Weapon mastery (4E)

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4ED&D 4E
4th Edition Dungeons & Dragons

This is based on the We Who Are About to Die ... (D&D Gladiators) article by by Robert J. Schwalb from Dragon #368. It has been expanded and modified for local use.

Some warriors devote extra time and training to learning exotic maneuvers and tactics with unusual weapons.

To gain such specialized proficiency in one of these weapons, you must select the relevant weapon mastery feat (see below). The feat grants not only proficiency, but also a special benefit. Moreover, it grants access to power-swap feats that provide exotic maneuvers and tactics.

Since the weapon mastery training feats require a great deal of focused training, each one is a multiclass feat. Since they are not class-specific multiclass feats, they do ot prohibit other multiclassing. You can still only exchange one each of your encounter, utility and daily powers, regardless of how many multiclasses or weapon mastery paths you have.

Bladed Scarf Mastery

You master the bladed scarf.

Bladed Scarf Training [Multiclass]

Prerequisites: Dex 13, Martial class

Benefit: You gain proficiency with the bladed scarf. When you hit a target with your bladed scarf, the target is slowed until the end of your next turn.

Bladed Scarf Novice

Prerequisites: Bladed Scarf Training, 4th level

Benefit: You can swap one 3rd-level or higher encounter attack power you know for the scarf snare attack power.

Scarf Snare Feat Power Attack
With a deft flick of the wrist, you coil your bladed scarf around your foe’s limb, giving you some control of where that enemy goes—down or toward you.
EncounterMartial, Weapon
Standard Action      Melee
Requirement: You must be wielding a bladed scarf.

Target: One creature.
Attack: Dexterity vs. Reflex
Hit: [2W] + Dexterity modifier damage, and you can knock the target prone or pull the target 1 square.
At 11th level, increase to 3[W] damage.
At 21st level, increase to 4[W] damage.

Bladed Scarf Expert

Prerequisites: Bladed Scarf Training, 8th level

Benefit: You can swap one 6th-level or higher utility power you know for the scarf cocoon utility power.

Scarf Cocoon Feat Power Utility
You wrap the reinforced scarf around yourself like a second skin.
Minor Action      Personal
Requirement: You must be wielding a bladed scarf.

Effect: You gain a +2 power bonus to AC until the end of the fight.
Sustain minor: You cannot use the bladed scarf as a weapon while sustaining this power, but you can use your hands for other things.

Bladed Scarf Specialist

Prerequisites: Bladed Scarf Training, 10th level

Benefit: You can swap one 9th-level or higher encounter attack power you know for the entangling scarf attack power.

Entangling Scarf Feat Power Attack
Your weapon is like an extension of you, coiling around your enemy so you can drag that foe wherever you like.
DailyMartial, Weapon
Standard Action      Melee
Requirement: You must be wielding a bladed scarf.

Target: One creature
Attack: Dexterity vs. Reflex
Hit: [2W] + Dexterity modifier damage, the target is grabbed (until escape) and knocked prone. The target takes a –5 penalty to escape the grab, and while you have the target grabbed you can pull it 1 square as a minor action. While grabbing the target, you cannot make attacks with the bladed scarf.
At 15th level, increase to 3[W] damage.
At 25th level, increase to 4[W] damage.
Miss: The target is grabbed (until escape) and knocked prone. While you have the target grabbed you can pull it 1 square as a minor action. While grabbing the target, you cannot make attacks with the bladed scarf.
Sustain minor: You can sustain the grab as long as the target is within 2 squares of you.

Silken Scarf [Paragon]

Prerequisites: Bladed Scarf Training, 11st level

Benefit: You can use any rope or piece of cloth at least 5' long as if it was a bladed scarf.

Bola Mastery

You master the bola.

Bola Training [Multiclass]

Prerequisites: Dex 13, Martial class

Benefit: You gain proficiency with the bola. When you hit a target with your bola, you can forgo dealing damage to immobilize the target until the end of your next turn. On a critical hit, the target is also knocked prone.

Bola Novice

Prerequisites: Bola Training, 4th level

Benefit: You can swap one 3rd-level or higher encounter attack power you know for the binding bola attack power.

Binding Bola Feat Power Attack
The weights entwine the cords around your target, wrapping it so tightly so that it cannot maintain its momentum.
EncounterMartial, Weapon
Standard Action      Ranged
Requirement: You must be wielding a bola.

