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==Detect Air==
{{:Detect Technique Description (Action Powers)}}
''[[Template:Detect-Air (Action Powers) | (Open Detect Air]])''
==[[Detect Air (Action Powers) | Detect Air]]==
{{Template:Detect-Air (Action Powers)}}
==Detect Earth==
{{:Detect Air (Action Powers)}}
''[[Template:Detect-Earth (Action Powers) | (Open Detect Earth]])''
==[[Detect Earth (Action Powers) | Detect Earth]]==
{{Template:Detect-Earth (Action Powers)}}
==Detect Fire==
{{:Detect Earth (Action Powers)}}
''[[Template:Detect-Fire (Action Powers) | (Open Detect Fire]])''
==[[Detect Fire (Action Powers) | Detect Fire]]==
{{Template:Detect-Fire (Action Powers)}}
==Detect Water==
{{:Detect Fire (Action Powers)}}
''[[Template:Detect-Water (Action Powers) | (Open Detect Water]])''
==[[Detect Water (Action Powers) | Detect Water]]==
{{Template:Detect-Water (Action Powers)}}
==Detect Animal==
{{:Detect Water (Action Powers)}}
''[[Template:Detect-Animal (Action Powers) | (Open Detect Animal]])''
==[[Detect Animal (Action Powers) | Detect Animal]]==
{{Template:Detect-Animal (Action Powers)}}
==Detect Plant==
{{:Detect Animal (Action Powers)}}
''[[Template:Detect-Plant (Action Powers) | (Open Detect Plant]])''
==[[Detect Plant (Action Powers) | Detect Plant]]==
{{Template:Detect-Plant (Action Powers)}}
==Detect Ice==
{{:Detect Plant (Action Powers)}}
''[[Template:Detect-Ice (Action Powers) | (Open Detect Ice]])''
==[[Detect Ice (Action Powers) | Detect Ice]]==
{{Template:Detect-Ice (Action Powers)}}
==Detect Illusion==
{{:Detect Ice (Action Powers)}}
''[[Template:Detect-Illusion (Action Powers) | (Open Detect Illusion]])''
==[[Detect Illusion (Action Powers) | Detect Illusion]]==
{{Template:Detect-Illusion (Action Powers)}}
==Detect Dark==
{{:Detect Illusion (Action Powers)}}
''[[Template:Detect-Dark (Action Powers) | (Open Detect Dark]])''
==[[Detect Dark (Action Powers) | Detect Dark]]==
{{Template:Detect-Dark (Action Powers)}}
==Detect Flux==
{{:Detect Dark (Action Powers)}}
''[[Template:Detect-Flux (Action Powers) | (Open Detect Flux]])''
==[[Detect Flux (Action Powers) | Detect Flux]]==
{{Template:Detect-Flux (Action Powers)}}
==Detect Order==
{{:Detect Flux (Action Powers)}}
''[[Template:Detect-Order (Action Powers) | (Open Detect Order]])''
==[[Detect Order (Action Powers) | Detect Order]]==
{{Template:Detect-Order (Action Powers)}}
==Detect Light==
{{:Detect Order (Action Powers)}}
''[[Template:Detect-Light (Action Powers) | (Open Detect Light]])''
==[[Detect Light (Action Powers) | Detect Light]]==
{{Template:Detect-Light (Action Powers)}}
==Detect Gifts==
{{:Detect Light (Action Powers)}}
''[[Template:Detect-Gifts (Action Powers) | (Open Detect Gifts]])''
==[[Detect Gifts (Action Powers) | Detect Gifts]]==
{{Template:Detect-Gifts (Action Powers)}}
==Detect Magic==
{{:Detect Gifts (Action Powers)}}
''[[Template:Detect-Magic (Action Powers) | (Open Detect Magic]])''
==[[Detect Magic (Action Powers) | Detect Magic]]==
{{Template:Detect-Magic (Action Powers)}}
==Detect Divine==
{{:Detect Magic (Action Powers)}}
''[[Template:Detect-Divine (Action Powers) | (Open Detect Divine]])''
==[[Detect Divine (Action Powers) | Detect Divine]]==
{{Template:Detect-Divine (Action Powers)}}
==Detect Tech==
{{:Detect Divine (Action Powers)}}
''[[Template:Detect-Tech (Action Powers) | (Open Detect Tech]])''
==[[Detect Tech (Action Powers) | Detect Tech]]==
{{Template:Detect-Tech (Action Powers)}}
==Detect Death==
{{:Detect Tech (Action Powers)}}
''[[Template:Detect-Death (Action Powers) | (Open Detect Death]])''
==[[Detect Death (Action Powers) | Detect Death]]==
{{Template:Detect-Death (Action Powers)}}
==Detect Life==
{{:Detect Death (Action Powers)}}
''[[Template:Detect-Life (Action Powers) | (Open Detect Life]])''
==[[Detect Life (Action Powers) | Detect Life]]==
{{Template:Detect-Life (Action Powers)}}
==Detect Mind==
{{:Detect Life (Action Powers)}}
''[[Template:Detect-Mind (Action Powers) | (Open Detect Mind]])''
==[[Detect Mind (Action Powers) | Detect Mind]]==
{{Template:Detect-Mind (Action Powers)}}
==Detect Time==
{{:Detect Mind (Action Powers)}}
''[[Template:Detect-Time (Action Powers) | (Open Detect Time]])''
==[[Detect Time (Action Powers) | Detect Time]]==
{{Template:Detect-Time (Action Powers)}}
[[Category:Action]][[Category:Action Powers]]
{{:Detect Time (Action Powers)}}

