Recon (Action Powers Technique)
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Heroic Action Role-Play |
Recon Skill Description
Recon is your ability to unobtrusively gather information and sneak around. It gauges how aware you are of your surroundings and how quick you react to new dangers. Recon defaults to Reflexes and an outcome matching this attribute on a stunt directed against Recon will often result in a Setback.
Use in Action
The most common use of Recon is in and sneaking and spotting sneaking. It also gives some skill in survival and cross-country travel.
Recon gives knowledge of terrain, including urban areas. It allows you to recognize places from photos and film, to know terrain hazards, to know which routes are safe and which are not, how the terrain changes due to time (seasons, time of day) which in turn can determine when an intrusion is best performed.
If you are a military forward observer, spotter, or recon specialist, you know the latest gear, techniques, and operating methods. You can give amazingly quick reports on a target's location and nature in military jargon. If you are a hunter, outdoorsman, or barbarian you know about animals and their habits, what you can find in nature and eat safely, and in what kind of situations and setting you can remain unnoticed. If you are an urban survivor, whether homeless or post-apocalyptic, you know which areas are safe and which holds danger, where to safely find food, places to rest, and the population of gangs, rodents, and other survivors. If you are a bodyguard or security expert you know which situations are especially vulnerable to spies and snipers and you are an expert on surveillance devices. Some characters are not only skilled in Recon but also understand the theory behind how we perceive things, but that is covered more under the Know skill.
You know teachers, students, and aficionados of your particular brand of sneakiness. You have met all kinds of observant and unobtrusive people and developed a mutual respect, from photographers to scouts, bird spotters, artillery observers, and snipers. You also know your fair share of criminals and officers of the law. Depending on your background, some of these will respect you while others will think you wasted your talent in pointless or destructive ways. You might have observed enough about a person to know how to best approach them, even if they have never noticed you.
You can spot those who sneak. Recon specialists are naturally discreet, but you learn to recognize others by their alert posture even when they are not sneaking. You can spot likely avenues of intrusion and the signs that they have been used. You are familiar with drones and other surveillance devices and can spot them. You have a good memory for faces and can recognize faces in a crowd.
Recon is linked to the forms of Darkness and Gifts.
Schticks are mundane specializations.
Recon Schticks
At the end of one of your basic Actions, when you see hostiles but they cannot see you, you can focus.
You have developed a wide-band toxic resistance, and can use your Recon skill in place of your Body when resisting poisons and in place of any skill roll to detect them.
Chance Meeting
Limit Break
When you and a creature you seek are moving about in the same area, there is a good chance that you will meet. Make an opposed Recon check to make such a meeting occur. This generally occurs in a crowded place where either of you can easily escape, but if you have an outcome matching the target's Reflexes you surprise them.
Trigger Action (Defense)
You get a +3 bonus to your Recon when an enemy attempts to Scan against you. Your Recon checks for Surveillance are Routine.
Trigger Action (Combo) or Stance
You automatically and unobtrusively position yourself so as not to be noticed. When you end a Basic Action in concealment, you can make use this schtick to make a Sneak stunt. You are also always sneaking in noncombat situations as long as it is in any way credible, which allows you a Recon roll as a stance to start an encounter hidden. You still need normal cover to sneak, this just changes the action required to hide.
Found Ya!
Trigger Action (Combo)
When you successfully Scan and spot someone who is Sneaking, you can use this schtick to immediately take a Basic Action against that creature. If you found several creatures with the same action, you can still only take one action but if that action targets multiple creatures or an area, you can affect all those you just spotted.
Basic Action
You can use Recon for Disable Mechanism.
Trigger Action (Defense), Inherent
When a creature tries to do something where your Recon sets the difficulty, you can take a Trigger Action (Defense) to increase your defensive Recon by +3. When you do a Scan stunt the the roll is Confident. This part of the schtick is Inherent.
Basic Action
You can apply your sneaky ways to wilderness survival. You can use Recon to Pathfinding, Track and Make Camp.
You can Sneak at normal speed under cover and not have to make repeated rolls to stay hidden. If you move at half speed, even the slightest amount of cover (mud, shadows, tall grass, crowds) offers you concealment. When you Shadow your checks are Routine as long as you have cover, but not in situations where you need to cross open areas. In Team Actions to Sneak you do not contribute to the difficulty of the penalty for the number of characters in the team.
Basic Action
When you use this power, you are aware if there are any active powers within Mind meters. You can focus on an area you can see within range and sense powers there instead. Make a check using the total of your Recon and the skill used to create the effect you are scanning for; the difficulty is 20 + range modifiers. The GM can modify the difficulty based on the situation. On a successful roll, you sense there is an power. On an Outcome equal tot he Mind of whoever used the power (use half the Create skill if this figure is unknown) you pinpoint the power and get a general idea of what it does. To pinpoint things that are hidden, your Recon check is opposed, before comparing it to the above difficulty..
Sneak Attack
When you are successfully Sneaking and make an attack, the attack roll is Confident.
Target Acquired
When you spot a Sneaking enemy or an enemy fails to Sneak on you, you can focus.
Trap Sense
Whenever you are in danger of triggering a trap or alarm, you can make a Recon against the Create of the trapmaker - on a success you spot the trap just as you are about to blunder into it, and can stop doing whatever would trigger the trap.
Recon Powers
These are powers related to the Recon skill. Recon powers serve to hide you and to discover others who are hiding.
Recon Air
Fade to Air
You become invisible, like solidified air. This is an invisibility power. Invisibility allows you to Sneak as if you had concealment, even in plain sight. Certain powers penetrate invisibility; against such a power ability to sneak in plain sight is lost. In this form you both move and take actions while sneaking, tough you still become visible if you attract attention or act against another. Fade to Air allows you to try to Sneak as a part of activating the stance.
The ability to Sneak out of sequence allows you to begin a scene hidden and to hide when your shot comes up at the cost of a single shot, but unlike Fade it does not allow you to sneak as a combo with other actions.
Leaf in the Wind
Basic Action
You cause winds to carry a tiny, light objects, hereafter called the leaf. The leaf travels under your control with a speed of 7 (40 km/h). You can sense the leaf's surrounding and can use it to spy. To gain information this way you make an opposed check against the targets' Recon. You gain valuable information based on the outcome of this roll; if the outcome matches the target's Mind you gain clear and important insights into the target's activities. On a failed roll, you learn obvious details and trivia; if the negative Outcome matches your Mind you learn misleading information or the target notices your spying.
Sense Air
Basic Action
You gain an awareness of the air within your Mind meters. This extends your sense of touch to this distance, which means you can "see" without using your eyes, negating blindness, smoke, and the like. The sense does not extend through a gas-tight barrier, but does extend around corners. This has the effects of a Scan stunt, and you automatically spot creatures in this area who are not Sneaking, even if they would be impossible to sense with your normal senses. You can spend a Basic Action to extend this sense to detect a specific at at range—normal range penalties apply. Additionally, you can use this to predict the weather and to sense if a weather pattern is natural or the result of power use. You can also limit your sense to detect specific gasses or to exclude common gasses or gas mixtures, such as natural air, in order to detect anomalies.
