Maneuver Powers (Action)
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Heroic Action Role-Play |
This page collects all Schticks and Powers related to Skills in one place.
Maneuver Schticks
Trigger Action (Defense)
When another creature succeeds at a roll against your Maneuver, you can make an active defense to increase your defensive Maneuver by +3 for the current shot. This bonus also applies when you do an Interference stunt.
You can move trough the air as long as there are branches, vines, ropes, curtains, or other accessible handholds for you to use. This is usually the case in dense forests, but occurs in other places as well, such as in construction sites, slaughterhouses, and quaint urban neighborhoods.
Caped Crusader
Strike a pose while wearing a great billowing cloak. For the rest of the round you can glide using this cape, flying but only horizontally or downwards. The GM may allow you to do stunts to catch updrafts to rise as appropriate to the situation.
Cat Man
When you succeed on a Climb check, you are not considered Static. If you fail the Climb you can neither move nor act.
Escape Artist
Basic Action
You have the marvelous ability to contort your limbs and dislocate your bones in order to make efficient Contortions stunts. You use Maneuver instead of Reflexes for such stunts.
Follow Through
When you make a successful Maneuver stunt to affect an opponent, add +3 to your Outcome. This works as if you had Advantage which means it stacks with anything else. Outcome is commonly used to determine if you score a Setback.
Limit Break
Formation is a variant of Swarm and Troop and is a complex and invasive power. It is only available to Folk but not to named characters. Military Formations go out of favor at the Combustion tech level when area weapons become common, but are still used by police and rioters.
A Formation is a group of 10 identical Unnamed Folk acting with cohesion and discipline in a tight formation. Though the members of the Formation are unnamed, the Formation as a whole is usually a Henchman in rank. Assuming Formation is a Limit Break tat even unnamed characters can do and requires no focus. A creature that has both the Troop and Formation schticks can change from Formation to Troop as a Basic Action.
The Formation acts much as a single creature and most normal rules apply with the following exceptions. This represents members of the Formation using Assist to help each other and so stacks with other modifiers.
- The space the Formation occupies on the map is twice the space in each dimension occupied by an individual creature.
- The Formation's Impress, Melee, and Shoot skills are increased by +3.
- Effects that affects only a single creature in the Formation have to be particularly powerful to have effect on the Formation as a whole; Add +3 to the Formation's defense value against such attacks. This adds to the bonuses from § 2.
- The Formation cannot take Damage Setbacks from attacks that only affect a single individual; only area attacks can do Damage Setbacks.
- Creatures can move away from the Formation and act normally using their own abilities, but each person leaving inflicts a Hit on the Formation.
- A Formation is Stymied at Free Running. The GM may require rolls for sudden shifts in direction.
A Formation can be larger than the normal 10 individuals. Taking this Schtick several times multiplies the number of creatures in the Formation by 10 each time. Each use increases space by one two meters and increases the bonus to Impress, Melee, and Shoot as well as Dodge against non-area attacks by +2. If a Formation one size smaller (1/10 of the total of men in the Formation) leaves such a larger Formation, the parent Formation takes a Hit
Height Advantage
When you are within 10 meters on any opponent horizontally and between 2 and 20 meters above all opponents vertically, you can focus.
You can make Confident Rolls when Free Running.
Power Hitch
Trigger Action
When a creature within Move meters of you uses a power to move you can make an opposed Maneuver roll to hitch a ride; moving along with the target and arriving at a spot of your choice within Move meters of that target. Examples of powers you can hitch on include Abundant Leap, Fly, and Teleport powers. If you were Sneaking when you used this and end up in a place you can hide, you are still sneaking.
Trigger Action (Combo)
After you have performed an action that includes movement, you can use this shtick to move again. This allows you to act-move-move or move-act-move. You cannot use Skirmish if you are you are Static or the action you just did is one that in itself allows additional movement.
When you perform a Run Push stunt, the Maneuver roll is Confident.
You are equally fast and maneuverable on land and in water. This negates the penalties of the Swimming rules. Unlike an Amphibian you can still breathe only air - or water if you are an qauatic creature.
Trigger Action
You can do a Interference stunt when flying or swimming and against an opponent with a Body up to 9 points higher than yours.
Troop is a variant of Swarm and Formation and is a complex and invasive power. It is only available to Folk and not to named characters.
A Troop is a group of 10 identical Unnamed Folk acting with cohesion and discipline in an open or skirmish formation. Though the members of the Troop are unnamed, the Troop as a whole is usually at least a Henchman in rank. The Troop acts much as a single creature and most normal rules apply. Creatures that move away from the Troop can act normally using their normal abilities, but each person leaving inflicts a Hit on the Troop.
- The space the Troop as a whole occupies on the map is three three than the space occupied by an individual creature.
- Troops do not fill the space they take up on the map. Creatures be in the space of a Troop, and the Troop can mill around obstacles. This applies as long as the creature or obstacle is about the same size as members of the troop. The troop can pass narrow terrain as if it was a single group member.
- The Troop's Dodge (against ranged attacks only), Impress, and Shoot skills are increased by +3. This represents members of the Troop using Assist to help each other.
- Things that affects only a single creature in the Troop have to be particularly powerful to have any effect at all on the troop in its entirety; Add +3 to the Formation's defense value against such attacks. This adds to the bonuses from §3.
- The Troop cannot take Damage Setbacks from attacks that only affect a single individual; only area attacks can do Damage Setbacks.
- Creatures can move away from the Troop and act normally using their own abilities, but each person leaving inflicts a Hit on the Troop.
The normal Troop comprises about 10 individuals, but some Troops are larger. Taking this power several times multiplies the number of creatures in the Troop by 10. This increases space by three additional meters and increases the bonus to Dodge, Impress, and Shoot by +2. If a troop one size smaller (1/10 of the total of men in the troop) leaves such a larger Troop, the parent Troop takes a Hit
Tunnel Rat
You are at home in caves, ventilation ducts, and other tight places. You can keep track of direction and distance and move without hesitation. Other people in such situations lose the movement that is part of a normal Basic Action and can only move their normal Move if they dedicate a whole basic action to it.
You automatically pass any Maneuver test to move around in a constricted space, as long as it is wider than your shoulders. Maneuver checks in tighter spaces are routine.
Shapeshift Air
Abundant Leap
Basic Action
Make a huge leap, moving ten times your normal Move in any direction. If you use this power for overland movement, you move at four times your usual speed. This increases your effective Move value by +3 when determining your maximum speed, but is as taxing as running.
Air Adaption
Basic Action
The target can breathe air freely for the rest of the session and can move on land at normal speed. The target's skin will not take damage from exposure to normal air. This power is mainly useful for creatures that are normally aquatic, or adapted to some other non-gaseous environment. You can easily maintain this power on a number of targets equal to your Mind, more than that and it requires effort, similar to doing one Limit Break for each time you double the number of creatures, see Vitality.
