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== Major Deities ==
== Major Deities ==
These have been mapped against corresponding gods of the different cultures of the Flanaess.
These have been mapped against corresponding gods of the different cultures of the Flanaess.
{|wikitable class="wikitable"
||'''Golarion Deity'''|||'''Common'''|||'''Flan'''|||'''Oerdian'''|||'''Suel'''||'''Other'''
||'''Golarion Deity'''|||'''Common'''|||'''Flan'''|||'''Oerdian'''|||'''Suel'''||'''Other'''
||Abadar (lawgiver) |||St Cuthbert  ||| Alitur ||| Pholtus|||Wee jas|||Baklunish: Al-Akbar
| valign=top | [http://archivesofnethys.com/DeityDisplay.aspx?ItemName=Abadar Abadar] (lawgiver) || valign=top | [[St. Cuthbert (Greyhawk Action) | St Cuthbert]] || valign=top | [[Allitur (Greyhawk Action) | Allitur]]  || valign=top | [[Pholtus (Greyhawk Action) | Pholtus]]  || valign=top | [[Wee Jas (Greyhawk Action) | Wee Jas]] || valign=top | Baklunish: Al-Akbar  
||Abadar (merchant)|||Zilchus ||| Alitur ||| Zilchus||| Osprem|||Baklunish: Mouqol
| valign=top | [http://archivesofnethys.com/DeityDisplay.aspx?ItemName=Abadar Abadar] (merchant) || valign=top | [[Zilchus (Greyhawk Action) | Zilchus]]  || valign=top | [[Allitur (Greyhawk Action) | Allitur]]  || valign=top | [[Zilchus (Greyhawk Action) | Zilchus]]  || valign=top | [[Osprem (Greyhawk Action) | Osprem]] || valign=top | Baklunish: Mouqol  
||Aroden ||| Zagyg ||| Zodal ||| Hieroneus ||| Lendor
| valign=top | [http://archivesofnethys.com/DeityDisplay.aspx?ItemName=Aroden Aroden]|| valign=top | [[Zagyg (Greyhawk Action) | Zagyg]]  || valign=top | [[Zodal (Greyhawk Action) | Zodal]]  || valign=top | [[Heironeous (Greyhawk Action) | Heironeous]]  || valign=top | [[Lendor (Greyhawk Action) | Lendor]] || valign=top |
||Asmodeus ||| Tiamat||| Nerull ||| Hextor ||| Tiamat ||| Devil worship
| valign=top | [http://archivesofnethys.com/DeityDisplay.aspx?ItemName=Asmodeus Asmodeus]|| valign=top | [[Tiamat (Greyhawk Action) | Tiamat]]  || valign=top | [[Vecna (Greyhawk Action) | Vecna]]  || valign=top | [[Hextor (Greyhawk Action) | Hextor]]  || valign=top | [[Tiamat (Greyhawk Action) | Tiamat]] || valign=top | Devil worship  
||Calistria ||| Lolth ||| Celene |||Rudd|||Norebo |||
| valign=top | [http://archivesofnethys.com/DeityDisplay.aspx?ItemName=Calistria Calistria]|| valign=top | [[Lolth (Greyhawk Action) | Lolth]]  || valign=top | [[Celene (Greyhawk Action) | Celene]]  || valign=top | [[Kurell (Greyhawk Action) | Kurell]]  || valign=top | [[Norebo (Greyhawk Action) | Norebo]] || valign=top | Elf: Erevan Ilesere
||Cayden Cailean ||| Olidarma ||| Olidarma ||| Sotillion ||| Norebo
| valign=top | [http://archivesofnethys.com/DeityDisplay.aspx?ItemName=Cayden%20Cailean Cayden Cailean]|| valign=top | [[Olidarma (Greyhawk Action) | Olidarma]]  || valign=top | [[Olidarma (Greyhawk Action) | Olidarma]]  || valign=top | [[Rudd (Greyhawk Action) | Rudd]]  || valign=top | [[Kord (Greyhawk Action) | Kord]] || valign=top |  
||Desna |||  Luna ||| Luna ||| Celestian  ||| Cyndor ||| Baklunish: Istus
| valign=top | [http://archivesofnethys.com/DeityDisplay.aspx?ItemName=Desna Desna]|| valign=top | [[Luna (Greyhawk Action) | Luna]] || valign=top | [[Luna (Greyhawk Action) | Luna]]  || valign=top | [[Celestian (Greyhawk Action) | Celestian]] || valign=top | [[Cyndor (Greyhawk Action) | Cyndor]] || valign=top | Baklunish: Istus  
||Erastil |||  Ehlonna ||| Berei ||| Velnius ||| Phaukon/Phyton ||| Baklunish: Gershtai