Revision as of 11:46, 20 November 2007

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Heroic Action Role-Play

Detects or analyzes the form, or uses the form to gather information in some way.

All detect powers have one limitation; they create an image in the user's mind, and using the same power again will not contradict or enhance this image. Thus you cannot re-try a detect power that failed to acheive a desired result.

Detect Air

Analyze Air

Basic Action

You can analyze the properties of any gas within reach, even if the gas is inside a container or otherwise separated from you. You learn the exact composition and properties of the gas and whether it has been affected by any powers recently.

You can sense the presence of gas at a distance. Make a skill roll and multiply the result by 10; this is the range in meters. Normally, you detect any type of gas (not normally very useful), but by concentrating on a particular type of gas you can eliminate all others.

Finally, you can use this to predict the weather and to sense if a weather pattern is natural or the result of power use.


Limit Break

As a preparation for using this power, you prepare a number of arrows, writing a possible answer to a question on each arrow. You must also add at least one blank arrow to the mix. When using this power, you ask a question and draw an arrow; it the power was successful, the arrow with the most relevant and correct answer will be drawn. If none of the answers were relevant or correct, you will draw a blank arrow.

Belomancy can only answer questions about things you will encounter within the next six hours, and can only give out information you would automatically notice during such encounters. Typical questions include "Which way to the dragon" or "what monster will I meet behind this door". Deeply analytical questions, such as "Who killed the duke", "what is the nature of life" or "should I get married" always draw a blank.

The difficulty of the check is either 5 + the number of arrows in the quiver, or the Spot of whoever the divination is directed against. As an alternative, a single arrow can be tossed in the air, if it is a direction you want. This has a minimum difficulty of 10.

Touch of Air


You gain an awareness of the air within your Mind meters. This extends your sense of touch to this distance, which means you can "see" without using your eyes. This sense does not extend through a gas-tight barrier, but does extend around corners.

Detect Earth

Analyze Earth

Basic Action

You can analyze the properties of any solid object within reach. You learn the exact composition and properties of the object and whether it has been affected by any powers recently.

You can sense the presence of solid objects at a distance. Make a skill roll and multiply the result by 10; this is the range in meters. Normally, you detect any type of solid object (not normally very useful), but by concentrating on a particular shape or composition you can eliminate all others. This lets you locate either objects of a basic shape (such as pistols or wheels) or specific substances (such as gunpowder or rubber).

Finally, you can use this to predict tremors and other seismic phenomena and to sense if they are natural or the result of power use.

Knowledge Stone

Limit Break

You imbue a stone with the ability to sense and store information. You need a man-size chunk of stone, a fist-sized rock crystal, or a tiny gem to enchant it this way. To interact with a knowledge stone requires concentration, even when just communicating. To someone passing by or ignoring it, a knowledge stone is inert. An knowledge stone can be set to buzz slightly when active in order to attract attention.

There are basically four ways to use a knowledge stone. The first is as a recording device useful as a camera or for spying. By leaving a knowledge stone in a location and instructing it to record, you can later return or retrieve the stone to watch what happened in its vicinity. Second, you can set it as a display, showing a message to anyone. The third is as an information storage device; recording and retrieving information like a a journal or library would. The fourth is as a communication device; by attuning (a separate Limit Break when holding two Knowledge Stones) it becomes possible to communicate verbally and visually.