Air Elemental Form
Limit Break
You assume the form of another creature decided when you gain the power. You must have created a variant form for yourself using your normal points and limits. If you do not have such a creature description ready, you cannot use this power. This creature cannot have higher value in any particular skill than you do. You can add powers of the same form the creature has and keep schticks and powers you already have, but you cannot otherwise add powers or schticks. This power cannot be used to imitate a specific individual; you remain yourself in mannerisms and detail while changing race, species, and creature type.
You remain in this form for a scene or until you fall asleep or unconscious or will yourself back to your normal form (a Basic Action). You can learn this power several times to learn to transform into several different creatures.
You can only assume the form on an Air Elemental with this version of the power.
Feather Fall
Trigger Action
You can cause a creature or object to be affected by gravity much less than normal. You can use this whenever something is in free fall or following a trajectory (as opposed to flying under its own power). Used on a falling object or creature, it requires a Action check against the Body of the falling object, or the Dodge of an unwilling target. The target floats harmlessly to the ground at a Move of 5. It can also be used against thrown weapons and ranged weapons of Blacksmith technology or lower. Used this way, it renders a missile harmless with a Action check against their attack roll. As a Trigger Action (Combo) used with a Feat of Strength. Reduce the effective mass of the object by one for every three points of Outcome. Once you have done this, the effect lasts as long as you continue to do a Feat of Strength on the object.
Gone Like the Wind
Trigger Action (Combo)
When you perform Basic Action, you can use this shtick to move an additional time after the action. This allows you to move-act-move or act-move-move. You can use Gone Like the Wind if the action you just did is one that in itself allows additional movement or when you are Static.
You can move through the air instead of along the ground. For aquatic creatures, this means they can swim in air. If you are not accustomed to exposure to air, you can breathe air freely and can now move on land and thru the air at normal speed. Your skin will not take damage from normal exposure to air.
Mist Form
You assume mist form. In this form, you can fly at your normal Move. You become Amorph and Resist Physical damage but vulnerable to gusts of wind. You can Sneak as if you were in cover if there is any natural fog about.
Prodigious Leap
You can move at your normal speed by jumping instead of by walking. This lets you get around obstacles and hindrances on the ground. No individual leap can be longer than your Move.
Basic Action
You create a buffeting wind shock that makes a flying target lose altitude. Make an opposed Maneuver check, on a success the target loses 3 shots and you can move them a number of meters equal to your Body, half of this must be straight down. On an outcome matching the target's Reflexes you can move the target twice as far and also cannot fly for the rest of the scene or until the he receives successful First Aid with a difficulty equal to your Maneuver. He can still fly down to land safely, but cannot perform any Basic Actions or Limit Breaks until safely on the ground. Unlike most Maneuver effects, Turbulence can be done at a distance, with normal range penalties. Turbulence also allows Outmaneuver and Trip to be made at range.
Shapeshift Earth
You (and only you) can move through the earth by burrowing. When you try to move through earth or stone, make a Confident Maneuver check with a difficulty of 8 plus the armor value of the material. This is not an action unless you fail the roll. If you fail by a margin less than your Reflexes, you need to focus on moving to the extent that the move itself counts as a Basic Action - if you planned to do something after the move you cannot, if you acted before moving the movement fails. If the negative outcome matches your Reflexes you suffer a Setback.
Earth Elemental Form
Limit Break
You assume the form of another creature decided when you gain the power. You must have created a variant form for yourself using your normal points and limits. If you do not have such a creature description ready, you cannot use this power. This creature cannot have higher value in any particular skill than you do. You can add powers of the same form the creature has and keep schticks and powers you already have, but you cannot otherwise add powers or schticks. This power cannot be used to imitate a specific individual; you remain yourself in mannerisms and detail while changing race, species, and creature type.
You remain in this form for a scene or until you fall asleep or unconscious or will yourself back to your normal form (a Basic Action). You can learn this power several times to learn to transform into several different creatures.
You can only assume the form on an Earth Elemental with this power.
Earth Feet
Your movement is unhindered, as long as you are in contact with the earth. Sand, broken ground, caltrops, pebbles, slopes, walls, and steps no taller than you are, all can be easily moved through. Halve the Free Running difficulty as long as you are in contact with a solid surface.
Levitating Rock
You ride a large rock, moving through the air instead of along the ground. The rock is large and clumsy enough that it is hard for you to fly in constricted spaces.
Basic Action or Finisher
You can turn yourself to stone as a basic action or turn an opponent to stone as a finishing move. This can either be a stone statue, a basic lump of rock, encasement in mineral substances, or a merger with existing stone or rock. It can be an useful item, such as a stairway, portal, or wall section. In either case size remains roughly the same, but mass is increased by a factor of four or so.
Someone who is petrified can take no actions and has only very basic sensory impressions of the surrounding. Biological functions and needs stop and this dulls the sense of time; if there are no stimuli to remember, eons seem to pass in moments. Add the targets Dodge value to the soak attribute against all types of damage.
This is a Curse, but you can use a basic action to break the effect at any time while touching the target.
Shapeshift Electricity
Electric Elemental Form
Limit Break
You assume the form of another creature decided when you gain the power. You must have created a variant form for yourself using your normal points and limits. If you do not have such a creature description ready, you cannot use this power. This creature cannot have higher value in any particular skill than you do. You can add powers of the same form the creature has and keep schticks and powers you already have, but you cannot otherwise add powers or schticks. This power cannot be used to imitate a specific individual; you remain yourself in mannerisms and detail while changing race, species, and creature type.
You remain in this form for a scene or until you fall asleep or unconscious or will yourself back to your normal form (a Basic Action). You can learn this power several times to learn to transform into several different creatures.
You can only assume the form on an Electric Elemental with this version of the power.
Electric Ghost
You transform yourself into a sparkling nimbus of electricity. You become Insubstantial and Incorporeal. In this form, you can travel along metal surfaces with your Maneuver as your Move and you can move through holes and small openings or along metal cables as long as they can support a power surge - ordinary power cables are too weak and even indoor electric mains will be destroyed as you move along them. You cannot walk trough metal walls.
Magnetic Hover
You can move through the air instead of along the ground, but you can fly no further away from the ground, buildings, or a metal object than can carry your weight than your Mind meters.
Shapeshift Fire
Fire Elemental Form
Limit Break
You assume the form of another creature decided when you gain the power. You must have created a variant form for yourself using your normal points and limits. If you do not have such a creature description ready, you cannot use this power. This creature cannot have higher value in any particular skill than you do. You can add powers of the same form the creature has and keep schticks and powers you already have, but you cannot otherwise add powers or schticks. This power cannot be used to imitate a specific individual; you remain yourself in mannerisms and detail while changing race, species, and creature type.
You remain in this form for a scene or until you fall asleep or unconscious or will yourself back to your normal form (a Basic Action). You can learn this power several times to learn to transform into several different creatures.
You can only assume the form on a Fire Elemental with this version of the power.