| valign=top | [http://archivesofnethys.com/DeityDisplay.aspx?ItemName=Erastil Erastil]|| valign=top | [[Ehlonna (Greyhawk Action) | Ehlonna]] || valign=top | [[Berei (Greyhawk Action) | Berei]]  || valign=top | [[Velnius (Greyhawk Action) | Velnius]]  || valign=top | [[Phaukon (Greyhawk Action) | Phaukon]]/[[Phyton (Greyhawk Action) | Phyton]] || valign=top | Baklunish: Gershtai  
||Gorum ||| Trithereon ||| Ubad-Hai||| Trithereon ||| Kord
| valign=top | [http://archivesofnethys.com/DeityDisplay.aspx?ItemName=Gorum Gorum]|| valign=top | [[Kelanen_(Greyhawk_Action)| Kelanen]]  || valign=top | [[Gruumsh_(Greyhawk_Action)|Gruumsh]]  || valign=top | [[Eruthnul_(Greyhawk_Action)|Eruthnul]] || valign=top | [[Vatun_(Greyhawk_Action)|Vatun]] || valign=top | [[Zuoken_(Greyhawk_Action)|Zuoken]] Baklunish
||Gozreh ||| Oerth ||| Beory ||| Oerth ||| Llerg
| valign=top | [http://archivesofnethys.com/DeityDisplay.aspx?ItemName=Gozreh Gozreh]|| valign=top | [[Oerth (Greyhawk Action) | Oerth]]  || valign=top | [[Beory (Greyhawk Action) | Beory]]  || valign=top | [[Oerth (Greyhawk Action) | Oerth]]  || valign=top | [[Llerg (Greyhawk Action) | Llerg]] || valign=top |
||Iomedae ||| Bahamut ||| Zoldal |||  Hieroneous ||| Bahamut
| valign=top | [http://archivesofnethys.com/DeityDisplay.aspx?ItemName=Groetus Groetus]|| valign=top | [[Tharizdun (Greyhawk Action) | Tharizdun]]  || valign=top | [[Tharizdun (Greyhawk Action) | Tharizdun]]  || valign=top | [[Tharizdun (Greyhawk Action) | Tharizdun]] || valign=top | [[Tharizdun (Greyhawk Action) | Tharizdun]] || valign=top | Baklunish: [[Ralishaz_(Greyhawk_Action) | Ralishaz]]
||Irori ||| Xan-Yae ||| Ehlonna ||| Deleb ||| Bralm/Dalt/Lydia
| valign=top | [http://archivesofnethys.com/DeityDisplay.aspx?ItemName=Iomedae Iomedae]|| valign=top | [[Mayaheine (Greyhawk Action) | Mayaheine]]  || valign=top | [[Zodal (Greyhawk Action) | Zodal]] || valign=top | [[Heironeous (Greyhawk Action) | Heironeous]]  || valign=top | [[Bahamut (Greyhawk Action) | Bahamut]] || valign=top | Baklunish: [[Zuoken_(Greyhawk_Action) | Zuoken]]
||Lamashtu ||| Lolth ||| Nerull ||| Procan ||| Beltar/Xerbo
| valign=top | [http://archivesofnethys.com/DeityDisplay.aspx?ItemName=Irori Irori]|| valign=top | [[Zuoken_(Greyhawk_Action) | Zuoken]] || valign=top | [[Ehlonna (Greyhawk Action) | Ehlonna]]  || valign=top | [[Delleb (Greyhawk Action) | Delleb]]  || valign=top | [[Pyremius (Greyhawk Action) | Pyremius]] || valign=top | Baklunish: [[Xan Yae (Greyhawk Action) | Xan Yae]]
||Nethys ||| Boccob ||| Rao ||| Delleb/Lirr||| Wee jas ||| Baklunish: Boccob
| valign=top | [http://archivesofnethys.com/DeityDisplay.aspx?ItemName=Lamashtu Lamashtu]|| valign=top | [[Lolth (Greyhawk Action) | Lolth]]  || valign=top | [[Nerull (Greyhawk Action) | Nerull]]  || valign=top | [[Procan (Greyhawk Action) | Procan]] || valign=top | [[Beltar (Greyhawk Action) |Beltar]]/[[Xerbo (Greyhawk Action) |Xerbo]] || valign=top |  
||Norgorber ||| Vecna ||| Vecna ||| Kurell ||| Syrul
| valign=top | [http://archivesofnethys.com/DeityDisplay.aspx?ItemName=Nethys Nethys]|| valign=top | [[Boccob (Greyhawk Action) | Boccob]]  || valign=top | [[Rao (Greyhawk Action) | Rao]]  || valign=top | [[Delleb (Greyhawk Action) | Delleb]]/[[Lirr (Greyhawk Action) | Lirr]]  || valign=top | [[Wee Jas (Greyhawk Action) | Wee Jas]] || valign=top | Baklunish: Boccob
||Pharasma ||| Luna ||| Luna ||| Celestian ||| Wee jas
| valign=top | [http://archivesofnethys.com/DeityDisplay.aspx?ItemName=Norgorber Norgorber]|| valign=top | [[Vecna (Greyhawk Action) | Vecna]]  || valign=top | [[Vecna (Greyhawk Action) | Vecna]]  || valign=top | [[Kurell (Greyhawk Action) | Kurell]]  || valign=top | [[Syrul (Greyhawk Action) | Syrul]] || valign=top |  
