Gadgets (Action)
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Heroic Action Role-Play |
Gadgets are nifty items that can help on an adventure, but which are not as powerful as items imbued with powers. Gadgets can be purchased in three different ways. You can purchase each schtick multiple times to gain multiple uses.
- As a gadget pool. This allows you to once per session select a gadget you could reasonably have access to and have access to that gadget for the rest of that session. You can acquire the schtick several times to gain additional uses.
- A gadget pool of two gadgets—each of these can only be used in one scene and are then expended until the next session.
- As a supply of three different gadgets selected when you take the schitck. The GM can allow substitutions, generally at the start of a session. You can use these all of session.
- A supply of four gadgets selected when you take the schitck, each of which can only be used in one scene and are then expended until the next session.
Ancient Gadgets
Alarm Net
A net, cloth, or tarpaulin used to cover stored items. The net version allows the items to be seen, the cloth version is elegant, and the tarpaulin is somewhat weather-proof. What makes this a gadget is that there are bells or clickers attached to the net; when the net or the items it protect are disturbed, they make noise. In a quiet night this can be heard up to 50m, in a busier environment 10 meters. A successful Disable Mechanism against a difficulty equal to half your Create bypasses the alarm.
Assembly Weapon
A weapon can be constructed so that it can be quickly assembled from parts, each of which is inconspicuous. It is a Basic Action to assemble or disassemble the weapon.
Athletic Pole
Inherent, Maneuver, Large, Slick
A pole made of bamboo or other flexible materials can be used to aid in a variety of athletic stunts. It can be used to pole-vault, turning a Jump into an assisted jump. It provides Advantage on Free Running stunts involving balance.
Bathtub, Collapsible
Limit Break, Create, Large, Mundane
A collapsible bathtub made of canvas supported by wooden slats. It takes a Limit Break to assemble or disassemble, this does not include filling it with water or heating the water. Useful for bathing away from the perils of a body of water, and also for water storage, as a drinking tub for animals, and you can even heat water while it is in the tub as the wet canvas will not burn. It can also serve as a short-term survival device for aquatic creaturesö
Blinding Egg
A small bird's egg filled with itching and blinding powders, the blinding egg is thrown like a grenade (Close range) and bursts to fill a five meter diameter cloud. Make a Melee vs. Dodge check against each target, on a success the target is blinded until it has completed its next basic action. On an outcome matching the target's Action the target is blinded for the rest of the scene.
If applied in melee it only affects a single target.
Basic Action, Ride, Small, Mundane
A wind instrument also used for signalling in the wild, a bugle begins as a horn and develops into a musical instrument of brass. Signals conveyed are usually simple, such as "advance, attack, retreat, alarm". Make a check using the sum of the user's and listener's Ride. In a busy environment such as a battle or city, the range is 10 meters times the result. In a quiet setting with no wind, up to 100 meters times the result.
Disappearing Powder
This is a colored, glittering powder that can be thrown into the air. While onlookers are distracted by the pretty cloud, you quietly disappear. Variants use smoke or flash powders. Often used as a stage-magician prop, one danger is that onlookers might think you are a genuine magician.
The gadget allows you to use Sneak to disappear from plain sight, as long as you can get under some kind of cover or use some disguise.
Diving Kit
Basic Action, Maneuver, Medium, Slick
A set of primitive diving equipment. This includes a set of flippers, goggles, a simple snorkel, and a weighted "air bag". You can use the air bag to fill your lungs underwater, permitting you to stay underwater for twice as long before having to surface or drown. Allows you to move normally underwater, and to hold your breath 100% longer than normal or indefinitely while snorkeling. Several air bags can be used, but they are very bulky and difficult to swim with; each air bag after the first reduces your Move by one underwater.
Basic Action, Create, Small, Slick, Mundane
The Doka is a small, ceramic pot, lashed shut with heat proof twine. It holds a live coal which it will keep burning for 12 hours. It is insulated so that you may carry it secreted in your clothes. It provides warmth in cold weather. The firepot allows access to fire, which will always succeed in igniting combustibles, as opposed to the vagaries of flint and steel fire making. If thrown it will break, igniting a pool of oil, dry straw, or other incendiary material or causing Body +0 Fire damage if used as a weapon.
Inflatable Flotation Device
A large airtight bag, usually made of the skin of a sheep or goat, that can be inflated and strapped to the body to aid in buoyancy. Inflating or deflating the device takes a Limit Break. Larger devices are possible and can be fitted to mounts. It makes Swim checks Routine, as long as you stay on the surface. However, you cannot both move and act in water using one of these, even of you have some other ability that would normally allow this.
Ladder, Folding
Basic Action, Maneuver, Medium, Slick
The hook, pole, and rungs of this 10-foot ladder are hinged, allowing you to fold it into a 3-foot-by-1-foot-by-1-foot bundle. Folding or unfolding it is a standard action.
