Enga Keckvia

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Template:Rise of the Runelords chapter
Rise of the Runelords episode
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Episode no. Episode 75
Date 2009
Game Master Abbe
Characters Honeypot
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Template:Rise of the Runelords chapter

As I sneaked up to end of the tunnel. It made a sharp turn and it was impossible to look into the room beyond without being seen by the kobold guard standing at the end of the tunnel. It saw me as I got to within a few inches, but I still couldn't see the room clearly. The others didn't want to attack them, but talk to them, so I let them. Not understanding their language I kept to the back. It turned out that their leader was called Enga Keckvia.

File:Enga Keckvia.png
The kobold leader Enga Keckvia.

She also talked some common? We talk. We said we would fight Mokmurian. Leader of the kobolds, Enga Keckvia, said they hired by him to guard

Enga said Mokmurian tough fight and that we wouldn't win. We said we were tough too. She fight a duel with Velicia

Honeypot cheered on.

I used the sword to create a throne to sit on and took out some food from bag of holding.

I watched Enga spearing Velicia time and time again, while eating what Kaven had prepared.

It didn't look too good for Velicia and she tried to end the duel without loosing.

Honey said stuff, but the kobolds looked skeptical until I said that I thought that they should be hungry. Wouldn't it be better to eat than to watch the boring fight. Everybody, especially Velicia, except Enga seemed very happy at the idea of eating. The kobolds actually didn't look too fat. When Honeypot took out a horn and started pouring food into the hands of one of the kobolds watching, Enga joined the hungry crowd.

Enga told of how she met Mokumurian. She fought him on a bridge and he thought she was tough and offered a job guarding the back door to his dungeon. She said he was rich and generous

Big party. Honey tried to keep distracted and make all kobolds eat too much to make them tired

I sneak off and scout. Two corridors. One to big giant rooms, other to smaller rooms that then led to giant messhall.

Found secret door sneak it open using my excellent silent thieves tools

Saw giant standing watching other way. It had lots of tatooed runes and was wearing gold. Might be Mokmurian?

Closed door silently and returned to the others.