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Blast spells do damage to opponents and/or objects. No spellcaster worth his ritually burnt tortoise shells lack this schtick. Because Blast is such a powerful effect in the game world, involving a violent force of chi flow, it's hard to make Blast do funky things - in other words, you can't make up new special effects on the fly. Instead you may select a number of blast effects equal to the number of Sorcery schticks you know, including Blast. Most sorcerers select blast effects that resonate with the other Sorcery schticks the know, such as Chi for Fertility, Polymorph for Polymorpism and so on.

The standard Damage value for a Blast is your character's Magic rating +2. The Difficulty of a Blast spell is the opponent's Sorcery or Dodge. Blast spells work like any other attack form, and can be used to passively and actively parry. Backlash for all Blasts is 10 Wound Points suffered by the spellcaster.

Area Blast

Many blast effects can affect an area at the cost of a Magic point. This uses the normal Area Rules. The damage and acting value of such an attack is the normal Blast values. Unless noted otherwise, an area attack actually is a spherical volume with a diameter equal to your Magic attribute. It does not expand out of bounds in a restricted area, but cannot be placed so that a large part of the volume is deliberately and unnecessarily confined.

Even blasts that normally lack an area may sometimes be possible to invoke with an area. You must first learn to use the Blast normally. When you gain additional Sorcery schticks, you can elect to take a Blast you already know, that lacks area, and make it an area blast. This must decided upon and approved by the GM when the effect is bought. All the above rules apply, including the Magic point cost.

Blast Effects

Far from all of these are appropriate to all magic traditions. In general, all take unnamed characters out of a fight using the normal rules, their special damage effects only come into play against named characters, unless the GM wants to play it otherwise.

Many blast effects have notes and descriptions that do not apply to sorcery. This is because blast is also a creature schtick, and used as the basis for several creature and arcanowave schticks, and thus the effects need generalized descriptions.


This is the blast by the same name from Feng Shui, p 114. It is powerful in that it can easily blast areas.

Creates a stream of liquid or a cloud of gas that eats away tissue and other material. Also useful for removing serial numbers from contraband items, damaging evidence, and poisoning small water supplies.

This effect is powerful in that it can easily blast areas.


Animate gives you control over some object, creature or force and uses it to attack. Different variants of Animate control different things (called Animates), with some specific effects covered below, but they all have some rules in common.

The Animate stay around after you use them to attack. This means opponents must strike them down or move around them in order to get past, so they form a sort of living wall. An Animate will last until your next action comes up, and if you keep concentrating, it will remain, so it has tactical uses. You can maintain the Animate while doing other things as a Continuos Action. Each Animate has attributes equal to the Sorcerer's Magic, an attack skill equal to his Sorcery, and is dispelled if hit.

By strengthening it with two Magic points, the sorcerer can give a thing some motivation of it's own. It now becomes a normal unnamed creature, capable it's own actions. It lasts until hit or until the end of the fight. Extra Magic points to increase the effectiveness of such a spellcast can be truly horrifying.


Small animals attack the target of your wraith; they must be around somehow, as they are not magically created for the occasion. The usual tactic is to hide them on your person. Damage Immunity to Unarmed Attacks rather than Blast protects against this.

Animate Object

Poltergeist effects Animate things lying about; furniture, tools and weapons, dead branches and so on. The most basic Animate, closest to the base rules.

Animated Weapons

Physical weapons given mobility and aggression; you can either use weapons lying about, or carry them with you. You can even try to animate a weapon in the hands of a fighter, but you must core an Outcome equal to the wielder's Strength to wrest it free. Damage Immunity to Melee Weapons rather than Blast protects against this.

Ball Lightning

Animated globs of electrical force that fly around at your command; you must know Lightning to learn Ball Lightning. Targets damaged lose a shot, just as if hit by lightning.

Similar effects using other elements (Fire, Cold, Acid) are also possible. These follow the special rules for both their base effect and Animate, but can't cover areas.

Conjured Weapons

This is the blast Conjured Weapons from Feng Shui, p 114.

Create weapons from thin air and hurl them at opponents - for example, a sword, spear, or rain of knives. Variants use falling rocks, icicles, meteors, arrows, missiles or other weapons.


Send small supernatural creatures to attack your foes; they will then stand around rudely, obnoxiously, and uselessly unless directly ordered. Damage Immunity to Creature Powers rather than Blast protects against them.