Target: One creature. Attack: Dexterity vs Reflex
Hit: 2[W] + Dexterity modifier damage, and the target is immobilized until the end of your next turn. On a critical hit, the target is also knocked prone.
At 11th level, increase to 3[W] damage. At 21st level, increase to 4[W] damage.

Bola Expert

Prerequisites: Bola Training, 8th level

Benefit: You can swap one 6th-level or higher utility power you know for the bola recovery utility power.

Bola Recovery Feat Power Utility
With the bola back in hand, you ready it for another precise throw.
Free Action      Personal
Effect: Regain the use of the binding bola power.

Bola Specialist

Prerequisites: Bola Training, 10th level

Benefit: You can swap one 9th-level or higher daily attack power you know for the felling bola attack power.

Felling Bola Feat Power Attack
Such is the force of your throw that you tangle up the enemy and knock it from its feet.
DailyMartial, Weapon
Standard Action      Ranged
Requirement: You must be wielding a bola.

Target: One creature.
Attack: Dexterity vs Reflex
Hit: 2[W] + Dexterity modifier damage, and the target is knocked prone and cannot stand (save ends).
At 15th level, increase to 3[W] damage. At 25st level, increase to 4[W] damage.
Miss: Half damage, and the target is knocked prone and cannot stand until the end of your next turn

Net Mastery

You master the net.

Net Training [Multiclass]

Prerequisites: Str 13, Martial class

Benefit: You gain proficiency with the net. When you hit a target with your net, the target is slowed until the end of your next turn.

Net Novice

Prerequisites: Net Training, 4th level

Benefit: You can swap one 3rd-level or higher encounter attack power you know for the net sweep attack power.

Net Sweep Feat Power Attack
You sweep your net around, smashing your foes and bat­tering down their weapons.
EncounterMartial, Weapon
Standard Action      Close burst 1
Requirement: You must be wielding a net.

Target: Each creature in burst.
Attack: Strength vs. Fortitude
Hit: 1[W] + Strength modifier damage, and the target is slowed and takes a –2 penalty to attack rolls until the end of your next turn.
At 11th level, increase to 2[W] damage.
At 21st level, increase to 3[W] damage.

Net Expert

Prerequisites: Net Training, 8th level

Benefit: You can swap one 6th-level or higher utility power you know for the net shield utility power.

Net shield Feat Power Utility
You spin the net in front of you to foil your enemies’ attacks.
Minor Action      Personal
Requirement: You must be wielding a net.

Effect: Until the start of your next turn, you gain a +2 power bonus to AC and Reflex defense.

Net Specialist

Prerequisites: Net Training, 10th level

Benefit: You can swap one 9th-level or higher daily attack power you know for the net trap attack power.

Net Trap Feat Power Attack
You fling the net so that it falls over your enemy. The more the foe struggles, the tighter the net’s grasp becomes.
DailyMartial, Weapon
Standard Action      Melee 5
Requirement: You must be wielding a net.

Special: This attack has a reach of 5 regardless of the weapon’s actual reach.
Target: One creature.
Attack: Dexterity vs Reflex
Hit: 1[W] + Strength modifier damage, and the target is grabbed (until escape). While the target is grabbed, it takes a –5 penalty to attack rolls and rolls made to escape the grab. While grabbing the target, you cannot make attacks with your net. You can sustain the grab as long as the target is within 5 squares of you.
At 15th level, increase to 2[W] damage. At 25th level, increase to 3[W] damage.
Miss: Half damage, and the target is immobilized until the end of your next turn, but it is not grabbed.

Repeating Crossbow Mastery

You master the repeating crossbow.

Repeating Crossbow Training [Multiclass]

Prerequisites: Str 13, Martial class

Benefit: You gain proficiency with the Repeating Crossbow. Add your Strength bonus to the damage of ranged (not burst or blast) attacks with the repeating crossbow.

Repeating Crossbow Novice

Prerequisites: Repeating Crossbow Training, 4th level

Benefit: You can swap one 3rd-level or higher encounter attack power you know for the repeating crossbow blast attack power.

Repeating Crossbow Blast Feat Power
Yanking the fire lever furiously, you fill an area with crossbow bolts.
EncounterMartial, Weapon
Standard Action      Close blast 3
Requirement: You must be wielding a repeating crossbow.

Target: One or more enemies in burst you can see, no more than you have bolts left in the magazine.
Attack: Strength vs. Reflex
Hit: [W] + Strength damage.
At 11th level, increase to 2[W] + Strength damage.
At 21st level, increase to 3[W] + Strength damage.