Fire Glide
You can walk on any combustible object as if it was flat ground, causing it to ignite. You can even walk on an inverted surface or one that would not carry your weight. You can fly at normal Move so long as you remain within Maneuver meters of an open fire. You leave a trail of fire and embers as you move, making you easy to track.
Shapeshift Water
You become an amorph being with no definite form and no sensitive interior organs. You can displace your form to shift out of bonds or through tiny holes only large enough to let water through. Add your Mind to your Body and Toughness to soak Blunt damage.
Hover Bubble
You create a bubble of water around yourself that you can move. This lets you fly at your normal speed and helps sustain a water creature in air. It can also be used to create a bubble of air in water, with similar effects. You can keep another creature with you in a hover bubble, but unless that creature's Body is 5 or more lower than yours, neither of you can move as a part of a Basic Action while doing this.
Slippery When Wet
Basic Action
You can make an item or a 1 meter diameter patch of ground extremely slippery. To affect an item someone else holds requires an opposed Maneuver check, on a success the item becomes slippery and the wearer drops it. A creature trying to use an item must make an opposed Maneuver check or drop it. Slippery ground has a Free Running difficulty equal to your Maneuver. The effect lasts for the rest of the scene.
Water Adaptation
You can breathe water and can move underwater at normal speed. You will not take damage from normal exposure to water, and resists pressure at any depth.
Water Breathing
Basic Action
A target you touch (traditionally kiss) can breathe water. His skin will not take damage from normal exposure to water, and resists pressure down to 100 meters. You can affect yourself plus up to Mind others simultaneously with this power. It lasts for a session.
Water Elemental Form
Limit Break
You assume the form of another creature decided when you gain the power. You must have created a variant form for yourself using your normal points and limits. If you do not have such a creature description ready, you cannot use this power. This creature cannot have higher value in any particular skill than you do. You can add powers of the same form the creature has and keep schticks and powers you already have, but you cannot otherwise add powers or schticks. This power cannot be used to imitate a specific individual; you remain yourself in mannerisms and detail while changing race, species, and creature type.
You remain in this form for a scene or until you fall asleep or unconscious or will yourself back to your normal form (a Basic Action). You can learn this power several times to learn to transform into several different creatures.
You can only assume the form on a Water Elemental with this version of the power.
Water Walking
Basic Action
The target touched can walk on the surface of water or other liquid for the rest of the scene. You can ignore water-based difficult terrain. You are assumed to use this on yourself each scene.
Wave Action
Trigger Action (Combo)
When you do an action that includes movement, you can use this shtick to move again, either before or after the action. This allows you to act-move-move, move-act-move, or move-move-act. You cannot use Wave Action if you are you are Static or the action you just did is one that in itself allows additional movement.
Basic Action
You form a whirlpool with a diameter equal to your Mind, you must be in this area. Make a Trip maneuver against everyone in this area, friend and foe alike. You can move tripped targets to any point in the whirlpool; targets who you fail you trip instead decide where they end up.
Shapeshift Animal
You can breathe both water and air, and are just as fast and maneuverable in either environment. This negates the penalties of the Swimming rules.
Animal Shape
Basic Action or Finisher
You or willing target assumes the form of a mundane animal of your choice. He keeps his own skills and gain attributes typical of the selected animal. He gain whatever natural attacks, armor, senses, and movement abilities the animal has. He also get the Tool Ignorant limitation and suffer from Power Loss while changed, but he can still use any Animal Form powers normally. The power lasts for a session, or until you or the target opts to end it - a Basic Action. Used as a Finisher, the target need not volunteer and it is a Curse.
Animal Wings
Basic Action or Inherent
You grow wings that let you fly through the air at your normal Move for the rest of the scene or until you spend a basic action to transform back. As Basic Action when you have wings, you can fly with a Move equal to your Maneuver, and you can use this speed for overland travel. When used to travel long distances, you do so with a Move equal to your Ride. The wings are impractically large in cramped spaces, you can stunt to move trough a narrow space but cannot stay airborne unless you have wing room at some point of your move. When you take this power, you can choose it to be Inherent instead of a Basic Action, in which case you always have wings and can fly, but must still spend Basic Actions to fly fast.
Balancing Tail
You have a tail you can use for balance, like that of a squirrel, monkey, or cat. As long as this is free and unobstructed it allows you to make Maneuver tasks very confidently. Does not apply to opposed rolls or interaction stunts, but it makes unopposed acrobatic stunts into routine maneuvers. This includes most Free Running and Jump checks.
Beast Form
Limit Break
You assume the form of another creature decided when you gain the power. You must have created a variant form for yourself using your normal points and limits. If you do not have such a creature description ready, you cannot use this power. This creature cannot have higher value in any particular skill than you do. You can add powers of the same form the creature has and keep schticks and powers you already have, but you cannot otherwise add powers or schticks. This power cannot be used to imitate a specific individual; you remain yourself in mannerisms and detail while changing race, species, and creature type.
You remain in this form for a scene or until you fall asleep or unconscious or will yourself back to your normal form (a Basic Action). You can learn this power several times to learn to transform into several different creatures.
You can only assume the form on an Animal with this version of the power, but this includes all kinds of fantastic animals and beasts.
Cricket Legs
When you move, you can do so through the air in great leaps, instead of normal running. You can jump horizontally or vertically up to your normal speed as a part of a normal action, or twice that if you concentrate on leaping to the exclusion of other actions (a full move).
Fish Tail
Basic Action
A willing target you touch (traditionally with a kiss) grows a fish tail or finned feet and can breathe water and move underwater at normal speed. His skin will not take damage from normal exposure to water, and resists pressure down to 100 meters of depth. The target is now handicapped on land and cannot move as a part of a Basic Action. You can affect yourself plus up to Mind others simultaneously with this power. It otherwise lasts for a scene or until the target wills it to end.
Basic Action
You can move in great bursts of speed underwater, moving six times your normal Move in a reasonably straight line. You cannot sustain this speed for long enough for this to change your rate of travel.
Swarm is a very invasive power, that changes how your character works in complex ways. It is not generally recommended for player characters, except possibly as a part of a Shape Change.
You are not a single creature, but a communal entity composed of about 10 smaller creatures. You still act much as a single creature and most normal rules still apply. Incidental component creatures that move away from the swarm normally cannot act on their own - but you might explain other powers (Such as Tentacles as sub-swarms acting under your control.
The following happens to you, and attribute and skill changes apply after any normal limits or limitations. §1-§2 affects your intrinsic values and thus are cumulative with other modifications, §3 does not.
- Mind and Body are decreased by 3, which in turn reduces your Toughness. This is the attributes of an individual member of the swarm.
- Your mass and size does not change, but becomes the size of the swarm as a whole. A swarm is somewhat amorph, but assume there is a central hub that takes up about as much space as a regular creature. The creature uses it's original Body to qualify for Natural Reach, which then represents the swarms ability to spread out.
- If this would give you an attribute lower than zero (and the campaign does not use negative body scores) you cannot take this power. It is permissible to ignore mass limits on Body to get a body score of zero even for very small creatures, such as normal-sized insects.
