Sorcery (Action Powers Form)
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Heroic Action Role-Play |
Sorcery is the ability to tap the power of other creatures and planes.
- Alternate Names: Alchemy, Demonology, Elementalism.
Sorcery Cantrips
Basic Action
You can sense latent and active powers within Mind meters, and get an idea of their type and potential. This includes powers in both places, objects, and creatures. You can sense the movement and potential in natural phenomena such as currents, winds, avalanches, and rockfalls.
Charm Sorcery
Create Sorcery
Dodge Sorcery
Damage Resistance Spell
Select a subtype of damage associated with a Form you know. Add your Mind to your soak attribute against this type of damage You can repeat this stance to gain resistance to multiple types of damage, as long as you know the corresponding form.
Impress Sorcery
Seal of Power
You learn the True Name of the defeated or helpless creature.
Seal of Summons
Basic Action
You can seize a creature whose True Name you know through time and space and bring it into your presence. The creature must be in another dimension or juncture, and not currently summoned, imprisoned or otherwise occupied. You can summon one Henchman or a number of Minions of the same type equal to your Mind. It takes an Impress roll against the creature's Dodge or Impress to summon. The creature immediately makes an initiative check to see when it will next act, but this cannot be earlier than the shot in which it is summoned. In future rounds, the creature has its own initiative score. You can also use this power again on a creature (or group of unnamed creatures) you have summoned along with an Impress roll against the creature's Dodge or Impress, in order to extend your control over it until the end of the following round. During combat, you must succeed at this action each round or the creature will break free, but you can try repeatedly in each round. Out of combat, you only need to roll every scene, but any failed roll means you lose control of the creature. While a creature is under your control, you can order it to return to its home plane at any time. A creature that breaks free of control can choose to return on its own. Summoned creatures can also be Dispelled. You can also use this power to take control of a summoned creature did not summon yourself whose True Name you know. This requires an Impress roll against the creature's Dodge or Impress or against its summoner's Impress if he is present.
A creature cannot be ordered to perform deeds alien to its nature; an air elemental cannot be summoned into solid earth or water, an Epitome cannot act against its spiritual inclination, and so on. Summoned creatures can perceive your aura as you summon them. Their initial attitude depends on your reputation among this kind of creature and whether you have an allegiance or pact with them. In case of extreme misalignment, you may not even be able to summon them at all.
When you lose control of a summoned creature it usually returns home shortly; the creature knows anyone who knows its true name can seize control of it as noted above. But the creature might choose to remain on your plane indefinitely to act out its inclination. In order to acquire lengthy services you must bargain with the creature, or use a Power Experiment or other means to acquire its services. If you bargain a creature into a formal pact, it is considered controlled for as long as the conditions of the pact are met and cannot break the contract or return to its home until the pact expires. You can summon any type of elemental or a demon:
- Demons, are linked to the Sorcery Form.
- Air Elementals, are linked to the Air Form.
- Earth Elementals are linked to the Earth Form.
- Electric Elementals, are linked to the Electricity Form.
- Fire Elementals are linked to the Fire Form.
- Ice Elementals are linked to the Ice Form.
- Metal Elementals are linked to the Metal Form.
- Plant Elementals are linked to the Plant Form.
- Water Elementals are linked to the Water Form.
Tap Demon
Basic Action
Demons are founts of power that can be tapped by the unscrupulous.
Make an opposed Impress roll against a Controlled Demon.
On a success you inflict one Hit on the Demon and gain one Fortune point with an Impress greater than your Mind.
If your Impress scores an outcome matching the Demon's Mind you instead gain two Fortune and inflict a Hit and a Damage Setback on the Demon.
If you gain Fortune in excess of your Mind this way you must spend any excess points by the end of the scene, or they are lost.
Know Sorcery
Analyze Power
Basic Action
You can sense the presence and effects of powers at a distance. If the power is of an elemental form: Air, Earth, Electricity, Fire, Ice, Metal, Plant, or Water, you know the exact effect immediately, otherwise it takes you can identify the power as a Limit Break.
Normally, you detect the closest power effect, but by concentrating on a particular type (name or general description) you can eliminate all others. This means you may have to use this power many times to sort through a complex scene.
