Oerdian (Greyhawk Action)

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Greyhawk Action!

Fantasy French with some Finnish-sounding names.

Attributes and Schticks

Body: 4-10
Mind: 4-10
Reflexes: 4-10
Move: 5

Endurance Hunter

Inherent or Limit Break

You have trained your endurance to its full potential. Substitute your Maneuver for your Body when using Endurance, Hold Breath and other stamina-related stunts. These uses of Endurance Hunter are all Inherent abilities.

You can use this as a Limit break when pursuing or being pursued to drive your prey past their endurance. Make an opposed Maneuver check. On a success the target suffers one Hit from fatigue. On an outcome matching the target's Move, it suffers 2 Hits.

Hybrid Race


Select one Race other than human. You are a hybrid of human and the selected race. The GM might not allow hybrids with all races, check before making your selection. Someone with this feat is often called a half-X, where the X stands for the selected race.

  • You look like a hybrid between a human and your selected race and might be mistaken for either.
  • You can purchase the racial schticks of the selected race.
  • Note which attribute has the highest racial maximum for the selected race; you get to pick one if there is a tie. Your racial maximum for this attribute becomes 11.

Push to Glory

Trigger Action (Combo)

Use this when you have spent a Fortune point, after you know the result of the die roll. You can spend another Fortune point and add another d6 to the result of that action. This additional die is not open-ended.



Select one Race Schtick; you learn this schtick. You do not become a halfbreed or otherwise have your looks or physical form changed except as required for the schtick to work.

You cannot take this schtick go learn a schtick you already know a second time, nor can you pick Throwback multiple times.


The ultimate in human pride, the Oerdians are lords among men, strong and confident to a fault. They build strong nations and dominate a wide stretch of the central Flaeness, from Nyrond to the Great Kingdom.


Oerdians are tall and muscular, sometimes even hulking, with olive or ruddy complexion matched by brown or reddish hair.


Accepting, Loyal, Warlike, Worldly, Practical. Oerdians lack the strong vices and virtues of other people; a worldly, earthy culture less concerned with high ideals. Good or evil, Oerdians generally look to results rather than ideals.


Because Oerdians are dominant in such a large part of the Flaeness, human politics are generally the same as Oerdian politics. The conflicts within the Oerdian culture is between good and evil, as exemplified in the conflict between Hieroneous and Hextor. The Oerdians are accepting of differences on the Law - Chaos axis; a community can have both lawful and chaotic members living in harmony.


Oerdians are accepting of other cultures and their gods, at least when they have the upper hand. The dominant race of the Flaness, the Oerdians are very accepting and open as a culture, which has let them assimilate large groups of Flan and Suel. As a result, there are today few "pure" Oerdians. Oerdian identity is cultural, not racial. Today the Oerdians themselves are being integrated into the expanding Common culture.

The Aerdie is the dominant tribe among Oerdians, and almost all modern Oerdian nobility is of Aerdie descent; it has come to the point that the Aerdie consider themselves the only true Oerdians, with ordinariy Oerdians seen as commoners, whose race is of no consequence. This has helped spread the Common culture, removing what could otherwise have been a barrier to integration on non-Aerdy Oerdians.


Monogamous and Patrilinear. Oerdians have large extended families based on heritage trough the male line. Oerdian women do not carry the family line and their status is based on ability or marriage, not inheritance. Surnames are inherited only on the male line, a woman formally has her father's family name, but a married woman might be referred to by her husband's name as well. Relationships and marriage outside the culture and extra martial liaisons as well as prostitution are all tolerated. Public nudity is considered shameful and transvestism is not tolerated.

Power Use

Pragmatic is the word; Oerdians see powers as tools. Most often used to create items for everyday use and to make day-to-day life easier. Magic users tend to focus on combat magic, each adopting a specialty of their own. Clerics, Favored Souls, and Wizards are common and respected. Sorcerers, Psions, and Monsters are prejudiced against; individuals of these traditions can prove themselves, but as groups these are considered odd and dangerous.


In the Great Kingdom, deals with devils have created many humans tainted by Gifts. These use the Hybrid Race schtick to become hybrid Teuflings, tough they are not truly of elven blood.


Oerdians are a pious people who easily fall for persuasive religions, which can be seen in their large and chaotic pantheon. Still, they are a practical bunch, and the gods they cherish tend to be rather down-to-earth and not concerned with philosophical speculation.

The Oerdian pantheon is obsessed with lineage, but the legends are often contradictory. Most of the gods appear to originally have been humans of divine heritage, and some have references to both human and divine parents at the same time. Oerdians get annoyed when such inconsistencies are pointed out, claiming there is more to descent than ordinary scholarship can understand.

Oerdian Elder Gods

Procan is the father of the pantheon and the first lord of the world. He is a wild, untamed god and not interested in governance - in many ways he represents the barbarian roots of the Oerdian people. He held dominion over the world in competition with various other elder gods, the most important of them is perhaps Pholtus. Procan's son Velnius took over his mantle as god of nobility, but was usurped by today's pantheon. None of these ancient deities has a large following today.


In the Flan pantheon, Procan is a a rival of Pelor, a powerful lord of sky and storm that imposes himself between Pelor and Beory. Unlike Nerull, Procan is not seen as evil, merely violent and unruly. In the end, Pelor won Beory and Procan departed. He is now only a marginal member of the Flan pantheon, a god of warriors, storms, and hills. Some Flan claim the Oerdians are former Flan followers of Procan that left to become their own people, but this idea has few adherents.

The original father and first ruler of the Oerdian pantheon, Procan lost interest in his children when they became civilized. He is a rain and sea god, as mercurial as the sea. He is honored as the progenitor of the Oerdian wind gods, lords of life and the common man. Procan (PROH-kan) is the father of the Oeridian wind gods (Atroa, Sotillion, Telchur, and Wenta) and the sky-god Velnius. He usually ignores other gods save those who rival his control of the sea (Osprem and Xerbo). Typically worshiped for his aquatic aspect, a few inland peoples revere him as a weather god. He is greedy, tempestuous, and mercurial, rarely keeping the same mood for more than an hour. His trident Undertow is made of coral and gold and finds sunken treasure; this weapon over a cresting wave is his holy symbol.

The seas and skies are ever-changing and unpredictable. The waters that blanket the earth are deep and unknowable, and their waves can pull down any ship not guided by Procan. He must be honored so that one can avoid his fury in the greatest storms and reap the bounties of the deep blue waters. Life came from the sea and to the sea all life will return.

Clerics of Procan avoid complexities in life (the faith itself has few rituals) and usually live on or near the sea, attending to those who earn their livelihood on the seas. They are considered good luck on sea voyages, and are often hired by captains, or choose to pilot their own vessels. They may be leaders or enemies of pirates. Procan's holy water is made from salt water, their create water cantrips may create fresh or salty water.

Alignment: Chaotic Neutral.

Weapon: Trident.

Symbol: Trident over a cresting wave or hill (often hard to see which).

Pathfinder Domains

Animal (Fur), Destruction (Catastrophe), Travel (Exploration), Water (Oceans), Weather (Storms).

Pathfinder Traits

Pathfinder Obedience

Hang a set of chimes where they will be stirred by either wind or water. If no suitable location exists to hang the chimes, you must hold the chimes and shake them gently to sound them throughout your obedience. Chant prayers as you attune yourself to the sound of the chimes, then spray water wildly about you and strike the chimes hard, making as much noise as you can. Gain a +4 sacred or profane bonus on saving throws against air, electricity, and water spells and effects. The type of bonus depends on your alignment—if you’re neither good nor evil, you must choose either sacred or profane the first time you perform your obedience, and this choice can’t be changed.

Evangelist or Feat

  1. Weather Watcher (Sp) endure elements 3/day, resist energy 2/day, or sleet storm 1/day
  2. Experienced Traveler (Ex) As a free action, you can grant yourself and any allies within 30 feet of you the ability to move over difficult terrain not caused by vegetation at normal speed and without taking damage or suffering any other impairment. This effect lasts 1 round for every Hit Die you possess or until you dismiss it as a free action, whichever comes first. Your allies must end each of their turns within 30 feet of you or lose the benefit. Areas that are enchanted or magically manipulated to impede motion still affect you and your allies. While using this ability, you also gain a +4 sacred or profane bonus on saving throws against spells and effects that would cause such terrain-based movement impairment, such as the web spell. (Your allies do not gain this bonus.)
  3. Elemental Ally (Sp) Once per day as a standard action, you can cast summon monster VII to summon a greater air or water elemental. You gain telepathic communication with the elemental to a range of 100 feet, and the elemental obeys your commands perfectly.


  1. Green Worker (Sp) gentle breeze 3/day, gust of wind 2/day, or call lightning 1/day
  2. Lightning Child (Su) You become resistant to lightning and similar effects. Gain electricity resistance equal to 5 + your Hit Dice.
  3. Nature's Companion (Ex) Your animal companion develops greater combat prowess, mental acumen, and protection against natural elements. First, your animal companion gains a +1 bonus to its Intelligence and Wisdom scores. Second, your animal companion gains a +2 sacred or profane bonus on attack and damage rolls. Third, your animal companion gains a +4 sacred or profane bonus on all saving throws against cold, electricity, and fire spells and effects. If you don’t have an animal companion, you instead gain the ability to use summon nature’s ally VII as a spell-like ability once per day.


  1. Sky Warrior (Sp) shocking grasp 3/day, elemental touchAPG (cold or electricity only) 2/day, or lightning bolt 1/day
  2. Elemental Aura (Su) You can create and dismiss an elemental aura as a free action. When you use this ability, choose cold or electricity. When you generate the elemental aura, you are surrounded by the element you chose. Anyone striking you with a melee weapon or natural attack takes 2d6 points of damage of the chosen type, plus 1 point for every 2 Hit Dice you possess (maximum 2d6+10). You can manifest this aura for 1 round per day for every Hit Die you possess. The rounds in which you manifest your elemental aura don’t need to be consecutive.
  3. Lightning Surge (Su) Once per day as a standard action, you can call a lightning bolt to strike you. This deals no damage to you but instead seems to fill you with boundless energy. You gain 2d10 temporary hit points, and any fatigued or exhausted conditions you are suffering from end. You also gain a +2 bonus to Strength, and your natural attacks and melee weapons deal an extra 1d6 points of electricity damage. These effects last for 1 round plus an additional round for every 4 Hit Dice you possess (maximum 6 rounds).

Action Domains

Air, Flux, Ice, Life, Water.


In the Common pantheon, the various fertility cults have been reduced to one, under the Oerdian name Oerth, tough her worship goes back as much to the Flan goddess Beory. The exact forms of her worship vary widely, and she has a thousand different names.

Beory is the personification of the earth and the supreme mother of the Flan pantheon. All the other flan gods are defined by their relationship to her. She is eternally generous and unable to deny any of her children and lovers, which often leads to tragedy. She is generally identified with Oerth today.

Among Oerdians Oerth is the primal goddess, mother of both the winds gods and the patriarch trio, the wife of Procan. She only figures in some early legends and her name is preserved in tradition, not theology. She has few temples, tough her shadow remains in the cult of the Oerdian Wind Gods.

In Synchretism Oerth is generally recognized as the world goddess, but there is much dispute over what this means. She is the goddess of mothers and the mother of gods. She has been identified with Geshtai the Baklunish goddess of water and life. Beory the Flan mother-goddess. Llerg, the simple but lovable rival of Kord. Dwarves know her as Berronar the patron of safety and marriage, gnomes as Segojan goddess of the earth, halflings as Sheela Peryroyl goddess of agriculture and weather.

Beory (bay-OH-ree) is usually considered a manifestation of the will of Oerth itself. Little concerns her except the actual fate and prosperity of the entire world, and she is a very distant goddess, even from her clerics. Named by the Flan, Beory's name is known throughout the Flanaess. Beory has little time or interest for most other divine beings, even those of similar interests, for her connection to the Oerth consumes most of her attention. Her symbol is either a green disk marked with a circle or a rotund woman figurine.