You create a phantasmal creature, that is mostly illusory but has some actual substance. Unless you know the Illusion schtick, all your specters look the same, i.e. you can only create spectral goblins or spectral wolves. Fails automatically against targets with Damage Immunity to Influence.

Opponents can spend an action "disbelieving'' the specter, and if they make a Perception roll matching your Magic, the specter is dissipated.

A specter that is used to enhance an already-existing illusion that people believe in does not need an extra Magic point to act on it's own; it draws this sustenance from the minds of those who believe in it instead. Such a believable specter can actually make area attacks for a Magic point, if appropriate to it's supposed abilities.

Phantasmal Killer

A variant of the Specter that only your initial target can see and interact with. This can be very terrifying. Nobody else can see or interact with it; it exists solely in his mind. Magic Points spent on a Phantasmal Killer improves it's Action Value, making subtle and independent Phantasmal Killers into true murderers.


A variant of blast often associated with summoning, and which works only on supernatural creatures. Binding damage is soaked using Magic, and a creature "killed'' with Binding does not die, rather it falls under the magical domination of the caster, who can order it about for the rest of the session. It is probably still very heavily damaged, and will soon collapse. Sorcerers commonly use the summoning effect Naming on such a creature. In this case, the difficulty of Naming is the creature's Magic rather than it's Creature Powers Action Value.

Damage Immunity to Summoning, rather than Blast, prevents this effect.

Blood Gout

Suck the blood out of a living target. Naturally, this does not work against target's who lack blood, like skeletons and golems. This is most useful in combination with the Blood Drain creature power, use all the normal rules for Blood Drain.

Bullet and Magic Missile

You hurl a pebble, rock, coin, bullet or similar small object against your opponent at high speed. A variant simply uses a concentrated burst of magical energy. This is very similar to a Guns attack. Unlike other blasts, it can be aimed like a gun.


This blast is associated with the Flux schtick and known under various names, such as Prismatic Spray, The Pentalich of Terror and such. It is what you make of it, but always with an element of randomness. Pick a number of blast effects (minimum six of them). Each time you use Chaos, randomly determine which of the effects affect each target.

This effect is powerful in that it can easily blast areas, but it gets no other magic-point effects of it's blast type. Magic Points spent to improve the AV of Chaos attacks count double; each Magic point gives you a +2 AV bonus.


Too much raw chi energy can burn and sear opponents, and wither objects. Because chi flows are so disrupted, this kind of damage cannot be healed by mystic means (Healing Sorcery schtick, Slap Patches, Healing Chi fu power), only natural healing (time & Medicine) will work.


This is the blast Ice from Feng Shui, p 114. It is powerful in that it can easily blast areas.

Applies severe freezer burns to opponents. Also useful for making ice cubes, freezing or chilling food, making water solid enough to walk on, and cooling the temperature in a hot room.

This effect is powerful in that it can easily blast areas.


Causes affected matter to turn to dust or simply disappear. It works normally against living creatures, disintegrating them piecemeal, but causes double base damage to vehicles and other nonliving objects that use the object damage rules.


Drain reduces the target's attributes, reducing his power to act. Instead of delivering instant Wound Points, the Damage determines the severity of the drain caused.

There are several variants of Drain; each has a resisting attribute and a number of affected attributes. When hit by a Drain, subtract the resisting attribute from the damage rating. The result is the Drain Rating. This accumulates like Wound Point damage, but is not cumulative with normal Wound Points or even with Hindrance Rating. For every full five points of Drain Rating, the victim looses two points from a single attribute or one point each from three different attributes, as appropriate for the specific effect.

This may reduce the effectiveness of certain skills, such as Intimidation for a silenced character, at the gamemaster's discretion. Attributes reaching zero can no longer be used. Physical attributes so reduced cause helplessness. Attributes for which there is a related point pool or value (Magic points, Fortune points, Fu points, Current Shot) lead to a loss of such points equal to the attribute loss.

Drain Rating can be reduced by spending a 3-shot action and making a roll of the relevant attribute. Reduce the Drain Rating by the result of the attribute check. A friend can do this for you.

Bloat: Cause him to grow without gaining the strength and resilience usually associated with size. Gets a special +5 AV vs. microsoft programmers and their products. Resisted with Constitution, affects Move, Agility, and Speed.