Basic Action, Recon, Small, Mundane
It takes very little light to allow vision in the dark in the immediate area around the light. Lanterns provide very little light by modern standards, but once the eyes have adapted allow rudimentary vision up to your Reflexes meters away. Work light, for activities like reading or crafting, is only within one meter of a lantern. The lantern itself can be of many designs, this describes only the most common. Each type of lantern becomes Mundane one tech level after it is introduced. A basic open flame light, like and oil-burning pot or candle, is never considered a gadget and is very sensitive to drafts. An Ancient lantern is a candle or oil lamp behind a screen of horn, paper, or parchment, shielding it from breezes and water spray. A Blacksmith lantern involves metal and glass protection around a candle or oil lamp, protecting against all but a gale or immersion in water. Such a lantern can be blinded to hide its light without dousing it. A Clockwork lantern is similar to a a Blacksmith lantern, but uses pressurized fuel to produce much stronger illumination. It provides light twice as far. A Coal lantern includes a reflector, allowing it to cast a beam of light three times as far as a basic light.
Parabolic Listening Device
Basic Action, Create, Large, Slick, Mundane
This is a large parabola, usually made of thin metal or or waxed paper. It works by concentrating sound from a certain direction, and allows you to hear as if you were one-tenth the distance from whatever you are listening on. In this way, shouted orders can be heart at five hundred meters, a normal discussion can be heard up to a hundred meters away and whispers up to fifty meters away. Halve these ranges under noisy conditions, and halve them again if there is even a light breeze. Stronger winds make this device impossible to use and might damage it.
Easy-rolling pebbles can be used as a simple trap on flat, hard surfaces. This is rare in nature, but common in buildings. A packet of Pebbles is about a hundred and will cover five one-meter squares. They need darkness or some concealment, such as grass, to work.
Pebbles are a Trap. Pebbles whose presence is known are less dangerous, the Create difficulty is only 5. Pebbles do Concussion damage soaked using Reflexes. If any damage is inflicted, the victim stops dead in his tracks, losing the rest of his movement for that action. Someone moving through known Pebbles can take a Basic Action to be safe.
Power Seal Amulet
Finisher, Mundane
A seal that interfere with the powers of one or more origins as specified when it is made. The target suffers Power Loss. The amulet is relatively easy to remove. If bound to the target, it can be removed as a Basic Action with a Create or Melee check against your Create or Melee, but this requires free hands and cannot be done with bound hands. Power Seal Amulets may not be available for all origins, particularly Technology.
Raft, Folding
A collapsible, 1-man raft. It has room for one person and his personal gear. In collapsed form, it may be carried slung over one shoulder or as a backpack. Assembling or disassembling it is a basic action.
Basic Action, Melee, Medium, Mundane
Various restraints made of metal or wood can limit the actions of a prisoner. Physical restraint in Action does not completely prevent a hero from action, they impose handicaps to be overcome.
- Gagging prevents mundane speech. Stymies all Charm and Impress checks.
- Handcuffing is when your hands are tied in front of you, but not so tightly as to make them completely unusable; you can still use one hand effectively, such as using weapons or tools of Small size or smaller.
- Hobbling indicates restrained legs, but not fixed to each other. It means you cannot move as part of a normal Basic Action, and can only move your normal move when you do a Full Move action or otherwise do an action that grants extra movement..
- Immobilized, stuck to something, alternatively on a short leash which prevents movement beyond one or two meters. If you are stuck to a creature whose Body is greater than yours, you are forced along as it moves, otherwise you are both immobilized unless you two cooperate.
- Bound Legs you fall prone and cannot stand unsupported, which prevents and hinders many actions as determined by the situation and stunt description. Your Move is reduced to 1. Swimming and flying creatures are entangled, with similar effects.
- Bound Arms prevent most physical manipulation and the use of weapons and implements. You can still use tackles and head butts for (Body +0) damage or a Tiny Ranged Weapon, but limited to Close range.
- Blinded restricts your awareness, giving you only a rough estimate of objects and creatures in a diameter equal to your Mind; you are insensitive to things beyond this range. Everyone has enough concealment to Sneak on you, and against creatures beyond your perception range, you have to use Reflexes rather than Recon for defense against Recon stunts.
- (or more) Hogtie A hogtied character cannot act physically and can only move one meter as a standard action; no movement is otherwise allowed. This also prevents all Defense actions.
These restraints can be escaped with a Contortions stunt pitting Reflexes against your Melee or burst or destroyed; metal cuffs have a Body of 15 or more. Weapons larger and more unwieldy than a dagger take an attack penalty equal to their damage add when attacking bonds.
