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Occultism is the most powerful brand of magic in Orrorsh. With the aid of occultism, many of the traditional limitations of magic can be overcome. It is possible to use occultism to produce spectacular effects in specific situations. But occultism can also be used with magic research.

Occultism is not restricted to use only in Orrorsh, but many occult phenomena work best there.

Occultism comes in many variants. This can be things like occult alchemy, electro-occultism, occult charms, occult medicine etc. Occultists rarely teach each other any important secrets, and thus every mage must start over and develop the art of magic all over again. Every magician has his own distinctive style, including theorems and other quirks.


There are no nether worlds available per se in Orrorsh, but there are places known as waiting villages, magical places half out of this world from whence spirits can be summoned in different forms. Almost any creature can be summoned from a waiting village, but they all seem to be corrupt and evil.


While in Orrorsh, any magical effect can be spontaneously invoked using occultism. The caster need not even have the Sorcery skill. This frees many occultists from the need to learn sorcery schticks, they can instead concentrate on improving the Magic and Sorcery scores.

If an occultist has prepared a specific charm with a specific effect against a specific target or set of targets, including some former body part, personal object or other specific contagion in the charm, he gains an extra positive die when working his magic. This is cumulative with Fortune points and Gather Chi.


Occultism is slow, and it requires extensive props. An occultist is assumed to be spending much of his time preparing these occult charms for every contingency, in an unexpected environment and facing an unexpected foe, occultists cannot use their magic.

Common Schticks

Animal (Animal Friend), Blast (Accident, Acid, Animate Object, Body Warping, Disease, Disintegration, Lightning, Mind Blast, Paralyse, Soul Drain, Steam, Withering), Conjuration, Divination, Familiar, Fertility, Influence, Spirit, Summoning, Weather.

Starfox | Home | Campaigns | TORG | Magic Traditions
Copyright © 1998 and onwards, Carl Cramér. Page downloaded times. Last update 99-05-29.