Create Schticks (Action)

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Heroic Action Role-Play



You can plan and lead the construction of buildings, from hovels to places and large dungeons. You have an intuitive understanding of such projects, and can make educated guesses about where to find hidden chambers, where corridors lead and where to find rooms of a certain description. You can deduce where traps and defensive works should be placed, based on the use of different chambers.

All these tasks are Routine to you. When examining the plans of a building, you can deduce the location of such things as if you were actually there, looking for them.



You have mastered one particular craft. This can be swordsmithing, woodcarving, painting, or any one pretty specific profession. In this you are a true master, able to craft extraordinary items of grace and quality; Tinkering rolls in your area of specialty are Routine, and anything you create is of at least Artwork construction without increasing the difficulty (a higher construction level still pays full cost).



Improves the Break Object and Demolish and stunts by adding one to the Create skill multiples for each action; Break Object uses Create *2 and Demolish *2 or *3 depending on the situation.



You are a master at finding technical solutions to practical problems. There is no practical problem that cannot be solved by building a device - tough it can sometimes take 10 years and a ten thousand workers to finish the project.

Create tasks that involve building or using machinery or devices to solve immediate practical problems are Routine to you. This can involve some Tinkering and Power Experiment projects. Engineer does not apply to asks governed by other Create Schticks, such as Security.

Jury Rig


You are a master of scrounging and improvising tools and parts. Hair pins and chewing gum work as well as tweeters and soldering in your hands. Tin foil, burned out light bulbs, and cans serve you as spare parts. As long as you can make entertaining technobabble about it, are effectively never without basic tools for Create tasks, including Tinkering.

Let Me Work!

Trigger Action (Focus)

Whenever you are working on a project and attacked, distracted, or disturbed and keep working on your project rather than react to external stimuli, you can focus. Trigger Actions are allowed. If you act on the situation at hand later in the round, you lose this focus.

Magic Pockets

Basic Action

You have the uncanny ability to always carry the right gear. At any time you can make a Create roll to see if you just happen to find the right thing stashed away. The difficulty depends on the oddity of the gear; everyday gear is automatic, specialized tools and gear you need for your adventuring career is difficulty 9, gear others need for their careers is 12, out-of context gear that you could possibly have gotten your hands on is difficulty 15, and true rarities are difficulty 18 and up. You must also have some plausible way to fit the gear; you can take larger items out of your pickup than out of your pockets, and you can only try once in a particular situation. If a roll indicates you don't have it in your pocket, you just don't, but you could still have it in your car, or in your workshop, or in your friends workshop over on Westside.


Limit Break

You can break into the most advanced safes if you just have enough time. All Breaking & Entering difficulties are halved.


Basic Action

You are familiar with security measures of all types: locks, alarms and traps. All Breaking & Entering and Disarm Trap tasks are Routine to you as long as you have the appropriate tools. You can attempt these tasks even without tools, but then rolls are not routine. You can Examine stunts as a Basic Action.

Set Trap

Limit Break

You can set traps and alarms given the right equipment and circumstances. Alarms are fairly straightforard; they can be local loud alarms or remote, silent alarms depending on resources. Typical traps are weapons, snares, and pitfalls but they can also be built around powers you can use. A trap does damage equal to your Create. A snare trap steals shots equal to the attack outcome; on an outcome equal to the targets Reflexes he is rendered helpless. A pitfall causes a normal fall.

When the trap attacks, make a Create roll against the Dodge of the victim, with the usual +3 bonus for being hidden. A trap can be found with Scan and is automatically found when using Examine. Once found, traps are much less effective as there is no surprise bonus and targets can take trigger action defenses.

Signature Gear


You have a piece of equipment that you are closely associated with, to the degree that it has become part f your persona. People associate you with this piece of gear, and you seem somehow naked or incomplete without it. This is a unique item, such as the sword bestowed upon you by your liege, the armor of your sacred order, the shotgun your grandmother bequeathed to you to hunt werewolves with, or the plane inherited from your dead war buddy.

  • You can own and operate this item legally even if it would normally be beyond your means, illegal, or require some special license.
  • People also tend to not question your right to take it along; unless the GM makes a montage of how it is taken, the item stays with you. It can also pop up in the unlikeliest places seemingly on its own.
  • It is harder to steal or disarm you of the item; it takes an Outcome equal to your Create to do so. Even if it is stolen, it always crops up later - it is never permanently lost.
  • The item is tougher than normal, having a minimum Toughness score equal to your Create. If the item is naturally tougher than Toughness 10, add the item's normal Toughness to your Create and subtract 10 to get the enhanced value. Even when seemingly destroyed, the item can always be repaired.


Limit Break

You have knowledge of fashions of your time and understanding of what can be worn when and to provoke which reaction. This lets you make a dress and toilette for every occasion, and also gives you the savvy to dress oddly without causing a scandal. You have the presence and fame to create fashion trends. You are notorious in fashionable circles. This most commonly applies to dress and toilette, but it can apply to art, architecture, cuisine and other cultural traits as well.

You can take a Limit Break to dress up or spruce up an outfit.

  • You can temporarily exchange a subjects Charm and Impress skill, changing the impression they make on others. Only the values used for skill rolls change; the subject still uses his normal values as defense against stunts. This lasts for a couple of hours or until the target chooses to end the effect.
  • Anyone attempting to use a disguise you helped create treat Charm rolls to maintain the role as Routine, and can impersonate specific persons and other races or genders without wearing bulky clothes.
  • A makeup created for a specific social situation makes that situation Routine. This can be dressing up for a date, TV interview, board meeting or other specific social situation, generally no more than a scene in length. This only applies to the situation as it was expected to develop; if the interview turns into a hostage drama this bonus no longer applies.



When you Scan for traps, you get a +3 modifier.