Roll Bridge
A roll bridge is a suspension bridge that has been rolled up into a cylindrical roll. Spiking one end to the ground, it can be towed by rope by someone on the other side of the span to be bridged, or it can be thrown a number of meters equal to the thrower's Body as a Feat of Strength. On a failed check the bridge falls short and must be pulled up and then rolled for another throw. The end of the bridge has hooks that attach to allows someone to cross the bridge and spike it down solidly; a successful crossing requires a Maneuver check with a difficulty of 6-15, depending on how what the hooks have to hook onto. Once spiked down, the bridge can carry up to a ton (Body 15). The following things are each a Basic Action when using the bridge: Spiking or undoing one end, attempting a throw, pulling up after a failed throw.
A rutter is a description of a route of travel, offering concrete advice on how to travel and avoid getting lost. This was essential before the advent of Maps. Lack of a map or rutter increased the difficulty of Pathfinding stunts. You need to spend a Limit Break on reading the rutter once per day. You can also use a rutter to find out if you have been going the wrong way. This allows a re-roll on a failed Pathfinding stunt but requires a separate Limit Break. Rutters might not be written works - some are preserved orally as poems or epics. If you have traveled route twice more you are assumed to have knowledge equivalent to a rutter, but actually codifying this experience into a rutter is quite a lot of work.
Secret Compartment
There is a number of medium-sized personal items considered ubiquitous in each culture; briefcases in modern society, saddles in the old west, crucifixes and codpieces at certain other times. Such items can be fitted with secret compartments, perfect for hiding small weapons, reserve funds or other gadgets. In hi-tech or magical junctures, they can be fitted with anti-detection gear as well. A secret compartment like this will pass most searches automatically, only Examine allows a Create roll to discover the compartment.
Throwing Arm
Inherent, Melee or Shoot, Small
A stick with a cup at one end and a handle at the other. The projectile is anchored in the cup and the handle is used to throw. The length of the stick provides extra leverage, allowing a stronger throw. A throwing arm increases the range of a Thrown weapon or Fulminant to Short.
Specialized Intrusion Device
Basic Action, Create, Slick, Medium
As long as you know exactly what traps and alarms you will face during a break-in, it is always possible to create a gadget to take care of each problem. The problem with this is that it can be an adventure in itself to find out what protects your target. A skilled techie can build the perfect tool for every situation. Using this device, that particular lock, trap or alarm can be bypassed automatically, as long as no additional complications crop up. The technology rating of specialized intrusion devices is the same as the Traps or lock it is supposed to bypass. Any tech level can suffice to bypass magical locks and wards.
Short stilts are common as toys and not equivalent to these taller stilts. The stilts described here are double your height. These are tied to the lower leg (A Basic Action), you cannot move normally with the stilts fitted. It takes no free hands to use stilts tied this way, but two hands (or an assistant) are needed to tie or untie them to your leg. Moving on stilts requires a Free Running check with each Basic Action; this check has a minimum difficulty of 5. Stilts increase your Move by one. Free Running difficulties ground that do not entangle, as long as there is a hard ground beneath. Examples include crowds, caltrops, spikes, water, tall grass, and hedgerows but not uneven ground, slick ground, gravel, mud, or vines. Fighting in stilts puts you out of the normal reach of creatures of Body up to three points higher than yours, you cannot Melee attack or be attacked by such creatures. They can still do stunts against you. Reach overcomes this limitation. Standing up from prone with stilts fitted requires a DC 15 Maneuver check unless done from an elevated position or with two assistants.
Basic Action, Create or Ride, Small, Mundane
A small kit containing flint, a hard striker, preferably steel, and some tinder to catch the sparks generated and create a fire. It requires a Create or Ride check of 10 to create a fire in this way in ideal conditions. Similar results can be achieved with a sun lens (DC 8, requires bright sunlight) or fire drill (DC 12); all are difficult ways of creating fire.
Water Feet
Basic Action, Maneuver, Slick, Medium
Outsize pontoons worn on the feet, allowing you to walk on water. Each basic action requires a Maneuver check as if Swimming but you stay dry. You are Static while using Water Feet. If you fall, it is a Limit Break to stand up again - it is usually easier to just swim at this point.
Four spikes pointing out from a core is such a way that at least one point points up when scattered on the ground. A packet of caltrops is about a hundred and will cover four one-meter squares. They need darkness or some concealment, such as grass, to work well.
Caltrops is a Trap based on your Recon. Poisoned caltrops also do either Neurotoxin or Infection damage but are Unreliable unless you have Poisoneer. Caltrops do Piercing damage, but are soaked using Reflexes. If any damage is inflicted, the victim stops dead in his tracks, losing the rest of his movement for that action. Caltrops whose presence is known are less dangerous, the Create difficulty maxes out at 8. Someone moving through known Caltrops can take a Basic Action to be safe during that move.
Combination Weapon
Inherent, Create
This is two weapons built into one. The character can change from one use of the weapon to the other. Any two weapons with similar shape can be combined. Historical examples includes the naginata-staff and pike-longbow. One use of this is to conceal a lethal weapon inside a non lethal (and legal) one. The GM is encouraged to give surprise bonuses when the peaceful staff suddenly turns into a deadly glaive.