You can sense and target objects and creatures within Mind meters, as long as you have a connection trough solid objects between yourself and what you are perceiving. This prevents Sneaking by moving creatures.

X-Ray Eyes

Basic Action

You can see through solid objects, especially sand, earth, or stone. This allows you to find buried treasures, traps and hidden doors with ease.

The difficulty of seeing through a wall or barrier is 5 plus its armor value. If it is made of earth, sand, or stone you can see one meter per point of outcome through a barrier, otherwise you can only see through one-tenth of that.

Detect Fire

Analyze Fire

Basic Action

You can analyze the properties of any fire within range, even if it is inside a container or otherwise separated from you. Combustion includes any energy releasing chemical or nuclear reaction, including the digestion of food in living creatures. You learn what is burning, how hot it is, what damage it can do, what type and how much fuel it uses and how long the fuel will last and any other mundane detail you can come up with about fire. You also learn whether it has been affected by any powers recently.

You can sense the presence of fire at a distance. Make a skill roll and multiply the result by 10; this is the range in meters. Normally, you detect any type of fire, but by concentrating on a particular type (by such factors as fuel, temperature, origin etc) you can eliminate all others.

Fiery Visions

Limit Break

You can see trough any open flame. You must either know the flame is there, or focus on an area to see trough the largest flame present there. A larger flame gives you a clearer vision. Considering how ubiquitous fire is in most fantasy settings, this is quite handy, especially if used at evening gathering hours. Range is your Mind in kilometers but there are no range modifiers. The power lets you look through several fires wit each use, letting you look around for the information you seek.

To gain information this way you make an opposed check against the targets' Recon. You gain valuable information based on the outcome of this roll; if the outcome matches the target's Mind you gain clear and important insights into the target's activities. On a failed roll, you learn obvious details and trivia; if the negative Outcome matches your Mind you learn misleading information or the target notices your spying.

Heat Sight


You discern the temperature of objects and creatures withing your Mind meters. This sense extends like a sense of touch to this distance, which means you can "see" in complete darkness, as long as everything is not of a uniform temperature, something that is very rare except in undisturbed cellars, caves and other places with an isolated climate. You are blind if surrounded by heat insulating or very cold materials, such as underwater or in a snow storm.

Detect Water

Analyze Water

Basic Action

You can analyze the properties of any liquid within reach, even if it is inside a container or otherwise separated from you. You learn the exact composition and properties of the liquid and whether it has been affected by any powers recently.

You can sense the presence of liquid at a distance. Make a skill roll and multiply the result by 10; this is the range in meters. Normally, you detect any type of liquid (not normally very useful), but by concentrating on a particular type you can eliminate all others.

Finally, you can use this to gain perfect understanding of currents and other aquatic phenomena.

Touch of Water


You gain an awareness of water withing your Mind meters. This extends your sense of touch to this distance, which means you can "see" without using your eyes. On land this lets you see living creatures even when otherwise blind, but you cannot see objects and still move about as if blind. Underwater, this gives you complete situation awareness.

Detect Animal

Adaptive Senses


Like most animals, your senses become finely attuned to the surroundings. You ignore all perception penalties based on the environment, such as low light, fog, sun glare, altitude etc. You still cannot see where there is no light, but senses like smell, hearing and vibration sense lets you perceive anything moving in a range out to your power skill in meters. It is still possible to sneak on you.

Animal Spy

Basic Action or Limit Break

You can scry what an animal senses, including all senses. Range is not a factor, but there must be an animal on the scene for you to scry. Scryig at one specific location or trough the eyes of a known individual animal is a Basic Action; looking around to find something takes a Limit Break.

To gain information this way you make an opposed check against the targets' Recon. You gain valuable information based on the outcome of this roll; if the outcome matches the target's Mind you gain clear and important insights into the target's activities. On a failed roll, you learn obvious details and trivia; if the negative Outcome matches your Mind you learn misleading information or the target notices your spying.

Scent of Sight


Your sense of smell develops to fantastic proportions. You can track, identify creatures and substances, tell a creature's mood by scent alone. You automatically succeed at any scent-related task possible to a normal human. Use your powers skill only for stunts a normal human simply could not do. If blinded, you can still perceive creatures in a range out to your power skill in meters.

