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Ingen kan ha överlevt det där
Ingen kan ha överlevt det där
[[Image:Smoke on The Water.jpg|150px|left|thumb|Burning barge, Paradise's Gates]]
Velicia ritualskyddad från eld går ombord - letar
Velicia ritualskyddad från eld går ombord - letar

Revision as of 07:13, 25 May 2009

Template:Rise of the Runelords chapter
Rise of the Runelords episode
Template:Rise of the Runelords logo
Episode no. Episode 48
Date 2009
Game Master Abbe
Characters Dorothea
Episode chronology
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Rise of the Runelords chapter list

In this chapter Template:Rise of the Runelords chapter.

Template:Rise of the Runelords chapter

Closing on Turtleback Ferry we could see a strange light over the village. It had an orange-red color as if there was a big fire and sure enough there was. Hurrying into the village to see how we could help, we saw that it was Paradise's Gates that was burning. It was maybe 500 feet out on the Claybottom Lake.

Vi kommanderar en båt

Folk skeptiska

De märker att vi räddat rangers och vi får cred

Då hjälper till

Vi ror ut

Jag spanar

Ingen kan ha överlevt det där

Burning barge, Paradise's Gates

Velicia ritualskyddad från eld går ombord - letar

Jag spanar. Brann snabbt. Öppen båt. Taket rasade plötsligt som fälla.

Blixt slog ned och startade elden

Jag och Honey ser lik på vattnet

Servitris och utbyggdsjägare

Präst/borgmästare möter oss -Maelin Shreed

Säger att massor saknade ~30

De har hittills hittat 15 döda och räddat ~30

Han visar oss till sjukstugan där han bor

Många offer som brända

Han erbjuder oss att sova där men vi väljer att inte belasta honom mer utan bor på värdshuset

Där bor rangers också, fast gratis

Andra dricker vin

Jag pysslar om Kaven, men lägger mig ganska tidigt, runt midnatt


I woke up surprisingly well rested. After breakfast we went to question the survivors from the fire. We found most of them at the church. We asked them if any one knew where and how the fire started but most just said that suddenly the whole barge exploded and they were thrown into the water. When questioned closer some thought there was a flash as of lighting just before the big bang. It turned out that most of the survivors had been outside or near the exits. Very few of the ones working there had survived. The owner was missing. She had been a beautiful red headed woman. The Paradise's Gates had been a gambling hall but also a brothel. From the descriptions it seemed that the whole barge had been too high class for such a back waters place as Turtleback Ferry. Velicia told us that she was completely sure that the attack on Fort Rannick, the strange weather and the fire were all connected somehow. I asked if anyone had seen any seven pointed stars anywhere on the boat. I got no answers, but some blushed.

When the meeting was over I walked up to a girl that had blushed. She was one of the few who had worked on the barge. I took her to the side and we started talking. After a lot of convincing she showed me a tattoo she had on her butt. It was a seven pointed star like the ones we had seen before, but I didn't study it too closely as it was in a little embarrassing place. She told me that she was a member of a very exclusive club she shouldn't talk about and that was their membership symbol. Only the best of the employees could join and there were less than ten members.

Returning to the inn I saw a merchant selling perfume. I had never gotten around to buying it earlier, but this time I stopped. The merchant had a very good smell, but he called it fragrance. It was made by gnomes in ??? forest nearby. I was even cheap so I bought two bottles.

We gathered and discussed what we had learned so far over lunch at the inn. The food had been better at Pendaka and I had run out of pies. I wished that I could bring someone that could cook for me while traveling. Then I realized that Nathaniel had brought someone along to help him out and nowadays I'm a noble too. I decided to start looking for a good cook to hire.