The Sanatorium

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Template:Rise of the Runelords chapter
Rise of the Runelords episode
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Episode no. Episode 25
Date 2009
Game Master Abbe
Characters Dorothea
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In this chapter Template:Rise of the Runelords chapter.

Template:Rise of the Runelords chapter

Ride out. Early autumn. Fog in the valleys

Cougars Creek on the way to the sanatorium

Abandoned barn that stopped being used when the mill burned down.

I volunteer to look for tracks on the outside.

The others look inside and say that there were patches of dried blood and still a faint smell of that corpse stench.

Velicia tells us that the murderer might use the stench as a weapon to stun its victims as three victims were killed by a single murderer in a barn with several exits they could have ran out.

Reach the sanatorium. It is a large square stone house with very few and small windows.

When we knock at first no one answers.

Then a man in a white coat open the door and say that they don't have time. We tell him that we are there about Sevilla on orders from the Sandpoint sheriff He let us in and asked us to wait for the doctor. I ate a piece of bread with cheese while waiting. An elder man also wearing a white coat appeared and we followed him upstairs. He showed us to an examination room that I thought looked more like a torture chamber, where Graist Sevilla were waiting. He had a strait jacket on. We all entered the room but I stayed near the door.

Nathaniel asked him "What happened in the barn?" He answered mostly with strange mumblings "The barn?... No... I should not talk of barn... Master told me to talk of other things... Wait... I recognize you..." He said turning to Honeypot. "You are the one... Master gave me a message to you... master should want me... "

"The message!"

"If you come to his misgivings and join the pack he will stop the harvest, his lordship said... only wants you... I will make him want me..."

"Did you hear that?" Nathaniel said.

I stopped staring at the strange man and listened to the door.

"There's strange footsteps outside, kind of dragging..."

"That's what I meant." Nathaniel said and moved up next to me and the door. It was suddenly ripped opened by one of the patients who stared at me with crazy eyes and open mouth showing his yellow teeth as preparing to bite me. I drew my dagger and stabbed him, felling him. I retreated further into the room but suddenly stopped and staggered back when I saw Sevilla. His eyes had a sick light in them and his skin was decidedly more yellow than before. His mouth was casually open wider than I ever could open mine and his strangely looking tongue hung out of his mouth down to his chest. It was definitely not normal.

Sevilla struggled in his straightjacket but it held, He said "I will kill you so master will love me instead." and lashed out with his tongue at Honeypot. It struck her hand he dragged her close and bit her. She struggled to resist him, but his bite seemed to daze her. Nathaniel drew his sword stepped out of the room taking position just outside keeping the patients out. Dorothea cast one of her weird spells on Sevilla and walked up to Nathaniel. I poured a healing potion into Honeypots mouth as her struggles were loosing strength. Then I stepped up to the awful monster Sevilla had turned into and stabbed him making him loose his balance. The straightjacket was almost more as an armor, protecting him rater than hindering him in his attacks, but now I had a gap in his defences.

Nathaniel was swarmed by patients and even a few caretakers, but he fought them off using his sword and shield. Velicia teleported out into the big room outside and a big ball of fire erupted around her burning patients.

Sevilla tried to attack Honeypot again with his tongue but, being unbalanced he missed wildly. I stabbed him in his side making him turn and with a crouching move I stabbed him hard in the belly burying the entire blade beneath the coarse fabric. He fell to the floor and was out of the fight. Honeypot gave me a hug and ran out into the other room next to Nathaniel to fight the other patients. I heard Dorothea shouting at the patients and the fight died down. I stood there shaking looking at the body of what had been Graist Sevilla

Heal patients. All survive. 25 + 6 Ghoul rot.

Nathaniel, Honeypot and Dorothea had been bitten. They were not necessarily infected. Dr. Habe said that you can prevent ghoul rot from spreading with a modern medicine. Dorothea said that the stars would heal her.

We talked about the message and I thought that we should make sure he didn't stop the farmers from harvesting. The other didn't think that was what was meant even though it is the right time. Velicia thought about misgivings and said that she had heard that some people called a haunted house "the misgivings" Nathaniel said that it was the Foxglove manor. I remembered that the letter from Cougars Creek had mentioned property and gold and the papers I and Dorothea found in Aldern Foxgloves room was about properties.

Nathaniel and Velicia helped dr. Habe to treat the patients while I rode back to Sandpoint. Nathaniel wrote a letter to the sheriff that I brought. Trusty Creampuff carried me there swiftly. When I reached Sandpoint I went straight to the garrison and told Hemlock of the ghoul infection and that we suspected Foxglove to be behind it. We both went to the temple to convince Zanthus to join us in a trip to the sanatorium and was joined by mayor Deverin. Zanthus was reluctant but agreed. The mayor suggested that we would pass Hanna's and bring some potions and herbs. I also made sure to pass the Golden Dragon to bring a good dinner. As we left Sandpoint sheriff Hemlock told the town guards to close Sandpoint and only let anyone in on his order, to keep ghoul rot out of town.

We arrived and sat down in the entrance to discuss how to proceed. Dr. Habe told us it would take a week to know who would turn into a ghoul and who had been successfully treated. Velicia thought we should stay and help that time, but I thought that we had to stop Foxglove from spreading the disease even more and that he might kill ten times as many as we could save here during that week. The sheriff suggested him returning to Sandpoint and recruiting some unskilled workers that could help out while we stop Aldern Foxglove.