Recon Animal
Adaptive Senses
Stance or Inherent
Like most animals, your senses become finely attuned to the surroundings. You ignore all perception penalties based on one environment of your choice, such as low light, fog, sun glare, altitude etc. You still cannot see where there is no light, but senses like smell, hearing and vibration sense lets you perceive anything moving in a range out to your power skill in meters. In general, this allows you perception similar to vision out to your Mind meters without relying on actual sight. It is still possible to sneak on you. This can be a Stance or Inherent as selected when it is taken; an inherent power is always there but the sense gained cannot be changed from use to use.
Animal Adaption
You can survive extremes of temperature and environment as well as animals adapted to the environment you are in. In extreme environments, where animals can only survive through special behaviors, such as hibernation, you must do as these animals do in order to survive, but unlike most animals you can survive forever by continuing to act in this manner, even avoiding ageing.
Animal Senses
You gain the exceptional senses of one species of animal. Animals are adapted to the environment they live in and are able to overcome dangers and find prey in this environment. Typical senses for land animals include keen smell and low-light vision, but animals specialized in other environments can have telescopic vision (raptor birds), electroperception (sharks), heat sense (snakes), magnetoreception (birds and others), and mechanoreception (like cat whiskers and fish lateral lines). In the chosen animal's environment, this allows you perception similar to vision out to your Mind meters without relying on actual sight. It is still possible to sneak on you.
Animal Spy
Basic Action or Limit Break
You can scry what an animal senses, including all senses. Range is not a factor, but there must be an animal on the scene for you to scry. Scryig at one specific location or trough the eyes of a known individual animal is a Basic Action; looking around to find something takes a Limit Break.
To gain information this way you make an opposed check against the targets' Recon. You gain valuable information based on the outcome of this roll; if the outcome matches the target's Mind you gain clear and important insights into the target's activities. On a failed roll, you learn obvious details and trivia; if the negative Outcome matches your Mind you learn misleading information or the target notices your spying.
Scent Bind
You alter the target's scent. You can decide if this new scent is detectable only to you, to a specific type of creatures, to all creatures sensitive to scent, or to everyone. To creatures that can sense the scent, it is painfully obvious when the target is nearby, and it becomes trivial to track the target or sense where he has been in the last few days; add +10 to all Track stunts. The scent can also contain a simple message or warning, telling those who smell it something about the target, such as "dangerous", "slut", "deceitful" or other trait. Removing this scent is a Curse, and unless the target can sense the scent it is not obvious that it is there.
Scent the Unnatural
Limit Break
You use this power by running around, sniffing out an area. Make a Recon check. Compare the result to the Impress of any supernatural creatures or events in the vicinity (within Recon meters). This includes most creatures except Animals and Folk and all Traditions except yours. On a success, you sense the unnatural presence and its approximate nature and location. This includes creature type and a general description. On a failure, you still realize something is there, but also that it is too powerful for you to analyze or meddle with.
A common way to use this is on a wide-ranging patrol, covering a number of acres equal to your Recon times your Move, in which case it is usually sufficient to make one roll for each potential unnatural presence that can be found.
Sense Animal
Basic Action
You can sense the presence of animals at a distance. Make a skill roll and multiply the result by 10; this is the range in meters. Normally, you detect any type of animal, but by concentrating on a particular species, individual or descriptive trait you can eliminate all others. This has the effects of a Scan stunt, and you automatically spot creatures in this area who are not Sneaking, even if they would be impossible to sense with your normal senses. You can choose to exclude certain animals and to only search for specific animals.
Silent Paws
Basic Action
You can Sneak and make a full move without needing to make a Recon check, as well as climb, swim, jump, and perform similar stunts. You still need cover normally.
Recon Chi
Inner Eye
You have learned to see trough the illusion of the world and perceive the true reality beyond. You see through Invisibility powers for the rest of the scene. You automatically spot a creature using an Invisibility power in plain sight. You can "see" within Mind meters even in total darkness, blindfolded or when obscured by smoke, mist and similar hindrances. Your perception focuses on the chi of living creatures. You can also sense the presence - but not precise location - of other power users, and you can tell the difference between named and unnamed characters. It is still possible to Sneak on you as long as the sneaking creature has normal concealment—a sneaking character actively tries to conceal his aura, even if he does not realize it. You can perceive creatures and other strong sources of Chi beyond this range if they are in plain sight.
This is a meta-power that affects other powers. In some campaign worlds there is a strong Origin Divide among different origins. Check with your GM regarding your campaign. Origins that are opposed cannot cannot be modified by meta-powers; it is as if powers from the opposing origin was actually a schtick rather than a power.
Internal Power
All of your own powers that affects you cannot be detected at range. Powers that specifically look for other powers will fail unless the searcher is actually touching you. You can choose not to hide certain powers.
Suppress Aura
You cannot be perceived by Scry powers unless your enemy scores an Outcome matching your Reflexes. This has no effect on normal Sneaking.
Recon Dark
Cloak of Night
You cloak yourself in darkness. This is an invisibility power. Invisibility allows you to Sneak as if you had concealment, even in plain sight. Certain powers penetrate invisibility; against such a power ability to sneak in plain sight is lost. In this form you both move and take actions while sneaking, tough you still become visible if you attract attention or act against another. You also hide yourself from scrying and any power used to detect or analyze you; in order to learn anything about you, the user of such a power must score an Outcome matching your Reflexes.
Dark Step
Trigger Action (Defense, Combo)
You step into shadow and teleport a short distance - no more than your Mind in meters, ether as an active defense or after any basic action of your own. If done in response to an attack, this adds a +3 bonus to your Dodge for the shot, but you only teleport at the end of the shot; all attacks in the current shot can still target you in the spot you started out at. After a Dark Step you can try to Sneak. This power does not work in bright areas without shadows - there must be shades or darkness for you to step into
Touch of the Dark
Basic Action
You can smell, taste and feel darkness within Mind meters. In this area you can sense things even around corners or behind cover, touching them with umbral tendrils. This has the effects of a Scan stunt, and you automatically spot creatures in this area who are not Sneaking, even if they would be impossible to sense with your normal senses. You can choose to focus on an area at a distance, with normal range penalties. You feel safe in the dark, and are not affected by the supposed terrors of the night (GMs discretion). You automatically spot creatures in a dark area using the darkness and Invisibility (and not other cover) to Sneak. You are never impaired in any way because of darkness, but you still cannot see—colors, script, images, and other purely visual things are imperceptible to this power.
