Mother’s seed. If the blind cannot be taught to see, their children can.