The Oerth is the wellspring of all life. Whether on the surface, below the waves, or underground, all life is part of the cycle of birth, life, and death, and part of Beory. She inspires every living thing to grow, nurtures them with blessed rain, and calls them to herself when it is time to die. Disasters that cause widespread destruction are agony to her. The actions of individuals are of no consequence unless they threaten the Oerth.

Clerics of Beory are contemplative and spend their time communing with nature. They wander to feel the different sensations of the Oerth, and use their power to relieve the Oerth's pains where it has been wounded. They often associate with druids. When they gather, they defer to the wisest and oldest. As they try to see the greater picture, they tend to be slow to act, but when they do act it is direct and focused on a quick and often violent solution, such as eliminating all combatants on both sides of an overly destructive conflict.

Alignment: Neutral

Weapon: Club

Symbol: Clay ball or disc.

Pathfinder Domains

Animal, Earth, Plant, Water, Weather.

Pathfinder Traits

Pathfinder Obedience

Polish and caress Oerth's holy symbol, contemplating the various ways the goddess nurtures the world. Think of your own mate(s) and sing a hymn to them while you fantasize about mating and procreating with them. Gain a +4 sacred (or profane if you are evil) bonus on Survival and Knowledge (Nature) checks.

Evangelist or Feat

  1. Weather Watcher (Sp) endure elements 3/day, resist energy 2/day, or protection from energy 1/day
  2. Experienced Traveler (Ex) As a free action, you can grant yourself and any allies within 30 feet of you the ability to move through undergrowth at normal speed and without taking damage or suffering any other impairment, as the druid's woodland stride ability. Your allies must remain within 30 feet of you to gain the benefits. The duration is one hour pet Hit Dice you have, you divide the duration in 1-hour intervals among the creatures touched. This period need not be continuous, but must be spent in one-hour increments for each target.
    Thorns, briars, and overgrown areas that are enchanted or magically manipulated to impede motion still affect you and your allies. While using this ability, you also gain a +4 sacred or profane bonus on saving throws against spells and effects that would cause such terrain-based movement impairment, such as the entangle spell. (Your allies do not also gain this bonus.)
  3. Elemental Ally (Sp) Once per day as a standard action, you can cast summon monster VII to summon a greater elemental of a type you choose. You gain telepathic communication with the elemental to a range of 100 feet, and the elemental obeys your commands perfectly.


  1. Green Worker (Sp) entangle 3/day, warp wood 2/day, or speak with plants 1/day
  2. Nature Child (Su) You become resistant to acid, cold, electricity, or fire effects. Each day you can have resistance against a different effect. The first time you take acid, cold, electricity, or fire in a day, you gain resistance equal to 5 + your Hit Dice against that energy type.
  3. Nature's Companion (Ex) Your animal companion develops greater combat prowess, mental acumen, and protection against natural elements. First, your animal companion gains a +1 bonus to its Intelligence and Wisdom scores. Second, your animal companion gains a +2 sacred or profane bonus on attack and damage rolls. Third, your animal companion gains a +4 sacred or profane bonus on all saving throws against cold, electricity, and fire spells and effects. If you don’t have an animal companion, you instead gain the ability to use summon nature’s ally VII as a spell-like ability once per day.


  1. Sky Warrior (Sp) shocking grasp 3/day, elemental touchAPG 2/day, or lightning bolt 1/day
  2. Elemental Aura (Su) You can create an elemental aura as a free action. When you first gain this ability, choose acid, cold, electricity, or fire—once you make this selection, it can’t be changed. When you generate the elemental aura, you are surrounded by the element you chose. Anyone striking you with a melee weapon or natural attack takes 2d6 points of damage of the chosen type, plus 1 point for every 2 Hit Dice you possess (maximum 2d6+10). This aura lasts for 1 round for every Hit Die you possess. The rounds in which you manifest your elemental aura don’t need to be consecutive. You can dismiss the aura as a free action.
  3. Mother's Surge (Su) Once per day as a standard action, you can call upon the earth to strike you with a gout of acid that deals no damage to you but instead seems to fill you with boundless energy. You gain 2d10 temporary hit points, and any fatigued or exhausted conditions you are suffering from end. You also gain a +2 bonus to Strength, and your natural attacks and melee weapons deal an extra 1d6 points of acid damage. These effects last for 1 round plus an additional round for every 4 Hit Dice you possess (maximum 6 rounds). You can call upon this acid when you are indoors, underground, or even underwater or flying.

Action Domain

Animal, Earth, Life, Plant, Spiritual.


A distant god of stars and the paths between them, Celestian is mostly worshiped by oerdian wizards, those who see magic as a tool and the pathways of the universe as magical conduits.

Celestian (seh-LES-tee-an) is a benign Oeridian god. The brother of Fharlanghn (his only close ally), he chose the distances of the stars and planes rather than Oerth. He appears as a middle-aged man of completely black coloration, always wearing his symbol: a piece of jewelry with a shining ruby, jacinth, topaz, emerald, sapphire, amethyst, and diamond. He has few ardent worshipers on Oerth, but counts among his following the many strange beings that live in and above the starry night.

The distant stars are an inspiration to travel, be encouraged to wander far from home, just as the stars do. The stars are eternal and are pleased to be a guide for both legs of a journey. The stars may reveal their secrets if you study them. Celestian and the stars are beacons on the final journey, leading the soul to its final reward.

The clerics are divided into seven orders, bearing no special titles other than the gem of their order; each order's holy symbol differs in which gem is placed at the center. These orders (and their area of focus) are ruby (inner planes), jacinth (travel), topaz (wards and protection), emerald (Oerth), sapphire (astrology, understanding), amethyst (outer planes), diamond (psychopomp, soul ward). Poorer clerics merely have a colored stone or piece of glass in place of the gemstone.

Most of Celestian's worshipers are scholars, astronomers, and planar explorers, with a few sailors. They search the world, sky, and planes for artifacts of the stars, fragments of meteorites, and lore relating to the stars, space, or the planes. Many of his clerics make a pilgrimage to a holy site in the Barrier Peaks.

In oerdian lands, Celestian has the the duty of psychopomp and guides the souls of the dead to their final destination. Celestian sees the soul as a flighty thing and the body as a mere garnment the body leaves upon death, his cult is not very concerned with graves, burial, or the undead. Oerdians recognize that Celestian is the guide of the departed soul, but the grave itself is a matter for the living, and the faith of the departed themselves, family, clan, and even nation. Burial places thus vary vastly with rank; an apple farmer honoring Wenta might be buried unceremoniously under an apple tree, while a prince or noble is interred in a mausoleum of magnificent splendor.

Celestian is a favored deity of good-aligned members of evil nonhuman races; while their eyes are unable to tolerate daylight, they find acceptance and hope in the light of the stars

Alignment: N (NG)

Weapon: Shuriken.

Symbol: A piece of jewelry with a shining ruby, jacinth, topaz, emerald, sapphire, amethyst, and diamond. Six of these stones are along the rim of the amulet, one in the center. Which stone is set in the center depends on the wearer's chief interest: ruby (inner planes), jacinth (travel), topaz (wards and protection), emerald (Oerth), sapphire (astrology, understanding), amethyst (outer planes), diamond (psychopomp, soul ward). For most clerics, these "gems" are actually colored glass or even just cheap colored stones.

Pathfinder Domains

Knowledge, Magic, Repose (Psycopomp), Travel, Void.

Pathfinder Traits

Pathfinder Obedience

Walk in a random pattern staring intently up at the stars, trusting in the stars' guidance. If no stars are currently visible, blindfold yourself and softly sing or chant all of the names of stars that you know as you perform your walk. Let your mind expand and turn your thoughts away from where your feet might land, allowing your steps to fall where chance wills. When the walk feels complete, stop. Ponder the steps you took and the position in which you stopped, and consider what portents these subtle clues might hold for the future. Gain a +4 luck bonus on Knowledge (planes) checks and Survival checks to avoid getting lost.


  1. Traveler's Tricks (Sp) longstrider 3/day, darkvision 2/day, or phantom steed 1/day
  2. Starlit Caster (Su) Over time you have learned to focus to better damage agents of evil. You add your Charisma bonus on your concentration checks, as well as on your caster level checks to overcome spell resistance. In addition, when you stand in starlight and hurl a shuriken or cast a spell that deals hit point damage, you can have it deal an extra 2d6 points of damage. This bonus damage is untyped, and manifests as a glowing aura of starlight around the weapon or the spell effect.
  3. Starry Eyes (Su) You gain darkvision with a range of 60 feet. If you already have darkvision with a range of 60 feet or greater, the range of your darkvision instead increases by 10 feet. This extension applies only to natural, permanent darkvision, not to darkvision that is granted by spells or other effects. In addition, while you stand in starlight the range increment of your shuriken attacks double and the range of your spells (other than spells with the range of “personal” or “touch”) increases as though your caster level were 1 level higher.


  1. Stargazer (Sp) keen senses 3/day, silence 2/day, or searing light 1/day
  2. Splendorous Ally (Sp) Once per day as a standard action, you can summon a movanic deva angel. You gain telepathy with the angel to a range of 100 feet. The angel follows your commands perfectly for 1 minute for every Hit Die you possess before vanishing. The deva doesn’t follow any commands that would cause it to take evil actions, and the creature could even attack you if the command is particularly egregious.
  3. Blast of Motes (Su) Whenever you channel positive energy to heal living creatures or cast a harmless spell, a shower of starry motes cascades over all of the living creatures in the area of effect. These motes do not impede vision or stealth attempts, nor do they reveal invisible creatures, but they infuse the targets with divine luck. Targets of this ability reduce any miss chance they face by 10%. In addition, when targets of this ability roll damage dice, they may treat all 1s as 2s. The motes and their effects last for 1 round + 1 round for every 4 Hit Dice you have (maximum 6 rounds). If you don’t have the ability to channel positive energy, you gain the ability to do so once per day as a cleric of a level equal to your Hit Dice (maximum 20), but only to heal living creatures. Whenever you use this ability, the beneficiaries are showered with starry motes, with the effects described above.


  1. Fighting Chance (Sp) entropic shield 3/day, blur 2/day, or displacement 1/day
  2. Starsight (Su) Celestian’s blessing allows you to see through half-real and fantastical images. You gain a +1 luck bonus on saving throws made against illusion spells and effects and against teleportation/planar travel effects (such as plane shift. This bonus increases by 1 for every 4 Hit Dice you possess (maximum +6).
  3. 'Shooting Star (Ex) You can throw shuriken with great speed and ease. You can make a ranged attack with a shuriken as a swift action.

Action Domains

Force, Life, Order, Space, Spiritual.


The Oerdian god of theocracy and an unwavering god of law, both natural and human, Pholtus sees himself as the first and final law-keeping god. This makes him unpopular with other law gods and their clergy. Where his cult is dominant, other religions are pushed aside.

Synchretism equates Pholtus with Pelor and Rao. Clerics of Pholtus accept this, seeing the other two faiths as flawed but redeemable cults of Pholtus.

Pholtus (FOHL-tus) is a stern Oeridian guardian of unbending Law, depicted as a tall, slender man in a white robe, with fair skin and hair, and eyes that shine with the fires of devotion. He carries the Staff of the Silvery Sun, an ivory object shod in silver and topped by an electrum sun-disk. His holy symbol is a full moon (Luna) partially eclipsed by a smaller crescent moon (Celene). He believes that he is the prime authority on Law and the natural order, which makes him unpopular with other gods. He particularly despises the Oeridian wind gods and is opposed by St. Cuthbert.

The One True Way is a strict path, but guarantees greatness. Show no tolerance for those who do not give all for the cause of Law, Fanaticism in the name of the Blinding Light is praiseworthy, and Law's champions shall be rewarded in the era when chaos has been vanquished.