- Your maneuver, Melee and Shoot skills are increased by +3. This represents members of the swarm assisting each other on such stunts.
- Damage resisted by Body or Toughness and that affects only a single creature in the swarm have to be particularly gruesome to have any effect at all; Add +3 to your Dodge against such attacks.
- As usual, skill bonuses are not cumulative, so this will not stack with other Dodge bonuses.
- You cannot take Damage Setbacks from attacks that only affect a single individual of the swarm; only area attacks can do Damage Setbacks.
The normal swarm comprises about 10 individuals, but some swarms actually comprise a larger number of even smaller creatures. Taking this power several times multiplies the number of creatures in the swarm by 10 and effects are cumulative.
When using a swarm in play, modify the base values according to §1 and §2. There is no need to recall the exact effects of these once they have had their effect on game values. Only apply §3 in play.
You can crawl along vertical or inverted walls or surfaces at your normal movement speed and with no penalty to actions. You can ignore difficult ground based on uneven or sticky surfaces.
Shapeshift Plant
Basic Action
You cause vegetation in a diameter equal to your Mind to animate and entangle creatures in the area. Free Running in the area has a minimum difficulty equal to your Maneuver. This lasts until the end of the scene. If the vegetation in the area is so sparse that it cannot effectively a certain creature, this has no effect on that creature. You and any creature using Plant Path are immune to your entangle.
Plant Elemental Form
Limit Break
You assume the form of another creature decided when you gain the power. You must have created a variant form for yourself using your normal points and limits. If you do not have such a creature description ready, you cannot use this power. This creature cannot have higher value in any particular skill than you do. You can add powers of the same form the creature has and keep schticks and powers you already have, but you cannot otherwise add powers or schticks. This power cannot be used to imitate a specific individual; you remain yourself in mannerisms and detail while changing race, species, and creature type.
You remain in this form for a scene or until you fall asleep or unconscious or will yourself back to your normal form (a Basic Action). You can learn this power several times to learn to transform into several different creatures.
You can only assume the form on a Plant Elemental with this version of the power.
Plant Path
Inherent or Basic Action
Plants part to allow passage to you. Evasion, Free Running, Make Camp and Pathfinding tasks are Routine for you in areas with significant plant life. Pathfinding is a Ride stunt and and Make Camp is a Recon stunt. You are immune to Plant powers that impede movement as long as the power-user's Mind is less than your Ride. This part of the power is inherent. As a Basic Action you can touch a creature allowing them to share the benefit for the rest of the scene as long as they stay within your Ride meters of you. You can benefit up to a number of creatures equal to your Mind this way.
Tree Trap
You trap your target inside a living tree (or other plant) within Mind meters. At your option, the target can be completely encased or partially exposed. Exposed parts of the target are awake and aware, while hidden parts are in suspended animation. You can shape the tree after it has imprisoned the target, and so can anyone who can manipulate living trees.
The targets life force is tied to that of the tree; as long as the tree is alive, the target survives. If the tree dies, so does the prisoner. A typical tree has a Body of 15-20 depending on size and kind. Freeing the targets requires breaking a Curse.
As an alternative, you can turn the target into a wooden statue or even a wooden object of approximately the same size such as a door, piece of furniture, or other item. In this form the victim can take no actions and has only very basic sensory impressions of the surrounding. Biological functions and needs stop and this dulls the sense of time; if there are no stimuli to remember, eons seem to pass in moments. Add the targets Dodge value to the soak attribute against all types of damage.
You can use this power on yourself, in which case you can break it as a basic action.
Shapeshift Metal
Flesh to Iron
Basic Action or Finisher
You can turn yourself to metal as a basic action or turn an opponent to metal as a finishing move. This can either be a metal statue, a metal bar, encasement in metal, or a merger with existing metal. It can be an useful item, such as a a weapon or set of armor. The item has about the same mass as the original, which makes the end result either smaller or hollow because of the higher density of metal. Someone who is turned to metal can take no actions and has only very basic sensory impressions of the surrounding. Biological functions and needs stop and this dulls the sense of time; if there are no stimuli to remember, eons seem to pass in moments, subjectively. Add the targets Dodge value to the soak attribute against all types of damage.
This is a Curse, but you can use a basic action to break the effect at any time while touching the target.
Metal Elemental Form
Limit Break
You assume the form of another creature decided when you gain the power. You must have created a variant form for yourself using your normal points and limits. If you do not have such a creature description ready, you cannot use this power. This creature cannot have higher value in any particular skill than you do. You can add powers of the same form the creature has and keep schticks and powers you already have, but you cannot otherwise add powers or schticks. This power cannot be used to imitate a specific individual; you remain yourself in mannerisms and detail while changing race, species, and creature type.
You remain in this form for a scene or until you fall asleep or unconscious or will yourself back to your normal form (a Basic Action). You can learn this power several times to learn to transform into several different creatures.
You can only assume the form on a Metal Elemental with this version of the power.
Metal Hover
You can move trough the air instead of along the ground. You must we wielding or wearing a large metal object for this to work. Alternatively, it can create a metal platform or a pair of metal wings you use to hover, but this can be hard to use in constricted spaces.
Basic Action or Finisher
You can turn yourself to metal as a basic action or turn an opponent into metal as a finishing move. This can either be a hollow metal statue, encasement in metal, or a useful item, such as a door, set of armor, or weapon. In either case volume is cut down to about 1/10 while mass is maintained.
Someone who is metalized can take no actions and has only very basic sensory impressions of the surrounding. Biological functions and needs stop and this dulls the sense of time; if there are no stimuli to remember, eons seem to pass in moments. Add the targets Dodge value to the soak attribute against all types of damage.
This is a Curse, but you can use a basic action to break the effect at any time while touching the target.
Shapeshift Ice
Deep Freeze
The target is frozen and in suspended animation, unconscious. At your option they can become ice statures or be encased in a block of ice or even frozen into an existing ice wall.
People in deep freeze are asleep and will not bleed, age or die while frozen, as long as the cold is maintained. Add the targets Dodge value to the soak attribute against all types of damage, and if in an ice block or wall of ice add your Mind to the soak attribute as well. They can be transported or stored and then thawed out.
Ice Elemental Form
Limit Break
You assume the form of another creature decided when you gain the power. You must have created a variant form for yourself using your normal points and limits. If you do not have such a creature description ready, you cannot use this power. This creature cannot have higher value in any particular skill than you do. You can add powers of the same form the creature has and keep schticks and powers you already have, but you cannot otherwise add powers or schticks. This power cannot be used to imitate a specific individual; you remain yourself in mannerisms and detail while changing race, species, and creature type.
You remain in this form for a scene or until you fall asleep or unconscious or will yourself back to your normal form (a Basic Action). You can learn this power several times to learn to transform into several different creatures.
You can only assume the form on a Ice Elemental with this version of the power.
Stance or Inherent
You can move unhindered and at your full Move with no risk of slipping or losing your balance on snow, ice or sleet. This part of the power is inherent.