Dwarf Star: Increase the effective weight of the target, making him sluggish and weak. This is considered dangerous by many mages, much like Reverse Gravity. Resisted with Strength, affects Speed, Move, and Strength.

Disenchant: Cause his spells to lose power. Resisted with Magic, causes the loss of two points of Magic.

Enfeeble: Weaken his connection to his true self. Resisted with Willpower, affects Fu, Magic, and Willpower.

Shrink: Reduce the victim in statue and power. Resisted with Toughness, affects Move, Strength, and Toughness.

Silence: Make him unheard and unhearing. Resisted with Charisma, affects Charisma, Magic, and Perception.

Slow: Warp movement or even time for the victim. Resisted with Speed, affects Speed, and Move, and Perception.

Weakness: Make him weak as a kitten. Resisted with Strength, affects Fu, Move, and Strength.


This is the blast by the same name from Feng Shui, p 114. It is powerful in that it can easily blast areas.

An old favorite. This damages opponents by burning them. Also useful for setting fires, lighting cigars and cigarettes in an impressive manner, heating coffee, increasing room temperature, and thawing out frozen foods.

This effect is powerful in that it can easily blast areas, the famous Fireball!.

Foul Spew

This was formerly a creature power, but has now become a Blast available to all.

You can spew a nasty substance. Choose one substance among those given below. If it hit's the ground, it forms a one-meter diameter puddle. People standing in the puddle have time to step out as it forms. The puddle has no game effect after the end of the sequence, but is still there and still foul until cleared away. Spending a Magic point when creating the puddle insures it lasts at least as long as the fight.

There are many creative uses for this power, such as the creation of traps, obscuring of windshields, psychological warfare and so forth. The base effects is one of the following.

Nauseating Chunks
Your foul vomit causes others to lose control of their intestines and actions. A target hit or who stands in it must make a Constitution roll against your Magic as he tries to take an action. If he fails, he gags and simply loses the shots he intended to use for the action, no movement or action is successful. Damage Immunity to Water or Poison rather than Blast protects against this.

Slippery Slime
You emit a slippery substance. Anyone hit by it or stepping in it must make an Agility task check with your Magic as the difficulty in order to avoid taking a fall. Any movement or actions contemplated automatically fail in this case. Damage Immunity to Water or Earth rather than Blast protects against this.

You emit a sticky substance, also known as glutinous goo. Anyone hit by it or stepping in it must make a Strength task check with your Magic as the difficulty in order to free himself from it (a 3-shot action). Until he does so, he cannot move about or use Dodge, but he can still parry. This means he must use active defense, or defend using his Agility only. Damage Immunity to Water or Earth rather than Blast protects against this.


A cloud of noxious vapor is projected in a diameter equal to your Magic attribute. It does no immediate damage. Anyone inside this area suffer your Magic +2 damage, resisted by Constitution, for each time they take an action inside the cloud. The cloud is clearly visible, but transparent, and lasts until the end of the Sequence unless you spend a Magic point, in which case it lasts until dispersed (at least a few minutes). Damage Immunity to Air or Poison rather than Blast protects against this.


A collection of impairing attacks designed to incapacitate the target and set him up for other attacks. Instead of delivering instant Wound Points, the Damage determines the severity of the hindrance caused. Different variants of Hindrance are directed against different secondary attributes, determined when the effect is bough. This is the target attribute, and used to decide the effect of the blast. Subtract the victim's target attribute from the Damage, rather than Toughness. The result is the Hindrance Rating. For every 5 points of Hindrance Rating (rounding all fractions down) the victim suffers 1 point of Impairment until cured. When impairment equals the character's target attribute, he is entirely helpless, and can no longer fight the condition.

Hindrance Rating can be reduced by spending a 3-shot action and making a roll of the relevant attribute. Reduce the hindrance rating by the result of the attribute check. A friend can do this for you.

Simply tie your target in conjured chains, ropes or other strong entanglements. Targets Agility. Intrusion can be used to fight the effect. If suitable objects to tie him up with are present, the target will be unable to move away. C.f. Foul Spew: Web.

Reduce target's senses so he can't act. This can be darkness or an illusion that sends no coherent image, instead cluttering the target's perceptions with random lights and sounds. Targets Perception. May limit the target's choice of actions or set him up for stunts. This is similar to darkness, but uses another rule.

