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Magic is used in several unique ways in Tharkold, and the blending of technology and magic possible here is even more bewildering than that of the Cyberpapacy. The problem is that the world laws confuse techno-magical relations, and it is difficult to see which effects are caused by technology and which are caused by magic. Add this to the general dangers associated with a demon-ridden reality, where most magical lore is held by the demons themselves, and it is easy to see the problems of magic research in Tharkold.

A secondary problem that must be overcome is the tendency of mages who enter Tharkold to forget their scientific mission and face the immediate but secondary problems of the War around them. I must admit that this compulsion to fight at all costs and to the exclusion of everything else is indeed powerful, I observed most unusual behaviour in both myself and others while in Tharkold. But martial research is easy enough to do, especially when a specific goal is in sight.

Summonables: The Grid

In both Tharkold and the Cyberpapacy there exists a technological variation or interface with the astral plane known as virtual reality. But while the GodNet is mainly spiritual in nature, virtual reality in Tharkold seems to form it's own high-magic reality through the secrets of occultech. It is possible to use magic in these virtual reality constructs. A limited interaction between the virtual reality and the physical world is also possible, for example an astral gate or astral projection spell can transport a mage's mind from VX to true astral space or a variant teleportation can allow a character to physically enter virtual reality and then exit again at another point.

Not all virtual realities have these properties, it requires a special kind of effort to enchant these machines using occultech, the skill of subjugating technology to magic. Magical laboratories can have large virtual realities, but the most common form of magical VX environment is the spell chip. These chips allow all actions associated with the use of a certain spell, all theorems can be satisfied in the specially-adjusted virtual environment.

There exists many fearsome and malign creatures in the grid, most of whom can only be summoned at great peril and effort. Summoning is mostly a defensive art in Tharkold.

Technomancy and Arcanowave

Magic in Tharkold is forever intertwined with arcanowave technology, and most magicians also use some occultech, as it is also called. But it is possible to work technomantic magic without resort to arcanowave.

Technomancy outside Tharkold

It is possible to work technomancy in civilisations less advanced than Tharkold. In fact, it is rather common in Orrorsh, and not unknown in the Cyberpapacy and the Aztech Empire. The weird scientists of the Nile Empire are in many ways similar.


A technomancer finds it easy to construct magical items and gadgets, though these often have sort life spans. A technomancer can build magical items by sacrificing a magic point for each magic item schtick he wants to manifest, subject to available resources and gamemaster approval.


A technomancer builds devices that manifest his powers. A tharkoldu technomancer need only a virtual-reality construct, but technomancers from other cosms cannot work their magic unless they have built some prop to manifest the power. Like occultists, technomancers spend much of their time creating gizmos for every conceivable situation, but if they encounter a truly unexpected situation, for which the could not prepare, they can only use standard effects on themselves.

A technomancer is naturally totally helpless without his magical props.

Common Schticks

Blast (Accident, Acid, Animate Object, Crumble, Fire, Lightning, Steam, Transmutation), Communication, Conjuration, Enchanting, Technomancy.

Rare Schticks

Animal, Blast (Animate Water, Chi, Polymorph, Soul Drain), Summoning.

Starfox | Home | Campaigns | TORG | Magic Traditions
Copyright © 1998 and onwards, Carl Cramér. Page downloaded times. Last update 99-05-29.