Race Key
- Ahlissa
- 1a Nesire
- 1b Adri Forest
- 1c Solonor Compact
- Sea Barons
- Lordship of the Isles
- Sunndi
- See of Medegia (Undead country)
- Lendor Isles (Elven occupied)
- Irongate (Including former Onnwal)
- Andoria (North Kingdom)
- Nyrond
- Bone March
- Ratik
- Frost Barbarians
- Snow Barbarians
- Ice Barbarians
- Stonehold
- Rovers of the Barrens
- Tenh
- Pale
- Bandit Kingdoms
- Shield Lands
- Urnst (County and Dutchy)
- Bright Lands
- Greyhawk, Free City
- Furyondy
- Horned Society
- Empire of Iuz
- Wolf Nomads
- Tiger Nomads
- Ekbir
- Tusmit
- Zeif
- Plains of the Paynims
- Ull
- Ket
- Perrenland
- Highfork (Elves and gnomes)
- Veluna
- Bissel
- Gran March
- Lortmil Mountains (Dwarf Confedreacy)
- Geoff
- Sterich
- Yeomanry
- Sea Princes
- Keoland
- Ulek (Duchy, County, Principality)
- Celene (High & Grey Elves)
- Dyvers City & the Wild Coast
- Pormarj (Orcs & Goblinoids)
- Scarlett Brotherhood
- Irrisen
- Blackmoor
- Sasserine and Farshore
- Cauldron
- Amedio Jungle
- Crimson Pirates
- Pearl Sea
- Nippon
- Hepmonaland
- Shackles
- Sargava
- Nippon Territories (Former Wrang)
- Zindia
- Q'dra
- Celestial Empire
- Vesve Forest
- Whyestyl Wilderness