This church does not have much respect for those of other religions, especially chaotic ones. The anthem of the worshipers is "O Blinding Light"; the church has three ascending orders: Glimmering (preferring white garments), Gleaming (preferring white and silver), and Shining (preferring white, silver, and gold). Clerics of the Blinding Light are expected to bring the word to unbelievers, and brook no argument against this practice. This quest means they must travel far from their churches, usually in groups should unbelievers and heretics turn hostile. They smite chaos where they find it, and Evil once chaos is rooted out. These clerics get along well with conservative paladins. When not preaching, they act as judges, lawyers, and arbiters.

His main stronghold used to be in Medegia, before that province fell to the undead. Pholtus has traditionally been worshiped by the Diembre Oerdian tribe that settled the northern part of the great Kingdom. He is popular in Andoran as god of enlightened rule and civilization. The new Andorean branch of the church is less dogmatic, and fights evil and lawlessness in that order. They dress in typical Andorean fashion, but in monochrome, going from black with white cuffs and collars for devoted lay members to a light grey for lower clerics and white for ranking clergy. This branch of the church is Lawful Good.

Alignment: Lawful Neutral (Lawful Good)

Weapon: Quarterstaff

Symbol: A silvery sun with a crescent moon on the lower right quadrant

Action Domains

Force, Life, Light, Order, Spiritual.

Pathfinder Domains

Good (Normal or Agathion), Knowledge, Law, Nobility (Leadership), Sun.

Pathfinder Traits

Pathfinder Obedience

Mark your brow with five white stripes and hang suncatchers on as many public buildings as you can. If no buildings are around, hang the suncatchers from a tree or natural formation instead. Never hang a suncatcher in the same place 2 days in a row. Gain a +4 sacred bonus on saving throws against light and blindness effects.


  1. Bright Magic (Sp) color spray 3/day, hypnotic pattern 2/day, or blindness/deafness (blindness only) 1/day
  2. Body of Light (Su) You gain a +4 sacred (or profane if evil) bonus on saves against effects that would blind you. In addition, whenever you make a successful saving throw against a spell or effect with the light descriptor (such as sunbeam), you can choose to ignore the effect entirely and redirect its path toward two different creatures or spaces within 30 feet of you. The designated creatures or spaces are affected as though they were caught in the effect’s area or were targeted by the effect.
  3. Rainbow Orb (Sp) You can cast prismatic sphere once per day.


Fharlanghn , the Oerdian god of travel and the horizon, has a lose cult and many shrines, but few temples

Fharlanghn is the god of roads and travel in the Common pantheon and has many wayside shrines. Caravaneers, sailors, and travelers pay him heed.

Fharlanghn (far-LAHNG-un) is shown as a seemingly old man with leathery, wrinkled skin and young-seeming bright green eyes. Brother of the Oeridian god Celestian, he is on amiable terms with nonevil earth gods and several nature gods, and is sometimes tied to Atroa. His symbol is a wooden disc carved with the curved line of the horizon, and he carries a magical version of this symbol called the Oerth Disc. He is the patron of those who walk or ride long distances (including travelers in tunnels), and as such is praised by those who must use mountain passes or travel the Underdark.

People need to move about and see new things. Be open to travel, as the world may change overnight and you may be in need of a new home or perspective. Look to the horizon for inspiration—the far end of the world has new peoples, new cultures, new magic, and new roads to walk.

The church is comprised of wandering clerics (who favor green and minister to those on the roads) and settled clerics (who favor brown and are usually older clerics whose wandering days are behind them). Clerics of Fharlanghn are encouraged to travel the world and see new things. They bless caravans, explore exotic lands, scout for armies, and record lore on distant places and people. Because they learn many languages and cultures, they act as translators and diplomats. Many aid in constructing of roadways and bridges, and a pair of shoes made by one of his clerics is held to last longer than any other.

Alignment: Neutral Good

Weapon: Quarterstaff

Symbol: Wooden disc carved with the curved line of the horizon.

Action Techniques

Charm, Ride, Spot.

Pathfinder Domains

Community, Liberation, Luck, Protection, Travel (Exploration).

Pathfiner Traits

Pathfinder Obedience

Sit cross-legged and look at the horizon, meditating for an hour on the path you will take today. When you rise, step out with your right foot first. If you are not planning to travel, meditate as above for a few minutes and then take a walk in the surrounding area. Gain a +4 sacred bonus on saving throws against spells and effects that would hinder your action economy or movement speed.


  1. Joyful Step (Sp) longstrider 3/day, forest friend 2/day, or good hope 1/day
  2. Infectious Joy (Su) Your delightful demeanor is so contagious that enemies find it hard to resist your charms. The save DC of your mind-affecting effects increases by 1, or by 2 against intelligent foes of the same race as you.
  3. Familiar Journey (Sp) You can cast word of recall once per day to return to the spot where you performed your most recent obedience, except you may target up to six willing creatures within 30 feet to travel with you; these creatures need not be touching you.

Oerdian Wind Gods

Besides the noble gods, there exists a separate hierarchy of peaceful Oerdian gods. Procan is their father but not counted as one of them. These rural gods are worshiped by commoners but play small roles in the affairs of state.


Velnius is the eldest and most respectable of Procan 's children, leader of the Oerdian wind gods and father of the four noble brothers. Deposed when he refused to become an empire-builder, he enjoys little respect from nobles but is loved among the common folk. He represents the time before the twin cataclysms when the Oerdians were a minor people.

Velnius (VEL-nee-us) is the most responsible member of his family. As Procan's oldest child, he is the leader of the Oeridian wind gods and is called in to support or take over for them when they are overwhelmed or lax in their duties. He is shown as tall man of middle age with white hair and a cloak of feathers from which pours water and lightning He is allied with his family members, friendly with neutral or druidic deities, and opposes Kurell. His symbol is a bird perched on a cloud.

The sky is the dome of heaven from which flow the necessities of life. The desert and the parched field cry out for rain while the road and swamp ask for the drying sun, and the request of each is answered. No matter which direction the wind blows, it is all part of the weather that Velnius controls. Weather is a blessing; for even if a storm or drought brings hardship, it will continue on its way to where it is needed.

Velnius's clerics are used to speaking on the behalf of others (even if such intervention is not needed). They prefer talk to conflict, but can be very aggressive when provoked. They pray for rain when crops need water and call for temperance when the weather deviates too far from the norm. As mobile as their god, they travel far, and adventure to counteract weather disruptions caused by heretical agents or when Velnius is too busy.

Alignment: Neutral (Good)

Weapon: Shortspear

Symbol: Bird perched on a cloud.

Action Domains

Air, Flux, Light, Order, Spiritual.

Pathfinder Domains

Air, Good (Agathion), Travel, Water, Weather.

Pathfinder Traits

Pathfinder Obedience

Wrap yourself in a robe of feathers and immerse yourself in water, holding your breath for as long as possible. Climb out of the water, kneel down, and pray until the robe dries. Gain a +4 sacred bonus on saving throws against effects with the water descriptor and effects from flying creatures.


  1. Winged Blessing (Sp) feather fall 3/day, levitate 2/day, or water breathing 1/day
  2. Aspect of the Wind (Su) Avian wings sprout from your back, granting you a fly speed of 30 feet with average maneuverability.
  3. Body of Water (Su) Your body becomes permanently fluid and malleable, making you immune to critical hits and sneak attacks. In addition, you can move through an area as small as one-quarter your space without squeezing or one-eighth your space when squeezing.

Stern Alia

This is an obscure goddess in the Flanaess.

Also known as Alia or the Shield Mother, Stern Alia is the demigoddess of Oeridian Culture, Law, and Motherhood. She is also the tutelary goddess of the island nation of Thalos in Western Oerik (across the Solnor Ocean), which was settled by Aerdi explorers many centuries ago. Since she is no longer worshiped in the Flanaess, the details of her portfolio have become sketchy.

Her holy symbol is an Oeridian woman's face on a round amulet, or painted on a round shield. The Shield Mother is a maternal figure, fully armed and armored. Alia is lawful neutral, but her church in Thalos tends toward good, while her church in Medegia tended toward evil.


It has been suggested (in Bastion of Faith, the Player's Guide, and Warriors of Heaven) that Stern Alia is somehow an aspect of the Flan god known as Allitur. However, she is presented as entirely separate from Allitur in 3rd edition materials. There are also parallels between Stern Alia and Wee Jas. Still others equate her with the Flan goddess Berei, or see them as sisters and daughters of Oerth. There is a legend her father is Pholtus, a claim that creates conflict within the church of Pholtus as it challenges Pholtus' super-divine claims if he should have a daughter, especially with a pagan goddess like Oerth.

Syncretists largely ignore Stern Alia as she is not currently worshiped.

Alia is the mother of Heironeous and Hextor (and by implication the other brothers Thritherion and Erythnul), although they have unknown fathers. This clashes with the legends of Vilnius, that claims to be the father of all four of the Oerdian Noble Gods. Another son, Stratis, is mentioned in literature for the Chainmail miniatures game in Dragon #285, but he is deceased. He used to be an important god in far-off Thalos and patron deity of that country.


The clerics of Stern Alia organize local militias to fight back against threats, buying time for the professional armies.

In the Flanaess, Stern Alia's church was mostly limited to Medegia, where it has been largely destroyed due to infighting and by priests of Hextor and Pholtus. In the city of Pontylver, Alia was the patron of the Temple of the Correct and Unalterable Way. Many of the clergy there became increasingly arrogant and arbitrary over time, seeing themselves as the ultimate interpreters of the law. They embraced a heresy that said the Law was concentrated in the individual rather than the community, and for this their goddess forsook them, no longer granting them spells. The temple hierarchy managed to keep this a secret for a time; when their fellow cleric Myrrha attempted to speak out, they tried to silence her permanently. She barely escaped the city with her life. This scandal weakened the cult and paved the way for the cults of Hextor and Pholtus to take over Medegia.

In Thalos, her powerful church works hand in hand with the monarchy of that country. At the moment, paladins of the Shield Mother in Thalos are on a quest to recover the Shield of Stratis, one of the artifacts left scattered across the land when that son of the Mother of War was killed. The church would do anything to win this holy relic.

Myths and Legends

Rival Brothers Stern Alia is the mother of Hextor, Heironeous, and Stratis. To Heironeous she gave the gift of physical invulnerability, to Stratis she gave her shield, and to Hextor she gave nothing, for he had no concept of Law in her eyes. When Stratis died mysteriously, Alia began to suspect Hextor, and to this day believes that Hextor's ascension in power may be because he orchestrated his own brother's death. The goddess is preparing her church for war against Hextor for his crimes, a goal many other deities seem eager to help fulfill.

Meersalm It was the Shield Mother who gave Heironeous the gift of meersalm, coating him with it at birth, which made his skin immune to mortal weapons. She neglected to do so for his brother Hextor, which began the jealousy that eventually led Hextor to the Lords of Evil.

Savnok According to myth, Alia used to to leave her arms and armor in the care of her sons Heironeous and Hextor while she met with her many lovers. Once, before recorded history, a servant of the half-brothers, a man called Savnok, convinced his masters to allow him to guard the armory of Stern Alia while they attended to other matters. Left alone with the relics, Savnok could not resist trying on the goddess's armor. Drunk with power, he knew he could never bring himself to take it off, so he fled to the mortal realm, where he began carving a kingdom out for himself.

As long as he wore the armor, Savnok could not be harmed by any mortal weapon or energy. Stricken with guilt, Heironeous and Hextor became determined to retrieve the suit before their mother returned. He was immune to Heironeous' lightning, however, so Hextor broke into the armory again and acquired his mother's bow and arrows. Though young, still two-armed Hextor could just barely draw the bow, his arrows hit their mark, and Savnok slowly bled to death from small wounds.