||Rovagug |||  Iuz ||| Iuz |||Erythnul |||Vatun
| valign=top | [http://archivesofnethys.com/DeityDisplay.aspx?ItemName=Pharasma Pharasma]|| valign=top | [[Celene (Greyhawk Action) | Celene]] || valign=top | [[Celene (Greyhawk Action) | Celene]]  || valign=top | [[Celestian (Greyhawk Action) | Celestian]]  || valign=top | [[Wee Jas (Greyhawk Action) | Wee jas]] || valign=top |  
||Sarenrae ||| Pelor ||| Pelor ||| Sotillion ||| Joramy
| valign=top | [http://archivesofnethys.com/DeityDisplay.aspx?ItemName=Rovagug Rovagug]|| valign=top | [[Iuz (Greyhawk Action) | Iuz]]  || valign=top | [[Iuz (Greyhawk Action) | Iuz]]  || valign=top | [[Eruthnul (Greyhawk Action) | Eruthnul]]  || valign=top | [[Vatun (Greyhawk Action) | Vatun]] || valign=top |  
||Shelyn |||Honey ||| Myrhiss |||Lirr ||| Phyton
| valign=top | [http://archivesofnethys.com/DeityDisplay.aspx?ItemName=Sarenrae Sarenrae]|| valign=top | [[Pelor (Greyhawk Action) | Pelor]]  || valign=top | [[Pelor (Greyhawk Action) | Pelor]]  || valign=top | [[Sotillion (Greyhawk Action) | Sotillion]]  || valign=top | [[Joramy (Greyhawk Action) | Joramy]] || valign=top |  
||Torag ||| Daern ||| - ||| Blered ||| Dalt/Jascar|||Dwarf: Moradin
| valign=top | [http://archivesofnethys.com/DeityDisplay.aspx?ItemName=Shelyn Shelyn]|| valign=top | [[Honey (Greyhawk Action) | Honey]]  || valign=top | [[Myhriss (Greyhawk Action) | Myhriss]]  || valign=top | [[Lirr (Greyhawk Action) | Lirr]]  || valign=top | [[Phyton (Greyhawk Action) | Phyton]] || valign=top |
||Urgathoa ||| Incabulos ||| Incabulos ||| Telchur ||| Pyramius ||| Baklunish: Selvekar
| valign=top | [http://archivesofnethys.com/DeityDisplay.aspx?ItemName=Torag Torag]|| valign=top | [[Daern (Greyhawk Action) | Daern]]  || valign=top | —  || valign=top | [[Bleredd (Greyhawk Action) | Bleredd]]  || valign=top | [[Dalt (Greyhawk Action) |Dalt]]/[[Jascar (Greyhawk Action) |Jascar]] || valign=top | Dwarf: [[Moradin (Greyhawk Action) | Moradin]]
||Zon-Kuthon ||| Tharizdun ||| - ||| - ||| Tharizdun ||| Baklunish:  Ralishaz
| valign=top | [http://archivesofnethys.com/DeityDisplay.aspx?ItemName=Urgathoa Urgathoa]|| valign=top | [[Incabolous (Greyhawk Action) | Incabolous]]  || valign=top | [[Incabolous (Greyhawk Action) | Incabolous]]  || valign=top | [[Telchur (Greyhawk Action) | Telchur]] || valign=top | [[Pyremius (Greyhawk Action) | Pyremius]] || valign=top |  
| valign=top | [http://archivesofnethys.com/DeityDisplay.aspx?ItemName=Zon-Kuthon Zon-Kuthon]|| valign=top | [[Nerull (Greyhawk Action) | Nerull]]  || valign=top | [[Nerull (Greyhawk Action) | Nerull]]  || valign=top | [[Nerull (Greyhawk Action) | Nerull]]  || valign=top | [[Nerull (Greyhawk Action) | Nerull]] || valign=top | Baklunish: Selvekar
Line 65: Line 66:
* Groetus: Celene
* Groetus: Celene
* Kurgess: Kord  
* Kurgess: Kord  
* Lissala: Zouken or imported (Tassilonian)
* Lissala: Bralm (Tassilonian)
* Milani:  Trithereon  
* Milani:  Trithereon  
* Peacock Spirit: Xan Yae imported (Tassilonian)
* Peacock Spirit: Xan Yae (Tassilonian)
* Sivanah:  Sehanine, Luna  
* Sivanah:  Sehanine, Luna  
* Ydersius:   
* Ydersius:   
* Zyphus: Nerull
* Zyphus: Nerull
== See Also==
* [[Timeline (Greyhawk)|Timeline]]
* [[Chivalric Orders (Greyhawk) | Chivalric orders of the Flaness]]—Rules for paladins and cavaliers.
* [[Religious_Traits_(Greyhawk) | Religious Traits]]
*[[Greyhawk calendar|Calendar]]
* [[: Category : Greyhawk Gods (Action Greyhawk)|Greyhawk Gods ]]
** [[Greyhawk Gods Lacking Obedience (Greyhawk) | Greyhawk Gods Lacking Obedience]]
** [[Greyhawk Synchretism (Action Greyhawk)|Greyhawk Synchretism]]

