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{{Infobox RPG session
{{Infobox RPG session
| Title        = {{Rise of the Runelords chapter|76}}
| Title        = {{Rise of the Runelords chapter|78}}
| Campaign    = Rise of the Runelords
| Campaign    = Rise of the Runelords
| Image        = {{Rise of the Runelords logo}}
| Image        = {{Rise of the Runelords logo}}
| Episode      = 76
| Episode      = 78
| Date        = 2009
| Date        = 2009
| GM          = [[User:Starfox|Abbe]]
| GM          = [[User:Starfox|Abbe]]
| Characters  = [[Honeypot]]<br>[[Nathaniel]]<br>[[Nell]]<br>[[Velicia]]
| Characters  = [[Honeypot]]<br>[[Nathaniel]]<br>[[Nell]]<br>[[Velicia]]
| Prev        = {{Rise of the Runelords chapter|75}}
| Prev        = {{Rise of the Runelords chapter|77}}
| Next        = {{Rise of the Runelords chapter|77}}
| Next        = {{Rise of the Runelords chapter|79}}
| Episode list = [[Nell's diary|'''''Rise of the Runelords''''' chapter list]]
| Episode list = [[Nell's diary|'''''Rise of the Runelords''''' chapter list]]
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[[Category:Rise of the Runelords]]
[[Category:Rise of the Runelords]]
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''In this chapter {{Rise of the Runelords chapter|76|summary}}.''
''In this chapter {{Rise of the Runelords chapter|78|summary}}.''
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== {{Rise of the Runelords chapter|76}} ==
== {{Rise of the Runelords chapter|78}} ==
Backar och går tillbaka Följer andra gången vänster istället.
Den har rasat in längre fram men en avtagsväg leder vänster innan. Vi följer den till ett tomt rum. Jag blir misstänksam och letar andra vägar vidare. Velicia säger att det nog är ett gammalt vaktrum
Eftersom det var en dead end returnar vi till de magiska jättarna vid det runda föremålet.
Vi smiter fram och Velicia talar med dem. De vaktar den runda grejen på golvet och verkar inte vara särskilt smarta. De bryr sig inte när Velicia öppnar dörren vidare. Vi fortsätter Nathaniels ursprungliga plan att hålla höger genom rummen. Det leder vidare in till ett nytt rum med samma konstiga perspektiv. jag smyger fram där och ser fem konstiga döda kullejättar som alla saknar huvud. Fyra av dem vandrar runt en cauldron fylld med något rykande och rummet är bestrött med disgusting flesh stuff. Den femte har en tung rustning och den tomma hjälmen svävar över där huvudet borde ha varit.
Jag kastar dolk men missar. Honey rör sig in i rummet och slänger runt på jättarna. Velicia följer efter. Nathaniel stormar en jätte, men de konstiga avståndens magi kastar ut honom till mig i korridoren. Rustningsmonster spellar fram massor av hemska knivar och svärd i ett jättestort område precis framför mig. Jag skymtar en odöd jätte framför mig och kastar min dolk djupt in i bröstet på den. Dolken försvinner nästan helt när den når in till hjärtat och avslutar dess onaturliga existens. Jag gömmer mig i korridoren när spellande rustningsmonstret också slänger upp ett lika stort jättekallt ismoln, men det hamnade på mig och Nath. Jag känner hur kölden biter i den bara huden och jag knappt kan röra mig. En jätte trillar ut framför mig och Nath han dödar den. Molnet av knivarna kommer ut i korridoren till mig och Nath så jag kurar ihop mig och kastar mig in i molnet. Men smidiga slingranden kommer jag fram till två kvarvarande jättar och voltar in mellan dem. De svingar vilt efter mig, men jag duckar vidare och de träffar bara sig själva, efterlämnande en bloody path. Rustningen missar dock helt. Honey dansar på kitteln.
Nath drar in rustningen intill mig och en av de två andra huvudlösingarna till sig och sänker den, men den andre tål det. Den svarar med en äckelvall av nekro som missar mig. Honey movar in och jag flankar så jag kan utnyttja omringning och stabbar den. Velicia burstar ihjäl den sista av de andra. Rustningen burstar en till äckel vall som den här gången slår musten ur mig och jag tappar helt andan och ser stjärnor. Nathaniel och Honey slår på rustningen. Jag kan knappt hålla mig stående, men med en sista kraftansträngning jag sänker den till sist. Osäker på om den fortfarande är farlig stapplar jag in i ett hörn och försöker fokusera blicken. När de andra pustar ut sjunker jag sakta till golvet i hörnet och försöker skaka stjärnorna ur huvudet. Efter ett tag börjar jag se klarare och ser hur Velicia tittar på grytan. Jag kollar runt i rummet och reser mig. Jag petar misstänksamt på rustningen och när jag är säker på att den inte rör sig mer letar jag efter pengar eller prylar. Den hade i alla fall pryl.