Scent the Unnatural

Limit Break

You use this power by running around, sniffing out an area. Male a Spot check. Compare the result to the Impress of any supernatural creatures or events in the vicinity (within Spot meters). This includes most creatures except Animals and Folk and all Traditions except yours. On a success, you sense the unnatural presence and its approximate nature and location. This includes creature type and a general description. On a failure, you still realize something is there, but also that it is too powerful for you to analyze or meddle with.

The usual way to use this is on a wide-ranging patrol, in which case it is usually sufficient to make one roll each potential unnatural presence that can be found.

Sense Animal

Basic Action

You can analyze the abilities and attributes of any animal within reach, even if the animal is inside a cage or otherwise separated from you. You learn the exact attributes, skills and schticks of the animal and whether it has been affected by any powers recently.

You can sense the presence of animals at a distance. Make a skill roll and multiply the result by 10; this is the range in meters. Normally, you detect any type of animal, but by concentrating on a particular species, individual or descriptive trait you can eliminate all others.

Detect Plant

Eye of Nature


You can read the signs of nature and flora, sensing their relationships and the presence of anything which disturbs them out to a distance of your Mind in meters. This allows you to "see" through foliage. It is not possible for others to use plant cover to Sneak on you in this area, but if they take this into account they may still be able to sneak there using more solid cover. Beyond this range, your line of sight extends trough foliage and lets you see obvious things as if out in the open, but it is possible for others to Sneak normally there.

Sense Plant

Basic Action

You can analyze the abilities and attributes of any plant within reach, even if it is inside a container or otherwise separated from you. You learn the exact attributes, skills and schticks of plant creatures or the traits of plants and items made from former plants. You also learn and whether it has been affected by any powers recently.

You can sense the presence of plants at a distance. Make a skill roll and multiply the result by 10; this is the range in meters. Normally, you detect any type of plant, but by concentrating on a particular species, individual or descriptive trait you can eliminate all others.

Detect Ice

Analyze Ice

Basic Action

You can analyze the properties of ice and snow. You learn the exact composition and properties of the object and whether it has been affected by any powers recently.

You can sense the presence of ice at a distance. Make a skill roll and multiply the result by 10; this is the range in meters. Normally, you detect any type of ice or snow (not normally very useful), but by concentrating on a particular shape or composition you can eliminate all others. You can also detect holes in solid layers of ice and/or snow, this is highly useful for finding buried objects and creatures. This lets you locate objects of a basic shape (such as pistols, wheels, and humans).

Finally, you can use this to predict cold weather and to sense if it is natural or the result of power use.

Snow Sight


You can see through ice and snow. This allows you to find buried objects, traps and hidden doors with ease. You are also immune to snow glare or snow blindness. Your sight is not hindered by snow in the air.

Detect Illusion

Capture Scene

Basic Action

You have perfect recall of anything you experience when you use this action. If you have other powers that let you create images, you can recreate what you experienced in perfect detail. Making an illusion of something captured in this way is Routine as long as the situation captured and the illusion are reasonably similar.

You appear somewhat distracted when using this power, something those who see you clearly can notice if you fail an opposed Spot roll, and they can then automatically distract you and spoil your use of this power if they choose.


Basic Action

You can create shining lights or an aura about a creature or object. This does not change the appearance of the target, but makes it impossible for the target to use darkness or shadows to sneak and negates powers that allow sneaking in plain sight. The target can still hide behind regular cover and concealment. You can also use it to mark different targets in different ways. At your option, the outline is only visible to certain people, and you can vary the color and other details of the glow. This can be used to paint targets, which can be very useful tactically. If the target can't see the glow, he can't tell that you used this effect on him. Thus you can use this to mark certain people that enter a city gate, and make the glow visible to city guards, allowing these people to be arrested at a later time.

A roll of Spot vs. Maneuver is required to put the glow on someone, and the effect lasts for an hour or so. You can use this against someone you only suspect is there by targeting a likely hiding place - this does not suffer any penalty against an opponent that is successfully sneaking.


Limit Break

You can cause the image of what appears far away to appear before you, usually in a mirror, reflecting pool, or as an outline in smoke. The image is never entirely clear; basic details can be easily discerned, but details like faces and text can be blurry and hard to read. To target the scrying you need some kind of link to the person or place; his full name, an object or creature with ties to the target, or information on his current whereabouts. Range is not a factor.

To gain information this way you make an opposed check against the targets' Recon. You gain valuable information based on the outcome of this roll; if the outcome matches the target's Mind you gain clear and important insights into the target's activities. On a failed roll, you learn obvious details and trivia; if the negative Outcome matches your Mind you learn misleading information or the target notices your spying.