Vacuum Adaptation
You can survive in a vacuum, the power substituting oxygen and mitigating the effects of low pressure and hard radiation. This does not protect from effects powerful enough to be actual attacks.
Recon Death
Detect Undead
Basic Action
You can sense the presence of Undead at a distance. Make a skill roll and multiply the result by 10; this is the range in meters. Normally, you detect any type of Undead, but by concentrating on a particular type, individual, or descriptive trait you can eliminate all others. You must make an opposed Recon check to sense a creature that is Sneaking, but you can sense them even through barriers unless they are designed to block detection powers.
Ghost Walk
Basic Action
You can walk trough material objects, such as walls, using them to hide. You cannot walk trough any living substance, bedrock, or moving water. This allows you to Sneak inside any material object large enough to hold you, as well as by moving through walls to hide on the other side. You can peek out from inside an object, and even jump out to attack, just as you could from ordinary cover. You cannot perform actions other than observing, hiding, and moving while inside an object.
Ghost Spy
Limit Break
You send a discorporate spirit to spy for you, instructing it to look for specific pieces of information. It will report back to you when if finds the information you seek. It cannot enter an area warded against death or the undead. Ghost Spy has a range of your Mind kilometers but no range modifiers. To gain information this way you make an opposed check against the targets' Recon. You gain valuable information based on the outcome of this roll; if the outcome matches the target's Mind you gain clear and important insights into the target's activities. On a failed roll, you learn obvious details and trivia; if the negative Outcome matches your Mind you learn misleading information or the target notices your spying.
Soul Sight
Basic Action
You have a sensory affinity for spirits, tombs, corpses, and to a lesser extent any material commonly used for burial - this includes most natural materials, including earth, stone, water and fire. You can use Tomb Sense to scan an area at range, with normal range penalties. You instantly know the location of all graves and corpses within this area. After using Soul Sight you can sense such things within Mind meters without using sight. This allows you to avoid blindness penalties for the rest of the scene. You can see the motivating force of creatures, their spirit or soul. Make a Scan stunt. You automatically spot creatures Indivisibility to hide. In this way you automatically notice a creature that is sneaking and relying on Indivisibility to conceal it. If it could sneak under the normal rules, Soul Sight can still spot them, but gives no help. This is a meta-power that affects other powers. In some campaign worlds there is a strong Origin Divide among different origins. Check with your GM regarding your campaign. Origins that are opposed cannot cannot be modified by meta-powers; it is as if powers from the opposing origin was actually a schtick rather than a power. Soul Sight won't automatically perceive powers or see through stealth powers against which it has an origin divide.
Zone of Silence
You create a zone around you in which sounds are dampened to the point of extinction. This is a diameter equal to your Mind, with you in the center. Subtract your Mind from the skill roll of any sound-based attack or stunt in the area. In order to make any kind of sound in the area, such as shouting an alarm, a creature in the area must roll the relevant skill against your Recon. Even then, the sound is dampened and will not carry nearly as far as normal.
Recon Earth
Earthy Guise
You can be as still as a rock and meld into the terrain. You can take on the coloring and texture of earth, either local or a specific type of stone you are thinking of. You can also mimic a statue or large rock and use these forms as camouflage. When you are in contact with earth or stone, you can Sneak as if you had concealment and move without breaking hide.
Sense Earth
Basic Action
You can sense the presence of solid objects at a distance. Make a skill roll and multiply the result by 10; this is the range in meters. Normally, you detect any type of solid object (not normally very useful), but by concentrating on a particular shape or composition you can eliminate all others. This lets you locate either objects of a basic shape (such as pistols or wheels) or specific substances (such as gunpowder or rubber). You must make an opposed Recon check to sense a creature that is Sneaking or an object in such a creature's possession.
Basic Action and Stance
You can create an opening through sand, earth or stone. Use 5 plus the armor value as the difficulty, the Outcome must exceed the thickness of the barrier (in meters), or nothing happens. If you succeed, it becomes possible to move through a part of the material, this is a teleporation effect. The portal remains open for the remainder of the round; you can keep it open longer as a stance. Passwall does not affect structural integrity.
Basic Action
You can sense and target objects and creatures within Recon meters, as long as you have a connection trough solid objects between yourself and what you are perceiving. This has the effects of a Scan stunt, and you automatically spot creatures in this area who are not Sneaking, even if they would be impossible to sense with your normal senses.
Recon Electricity
Sense Electricity
Basic Action
You can sense the presence of electric phenomena at a distance. Make a skill roll and multiply the result by 10; this is the range in meters. Normally, you detect any type of electric phenomena (not normally very useful), but by concentrating on a particular type of electric phenomena you can eliminate all others. This lets you detect and analyze the basic function of electric machines and electronic devices, but not detailed or intricate functions. You must make an opposed Recon check to sense a creature that is Sneaking or an object in such a creature's possession.
Touch of Electricity
You gain an awareness of even minute currents within your Mind meters. This extends like a sense of touch to this distance, which means you can "see" without using your eyes. This allows you to sense machinery, nervous systems, and walls. The sense extends trough nonconducting materials, but not through metal walls.
Recon Fey
Fairy Cloak
You can become invisible, but any successful Charm stunt against you ends this power. This is an invisibility power. Invisibility allows you to Sneak as if you had concealment, even in plain sight. Certain powers penetrate invisibility; against such a power ability to sneak in plain sight is lost. You can move as a part of the sneak action without becoming visible.
Fairy Dust
Basic Action
You can spray motes of glowing fairy dust on a creature or object. This does not change the appearance of the target, but makes it impossible for the target to use darkness or shadows to sneak and negates Invisibility powers. The target can still hide behind regular cover, but not mere concealment. You can also use it to mark different targets in different ways, you can vary the color and other details of the glow. This can be used to paint targets, which can be very useful tactically. You can make the glow be visible only to certain groups of people, such as children, your friends, or another group clearly identified in your mind. A number of tricks and ploys can work on this effect. An opposed Recon roll is required to put the glow on someone, and the effect lasts for a scene. You can use this against someone you only suspect is there by targeting a likely hiding place—this does not suffer any penalty against an opponent that is successfully sneaking.
Fairy Sight
Basic Action
Your affinity to the supernatural lets you see things others only imagine. You see spirits and fey wherever you go - most of these are just how you perceive natural phenomena and can be useful for noticing otherwise mundane phenomena, but have no supernatural significance other than to make noticing the dangerous ones trickier. When using Fairy Sight , you can see through smoke, fog or darkness (even supernatural darkness), but not through solid objects. In a scene where you have Scanned an obscured area with fairy sight, you are not considered blind there and can act normally. Creatures can still use such obscurement to sneak against you.
Make a Scan stunt. You automatically spot active powers, including powers used as traps and creatures Indivisibility to hide. In this way you automatically notice a creature that is sneaking and relying on a power to conceal it. If it could sneak under the normal rules, without the help of a power, Fairy Sight can still spot them normally, but gives no additional help.