You can create ice to ski over normal ground on even in less-than ideal circumstances; in this case Skate is a stance. You leave a path of ice after you move, but this is only cosmetic; it crumbles and melts almost instantly after you pass.
You can change your substance (but not your shape) into snow and ice. In this form, you are immune to cold and you can Sneak in ice and snow as if you had concealment. You can merge with snow, and pass through solid snow or ice at a rate of your Move as a Basic Action.
Shapeshift Illusion
Assume Identity
Basic Action
You assume an identity of your invention. This is a facade, but you act, feel, and think according to this identity, at least as far as any but the deepest mind probes can determine. You have a fake personality, motivations, loyalties, and memories. This makes you the perfect deep cover agent. Your own personality remains in the background, dormant, but can suspend or reactivate Assume Identity as a Basic Action.
Someone under Assume Identity will register as the assumed identity would to all detection powers and other detection effects and his surface thoughts read as those of the assumed personality.
Assume Identity lasts until you end it, but grows in strength over time. If there is a major conflict of interests, a personality conflict can develop; this is a Curse.
Living Illusion
For you, illusions are real. You can walk on illusory bridges, gain nourishment from illusory feasts, and gain protection from illusory armor.
Turn to Illusion
You turn your target into an insubstantial illusory image of itself. In this form it has the Incorporeal limitation and suffers from Power Loss. This is a Curse. As an alternative, you can capture the creature's image on reflective surface, but if you do, destroying the thing that bears this surface breaks the curse. Merely disrupting the image does not break the curse; imprisoning someone on the surface of a reflecting pool means they will only appear when the pool is calm, but the pool itself must be destroyed to break the curse.
Basic Action
You create the illusion of motion for all creatures in a diameter equal to your Mind with an opposed Maneuver check. Targets can no longer move as a part of a Basic Action for the rest of the scene. On an outcome matching the target's Reflexes that target is affected for the rest of the session.
Shapeshift Dark
Dark Form
You assume the form of a cloud of darkness. In this form, you can fly at your normal Move. You become Amorph and Resist Physical and Enervation damage but vulnerable to strong light and Radiation damage. You can Sneak as if you were in cover in darkness or shadow.
Guise of the Devil
Limit Break
You assume the form of another creature decided when you gain the power. You must have created a variant form for yourself using your normal points and limits. If you do not have such a creature description ready, you cannot use this power. This creature cannot have higher value in any particular skill than you do. You can add powers of the same form the creature has and keep schticks and powers you already have, but you cannot otherwise add powers or schticks. This power cannot be used to imitate a specific individual; you remain yourself in mannerisms and detail while changing race, species, and creature type.
You remain in this form for a scene or until you fall asleep or unconscious or will yourself back to your normal form (a Basic Action). You can learn this power several times to learn to transform into several different creatures.
You can only assume the form on a Devil with this version of the power.
Life Drain
Trigger Action
Whenever you successfully inflict a Damage Setback in combat, you can use life drain to regain one hit of damage.
Siphon Life
You can use the energy from a defeated creature to heal yourself and your allies. Allies in an area with a diameter equal to your Mind in meters, centered on you, regain one hit of damage. The total number of Hits healed cannot exceed the target's initial Hits.
Wings of Darkness
You grow ephemeral wings of darkness that let you fly through the air at your normal Move.
Shapeshift Flux
Whimsy Form
Limit Break
You assume the form of another creature decided when you gain the power. You must have created a variant form for yourself using your normal points and limits. If you do not have such a creature description ready, you cannot use this power. This creature cannot have higher value in any particular skill than you do. You can add powers of the same form the creature has and keep schticks and powers you already have, but you cannot otherwise add powers or schticks. This power cannot be used to imitate a specific individual; you remain yourself in mannerisms and detail while changing race, species, and creature type.
You remain in this form for a scene or until you fall asleep or unconscious or will yourself back to your normal form (a Basic Action). You can learn this power several times to learn to transform into several different creatures.
You can only assume the form on a Whimsy with this version of the power.
Flux Shape
Limit Break
Build a variant character for for yourself using your normal points and limits. The next time you would be transformed into another shape by any kind of power, you can choose to assume this shape instead of whatever form you'd normally assume. This effect lasts until the end of the session, and you can be assumed to begin each session having used this power. You can change what form you change into by using this power again.
Lucky Break
Basic Action
You create a burst of luck and imbue it into a creature. That creature gains a Fortune point. The new point must be spent before the end of the round, or it is lost.
Your Initiative rolls are Standard Rolls instead of Closed Rolls.
Shapeshift Order
Advantage of Order
Basic Action
You imbue a creature with perfection, giving it Advantage. The creature must use this advantage when its next shot comes up.
Unfailing Technique
You are calm and collected, able to do Maneuver tasks without distraction or imperfection. You treat all Maneuver tasks that are not opposed as Routine.
True Form
Trigger Action
You can return to your true form at any time when you are transformed. This includes even Curses. You do not heal any damage, but if the transformation is the result of a Setback you negate the setback and do not suffer any other consequence of that Setback.
Virtuous Shape
Limit Break
You assume the form of another creature decided when you gain the power. You must have created a variant form for yourself using your normal points and limits. If you do not have such a creature description ready, you cannot use this power. This creature cannot have higher value in any particular skill than you do. You can add powers of the same form the creature has and keep schticks and powers you already have, but you cannot otherwise add powers or schticks. This power cannot be used to imitate a specific individual; you remain yourself in mannerisms and detail while changing race, species, and creature type.
You remain in this form for a scene or until you fall asleep or unconscious or will yourself back to your normal form (a Basic Action). You can learn this power several times to learn to transform into several different creatures.
You can only assume the form on a Virtue with this version of the power.
Shapeshift Light
Angelic Form
Limit Break
You assume the form of another creature decided when you gain the power. You must have created a variant form for yourself using your normal points and limits. If you do not have such a creature description ready, you cannot use this power. This creature cannot have higher value in any particular skill than you do. You can add powers of the same form the creature has and keep schticks and powers you already have, but you cannot otherwise add powers or schticks. This power cannot be used to imitate a specific individual; you remain yourself in mannerisms and detail while changing race, species, and creature type.
You remain in this form for a scene or until you fall asleep or unconscious or will yourself back to your normal form (a Basic Action). You can learn this power several times to learn to transform into several different creatures.
You can only assume the form on an Angel with this version of the power. Doing so, you are filled with angelic virtue and become unable to do dark deeds.
Prismatic Division
Limit Break
You split into two creatures with identical abilities, but each of a different primary color. All copies share the same Hits, shot counter, and fortune pool. In detailed time each duplicate moves separately, up to Maneuver meters apart, but does the same actions. If both target the same creature, only one gets to roll but gets a +1 bonus per extra duplicate (this is an application of Assist Action). Only one duplicate can perform a Limit Break each round, with the other duplicate(s) assisting.