Basic Action, Ride, Medium, Mundane, Static
A freely rotating magnet, suspended in liquid, points at magnetic north after stabilizing itself for a few seconds (a Basic Action). This makes Ride checks to avoid getting lost Routine. The compass improves as technology advances. At Clockwork technology, this is no longer a gadget. At Coal technology, it becomes Small. At Combustion technology, it becomes Tiny. At Electronic technology, it is no longer Static.
Basic Action, Body, Medium, Mundane
A crowbar provides a +3 bonus on Body to break open a door and other similar stunts. A crowbar can be uses as a Mace or fitted to the back of a Great Axe as a fire axe.
False Restraints
These are Restraints that can be unlocked with the flick of a hidden switch. They can only be detected for what they are with a close Examination opposed to your [[Create (Action)|Create}}.
A rocket that flies high and explodes in a bright flash and leaves a cloud of smoke. Mainly useful as a signalling device. Flares come in a variety of colors and sizes. A Small flare is visible about a kilometer, a Medium flare about 3 kilometers, and a Large flare is visible 10 km, which is way beyond the horizon as seen from the ground—this is only possible because the flare flies so high. Variant flares emit only smoke and are useful for signalling ground to sky.
Grappling Hook
Basic Action, Melee or Shoot, Mundane, Medium
A hook, usually three-pronged, attached to a hook and throw. On a successful throw, the hook catches and the line can be used to aid in Climbing. The throw itself requires a Melee or Shoot check with Close range. In most cases the difficulty depends on the number of things to catch on and is in the 6-12 range. If an opponent has taken care to make this difficult, the difficulty is the Create of that opponent.
Parasol Shield
Inherent, Dodge, Medium, Slick
This is an elegant silk parasol or umbrella that is sturdy enough to function as a shield in an emergency. Zn emergency weapon, once it has been used as a shield, it no longer looks like a high-class parasol. It takes a successful Examine stunt to recognize it for what it is. Parasol shields can be Large Shields or [Shields], as decided when they are created; either can fold up to be a Medium object.
Smoke Powder
Basic Action, Create, Tiny, Slick
A small black powder charge detonated to create obscuring smoke. It will fill an area ten meters across with tick smoke, imposing a penalty of -1 per meter of distance on most attacks and stunts and confusing scents as well. It can provide concealment to sneak in.
Barbed Wire
Basic Action, Create, Large, Mundane
A roll of barbed wire can be quickly spread behind you as you move, creating a barrier along the path you just moved over. A typical roll of barbed wire forms a barrier 5 meters long when uncoiled. Anchoring the barbed wire to the ground makes it a Limit Break to deploy it. It is an automatic Basic Action to move barbed wire aside unless it has been anchored - it takes a Basic Action and an opposed Create or Maneuver check to remove anchored barbed wire.
Barbed wire is a hindrance to Free Running with a difficulty equal to your Create.
Clockwork Cart
Basic Action, Create, Large, Slick
This is a self-propelled cart, concealed as a barrel or other inconspicuous object. It is capable of carrying ten kilos or so over flat floors and perhaps one kilo over rough ground. Variants can be constructed to traverse pipes and other areas humans can't go, climb, float, or even fly or jump very short distances. One use of the device is to carry a bomb into enemy territory. Another use could be to fetch some item in a high-security area or past bars or grilles impassable to humans.
Clockwork carts are built for one specific task and cannot be reprogrammed. It is similar to a Specialized Intrusion Device in that it is designed to solve a very specific problem, and the device is not capable of tacking any unexpected problems that crop up. Under these limitations the device will travel along a predetermined route (Move 3), sneaking and using security with the creator's Create skill.
Clockwork Knight
Basic Action, Create, Large, Slick
This is a suit of medieval full armor powered by a clockwork engine. It fights furiously if blindly, and can be a real danger in an enclosed space or if its nature is not realized. It takes a Create or Melee check against the creator's Create to identify a Clockwork Knight for what it is.
The device has a number of points to distribute between Body and Reflexes equal to the creators Create (minimum 5 each) and 5 points of armor. It's Melee is equal to the creator's Create, and it can use this value to defend from Melee from it's front. It is usually armed with a Greatsword, for Body +5 damage. All other skills and attributes are zero. If its nature is known, it is vulnerable to a number of stunts, the simplest of which is simply moving around to its defenseless rear side. A clockwork knight can be placed on a remote-controlled rotating dais to alleviate this problem.
Foothold Trap
Limit break, Ride, Medium, Mundane
A mechanism that traps the foot of a creature that steps on it with iron jaws. The trap is concealed with leaves or similar and fastened by a chain to a solid object such as a pole, rock, or tree. This is a Trap. Trap operates as if set by someone with a Create equal to your Ride, doing Cutting damage. If any damage is inflicted, the target is also Grabbed. An intelligent creature can escape the Grab with a Disable Mechanism stunt with a difficulty equal to half your Ride while an animal generally can't free itself.