You can penetrate a disguise if your Scan beats the other creatures Charm. If you recognize that a creature has altered or concealed its true appearance, you know what it ordinarily looks like.
This is a meta-power that affects other powers. In some campaign worlds there is a strong Origin Divide among different origins. Check with your GM regarding your campaign. Origins that are opposed cannot cannot be modified by meta-powers; it is as if powers from the opposing origin was actually a schtick rather than a power. Fairy Sight won't automatically perceive powers or see through stealth powers against which it has an origin divide.
Invisibility to Adults
You become invisible to mundane, responsible Folk, even when you are not trying to Sneak. Children, fools, and creatures other than Folk can see you normally. Folk can perceive you with senses other than sight, if you want to remain totally unnoticed you must Sneak. This is an invisibility power. Invisibility allows you to Sneak as if you had concealment, even in plain sight. Certain powers penetrate invisibility; against such a power ability to sneak in plain sight is lost. Using this power makes you vulnerable to the presence of adults. When an adult is within his Mind meters of you, or when an adult would be directly affected by your action, you are Stymied. Variants of this power might allow invisibility against certain other groups of creatures, as allowed by the GM.
Selective Visibility
Finisher & Stance
This is a Finisher where you mark a target. You can then use this as a Stance to become Invisible to all creatures except the target of this Finisher. If several targets are under this curse, all of them can see you. This is an invisibility power. Invisibility allows you to Sneak as if you had concealment, even in plain sight. Certain powers penetrate invisibility; against such a power ability to sneak in plain sight is lost. You can interact fully with the target, even attacking him, without breaking the invisibility, but if the target becomes unable to perceive you, the Stance ends. It must be possible for the target to perceive you for this power to work, but this perception can require a difficult roll. This is a Curse.
Sense Fey
Basic Action
You can analyze the properties of any power within reach, even if it is inside a container or otherwise separated from you. You learn what power it is, who used it, when, to what effect, and an approximate power level. Even powers that have ended leave a signature that can be analyzed, though the impressions fade; after the end of the scene, it is no longer possible to determine who used the power and its exact effect. The signature fades completely in a matter of days or weeks, stronger and more dramatic used leaving stronger impressions. You must make an opposed Recon check to sense a creature that is Sneaking or an object in such a creature's possession.
This is a meta-power that affects other powers. In some campaign worlds there is a strong Origin Divide among different origins. Check with your GM regarding your campaign. Origins that are opposed cannot cannot be modified by meta-powers; it is as if powers from the opposing origin was actually a schtick rather than a power.
Recon Fire
Heat Haze
You can become invisible and move without having to make additional Sneak rolls, but only in fire or brightly lit areas. This is an invisibility power. Invisibility allows you to Sneak as if you had concealment, even in plain sight. Certain powers penetrate invisibility; against such a power ability to sneak in plain sight is lost.
Heat Sight
You discern the temperature of objects and creatures within your Mind meters. This sense extends like a sense of touch to this distance, which means you can "see" in complete darkness, as long as everything is not of a uniform temperature, something that is very rare except in undisturbed cellars, caves and other places with an isolated climate. This has the effects of a Scan stunt, and you automatically spot creatures in this area who are not Sneaking, even if they would be impossible to sense with your normal senses. This sense is blinded if surrounded by heat insulating or cold materials, such as underwater or in a snow storm. You can extend this sense to an area at a distance, with normal range penalties. Normally, you detect any type of heat or fire, but by concentrating on a particular type (by such factors as fuel, temperature, origin etc) you can eliminate all others.
Smoke Form
You assume the form of a cloud of smoke. In this form, you can fly at your normal Move, and you can move through holes and small openings, though this last stunt takes time and is uncomfortable. You become Insubstantial, Incorporeal, and vulnerable to gusts of wind. You can Sneak as if you were in cover if there is any natural smoke or vapors about, as there often is at night or around where people live. You smell strongly of smoke, which makes you stand out in mist.
Recon Flux
Concealing Coincidences
Basic Action
You can move and Sneak at the same time as the circumstances around you keep changing. This can be as simple as moving from place to place, but if you want to stay put, you have to be in a spot where some fortunate occurrence can save you; a falling curtain, a distracting explosion, a scream of warning, or something similar to act as a distraction for you. The GM has to accept that a distraction is possible and integrate it into the action. The longer you use this power, the more extreme the distractions become. If maintained in the same spot for several minutes and a continuous distraction is not available, this can result in a Setback for you or some bystander.
Substitution Trick
Basic Action
Use this when you are caught in an uncomfortable position, but not completely helpless. Examples include being bound, paralyzed, turned to stone, in a precarious position, burning or otherwise taking ongoing damage. The condition or position must have happened since your last shot came up, you cannot do this to cure aliments from previous rounds.
Make an opposed Recon check against the best Recon among your enemies, on a success you escape the position and if you can get under cover with a normal Move, you also successfully Sneaking. You leave behind a piece of clothing (such as a hat or jacket) tied around a physical object as a distraction when you do this, substituting the object for yourself.
Recon Force
Remote Eye
Basic Action
You create invisible eyes that float about under your command - each command is a basic action. You must spend at least one basic action each round on an eye to maintain it. You can maintain several eyes at once by doing this several times each round. Remote eyes have one Hit, Dodge, Recon, Move, and Recon skills equal to your Recon and have Blur. The eyes are material but can exert only minimal force and cannot pass barriers that would stop a toy balloon driven by a light breeze. A common use for this is to send the eyes out to survey an area or spy on a person. To gain information this way you make an opposed check against the targets' Recon. You gain valuable information based on the outcome of this roll; if the outcome matches the target's Mind you gain clear and important insights into the target's activities. On a failed roll, you learn obvious details and trivia; if the negative Outcome matches your Mind you learn misleading information or the target notices your spying. You can make one scry roll for every fifteen minutes of surveillance, and the eyes must move into the area before surveillance can begin.
Sense Force
Basic Action
You can sense the presence of Force powers at a distance. Make a skill roll and multiply the result by 10; this is the range in meters. You must make an opposed Recon check to sense a creature that is Sneaking or an object in such a creature's possession.
Recon Gifts
All-Around Vision
Trigger Action (Defense), Inherent
Use this when another character's roll beats your Recon. When your Scan is used as the difficulty you get a +3 bonus on your defensive Recon. In addition, you are all times immune to Flank Attack and similar effects—this part of the power is Inherent.
Flexible Gifts
Limit Break
Until the end of the next round you can use any one Power of a Form you know that is a Basic Action, Stance, or Trigger Action (finisher). You need not know the power. If the power is a stance, you must activate the stance before the end of the next round but can continue to keep it up for one scene (or as long as it makes sense).
