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{{Infobox RPG session
{{Infobox RPG session
| Title        = {{Rise of the Runelords chapter|34}}
| Title        = {{Rise of the Runelords chapter|40}}
| Campaign    = Rise of the Runelords
| Campaign    = Rise of the Runelords
| Image        = {{Rise of the Runelords logo}}
| Image        = {{Rise of the Runelords logo}}
| Episode      = 34
| Episode      = 40
| Date        = 2009
| Date        = 2009
| GM          = [[User:Starfox|Abbe]]
| GM          = [[User:Starfox|Abbe]]
| Characters  = [[Dorothea]]<br>[[Honeypot]]<br>[[Nathaniel]]<br>[[Nell]]<br>[[Velicia]]
| Characters  = [[Dorothea]]<br>[[Honeypot]]<br>[[Nathaniel]]<br>[[Nell]]<br>[[Velicia]]
| Prev        = {{Rise of the Runelords chapter|33}}
| Prev        = {{Rise of the Runelords chapter|39}}
| Next        = {{Rise of the Runelords chapter|35}}
| Next        = {{Rise of the Runelords chapter|41}}
| Episode list = [[Nell's diary|'''''Rise of the Runelords''''' chapter list]]
| Episode list = [[Nell's diary|'''''Rise of the Runelords''''' chapter list]]
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[[Category:Rise of the Runelords]]
[[Category:Rise of the Runelords]]
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''In this chapter {{Rise of the Runelords chapter|34|summary}}.''
''In this chapter {{Rise of the Runelords chapter|40|summary}}.''
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<!-- Synopsis -->
== {{Rise of the Runelords chapter|34}} ==
== {{Rise of the Runelords chapter|40}} ==
We decide to find out where the Seven's Sawmill is through working the streets, looking for rumors.
There were a ladder, a desk, a chair and lots of faces cut off people. It was
an evil temple decorated in this grotesque manner. We all climbed down there
and prepared for a fight. Stealthily I opened the double doors ever so slightly
and looked through slit.
Nathaniel said "You need new clothes, worthy of a Foxglove!"
[[Image:Justice Ironbriar.png|left|thumb|Justice Ironbriar.]]
I froze in place as I saw a man I immediately recognized but haven't seen in
several months and had hoped to never meet again. It was Ironbriar. He was
talking to most of the workers gathered before him in a large room. I wanted to
kill him but I couldn't bring myself to act at all. We all listened while he
talked about preparing for a big finale. They planed to kill the mayor. His
voice gave me the chills.
Honeypot go looking for rumors herself. Velicia go to Eladrin place.
I broke out of it and threw my dagger at him but still being shook up I missed.
Through her magic Velicia suddenly appeared next to Ironbriar wearing that
awful mask and said "The skinsaw man have come for you!" hitting him with her
sword. They were completely surprised. Nathaniel went out into the room and
drew some of workers and Ironbriar's guards to himself and downed several of
them with sweeping slashes with my fathers sword. I almost felt proud of him
even though it was only his sword. Dorothea ran out and engaged lots of the
workers, but prepared for her scary magic. Honeypot jumped over one of his evil
priests and attacked Ironbriar himself. Hoping to be steadier on the hand up
close, I ran up to him and attacked but my memories made my hands shake and I
hesitated just enough for him to avoid my dagger. He teleported away just
barely out of sight around a corner, while his evil priest used magic to blind
us with a big flash. It missed me but some of the others got blinded.
I, Nathaniel and Dorothea go to tailors. In Keystone district of Magnimar.
Nathaniel struck all around him in a flurry of attacks still hitting some
although being blinded, while Dorothea showed her magic is at least as powerful
as Ironbriars by teleporting to block his way downstairs and downing several
workers in an explosion where she left from. Honeypot confused a magic user and
I used that opportunity to kill him. Then I hid in the awful temple room.
Ironbriar said something out loud that sounded like "I lost the rest of your
family but I will..." and ran up to me. He tried to do some kind of magic
reaching for me and teleported up the ladder.
Order clothes and talk to tailors an seamstresses: "Murders of bankers, rich merchants and people that matters!"
[[Image:Skinsaw cultist.png|right|thumb|The flamboyantly dressed skinsaw cultists.]]
Nathaniel killed both bodyguards around him and ran up the ladder after
Ironbriar, and hanging on the ladder stabbing upwards with my fathers longsword
he forced Ironbriar from the trapdoor and was able to follow him up. Honeypot
ran up after them. I hid in the room below them and hesitantly looked for an
opportunity to throw my dagger at him. He appeared and as I threw he gave me an  
evil stare and I missed again. I had a strange view from below as Nathaniel
attacked Ironbriar and with his impressive footwork tricked him to stand over
the trapdoor. From the room I heard Dorothea cast her terrible black magical
cloud that eats everything. Upstairs Honeypot distracted and confused
Ironbriar. He staggered on the edge of the trapdoor about to fall. I took the
opportunity to rush up the ladder and stab him with all my strength, all my
anger and all my collected hate for what he had done. The dagger was buried
deep in his figure and I almost lost it in the big flow of fabric of his
strange costume, but I held on to it as blood whet my hand and he fell past me,  
hitting the floor with a loud thud. Tears were flowing down my cheeks. I jumped
over him and out the wide opened double doors and left the room. I had thought
killing Ironbriar would feel good, but now it had only brought back a lot of
bad memories.
Get names and they have Greed!
When I had settled down a few moments later I joined the others as we looked
through the rooms and searched for interesting things. In the evil temple we
found books, maps and paintings and of course the horrible trophies of their
killings. Velicia told us that it was an evil cult of followers to Nerull.
Ironbriar had been Father Skinsaw. One of the paintings was of a strange ice
town cut out of a frozen waterfall. It had an ice cathedral and several domes.
Among the books one stood out. It was a fairytale book with beautiful golden
covers and paintings in it. There seemed to be strange stories in it. There
was also a very interesting dagger. We found the diary of Ironbriar, but it
was written in three different languages and in cipher.
We continue on to Pugs contraptions in the same district.
Standing in the temple looking up the trap door at the night sky above I