When one of you is subject to an effect, you can decide to either suffer the effect normally on all duplicates, or have the duplicate that was the target disappear. All but one duplicate disappears at the end of the scene. The last duplicate left is considered "you", the original, there is no difference between the duplicates while they are active.
You can take this power multiple times, gaining a number of additional selves equal to the number of power picks, up to seven.
You surround yourself with a blinding aura of power, making you appear powerful and exalted. It is hard to focus on you through this intense glare; anyone wishing to target you must first take a Basic Action to overcome the glare. Once this is done, they can freely target you for the rest of the scene. This does not apply against anyone against whom you have cover or concealment. Does not prevent interactions or area attacks.
Shapeshift Chi
Bodily Harmony
Basic Action
You can overcome the limitations of your mind trough yoga, bodily harmony becoming universal harmony. Once, before the end of the round, when you use another power, you can base any roll or stunt using that power on your Maneuver instead of whatever skill the power would normally be based on. Effectively you are spending extra time in order to substitute what skill is used.
This is a meta-power that affects other powers. In some campaign worlds there is a strong Origin Divide among different origins. Check with your GM regarding your campaign. Origins that are opposed cannot cannot be modified by meta-powers; it is as if powers from the opposing origin was actually a schtick rather than a power.
Combination Stance
A Chi practitioner has trained combinations of stances that he can swiftly switch between.
First, all currently active stances you are using end. Then select up to three stances that you know when you use this power. These three stances activate, just as if you had spent shots to activate each of them.
Power Imitation
Basic Action
Make an opposed Maneuver check against a creature adjacent to you and that you have seen using a power in this scene. If successful, you can use that same power for the rest of the scene. You can only imitate one power at a time in this way.
Self Focus
You can use a Limit Break that affects only yourself, even when you are not focused. This only works in combat and action scenes; out of detailed time all limit break actions take their normal time.
Weight of the World
You become effectively weightless, trowing off the shackles of the material world. You can walk on any surface, no matter how thin. This includes walking on liquids. You can fly at your normal speed, but land at the end of each round.
Shapeshift Gifts
Beast Cloak
Basic Action
You can assume the form of an animal similar to yourself in size, as decided when you use the power. This does not change any of your skills or ability scores, but you gain a natural Melee attack doing Body +2 damage of an appropriate type.
Bestial Self
Limit Beak
You free your inner monstrous nature. You must build a monstrous variant for for yourself on the same point total. This is usually a hulking monstrosity, but is some cases it can be small and stealthy. It is never Folk or Animal.
The bestial self and you share Hits and Fortune points. When the bestial self runs out of Hits, it runs away until it gets away or until it has taken Hits equal to your Body, which causes it to be defeated. After successfully running away, when defeated, or at the end of the scene, you transform back into your normal form. Any hits and other effect taken remain with you, possibly leaving you unconscious.
Your bestial self is different enough that observers will not recognize you without some stunt. The transformation is shocking and distracting, which protects your identity; your normal form is assumed to be hiding or to have run away by casual observers.
Limit Break
You create a copy of yourself. This copy is a separate creature and has the same skills, attributes, and schticks you do, but is not Focused and lacks Hits and Fortune points. Whenever the duplicate spends one of these resources, you spend that resource instead. As an alternative, the Duplicate is defeated. When you use this power, make an Initiative check to see when it can act, but this can never be earlier than the current shot. At the end of the scene you absorb the duplicate, only in exceptional circumstances will it remain a separate creature as required in the plot.
Pick one Stance power. Your body mutates to accommodate this power, and it becomes inherent, always on, and a part of your body. This often changes your physical appearance and works well with the Mark of Power method.
You can take this power several times, each time it applies to a separate power that is a stance.
Ride the Blast
Trigger Action (Combo)
When you hit a target using a Shoot, you can use this power to Teleport to a spot adjacent to the target.
Shapeshift Magic
A golem is a magical construct with a vulnerability to a specific Form. Because of this connection, it is immune to all powers of all other forms. A golem can have Limitations that makes it vulnerable to other powers. A golem is a slave under the will of its creator. Certain golems have limitation that might break this control, making the golem lose all control and go wild. A golem is also Dumb.
Limit Break
You assume the form of another creature decided when you gain the power. You must have created a variant form for yourself using your normal points and limits. If you do not have such a creature description ready, you cannot use this power. This creature cannot have higher value in any particular skill than you do. You can add powers of the same form the creature has and keep schticks and powers you already have, but you cannot otherwise add powers or schticks. This power cannot be used to imitate a specific individual; you remain yourself in mannerisms and detail while changing race, species, and creature type.
You remain in this form for a scene or until you fall asleep or unconscious or will yourself back to your normal form (a Basic Action). You can learn this power several times to learn to transform into several different creatures.
The forms you can assume are limited by the forms you know.
- Air Elementals, are linked to the Air Form.
- Earth Elementals are linked to the Earth Form.
- Fire Elementals are linked to the Fire Form.
- Water Elementals are linked to the Water Form.
- Plant Elementals are linked to the Plant Form.
- Metal Elementals are linked to the Metal Form.
- Ice Elementals are linked to the Ice Form.
- Demons are linked to the Flux Form.
- Devils are linked to the Darkness Form.
- Angels are linked to the Light Form.
- Virtues are linked to the Order Form.
- Animals are linked to the Animal Form.
- Aberrations are linked to the Space form.
- Undead are linked to the Death Form.
Limit Break
This is an ancillary power to Morphism. Each time you use Polymorphism, you can change what creature you change into using Morphism. If you have Morphism several times, only one of your available forms can change each time you use Polymorphism.
Shapeshift Psi
Adaptive Psionics
Limit Break
When you use this power pick one Power of a Form you know; you can use this power until the end of the scene.
Body Shift
Limit Break
Your mind changes bodies with another willing creature you touch. You each assume each others' physical location, Body, bodily shape, and any schticks or powers dependent on race or physical form, losing those attributes your partner gets. You both get Reflexes equal to the lower of your normal scores. Damage remains with the body, while Fortune points belong to the mind. The GM is the final arbiter on which powers belong in the body and which belong in the mind.
Body Shift normally lasts a scene but can last longer as the plot requires. At the end of a round you can choose to switch back and end the power.
Alter Reality
Limit Break
Rather than pit your will directly against the inertia of the universe, you subtly alter the perception of the universe, making your effect a natural thing.
Choose one power when you use Alter Reality. For the rest of the scene, you can use this power with Charm instead of whatever skill it is normally based on.
This is a meta-power that affects other powers. In some campaign worlds there is a strong Origin Divide among different origins. Check with your GM regarding your campaign. Origins that are opposed cannot cannot be modified by meta-powers; it is as if powers from the opposing origin was actually a schtick rather than a power.
Shapeshift Spiritual
Basic Action
You can assume a mundane form and back again. The mundane form is normally human, but you can choose any Folk or a normal Animal. In this form, you have normal attribute maxima of your assumed race. This power is negated as soon as you use any power. It is not possible to detect your lost powers or spiritual nature when you are in this form; they simply are not present to be detected. This is tied to the Mark of Power method.