Mark Territory
Basic Action
You mark a physical location, making it a part of your territory. Other Gifts users instinctively know the location is claimed when they get within your Recon x10 meters of the spot. You claim lasts a number of days equal to your Recon skill. Analyzing your mark can give others a rough idea of what you are.
Powers used in the claimed area subtly alter the mark. By inspecting your mark and making an opposed Recon check, you know which power was used, which origin the user has, and a basic idea of who they are. Using this power in the claimed area, or dispelling Mark Territory, is automatically noticeable as soon as you are in the area, without taking an action.
Power Gaze
Pick one power. You can use this power and any stunts related to it with the Recon skill instead of whatever skill it is usually based on. You can take this power several times, each time applying it to a separate power.
This is a meta-power that affects other powers. In some campaign worlds there is a strong Origin Divide among different origins. Check with your GM regarding your campaign. Origins that are opposed cannot cannot be modified by meta-powers; it is as if powers from the opposing origin was actually a schtick rather than a power.
Second sight
Basic Action
Your affinity to the supernatural lets you see things others only imagine. You see spirits or ghosts wherever you go - most of these are just how you perceive natural phenomena and can be useful for noticing otherwise mundane phenomena, but have no significance. This works as a Scan stunt, except that it is bad at noticing very mundane things, as described below. When using Second Sight, you can see through smoke, fog or darkness (even supernatural darkness), but not through solid objects. In a scene where have scanned such an obscured area with second sight, you are not considered blind there and can act normally. Creatures can still use such obscurement to Sneak against you, but you can use Second Sight again to automatically spot them.
Make a Scan stunt. You automatically spot active powers, including creatures using Invisibility powers to hide, and Invisible creatures you notice this way can't use Invisibility against you this scene. If a creature could sneak under the normal rules, without the help of a power, Astral Sight can still spot them, but gives no additional help.
If you recognize that a creature has altered or concealed its true appearance, Second Sight allows you know what it ordinarily looks like.
This is a meta-power that affects other powers. In some campaign worlds there is a strong Origin Divide among different origins. Check with your GM regarding your campaign. Origins that are opposed cannot cannot be modified by meta-powers; it is as if powers from the opposing origin was actually a schtick rather than a power. Second sight won't automatically perceive powers or see through stealth powers against which it has an origin divide.
Sense Gifts
Basic Action
You can sense the presence of powers at a distance. Make a skill roll and multiply the result by 10; this is the range in meters. Normally, you detect any type of power, but by concentrating on a particular type (name, form, or general description) you can eliminate all others. You must make an opposed Recon check to sense a creature that is Sneaking or an object in such a creature's possession. If you know a target's True Name, checks against that target are Confident.
You can analyze the properties of any power within reach, even if it is inside a container or otherwise separated from you. You learn what power it is, who used it, when, to what effect, and an approximate power level. Even powers that have ended leave a signature that can be analyzed, though the impressions fade; after the end of the scene, it is no longer possible to determine who used the power and its exact effect. The signature fades completely in a matter of days or weeks, stronger and more dramatic uses leaving stronger impressions.
This is a meta-power that affects other powers. In some campaign worlds there is a strong Origin Divide among different origins. Check with your GM regarding your campaign. Origins that are opposed cannot cannot be modified by meta-powers; it is as if powers from the opposing origin was actually a schtick rather than a power.
With this stance you move partly out of this world. You become invisible and you can move while Sneaking without having to make additional Recon checks, but you cannot use Melee or Shoot while invisible.
This is an invisibility power. Invisibility allows you to Sneak as if you had concealment, even in plain sight. Certain powers penetrate invisibility; against such a power ability to sneak in plain sight is lost.
Recon Ice
Snow Sight
You can see through ice and snow. This allows you to find buried objects, traps and hidden doors with ease. This has the effects of a Scan stunt, and you automatically spot creatures in this area who are not Sneaking, even if they would be impossible to sense with your normal senses. You are also immune to snow glare or snow blindness. Your sight is not hindered by snow in the air.
Sence Ice
Basic Action
You can sense the presence of ice at a distance. Make a skill roll and multiply the result by 10; this is the range in meters. Normally, you detect any type of ice or snow (usually not very useful), but by concentrating on a particular shape or composition you can eliminate all others. You can also detect holes in solid layers of ice and/or snow, this is highly useful for finding buried objects and creatures. This lets you locate objects of a basic shape (such as pistols, wheels, and humans).
Finally, you can use this to predict cold weather and to sense if it is natural or the result of power use.
You are invisible in an environment of snow or ice. In this form you can sneak as if you had concealment, and move and act while sneaking without having to make Recon checks, tough you still become visible if you attract attention or act against an enemy. You also hide yourself from Scry powers; add your Mind to your Recon to defend against such abilities. This applies at all times while you are in a snow or ice environment.
Recon Illusion
You can become invisible by bending light and muting sound. This is an invisibility power. Invisibility allows you to Sneak as if you had concealment, even in plain sight. Certain powers penetrate invisibility; against such a power ability to sneak in plain sight is lost. You can move as a part of the sneak action without becoming visible.
Basic Action
You can create a glowing aura about a creature or object. This does not change the appearance of the target, but makes it impossible for the target to use darkness or shadows to sneak and negates Invisibility powers. The target can still hide behind regular cover and concealment. You can also use it to mark different targets in different ways. At your option, the outline is only visible to certain people, and you can vary the color and other details of the glow. If the target can't see the glow, he can't tell that you used this effect on him. An opposed Recon roll is required to put the glow on someone, and the effect lasts for a scene. You can use this against someone you only suspect is there by targeting a likely hiding place—this does not suffer any penalty against an opponent that is successfully sneaking.
Greater Invisibility
Basic Action
This is an invisibility power.
allows you to Sneak as if you had concealment, even in plain sight.
Certain powers penetrate invisibility; against such a power ability to sneak in plain sight is lost.
Greater Invisibility is normally automatic and does not require a Sneak check, but you can be noticed with a successful Scan. If you use this to disappear within plain sight or do other things that draw attention to yourself (blocking a doorway, moving visible objects, moving intimately close to someone), you must succeed on an opposed Recon roll, or the power is broken. If used each time your shot comes up, you are continuously invisible.
There is FX when Invisibility ends that draws attention to you from direct observers - unlike Sneaking, you do not get any surprise or advantage on a later action when you drop Invisibility.
Basic Action
A willing target you touch becomes invisible by bending light and muting sound. You can make a Recon check to allow the target to become Hidden. The effect lasts until the target takes an action targeting an enemy (perception abilities are still allowed) This is an invisibility power. Invisibility allows you to Sneak as if you had concealment, even in plain sight. Certain powers penetrate invisibility; against such a power ability to sneak in plain sight is lost. The target can move as a part of the Sneak action without having to make an additional Recon check.