Latest revision as of 15:43, 1 November 2021

GreyhawkGreyhawk Arms

Since much game material from Golarion will be used in my version of Greyhawk, I have made this list of correspondences between the gods of the two worlds.

Major Deities

These have been mapped against corresponding gods of the different cultures of the Flanaess.

Golarion Deity Common Flan Oerdian Suel Other
Abadar (lawgiver) St Cuthbert Allitur Pholtus Wee Jas Baklunish: Al-Akbar
Abadar (merchant) Zilchus Allitur Zilchus Osprem Baklunish: Mouqol
Aroden Zagyg Zodal Heironeous Lendor
Asmodeus Tiamat Vecna Hextor Tiamat Devil worship
Calistria Lolth Celene Kurell Norebo Elf: Erevan Ilesere
Cayden Cailean Olidarma Olidarma Rudd Kord
Desna Luna Luna Celestian Cyndor Baklunish: Istus
Erastil Ehlonna Berei Velnius Phaukon/ Phyton Baklunish: Gershtai
Gorum Kelanen Gruumsh Eruthnul Vatun Zuoken Baklunish
Gozreh Oerth Beory Oerth Llerg
Groetus Tharizdun Tharizdun Tharizdun Tharizdun Baklunish: Ralishaz
Iomedae Mayaheine Zodal Heironeous Bahamut Baklunish: Zuoken
Irori Zuoken Ehlonna Delleb Pyremius Baklunish: Xan Yae
Lamashtu Lolth Nerull Procan Beltar/Xerbo
Nethys Boccob Rao Delleb/ Lirr Wee Jas Baklunish: Boccob
Norgorber Vecna Vecna Kurell Syrul
Pharasma Celene Celene Celestian Wee jas
Rovagug Iuz Iuz Eruthnul Vatun
Sarenrae Pelor Pelor Sotillion Joramy
Shelyn Honey Myhriss Lirr Phyton
Torag Daern Bleredd Dalt/Jascar Dwarf: Moradin
Urgathoa Incabolous Incabolous Telchur Pyremius
Zon-Kuthon Nerull Nerull Nerull Nerull Baklunish: Selvekar

Minor deities

  • Achaekek: Bralm
  • Apsu: Bahamut
  • Azathoth: None
  • Besmara: Imported (Common)
  • Chamidu: Oerth
  • Dahak: Erythnul
  • Droskar: Abbathor
  • Ghlaunder. Incabulos
  • Groetus: Celene
  • Kurgess: Kord
  • Lissala: Bralm (Tassilonian)
  • Milani: Trithereon
  • Peacock Spirit: Xan Yae (Tassilonian)
  • Sivanah: Sehanine, Luna
  • Ydersius:
  • Zyphus: Nerull

See Also