Mentally force the victim into some impairing behavior, like jumping, dancing, puking, walking on his hands et al. May reduce effective movement or cause the target to do things dangerous in precautions situations. Characters who already incorporate such behavior into their fighting style are immune. Targets Willpower.

Throw spikes at your target, nailing him to a wall. If a suitable wall is nearby, target is prevented from moving. If total incapacitation is achieved, he is crucified upside-down. Targets Toughness.

Freeze the target solid. A target totally incapacitated in this way will die unless carefully thawed out, so his friends will usually be to distracted to pursue you (c.f. Iceman in Batman Forever). Targets Constitution.

Rip your target's clothes, expose him, arouse him and embarrass him into subjugation. Targets Charisma. Seduction can be used to fight the effect. Targets immune to influence are immune. This blast is not applicable to all worlds, but appropriate in Kelandra and similar campaigns.

Entangle your target in vines, clothes or barriers of force. Targets Strength. Intrusion can be used to fight the effect. If suitable objects to tie him up with is present, the target will be unable to move away. C.f. Foul Spew: Web.

Evil Eye
Drastic accidents happen to those who fall victim to this curse. Thankfully, this variant of the Evil Eye lasts but a short time. Targets Fortune.

Reduces target to a quivering fetal position from fright. Targets Fu. Dodge can be used to fight the effect.


This effect has been judged as too powerful, and is threfore not recommended.

You can cause others to fall into a trance, stopping all coherent action, even in the middle of combat. How they behave depends on the effect you bought, see below. Attack victim's Willpower or Dodge. As a 3-shot action, targets can make a Willpower roll vs. your Magic to break free. This is the only action allowed to them. If they are damaged while hypnotized, they get an extra resistance roll, adding the number of Wound Points taken to the Willpower roll.

A friend of the victim can use his Charisma versus your Willpower to shake him out of it.

Damage Immunity to Influence or Blast protects against this.

In non combat situations, targets will only get occasional Willpower rolls unless something drastic or dangerous happens.

Target moves up to and attacks a random nearby person. He will continue to attack a new random person on each action. Give an equal chance to each target within Move meters, or roll opposed Fortune rolls. The target will use whatever attack he is best at, but never attacks at range, even if his best attack is a ranged attack he will move up close and personal before using it. He will use Fu points with attacks, but not Magic or Fortune points. If his Move is insufficient to engage anyone, he moves at normal Move in a random direction, howling with rage. After each action, he may make a Willpower roll to break free.

Charmed targets are helpless and slowly walk towards you. When they arrive they do nothing useful. Usually used to attract people into dangerous environments or to set them up for an attack.

Fearful targets run away at double Move, stopping to quiver in fear once out of your presence. They still gets to resist each action.

Held targets do nothing except resist. Variants cause target to do some nonsense activity, like sing, mimic your movements or pray.

Target walks in a random direction.

Confusion is a chancy variant of Hypnosis, where your target's reactions are random and unpredictable. Roll 1d6 for each affected target each sequence, and see what kind of Hypnosis affect him. Confusion has the bonus that it can affect an area if you pay a Magic point.

  1. Berserk
  2. Charm
  3. Fear
  4. Hold
  5. Idiocy
  6. Idiocy, do not reroll on later sequences


This is the blast by the same name from Feng Shui, p 114.

The discharge of electrical energy. Also useful for recharging car batteries and overloading electronic equipment. A character damaged by Lightning loses one shot from his current shot. It can cause even more unpleasant side-effects in cybered characters. Vehicles hit by lightning lose one Pep.

If you want to call down lightning bolts from the clouds, check out Sun Spear. Living Ball Lightnings are another variant.

Mind Blast

This is an attack that is soaked with Willpower instead of Toughness. A target that fails a Death Test against Mind Blast does not die or need hospitalization. Instead, he goes unconscious, and he is then extra vulnerable to certain Sorcery, such as Influence. Many Influence effects have the notation that they can only be used against targets defeated with Mind Blast. Non sentient creatures (such as animals) are immune to Mind Blast. Damage Immunity to Influence or Blast protects against this.


Causes the body to stop relaying neural impulses, forcing victims to collapse or stand rigid. Instead of delivering instant Wound Points, the Damage determines the severity of the hindrance caused. Subtract the victim's Constitution from the Damage. The result is the Paralysis Rating. For every 5 points of Paralysis Rating (rounding down) the victim suffers 1 point of Impairment until cured. When impairment equals the character's Constitution, he is entirely helpless, and can no longer fight the condition. Paralysis can be cured by conventional Medicine or the Sorcery schtick Healing (with a 3-shot action), or by the Fu power Flow Restoration. Reduce Paralysis Rating by the Action Result of such healing attempts.