Limit Break
You can cause the image of what appears far away to appear before you, usually in a mirror, reflecting pool, or crystal ball. The image is never entirely clear; basic details can be easily discerned, but details like faces and text can be blurry and hard to read. To target the scrying you need some kind of link to the person or place; his full name, an object or creature with ties to the target, or information on his current whereabouts. Range is not a factor.
To gain information this way you make an opposed check against the targets' Recon. You gain valuable information based on the outcome of this roll; if the outcome matches the target's Mind you gain clear and important insights into the target's activities. On a failed roll, you learn obvious details and trivia; if the negative Outcome matches your Mind you learn misleading information or the target notices your spying.
Sense Illusion
Basic Action
You can sense the presence of Illusion Powers and Spectres at a distance. Make a skill roll and multiply the result by 10; this is the range in meters. Normally, you detect any type of illusion, but by concentrating on a particular type or description you can eliminate all others. You sense illusions, but only their approximate locations. You do not realize what the illusion is unless your Recon check beats whatever skill powers the illusion. Likewise, you must make an opposed skill check to sense a creature that is Sneaking or an object in such a creature's possession.
Recon Life
Detect Life
Basic Action
You can sense the presence of living creatures within ten meters per point of Recon and pinpoint them within Mind meters. Against a creature that is Sneaking this requires an opposed roll, but you do not need line-of-sight in order to spot it. You must make an opposed Recon check to sense a creature that is Sneaking or an object in such a creature's possession.
Life Watch
Basic Action
Use this to monitor the health of another creature. Against an unwilling target, this takes an opposed Melee. The effect lasts for a story. You can maintain no more than Mind life watches at a time; if you would exceed this number your oldest ongoing life watch is cancelled. At any time, you can take a Basic Action to check on the health and condition of those you Lifewatch – you learn details about the target's physical health, and get general indications on changes in his general well-being in other ways, such as if he is cursed, mind-controlled, or otherwise impaired. If a creature under your Lifewatch dies, is reduced to zero hits, or otherwise incapacitated, you are immediately informed of this fact, with no need to spend an action.
Sense Life
Basic Action
Allows you to see the flow of life energy in an area. Life energy exists not only in living creatures; it is what animates plants and even flows trough natural environments and ecosystems. This has the effects of a Scan stunt, and you automatically spot creatures in this area who are not Sneaking, even if they would be impossible to sense with your normal senses. You can also sense and pinpoint places of power and any powers currently in use in the same area, but you cannot identify which power. By using the power again and focusing on a particular creature, you learn it's attribute scores. You can scan an area at a distance, with normal range penalties.
Recon Light
Detect Evil
Basic Action
Many magic traditions have defined evil, an opposing philosophy or set of ideals that are anathema to everything you powers stand for. With this effect, you can sense such evil. Make a skill roll and multiply the result by 10; this is the range in meters. If you can see the evil creature or object you can pinpoint it; otherwise you merely know evil is present.
This power is not relevant to all traditions, particularly those of the technology origin.
Eyes of the Sun
Your vision is improved. You can see perfectly over long distances as if you were using a binocular with x100 enlargement (things appear as if they were only 1/100 as far away), yet there is no reduction in your field of vision. You are never blinded by glare or bright light, and are immune to flashes used as distractions.
True Sight
Basic Action
On a successful Recon check, you identify illusions and conjured objects and see the true forms of disguised and transformed creatures. The difficulty is whatever skill the target is using.
Limit Break
You get a vision of something that greatly concerns you or someone in your presence who you use the power for. The vision can contain factual information or advice, depending on the situation and story needs. You do not pick the target of Vision, the power picks an appropriate target automatically. Range is not a factor, and you often get a bonus because the use drives the story forward. To gain information this way you make an opposed check against the targets' Recon. You gain valuable information based on the outcome of this roll; if the outcome matches the target's Mind you gain clear and important insights into the target's activities. On a failed roll, you learn obvious details and trivia; if the negative Outcome matches your Mind you learn misleading information or the target notices your spying.
Recon Magic
Arcane Calculations
Limit Break
You gain information about a person, place, or object through arcane means. This involves such methods as astrology, numerology, the I-ching or other arcane methods of divination. This gives you answers to specific questions; the answer must be a few words or numbers. Range is not a factor. If you know the target's True Name all checks are Routine. To gain information this way you make an opposed check against the targets' Recon. You gain valuable information based on the outcome of this roll; if the outcome matches the target's Mind you gain clear and important insights into the target's activities. On a failed roll, you learn obvious details and trivia; if the negative Outcome matches your Mind you learn misleading information or the target notices your spying.
Astral Fade
The signature left by your powers fades rapidly. An hour after you used a power, it will no longer register as magical to detection powers unless the searcher is actually touching the power's target (or is otherwise directly interacting with it).
Astral Sight
Basic Action
You shift your senses from the physical world to the astral, the world of spirit. This works as a Scan stunt, except that it is bad at noticing very mundane things, as described below. Using astral senses, living creatures and power effects stand out clearly, while inanimate objects, especially industrially manufactured ones, are hard to discern. Objects with a strong empathic resonance are easy to see, while mass-produced objects who lack any psychic impressions appear fuzzy and ephemeral, with no discernible detail. You can find empathic traces of strongly emotional events by studying astral resonance. When using Astral Sight, you can see through smoke, fog, or darkness (even supernatural darkness), but not through solid objects. In a scene where you have used astral sight, you are not considered blind in such conditions and can act normally. Creatures can still use such obscurement to sneak against you, but you can use astral sight again to spot them again.
You automatically spot active powers, including creatures using Invisibility powers to hide, and Invisible creatures you notice this way can't use Invisibility against you this scene. If a creature could sneak under the normal rules, without the help of a power, Astral Sight can still spot them, but gives no additional help. Astral sight can find subtle clues left from powers or highly emotional events, as if using Search. This only tells you a power has been used, not what power or how it was used.
This is a meta-power that affects other powers. In some campaign worlds there is a strong Origin Divide among different origins. Check with your GM regarding your campaign. Origins that are opposed cannot cannot be modified by meta-powers; it is as if powers from the opposing origin was actually a schtick rather than a power. Astral sight won't automatically perceive powers or see through stealth powers against which it has an origin divide.
Recon Metal
Sense Metal
Basic Action
You can sense the presence of metal and metal ore at a distance. Make a skill roll and multiply the result by 10; this is the range in meters. Normally, you detect any type of metal, but by concentrating on a particular shape or composition you can eliminate all others. You must make an opposed Recon check to sense a creature that is Sneaking or an object in such a creature's possession.
Recon Mind
Basic Action
You can tell what happens in well-known places, to friends or to people you hold a former body part of or an object dear to. You will get a brief vision, often very subjective. The power scans for strong psychic impressions; humdrum everyday events are harder to detect. Sometimes these visions randomly focus on an emotionally intense moment in the past or future. Range is not a factor.
