The Farm

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Template:Rise of the Runelords chapter
Rise of the Runelords episode
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Episode no. Episode 40
Date 2009
Game Master Abbe
Characters Dorothea
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In this chapter Template:Rise of the Runelords chapter.

Template:Rise of the Runelords chapter

The rain got worse and we got ready continue on Fort Rannick when Honeypot said
"The bear want to go into the woods."
"Then let it." I answered.
"It might be looking for it's master." Velicia suggested.
"It's well kept, better than any wild bear would be." Honeypot said.
"Alright, let's follow it." I said pulling the reins over Creampuffs head to lead him into the woods instead of riding on.

Moving through the dense forest we noted several simple traps. We reached a small clearing from which we could glimpse a farm up ahead. Honeypot cast the telepathy ritual so wee could talk to each other without talking and hear each others over the rain and distance. We left the horses and slowly continued through the wood toward the farm. Gloriana and Velicia stayed a little behind, but we others continued to the edge to get a good look at the farm. Peeking through the heavy rain we saw two more deformed half-ogres with too many fingers working the field in front of a really big barn and an equally oversized house. Honeypot and I sneaked around to the barn through the very dense forest and found even more traps everywhere. When we got to there we tried to peek through the slits, but it was covered on the inside by something that I thought looked like simple tapestries. Only strange to have it in a barn. Honeypot said that she thought it was cob web.

We told the others and continued on to the house. The main door was facing the field and there was a side door also visible from the ogres that we could see. We sneaked around again to get a better look at the back of the house. Honeypot almost walked into one of the traps but saw it at the last moment and we got there without any further trouble. There were no doors on the back side of the house, but there were windows. They were blocked and I sneaked up to one to try to get a peek inside. There were planks nailed sparsely over the window and instead of glass there was a tense skin. I tried to cut through it to see in but there were curtains too.