A particularly nasty way of harming someone; more suited for use by villains than by player characters. It works in the same way as Paralysis, but impairment is only one per ten points of Disease Rating. Disease Rating is much more difficult to get rid of, however; any Healing attempt has a difficulty equal to your Sorcery Action Value and only the Outcome reduces Disease Rating.

Poison Spit

Inject your target with a virulent poison that does immediate damage, but also has some lingering effects. Your attack result must overcome not only Dodge, you also need an Outcome equal to his armor adds, if any. If you do, he takes immediate damage reduced by Constitution or Medicine skill.

When you damage somebody with poison spit, the poison will inflict additional damage at the end of the sequence. Use the Poison rules, with your Sorcery action value as the virulence of the poison.


This blast only works on living creatures, and has no special effect until a victim fails a death check due to damage from it. An Outcome of five works fine against unnamed characters. The target then permanently changes into something else, selected when the effect is bought. This can be a statue of stone or lead, a pig, slug or whatever. The change must be into another living creature, or retain the subject's basic form. A basalt statue is OK, a pile of sand is not. A named target keeps his own mind, an unnamed target becomes an animal in mind and form. The form to be changed into is selected when the effect is bought, and cannot be changed. See the Remove Curse effect under Divination or Metamagic for dispelling and Animal schtick for tips on animal attributes.

This effect is related to the Polymorpism schtick, if you have that schtick you can elect to transform your target into almost any form.


You can shoot a stream of projectiles. This can be quills, barbs, thorns, pebbles or other material objects or it can be a variant of some other blast effect that you already have. In the later case, the similarity to that blast is merely cosmetic, the rules for Quills are used instead of the special effects for whatever blast you had in mind.

Quills are special in that you can shoot swarms of them at the cost of a Magic point, increasing the damage you inflict while sacrificing accuracy. This follows the autofire rules from the Guns chapter.

Reverse Gravity

A very powerful blast, that many mages feel uses the primal forces of the universe in a wasteful and irresponsible manner, the Gravity Blast creates an area of negative gravity. Targets will fall upwards, then plummet down to earth and suffer falling damage. If the ceiling is not high enough, people will fall upwards, hit the ceiling, and then fall down to the floor, for the same end result. For the effects of increased gravity, see Dwarf Star.

Agility is used to soak damage instead of Toughness. Damage immunity to air gives or blast immunity. Creatures able to fly will become disoriented by this effect, losing three shots, but they won't suffer any real damage. Reverse gravity must always be invoked as an area, and hence always costs a Magic point to use.


A piercing scream, intense enough to do damage. Variants use thunder, trumpets or other sounds. Scream ignores any armor the target may have. It can be extra effective against hard, brittle construction such as glass panes or city walls, doing double base damage (excluding Outcome) against such construction.


This is an attack that is soaked with Willpower instead of Toughness. A target that fails a Death Test against Sleep does not die or need hospitalization. Instead, he goes to sleep. He can be awakened by loud sounds or by vigorous shaking; make a Perception roll vs. your Magic.

This effect is powerful in that you can easily make a whole group of people fall asleep if invoked as an area effect. Damage immunity to Influence or Life protects.

Sleep spells can be wondrously effective ways for character's to be captured, if the script requires them to be. Don't make a fuss if you fall asleep under the power of the script.

Soul Sword

The sorcerer conjures a huge, glowing weapon, usually a sword, the essence of his magical power. Summoning the Soul Sword is a separate action, with a difficulty equal to it's damage value, which costs a Magic point. Keeping it around costs an additional Magic point each Sequence. You must hold the sword to strike with it, but use your Sorcery as the Action Value. Each attack with this weapon also costs a Magic point, but target's are not allowed to soak damage from the Soul Sword using Toughness or any other attribute. The Soul Sword of a truly good sorcerer will not kill the innocent, and can be used to kill a possessing creature while sparing the host.

As the Soul Sword has no range to begin with, it is not available as an Elemental Attack, nor can it be an Elemental Aura. Nor is it a Martial Arts attack, and it cannot be used with Fu schticks.