heard a caw from above. I remembered the ravens in the cage above and asked <br>
"Why do they keep ravens out on the roof?"<br>
"They're carrier birds. They carry messages. It's probably more common with carrier pigeons but ravens would work."<br>
"But how do they know what address to go to?"<br>
"They are trained to always return to the same place."<br>
"So if we release them, we could follow them, and would get to where they're sending messages?"<br>
We discussed a releasing a raven and follow that bird to see where it would
lead us but we couldn't do it at night.
"We have to get the guards. They need to see this." said Velicia<br>
"But we're wanted by the guards." I objected.<br>
"We can't let this become just a robbery. The city guards have to know so they can keep an eye out for more members of the cult."<br>
"Alright. But I won't be here when they come."<br>
"How can I help?"
Velicia said that she would take care of Ironbriars diary to make
Nathaniel answered: "This young lady have recently acquired a house and in it's inventory was some cages of remarkable craftsmanship. Get to know more about them."
sure nothing important was missed in the translation and since it
was the best evidence we had for his guilt we didn't want anyone
loyal to him getting their hands on it. We decided to split up.
Nathaniel and Velicia went to get the city guards, while I, Honeypot
and Dorothea took the birds and left for the woods. We went out
straight into the dark woods surrounding the sawmill and didn't
stop until we were sure we couldn't be seen from there. Then
Honeypot performed the ritual that befriended the ravens. All
participants got an animal as a friend and we got a raven each.
Dorothea seemed to like her new pet and started looking at the night
sky together with it. When we were about to go home she didn't answer
us but stayed looking at the stars.
Pugs tell us he sold 10 cages to Aldern 4 weeks ago and that they were delivered to the Foxglove townhouse in the Grand Arch district.
As it was too dark follow the black ravens we returned to Magnimar to  
get some sleep before trying to follow the birds. It was no trouble
We had agreed to meet for lunch and we go there. Order a lot
for me and Honeypot to get in even though the the city gates were
closed for the night. We got back to the inn and I ordered a meal.  
Soon Velicia show up. She told of stories of Brothers of the Seven is old "Gnomes of Zürich"
I don't like going to bed hungry. Before I had finished Nathaniel and  
Velicia returned. They told me that the guards had been hesitant at
Honeypot show up and tell live forever, undead, proposals disappeared, mystic consortium
first but found the sawmill appalling and immediately believed them  
when they saw the temple. Nathaniel went to bed, but Velicia ordered
Decide to hire boat.
more food and joined me. When we had finished Velicia said she would
create some magical things as she is an eladrin doesn't need as much
Velicia look like human
sleep as us others. I asked if she could help me by creating a pair of  
braces and she said she would. I stayed up too late talking to her.  
The captain talk lot rowed by sailor.
I'm still used to night time activities.
pass seven's sawmill put in at next sawmill's jetty
We met by guard that want us off
I trick him that I want to buy planks and mention name
He hesitates long enough for the boat to leave before saying we can't buy.
We walk back along road. It's been improved lately. Through swampy area. Bigger road, next road to seven's sawmill. That road better and older. We sneak
The sawmill is bigger and older, but have been rebuilt and added to
We look for hiding place and Honeypot notice lots of footprints in wood and marks on trees
I recognized style of gang of thieves training
We survey place notice flamboyant clothing on workers. Not ghouls.
Group leave sawmill. I sneak. I Follow. I listen "Looking for a group of five with one satyr and one eladrin. That should be easy enough to recognize." "We have lost the spirit lately. Attacking richer people than Norgober told us earlier. I think the man is getting old. Should do something about it." "That's dangerous talk." "But he is straying from the true path." I stop and return to others. Tell them
Velicia said Norgober was old diety killing on Nerull's behalf to prevent things from happening in the world. Honey tell story about skinsaw man that appear as boogeyman and kill.
Long rest further away to wait for dusk.
Rituals. Telepathy, Dark light and transform into sea otters.
Dangerous and hard to swim is extremely easily as sea otter.
Turn back and climb up. After a while there is a problem, but we solve. All reach roof. No one in little tower.
I climb and secure grappling hook all gather and open trapdoor
Small room with ladder, desk and lots of faces cut off people. Is evil temple
climb down and prepare. I look through slit.
Ironbriar talk to gathered cultists.
He talk about preparing for big job. killing the mayor. His words give me the chills.
I threw my dagger but missed.
Velicia teleported out looking like monster to Ironbriar and said "The skinsaw man have come for you!"
Nathaniel went out and draw a lot to himself and down several
Doro ran out and engaged lots of cultists.
Honeypot jumped over EHP and attacked Ironbriar.  
Nell ran up to Ironbriar and attacked up close but her memories made her hesitate and made her miss again.
He teleported away and did stuff.
Nathaniel strike all around.
Doro teleported and lots downed by effect
Honey confused a magician and I used the opportunity to kill him. Hid in the temple.
Ironbriar: "I lost the rest of the family but I will..." run up to me and try to do something and teleported up on roof.
Nathaniel kill both bodyguards around him and ran up the ladder and hanging on the ladder stabbing uppward with my fathers longsword force Ironbriar from the trapdoor and is able to follow him up.
Honeypot ran up after.
I hid and threw again scared and miss.
Nathaniel trick him to stand above trapdoor with impressive footwork.
Doro cast her terrible magic black cloud that eats everything on many, many cultists
Honey distracted and confused Ironbriar so I could finally stab him. 49 hitpoints!
Evil cult to Nerull. Father Skinsaw
Look through evil temple and find books, maps paintings. One strange ice town cut in frozen waterfall. Icecathedral and domes. Fairytale book Fairy beautiful golden covers and paintings in it. Strange stories.
The diary of Ironbriar, but it is in cipher.
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{{Rise of the Runelords navbox}}
{{Rise of the Runelords navbox}}

