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Rise of the RunelordsRise of the Runelords
Rise of the Runelords


Satyr who ran into Velicia on the mountains, played a few tricks on her, and discovered a mutual interest for magical rituals.


The proverbial partygirl.


  • Dance,
  • Song and music
  • Partying around.
  • Wine.
  • Watching and admiring physical prowess. Ardent cheerleeder of any physical contest, and often develops a special interest in the winner.


  • Cruelty and bloodlust; an recurring trait in her own race that she abhors.


  • Wanderlust, wonderlust and plain lust. Wants to meet many people, see wonderful sights, and have fun.
  • Collect, compose and try out new magical music (i.e. Rituals) of any kind.


See "Satyr (Greyhawk 4E)" for general description.

Blonde, long hair, usually worn in a thick, knee-length braid.


Magic Item Wishlist

Level Name Source Slot Notable Effects
10 Boots of Sand and Sea AV p.126 Feet Gain a +1 item bonus to speed while wearing light armor or no armor + Encounter
8 Cat Tabi AV p.127 Feet Gain a +3 item bonus to Athletics checks to jump. You take half damage from a fall and always land on your feet + Daily
8 Quickling Boots AV p. 129 Feet Gain a +2 item bonus to Acrobatics and Athletics checks + Encounter
6 Sandals of Precise Stepping AV p. 130 Feet Gain a +2 item bonus to Acrobatics, Athletics, and Stealth checks.
5 Gloves of Agility AV p. 134 Hand Gain a +1 item bonus to Acrobatics, Stealth, and Dexterity checks (but not Dexterity attacks).
9 Green Thumbs AV p.134 Hand Daily: You create a wall 8 within 10 squares filled with thorny vines. It can be up to 4 squares high.
7 Crown of Leaves AV p.140 Head Gain a +2 item bonus to Nature and Insight checks.
2 Gem of Colloquy AV p. 141 Head Gain a +1 item bonus to Bluff and Diplomacy checks. Understand and speak 1 additional language, chosen at the time of the gem’s creation.
10 Hat of Disguise AV p. 142 Head You gain the appearance of any humanoid race of the same size category as you. Your clothing and equipment alter appearance to reflect this change.
10 Laurel Circlet AV p. 144 Head Gain a +2 item bonus to Diplomacy and Insight checks, and a +1 item bonus to attack rolls on powers that have the charm or illusion keyword.
8 Choker of Eloquence AV p. 150 Throat +1 Fortitude, Reflex, and Will. +1 item bonus to Bluff and Diplomacy checks. +Daily: reroll failed Bluff and Diplomacy check.
8 Peacemaker’s Periapt AV p. 153 Throat +2 Fortitude, Reflex, and Will. +2 Diplomacy checks. +Daily.
7 Circlet of Authority PH p. 248 Head You gain a +2 item bonus to Diplomacy checks and Intimidate checks.