Ranger (4E)

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4ED&D 4E
4th Edition Dungeons & Dragons

Fighting Styles

The rules for the official Archery and Two Weapon fighting styles have been included below. Note that Prime Shot is now a fighting style ability and not available to all rangers.

Archery Fighting Style

Because of your focus on ranged attacks, you gain Prime Shot as a class ability and Defensive Mobility as a bonus feat.

Note: Core fighting style from the Player's Handbook.

Beastmaster Ranger

You gain a beast companion, as outlined in Martial Power page 38.

Note: Core fighting style from Martial Power.

Light Blade Fighting Style

Because of your skill in light, swift blades, you can use a light blade as if it were two weapons, making both attacks with the same weapon instead of using two different weapons, as long as you are not using a heavy shield. In addition, you gain Toughness as a bonus feat.

Spear Fighting Style

Because of your focus on spears and on quick stab-and run tactics, you can use a spear as if it were two weapons. You make both attacks with your spear instead of using two different weapons.

Tempest Fighting Style

When wearing light armor or chain mail and wielding two melee weapons you gain a +1 bonus to damage rolls with melee and close weapon attacks. This bonus increases to +2 with weapons that have the off-hand property. You count as a fighter with the Tempest Technique class feature to qualify for feats, but does not otherwise count as a fighter.

Throwing Fighting Style

Because of your focus on making a strong throw at close range whenever opportunity presents itself, you gain Prime Shot as a class feature and Brutal Throw, Toughness, and Quickdraw as bonus feats.

Two Weapon Fighting Style

Because of your focus on two-weapon melee attacks, you gain Prime Shot as a class ability and can wield a one-handed weapon in your off hand as if it were an off-hand weapon. In addition, you gain Toughness as a bonus feat.

Note: Core fighting style from the Player's Handbook.


Careful Attack

This is a revised version of the careful attack power in the PHB.

Careful Attack Ranger Attack 1
You study the enemy, looking for a gap in his defenses. Only when you find it do you strike.
At-WillMartial, Weapon
Standard Action      Melee or Ranged weapon
Targets: One creature

Attack: Strength + 2 vs. AC (melee) or Dexterity + 2 vs. AC (ranged).
Hit: 1[W] + Strength damage (melee) or 1[W] + Dexterity damage (ranged).
Increase damage to 2[W] + Strength (melee) or 2[W] + Dexterity (ranged) at 21st level.

Paragon Paths

All ranger paragon paths in the PH are open to all rangers, irrespective of fighting style.