Latest revision as of 15:28, 10 June 2009

Template:Rise of the Runelords chapter
Rise of the Runelords episode
Template:Rise of the Runelords logo
Episode no. Episode 40
Date 2009
Game Master Abbe
Characters Dorothea
Episode chronology
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In this chapter Template:Rise of the Runelords chapter.

Template:Rise of the Runelords chapter

There were a ladder, a desk, a chair and lots of faces cut off people. It was an evil temple decorated in this grotesque manner. We all climbed down there and prepared for a fight. Stealthily I opened the double doors ever so slightly and looked through slit.

File:Justice Ironbriar.png
Justice Ironbriar.

I froze in place as I saw a man I immediately recognized but haven't seen in several months and had hoped to never meet again. It was Ironbriar. He was talking to most of the workers gathered before him in a large room. I wanted to kill him but I couldn't bring myself to act at all. We all listened while he talked about preparing for a big finale. They planed to kill the mayor. His voice gave me the chills.

I broke out of it and threw my dagger at him but still being shook up I missed. Through her magic Velicia suddenly appeared next to Ironbriar wearing that awful mask and said "The skinsaw man have come for you!" hitting him with her sword. They were completely surprised. Nathaniel went out into the room and drew some of workers and Ironbriar's guards to himself and downed several of them with sweeping slashes with my fathers sword. I almost felt proud of him even though it was only his sword. Dorothea ran out and engaged lots of the workers, but prepared for her scary magic. Honeypot jumped over one of his evil priests and attacked Ironbriar himself. Hoping to be steadier on the hand up close, I ran up to him and attacked but my memories made my hands shake and I hesitated just enough for him to avoid my dagger. He teleported away just barely out of sight around a corner, while his evil priest used magic to blind us with a big flash. It missed me but some of the others got blinded.