Velicia säger att hon använt det mesta av sin magiska energi och att hon är så sliten att hon vill vila och Honey håller med.
Vi bestämmer oss för att dra oss tillbaka. Velicia säger då att vi kan använda oss av portalen som de magiskt konstiga stenjättarna i förra rummet vaktade. Honey hittar på att vi skulle lura dem och suckar över att hon inte kan klä ut sig till stora monster. Jag tittar då på rustningen jag letade igenom på den odöda kullejätten.<br>
"But if we hang the arms from the chestplate and I stand on Nathaniels shoulders we could imitate that undead hill giant." I sugested. "We just have to find a good way to work the legs. Velicia can use mage hand to hold the helmet above"<br>
"I could help with the legs too." Velicia said showing off her magic illusions by creating a little misty smoke twirling around her. It resembled an effect that the giant itself had had, that would help selling the walk.
I started connecting the armor so it would hold together. My tool set halped a lot as teh ten foot pole Nathaniel had brought. With Nathaniel in one leg, the pole in the other holding up some of the weight, him lifting the rest and moving the pole, me on his shoulders, one arm in the shoulder of the armor allowing it to move the arm some and some sting to move the other, Velicia making her magical effects and Honeypot coording everything, we set out and came through as a surprisingly good version of a slightly limping version of the armored undead giant we had destroyed.
As we went out into the room and discovered that our strange disguise worked Honey remarked that stone giants are usually peaseful. I sugested that the strange magical condition perhaps was a punishment for unruly giants to make them into mindless slaves. Velicia thought we should bring one with us to try out rituals to free them from the effect.
Decided to go to Honey's woods
Velicia opened the gate
Jag tornado strikar miss och träff, väljer utan skada, men slidar den genom gaten. Velicia går igenom själv
Nathaniel took the opportunity to take some powerful steps and got us all through the open portal and I tried to trick the remaining giants that it's all right by gesturing with the arm I had best control over, but I could see they didn't fall for it. Then Velicia thought of, that leaving the other giants to tell what happened might cause problems if we were to go back through the gate, so we decided to try to get them through as well.
The giant I got through the gate used some kind of magic to summon up a sword out of thin air and threw it at the gate, but Velicia protected it somehow. The two giants left behind stepped into the gate, but not through, one casting a spell at Velicia and the other summoning a sword, just like the other giant, and swung it at us in the armor. It hit both Honey and Nathaniel knocking them prone and making the whore armor fall apart. I tumbled down as well but landed on my feet.
A big fight started where
stabbar gätte mellan Honey och smiter ut ur eldridge zone men missar att gömma mig
Feeling battle weary we decided to pull back and get some rest. Velicia then told us that the thing the stupid giants were guarding in the previous room was a magical portal. We could use it to retire to wherever we wanted. Honeypot suggested that we should trick them somehow but sighed heavily when mentioning that she couldn't use her hat of disguise to impersonate a large creature. I looked at the empty armor I searched that was worn by the undead hillgiant.<br>
"What if we hang the arms from the chest plate and I stand on Nathaniel's shoulders... We could imitate that undead hill giant." I suggested. "We just have to find a way to work the legs. Velicia can use her mage hand to hold the helmet hanging in mid air."<br>
