The Sweetness of Victory

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Template:Rise of the Runelords chapter
Rise of the Runelords episode
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Episode no. Episode 22
Date 2009
Game Master Abbe
Characters Dorothea
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Template:Rise of the Runelords chapter

As we approached Sandpoint they had already heard that we were on our way, and people were gathering at the gate to see us. We were quite a sight to see. Nathaniel, tall in the middle, walking proud. Velicia just behind, closely followed by her floating disc, dominated by the big golden helmet that caught what I thought to be all the light of the sun in its shining surface. Dorothea walked just behind, strangely smiling at unknown pleasures. Honeypot and I were just ahead of Nathaniel on either side, smiling and jumping around of joy at the welcome.

The gathering crowd cheered as we entered the gates and more and more added to the crowd as we went through town. At first mostly children, but soon shopkeepers and bakers and so on joined in. We stopped in the middle of the square outside the temple and looked around at all the people, shaking their hands and telling them short tidbits from our adventure. Soon the Mayor Kendra Deverin approached and she stood up on a table hushing the crowd. As the talk died down all looks turned to her, and she held a speech greeting us as heroes who had saved Sandpoint from a cruel fate. Everybody cheered and started to offer to buy us beer and food at nearby taverns to hear our stories. It was hard to make sure that our treasure got taken care of first. Also we wanted to get the body of Nualia to the clergy in the temple as they probably would know what to do with it.

After all important things were taken care of we had fun all night, telling stories and being celebrated. I could get used to this hero stuff.

The day after our triumphant return to Sandpoint, when I was eating a late breakfast at the Rusty Dragon, Nathaniel showed up and told us who were there that we were invited to a dinner at the Deverin Manor tomorrow. At first I joked that he would make us dinner, but then I realized from Nathaniel that it wasn't his idea and that it was rather the Deverin Family who officially invited the heroes to a dinner.

That made a difference. I'm very content with my clothes, but I know that when fancy families have their fancy dinners they expect fancy clothes. Even though I have been somewhat careful with my clothes when adventuring, it's not possible to keep them completely out of harm's way. Just to make sure they wouldn't complain too much I went out to buy a new dress. As usual there was no finished dress I liked or that would even fit me, but there was one made of a very nice fabric I liked. They told me it could be altered to my request in time.

Magical moments

Velicia told us that she had learned how to make magic items herself and asked if we had any we wanted done. I knew of a few I had heard of in stories that I really wanted. Most of them she said was too hard for her yet, but there were a few she could do. It turned out I wasn't the only one either. Nathaniel asked her to make several items and spending whole days making potions. Even though it wasn't just for him, it was still quite a lot. And Dorothea had loads of stuff she wanted. Nathaniel and Dorothea offered Velicia to help get her food and stuff to make sure their own things were being done first. They really started bidding over each other to get their things done. Nathaniel even got Velicia a new dress for the upcoming dinner, but I'm not sure if that was to please her or his family.

When we were talking about food Nathaniel told me a story:
When he was a little boy, he and a friend broke into the garrison and stole trail rations. They were soon found out and then, as a punishment, they had to eat them.

I was so astonished that he had ever done anything like that. I could hardly believe my ears. I know I've stolen food several times, but he's from a rich family. Why would he steal food?

The Deverins

To get to the Deverin Mansion you almost leave town. You go over the southern bridge and then you cross another bridge and end up on the other side of the bay. Their house must be one of the biggest houses in town, not counting the cathedral. And the city hall. And the garrison. And the glassworks and the theater and the academy, but anyway the biggest house someone lives in.

We were well greeted by Nathaniels mother Vana. She presented all of the family that lives in Sandpoint and that was a lot. Most of the younger siblings just said hi and had to go.

The food was good, but I've had better in Sandpoint. I liked the combinations and that there were a lot of it. And there were many courses too. I will become fancy too someday and eat several courses at every meal.

A little later when we all had eaten Vana took me aside. She said she had something very important to talk about. She pointed out that we girls in the adventuring group had all a lesser upbringing than Nathaniel and that he would go on to become some person of great importance and then his future wife also had to be of good upbringing. She even asked if any of us had had any closer relations with him. I understood what she meant as some of us is so hard to resist when we are our charming selves, but I assured her that she had no such things to worry about from us, yet. I mentioned that on the other hand there were other girls in town, who did have a more direct approach. I didn't say anything about Velicia who I still think has a secret crush on Nathaniel.

Open stage

It was well into the evening and the playhouse had just emptied after the nights performance when I and Honeypot entered Cracktooth’s Tavern. We also brought Dorothea, but she was strangely absentminded. The play had been a very funny comedy by a traveling troupe from Magnimar and most of the audience had had the same idea as us. The mood was high and it was hard to get heard when I ordered a plate. As we had been quick we even had a table.

Someone tried to make an appearance on the stage but was hardly noticed. I noted how Honeypot still looked at the stage longingly.
"You want to play tonight?" I asked Honeypot.
"You have told me how much fun it would be."
"Yes, and it will. But I don't know if it's that easy to get their attention tonight."
Honeypot started to stand up when I said "Wait. You'll need an introduction."

I stood up and climbed up on the table and looked around. Hardly no one noticed me. I took two steps on the table and jumped up on the stage just barely avoiding a large man. Some of the crowd closest noticed and pointed to me as they continued to talk.

I cleared my throat and shouted as high as I could. "Have you had enough for the evening?" There were some "No"s from the crowd. "Do you want more?" There were some more "Yes"s and more people turned to the stage. "But can you take it?" Now nearly all close to the stage answered "Yes!" I swallowed and cleared my throat again. "Then prepare to be enchanted by a mysterious force of nature, a seductively sounding siren, the beautiful... Honeypot!"

There were shouts and cheers as Honeypot entered the stage. She bowed and put the flute to her lips. When the music started the room slowly quieted down. It was soft and dreamy, almost painting a scene of a misty forest at night. As the song continued the mood changed as if the first beams of the sun broke through the branches. Honeypot drilled with the flute in a way that you could see birds greeting the sun with your inner eye. The song got merrier as more animals joined in and soon there was a party going on. Honeypot danced around the stage and soon around the whole tavern. Several of the audience joined in and there were a lot of dancing that night.

Cyrdak approached us afterwards asking Honeypot to appear in his theater and she accepted. He asked me too, but I don't think I have the ability to remember the lines or speak in that theatrical way. I said I would think about it, and in the meantime I would have fun, leading him to the bar.