Lackeys of Lust

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Template:Rise of the Runelords chapter
Rise of the Runelords episode
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Episode no. Episode 89
Date 2009
Game Master Abbe
Characters Honeypot
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Template:Rise of the Runelords chapter

The demon Delvahine.

After leaving wrath we discussed where to go next. I thought we should leave greed for last since it is Karzoug that is returning and I guessed that they will be strongest and most prepared. Since I don't like undead monsters I wanted to leave those as long as possible too. I suggested sloth or lust. Velicia complained and said we should start with those we thought was strongest as we would loose strength the longer we waited. As we had found leads in pride I suggested that we should try to learn more about the toughest enemies before attacking them, but somehow Velicia had the idea that brute force was better than knowledge. Strange.

Nathaniel agreed with me and Honeypot wanted us to wait with lust for some unknown reason so we headed for the Festering maze of Sloth. Not the nicest of names. As we headed down the corridor we didn't face the strange maze-effect that the others had and soon we came to a dead end. The corridor ended in raw rock. I started looking for hidden doors, while the others studied the rock. Velicia suggested that it was the same effect as had befallen envy. It had been destroyed and reverted to the rock it had been made of. We guessed that they just stopped caring some time long ago. We still wanted something that was sloth so after some thinking Velicia suggested we take a piece of rock. When Nathaniel took out his pickaxe she stopped him and said:
"No. Take a piece of rock that has fallen off the wall. It would be as close to the essence of sloth we can get here."

We returned out into the central room again. The only three remaining was greed, gluttony and lust. We agreed to go to lust even though Honeypot did object half-heartedly.

The corridor had the maze effect the other active parts had had. I and Honeypot entered a huge room with polished red and white tiles on floor. In the dim light I could see there was a big pavilion made from a silky material in the center and around it there were fourteen pillars all sculpted like nude women. Between each pillar and the outer wall there were cages. I immediately sneaked over to the nearest one and hid behind it. It was made of silver and gold. It had very good craftsmanship and was probably worth a lot. But inside were the long dead remains of a human. Looking at the next cage it looked like it too had a corpse. There might be some kind of trap on them so I left them alone and never start looting until you've earned it. Honeypot walked out into the room and looked around. She stood there studying the ceiling that was covered with pictures of men and women having sex, when I heard harpy-like noises from the other side of the room. I kept an extra eye out for flying creatures and sure enough soon demons came flying and landed in front of Honeypot. The demons spoke to Honeypot and to my surprise I understood what they said.
"Hello! You must be our new toys for us to play with."
"We are no toys, but I can play with you." she answered
As they continued to talk Nathaniel arrived into the room and soon after Velicia too. I thought Honeypot had talked to the demons to let the others catch up before attacking but it seemed she went on. After a while Velicia headed over to a cage further away on the other side of the room from me. Nathaniel followed her and a demon that earlier had been sitting on the the edge of the pavilions roof flew down to the same cage. It turned out there were someone still alive in there. Suddenly Velicia used her teleport magic to appear inside the cage and almost simultaneous the demon did too. As Velicia tried to touch the victim in the cage with her sword as part of her magic the demon brushed up against her and tried to kiss her. Velicia turned her face in the last second and got a kiss on the cheek instead of on the mouth and she and the victim disappeared from the cage. They appeared near the exit and soon the demon followed, but it still only talked to her wanting to play. It didn't really say, but it was obvious it would be some kind of sexual game. Velicia and Nathaniel went out the corridor and the demon followed them out of the lust part of Runeforge.

Meanwhile Honeypot had flirted with a demon or two and had ended up with three demons almost fighting over her. With all four of the demons gone or distracted I started to sneak around. I checked the rest of the cages, but no else was alive. Then I sneaked up to the pavilion. There were small gaps that I could peek in through at the joints in the pavilion, but they were too small to get in through. The fabric was also some magic material that couldn't be cut, at least not silently. Moving along the sides of the pavilion I get a good idea of the interior. It had sections dividing it into four rooms. Near the entrance there are five stone giants standing guard in some kind of harem clothes that didn't hide anything. The other interesting room was a throne room filled with four beds, a table, a throne and pillows and carpets giving it a lavish look. There were a lot of ropes, straps, whips and other toys all over the room. A censer stood on the table, spreading some incense all over the place. From what I could sense outside had a sweet smell to it. On the velvet throne sat a female demon looking a little different from the other demons. She had long pointy ears, small horns, snakelike eyes and fangs. I guessed that was Delvahine who Vraxeris from pride had been seeing. She looked distant as if she had had too much to drink or was doing some kind of magical ritual.