Hextor advised his brother to help him replace the missing items and hide the body of Savnok beyond the edge of the cosmos, where their mother would never know about it. Heironeous agreed to the plan, feeling like he owed Hextor for solving the problem. He has felt guilty about this deception ever since.

Alignment: Lawful Neutral

Weapon: Spear

Pathfinder Domains

Inquisition, Knowledge, Law, Protection?

Pathfinder Traits


Pathfinder Obedience


Action Domains



Atroa the Spring Maiden is the daughter of Procan, one of the Oerdian wind gods but also honored in noble circles. She is the goddess of spring, romantic love, and innocence. As an Oerdian, she is also a capable warrior with her sling, tough her chief conquests are always hearts; in chivalry she is the patron of chaste romance and her clerics are explorers, diplomats, and entertainers. Some see her as an ascended mortal sponsored by Ehlonna.

Atroa (ah-TROH-ah) is one of the five Oeridian wind and agricultural deities fathered by Procan. Depicted as a fresh-faced blonde woman with an eagle perched on her shoulder, she once loved the god Kurell but was spurned by him for her sister Sotillion. She oversees the blessings of spring, including the opening of hearts to new prospects and the body to new horizons. Her sling Windstorm can strike the most distant foe, and her spherical glass talisman Readying's Dawn can melt ice within her line of sight. She is closest to her divine family and is indifferent to most other gods except Fharlanghn. Her holy symbol is a heart with an air-glyph within.

Spring is the time that the world awakens from her slumber by the invigorating breath of the east wind. Spring brings new life and love to the world, renews old friendships, and pulls on the heartstrings of lovers, poets, and travelers. It is a time for old things to be repaired, old feuds to be buried, and old biases to be discarded. Like the dawn, it presages great things to come; look to them with an open mind and heart so that they may be enjoyed to the fullest.

Clerics of Atroa are optimistic, willing to try new things; and rarely settle in one place for more than a year. They are forgiving and and take pride in turning foes into friends. They love returning to past friends almost as much as they relish any opportunity to travel and see new places. They enjoy exploring strange places, especially in spring after a winter's rest.

Alignment: NG

Weapon: Sling

Symbol: Heart with an air-glyph within.

Action Domain

Air, Life, Light, Plant, Spiritual.

Pathfinder domains

Air, Charm (Love), Good, Plant, Sun.

Pathfinder Trats

Pathfinder Obedience

Recite a children's song or rhyme from memory while weaving a small basket from willow branches and filling the basket with food, money, or other sources of comfort and hide it for children to find. Gain a +4 sacred bonus on saving throws against poison, disease, and ageing effects.


  1. Comfort of Faith (Sp) sanctuary 3/day, burst of radiance 2/day, or magic circle against evil 1/day
  2. Demanding Presence (Sp) You can cast silenced holy word once per day.
  3. Land of the Children (Sp) Your can cast magnificent mansion once per day. Children count as only 1/4 of a person for the purpose of the banquet, and the food and setting is made for children, including toys, play areas, dens, and so forth.


Sotillion is Queen of Summer, lady of ease, goddess of prosperity, wife to Zilchus, and one of the Oerdian wind gods. She is the most popular god among commoners in Oerdian lands. She is an ascended mortal sponsored by Pelor.

Sotillion (so-TIL-ee-on) is depicted as a beautiful woman in diaphanous clothes, reclining on a blanket with a bottle of wine, accompanied by a winged, pure-orange tiger (her holy symbol). With a wave of her hand she can afflict others with a careless stupor nearly unto slumber. Zilchus's wife, she can retain her favorite comforts because of her husband's prosperity. Ever a languid goddess, she often has to be prodded to her duties by her family.

When the wind blows from the south and when planting is done, it is time to rest and enjoy the warm weather with good food, pleasant folk, friendly gossip, and content quiet. Hard work and strain are things to be avoided. If your rewards are threatened, defend them with zeal like the great cat defends her young, for life without its comforts is a life not worth living.

Sotillion's clerics like to be pampered and enjoy casual parties and banquets where they can listen to soft music, engage in pleasant conversation with interesting people, and sample tasty foods and beverages. Her clerics make good diplomats because they are able make people so relaxed that they forget their quarrels and gripes. They travel in style, usually on horseback, in a carriage, or on a litter, in order to visit acquaintances or attend parties. Some are of the mindset that ease and comfort become stale and boring without times of distress and hardship to which it can be contrasted; these clergymen go adventuring, both for the purpose of roughing it and to acquire riches to allow them the comforts they desire.

Alignment: Chaotic Good

Weapon: Net

Symbol: A pure-orange winged tiger

Action Domains

Fire, Life, Light, Plant, Spiritual.

Pathfinder Domains

Chaos (Azata), Good (Azata), Healing, Plant, Weather (Seasons).

Pathfinder Traits

Pathfinder Obedience

Pour half a glass of a drink you enjoy onto fertile earth. Drink the rest of the wine yourself while toasting Sotillion. Gain a +4 sacred bonus on saves against bleed and disease effects.


  1. Bountiful Spirit (Sp) goodberry 3/day, tears to wine 2/day, or daylight 1/day
  2. Touch of Wine (Su) Once per day, you can make a touch attack to cause a creature to become intoxicated. If your attack is successful, the target takes 1d6 points of Dexterity, Wisdom, and Charisma damage. The damage is halved with a successful Fortitude save (DC 10 + 1/2 your HD + your Wis modifier).
  3. Divine Gardener (Sp) You can cast control plants three times per day. This ability is the equivalent of an 8th-level spell.


Wenta is the Oerdian wind goddess of autumn and west wind, and watches over harvests and festivities. She is also the patron of winting and brewing. She is an ascended mortal sponsored by Sehanine.

Wenta (WEN-tah) is a middle-aged Oeridian wind god. She always appears as a buxom, rosy-cheeked woman with straw in her hair and a large mug of beer (her holy symbol). She has no permanent ties to any one being, preferring to go where her heart takes her, and as such has been linked to many deities. The week of Brewfest is a holy time for her, although she prefers that people spend it cavorting and drinking rather than praying. She dislikes only her brother Telchur, seeing him as the black sheep always on her heels.

The cool winds of autumn are Wenta's sign that it is time to reap. Winter's cold can be delayed with the warmth of ale and beer, and brewing deserves as much care as you would give your lover. A day of hard work in autumn is repaid with pleasantly cool nights, good friends, and plenty of good drink to loosen your tongue and quicken your heart.

Wenta's clerics are friendly, outgoing, and unafraid to talk to strangers. Their time of prayer is a brief interval before sundown. They organize gatherings, particularly those involving alcohol, and direct harvest procedures so that work is shared fairly by all and finished early. Many work as brewmasters and travel to other parts of the world to enjoy the weather and local spirits. They adventure to meet new people and spend time with friends, or because they agreed to do so while intoxicated. Their holy water is actually blessed ale or beer.

Alignment: Chaotic Good.

Weapon: Club.

Symbol: Mug of beer.

Pathfinder Domains

Chaos, Charm, Good, Plant, Weather (Seasons).

Pathfinder Traits

Action Domains

Flux, Life, Plant, Spiritual, Water.


The god of winter and the most adverse of the Oerdian wind gods, Telchur can be a terror when the mood strikes him. He is an ascended mortal sponsored by Nerull.

Telchur (TEL-chur) is the bitterest of Procan's children. Resenting being assigned the coldest and bleakest months of the year, he shuns his family to associate with strange beings (including noble slaadi, the Wolf Lord, and the arch-devil Belial). Shown as a gaunt man with dark eyes and an icicle beard, he wields an icy shortspear and is accompanied by a winged, albino bull. He is extremely good at his work; because he wishes no rivals to blight his reputation, he urged his greatest clerics to trap his rival Vatun in a magical prison seven hundred years ago. He prefers the tranquility of a frozen forest to the screams of an icy wind through a mountain pass; his symbol is a leafless tree in a field of snow.

While life blossoms in the spring and flourishes in the summer, winter always comes and causes it to die, freezing the ground so that even the strongest shoot cannot break free. The cold wind covers all like a shroud, sucking the life from man and beast, blowing out the fires of his hope, and leaving nothing but endless white silence.

Telchur's clerics are brooding and withdrawn. They dislike noise and pleasantries, preferring to focus on the grim necessities of survival, even in times of prosperity. They pray just after dark. They preside over winter funerals, help the fit survive the coldest parts of winter, and adventure to spread the gloom of the Icebrother to distant people.

Alignment: Chaotic Neutral

Weapon: Short spear and short bow.

Symbol: Leafless tree in a field of snow.

Action Domains

Air, Darkness, Flux, Ice, Spiritual.

Pathfinder Domains

Chaos (Entropy), Strength (Resolve), Plant (Decay), Water (Ice), Weather.

Pathfinder Traits

Pathfinder Obedience

Kneel naked outdoors at night while dipping your hands in two bowls of tepid water. Slowly raise your hands above your head and hold them there until the water from both bowls has evaporated or frozen. Gain a +4 sacred bonus on saves against cold effects.


  1. Frozen Magic (Sp) mount (caribou only) 3/day, chill metal 2/day, or protection from energy 1/day
  2. Icy Shards (Su) Three times per day, you can breathe a 15-foot cone of ice particles. The cone deals 1d6 points of damage per HD you possess (maximum 15d6). Half this damage is cold damage, while the other half is slashing damage. A Reflex save (DC 10 + 1/2 your HD + your Constitution modifier) halves damage taken from this attack.
  3. Glacial Dark (Sp) You can cast polar midnight once per day.


Merikka is a quiet and orderly Oerdian goddess of the calendar, and by extension science. Her task to keep the seasons in order is vital and she performs it dutifully, but she is a passive goddess and figures little in myths or cults. She is either an ascended mortal sponsored by Istus or the daughter of Celestian.

Merikka (meh-RIK-kah) is a quiet Oeridian goddess who takes direction from Celestian and coordinates activities with her cousins (the gods of seasons) to allow farmers to plant and cut their crops at the proper time. She guides the cycle of a family through the days, seasons, and years of life. Her obsession with dates and cycles makes her a patron of expectant mothers. She is shown as a gray-haired woman of faded beauty holding a basket of grain and a long scroll, with the objects being her holy symbol. She was trapped for a time under Castle Greyhawk by Zagig Yragerne but eventually released by a group of adventurers. She resents chaotic gods and any who would disrupt her work.

A well-run farm and strong family both rely on the adherence to routines, an understanding of relationships, and the consequences of actions. Animals will not thrive unless they are cared for, fields cannot be planted unless they are prepared, and grain won't last through the winter unless rationing is kept. Spouses must respect each other, children must obey their parents, and parents should love and teach their children. Ignoring these commands leads to ruin.

Clerics of Merikka coordinate groups of farmers so that everyone's crops are planted and harvested at the optimal time, mediate between warring family members, care for pregnant women, and officiate coming-of-age and marriage ceremonies. They enforce laws and punish lawbreakers where other officials are unavailable. Most city folk see them as emissaries of law because of their single-minded dedication in following their quarry to places far from home.

Alignment: Lawful Good.

Weapon: Sickle.

Holy Symbol: Basket of grain and/or a long scroll.

Pathfinder Domains

Community, Good, Law, Plant, Protection.

Pathfinder Traits

Action Domains

Animal, Life, Order, Plant, Time.

Oerdian Noble Gods

This is the official church of the nobility and realms of the Aerdy, led by a quartet of third-generation patriarchal gods: Hieroneous (Chivalry), Hextor (Tyrrany), Eruthnul (Destruction), and Trithereon (Freedom). These four usurped power from their uncle Velnius who refused to seek fame and build an empire. They are all gods of nobility and of little concern to common folk. Their cults do not coexist well; if one is dominant in an area, the others tend to be repressed.


Hieroneous is the just knight, the rightful lord of land among the Oerdians. He sees it as both his duty and his right to rule, and he brooks no disrespect. He is an ascended mortal sponsored by Bahamut.

