Fortubo (Greyhawk Action)

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Greyhawk Action!

Lawful Good

Fortubo was once a Suel god, but forsook them for their many sins. He is still included in lists of traditional Suel gods, but has no temples of his own in their lands; among Dwarves he is an honored adopted god of hills and nature above ground.

Fortubo (for-TOO-boh) was once a Suel god but abandoned that race in favor of dwarves when he found that the Suel were responsible for the creation of the evil derro. He is friendly with the gods of the dwarven pantheon but avoids all other gods except his brother Jascar. His holy symbol is a glowing-headed hammer, and his personal weapon is a great hammer named Golbi that returns to his hand when thrown and is said to be a gift from the dwarf god Moradin. He is shown as a small bearded Suel man who resembles a dwarf.

Focus on your tasks. Do not allow yourself to lie distracted by other careers or concerns outside of protecting the community. Feel the your kinship with the stone and do not cut it more than what your community needs. Commit no theft, murder, or evil, for they will shackle the dwarven people more strongly than any chains.

Fortubo protects dwarven communities and welcomes clerics of either sex, especially married couples. Fortubo's clerics plan defenses to the smallest detail and are more than willing to shoulder more than their share of the responsibility if they feel anyone else involved is incapable of pulling their weight. They search for orcs and goblins, which they feel harm the earth with their pointless tunneling. Any hammer will serve as a holy symbol. Married pairs of clerics are said to be especially blessed by Fortubo and their children are born with exceptional insight and endurance.

Alignment: Lawful Good

Weapon: Longhammer, dwarven

Pathfinder Domains

Artifice, Earth, Good, Law, Protection.

Pathfinder Traits

Action Domains

Earth, Life, Metal, Order, Spiritual.