Father Skinsaw

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Template:Rise of the Runelords chapter
Rise of the Runelords episode
Template:Rise of the Runelords logo
Episode no. Episode 34
Date 2009
Game Master Abbe
Characters Dorothea
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In this chapter Template:Rise of the Runelords chapter.

Template:Rise of the Runelords chapter

We decided to find out where the Seven's Sawmill is located through working the streets, looking for rumors.
"We'll ask around."
"And I know where to start. You need to go to the tailors. You need new clothes, worthy of a Foxglove!" Nathaniel said.
Honeypot went looking for rumors herself and Velicia took off to go look for the Eladrins she met earlier. I, Nathaniel and Dorothea went to the Keystone district of Magnimar to look for a good tailor. Nathaniel looked around at their choice and used his sense of fashion to select the style and fabric. I didn't really care as long as it looked good and I could move in it. Dorothea made sure to choose a new set of clothes and Nathaniel ordered a dress for Shayliss Vinder too. We ordered the clothes and while they took our measures we talked to the tailors and seamstresses. I asked innocently if they had heard any news lately as I had been out of the city for a while. They told me of murders of bankers, rich merchants and "people that matters". After some follow up I got some names and could ask some questions about them to see if they were greedy. They had Greed!

When all finished we continued on to Pug's Contraptions in the same district. They had a lot of different cages, traps and locks. A man approached us.
"How can I help?"
"This young lady have recently acquired a house and in it's inventory there were some cages of remarkable craftsmanship. We would like get to know more about them." Nathaniel answered. Pug took out a big book and opened it on the counter. Browsing through it he stopped at an entry some four weeks ago and told us he had sold 10 cages to Aldern Foxglove. He had requested a quick delivery 4 weeks ago to the Foxglove townhouse in the Grand Arch district. I thanked him for his helpfulness. Nathaniel bought music boxes for his sisters.

We had agreed to meet for lunch at a tavern we passed earlier and having finished our plans we went there early. I ordered a big lunch. You never know. I took a couple of apples for later too. Soon Velicia showed up. She told us stories of Brothers of the Seven. They are an old organization of rich bankers that got a lot of power. "Gnomes of Zürich" Soon Honeypot too showed up and told us that they had rumors of living forever. There were stories of the undead and of proposals to rich people to join then and all that agree disappeared. Some mystic consortium. She had also heard that the Seven's Sawmill were located upriver. We decide to hire boat instead of riding up the road. Velicia disguised herself to look like a human flower saleswoman.

The captain talk lot rowed by sailor.

pass seven's sawmill put in at next sawmill's jetty

We met by guard that want us off

I trick him that I want to buy planks and mention name

He hesitates long enough for the boat to leave before saying we can't buy.

We walk back along road. It's been improved lately. Through swampy area. Bigger road, next road to seven's sawmill. That road better and older. We sneak off road

When we could see the dark shape of the sawmill between the trees standing out against the river, we circled to the right and looked for a hiding place. We found one but noted that there were lots of footprints in the woods. There were even marks on the trees as if someone had been climbing too. I thought of the gangs of thieves back in my youth on the streets of Magnimar, training to become catburglers.

Looking closer on the sawmill we saw that it was much bigger than the one we landed at. It had been developed in stages and remodeled several timed but the original looked very old. It was a very tall building, built mostly over the river and had several waterwheels built into it. There was a tower to it too. It made a lot of noise suggesting they were working hard. There were still a couple of workers standing talking next to a pier. We noticed a quite flamboyant style of clothing on workers, but the clothes were still used and worn. We could also tell they were not ghouls. We noted that small groups of workers left and others arrived. It looked as if they were some sort of patrols and not workers coming and going. I sneaked up to one group and followed them. I overheard them talking.

"Looking for a group of five, with one satyr and one eladrin. That should be easy enough to recognize."
"We have lost the spirit lately. Attacking richer people than we were told earlier. It's not the way Norgober told us. I think the man is getting old. We should do something about it."
"That's dangerous talk."
"But he is straying from the true path."
I had heard enough. I hid in a bush and let them continue. Then I returned to the others and told them. They knew who we were and that we were coming.

Velicia said Norgober was old deity who is killing on Nerull's behalf to prevent things from happening in the world. Honey told a story about the skinsaw man that appeared as boogeyman and killed.

