Family Secrets

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Thoughts about Nell's books

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Book I, Family Secrets, Diary entries 1-42
Book II, Giants, Diary entries 43-80
Book III, Ancient Threats Awake, Diary entries 81+

Dramatis personæ

Sandeli - Mischievous comedic main character
Honeypot - Wine, women and song...
Nathaniel - Noble knight-like figther
Velicia - Mystic wizard, knowledgeable
Dorothea - Weird
Gloriana - Dangerous

A small taste of how Nell's book might be...

Family Secrets

by Sandeli Foxglove

Act I


Enter Chorus


Old forces of great strength, long forgotten,
In fair Perrenland, where we lay our scene,
From ancient halls beneath the ground, begotten,
Awful monsters with intentions unclean.
Opposed only by heroes by chance,
Sandeli, a lady lost at young age,
Honeypot the faun, who loves to dance,
Velicia of the eladrin, a swordmage,
Dorothea star-touched and strange of mind,
Last of them, but foremost in battle,
Nathaniel Deverin the fighter refined,
But on characters, lets not prattle.
O, pardon! since a crooked figure may
Attest in little place a giant;
A few men, green in face, may portray
A whole hoard of goblins, defiant.
Suppose within the girdle of these walls
Are now confined, cities and halls below ground,
Where our heroes' struggles and their calls,
bouncing from wall to wall, loudly sound.
Think when we talk of horses, that you see the steeds,
Printing their proud hoofs i' the receiving dirt;
For 'tis your thoughts that now must deck our heroes' needs,
Carry them here and there; jumping o'er time, overt,
Turning the accomplishment of years
Into an hour-glass, solving many a mystery.
So now my audience, you may without fears
Admit me Chorus to this history;
Who prologue-like your humble patience pray,
Gently to hear, kindly to judge, our play.


Scene I. Sandpoint. A square in front of cathedral.

Sandeli, Nathaniel Deverin, Dorothea Caiphon, Mayor Deverin and Attendants


Holds speech of feast for new cathedral ...

Enter Velicia.


Dear Sandeli, I find thee here at the food tables. Have you not eaten yet? or is the question more correctly put thus; Is there still food left?


Velicia, friend and teacher, you know me and so do I you. It is no mere coincidence that we meet here. There are many dishes left and now that you are here we will this amend.

Enter Honeypot dancing and playing flute.


Look! I know this faun. Honeypot! Over here!


A faun? Known for their drink as well as their music. Though I know of them I have yet to meet one. I shall keep my purse close.


This one is of exceptional virtue. She has none of the treachery that stain their reputation. Here she comes now.
My most dear Honeypot! What's the news with you?


My excellent good friend! How dost thou, Velicia? and who is your friend?


I fare well indeed. And this is Sandeli, a student of mine in matters of scribing.


Aye! I fill papers with ink and have yet to write, not to the fault of my teacher.




But, what is this I hear stirring? Look! Goblins!

Enter Goblins.


To Arms! To Arms! Citizens, defend yourselves or flee!


Goblin song...


'Tis rude to interrupt my meal in this way. That deed shall not go unpunished.

Attendants flee.
They fight.


Something weird

They fight.
The goblins die or flee.


Well have you done, but all's not done. The foul creatures came from the direction of the gate. It must be held. Make haste, go hence and look to it, brave heroes.


Scene II. The gate and nearby graveyard.

Enter Sandeli, Nathaniel, Honeypot, Velicia, Dorothea


The gate is safe. We were not too late.


This is good news. Without this gate the town lays open for attack. There are several goblin tribes in forests about this town, and though they have not attacked, it is but a real threat that hangs upon our shoulders, like the ???


Joke ??? But be still! All is not well. Something's stirring. There are goblins in the graveyard!

Enter goblins.


Alas! The goblins do dark deeds, indeed. They do not even leave the dead alone in their eternal sleep.

They fight.


Casting magic


I will challenge thee big foul goblin. As big as you are among your people, You are still less than me.

They fight.
Sandeli kills Goblin but is wounded.


Let me dress your wounds and cheer you up with music.


The goblins are trying to steal something. Nay! I shall thwart their unsavory plans.

They fight.
Goblins drop bag.


There are great many goblins outside. A whole tribe in the least. I think we need a trick.


Be cunning in the working this, and we will be saved. Else we are in great peril.


Sandeli, hand me that sack hanging by the shovel. Dorothea, give me some of those


Scene III. In front of an Inn.

Sandeli, Nathaniel, Honeypot, Velicia, Dorothea

Enter Aldern hard pressed fighting goblins.


Stand back noble man. We will save you!


Oh. How handsome.

They fight.
The goblins die or flee.


Thanking the heroes. You have saved the day.


Thanking the heroes. Invite to hunt.

Scene IV. In a forest.

Sandeli, Nathaniel, Honeypot, Velicia, Dorothea, Aldern

Act II

Beneath Sandpoint



Act IV



[to Nathaniel]There he lay on the floor of the wretched cave, his expensive clothes torn, soaked in his own blood. He was all but dead, when words left his broken lips. Words of woe and of sorrow and of angst. He cried for help to flee the Huntsman. His strength left him but also a few last words. He told that he had been fooled by the Skinsaw Cult, and that he regretted that his family was ended with him. One sister had married in the Great Kingdoms and the other...


The other?


The other was taken to Magnimar by Ironbriar.



My hour is almost come, When I to sulphurous and tormenting flames Must render up myself.


Alas, poor lover.


Pity me not, but lend thy serious hearing To what I shall unfold.


Speak; We are bound to hear.


So art thou to revenge, when thou shalt hear.




I am thy brother's spirit, Doom'd for a certain term to walk the night, Revenge my foul and most unnatural murder.




Murder most foul, as in the best it is; But this most foul, strange and unnatural.


Haste me to know't, that I, with wings as swift As meditation may sweep to my revenge.


I find thee apt; And duller shouldst thou be than the fat weed That roots itself in ease on Lethe wharf, Wouldst thou not stir in this. Now, Hamlet, hear: 'Tis given out that, my fathers friend me recruited for his murderous ways.

sleeping in my orchard, A serpent stung me; so the whole ear of Denmark Is by a forged process of my death Rankly abused: but know, thou noble youth, The serpent that did sting thy father's life Now wears his crown.

HAMLET O my prophetic soul! My uncle!


Act V