Heironeous (hi-ROE-nee-us) is the Oeridian battlefield champion of all that is right and good. He wages war against evil of all sorts, especially his half-brother and nemesis, Hextor. He is tall, with coppery skin, auburn hair, and amber eyes, and wears fine chain (or more recently plate) mail. At his birth, Heironeous' skin was imbued with a secret solution called meersalm that protects him from all but the most powerful weapons. His symbol is a silver lightning bolt. His allies are other gods who fight evil, and his foes are those who encourage evil or suffering. Known for his great magic battleaxe, he recently has been promoting usage of the longsword in order to appeal to common soldiers as well as paladins and leaders.

The world is a dangerous place that poses a never-ending series of challenges to those who fight for justice and protection of the weak and innocent. One must act honorably at all times, and uphold the virtues of justice and chivalry in word and deed. Danger must be faced with certainty and calm, and glory is the reward for defeating evil, while virtue is the reward for upholding the tenets of Heironeous.

Heironeous' church is very militaristic, championing causes and crusading to eliminate evils. His clerics travel the world, fighting evil as dictated by their church commanders. Older clerics work as judges, strategists, and military instructors.

Alignment: Lawful Good.

Weapon: Longsword (Battle Axe).

Symbol: Silver lightning bolt, sometimes grasped in a hand or gauntlet.

Pathfinder Domains

Good, Law, Glory, Nobility (Normal or Leadership), War.

Pathfinder Traits

Pathfinder Obedience

Raise your sword (or battle-axe, for traditionalists). While holding the weapon high make a zig-zag lightning salute, bow, then stand at vigil, praying. Gain a +4 sacred bonus on Diplomacy and Knowledge (nobility) checks.

Evangelist or Feat

  1. Meersalm (Sp) remove fear 3/day, aid 2/day, or magic vestment 1/day
  2. Demon-Feared Caster (Ex) You are used to fighting the forces of evil. You gain a sacred bonus equal to 1 + 1 for every 4 Hit Dice you possess (maximum +6) on caster level checks to overcome the spell resistance of outsiders with the chaotic or evil subtypes. These bonuses stack against outsiders who are both chaotic and evil (maximum +12) . If you don’t have the ability to cast spells, you instead gain the ability to use protection from chaos/evil as a spell-like ability three times per day.
  3. Wrath of Honor (Su) Three times per day, you can call upon Heironeous during the casting of a spell to increase its potency. When you use this ability, you can cast any spell that deals hit point damage and has a casting time of 1 standard action as a full-round action instead. Doing so changes half the damage dealt to divine power, similar to a flame strike spell. For example, a wizard 5/evangelist 9 casts a lightning bolt as a full-round action. The spell deals 10d6 points of damage, half of which is electricity damage and the other half of which is divine energy and not subject to electricity resistance. If you can’t cast spells that deal hit point damage, you instead gain the ability to imbue your weapon with holy power. Three times per day as a free action, you can grant your weapon the holy weapon special ability for 1 minute.


  1. Glorious Servant (Sp) shield of faith 3/day, align weapon 2/day, or searing light 1/day
  2. Righteous Strike (Sp) Once per day, you can channel the effects of holy smite through your weapon. You must declare your use of this ability before you roll your attack. On a hit, the target is affected as if targeted with holy smite.
  3. Just Ally (Sp) Once per day as a standard action, you can summon a shield archon (Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 2 31). The shield archon follows your commands perfectly for 1 minute for every Hit Die you possess before vanishing back to its home in Heaven. The shield archon doesn’t follow commands that would violate its alignment, however, and particularly egregious commands could cause it to attack you.


  1. Knight of Valor (Sp) bless weapon 3/day, aid 2/day, or magic vestment 1/day
  2. Valorous Smite (Su) If you have the smite evil class feature, you gain an extra use of that ability per day. You add the levels of sentinel to your paladin levels when calculating the extra damage dealt by your smite. If you successfully deal damage with your smite, your target must succeed at a Will saving throw (with a DC equal to 10 + your Charisma modifier + 1/2 your Hit Dice) or be stunned for 1 round plus 1 round for every 4 Hit Dice you possess (maximum 6 rounds). Once a target saves against this stunning effect, it is immune to the stunning effect from your holy smite for 24 hours.
    If you don’t have the smite evil class feature, instead you can, as a free action, single out an outsider with the evil subtype or an evil-aligned dragon you plan to vanquish. Against this target, you gain a +2 sacred bonus on attack rolls and a sacred bonus equal to your sentinel level on damage rolls. The bonuses remain until the target is dead or you use this ability again, whichever comes first. If you choose a target that is not one of the listed creature types, the ability is wasted. You can use this ability a number of times per day equal to your Charisma bonus (minimum once per day).
  3. Banishing Strike (Sp) Once per day, you can channel the effects of banishment through your weapon, though you don’t need to cast (or even know) the spell. You must declare your use of this ability before you roll your attack. On a hit, the target is affected by a banishment effect. If you openly wear a holy symbol of Heironeous, you gain a +1 bonus on your caster level check to overcome the target’s spell resistance (if any) and the saving throw DC increases by 2.

Paladin Code

The paladins of Heironeous are just and strong, crusaders who live for the joy of righteous battle. Their mission is to right wrongs and protect the faithful. They serve as examples to others, and their code demands they protect the weak and innocent by eliminating sources of oppression, rather than merely the symptoms. They are allowed to back down or withdraw from a fight if they are overmatched, but if victory can be achieved through sacrifice, they must fight.

  • I will learn the weight of my sword (or axe). Without my heart to guide it, my weapon is worthless—my strength is not in my sword, but in my heart. If I lose my sword, I have lost a tool. If I betray my heart, I have died.
  • I will have faith in Honor. I will channel Heironeous' strength through my body. I will shine in Heironeous' host, and I will not tarnish Heironeous' glory through base actions.
  • I am the first into honorable battle, and the last to leave it.
  • I will never break my word of honor.
  • I will surrender when honorably defeated, and in captivity strive to sway my captor to honor.
  • When in doubt, I should force my enemies to surrender. I am responsible for their lives and responsible for leading them to redemption.
  • I will pay and accept ransom except against the most vile enemies—my honorable action might redeem them.
  • I will guard the honor of my lord and vassals, both in thought and deed, and I will have faith in them.
  • I will never refuse a challenge from an equal. I will give honor to worthy enemies.
  • I will strive to emulate Heironeous’ perfection. I will be temperate in my actions and moderate in my behavior.

Action Domains

Air, Life, Light, Order, Spiritual.


Hextor is Hieroneous evil brother and the Oerdian god of tyrrany. He claims the right to rule based on strength and ability. He disdains Hieroneous tolerance for weakness. The weak exist only to serve the strong. He is an ascended mortal sponsored by Tiamat.

Hextor (HEKS-tor) is the arch-foe of Heironeous, his brother and fellow Oeridian war god. He seeks to conquer or destroy any that oppose him. He is depicted as a handsome man with dark hair and light skin when shown as a god who rules through strength, but takes the visage of a gray-skinned, horrible six-armed being when shown in his more violent aspect. He uses a different weapon in each arm and wears iron scale armor with many skull decorations. His icon is the Symbol of Hate and Discord, six red arrows facing downward in a fan.

The world is a dark and bloody place where the strong rule the weak, and power is the only reward. It is often necessary to be cruel and merciless in the pursuit of ones goals, and achieving those goals can have harsh consequences. Order must be forged out of chaos and law out of anarchy. The forces of tyranny must be obeyed and dissenters must be oppressed or destroyed.

Most of Hextor's temples are built on the sites of great battles where many were slaughtered. Hextor's clerics constantly train themselves in the arts of war, for they plan or lead attacks on rebels and do-gooders. Many serve petty or powerful leaders, and others still have achieved significant political positions of their own, particularly in the former Great Kingdom. Individuals and small groups strike out from established churches to sow dissent in enemy lands, bringing down foreign nations from within so that the arms of Hextor may conquer.

Recently, Hextorians have been pushed out of the limelight in the Great Kingdom, which as forced them to re-evaluate and adapt. Some have started using firearms, saying these weapons are suited to their gods many arms and fiery nature. Others say they picked up a trick or two from their enemy, Myrlund.

Alignment: Lawful Evil

Weapon: Flail

Symbol: Six red arrows facing downward in a fan.

Action Domains

Darkness, Life, Metal, Order, Spiritual.

Pathfinder Domains

Evil, Destruction, Law, Nobility, War.

Pathfinder Traits

Pathfinder Obedience

Do combat drill for half an hour, preferably in a group, reciting passages from Hextor's creed and meditate upon how your god’s will guides your actions. Spend the next half hour recounting the orders and obligations that your superiors have given you and planning the orders you will give your subordinates. You gain a +4 profane bonus on saving throws against spells and effects with the chaotic, good, or pain descriptor.


  1. Slave-Taker's Tools (Sp) command 3/day, stoke the inner fire 2/day, or chain of perditionUC 1/day
  2. Sense Slaves (Ex) You gain the scent ability, but only with respect to humanoids. You gain a +2 favored enemy bonus against humanoids, which stacks with any favored enemy bonus you already possess against humanoids.
  3. Crushing Strike (Su) Once per day, you can channel the Prince of Steel’s power through your weapon as a free action. You must declare your use of this ability before you make an attack roll. On a hit, the weapon rips away a chunk of the foe's flesh. Your target takes 5d6 points of magic evil bludgeoning damage and starts to bleed unless it succeeds at a Fortitude save (DC 10 + 1/2 your HD + your Charisma modifier). If the target fails its save, it takes an additional 2d6 points of bleed damage each round until it succeeds at a Fortitude save at the original DC. The Heal skill cannot stop this bleeding, and cure spells only do so if they restore the target to full hit points.


  1. Tyrant's Weapons (Sp) bane 3/day, dread boltUC 2/day, or protection from energy 1/day
  2. Dread Fangs (Su) Two fangs emerge from your mouth. Twice per day as part of casting a spell or using a spell-like ability, you may remove one of these fangs and use it to augment that spell or spell-like ability; this counts as adding a somatic component to the casting. This augmentation acts as your choice of one of the following metamagic feats: Bouncing SpellAPG, Enlarge Spell, Extend Spell, or Silent Spell. The fangs are insubstantial, and cannot be used to make a bite attack.
  3. Bladestorm (Sp) You can create a whirling curtain of blades of fire and steel. This ability acts like a blade barrier cast by a cleric but also sends out waves of heat like a wall of fire. Humanoid creatures killed by this ability rise as uncontrolled burning skeletons.


  1. Might Makes Right (Sp) protection from good 3/day, weapon of aweAPG 2/day, or deadly juggernautUC 1/day
  2. Knight of Arms (Ex) You may treat any weapon as if you were proficient in it and had the Weapon Focus feat for that weapon. If you already have Weapon Focus for that weapon, your critical hits with that weapon cause the target to bleed as if you had the Bleeding Critical feat.
  3. Pyroclastic Champion (Su) Hextor infuses you with more of his essence. As a free action, you can grow or dismiss four additional arms. You can use these arms as normal arms, tough they are all considered off-hands. You cannot wield two-handed weapons in these additional arms. This is a polymorph effect.


The Summoner and the Lord of Freedom, Trithereon represents the continuation of the barbarian Oerdian's free spirit into the modern world. While he accepts nations and the protection they offer the weak, he sees them with suspicion, a necessary evil that the heroic knight and defender should not subjugate himself too. He is an ascended mortal sponsored by Kord.

He is the symbol of freedom and national identity in the new republic of Andorea, symbolized by the falcon. Andoreans favoring Trithereon favor blue and white clothes. In the common pantheon, Trithereon is worshiped mainly in the Keoland area, where he is a god of adventurers and free roamers. He has some presence among the pirates of the pearl sea region as well, who see him as a god of independent spirit, skill, and charm.