Spirit Form
Basic Action
You can assume spirit form. You become Incorporeal. Add your Mind to all soak attributes. Damage and effects based on Psychic Damage affect you normally.
When you take this power, you must decide if your spirit form or your temporal form (the form you are in when not using this power) is your natural state. You begin play sessions in your natural state, and resume your natural state on Power Loss or if the power fails. It is possible to have your normal form be a Spirit Form without taking the power, but of you do, you can never manifest physically or change your medium and are always a spirit.
Spirit Incarnate
Pick one Stance power. You do not need to spend shots to activate this stance at the beginning of a scene. You still count as activating the power, which matters to other powers like Prayer. This often changes your physical appearance and works well with the Mark of Power method. You can take this power several times, each time it applies to a separate power that is a Stance.
This is a meta-power that affects other powers. In some campaign worlds there is a strong Origin Divide among different origins. Check with your GM regarding your campaign. Origins that are opposed cannot cannot be modified by meta-powers; it is as if powers from the opposing origin was actually a schtick rather than a power.
Shapeshift Tech
Balance Wires
Trigger Action
Cybernetic enhancements for the inner ear and enhanced neural receptors for spatial awareness give you the ability to dance on razor wires. Free Running and Fly stunts are Routine for you.
Cyborg Assimilation
Limit Break
You assume the form of another creature decided when you gain the power. You must have created a variant form for yourself using your normal points and limits. If you do not have such a creature description ready, you cannot use this power. This creature cannot have higher value in any particular skill than you do. You can add powers of the same form the creature has and keep schticks and powers you already have, but you cannot otherwise add powers or schticks. This power cannot be used to imitate a specific individual; you remain yourself in mannerisms and detail while changing race, species, and creature type.
You remain in this form for a scene or until you fall asleep or unconscious or will yourself back to your normal form (a Basic Action). You can learn this power several times to learn to transform into several different creatures.
You can only assume the form on a Robot with this version of the power.
Hardwiring is a neural override that takes over your body and allows you to use your Maneuver skill as if it was Melee. At the end of a combat scene when you used this, this inflicts a Hit on you due to strain.
Physical Skill Processor
You have a computer connected to your brain that can run PSPs, programs that give you access to skills and abilities you normally lack. You run a PSP by activating this stance and selecting a certain stunt; you can now use this stunt using Maneuver. The PSP only applies to physical skills: Dodge, Melee, Recon, Ride, and Shoot. You can run several skillsofts at once by activating this power several times; each time costs a shot and allows you to select another specific stunt.
Prosthetic Limb
Basic Action
You have an artificial limb of great strength. This can be either an arm, two legs, or some smaller body part such as a hand, jaws, or similar. When you concentrate in the use of this limb, you are very strong, with a Body equal to your Maneuver skill. This is great for specific tasks such as breaking down doors, bending iron bars, hanging on to the outside of moving vehicles and so on. For a limb that can do damage on this scale, select Cybernetic Pile-driver.
Shapeshift Death
Blood Drain
The target takes a Mortal Wound, quite likely killing him. Select one attribute of a living target. You temporarily increase your own attribute by two points, but not to a value higher than the target's. The attribute boost lasts the rest of the session, possibly more if the story merits it. You can only use Blood Drain once per session on any particular creature.
False Life
You can take three additional Hits before being defeated. If you drop this stance while having taken more hits than you can normally do, you are knocked out.
You seem to not be affected by gravity, wind, and similar gross physical forces. You can move through the air instead of along the ground, and often does this in a strange manner, as if walking, drifting, or simply appearing in a new position.
Life Drain
The target takes a Mortal Wound, quite likely killing him. You recover one Hit, one Fortune point, and become Focused. If the target's Mind is the same or higher than your own, you can instead opt to become a year younger. You can only use Life Drain once per day on any particular creature.
Steal Skill
The target takes a Mortal Wound, quite likely killing it. You gain temporary access to one skill and two related schticks the victim had. For the duration of the current story, you can use his skill value instead of your own (if it is better) and learn two schticks related to that skill the target had. If you know the proper forms, you can learn powers instead of schticks. This power does not stack, when you use it any previously stolen skill is lost.
Undead Form
Limit Break
You assume the form of another creature decided when you gain the power. You must have created a variant form for yourself using your normal points and limits. If you do not have such a creature description ready, you cannot use this power. This creature cannot have higher value in any particular skill than you do. You can add powers of the same form the creature has and keep schticks and powers you already have, but you cannot otherwise add powers or schticks. This power cannot be used to imitate a specific individual; you remain yourself in mannerisms and detail while changing race, species, and creature type.
You remain in this form for a scene or until you fall asleep or unconscious or will yourself back to your normal form (a Basic Action). You can learn this power several times to learn to transform into several different creatures.
You can only assume the form on an Undead with this version of the power.
Shapeshift Force
Animate Objects
Basic Action
You can imbue existing unattended objects with mobility and a rudimentary mind. This lasts until the end of the next round, but you can spend another Basic Action to renew the effect. You can either animate one object as a Henchman or a number of objects equal to your Reflexes as a group of identical Minions.
- Body depends on the mass of the object.
- Reflexes is equal to your Maneuver minus the object's Body.
- Mind is 1.
- Move is 4. They cannot fly but can move as if they were wielded by a human, which can give the impression they can fly.
- They have the Impassive and Varmint powers.
- They have Melee and Dodge equal to your Maneuver and can make a melee attack for Body +2 damage of a type appropriate to their form.
- Maneuver equal to the object's Reflexes
Inertial Dampening
Trigger Action (Defense)
When a target in sight is about to take Concussion damage, you can add your your Maneuver to the targets Reflexes to soak that damage.
You can move through the air instead of along the ground.
Telekinetic Hand
You can manipulate objects within Mind meters of you, just as if you were using your regular hands. This allows you to perform basic tasks, melee attacks, and such at a limited range - which often lets you position yourself out of harms way. This cannot be used with area attacks.
Shapeshift Life
Attribute Focus
Select one attribute of Body, Mind, or Reflexes. Increase the chosen attribute by three. Reduce the other two attributes by 2 each.
Body Control
Limit Break
You can change your shape within the limits of your species, body mass, and Body. You can dislocate and elongate limbs, change your apparent gender, mimic the facial features, stance and other cosmetic traits of others, and do other changes as long as you respect the three limitations above. You can use your Maneuver instead of your Reflexes for Contortions, and such checks are Routine for you. You can also use this to adopt a Disguise, tough you still need social skills in order to make the act believable.
Gender Change
You change the gender and/or sexual orientation of the target. You can also change how the target's species sexual dimorphism expresses itself (feminine, androgynous, masculine, hermaphroditic), the target's sex drive, and its fertility. The target remembers its previous gender and orientation and might have qualms about its new sexual orientation, but these are intellectual memories that have a hard time standing up to the target's new physical needs. This is a curse.