You can analyze the properties of any power within reach, even if it is inside a container or otherwise separated from you. You learn what power it is, who used it, when, to what effect, and an approximate power level. Even powers that have ended leave a signature that can be analyzed, though the impressions fade; after the end of the scene, it is no longer possible to determine who used the power and its exact effect. The signature fades completely in a matter of days or weeks, stronger and more dramatic uses leaving stronger impressions. This is a meta-power that affects other powers. In some campaign worlds there is a strong Origin Divide among different origins. Check with your GM regarding your campaign. Origins that are opposed cannot cannot be modified by meta-powers; it is as if powers from the opposing origin was actually a schtick rather than a power.
Release Power
Limit Break
Age of Effect |
Minimum Difficulty |
Three days | 12 |
One Month | 14 |
One year | 16 |
A decade | 18 |
A century | 20 |
A millennium | 22 |
Ten millennia | 24 |
You can end the effects of other powers. You can only dispel powers you know of (though a vague description, such as "whatever is making Bert turn green" is ok). You can try to dispel a single Finisher, Limit Break, or any power that has been in effect for a week or more, or you can try to dispel all powers except those mentioned above on one creature or in an area with a diameter equal to your Mind. When dispelling several powers at once, you can choose to ignore some of them as long as you know of each power you want to make an exception for.
A power that has been dispelled cannot be used again by that creature in this scene, and another creature that tries to use the same power in the same general area must match your Know with the stunt the power is used with, or it fails.
This will not negate a Curse, but will tell you how to defeat the curse if the roll is successful.
Inherent powers cannot be dispelled.
The difficulty is the skill of the most skilled creature involved in making the effect. Effects that have been around a long time are harder to dispel: see the table. Use the highest relevant difficulty.
This is a meta-power that affects other powers. In some campaign worlds there is a strong Origin Divide among different origins. Check with your GM regarding your campaign. Origins that are opposed cannot cannot be modified by meta-powers; it is as if powers from the opposing origin was actually a schtick rather than a power. When you dispel a power of an elemental form you know (Air, Earth, Electricity, Fire, Ice, Metal, Plant, or Water), you can immediately perform a Limit Break using a power of that form that you know.
Maneuver Sorcery
Demonic Form
Limit Break
You assume the form of another creature decided when you gain the power. You must have created a variant form for yourself using your normal points and limits. If you do not have such a creature description ready, you cannot use this power. This creature cannot have higher value in any particular skill than you do. You can add powers of the same form the creature has and keep schticks and powers you already have, but you cannot otherwise add powers or schticks. This power cannot be used to imitate a specific individual; you remain yourself in mannerisms and detail while changing race, species, and creature type.
You remain in this form for a scene or until you fall asleep or unconscious or will yourself back to your normal form (a Basic Action). You can learn this power several times to learn to transform into several different creatures.
You can only assume the form on an Demon with this version of the power.
Melee Sorcery
Power Collision
Trigger Action
When an enemy you can reach with a melee attack uses a power that deals damage to attack, you can set up a power collision. The two of you channel power into an awesome explosion. The difficulty of the attack becomes your Melee +3. You are both automatically hit by the blast even if the original attack fails to meet the difficulty; a positive outcome increases the damage you take and reduces the damage the attacker takes; a negative outcome reduces the damage you take and increases the damage your opponent takes. You can chose to use your Mind +2 instead of your Toughness to soak this damage.
Ride Sorcery
Transfer Focus
Limit Break
You transfer your focus to another character who is within sight. That character can choose to immediately perform a Limit Break, at normal shot cost. If he has no shots left, he also takes a Hit from backlash.
Transfer Power
Basic Action
You channel one or more Fortune Points to another character you can see. You spend these points, and the target receives them, replenishing any lost Fortune points. If this leaves the target with more than a full Fortune pool, the points must be spent before the end of the round or they return to you.
Shoot Sorcery
Best Blast
Basic Action
Pick an inherent shoot power you have not already used in this fight. You are encouraged to spoof why this is the best blast to use right now. Make a Normal Ranged Attack that gets a +3 bonus. You can only use this power once per round.
Trigger Action
When you see another character use an attack power that inflicts damage, you can counter that power by firing a blast of raw elemental energy to block their attack. The difficulty of their action becomes your Shoot +3. Range penalties are applied to this difficulty, based on your distance to either the attacker or the target, whoever is closest.