Grapnel Bolt
This is a bolt, rifle grenade, or (more rarely) arrow that extends grapnels on impact to function as a Grappling Hook using Shoot with Short range. If fired from a bow, or against a surface of higher tech level than the Grapnel Bolt, the check to fasten the bolt is Stymied.
Life Preserver
Basic Action, Maneuver, Medium, Mundane
A buoyant vest worn to prevent drowning Putting on or taking off a life preserver is a Basic Action. It makes Swim checks Routine, as long as you stay on the surface. However, you cannot both move and act in water using one of these, even of you have some other ability that would normally allow this.
Basic Action, Ride, Small, Mundane
A map is an updated version of a Rutter and simplifies navigation; it is only a Basic Action to use a map. Drawing a map is much more complex than compiling a rutter, and requires advanced gemometry. Lack of a map or rutter increased the difficulty of Pathfinding stunts. You can use a map to find out if you have been going the wrong way. This allows a re-roll on a failed Pathfinding stunt.
Money Belt
Basic Action, Charm, Small, Slick, Mundane
A most unusual money belt developed for those whose security needs are more stringent than average, this article is constructed from high quality leather, with a large (usually U-shaped) buckle with a single spike. Twisting the spike for a few turns reveals an extremely sharp blade concealed within the spike sheath. This blade is used to force open a hairline crack in the buckle. Within the buckle is a handle for the blade. Using this tool, the agent measures off two-inch segments of the belt, starting at the buckle. Each two-inch segment contains about a dozen bills of mixed denominations in a different currency or a few gold coins. By cutting through the stitching, the agent can gain access to emergency currency for upwards of a dozen nations. At the Clockwork tech level bills are replaced by banknotes.
Pogo Stick
A pogo stick is a spring-loaded device used to hop and is normally regarded as a child's toy. It consists of a pole with hand and footholds and a spring-loaded piston inside. The user holds it with at least one hand hand stands on the foot bar. It is drawn and stowed as if it were a weapon. A pogo stick provides "cheat" for Jump stunts and makes Maneuver checks to bypass Interference Routine.
Shadow Cabinet
A shadow cabinet is a mechanical theatrical display. Setting it up or re-packing it is a Limit Break. A normal shadow cabinet works much like a puppet show, but by back-lighting, it can project shadows on a wall, giving people that see the shadows the impression the events are real. This only works in deep darkness. A Sound Box can enhance the illusion. A Shadow Cabinet can either be hand cranked or use a spring mechanism - the later continues to work until the end of the round and then ends, but can only make one specific performance decided when the Shadow Cabinet is created. Higher tech level shadow cabinets have stronger lights that allow them to work in a murk.
Skeleton Key
Many locks have similar design, determined by local availability. Such locks can be unlocked with a single key taking advantage of mechanical similarities. A set of skeleton keys are used with Disable Mechanism stunts. If the GM judges that the lock is one for which you have a Skeleton Key, you start with one Advantage. Locks at Blacksmith technology and earlier are insufficiently standardized for a skeleton key to work.
Sound Box
Basic Action, Create, Medium, Mundane
A sound box is a system of bellows, pipes, membranes and other parts used to produce a specific set of sounds. This can be a melody, a siren, horn and drum signals, a simulated fight, animal sounds, and similar non-verbal sounds. A Sound Box can either be hand cranked or use a spring mechanism - the later limits the volume of sound, but the sounds continue until the end of the round. What sounds a music box makes is decided when it is created and cannot be changed except by redesign. Higher tech level sound boxes can play more complex, recorded sounds.
A pair of sturdy springs worn on the feet. The springs provide assistance to jump. Moving on spring-heels requires a Free Running check with each Basic Action; this check has a minimum difficulty of 5. By increasing the Free Running check by 5 (this can add to the normal difficulty or the minimum difficulty of 6), you can move an additional time with a Basic Action, allowing double movement (or triple movement with a Full Move. In a chase scene, your effective Move increases by 2. Moving on spring-heels is strenuous, equivalent of constantly running even when moving slowly. Taking spring heels on or off is a Basic Action.
Basic Action, Recon & Ride, Medium, Mundane, Slick
A spyglass magnifies the object looked at, allowing a greater distance to the target. Add 3 to the Outcome of a successful Scan and Surveillance stunts, but only when the target's approximate location is known. If looking at the wrong location, the advantage goes to the enemy.
Sword Cane
Inherent, Melee, Small, Mundane
A sword hidden inside a stout walking stick. The stick itself is a Baton but a lethal Smallsword can be pulled forth. This is mainly a way to smuggle a blade where they are not allowed, but also a way for a gentleman to be prepared without sacrificing style.
Inherent, Maneuver, Large, Mundane
A wheelchair allows a practiced rider to move normally on flat ground without using the legs. A character in a wheelchair needs both hands to move and is Static. An assistant can push the wheelchair, freeing the rider's hands. You are Stymied on Free Running stunts. A wheelchair ignores ground-based hazards like caltrops.
