Bind Archon (4E)

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Template:4E ritual header

Bind Archon

Mimicking the primordials of yore, you focus your will on the elemental chaos, creating an archon to serve you.
Level: 12 Component Cost: Variable
Category: Creation Market Price: 9,000
Time: 10 minutes Key Skill: Arcana (no check)
Duration: 6 hours

The first time you cast this ritual must be in the elemental chaos, and it stirs up trouble there, making it likely you will face opposition. This always involves a skill challenge, combat encounter, or both. Facing such challenges does not disrupt the ritual, in fact it is required. Once you have bound an archon, you can use the ritual again anywhere to summon the archon to serve you, even if it has been slain in a previous summoning. An archon created by this ritual advances in level as you do. When your level is sufficient, it can even morph into another type of archon. Each time you summon it, it grows a little more real, developing a chaotic evil personality that is a crude primordial parody of your own. It knows that it is linked to you and dependent on you for its growth, but can be quite merciless to your allies unless carefully ordered. The cost to cast this ritual varies by level, it costs 1/5 of the price on a magic item of your level.

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