Using our telepathy we discussed what we should do. Velicia suggested teleporting into the throne room in the pavilion and take whatever the equipment was that we needed from lust and run for it. If we did, we wouldn't get to loot the place. Nathaniel suggested killing them all and look through the place thoroughly. Honeypot had her mind on other things but didn't want to attack them. To be able to teleport in and take whatever it was we needed to know what it was. I tried to describe everything for Velicia but I knew to little about what to look for that had any magical significance. Velicia had to come back in and look for herself. She and Nathaniel chained the freed victim out in the corridor and returned back to the room of lust. Velicia appeared and after a little while Nathaniel did too, together with another Velicia that was all over him. It turned out to be the demon. I met up with Velicia and helped her to where you could get a good look of the throne room. I heard the demon ask Nathaniel some questions:
"Are you the slave of those women you came with?"
"Are they your slaves?"
"But you have sex with them?"
"No. I don't fancy them..."
As if we weren't good enough for him. I didn't hear the end of it but who cares. Together we looked into the throne room, trying to find what would be "Delvahine’s... equipment" as mentioned in Vraxeris notes. I guessed a dildo I saw, but Velicia said she knew what it was. It was the censer. Now she hesitated at going through with her plan. Now that I agreed with it. I had the idea that we should try to make a fake one and replace it with so it wouldn't be noticed as quickly. The only problem was that Velicia who could teleport into the pavilion wasn't very good at not being noticed, but something she is good at is making magical things and she left for the center chamber to go make a copy of the censer using the rune well fountain to fuel her ritual. Nathaniel followed her outside to make sure she wouldn't be interrupted. Asking Honeypot if she could keep the three demons occupied for a while while Velicia cast her ritual I got the feeling from her rather agitated "Yes." that it wouldn't be any problem, but rather it could be getting her to stop.

Almost an hour later Velicia returned with a duplicate of the censer and thinking that using stealth rather than brute magic I decide that I should sneak into the pavilion alone and if everything goes wrong Velicia can teleport in and help me. Sneaking past the giants was no hard match. They were bored and there were extra fabric near the ground that I could crawl through. I continued up to the throne room. There I sneaked in and hid behind a bed. I looked at Delvahine. She looked like she was having sex through magic. Using our telepathy Velicia suggested that Delvahine might have a telepathic bond with the other demons that is stronger than ours and she might share senses with them. I activated my shadows and sneaked past a doorway and hid behind a table.

we get the idea to sneak in and exchange it. Velicia tells us she can magically duplicate it. She returned to the runewell in the centre and duplicate. Nathaniel also out. Honey get involved in advanced sexual games with demons

Velicia returned with copy. I took it and sneaked passed giants and on into the throne room, hiding behind a bed.

Sitting in her throne, the demon, a woman with pointy ears, small horns and fangs sit concentrating on some kind of magical ritual.

I activated my shadow armor deepening the smoke from the incense as I sneaked up to the table and replaced the censer with our copy. Before leaving I divided the incense between the censers to make sure I brought some and that it would still be smelling when I left. I quickly left her throne room, without being noticed.

I told the others to get ready to leave and got answered by Nathaniel and Velicia that they still were outside. Honeypot didn't answer. I put the censer in my bag of holding to make sure I wouldn't be revealed by the smell.

I continued on out and only stopped near the exit to make sure that there wasn't any alarm stopping anyone from escaping. there was none. I got out and now I tried to get Honeypot to answer and she told me she was a little tied up but would come as soon as she could. I got the feeling she was completely tied up and had no choice. I thought of hiding and keeping an eye on her, but decided against it. If the demon in the tent found out the censer was missing the alarm would go off and I would be caught in their wing with the one thing we really wanted to get from there. Except perhaps the cages that looked really expensive.

I told her that the fake censor would disappear in about an hour according to Velicia and that she should try to get out before that. Then we would have to go back and get her through force.

I left feeling uneasy about leaving her. Outside we made plans for how to rescue her if we had to, but she came out in time. I had a strange feeling about the whole thing. While waiting I noted that my food had caught taste from the incense. Nathaniel asked to have a taste in exchange for ??? and I agreed, but thinking of how little food I had left and that Kaven was still outside made me regretting it immediately.

Mr Mutt

Ravenous crypt of Gluttony