Trithereon (tri-THEH-ree-on) is shown as a tall well-built young man with red-gold hair, clad in a chainmail shirt and blue or violet clothes. His symbol is the rune of pursuit, representing his relentlessness in hunting down oppressors and tyrants. He is famous for his three great magic weapons (the shortspear Krelestro, the Harbinger of Doom; the sword Freedom's Tongue; and the scepter called the Baton of Retribution) and his three summoned animals (Nemoud the Hound, Harrus the Falcon, and Carolk the Sea Lizard). He fights evil and oppressive law, so he sometimes opposes law-aligned deities such as Hextor, Heironeous and Pholtus.

All deserve life and the ability to choose their own place in the world, and those who would place others in shackles or control them with oppressive laws must be toppled. Train the common folk to defend themselves and their property should another wish to take their freedoms, if you are wronged, you are right to exact vengeance yourself, especially if none will help you.

Because the faith praises individuality over standardized doctrine, each church has a different focus but is allied with all others. Trithereon's clerics are rugged individualists, never afraid to question authority. Those in cities instruct commoners in self-defense and recruit like-minded rogues and rangers for the cause of individual liberty. Those in rural areas act as scouts or spies against despotic lords or murderous nonhumans. Both sorts keep close watch on Lawful religions lest they become too powerful. The Summoner's clerics travel far and wide in search of those in need of their help.

Alignment: Chaotic Good

Weapon: Shortspear, longsword, and greatclub

Symbol: Rune of pursuit, a combination of three half Zs into a triskelion-like symbol.

Pathfinder Domains

Chaos (Azata), Good (Azata), Liberation, Protection (Defense), Strength.

Pathfinder Traits

Pathfinder Obedience

Wander the land, observing the creatures you see. Remember how each aids Trithereon in the legend, and think about how they can aid you in your adventures. Gain a +4 sacred bonus on Wild Empathy checks. If you lack wild empathy, you gain the ability (as the druid class feature) with a bonus equal to your Hit Dice + your Charisma modifier.


  1. Hero (Sp) bless weaponAPG 3/day, animal aspect 2/day, or greater magic weapon 1/day
  2. War Mount (Ex) If you make a full attack while mounted, your mount also attacks with great enthusiasm. You must attempt a Ride check as normal to fight with a combat-trained mount. If your Ride check succeeds, your mount can attack with a +4 bonus on its attack and damage rolls.
  3. Freedom Charge (Ex) Three times per day, you can make a chaotic charge attack. You must declare your use of this ability before you roll your attack. You deal an extra 2d6 points of damage to creatures of lawful alignment on a successful charge. If you have the cavalier’s charge, mighty charge, or supreme charge class ability, you instead deal an extra 3d6 points of damage to creatures of lawful alignment on a successful wild charge.

Action Techniques

Impress, Know, Melee.


Eruthnul the Lord of Slaughter is the third born of the noble sons of Velnius and one of the of the oerdian noble gods. He figures in many important myths that define Oerdian faith. He is the eternal enemy, the chaos beyond the border that constantly threatens all that is lawful and good. All Oerdian gods have fought him at one time or another, and his depredations can justify even Hextor’s harsh rule. Because of his opposition to order, revolting peasants sometimes turn to him.

Erythnul (eh-RITH-nul) is the undisciplined counterpart to Hextor, possibly predating him and losing worshipers to his ordered and intelligent rival. This Oeridian god is a terrible sight to behold, with ruddy skin, red garments, a brutally strong build, and a great stone mace that is pierced to cause a fear-inducing shriek when he swings it. His title comes from his appearance in battle, as his features change between human, gnoll, bugbear, ogre, and troll, and his spilled blood becomes an allied creature of like type. His symbol is a red blood drop or a hideous mask.

Destroy anyone who would take what is yours away from you. Covet that which you do not own. Blessed is he who can take something from a rival. Maim those you cannot destroy, and cause fear in the hearts that you cannot maim. Bloodshed for its own sake is reason enough, and if you can shed the blood of a hated enemy, so much the better. When Erythnul's gift of blood rage comes upon you, be sure to use it well.

Clerics of Eruthnul indulge in wild hunts across the land. They drive the hunt to make it as dangerous as possible to prey and predator alike, and try to ensure that its bloody finale takes place in a settled area. Common folk do not appreciate having desperate wolves, displacer beasts, and the like chased through town, and they tend to hate and fear Eruthnul’s faithful— which is the whole idea. Eruthnulite clergy also preach the joy and bounty of the hunt and raiding. They work to destroy civilization. To this end, they stage hunts, raids, and acts of vandalism that are popular with outlaws and bored young nobles.

Any site where great bloodshed has occurred is considered a holy place by the church. Erythnul's clerics are cruel, sadistic, and hateful. They foment rebellion, murder, and riots in civilized areas, lead troops of bandits, raiders, or nonhumans, and commit murder when they grow bored. They deface beautiful things and disfigure attractive people for fun. They aren't above betraying their own allies to suit their own motives or protect their own hides. They travel to bring ugliness and strife to pleasant places or to escape those that would persecute them.

Alignment: Chaotic Evil

Weapon: Heavy mace

Symbol: Red blood drop or a hideous mask.

Action Techniques: Charm, Impress, Melee.

Pathfinder Domains

Chaos (Demon), Destruction (Rage), Evil (Demon), Liberation (Revolution), War.

Pathfinder Traits


Smash or consume an assortment of items, preferably something fragile, aesthetically beautiful, or with significance to a good-aligned deity (particularly Heironeous). The more devout servants of Eruthnul seek out and hoard particularly expensive, artistic, or rare items, such as fine bottles of wine or delicate curios, to destroy during their obedience. Roll in the shards of the destroyed items, howling and shouting praises and curses invoking Eruthnul, until the shards draw blood and your lungs ache. Gain a +4 bonus on attack and damage rolls against objects.


  1. Destructive Force (Sp) break 3/day, bull’s strength 2/day, or shatter 1/day
  2. Bestow Destructive Smite (Su) You can bestow the Destruction domain’s destructive smite granted power upon an ally. As a standard action, you can spend one use of your destructive smite to grant its power to any ally within 30 feet, channeling into him the erratic force of Eruthnul’s rage. Your ally must make the destructive smite within 1 round of being granted the power or its use is wasted. Your ally uses your level to calculate the power of the destructive smite. If you don’t have access to the Destruction domain, you instead gain access to the destructive smite granted power but only for your personal use, as normal.
  3. Apocalyptic Ally (Sp) Once per day as a standard action, you can tear a violent breach between your location and the Outer Rifts—the deepest, foulest pits of the Abyss—and summon forth a pair of nyogoth qlippoth (Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 2 224). You gain telepathy with the creatures to a range of 100 feet, and they follow your commands perfectly for 1 minute for every Hit Die you possess before vanishing back into the Abyss. The qlippoth don’t follow commands that would cause them to act in overtly good or lawful ways. Such commands not only earn terrifying roars from the creatures, but could cause the nyogoths to attack you if the command is particularly egregious.


  1. Agent of the Beast (Sp) protection from good 3/day, rage 2/day, or righteous might 1/day
  2. Destructive Spell (Su) By calling on the rage of the Rough Beast, you gain the ability to deal terrific damage with your spells. You can use this ability when casting a spell that deals hit point damage and has a casting time of 1 standard action or less. You can choose to cast the spell as a full-round action to gain a +4 bonus to its save DC. In addition, you treat all 1s rolled on your damage dice for the spell as 2s instead.
  3. The Destroyer's Gifts (Su) You feel the touch of an alien presence at the corner of your mind, as if something hungry and hateful had taken root and now holds a measure of dominion over your thoughts. You gain an extra spell slot of the highest spell level you can cast. If you prepare spells, you can prepare one spell in this spell slot every day from the Chaos or Destruction domain spell lists. You may choose any spell from the lists even if you are an arcane spellcaster, and you can change this spell selection every time you prepare spells. If you are a spontaneous spellcaster, you can cast one spell from either of the domain spell lists as if it was on your known spells list. You can cast this spell only once per day, though you can choose a different spell to cast each time you regain your spells for the day.


  1. Inexorable Death (Sp) doom 3/day, death knell 2/day, or aura of cannibalism 1/day
  2. Wicked Claws (Ex) Your fingernails grow into thick, jagged talons, unevenly matched and vaguely resembling the spurs of a giant insect or the fangs of some unspeakable beast. You gain a pair of claw attacks. These are primary natural attacks that deal 1d8 points of slashing damage if you’re Medium or 1d6 points of damage if you’re Small.
  3. Disintegrating Blow (Sp) Once per day, you can channel a glimpse of Eruthnul’s hatred through your weapon, recreating the effects of disintegrate. You must declare your use of this ability before you roll your attack. On a hit, the target is affected as if targeted by disintegrate cast by a wizard of a level equal to your Hit Dice (maximum CL 20th). If your attack misses, the disintegrate effect is wasted.

Antipaladin Code

The antipaladins of Eruthnul seek their master’s attention, and ultimately to transcend and destroy him. Their code is simple, brutal, and direct, and its tenets include the following adages.

  • The world is my playground. Weaker creatures are my toys.
  • Those stronger than me are role models. I obey them as long as they have immediate power over me. I kill them when I can.
  • I take what I can, crush and piss on the rest. If I can't have the good things, neither can you.
  • I will die standing.

Oerdian Lesser Gods

Mostly of fourth or undefined later generation, these gods have practical portfolios and are popular among the common people.


Bleredd the Iron Mule is a fourth-generation Oerdian god, thoroughly civilized. He is the god of smiths and crafts, and is popular in wide areas. He is the maker of much of the war-gear of his militant pantheon. He is an ascended mortal sponsored by Moradin.

In the Common pantheon Bleredd the Iron Mule is the god of smiths and crafts, and is popular in wide areas. He is the divine craftsman, and brought knowledge of smith-craft to humans.

Bleredd (BLAIR-ed) is known throughout the Flanaess. He taught iron-working to the Oeridians and his worship has spread throughout the Flanaess. He cares little for talk, preferring to work in his shop and fashion metal works of art; he created may of the weapons his godly family uses, including that of his wife, Ulaa. His hammer Fury is thought to be the inspiration for the first hammers of thunderbolts forged by humans. Occasionally he accepts small groups of students and unlocks the gift of mastering metal in them. His holy symbol is an iron mule, reflecting his patience and endurance.

The earth's gifts are there for the taking, and creating a perfect suit of armor or flawless weapon is a goal to which all war-crafters should aspire. Mining and smithy-work is not for the weak, so those who worship Bleredd should be strong in mind and body, for a weak will forges a weak weapon. Anyone with the talent for this craft should be taught it, and those who keep secret more efficient or effective ways of finding or working metal will be punished.

Bleredd's clerics explore caverns for good ore, hammer out iron for the pleasure of creating, and search out sources of meteoric iron, mithral, and adamantine. They also travel to find new students, teach the smith-crafts, and develop better ways of doing their work.

Alignment: Neutral

Weapon: Hammer (pick one)

Holy Symbol: Iron mule

Pathfinder Domains

Artifice, Earth, Fire, Protection (Defense), Strength.

Pathfinder Traits

Action Domain

Earth, Fire, Metal, Order, Spiritual.


Delleb, the Oerdian god of scribes and historians, is conscientious but does not tolerate nonsense. He is an ascended mortal sponsored by Rao.

Delleb (DEL-leb) is an Oeridian god depicted as a noble scribe or well-dressed gray-haired man with a large white book (his holy symbol). Although he prefers debate to combat, he used his phoenix-feather quill as a dart to fend off a young and murderous Hextor. He is interested in any sort of useful or interesting lore, but dislikes fiction or overly verbose language. He is friendly to all others but those who are evil or oppose knowledge. It is rumored that Delleb sponsored Daern, hero-goddess of defenses and fortifications, to her present position.