To gain information this way you make an opposed check against the targets' Recon. You gain valuable information based on the outcome of this roll; if the outcome matches the target's Mind you gain clear and important insights into the target's activities. On a failed roll, you learn obvious details and trivia; if the negative Outcome matches your Mind you learn misleading information or the target notices your spying.
You make others not notice you unless they are looking for you specifically. You can Sneak in plain sight and not be noticed. Special senses will not help against this, but creatures who know of you and look for you specifically, as well as creatures with a Mind greater than your Recon or who have special resistances or immunity to mental powers, are not affected.
Sense Presence
Basic Action
You can sense active minds are present in an area. Make a skill roll and multiply the result by 10; this is the range in meters. You can focus on only a certain area or search only for a certain kind of mind (by creature type or species). To detect the mind of someone who is deliberately hiding requires an opposed Recon roll.
Recon Order
Locked Gaze
The target is compelled to look at you, or to look for you when you are not visible. Charm and Impress checks you make against the target are Routine, and any Recon checks the target makes to see anyone except you are Stymied. All of this applies whenever you and the target are in the same scene. You can make the target look at another creature you specify when using the curse, but you must then make an opposed Recon check or the finisher fails.
Sense Disorder
Basic Action
You can sense the lack of order and structure at a distance. Concentrate on a particular type of structure, creature, or ordered system, make a skill roll; this is the range in meters. You can only sense gross disorder; things associated with the Flux form and creatures and structures that are markedly less orderly than their surroundings. You must make an opposed Recon check to sense a creature that is Sneaking or an object in such a creature's possession.
Sense Order
Basic Action
You can sense the presence of order and structure at a distance. Concentrate on a particular type of structure, creature, or ordered system, make a skill roll and multiply the result by 10; this is the range in meters. If the system detected is in range of your physical senses, you also gain a basic understanding of it and how it works. You must make an opposed Recon check to sense a creature that is Sneaking or an object in such a creature's possession.
Recon Plant
You can alter your coloration to blend into the background. This allows you to Sneak without having concealment, but you must still make Sneak checks normally if you move.
Basic Action
You create enough food for one meal for a creature with a Body no greater than your Mind. Repeated applications can feed several people or be pooled to feed one larger creature. Create rolls determines the quality of the food created and might be required to feed large multitudes.
Ethereal Roots
Basic Action
You ward an area against teleportation. Any attempt to Teleport into or out of the area has a minimum difficulty equal to your Create; if the Outcome was less than your Mind the teleport succeeded, but the teleportee is entangled, making him loose all shots for this and the next round. Ethereal Roots covers a radius equal to your Create roll and lasts for a scene. If the area is overgrown, the Ethereal Roots lasts as long as the plants remain healthy.
Eye of Nature
You can read the signs of nature and flora, sensing their relationships and the presence of anything which disturbs them out to a distance of your Mind in meters. This allows you to "see" through foliage. It is not possible for others to use plant cover to Sneak on you in this area, but if they take this into account they may still be able to sneak there using more solid cover. Beyond this range, your line of sight extends trough foliage and lets you see obvious things as if out in the open, but it is possible for others to Sneak normally there.
Plant Cache
Basic Action
You hide something withing a plant. The plant must be large enough to accommodate the object, but there need not be anything like a suitable hiding space. You can then retrieve this object from any other plant of sufficient size. You can have any number of objects cached this way.
Retrieving objects cached this way by another is similar to breaking a Curse.
Sense Plant
Basic Action
You can sense the presence of plants at a distance. Make a skill roll and multiply the result by 10; this is the range in meters. Normally, you detect any type of plant, but by concentrating on a particular species, individual or descriptive trait you can eliminate all others. You must make an opposed Recon check to sense a creature that is Sneaking or an object in such a creature's possession.
Recon Psi
You can sense the presence of minds within Mind meters. This has the effects of a Scan stunt, and you automatically spot creatures in this area who are not Sneaking, even if they would be impossible to sense with your normal senses. You can extend this sense to an area at a distance, with normal range penalties.
Sense Psi
You have developed an awareness for the use of powers. Your area of awareness extends to a range of your Mind times your Recon in meters. You sense any use of powers in the area and if you know the user you can identify who used it. You must make an opposed Recon check to sense a creature that is Sneaking or an object in such a creature's possession.
This is a meta-power that affects other powers. In some campaign worlds there is a strong Origin Divide among different origins. Check with your GM regarding your campaign. Origins that are opposed cannot cannot be modified by meta-powers; it is as if powers from the opposing origin was actually a schtick rather than a power.
Recon Space
Discern Location
Limit Break
You learn the exact physical location of an object or creature. You must have enough information about the target to describe it uniquely; if you have a general description you will find the nearest target that fits the description. Space is the Form of shape, so the description must be based on shape, not substance or ephemeral qualities like color. The result is revealed in whatever system of reference you understand and which is most relevant and practical. You can use this to discern your own location if you are lost. It can also be used to analyze a teleport performed in the area in the last hour, which tells you what teleported where.
Magic Mapping
Limit Break
You create a map of the area. The result can be a hand-drawn map or be represented trough technological or supernatural means depending on your tradition. Make a Recon roll against the highest Recon of a non-friendly creature in the area, gaining a better map the better you roll. The power centers on a point you choose as the target and range penalties apply. You do not need to see the target point. Powers or abilities that stop detect powers prevents magic mapping.
The GM builds the map based on map points - you start out with a number of map points equal to your Mind and add the outcome (positive or negative) on the Recon roll to that. Each of the following features costs a point to map. In general, features at the beginning of the list are mapped first, but the map has more detail in nearby areas.
- A room, square, street, or other open area
- A door, gateway, or similar barrier
- Interesting but obvious features such as furniture, statues, and other furnishings
- A stairway, lift, or other marked change in level
- A concealed, hidden, or otherwise not obvious feature (this is in addition to the normal cost above)
Note that the point system is a rough guideline only. Depending on the scenario, the game-masters degree of preparation, and the dynamic of the group you are in, this power will often work or fail on a GM fiat. If another player in your group plays a scout and enjoys discovering the map, this map can fail simply to allow that style of play. In other circumstances the GM might have a printed map or tactical overlay to show you that far exceeds what this power would normally allow.
Mind Map
You have great powers of visualization, and can picture any three-dimensional shape with perfect accuracy in your mind. By continuously using these abilities, you create a mental mind-map that allows you to retrace your steps and create a mental image of how you have moved and what you have seen where. You can perfectly judge the spatial relation between any two points you have visited and you can ignore cover when teleporting (using some other power) to any spot you have ever been while conscious.
Spatial Sense
You can sense the basic shape of things within Mind meters. In this area you can sense things even around corners or behind walls, incorporating them in your mental world-image. This has the effects of a Scan stunt, and you automatically spot creatures in this area who are not Sneaking, even if they would be impossible to sense with your normal senses. You still cannot see—colors, script, images, and other stimuli based on color rather than form are imperceptible to this power. This also allows you to sense teleports that happened earlier in the same scenario. You can extend this sense to an area at range, with normal range penalties.
