Magic Items (4E)

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4ED&D 4E
4th Edition Dungeons & Dragons

Local magic items and rules for them.

Magic Armor

Masterwork heavy armor is abolished. Instead, heavy armor doubles the enchantment bonus to AC. Light masterwork armor still exists, but only the versions described in the PH, not those from AV. All light armor of the required enchantment is automatically masterwork armor.

An example of specific armors to replace the non-AC-defense masterwork armors follows:

Githweave Armor (level 17)

Githzerai weavers first taught other peoples the methods of making githweave. It’s clear that the githzerai took these techniques from their erstwhile masters, the mind flayers. These armors infuse crystal, channeling mind energy to fortify the body.

Armor: Cloth, Chain

Enchantment: AC

Property: +1 Armor bonus to Will defense. Increase to +2 at level 27.

Titanscale Armor (level 17)

Dwarves took the primordial methods of producing titanscale armor from the titans and giants.

Armor: Hide, Scale

Enchantment: AC

Property: +1 Armor bonus to Fortitude defense. Increase to +2 at level 27.

Tarrasque plate armor (level 9)

Designed to emulate the tarrasque’s impenetrable hide, has hundreds of nodules packed between very thin metal layers, each treated with a different process.

Armor: Plate

Enchantment: AC

Property: Resist all 1. Increase to 2 at level 19 and 5 at level 29.