The accumulation of knowledge is the purpose of existence. What cannot be learned from others may be discovered in books, and when books fail the truly studious will turn to experimentation. An hour studying is an hour well spent. Allowing emotion to cloud your judgment risks danger. The ignorant and inexperienced should be educated.

Delleb's clerics ask questions of strangers, listen to bard's tales with a grain of salt, pore over old books, and study lost languages in the hopes of uncovering valuable forgotten knowledge. They use their knowledge to help others, whether designing a more efficient stove for a farmer or planning a great bridge for a city; they may not have the skill to build such things, but they know how to design them. They travel to study recently unearthed tomes, converse with ancient learned people, and adventure to explore old places of lost writings.

Alignment: Lawful Good

Weapon: Dart

Symbol: White book.

Action Techniques

Know, Ride, Spot.

Pathfinder Domains

Good, Knowledge, Law, Magic, Rune (Language).

Pathfinder Traits

Pathfinder Obedience

Neatly inscribe eight runes on separate cards or squares of paper, one for each school of magic (except the universal school). Shuffle the cards facedown and draw two. Gain a +4 sacred bonus on saves against spells cast from the two schools of magic whose runes you draw.


  1. Calligrapher's Talent (Sp) divine favor 3/day, augury 2/day, or glyph of warding 1/day
  2. Divine Inscription (Su) Three times per day, when using a scroll to cast a spell that deals hit point damage, you can change half the spell’s damage to holy damage. If you lack the ability to cast a particular spell from a scroll, you may attempt a Use Magic Device check with a bonus equal to your HD plus your Charisma modifier (or your regular Use Magic Device bonus, whichever is better).
  3. Warding Sigils (Su) Once per day, you can summon 2d6 shimmering sigils that trail in your wake. The cards dart around you during combat, intercepting deadly attacks. At your discretion, each card can absorb a single damage die from either a sneak attack or a critical hit that would normally hit you. For example, if you would be hit by a sneak attack dealing an extra 3d6 points of damage and you had two cards remaining, you could reduce the sneak attack damage to 1d6 (these dice are removed before being rolled). Once a card absorbs a damage die, it disappears. Unused cards disappear at the end of each day.


Kurell is the brother of Zilchus. He was spurned in favor of his brother and in turn spurned Atroa, who loved him. This made him the Oerdian god of jealousy and envy, and by extension thievery. He is an ascended mortal.

Kurell (kuh-REL) is an Oeridian god once loved by Atroa, but he spurned her to pursue Sotillion, his brother Zilchus' lover. This failure caused him to lose both goddesses as well as the favor of his brother, Now, his jealous feelings keeps him alone, even though the others involved would surely forgive him if he would ask. His only allies are the more temperamental, morose, and reactionary deities Joramy, Ralishaz, and Trithereon. His symbol is a grasping hand holding a broken coin. He is a patron of thieves, although other gods such as Norebo and Olidammara are more popular than he, which makes him jealous and fills him with an irrational fervor to steal away their worshipers.

Desires must be seized, for experiencing the act of taking brings joy. Suffering must be avenged, for only retribution alleviates loss. Those that have wealth do not deserve it, nor the power and luck who brought them to where they are, and for that they should be scorned. You must take what is rightfully yours when the time is right or forever be shackled to misery, poverty, and nothingness.

Clerics of Kurell are very self-centered and not particularly interested in proselytizing unless they perceive an immediate benefit for themselves. Their instruction involves teaching by example rather than quoting doctrine. Many make their living as thieves, and spend their time planning acts of revenge against their enemies. They travel in search of great things to steal, to escape their rivals, or to forget their past.

Alignment: Chaotic Neutral

Weapon: Short sword

Holy Symbol: Broken coin, often held in a grasping hand

Pathfinder Domains

Chaos, Darkness (Night), Luck (Fate), Travel (Exploration), Trickery (Thievery).

Pathfinder Traits

Pathfinder Obedience

Compose a declaration of love and present this to a lover—if your lover is present you can present it directly, otherwise do so in your imagination. When rejected rant about it until you have spent your immediate frustration. Meditate on the teachings of Kurell and fantasize about taking vengeance against one who wronged you. You learn one weakness or personality trait you can use against the subject of your jealousy, as if you has successfully used Diplomacy to gather information.


  1. Twisted Words (Sp) sow thoughtARG 3/day, discern next of kinACG (also discerns lovers and close friends and dire enemies) 2/day, or haunting choir UM 1/day

2: Shimmering Sting (Sp) Once per day, you can cast aversionOA. You can chose a creature as the thing the target avoids. if you choose yourself as the creature the target avoids, you can either target one target/level who must all be within 30 ft. of each other, or you can cast the spell without counting against your daily limit. 3: Vengeful Song (Su) You can reflect a spell targeted against you back at its source with a blast of scorn. Once per day when you have been specifically targeted by a spell, you may attempt an Intimidate check as an immediate action. If your Intimidate check equals or exceeds the spell’s save DC, the spell returns immediately to its caster, who must suffer its effects. The caster can attempt a saving throw as normal to negate the returned spell’s effects. If the spell normally allows no saving throw, calculate the Intimidate DC as if the spell did allow a save, taking into account any feats or special abilities the caster may have that would affect the DC. If the spell had multiple targets (for example, a magic missile with three bolts, one of which was targeted at you), you reflect only the portion of the spell targeting you. This ability has no effect on area spells or any spells whose description has no Target entry.


  1. Kurell's Tongue (Sp) anticipate perilUM 3/day, absurdity HA 2/day, or malicious spiteUM 1/day
  2. Stunning Touch (Su) When using the touch of darkness power granted by the Darkness domain, you can cause the creature touched to become stunned for 1 round instead of causing concealment. If you don’t have access to the Darkness domain, you instead gain the ability to use the touch of darkness power a number of times per day equal to 3 + your Wisdom modifier, as listed in the ability; this ability has its normal effect and does not cause stun.
  3. Protective Scorn (Ex) You may add your Wisdom bonus to your AC while wearing light or no armor. This bonus applies against touch attacks. Any condition that would cause you to lose your Dexterity bonus to AC also causes you to lose your Charisma bonus to AC.


  1. Disastrous Strike (Sp) taunt 3/day, heckle 2/day, or illusion of treachery 1/day
  2. Sudden Stab (Ex) once per day, you can use the vigilante's hidden strike ability, as a stalker vigilante of a level equal to half your Hit Dice.
  3. Jealous Pursuit (Ex) For a number of rounds per day equal to your Wisdom bonus, you can ignore attacks of opportunity you would otherwise provoke due to your movement. Using this ability is a free action, and the rounds in which you use it don’t need to be consecutive. You still provoke attacks of opportunity normally for actions other than moving.

Antipaladin Code

Antipaladins of Kurell do not demand great things of others, focusing on their own desires. Their ranks are filled with those devoted to bloody vengeance and the shining lusts that spark it. Their tenets include the following adages.

  • My life is my path, and none will sway me from it.
  • I devote myself to the pursuit of my desires and, when thwarted, my jealousy.
  • All slights against me will be repaid tenfold.
  • I am the instrument of my own justice. If I am wronged, I will take vengeance with my own hands.

Action Domains

Darkness, Flux, Life, Mind, Spiritual.


Lirr is the daughter of Hieroneous and the Oerdian goddess of art. She is of minor power but important in many legends as a helper and inspiration. She is the patron of every art, from the barbaric skald to the stately illuminator. She is an ascended mortal sponsored by Ehlonna.

Lirr (LEER) is shown as a fresh-faced Oeridian woman with long black hair and dark blue eyes. Her symbol is an illustrated book, and she carries a tome with her that can show any poetry, prose, spell, or artwork ever created. She works favorably with any being that respects knowledge, learning, and the arts, but she opposes those that would destroy art and knowledge or hide it. In some ways she is the converse of Pholtus, pressing for individual liberty so that others may see the light of truth without being blinded by it; this pleases Trithereon, who also strives for the freedom of the individual. Many good Oeridian sorcerers and wizards worship Lirr, particularly those who dislike Delleb's conservative and reclusive nature.

The written word, be it in rhyme, prose, myth, or logbook, is the linchpin of civilization. Preserve written works so that the knowledge of the past can be given to the future, and put oral records in more permanent form. Art should be revered, for it conveys feelings and messages that would take hundreds of pages to explain. Every poem, book, or painting lost is a piece of history forgotten.

Lirr's clerics wander Oerth in search of lore, news, poetry, historical tales, magic, and works of art. They sneak into lands ruled by oppressive leaders (such as Iuz), trying to rescue items of interest that are at risk of being destroyed out of malice or ignorance. Many clerics have skill as bards, telling tales and painting pictures rather than singing; they easily find work as tutors, scribes, and artists. Novice clerics spend months making copies of their temple's archives of books, scrolls, and works of art, which are distributed so that others may appreciate them.

Alignment: Chaotic Good
Symbol: An illustrated book
Weapon: Rapier

Pathfinder Domains

Chaos, Charm, Good, Knowledge, Magic.

Pathfinder Traits

Pathfinder Obedience

Paint a small picture, compose a short poem or song, perform, or create another work of art, whispering praise to Lirr’s beauty and grace as you do so. The art piece need be neither large nor complex, but heartfelt and made to the best of your ability. Gift the piece of art to a stranger and pay her a sincere compliment as you do so. If there are no suitable individuals around to receive the gift, leave it in an obvious place with Lirr's sign and blessing. Gain a +4 sacred bonus on Craft and Perform checks.

Evangelist or Feat

  1. Fiction Weaver (Sp) silent image 3/day, minor image 2/day, or major image 1/day
  2. Versatile Artist (Ex) Drawing on Lirr’s divine inspiration, you can substitute your bonus in a specific Craft or Perform skill for your bonus in another related skill, as the artiste bard archetype's versatile art class feature. Select one Craft or Perform skill which you can substitute for its associated skills. If you already have the versatile performance class feature when you obtain this boon, choose an additional Craft or Perform skill to substitute.
  3. Persuasive Aesthetic (Sp) You learned to pour your soul into works of art. Once per week, you can use symbol of persuasion as a spell-like ability. Instead of inscribing a symbol, you can cast this spell using either a performance or a piece of art worth 5,000 gp or more as an arcane focus. Unlike the material components of symbol of persuasion, an artwork is not consumed during casting. Each creature within 60 feet of the performance or artwork must succeed at a Will saving throw or be charmed by you (as the charm monster spell) for 1 hour for every Hit Die you possess. The charm effect lasts until the symbol is triggered or until you use this ability again, whichever comes first.


  1. Devotionals (Sp) unbreakable heart 3/day, calm emotions 2/day, or good hope 1/day
  2. 'Joyous Ally (Sp)' Your sense of beauty and the loyalty you bear your goddess have attracted the notice of her celestial servants. Once per day as a standard action, you can summon a lillend azata from Lirr’s divine realm to aid you. You gain telepathy with the lillend to a range of 100 feet. The lillend follows your commands perfectly for 1 minute for every Hit Die you possess before vanishing. The lillend doesn’t follow any commands that would cause it to commit evil acts or destroy works of art, and the creature could even attack you if the command is particularly egregious.
  3. Plumed Blade (Su) Even in battle, you partake of the beauty and joy with which Lirr graces her devoted followers. As a free action, you can cause an illusion of brightly colored feathers to follow every swipe and motion of your weapon. When you do so, a single weapon you hold gains the holy and shock weapon special abilities. (You can use this ability on a ranged weapon, but can’t apply it directly to a piece of ammunition.) If you drop the weapon or give it away, this ability’s effects immediately end. You can grant weapons this ability for a number of rounds per day equal to 1 + 1 for every 4 Hit Dice you possess (maximum 6 rounds). The rounds don’t need to be consecutive.


