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Template:Rise of the Runelords chapter
Rise of the Runelords episode
Template:Rise of the Runelords logo
Episode no. Episode 104
Date 2010
Game Master Abbe
Characters Honeypot
Episode chronology
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In this chapter Template:Rise of the Runelords chapter.

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Template:Rise of the Runelords chapter

I looked out from my hiding place near the edge of town. Looking up the steep mountain I could see the keep above. It looked more like a ruin than a keep. Even Fort Rannick had been in better shape when held by the ogres. The skulk guiding us told us to move on and we continued to the very base of the hill. As we knew that rune giants used much fire Honeypot had cast a ritual protecting us from fire.The climb up was easier than expected and soon we all surveyed the keep. Kaven stayed with our skulk guide in the town down below. I sneaked up to one of the towers that had shooting slits just a few feet higher up that I could reach. It was easy to silently climb up and peek in. Luckily I was very careful since a giant stood just inside looking out. I moved to a better position and could get a glimpse of more giants inside. There were at least five, probably six storm giants, and even though I didn't see any I guessed that there were rune giants too.

Returning to the others I suggested attacking the main gate where we had seen six storm giants and I noted two rune giants just inside the gate. After some discussion we did by sneaking up to them and suddenly rush past them charging the rune giants beyond. I crit one.

Dorothea turned into horrible bubbles and passed through some giants hurting them.

Nath killed the one I critted.

Velcia put up the Pelor-flag!

I crit the other and hid inside

Velicia killed it.

Honey told the storm giants to run away. Two did.

Other two charged inside to attack the others but pass over me causing damage

Other rune giant probably made them

Velicia teleported into the guards tower and hit one rune giant teleporting it and herself out into the yard in front of keep.

I dazzling acrobatics up the wall and over guard. From the shadows I attacked it continuing into the shadows near a wall.

Honeypot took control of the rune giant and made it walk up to Nathaniel. He took the invite and hit it hard. I moved past a storm giant and past it killing it with a powerful stab while I passed. I told the storm giants in the yard outside to fly away while they could and four did.

Dorothea teleported through a portcullis stopping us entering the guard tower through a corridor. Honeypot ran out and up to the tower and leaped in through one of the slits. There were much fighting inside. Nathaniel walked up to the portcullis and with a feat of strength he bended the bars so it was just to step through them as easy as an open door, so I did. Velicia who had teleported into the room told me to charge straight into the wild fight but I knew how bad her advice was and didn't. Instead I hid in the corridor preparing to attack.

Honeypot used her magic to force three storm giants to dance just in front of us, helping Dorothea, Nathaniel and Velicia to kill the last rune giant. Noting other giants arriving from the other side of the hall I ran between the legs of the now friendly, or at least not aggressive, I don't know if there is such a thing as a friendly storm giant, and out the slits. In the yard I continued on up to the entrance and hid. There were six more storm giants forming up in front of the corridor they came from and I noted two rune giants hiding back there. I ran up to the storm giants and by jumping from side to side I made their blows go wild when passing them. In their tries to hit me they hit each others legs and feet. In the confusion I hid in a corner behind them, not only seeing the two rune giants, but also another strange looking giant that reminded me of the rune giants but much bigger and without the visible runes.

It looked straight at me and I knew it knew where I was. It cast fire magic that hurt even though the protection Honeypot had cast stopped most of it. It also commanded the two rune giants to burst out with their lighting. I guess that was what it shouted because that's what they did and I was caught in their burst too. I saw my friends trying to come to my aid, but as they rushed out into the hallway the storm giants cast powerful magic hurting them and blasting them back into the corridor from where they came. I moved around the rune giants and closed in on the strange giant leader. I tumbled between it's legs and jumped up on its back stabbing it. It struck back by crushing me against the wall. I heard, rather than saw the others making new attempts to reach me, but the only company I got was a plague of frogs biting and poisoning everything close by. That was the two rune giants and the big giant I was climbing on. The frogs distracted it long enough for me to move further up and get away from being crushed. I asked Pelor for help to strike down this awful foe and buried my dagger deep into it's back. It was heavily hurt by it, but still very much alive and dangerous. The huge rune giant struck me with two heavy blows. I hesitated between feinting it or attacking wildly. I did the latter and stabbed it twice causing more deep dagger wounds. Nathaniel finally arrived flying on his ebony fly above the rune giants and disgusting frogs. Their leader backed out of the frogs and was hit by Nathaniel when it moved. It used it's magic on me not only causing pain and cuts, it also blew me off its back. Landing heavily I saw how Nathaniel and Velicia finally killed it.

The frogs still attacked the rune giants but they backed away from them only to get my dagger thrown into their backs in quick succession, killing one instantly. The other was soon felled too and there was finally silence.

Looking for treasure

I found hidden passage

Filled with coins and stuff

Found ring and another one

Finding out that the fantastic works of the legendary giant general is just crap.