Camouflage Net
Basic Action, Ride, Medium, Mundane
A loose net of differently colored strips matching the local environment, a camouflage net turns Camouflaging something human-sized into a Basic Action.
Garrote Watch
Pulling on the time setting stem until it clicks allows the wearer to set the time on his watch as he normally would. Pulling the stem beyond this point releases two finger grips which detach from the watch casing. Holding the watch by the reinforced watchband, the wearer pulls on the finger grips to expose a length of strong, thin wire. This wire can be used as a Garrote or as a saw wire.
Grappling Cane
Basic Action, Shoot, Medium, Slick
Concealed as a metal headed walking stick is a spring-loaded grappling hook and cable. The cable can be shot to it's full length of 20 meters, and requires heavy gloves or the winding mechanism in the stick to climb on, as it is to thin for bare hands. When using the winding mechanism, the stick is flexed back and forth, pulling the character up the line like a windlass.
Reflective Stealth Suit
Basic Action, Maneuver, Medium
Looking somewhat like a suit of plate armor made out of flat mirrored surfaces, a reflective stealth suit can be used to make you invisible by reflecting selected parts of your environment. It allows Snake stunts without cover or concealment, but this stealth only works in one direction; if there are two observers 90 degrees or more apart you can only hide from one of them. This gadget is sometimes combined with armor.
Suction Cups
Made of elastic alchemical materials, suction cups adhere well to any perfectly smooth surface. A set is worn on hands and feet to allow easy climbing on perfectly smooth surfaces which are normally impossible to climb, such as sheer ice, glass, or a wall of force. They do not help on other surfaces.
Truth Drug
An injected substance that makes the victim suggestible and easier to question. Allows the use of Know for Good Cop Routine and Bad Cop Routine stunts.
Inherent, Create, Large, Slick
A metal tube usually worn slung over the shoulder. When the seals at end end are removed, it deploys a mechanical hand and work light at one end and a vision port and manipulator glove at the other. This allows you to operate the mechanical hand remotely, performing delicate operations at what is hopefully a safe distance. Deploying or packing the device is a Basic Action. If the arm is to reach through a small hole or otherwise into a precarious position, that requires another Basic Action and may require a Create check as well.
Detonator Watch
Basic Action, Create, Tiny, Slick
This can be a pocket or arm watch. Pressing twice on the watch face releases the back plate, revealing two long strands (each about 4 meters) of ultra-thin fuse and two blasting caps. There is a small amount of explosive, enough to use the Demolish stunt once.
Explosive Belt
Basic Action, Create, Small, Slick
Simultaneously twisting and pulling on the belt buckle will release the catch mechanism, opening the compartment in the buckle. Inside the belt buckle are two blasting caps, and a single-charge "burst" battery to provide power to detonate the caps. The back end of the prong is sharpened to provide a minimal cutting edge. The prong is used to cut open the back of the belt, inside of which are 30 feet of very thin wire and enough plastic explosive to allow a single use of the Demolitionist schtick. The belt is made to resemble alligator hide or similar material, to help mask its rather thick appearance.
Geiger Counter Watch
Basic Action, Create, Tiny, Slick
The sweep hand of the watch gives a reading of the radioactivity, 12 o'clock representing no appreciable radioactivity, and any other hour reading indicating the damage value of exposure. The sweep hand would lock at 11 o'clock should radioactivity ever get that high, which is extraordinarily unlikely. Most nuclear materials will have radioactivity which range from 1 o'clock to 7 o'clock, depending on how they are stored. The watch is waterproof.
Basic Action, Ride, Small, Slick, Mundane
This device receives signal from satellites and uses them to calculate your location, coordinates you can then plot on a map. Larger or higher tech versions display your coordinates on an internal map. You need the codes that allows you to interpret satellite transmissions, but this is assumed to be available if you have this as a gadget.
Magnetic Watch
Basic Action, Create, Tiny, Slick
Inside this watch is a tiny, powerful electromagnet. It is activated by pressing the setting stem twice. The magnet will attract any iron within 3 meters. Small objects (100 grams or less) will fly to the watch; objects between up to a kilo in weight will be jerked in the direction of the watch; and objects greater than a kilo in weight must be able to move without friction to be drawn to the magnet. The watch's power source lasts only a single Basic Action once activated and cannot be changed in the field.
Marble Grenades
Basic Action, Create, Small, Slick
These tiny grenades, each the size of a marble and slightly mold-able like clay, are made of an experimental substance which detonate into a miniature explosion when it impacts on a surface with sufficient force. The common method of use is to scatter them on a floor where a pursuing enemy will step on them.
A packet of marble grenades is about a hundred, will cover five one-meter squares and can be spread with a Basic Action. They need darkness or some concealment, such as grass, to work well.