You grow to four times your ordinary weight (approximately 160% of your normal length), which gives you +3 Body, but reduces your Reflexes and Mind by one point each. You can take this power several times, multiplying the effect of the stance. Weight and size increase is exponential; three levels of growth makes you 256 times as heavy and four times as tall.
Improving Body places a strain on any weapons or other gear you use; it will break on a snakeyes result. Reducing Mind reduces the upper limit on daily expenditure of Fortune points while the stance is active. Reducing Reflexes costs you an equal number of shots.
Basic Action or Finisher
Make an opposed Maneuver roll, on a success the target's Move suffers a penalty of -1 until the end of the scene. This can be increased by various factors.
- If the attack scores an Outcome matching the target's Move, the penalty is increased by two.
- If performed as a Finisher, the penalty is increased by two and the effect is a Curse - including any previous Slow results.
The target also loses as many shots as the penalty, with a minimum of three shots lost.
Living Form
Limit Break
You assume the form of another creature decided when you gain the power. You must have created a variant form for yourself using your normal points and limits. If you do not have such a creature description ready, you cannot use this power. This creature cannot have higher value in any particular skill than you do. You can add powers of the same form the creature has and keep schticks and powers you already have, but you cannot otherwise add powers or schticks. This power cannot be used to imitate a specific individual; you remain yourself in mannerisms and detail while changing race, species, and creature type.
You remain in this form for a scene or until you fall asleep or unconscious or will yourself back to your normal form (a Basic Action). You can learn this power several times to learn to transform into several different creatures.
You can assume the form of any living creature using this power. This includes Folk, Animals, Plant Elementals, Fairies, Monsters, Mutants, and Supers.
Shapeshift Mind
Folk Form
Limit Break
You assume the form of another creature decided when you gain the power. You must have created a variant form for yourself using your normal points and limits. If you do not have such a creature description ready, you cannot use this power. This creature cannot have higher value in any particular skill than you do. You can add powers of the same form the creature has and keep schticks and powers you already have, but you cannot otherwise add powers or schticks. This power cannot be used to imitate a specific individual; you remain yourself in mannerisms and detail while changing race, species, and creature type.
You remain in this form for a scene or until you fall asleep or unconscious or will yourself back to your normal form (a Basic Action). You can learn this power several times to learn to transform into several different creatures.
You can only assume the form of Folk this power.
Folk Guise
Basic Action
You assume the form of any Race of Folk selected when you use the power. You keep your own skills but suffer the attributes maximums of the selected Folk and one race schtick of your choice. You lose any powers based on Race or physical form. This is not a disguise, you can still be recognized, but if you further disguise yourself any issues based on your physical form are overcome.
Steal Voice
You control your victim's ability to speak. You can change his voice, making it soft, croaking, roaring or whatever you like. You can make the target dumb, or prevent him from saying certain words or to talk about certain things. When applicable, this prevents the target from using the Charm and Impress skills at a value higher than his Mind. This is a mental effect, so telepathic communication if affected too.
You can mimic the target's voice and speech mannerisms. Any attempt you make to imitate the target is Routine, as long as your appearance makes it possible at all.
This is a Curse.
Shapeshift Time
Instant Action
Basic Action
One ally gets a burst of extra time and can immediately take one Basic Action or add three to their shot counter. Remember that the shot counter can never be higher than the current shot. If the target has Reflexes higher than your Maneuver, you must succeed at a Maneuver check against their Reflexes in order to affect them.
Task Prediction
Basic Action
A specialized prediction effect where you look into the future to see the most opportune way to do specific action. This makes the task Routine. If conditions change before you use this bonus, it is lost, so task prediction is usually best used in the same round. In order for another character to get this bonus, you must somehow transmit the information—such as by giving them advice. This only works on tasks that require direct action—it cannot help on Knowledge or Contact checks. It can be used for defense values, but that must be specified when the power is first used.
Time for Action
Basic Action
Up to Mind allies of you within Maneuver meters makes their next Initiative roll as a Closed Confident roll.
Time Stop
Limit Break
You stop time for everyone except yourself. Make a Maneuver check against the highest Reflexes among the opposition. If you succeed, you have a number of shots equal to the outcome where only you can act. Treat this as a separate round that is played out right now and where only you have an initiative count. Once your extra shots are spent, play resumes where it was. During this time, there are some special rules.
- You cannot focus during a time stop, and you cannot use time stop continuously.
- The only creature that can act or be directly affected by actions or events is you. All other characters are frozen in time and immovable and invulnerable. There minds are not there to be interacted with, and they cannot perceive anything.
- You can move (but not damage) nonliving, unattended objects by conscious effort. Objects do not move except when you move them. Even a flying or falling object is frozen in mid-air. An object you move this way loses its kinetic energy and, if unsupported, falls to the ground when time resumes.
- By setting up an object to trip or hider a creature, you can do so a Trip stunt with a +3 bonus, whose effect is applied after the time stop ends.
- Because creatures cannot perceive you, you can do a Sneak stunt with Confidence.
Shapeshift Space
Alter Size
You change the target's size and the size of all their carried equipment. This can have a set duration of up to one day, or be a Curse. Sufficient changes will also change the Body score. You can change Body by as many points as your Mind, potentially reducing an ogre to the size of a small child and vice versa.
If you increase Body, Reflexes is lowered by the same amount, but no lower than half the targets original Reflexes - further reductions are taken of Mind instead.
Reducing Body reduces Move and increases Reflexes by half as much each, but can make stunts such as escaping confinement and finding hiding places much easier.
This can be used as a plot hook to place players in a miniature world - in such cases their attributes are usually not changed, instead the setting is altered to fit their new scale.
Dimension Door
Basic Action
You can disappear, only to appear moments later in another location. You teleport to another location; roll for this as if it was a ranged attack against a Dodge of 5, with normal Range modifiers. Cover is very common when teleporting. When calculating Cover, teleportation treats anything infused with powers, living, ferrous, containing lead, or firmly anchored in the ground as hard cover - other obstructions are merely concealment.
On a failed roll, you either fail to teleport or suffer a Setback, as appropriate.
Holding Space
Basic Action
You can access a personal extra-dimensional space, useful for storage. It is a Basic Action to put something into or to take something out of this space. Objects in this space are not generally accessible to others but do not have plot immunity and can be stolen with an interaction Setback. You must be capable of lifting the object to move it into or out of this space. Your lifting can be assisted, which usually increases the time required a lot. No creature can enter the space, only reach into it to access the things inside. A holding space can carry a large quantity of goods, add your Mind to your Body to see how much you can carry.
Teleport Stance
This stance can turn normal movement into teleportation. When you take a Basic Action, you can teleport some or all of the distance you'd normally move. Such movement is not an action; it is only the movement part of a normal action. You must have a clear and unobstructed line of sight to the target spot, but you can do several small teleports to move around corners or one long teleport to cover an obstacle such as a pit. As a Full Move, you can teleport a distance equal to your Maneuver in meters.