  1. Graceful Warrior (Sp) animate rope 3/day, cat’s grace 2/ day, or haste 1/day
  2. Glorious Might (Su) Your passionate devotion to Lirr grants you extra prowess in your battles against evil, allowing you to see and root out the ugliness at the heart of your foe. When you use your smite evil class feature, you gain double your Charisma bonus on attack rolls and your Charisma bonus + your paladin level on damage rolls. This replaces the normal bonuses for using smite evil. If you don’t have access to smite evil, you instead gain a +2 bonus on weapon attack rolls against evil targets.
  3. Cloak of Feathers (Su) An aura of colorful features, glowing with Lirr’s holy grace, shields you against electricity attacks with a measure of the protection enjoyed by the azatas who serve her. You gain electricity resistance 15.

Liberator Code

Lirr is an Oerdian, and like all her people she is a warrior. Her liberators see the ugliness in evil, even when cloaked in the form of beauty, and their mission is to defend those who devote their lives to the creation of beauty, bring it forth themselves, and prevent the weak and foolish from being seduced by false promises. Their tenets include the following adages.

  • I see beauty in others. As a rough stone hides a diamond, a drab face may hide the heart of a saint.
  • I am peaceful. I come first with a rose rather than a weapon, and act to prevent conflict before it blossoms. I never strike first, unless it is the only way to protect the innocent.
  • I accept surrender if my opponent can be redeemed—and I never assume that they cannot be. All things that live love beauty, and I will show beauty’s answer to them.
  • I live my life as art. I will choose an art and perfect it. When I have mastered it, I will choose another. The works I leave behind make life richer for those who follow.
  • I will never destroy a work of art, nor allow one to come to harm, unless greater art arises from its loss. I will only sacrifice art if doing so allows me to save a life, for untold beauty can arise from an awakened soul.
  • I lead by example, not with my blade. Where my blade passes, a life is cut short, and the world’s potential for beauty is lessened.

Action Domains

Flux, Life, Light, Magic, Spiritual.


Rudd is the Oerdian goddess of skill and luck. Rudd is a happy-go-lucky adventuress, and as such is popular among mortal adventurers who seek to emulate her wild exploits. She is an ascended mortal sponsored by Olidarma.

Rudd (RUD) is a woman who ascended to godhood with Olidammara's help. She appears to be a trim, athletic Oeridian woman wearing form-fitting clothing and a long blue cloak. Some say she was one of the nine demigods trapped by the mad archmage Zagig, and her church has become popular in the last two decades, especially among adventurers. She is friendly with her mentor and Norebo, but opposes Zagyg, Ralishaz, and Iuz. A master of the rapier, she never misses with her shortbow and claims the bull'seye target as her holy symbol.

Depend upon skill for success, but also on your good fortune. Never rule out the long shot, but don't count on it. Successful people make their own luck, at a gaming table or in a duel, especially if they buck the odds with expertise. The ability to recognize good luck and seize its possibilities divides the heroes from the fools.

Rudd's clerics practice at games that rely heavily on chance and physical prowess (less often mental ability), hone their fighting abilities, and perform other tasks that improve with repetition. They work in gambling establishments and schools of fencing and archery, counsel the novice to continue training, and caution the perpetually unlucky to find other interests. They adventure for the thrill of experience, to prove their ability, to beat the odds, and just for the sake of exploring.

Alignment: Chaotic Good.

Weapon: Rapier or Shortbow (including composite short bow).

Symbol: Bull'seye target

Pathfinder Domains

Chaos, Charm (Love), Good (Azata), Liberation, Luck.

Pathfinder Traits

Pathfinder Obedience

Play a game of chance, preferably with other participants. If no-one else will play with you, make the game boisterous or even obnoxious, trying to goad others into competing. Try and arrange a friendly wager on the game, preferably some dare the loser should do. Gain a +1 luck bonus to Armor Class and a +4 luck bonus on Acrobatics checks to fulfill any dare you accepted as part of the obedience.

Evangelist or Feat

Source Inner Sea Gods pg. 36

  1. Liberation (Sp) liberating commandUC 3/day, knock 2/day, or dispel magic 1/day
  2. Long Shot (Su) Once per day as an immediate action, you can reverse your change of making a roll. You must use this before rolling the die. Any result that would normally be a failure is now a suiccess; any result that would normally be a failure is now a success. You cannot fumble or score a critical result on this check.
  3. Eye of the Bull (Su) Once per day as an immediate action, you can declare a d20 roll you are just about to make to be an automatic 20.


Source Inner Sea Gods pg. 36

  1. Libations (Sp) Bless 3/day, longstrider 2/day, or prayer 1/day
  2. Freedom's Ally (Sp) Once per day as a standard action, you can summon a pair of bralani azatas to aid you. You gain telepathy with the bralanis to a range of 100 feet. The bralanis follow your commands perfectly for 1 minute for every Hit Die you possess before vanishing back to their home in Elysium. The bralanis don’t follow commands that would cause them to commit evil acts or restrict freedom solely for the sake of law. Such commands not only earn refusal and scorn from the bralanis, but could cause the bralanis to attack you if the command is particularly egregious.
  3. Eye of the Bull (Su) Once per day as an immediate action, you can declare a d20 roll you are just about to make to be an automatic 20.


Source Inner Sea Gods pg. 36

  1. Devastating Duelist (Sp)' bless weapon 3/day, brow gasherUC 2/day, or greater magic weapon 1/day
  2. Light Weapon Master (Ex) Whenever you fight with a dagger, rapier, short bow, or short sword, you also gain a +2 deflection bonus to AC.
  3. Critical Luck (Ex) Keep a record of every time you roll a natural 1 on an attack roll, to a maximum number equal to your Charisma bonus. Anytime you roll a critical threat on an attack roll, you can trade in one of your tallied natural 1s to automatically confirm the critical hit. This tally resets to 0 every day, and any tallied natural 1s from the day before are lost.

Action Techniques


Action Domains: Flux, Life, Spiritual.


Ulaa is the Dwarven mother-goddess, the earth from which Moradin fashioned their race, and the ultimate source of all wealth. She is a very passive goddess, taking no momentous actions in dwarf history, but she sometimes appears to individual dwarfs, providing gifts of riches and fertility.

Ulaa is the most ancient Oerdian mother-wife goddess known by name and worshiped in the present day, the wife of Bleredd and goddess of hills and the riches they contain; metals and gems. She often regarded as an avatar of Oerth.

Ulaa (OO-lah) is the wife of the Oeridian god Bleredd, but is herself of unknown origin. Built like a dwarven woman but with the facial features of a gnome, she is worshiped by both of those races and humans. Her enchanted hammer Skull Ringer was forged on the same anvil as her husband's weapon. Earth elementals serve her, she can pass through stone, and can commune with the Oerth Mother. Her holy symbol is a mountain with a ruby heart; she places rubies in the earth as gifts to those who do her husband's work.

The hills and mountains are sacred and beautiful places, whether on the surface or within tunnels that hole them like veins. Working with stone for any good purpose is a blessed task, but cutting rock out of pure greed or evil intent is an abomination. The greatest gift the earth gives are gemstones, each a tiny part of the earth's power and beauty reflected a thousand times upon itself.

Ulaa's clerics live on or in the mountains, protecting them from those who would enter for the sake of greed or evil. They protect their community, root out dens of evil nonhumans, and teach miners and quarrymen how to spot the best places to work. They act as guides for those passing through their lands, travel to see other stony examples of the earth's beauty, and abhor slavery.

Alignment: Lawful Good

Weapon: Warhammer

Symbol: Mountain with a ruby heart.

Action Domains

Animal, Earth, Life, Metal, Spiritual.

Pathfinder Domains

Earth, Good, Healing (Restoration) Law, Protection (Purity).

Pathfinder Traits

Pathfinder Obedience

Keep with you a 5-pound statuette of a humanoid. Before sleeping, trace the statuette’s surface with your fingers. Close your eyes with your hands resting on the monument and meditate on Ulaa’s teachings until you fall asleep. Gain a +4 sacred bonus on saving throws against effects that cause slowness or magical aging and any effects that damage ability scores.


  1. Lorefinder (Sp) identify 3/day, locate object 2/day, or glyph of warding 1/day
  2. Arcane Knowledge (Su) Your eyes harden and turn into ruby. You can see as though under the effects of a permanent analyze dweomer spell, though you only use this effect only on objects, not on creatures.
  3. Petrified Guardians (Su) Once per day, you can speak a divine utterance to turn one creature within 60 feet to solid marble as flesh to stone (Fort save negates; DC 10 + 1/2 your HD + your Int modifier). You can then order your petrified victim to guard a clearly defined area or object as long as it remains turned to marble. Anyone who enters the area or touches the object triggers the petrified victim, who attacks as a stone golem with HD equal to the creature’s original HD for 1d4 minutes before reverting back to flesh.


Zilchus is the Oerdian god of guilds, trade, and wealth, married to Sotillion and a very well-regarded and popular god. He is may be ascended mortal.

As the Common god of wealth and trade he is highly popular but not respected or political. He has few temples but many shrines in offices and guild halls. This means his cult is often politically overshadowed by the churches of St. Cuthbert or Tiamat.

Zilchus (ZIL-chus) is a popular Oeridian god, depicted as a well-dressed Oeridian man of plain appearance but great wealth. Husband of Sotillion, brother of Kurell, ally of Rao, Zilchus has many contacts that reflect his ability to establish relationships that are vital to any businessman. A busy god, he has little time for frivolous pursuits, but is knowledgeable in such things because it allows him to influence others. He acts as a dealmaker between gods, finalizing agreements once Rao convinces warring parties to talk. His symbol is hands clutching a bag of gold.

In the world of men, the desire for money can be overwhelming. Control that desire in yourself and exploit it in others—that is the key to success and power. Anything done in the world can be done better for a profit, and those who recognize these opportunities are one step ahead of any competition. Politics and war are simply two other forms of trade, one using a currency of words and the other lives; the trick is to spend yours more efficiently than your opponent.

Zilchus' clerics are ruthless in business and often seen as emotionless. They are heavily involved in business and politics, and conduct deals above or below the table depending upon their disposition. They work for powerful merchants, trade and crafts guilds, politicians, or nations, making transactions and garnering prestige for themselves and their employers. Neophytes get less glorious jobs, such as managing caravans or remote businesses, but some are hired to participate in high-risk but potentially profitable enterprises such as smuggling contraband and adventuring.

Alignment: Lawful Neutral.

Weapon: Dagger.

Symbol: Hands clutching a bag of gold.

Pathfinder Domains

Artifice (Construct), Charm, Community, Knowledge (Memory), Law.

Pathfinder Traits

Pathfinder Obedience

Take a handful of mixed gems and coins. Include coins from three or more different currency systems (such as from three different kingdoms). Kneel before a scale and balance the items as perfectly as you can on it, removing and replacing items in order to create the most equitable balance of items. Randomize the items you select each time you perform this obedience, so as not to let your obedience become routine. Meditate on the teachings. Gain a +4 sacred or profane bonus on saving throws against compulsion and charm spells and effects. The type of bonus depends on your alignment—if you’re neither good nor evil, you must choose either sacred or profane the first time you perform your obedience. Once made, this choice can’t be changed.


  1. Cloud the Mind of the Unwary (Sp) hypnotism 3/day, daze monster 2/day, or suggestion 1/day
  2. Eye of the Market (Ex) You can estimate value quickly and accurately, particularly to find forged or illegal wares. You receive a +4 sacred (or profane if evil) bonus on all Appraise checks, can appraise an item with 1 full-round action instead of 1 minute, and can use Appraise to identify falsified merchandise.
  3. Zilchus' Recommendation (Su) You are recognized as an influential merchant even in places where you would not normally be known. You are taken into confidence by merchants as if you were an old partner. All bribes, fess, and gratuities are waived for you, and you (and to a lesser extent your companions) always receive free lodgings to the best standard a settlement can provide. The monetary limit of a settlement is doubled for you.

Action Techniques

Charm, Ride, Spot.