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Hermeneutic Magic

Hermeneutics study stars, names, mystic patterns, scriptures, the fall of sticks and the entails of animals to find the mystic correspondences they need to use their magic.

The Hermeneutic world-view is Aristotelian, centered on the four elements and all matter is considered to be a mixture of these four elements. Another central thesis of Hermeneutic Magic is Platonic ideal forms, and the way the world can be understood and manipulated using these ideal forms. A third important element is mysticism and theurgy, where religious practices and rituals are used to empower magical effects with little or no religious connection. This ranges from the pious kabbalist who uses numbers and letters to understand God's great plan, to devil-worship and travesties of religious rituals used to tap the power of the religion for nefarious purposes.

Astrologers are hermeneutics who look to the stars for their powers. They specialize in divinatory magic and are able to use the constellations to increase their power. They predict, and sometimes create, the future.

Core Earth

Core Earth is a reality extremely poor in magic, and whose magicians are therefore few and far between. But at the same time it is the most diverse reality of all and what magic exists is extremely intriguing. There are several different magic traditions on Core Earth, developed in isolation from each other. Though hermeneutic magic is the strongest, I suspect that with enough study, all traditions can be found somewhere in this fascinating world.

While magic is presently weak, it might once have been much stronger. In the area dominated by Aysle and the Nile and Aztech empires many old magical sites have once again awakened, as if they were only waiting for the magic to return. Possibly the many diverse magic traditions of Core Earth are really remnants of many different schools of magic that were powerful in antiquity? It is easy to see why the High Lords show such an interest in the legends of the Earth's past.

Nile Empire

On Terra, hermeneutic magic is the leading magic tradition, though it is still not very common. The magic of the Nile Empire is powerful, but melodramatic. Mystics of all kinds practice the arts of astrology, alchemy and spiritualism.

Aztech Empire

Besides shamanism, hermeneutic magic is the most important and stable magic tradition in the Aztech Empire. It has it's roots in Core Earth magic, though, and the description given for that cosm applies here as well, though magic in general is much more powerful and common in the Aztech Empire.


The magic of the Cyberpapacy is in many ways similar to the magic of Aysle, but there are also differences, some of which are beyond the raw limitations of the lower magical axiom. But the main difference is social, the whole society of the Cyberpapacy loathes, fears and hates magic and magicians with a vengeance, we are hunted and burnt at the stake when found. The perverse religion of the locals has many evil miracles specifically designed to divine and capture magicians, so beware. This is a dangerous reality for us who use magic!

Magic is considered heretical and evil by the church, and somehow the church's world-view has altered reality. Spells cast under this reality become more powerful, but the price is high. Using magic can be very dangerous, both because the powers of evil infest the cosm and wait to corrupt the unfortunate mage and because the church relentlessly hunts magicians.

Magic here is surprisingly similar across the cosm considering that no formalized education exists. But the church promotes a picture of the fell warlock or witch, and most cyberpapal mages seems to fit this description, at least superficially. Perhaps this is because the world only allows certain types of magic, perhaps it is because the fear common people hold for magic is a kind of protection warlocks cannot afford to live without or perhaps many mages actually learn the art from condemned colleagues in the dungeons of the inquisition.

One special sub-plane that is easy to use is the GodNet. The magical nature of the net allows spells to create limited connections with GodNet, despite the low magical axiom.


Hermeneutic mages have more or less defined what Core Earthers and may others think of as the "standard" summonables; elementals, demons, spirits, undead.


Hermeneutic s need to write and sketch in order to cast magic. Geometric designs and numbers are their favorite subjects. They usually use a tablet and stylus for sketching, but sandy ground will do in a pinch.

Common Schticks

Blast (Cold, Fire, Lightning, Sleep, Transmutation), Withering, Conjuration, Divination, Enchanting, Familiar, Gate, Summoning.

Rare Schticks

Animal, Blast (Accident, Body Warping), Enhancement.

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