Marble grenades is a Trap. Marble grenades whose presence is known are less dangerous, the difficulty is only 5. Running through a field of marble grenades is dangerous even if their presence is known, forcing the runner to rely on Reflexes alone. Marble grenades do Impact damage equal to your Create.
A line-throwing unit for emergencies such as a man overboard, or perhaps throwing a rope over the Berlin Wall. In appearance, the device is a cylinder with a carrying handle and a trigger housing at the top. Removing the front end of the cylinder reveals the rocket to which is tethered 30 meters of specially prepared rope.
Phosphorescent Powder
Basic Action, Create, Tiny, Slick
This dust looks innocuous but glows distinctively under ultraviolet light. It adheres to whatever it touches. Agents use this substance to trap thieves and trace people. For example, a bureau which suspected one of its employees of purloining files might falsely label some document "secret" and sprinkle it with this powder. Later, counterespionage agents would examine the hands of employees under a black light to see who touched the document. Alternatively, one can arrange for surveillance targets to touch this substance, and then use an ultraviolet light to find out what the suspect has touched. When spread on a section of ground, will adhere to the feet of anyone passing through the area.
Assume that a sprinkling of this powder marks all people who touch the contaminated object or document. These people then leave traces on other objects for 1d6 hours. Placed on shoes or tires, this dust marks a trail for up to 1,000 meters. Tracing dust remains on the skin for 1d6 days under normal conditions. However, thorough scrubbing can remove this powder.
Audio Compass
Basic Action, Ride, Small, Slick
This is an electronic compass which indicates north with a soft beep or discreetly flashing light. It is useful in the dark. A variant uses vibration and is silent, though more difficult to read.
Inertial Locator
Basic Action, Ride, Small, Slick, Mundane
A gyro compass connected to a computer that keeps track of movement. Whit this gimmick, you can always tell how far you have traveled from the point of origin, as well as retrace your exact steps. It is not dependent on satellites or other points of reference, but when disconnected from such the reading slowly declines over time.
Infrared Goggles
A bulky apparatus which straps over the head. It allows characters to see by the light of an infrared projector similar to a flaslight (included), negating penalties for darkness up to 30 meters away and larger ones illuminating further out. The illumination is easily spotted up to ten times as far away by infrared sensors or others wearing infrared goggles, but such are rare in this period. Ignore darkness for Scan and Keep Watch stunts in the illuminated area. Higher tech level versions are Tiny and less fragile.
Jet Pack
A backpack-mounted rocket, the jet pack allows individual flight of short duration (1-5 minutes depending on model) at Move 9. Due to the instability of the device, it requires constant effort to maintain; the user needs to take a Basic Action to fly it on each of his actions.
Laser Microphone
Basic Action, Create, Medium, Slick
A laser microphone turns any window into a bug. These devices work by reflecting an invisible laser beam off the glass, picking up vibrations caused by speech. Normal bug detectors cannot sense a laser mike. However, such precautions as playing loud music or running the faucets drown conversation. A laser microphone has a range of 50 meters.
Long Range Microphone
This device uses a parabolic dish to concentrate sound. It can pick up speech at a range of 1,500 meters. This device can intercept even whispered speech at 100 meters. Halve these ranges under noisy conditions, and halve again if there is a breeze. Stronger winds make the device impossible to use.
Night Goggles
Basic Action, Recon, Small, Slick
Night Goggles are military grade night-vision goggles. During the darkest night, the light amplifier will give the impression of twilight, extending the range of vision to 50 meters. Ignore darkness for Scan and Keep Watch stunts. In total dark interiors the device does not work. At Fusion technology this item is called Lowlite Glasses and becomes Large and Tiny.
Optic Fiber Code
Limit Break, Create, Medium, Slick
A clever device the size and shape of a jeweler's glass. The lens of the decoder consists of over 500,000 optic fibers bent in a unique fashion. Each decoder corresponds with one and only one encoder.
To encode a message, a technician selects an intense color (a bright red-orange, for example) which is to be used for the coded message. A short message of less than 100 words is written in this color. The encoder photographs the message through the fibers, thereby scrambling the message into a series of apparently random orange dots. These dots are then spaced further apart, but the relative space between the dots is retained. The dots are inserted into a photograph or printed as part of a color picture. An agent in the field merely scans the stationery with the decoder until the encoded message is found.
Rotary Saw Watch
Basic Action, Create, Small, Slick
This is a rather large pocket or wrist watch. A discrete pressure point in the watch casing releases the blade and simultaneously activates the miniature motor powering the saw. The saw can cut through steel at the rate of half an inch per minute. The power supply will be exhausted in 10 minutes.
Umbrella Radio
Basic Action, Create, Medium, Slick
The unfolded umbrella works as the antenna, while the rather heavy handle holds the electronics. The transmission microphone is located at the top of the umbrella handle. The umbrella radio has an additional component, a small ear piece which is necessary to amplify the volume of the received transmissions. The transmission range only a kilometer or so. The equipment is powered by small batteries which have sufficient charge an hour of operation.
