Shapedancer (4E)

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Template:4E paragon path

Path Feat

Shapedance [Path]

Benefit: You gain access to the Shapedance power.

Shapedance Feat Utility Power
Your form becomes malleable and shifting as you assume a new shape
DailyArcane, Stance, Alter Form
Standard Action      Personal
Effect: You change your shape into one suitable for a specific skill, this form need not be a creature that exists. Chose one skill appropriate to the shape assumed when activating Shapedance; you gain a +2 power bonus to skill checks when using this specific skill until the end of the encounter.

Paragon Path

Shapedancer Paragon Path Features

Shapedancer Action (11th level): When you spend an action point to gain an extra action, you also gain a free use of Shapedancer Focus power that counts neither as an action nor against the limit on uses per encounter.

Shapedancer Pause (11th level): When you use Second Wind, you also gain a free use of Shapedancer Focus power that counts neither as an action nor against the limit on uses per encounter.

Shapedancer Recovery (16th level): When you use a shapedancer power, you regain hit points equal to one-forth your level.

Shapedancer Spells

Shapedance Focus Shapedancer Attack 11
Your form becomes malleable and shifting as you assume the shape most suited to the attack.
EncounterArcane, Stance, Alter Form
Minor Action      Personal
Effect: You change your shape into one suitable for a specific skill or one attack, either a basic attack or a single attack power. The shape you assume need not be an existing creature. Chose one attack power or skill appropriate to the shape assumed when activating Shapedance Focus; you gain a +2 power bonus to attack rolls or skill checks (as appropriate) when using this specific power or skill until the end of the encounter.
Shapedance Mobility Shapedancer Utility 12
Suddenly, you grow fins!
DailyArcane, Alter Form
Minor Action      Personal
Effect: You change your shape into one that lets you move more freely, this need not be an existing creature. The change lasts until you rest, or you can end it as a minor action. You gain one of the following benefits.
  • Climb speed equal to your normal speed.
  • Aquatic keyword and swim speed equal to your normal speed.
  • Forest Walk
  • Earth Walk
  • Swamp Walk
  • Ice Walk
  • +5 bonus to Jump and the ability to make running jumps when standing still
Shapedance Avatar Shapedancer Attack 20
Your body blurs and changes into a monstrous, armored form suitable for combat as you pounce an opponent!
DailyArcane, Stance, Alter Form
Minor Action      Personal
Effect: You alter your own shape into a winged monstrous version of yourself rippling with power. In this shape, you gain flight at your normal speed and a +2 power bonus to all damage inflicted and to Armor Class until the end of the encounter.

Attack: You can make a charge or a basic attack as a part of this transformation.