Walk Through Walls
Basic Action
Teleport to the other side of a wall you are touching. You need to make a Recon roll with a difficulty of 5 plus the thickness of the wall in meters plus the Armor Value of the wall material. You cannot pass through living matter or walls made of Force.
You cannot take any other movement as a part of this action, but it is possible to Sneak while doing it, using the same roll as the one to walk trough the wall. Sneaking like this always requires a roll if there are observers on either side.
Recon Spiritual
If you are sneaking, you can use powers that affect only you and your allies without breaking hide.
Sense Miracle
Basic Action
You can sense the presence of powers at a distance. Make a skill roll and multiply the result by 10; this is the range in meters. Normally, you detect any type of power, but by concentrating on a particular type (name, form, tradition, origin, or general description) you can eliminate all others. You must make an opposed Recon check to sense a creature that is Sneaking or an object in such a creature's possession.
This is a meta-power that affects other powers. In some campaign worlds there is a strong Origin Divide among different origins. Check with your GM regarding your campaign. Origins that are opposed cannot cannot be modified by meta-powers; it is as if powers from the opposing origin was actually a schtick rather than a power.
Zone of Revelation
Basic Action
You create an area where the natural and the supernatural overlap, making living and/or supernatural presences that are normally hard to perceive obvious. The area is either a sphere with a radius equal to your Recon centered on you, or a sphere with a diameter equal to your Mind that you can create at a distance, normal range penalties apply.
Within this area, creatures and power effects stand out clearly, and can be seen through smoke, fog or darkness (even supernatural darkness), but not through solid objects. Invisibility does not work. Empathic traces of strongly emotional events can be discerned through study.
This is a meta-power that affects other powers. In some campaign worlds there is a strong Origin Divide among different origins. Check with your GM regarding your campaign. Origins that are opposed cannot cannot be modified by meta-powers; it is as if powers from the opposing origin was actually a schtick rather than a power.
Recon Tech
Detect Technology
Basic Action
You can sense the presence of powers at a distance. Make a skill roll and multiply the result by 10; this is the range in meters. Normally, you detect any type of power, but by concentrating on a particular type (name, form, or general description) you can eliminate all others.
Light Amplification
You can amplify trace amounts of light. This lets you see normally in anything but complete darkness. It is still possible to sneak on you; there are still shadows and darker areas, but you are not impaired by lack of ambient light.
Tactical Overlay
This power helps you to keep track of the relative position of friends and enemies in combat. As long as you occasionally let your vision sweep across the area, or get information from external sensors or other characters equipped with a tactical overlay, you have an innate spatial awareness of the location of everything and everyone in the vicinity, even when out of your line of sight. You also know your map position.
Two or more friendly characters with Tactical Overlay can link their tactical data for maximum benefit.
- You need never be afraid of hitting one another, this is particularly useful with area attacks.
- All of you can attack a target anyone of you can see regardless of visual obstructions, as long as any physical barriers can be penetrated.
- If anyone connected to your Tactical Overlay is aware of something that is about to surprise you, you are not surprised.
- If anyone connected to your Tactical Overlay is aware of someone Sneaking, you are aware of that creature.
The risk with Tactical Overlay is that an opponent that can read your transmissions and feed them to his own Tactical Overlay; this gives him a +3 bonus on Dodge and Shoot against you-until you turn off your Tactical Overlay.
Recon Time
Deceptive Speed
Trigger Action (Combo)
You can move in bursts of speed so fast that you cannot be seen. After you have performed a Basic Action, you can use this Trigger Action as a combo to move an additional time. If this movement ends up in cover, you can make a Sneak stunt. You cannot use this and an Invisibility power at the same time.
Basic Action
You can try to predict the future, either the future of a person present or future events of the location you are in. The future is very uncertain, so predictions are never very accurate. The GM will give you his best estimate of what will happen, but he might well be wrong. To gain information this way you make an opposed check against the targets' Recon. You gain valuable information based on the outcome of this roll; if the outcome matches the target's Mind you gain clear and important insights into the target's activities. On a failed roll, you learn obvious details and trivia; if the negative Outcome matches your Mind you learn misleading information or the target notices your spying. The Recon of an object or place is it's most frequent user's skill for the purpose of this power.
You are planning to attack a warehouse, and want a clue about how it will go. The GM knows this is the hideout of a sorcerer. A result less than the sorcerer's Recon will give a general impression of a hard-fought victory, as the GM is expecting a tough but not impossible fight. A roll about equal to his Recon might yield images of the hostile sorcerer's flame blasts. A higher result might show how some goons as they come out of their hiding places (making it impossible for them to surprise you during the fight) while an Outcome matching the sorcerer's Mind clearly shows the enemy sorcerer enchanting the goons' weapons to cause poisoned wounds—a poison that a Medic can provide an antidote for.
Basic Action
You can look into the past to see what really happened. This is not reading psychic impressions, this is actually seeing exactly what was in the past. You can read the past of a location, person, or object you touch. Higher rolls give better impressions. To gain information this way you make an opposed check against the targets' Recon. You gain valuable information based on the outcome of this roll; if the outcome matches the target's Mind you gain clear and important insights into the target's activities. On a failed roll, you learn obvious details and trivia; if the negative Outcome matches your Mind you learn misleading information or the target notices your spying.
You can see the past of a place, creature, or object. The past of a place includes everyone there. The past of an object or person only includes the thing observed and occasional minor glimpses of what is very near. The Recon of an object or place is it's most frequent user's skill for the purpose of this power.
If you do not know when the event you want to see occurred, you have scant the past, shifting trough events. It can also considerable time to scan large spans of time, so it is always best if you know what date you are looking for.
Recon Water
Detect Water
Basic Action
You can sense the presence of liquid at a distance. Make a skill roll and multiply the result by 10; this is the range in meters. Normally, you detect any type of liquid (not normally very useful), but by concentrating on a particular type you can eliminate all others.
You can use this ability to gain perfect understanding of currents and other aquatic phenomena.
Touch of Water
Basic Action
You gain an awareness of water within your Mind meters. This extends your sense of touch to this distance, which means you can "see" without using your eyes. Underwater, this gives you complete situation awareness. This has the effects of a Scan stunt, and you automatically spot creatures in this area who are not Sneaking, even if they would be impossible to sense with your normal senses. On land this lets you see living creatures even when otherwise blind, but you cannot see objects that do not hold water and you still move about as if blind.
Water Guise
You are transparent in water. In this form you can sneak as if you had concealment in water, and both move and take actions while sneaking, tough you still become visible if you attract attention or act against another. You also hide yourself from Scry powers; in order to learn anything about you, the user of such a power must win a roll against your Recon.