Repeating Crossbow Expert

Prerequisites: Repeating Crossbow Training, 8th level

Benefit: You can swap one 6th-level or higher utility power you know for the repeating crossbow reload utility power.

Repeating Crossbow Reload Feat Power Utility
You reload the repeating crossbow, flexing your arm muscles.
Minor Action      Personal
Effect: Reload the repeating crossbow and regain the use of the repeating crossbow blast power.

Repeating Crossbow Specialist

Prerequisites: Repeating Crossbow Training, 10th level

Benefit: You can swap one 9th-level or higher encounter attack power you know for the repeating crossbow volley attack power.

Repeating Crossbow Volley Feat Power Attack
You send a stream of bolts to fall on the area like dark rain.
DailyMartial, Weapon
Standard Action      Area burst 1 within range
Requirement: You must be wielding a repeating crossbow with a full magazine.

Target: All creatures in burst.
Attack: Strength vs. AC
Hit: [W] + Strength damage.
At 15th level, increase to 2[W] + Strength damage.
At 25th level, increase to 3[W] + Strength damage.
Effect: The area becomes difficult ground until the start of your next turn. Your magazine is now empty.

Spiked Chain Mastery

From Dragon 372, "Playing Shadar-Kai".

You master the spiked chain.

Spiked Chain Training [Multiclass]

Prerequisites: Dex 13, any martial class

Benefit: You gain proficiency with the spiked chain. You can treat the spiked chain as a double weapon and a light blade. As a double weapon, the spiked chain deals 2d4/2d4 damage, and it gains the off-hand property. For more on double weapons, see Adventurer’s Vault, page 10.

Spiked Chain Novice

Prerequisites: Spiked Chain Training, 4th level

Benefit: You can swap one 3rd-level or higher encounter attack power you know for the chain trip attack power.

Chain Trip Feat Power Attack
You lash out with your chain and jerk your foe to the ground.
EncounterMartial, Weapon
Standard Action      Melee
Requirement: You must be wielding a Spiked Chain.

Target: One creature.
Attack: Dexterity vs. Reflex
Hit: 1[W] + Dexterity modifier damage, slide the target 2 squares and the target is knocked prone.
At 11th level, increase to 2[W] damage.
At 21st level, increase to 3[W] damage.

Spiked Chain Expert

Prerequisites: Spiked Chain Training, 8th level Benefit: You can swap one 6th-level or higher utility power you know for the chain ward utility power.

Benefit: You can swap one 6th-level or higher utility power you know for the weighted chain spin utility power.

Chain Ward Feat Power Utility
You take a sidelong stance, whirling your chain above your head and watching your foes with sharp, opportunistic menace..
DailyMartial, Weapon, Stance
Minor Action      Personal
Requirement: You must be wielding a spiked chain.

Effect: You threaten all squares within your reach.

Spiked Chain Specialist

Prerequisites: Spiked Chain Training, 10th level

Benefit: You can swap one 9th-level or higher daily attack power you know for the steel shackles attack power.

Steel Shackles Feat Power Attack
With remarkable deftness, you wrap your foe in your chain, allowing you to squeeze the spike home and control your enemy’s movement.
DailyMartial, Weapon
Standard Action      Melee Weapon
Requirement: You must be wielding a spiked chain.

Target: One creature
Attack: Dexterity vs. Reflex
Hit: 1[W] + Dexterity modifier damage, and the target is grabbed until it escapes. You can sustain the grab as long as the target is within your reach, and the target takes a –2 penalty to escape attempts..
At 15th level, increase to 2[W] damage.
At 25th level, increase to 3[W] damage.
Miss: Half damage, and the target is grabbed until it escapes; you can sustain the grab as long as the target is within your reach.
Effect: Until the target is no longer grabbed, you can slide the target 1 square as a minor action. When you sustain the grab, the target takes 1[W] damage.

Weighted Chain Mastery

You master the weighted chain.

Weighted Chain Training [Multiclass]

Prerequisites: Dex 13, Martial class

Benefit: You gain proficiency with the Weighted Chain. When you hit a target with your Weighted Chain, you can push the target 1 square instead of inflicting damage.

Weighted Chain Novice

Prerequisites: Weighted Chain Training, 4th level

Benefit: You can swap one 3rd-level or higher encounter attack power you know for the weighted chain snare attack power.