"I could help with the legs too." Velicia said, showing off her magic illusions by creating a little misty smoke twirling around her. It resembled an effect that the giant itself had had, that would help selling the walk.
Blir anfallen av ett svärd i närstrid som gör mer än bloodied och har 1 hp.
I began to tie parts of the armor together with string so it would hold together when lifted. My tool kit helped a lot as did the ten foot pole Nathaniel had brought. With Nathaniel in one leg, the pole in the other holding up some of the weight, him lifting the rest and moving the pole, me on his shoulders, one arm in the shoulder of the armor allowing me to move the arm some and some sting to move the other, Velicia making her magical effects and Honeypot coordinating everything, we set out and came through as a surprisingly good version of a slightly limping version of the armored undead giant we had destroyed.
Flashy riposte.
As we limped out into the room and discovered that our strange disguise worked Honeypot remarked that stone giants were usually peaceful. I suggested that the strange magical condition perhaps was a punishment for unruly giants to make them into mindless slaves. Velicia thought we should bring one with us to try out rituals to free them from the effect.
Nathaniel sänker sista
We had decided to open the gate to Honeypot's woods. As we closed in on the portal Velicia opened it. As we approached the open portal I tried to throw my dagger unnoticed at the feet of the strange giants to make them stumble through the portal, but not harm them. I tried on two of them and missed one completely. I didn't do any significant damage to the other but it stumbled through the portal. Velicia went through and Nathaniel took the opportunity to take some powerful steps and got us all through the open portal. I tried to trick the remaining giants that it's all right by gesturing with the arm I had best control over, but I could see they didn't fall for it. Then Velicia thought of that leaving the other giants to tell what happened might cause problems if we were to go back through the portal, so we decided to try to get them through as well.
Vi funderar på hur man ska ta bort deras hemska effekter, men inser att vi inte kan nu och behöver mer tid. Därför görs en ritual som lägger dem i dvala.
The giant I got through the gate used some kind of magic to summon up a sword out of thin air and threw it at the gate, but Velicia protected it somehow. The two giants left behind stepped into the portal, but not through, one casting a spell at Velicia and the other summoning a sword, just like the other giant. It swung it at us in the armor. It hit both Honeypot and Nathaniel knocking them prone and making the whole armor fall apart. I tumbled down as well but landed on my feet. There was a lot of fighting. The giants put up some kind of eldridge zone that I sneaked out of, but it was hard finding any good hiding places. I got attacked by a sword wielding giant in close combat that in one attack almost cut me in half and followed up with another strike that left me hardly conscious. Luckily I knew some moves by heart and didn't have to think to make my flashy riposte, felling the giant. Soon after Nathaniel felled the last one. I fell to the grass and laid there on my back looking at the sky through tear filled eyes, bleeding, while Honeypot tended my wounds.
Under vår vila passar vi på att göra magiska saker. Jag skaffar ring och uppgraderar rustningen
Honeypot and Velicia then used their magical knowledge to analyze and discussed how to remove the magical rune effect on the giants. They realize they can't easily do it at the moment and performed a ritual putting them in a deep hibernation.
Jag tippsar Honey om Face stealing ring. Hon gör sån till sig
While we were resting, Velicia, who doesn't need to sleep as much as us others, started creating magical items. I asked her to enhance my armor, something I had leaned I needed the hard way, and to create a ring for me. Before passing out I suggested to Honeypot to get a ring I had heard of. It's called a face stealing ring and helps you assume the appearance of anyone.
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{{Rise of the Runelords navbox}}

