Greyhawk & Golarion Gods (Greyhawk)
Since much game material from Golarion will be used in my version of Greyhawk, I have made this list of correspondences between the gods of the two worlds.
Major Deities
These have been mapped against corresponding gods of the different cultures of the Flanaess.
Minor deities
- Achaekek: Bralm
- Apsu: Bahamut
- Azathoth: None
- Besmara: Imported (Common)
- Chamidu: Oerth
- Dahak: Erythnul
- Droskar: Abbathor
- Ghlaunder. Incabulos
- Groetus: Celene
- Kurgess: Kord
- Lissala: Zouken or imported (Tassilonian)
- Milani: Trithereon
- Peacock Spirit: Xan Yae imported (Tassilonian)
- Sivanah: Sehanine, Luna
- Ydersius:
- Zyphus: Nerull
See Also
- Timeline
- Chivalric orders of the Flaness—Rules for paladins and cavaliers.
- Religious Traits
- Calendar
- Greyhawk Gods