As it looked very hard to approach undetected we decided to wait for the sunset. Still keeping it under watch we retreated a little further away to wait for dusk. When darkness slowly fell we discussed which way to approach and decided to swim. I didn't like the idea as I'm not a good swimmer and there was a strong current in the river. With the risk of getting into the waterwheels I thought we should try another approach, but the others insisted and Honeypot suggester a ritual turning us into sea otters. I'm not that fond of strange magic, but it's preferred to drowning and had the added bonus of being harder to notice and if the workers saw us they would just think it's a couple of otters swimming by. She also cast telepathy and some dark light that made sure we could see but that couldn't be seen.

The swim was hard and dangerous but it was made easily by being a sea otter. It almost felt sad to stop swimming and start climbing. We climbed the wall of the sawmill. It was a sparsely planked wall and we could see light shining through the slits, but they were too small see anything clearly through. When we were almost at the top Nathaniel got stuck. He's a good climber but he was also the heaviest with his armor and all. Since we had been using a rope to make sure no one would fall, we all got stuck. It was easily enough solved, but there were a few tense moments before we all got up on the roof. The next step up the tower I climbed first and secured a grappling hook and the others followed easily enough. Carefully we lifted a trapdoor peeking down, ready to spring into action. There was a small room. It was lit but there were no one there.

There were a ladder, a desk, a chair and lots of faces cut off people. It was an evil temple. We all climbed down there and prepared for a fight. Stealthily I opened the double doors ever so slightly and looked through slit.

I froze in place as I saw a man I immediately recognized but haven't seen in several months and had hoped to never meet again. It was Ironbriar. He was talking to most of the workers gathered before him in a large room. I wanted to kill him but I couldn't bring myself to act at all. We all listened while he talked about preparing for a big finale. They planed to kill the mayor. His voice gave me the chills.

I broke out of it and threw my dagger at him but still being shook up I missed. Through her magic Velicia suddenly appeared next to Ironbriar wearing that awful mask and said "The skinsaw man have come for you!" hitting him with her sword. They were completely surprised. Nathaniel went out into the room and drew some of workers and Ironbriar's guards to himself and downed several of them with sweeping slashes with my fathers sword. I almost felt proud of him even though it was only his sword. Dorothea ran out and engaged lots of the workers, but prepared for her scary magic. Honeypot jumped over one of his evil priests and attacked Ironbriar himself. Hoping to be steadier on the hand up close, I ran up to him and attacked but my memories made my hands shake and I hesitated just enough for him to avoid my dagger. He teleported away just barely out of sight around a corner, while his evil priest used magic to blind us with a big flash. It missed me but some of the others got blinded.

File:Skinsaw cultist.png
The flamboyantly dressed skinsaw cultists.

Nathaniel struck all around him in a flurry of attacks still hitting some although being blinded, while Dorothea showed her magic is at least as powerful as Ironbriars by teleporting to block his way downstairs and downing several workers in an explosion where she left from. Honeypot confused a magic user and I used that opportunity to kill him. Then I hid in the awful temple room. Ironbriar said something out loud that sounded like "I lost the rest of your family but I will..." and ran up to me. He tried to do some kind of magic reaching for me and teleported up the ladder.

Nathaniel killed both bodyguards around him and ran up the ladder after Ironbriar, and hanging on the ladder stabbing upwards with my fathers longsword he forced Ironbriar from the trapdoor and was able to follow him up. Honeypot ran up after them. I hid in the room below them and hesitantly looked for an opportunity to throw my dagger at him. He appeared and as I threw he gave me an evil stare and I missed again. I had a strange view from below as Nathaniel attacked Ironbriar and with his impressive footwork tricked him to stand over the trapdoor. From the room I heard Dorothea cast her terrible black magical cloud that eats everything. Upstairs Honeypot distracted and confused Ironbriar. He staggered on the edge of the trapdoor about to fall. I took the opportunity to rush up the ladder and stab him with all my strength, all my anger and all my collected hate for what he had done. The dagger was buried deep in his figure and I almost lost it in the big flow of fabric of his strange costume, but I held on to it as blood whet my hand and he fell past me, hitting the floor with a loud thud. Tears were flowing down my cheeks. I jumped over him and out the wide opened double doors and left the room.

49 hitpoints!

Velicia: Evil cult to Nerull. Father Skinsaw

Look through evil temple and find books, maps, paintings. One strange ice town cut in frozen waterfall. Ice cathedral and domes. Fairytale book Fairy beautiful golden covers and paintings in it. Strange stories.


The diary of Ironbriar, but it is in cipher.