The Rescue

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Template:Rise of the Runelords chapter
Rise of the Runelords episode
Template:Rise of the Runelords logo
Episode no. Episode 72
Date 2009
Game Master Abbe
Characters Honeypot
Episode chronology
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In this chapter Template:Rise of the Runelords chapter.

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Template:Rise of the Runelords chapter

Jättarna var tatuerade

Very beat up from the fight with the three giants I rode back through town. When I rode along High Street I noted that something was stirring. I held up Creampuff and asked a passing woman. She told me that giants had been at Undercliff and almost where we were, but had retreated when the dragon died.

I continued on and met up with Nathaniel and Velicia along riverstreet. Nathaniel had just tried to tame one of Das Korvut's large dogs and Honeypot went after the bears into the woods. They told me that the smith had been taken by the giants. We went looking for some town guards. Nathaniel stopped them and told them what we had done and they told us a little about what they had heard, like that there had been a giant sneaking through the whole town. We followed the rumors and they led us to the ruins of the old lighthouse. We went to the few houses to ask those who lived there if they had seen it. I went up to Brodert Quink's house and knocked on the door, closely followed by the others. As he opened the door I asked him if he had seen any giant sneaking by and he said that he had, indeed. A giant holding a log with carved runes had appeared from nowhere and walked into the old ruins. It had read the runes inscribed all over the place and performed some kind of ritual. Then it had chosen an enormous rock and put in its sack and left. Then Velicia started talking magic so I left. Instead I went over to Gorvi's shack. I knocked on the door and he answered. I asked him if he had seen the giant. He said he hadn't as he had been working. I got the feeling he was hiding something so I asked if it was really true. He admitted to have been sleeping and was very sorry. I assured him that I didn't mind if he slept in the morning after goblin's day.

I slowly returned towards the garrison, while taking out something to eat from my bag of holding. Creampuff walked behind me looking over my shoulder to see if I had something he'd want, when Honeypot came walking hurriedly from the opposite direction. She had heard that we were talking about the giant on the telepathy. She had some ritual she wanted to perform where the stone had been. As I followed her back, she saw how bad shape I was in. She healed me and danced around. We all returned to the lighthouse, Brodert too. She cast her ritual for a whole hour, but I didn't mind as I had time to finish my leg of mutton. I have found that you should eat much when wounded. When she had finished she said she could ask two questions and the "place" would answer through the magic. The first question was why the giant had taken that stone. The answer was that it was an old and noble rock from the olden times. Brodert got all excited and wanted to ask a lot of questions about the original tower. I think that got to Honeypot as she asked what the tower was originally used for, but the "place" wasn't that old. It only had a feeling of it having been a border fort of some kind and then giants tore it down creating this place. All the expensive magic stuff she had put there had disappeared. I said:
"We should pay for that together." It felt really weird when I said it.
"I can decide that as since you left, I'm the new leader of this group." I added to Nathaniel.
"No, you're not." he said with a firm voice.
I thought "Oh, well. It was fun while it lasted." but then Nathaniel continued:
"On the other hand you need to learn how to lead, now that you're a baroness. Perhaps you should try."
I was surprised and couldn't suppress a "Yes!".

We discussed what to do and Velicia and Honeypot wanted to interrogate the giant who survived near the brewery. Nathaniel told us that the prisoner belonged to Sanpoint as it had attacked the town. We saw Mayor Deverin hurry past and asked her if we could take care of the prisoner. She said that without our help they would have suffered terrible and they wouldn't have had any prisoner. We headed over and found that some villagers had tied it to the ground. When we got there Honeypot started asking questions, while Nathaniel and Velicia looked menacing. I felt uncomfortable. There was a big forest nearby and the giants was very good at sneaking so I mostly kept watch.

Gruppen som anföll leddes av en runecarver. Han som tog sten?

De tjänar Mokmurian. En magiker och mindre än andra jättar

Han styr med två lejon-lamia prästinnor

Han fick tatuering i Jorgenfist, a dark castle in the Iron Mountains overlooking the flood Mushikal

Liten smidig ritual som de andra.

Nell ågren om att de hon dödat gynnar runelords

Borgen ligger due west of Storval Stairs

Uppdrag var att plocka feta giriga handelsmän

Mutter, mutter, vet nog en i Magnimar de borde plockat

I asked for where they had camped on the way there. I guessed that they might camp at the same places on the way back.

As it was still early in the day we decided to go after the giants that got away as soon as we had gotten our gear and some food. I told Kaven to bring plenty.

Förbi gårdar


We set out early in the morning and

Nathaniel bring dog

Rider spökhästar jätte jätte snabbt.

Förbi gårdar

File:Ogre rampage.png
Ogres fighting with cattle.

At a distance I could see dust rising to the sky. We rode closer and could see it was two stone giants, four well equipped ogres and several other ogres, just wearing loin cloths. The ogres herded cows in front of them and both giants carried huge sacks that could contain not only people, but also lots of loot. As I said so Nathaniel said that it would belong to Sandpoint, but I pointed out that everything that didn't have someones name written on it would be impossible to return and would be fair loot. I was quickest and rode Velicias ghost horse straight in between all the ogres and threw my dagger straight into its chest. It coughed blood and Honeypot easily made it fall. Nathaniel also stormed straight in riding Shadowmist. One of the giants threw a big boulder on my ghost horse which disappeared. I continued on foot towards the giants, but they retreated so Instead I ran up to an ogre and jumped up and stabbed it in the throat, killing it instantly. Realizing that I would have a hard time keeping up with the giants I went left and killed another of the better equipped ogres that Nathaniel had been fighting with. That turned out to be more dangerous than I expected as the savage ogres turned the herd of cows back and they quickly surrounded me. It could have turned ugly, but Honeypot appeared among the big animals and pulled me out.

I threw my dagger, felling the last of the organized ogres and ran towards the two giants. Velicia and Nathaniel fought them and kept them from retreating away. I caught up to one of them and stabbed it. It swung back, hitting hard, making me stagger back ten feet. The giants were then slain by Nathaniel and Velicia. I hurried up to the sacks dropped by the killed giants and found that one of them was moving. We found Das Corvut and one of his dogs still alive in it. I looked for any valuables but the only thing worth anything was a sign for a shop back in Sandpoint, but it certainly had a name written on it.

We returned the cows and helped Das Corvut to the nearest village. The cows had been stolen from there just before.

I säckarna Das Korvut och hund. Enda någorlunda värdefulla var butiksskylt med namn!

Korvut inte arg

Driver tillbaka hjord till by. Deras kor

Sover över och Korvut får åka hem.