Sense Illusion

Basic Action

You can sense the presence of illusions and Spectres at a distance. Make a skill roll and multiply the result by 10; this is the range in meters. Normally, you detect any type of illusion, but by concentrating on a particular type or description you can eliminate all others.

Detect Dark

Analyze Darkness

Basic Action

You can sense the presence of shadow or darkness at a distance. Make a skill roll and multiply the result by 10; this is the range in meters. You can concentrate upon a specific form of darkness (a shadow, a dark room) and sense only that if you like.

You can sense darkness in a creature. You can sense if a creature is overcome by negative emotions, what emotion, and what it is directed against.

Detect Enemy

Basic Action

You sense creatures that hate or intend harm to you, a group you represent, or someone who is present and under your protection. The range in meters is equal to your power skill roll when used blindly, or ten times that if you can perceive the creature in some fashion.

Detect Falsehood

Basic Action

You can sense moods and feelings, getting an impression of the intents and desires of others. This can allow you to penetrate disguise, falsehoods and insincere seduction attempts with a power skill roll against the Charm or Impress skill of your target.

Sense Sin


When you first learn this power, pick one type of vice or sin that is considered morally distasteful in your culture. Whenever someone within 10 meters times your Mind commits this sin, make a Spot opposed by their Charm to sense where they are and what they did.

Touch of the Dark


You can smell, taste and hear the darkness within Mind meters. In this area you can sense things even around corners or behind cover, as if touching them with umbral tendrils. It is still possible to sneak on you, but the darkness does not help in any form or fashion. You feel safe in the dark, and you are not affected by the supposed terrors of the night. You are never impaired in any way because of darkness, but you still cannot see - colors, script, screen images, and other purely visual things are imperceptible to this power.

Detect Flux

Eyes of the Fox

Trigger Action

You can use this once per die roll someone else makes. The GM must tell you the numerical value of one of the character's attributes, skills, or current point totals. You choose which one. You can do this in or out of combat.

Predict Randomness

Trigger Action

Whenever random chance can affect an outcome, you can use this action to predict the result. Since all die rolls in Action involve chance, this allows you to predict the outcome of most actions, just as they are about to occur. The usefulness of this is debatable, but it does allow you to decide whether to use other Trigger Actions triggered by the event you predicted the outcome for.

Sense Power

Basic Action

You can sense the presence of Powers. All powers play around with the natural state of the world, and those sensitive to flux can sense such changes. You can normally sense the presence of an active power effect without knowing what power it is, but you can choose to limit the detection to certain forms, techniques or even specific powers. Make a skill roll and multiply the result by 10; this is the range in meters. If the power detected is in range of your physical senses, you also gain a basic understanding of it and how it works.

Detect Order

Analyze Order

Basic Action

You can sense the presence of order and structure at a distance. Concentrate on a particular type of structure or ordered system, make a skill roll and multiply the result by 10; this is the range in meters. If the system detected is in range of your physical senses, you also gain a basic understanding of it and how it works.

You can use this to detect and understand both physical and social structures. Examples of physical structures include most architecture and static construction, as well as crystalline matrices and such. Social structures include dependencies and hierarchies; you can tell who commands who and detect the members of rigid social hierarchies, such as most military and some highly organized syndicates, criminal or otherwise.

Detect Lie


You can detect spoken falsehood; when a creature within your Spot meters of you tells a deliberate falsehood, you know of it. You cannot penetrate deceit unless lies are involved.

Measure Difficulty

Trigger Action

When you face a task, you can determine how difficult it is by analyzing order. Make a Spot roll. If the difficulty of the analyzed task is this high or lower, you learn the difficulty and what skill and equipment/schticks/powers are relevant to the task, otherwise you simply learn that it is more difficult than the result of your roll. If several skills can be used for the task, you learn of all of those your roll covers for.

If you have the necessary schticks/powers to perform the task, there is a +5 bonus to the Spot roll. If the task requires no special schticks or powers, you always get this bonus.

Detect Light

Detect Evil

Basic Action

Many magic traditions have defined evil, an opposing philosophy or set of ideals that are anathema to everything you powers stand for. With this effect, you can sense such evil. Make a skill roll and multiply the result by 10; this is the range in meters. If you can see the evil creature or object you can pinpoint it; otherwise you merely know evil is present.

This power is not relevant to all traditions, particularly of the technology origin.