Soul Twist

You rupture the normal pattern of Chi energy within a healthy person's body, doing great harm. Also known as the "Dread Curse of Azatoth''. This is an attack that is soaked with Chi instead of Toughness. Inevitable Comeback or Immortality does not work for creatures killed with this blast. Does not work against inanimate objects, robots et al. Flow Restoration restores all damage inflicted by Soul Twist.

Sun Spear

Call down fire from the sun to strike the unworthy. You can strike anyone you can see, ignoring normal range penalties. Naturally, this only works under a clear, sunny sky, but you can ignore this limitation if you spend a Magic point. Variants use lightning bolts, falling stars or swords of the moon.


This is the blast by the same name from Feng Shui, p 114. It is powerful in that it can easily blast areas.

Scalds opponents and causes water damage to some materials. Zaps opponents while leaving most of their gear unhurt. Also useful for fogging up car windows and eyeglasses, as well as opening envelopes.

This effect is powerful in that it can easily blast an area.


A stun blast does no direct damage. Instead, targets lose one from their current shot for each Wound Point the bast would normally have inflicted.

Different kinds of stun blasts can be directed at different attributes; a psychic stun against Willpower, a sound wave against Constitution and so on.

A stun blast that inflicts Wound Points equal to the target's resistant attribute also suffers some setback.

This effect is powerful in that it can easily blast an area.


Telekinetic attacks are similar to Martial Arts attacks when determining stunts; they can punch, grab, hurl et al. Strength for lifting or wrestling equals the character's Magic attribute. Fine manipulation or sustained carrying is not allowed; that requires the Movement schtick.


This is the blast by the same name from Feng Shui, p 114.

Turns matter into any other type of matter of your choice. Damages tissue by turning it into this new substance. Typical substances are stone, water, or primordial ooze. The new substance is a very rough approximation of the real thing; this power can't be used to create gold pure enough to sell, or manufacture objects durable enough to be used without breaking. It's only good for hurting people and wrecking stuff. This one is very demoralizing, as characters damaged by it can only be healed by special means. The Sorcery schticks Fertility, Metamagic and Polymorpism and major surgery can heal this, but time and first aid will not.


Causes affected matter to simply disappear. Also useful for simulating vanishing tricks and destroying evidence. A target that fails a death test against vanish is gone. Instead of restoring him through healing, the vanish magic must be dispelled, with a difficulty equal to the normal lifesaving difficulty, and the same time limits. If successful, he is not considered to have failed the Death Test, after all, and can remain active. Targets can also be resurrected normally by mystic means, such as Inevitable Comeback or Immortality.


Bash your opponents with great gouts of water. This ability has a limited range, the water can jump a number of meters from a water-source equal to your Sorcery Action Value. If you know the Sea schtick, you can substitute with the Flood effect and a Magic point (this is not a separate action and gives no action penalty). A Wave cannot be actively defended against.

This effect is powerful in that it can easily blast areas.

Similar effects can be gained from animating dirt, gravel, snow, sand and other masses of light particles or liquid-like substances. Specify what your Wave is made of when you bye it.


Too little chi energy can wither opponents and objects. Also known as Chi Strangulation, this damage manifests as aging. It Wound Points taken from Withering can't be recovered through the use of mundane medicine, only time and supernatural healing will cure it.

Wizard's Staff

The wizard's Staff is a favorite of traditional mages the world over. Five feet of wood, plain or decorated with glyphs or tied-on fetishes. Faeries like variants using slender wands or even flowers. It can only be used to strike in melee, but it works well as a parrying weapon, giving a +5 bonus for an active dodge. It is also possible to do other stunts as if the wizard was using the staff with Martial Arts, but Fu schticks are not allowed.

The sorcerer's mystic aura is transferred through the staff, so anything touched by the staff is considered to be touched by the sorcerer. This extends his reach by about two meters in critical situations.

Damage Immunity to Melee Weapons rather than Blast protects against this. As the Wizard's Staff has no range to begin with, it is not available as an Elemental Attack, nor can it be an Elemental Aura.


Known variously as Cause Wounds and Anti-Healing. You cause wounds to appear spontaneously on your victims body. If you inflict Wound Points equal to the victim's Constitution, you have caused him some disability, maiming a limb or otherwise giving him a -1 impairment.

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Copyright © 1998 and onwards, Carl Cramér. Page downloaded times. Last update Monday, August 18, 2003.