Nathaniel struck all around him in a flurry of attacks still hitting some although being blinded, while Dorothea showed her magic is at least as powerful as Ironbriars by teleporting to block his way downstairs and downing several workers in an explosion where she left from. Honeypot confused a magic user and I used that opportunity to kill him. Then I hid in the awful temple room. Ironbriar said something out loud that sounded like "I lost the rest of your family but I will..." and ran up to me. He tried to do some kind of magic reaching for me and teleported up the ladder.

File:Skinsaw cultist.png
The flamboyantly dressed skinsaw cultists.

Nathaniel killed both bodyguards around him and ran up the ladder after Ironbriar, and hanging on the ladder stabbing upwards with my fathers longsword he forced Ironbriar from the trapdoor and was able to follow him up. Honeypot ran up after them. I hid in the room below them and hesitantly looked for an opportunity to throw my dagger at him. He appeared and as I threw he gave me an evil stare and I missed again. I had a strange view from below as Nathaniel attacked Ironbriar and with his impressive footwork tricked him to stand over the trapdoor. From the room I heard Dorothea cast her terrible black magical cloud that eats everything. Upstairs Honeypot distracted and confused Ironbriar. He staggered on the edge of the trapdoor about to fall. I took the opportunity to rush up the ladder and stab him with all my strength, all my anger and all my collected hate for what he had done. The dagger was buried deep in his figure and I almost lost it in the big flow of fabric of his strange costume, but I held on to it as blood whet my hand and he fell past me, hitting the floor with a loud thud. Tears were flowing down my cheeks. I jumped over him and out the wide opened double doors and left the room. I had thought killing Ironbriar would feel good, but now it had only brought back a lot of bad memories.

When I had settled down a few moments later I joined the others as we looked through the rooms and searched for interesting things. In the evil temple we found books, maps and paintings and of course the horrible trophies of their killings. Velicia told us that it was an evil cult of followers to Nerull. Ironbriar had been Father Skinsaw. One of the paintings was of a strange ice town cut out of a frozen waterfall. It had an ice cathedral and several domes. Among the books one stood out. It was a fairytale book with beautiful golden covers and paintings in it. There seemed to be strange stories in it. There was also a very interesting dagger. We found the diary of Ironbriar, but it was written in three different languages and in cipher.

Standing in the temple looking up the trap door at the night sky above I heard a caw from above. I remembered the ravens in the cage above and asked
"Why do they keep ravens out on the roof?"
"They're carrier birds. They carry messages. It's probably more common with carrier pigeons but ravens would work."
"But how do they know what address to go to?"
"They are trained to always return to the same place."
"So if we release them, we could follow them, and would get to where they're sending messages?"
We discussed a releasing a raven and follow that bird to see where it would lead us but we couldn't do it at night. "We have to get the guards. They need to see this." said Velicia
"But we're wanted by the guards." I objected.
"We can't let this become just a robbery. The city guards have to know so they can keep an eye out for more members of the cult."
"Alright. But I won't be here when they come."

Velicia said that she would take care of Ironbriars diary to make sure nothing important was missed in the translation and since it was the best evidence we had for his guilt we didn't want anyone loyal to him getting their hands on it. We decided to split up. Nathaniel and Velicia went to get the city guards, while I, Honeypot and Dorothea took the birds and left for the woods. We went out straight into the dark woods surrounding the sawmill and didn't stop until we were sure we couldn't be seen from there. Then Honeypot performed the ritual that befriended the ravens. All participants got an animal as a friend and we got a raven each. Dorothea seemed to like her new pet and started looking at the night sky together with it. When we were about to go home she didn't answer us but stayed looking at the stars.

As it was too dark follow the black ravens we returned to Magnimar to get some sleep before trying to follow the birds. It was no trouble for me and Honeypot to get in even though the the city gates were closed for the night. We got back to the inn and I ordered a meal. I don't like going to bed hungry. Before I had finished Nathaniel and Velicia returned. They told me that the guards had been hesitant at first but found the sawmill appalling and immediately believed them when they saw the temple. Nathaniel went to bed, but Velicia ordered more food and joined me. When we had finished Velicia said she would create some magical things as she is an eladrin doesn't need as much sleep as us others. I asked if she could help me by creating a pair of braces and she said she would. I stayed up too late talking to her. I'm still used to night time activities.