The Cellar

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Template:Rise of the Runelords chapter
Rise of the Runelords episode
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Episode no. Episode 8
Date 2008
Game Master Abbe
Characters Dorothea
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In this chapter Template:Rise of the Runelords chapter.

Template:Rise of the Runelords chapter

We took a short rest and Honeypot played her soothing music again. I felt sore from several cuts from those awful goblins, but it fell from my mind as I listened. We took a final look around before we went down to the cellar. Once more I saw the horrible parts of that poor worker that had been cut up by the goblins.

Don't read this, Velicia. Skip to the next paragraph.

We started down the stair, but I was distracted by my thoughts and stumbled into more goblins. I had horrible visions of being cut up by them as that worker in my mind and missed with my sling. The others stormed right by me while I got back in the stairs and hid. I just peeked around the corner and flung bullet after bullet at the goblins, but the shots went wild. I think I need more space to use the sling properly. Nathaniel took several hits and a particular nasty one made him stagger and fall. In this dire situation I tried using the dagger instead and threw it at the goblin around the corner. It flew true and hit it in it's belly. It was hurt really badly and to my surprise the dagger appeared in my hand again. I knew it was a magical dagger, but I didn't know that it could do that. That gave the others enough time to help Nathaniel. I hid behind the corner again and tried to do the same again but never got it quite right. At least the dagger didn't take any damage from hitting walls, floors and doors and it still kept appearing in my hand right after hitting whatever was behind what I aimed for. Nathaniel charged right up to a half elf who came around a corner and started shooting arrows at us. Nathaniel gut him down after a short fight up close.

After a long fight we finally killed the last goblins. It was Velica who felled them with magic. Nathaniel told us that a few got away through a storage room in the back. There was a tunnel leading away from it. I though that we'd better search every room before entering the tunnel so no goblins could sneak up on us from behind. Nathaniel had showed me how bad that could be, even though it wasn't even from behind. I looked around and found Ameiko tied up in one of the storage rooms. I talked to her some as I freed her and suggested that she'd stay behind as we searched the tunnel. She told me she could take care of herself and joined us. She was less saddened by her brother, Tsuto's betrayal and her fathers death than I would have thought she'd be. When I checked on the half elf it turned out to be her brother and I told her he was dead. I searched him and found a bow, a diary and some coins. I started reading the diary and thought about comparing it to my own when Velicia took it. I continued to search through the place. I found nothing else, but the goblins had gold coins that turned out to be quite a sum when put together.

We checked the tunnel and found it to be longer than we cared to explore at the late hour. Ameiko told us it lead down to the waterside and that it was an old smugglers tunnel. We barred it from inside and went back up to the glassworks. There some guards had arrived and the mayor did as well. We told her our story in short and then we left for bed. As Ameiko lives in the Rusty Dragon as I do, we walked home together. I walked close to her. It seemed as the whole experience had been worse for me than for her even though she lost both her brother and her father.

I slept uneasy and was woken by the others for a late breakfast at the Rusty Dragon. At breakfast Velicia started talking about taking some of my money for spells. I didn't like that at all. Then Nathaniel and the mayor joined us and he also liked that tax idea. I opposed it until the mayor said that we all should pay 20 gold each to buy magic components for. I did but still didn't like it and asked who would decide what to buy. The mayor said that the leader of the group would do that and that it was Nathaniel. As it was the mayor that said it I can't complain too much. After all she's some kind of boss here and typically put her nephew Nathaniel in charge.