Rise of the Runelords DM notes

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Rise of the RunelordsRise of the Runelords
Rise of the Runelords

Hook Mountain Massacre

3 Down Comes the Rain

Saving The School Children

The skill challenge is worth 2000 xp; each monster retreats when bloodied and this is half normal award. Driving off a monster also gives a success in the skill challenge.

The Feymire Crocodile moves into the encounter on the first round; the Feyborn Constrictor moves into the encounter on the second round.

The boat starts 6 squares from shore; each success moves the boat one square closer. When it is at shore, all the victims use saved actions to escape.

Saving an individual passenger lightens the load and moves the boat one square.

A beast not marked in a round consumes a victim and flees. Two victims consumed constitutes an utterly failed challenge.

As a DC 22 Nature check it is possible to have one monster marked by the other, causing it to attack the other monster instead of the children.

The water is not very deep, but the current is strong. It can be swam in (DC 20, half normal speed) or waded (crawled) in (Endurance DC 17). Failure by 5 or more on either check causes the swimmer's turn to end.

Creatures in the water have full cover from attacks by creatures out of the water.