Weighted Chain Snare Feat Power Attack
With a deft flick of the wrist, you coil your weighted chain around your foe’s limb, giving you some control of where that enemy goes—down or toward you.
EncounterMartial, Weapon
Standard Action      Melee
Requirement: You must be wielding a Weighted Chain.

Target: One creature.
Attack: Strength vs. Reflex
Hit: [W] + Strength modifier damage, and you can knock the target prone or pull the target 1 square.
At 11th level, increase to 2[W] damage.
At 21st level, increase to 3[W] damage.

Weighted Chain Expert

Prerequisites: Weighted Chain Training, 8th level

Benefit: You can swap one 6th-level or higher utility power you know for the weighted chain spin utility power.

Weighted Chain Spin Feat Power Utility
You spin the weighted chain to create a deadly shield.
Minor Action      Personal
Requirement: You must be wielding a weighted chain.

Effect: Until the start of your next turn, you gain a +2 power bonus to AC. Adjacent enemies that attack you and miss take damage equal to your Strength modifier.

Weighted Chain Specialist

Prerequisites: Weighted Chain Training, 10th level

Benefit: You can swap one 9th-level or higher encounter attack power you know for the entangling weighted chain attack power.

Spiked Shackles Feat Power Attack
Your weapon is like an extension of you, coiling around your enemy so you can drag that foe wherever you like.
DailyMartial, Weapon
Standard Action      Melee
Requirement: You must be wielding a weighted chain.

Target: One creature
Attack: Strength vs. Reflex
Hit: [W] + Strength modifier damage, the target is grabbed (until escape) and knocked prone. The target takes a –5 penalty to escape the grab. While grabbing the target, you cannot make attacks with the weighted chain.
At 15th level, increase to 2[W] damage.
At 25th level, increase to 3[W] damage.
Miss: The target is grabbed (until escape) and knocked prone. While grabbing the target, you cannot make attacks with the weighted chain.
Effect: Until the target is no longer grabbed, you can slide the target 1 square as a minor action.

Whip Mastery

You master the whip.

Whip Training [Multiclass]

Prerequisites: Dex 13, Martial class

Benefit: You gain proficiency with the whip. When you hit a target with your whip, that target takes a –2 penalty to attack rolls against a target of your choice until the end of your next turn.

Whip Novice

Prerequisites: Whip Training, 4th level

Benefit: You can swap one 3rd-level or higher encounter attack power you know for the whip snare attack power.

Whip Snare Feat Power Attack
With a deft flick of the wrist, you coil your whip around your foe’s limb, giving you some control of where that enemy goes—down or toward you.
EncounterMartial, Weapon
Standard Action      Melee
Requirement: You must be wielding a whip.

Target: One creature.
Attack: Dexterity vs. Reflex
Hit: 2[W] + Dexterity modifier damage, and you can knock the target prone or pull the target 1 square.
At 11th level, increase to 3[W] damage.
At 21st level, increase to 4[W] damage.

Whip Expert

Prerequisites: Whip Training, 8th level

Benefit: You can swap one 6th-level or higher utility power you know for the whip crack utility power.

Whip Crack Feat Power Utility
You snap your whip, warning your enemy not to move carelessly.
EncounterMartial, Weapon
Minor Action      Personal
Requirement: You must be wielding a whip.

Effect: Until the start of your next turn you gain threatening reach with your whip as well as a +2 power bonus to Intimidation.

Whip Specialist

Prerequisites: Whip Training, 10th level

Benefit: You can swap one 9th-level or higher encounter attack power you know for the entangling whip attack power.

Entangling Whip Feat Power Attack 10
Your whip is like an extension of you, coiling around your enemy so you can drag that foe wherever you like.
DailyMartial, Weapon
Standard Action      Melee
Requirement: You must be wielding a whip.

Target: One creature
Attack: Dexterity vs. Reflex
Hit: 2[W] + Dexterity modifier damage, the target is grabbed (until escape) and knocked prone. The target takes a –5 penalty to escape the grab, and while you have the target grabbed you can pull it 1 square as a minor action. While grabbing the target, you cannot make attacks with the whip. You can sustain the grab as long as the target is within 2 squares of you.
At 15th level, increase to 3[W] damage.
At 25th level, increase to 4[W] damage.
Miss: The target is grabbed (until escape) and knocked prone. While you have the target grabbed you can pull it 1 square as a minor action. While grabbing the target, you cannot make attacks with the whip. You can sustain the grab as long as the target is within 2 squares of you.