Latest revision as of 18:46, 19 February 2010

Template:Rise of the Runelords chapter
Rise of the Runelords episode
Template:Rise of the Runelords logo
Episode no. Episode 78
Date 2009
Game Master Abbe
Characters Honeypot
Episode chronology
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"Template:Rise of the Runelords chapter" "Template:Rise of the Runelords chapter"
Rise of the Runelords chapter list

In this chapter Template:Rise of the Runelords chapter.

Template:Rise of the Runelords chapter

Feeling battle weary we decided to pull back and get some rest. Velicia then told us that the thing the stupid giants were guarding in the previous room was a magical portal. We could use it to retire to wherever we wanted. Honeypot suggested that we should trick them somehow but sighed heavily when mentioning that she couldn't use her hat of disguise to impersonate a large creature. I looked at the empty armor I searched that was worn by the undead hillgiant.
"What if we hang the arms from the chest plate and I stand on Nathaniel's shoulders... We could imitate that undead hill giant." I suggested. "We just have to find a way to work the legs. Velicia can use her mage hand to hold the helmet hanging in mid air."
"I could help with the legs too." Velicia said, showing off her magic illusions by creating a little misty smoke twirling around her. It resembled an effect that the giant itself had had, that would help selling the walk.

I began to tie parts of the armor together with string so it would hold together when lifted. My tool kit helped a lot as did the ten foot pole Nathaniel had brought. With Nathaniel in one leg, the pole in the other holding up some of the weight, him lifting the rest and moving the pole, me on his shoulders, one arm in the shoulder of the armor allowing me to move the arm some and some sting to move the other, Velicia making her magical effects and Honeypot coordinating everything, we set out and came through as a surprisingly good version of a slightly limping version of the armored undead giant we had destroyed.

As we limped out into the room and discovered that our strange disguise worked Honeypot remarked that stone giants were usually peaceful. I suggested that the strange magical condition perhaps was a punishment for unruly giants to make them into mindless slaves. Velicia thought we should bring one with us to try out rituals to free them from the effect.

We had decided to open the gate to Honeypot's woods. As we closed in on the portal Velicia opened it. As we approached the open portal I tried to throw my dagger unnoticed at the feet of the strange giants to make them stumble through the portal, but not harm them. I tried on two of them and missed one completely. I didn't do any significant damage to the other but it stumbled through the portal. Velicia went through and Nathaniel took the opportunity to take some powerful steps and got us all through the open portal. I tried to trick the remaining giants that it's all right by gesturing with the arm I had best control over, but I could see they didn't fall for it. Then Velicia thought of that leaving the other giants to tell what happened might cause problems if we were to go back through the portal, so we decided to try to get them through as well.

The giant I got through the gate used some kind of magic to summon up a sword out of thin air and threw it at the gate, but Velicia protected it somehow. The two giants left behind stepped into the portal, but not through, one casting a spell at Velicia and the other summoning a sword, just like the other giant. It swung it at us in the armor. It hit both Honeypot and Nathaniel knocking them prone and making the whole armor fall apart. I tumbled down as well but landed on my feet. There was a lot of fighting. The giants put up some kind of eldridge zone that I sneaked out of, but it was hard finding any good hiding places. I got attacked by a sword wielding giant in close combat that in one attack almost cut me in half and followed up with another strike that left me hardly conscious. Luckily I knew some moves by heart and didn't have to think to make my flashy riposte, felling the giant. Soon after Nathaniel felled the last one. I fell to the grass and laid there on my back looking at the sky through tear filled eyes, bleeding, while Honeypot tended my wounds.

Honeypot and Velicia then used their magical knowledge to analyze and discussed how to remove the magical rune effect on the giants. They realize they can't easily do it at the moment and performed a ritual putting them in a deep hibernation.

While we were resting, Velicia, who doesn't need to sleep as much as us others, started creating magical items. I asked her to enhance my armor, something I had leaned I needed the hard way, and to create a ring for me. Before passing out I suggested to Honeypot to get a ring I had heard of. It's called a face stealing ring and helps you assume the appearance of anyone.