Night Sight Lens
This is a huge lens worn as a faceplate before the eyes. It is an optic light amplification system, usually incorporated in a full helmet. During the darkest night, the Night Sight Lens will give the impression of twilight. Ignore darkness for Scan stunts, but not for other purposes.
Automated Lockpick
Basic Action, Create, Small, Slick
A expert system on locks and security. It has a Create skill of 12 for Breaking and Entering tasks only.
Automated Medkit
Basic Action, Know, Small, Slick
A medical expert system and drug dispersal unit. Attach it to a wounded area, and it will suture the wound, inject appropriate drugs and warn if the wound becomes infected. It has a Know of 12 for First Aid tasks only.
Currency Emulator
Basic Action, Create, Medium, Slick
This is basically an advanced adaptive copier. Put any paper currency in the "in" slot, and the machine will pour wads of it out the other end. The emulated bills are of the same type, but different in terms of wear, serial numbers et al. It is impossible for a casual observer to tell an emulated bill from the real thing.
Basic Action or Limit Break, Charm, Small, Slick
Often mounted as a belt buckle or jewelry, this device creates a holographic image around the user, totally altering his appearance. This is only a visual illusion. Senses other than sight, as well as many sensors, see right through the illusion. The holofield must be programmed with the movement patterns and mannerisms of each new user/appearance combination, this takes a Limit Break. Changing between registered patterns is just a Basic Action, as is mimicking any desired clothing for a user who's mannerisms are registered.
A cheaper variant of the holofield known as the Cinderella Holosuit only projects clothing, allowing your clothes to change over time, or the thrill of going to a party stark naked while appearing to be properly dressed. This device does not count as an item schtick.
Sensor Vest
A lightweight vest that can be worn under a coat or sweater (but over armor), the sensor vest has amazing detection capabilities. It works by a complex combination of radar, sonar and seismic sensors. It can "see" straight through smoke , mist, or darkness out to 50 meters. Inside Create meters, it can detect movements even through concrete walls. Information is displayed on a handheld or wrist-mounted screen or fed to a HUD.
Smoke Screen Mask
Basic Action, Create, Small, Slick
A Smoke Screen Mask is an air filter and a pair of light amplification goggles tuned to a specific frequency of light. Smoke screens can be tailored to block all light except this specific frequency, so a character using a Smoke Screen Mask can see through his own smoke screens and those designed to be compatible with his mask.
Targeting Glasses
Basic Action, Shoot, Small, Slick
Heads-Up glasses or visor visor coupled to an advanced tactical computer connected to a gun with electronics sights (included in the package) wirelessly or (more secure) by cable. By observing a target and letting the computer to analyze its movement, the device allows Aim stunts even when you and the target are moving and you retain the bonus even when you take other actions, but you must use the targeting glasses again once you have used the bonus.
Freeze Shield
Trigger Action (Defense), Dodge, Small, Slick
This can have dramatic effects on a setting and should be introduced with care. The best weapon to use against a Freeze Shield is a melee weapon with many special abilities. If freeze shields are common in a particular setting, they are likely to greatly change how wars are fought, making melee the most viable attack and reducing guns to obscurity. Freeze Shields work through temporal flux; when something that moves too fast or has too much energy approaches the shield, it momentarily freezes time, rendering the user invulnerable but immobile for a split second to deflect the attack. Someone protected by this looks like a perfectly reflective mirrored statue. For the wearer, the only indication is a moment of lost time, as if seeing the world under a strobe light that blinked just once. The shield activates on any successful hit, and reduces the base damage of any attack to zero. In the case of melee weapons, damage is reduced to the Body of the wielder. You still add attack outcome to this as normal. Each shot in which this shield activates counts as a trigger action. This is not so much because the shield takes time to use as it is because of the disorientation caused by the temporal freeze. The shield still works when the user is out of shots. Freeze shields do not work along with any type of armor.
Morph Field
Basic Action or Limit Break, Charm, Small, Slick
Often mounted as a belt buckle or jewelry, this device morphs the user, alerting his physical form through the Abensteiner Biognition System (ABS). The transformation cannot be detected by touch or ordinary sensors. The morph field must be programmed with the movement patterns and mannerisms of each new user/appearance combination, this takes a Limit Break. Changing between registered patterns is just a Basic Action, as is mimicking any desired clothing and accessories for a user who's mannerisms are registered.
Phase Shield
Trigger Action (Defense), Dodge, Small, Slick
A phase shield works by shifting the user to hyperspace whenever he is threatened by an attack. This makes the user semi-transparent and intangible. Each shot in which this shield activates counts as a trigger action. This is not so much because the shield takes time to use as it is because you cannot interact with physical reality. The shield still works when the user is out of shots. The shield activates whenever the user would normally have been hit by an attack. When active, the shield improves the user's Dodge by +5. There is no certainty that this will be enough to avoid the attack, but at least it will make it less effective.