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TORG Magic Traditions

By Dalwin of the Academy of Two Towers


Magic is the art of control, the art of adaptation and the art of inspiration. All these factors combine to form what we see as magic. But actually, when things are examined from an outside perspective, it is easily seen that cultural influences and local conditions are more important than anything else that concerns magic. In my thesis, of which this is but an abstract, I have tried to compile the most important influences on magic that I have observed in other realities, and tried to give my opinion on whether these observations would be valid in Aysle. But this work is by no means complete, even the realities where magic is least developed are worth a magister's study, and a lifetime is not sufficient to learn all the secrets of the more advanced realms.

Although this work is compiled for the academy of two towers and my point of observation is by necessity Ayslish, I have tried to make this abstract valuable for magicians of other realities, and thus I also briefly describe the Ayslish magic tradition here, a description not found in my thesis.

Dalwin of the Academy of Two Towers

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