Eyes of the Sun


Your vision is improved. You can see perfectly over long distances as if you were using a binocular with x100 enlargement (things appear as if they were only 1/100 as far away), yet there is no reduction in your field of vision. You are never blinded by glare or bright light, and are immune to flashes used as distractions.

True Sight

Basic Action

On a successful power skill check, you can identify illusions and conjured objects as false or divine the true forms of transformed creatures. The difficulty is whatever skill the target is using.


Limit Break

You get a vision of something that greatly concerns you or someone in your presence who you use the power for. The vision can contain factual information or advice, depending on the situation and story needs.

You do not pick the target of Vision, the power picks an appropriate target automatically. Range is not a factor. To gain information this way you make an opposed check against the targets' Recon. You gain valuable information based on the outcome of this roll; if the outcome matches the target's Mind you gain clear and important insights into the target's activities. On a failed roll, you learn obvious details and trivia; if the negative Outcome matches your Mind you learn misleading information or the target notices your spying.

Detect Gifts

Analyze Gifts

Basic Action

You can sense the presence of powers at a distance. Make a skill roll and multiply the result by 10; this is the range in meters. Normally, you detect any type of power, but by concentrating on a particular type (name, form, or general description) you can eliminate all others.

You can analyze the properties of any power within reach, even if it is inside a container or otherwise separated from you. You learn what power it is, who used it, when, to what effect, and an approximate power level. Even powers that have ended leave a signature that can be analyzed, though the impressions fade; after the end of the scene, it is no longer possible to determine who used the power and its exact effect. The signature fades completely in a matter of days or weeks, stronger and more dramatic used leaving stronger impressions.

This is a meta-power that affects other powers. In some campaign worlds there is a strong Origin Divide among different origins. Check with your GM regarding your campaign. Origins that are opposed cannot cannot be modified by meta-powers; it is as if powers from the opposing origin was actually a schtick rather than a power.

Flexible Gifts

Limit Break

Use any one Power of a Form you know that is a Basic Action, Stance, or Trigger Action (finisher). You need not know the power. If the power is a stance, you can continue to keep it up for one scene (or as long as it makes sense).

Mark Territory

Basic Action

You mark a physical location, making it a part of your territory. Other power users instinctively know the location is claimed when they get within your Create x10 meters of the spot. You claim lasts a number of days equal to your Create skill. Analyzing your mark can give others a rough idea of what you are.

Powers used in the claimed area subtly alter the mark. By inspecting your mark and making an opposed Spot check, you know which power was used, which origin the user has, and a basic idea of who they are. Using this power in the claimed area, or dispelling Mark Territory, is immediately noticeable.

This is a meta-power that affects other powers. In some campaign worlds there is a strong Origin Divide among different origins. Check with your GM regarding your campaign. Origins that are opposed cannot cannot be modified by meta-powers; it is as if powers from the opposing origin was actually a schtick rather than a power.

Power Gaze


Pick one power. You can use this power and any stunts related to it with the Spot skill instead of whatever skill it is usually based on. You can take this power several times, each time applying it to a separate power.

This is a meta-power that affects other powers. In some campaign worlds there is a strong Origin Divide among different origins. Check with your GM regarding your campaign. Origins that are opposed cannot cannot be modified by meta-powers; it is as if powers from the opposing origin was actually a schtick rather than a power.

Resist Power


When an opponent uses a power on you, your natural power resistance might protect you. The opponent must make an opposed Mind check (this does not cost any shots), on a failure the power did not affect you. Resist power does not work against powers that create a freestanding effect, such as freestanding illusions, created objects or walls, cave-ins, and other indirect effects, as determined by the GM. When in use, this prevents all power use except your own, when you wish to be affected by a power, you must take a trigger action to temporarily lower your power resistance.

This is a meta-power that affects other powers. In some campaign worlds there is a strong Origin Divide among different origins. Check with your GM regarding your campaign. Origins that are opposed cannot cannot be modified by meta-powers; it is as if powers from the opposing origin was actually a schtick rather than a power.

Second sight

Basic Action

Your affinity to the supernatural lets you see things others only imagine. You see spirits or ghosts wherever you go - most of these are just how you perceive natural phenomena and can be useful for noticing otherwise mundane phenomena, but have no supernatural significance other than to make noticing the dangerous ones trickier.

Make a Scan stunt. You automatically spot active powers, including powers used as traps and creatures using powers to hide. In this way you automatically notice a creature that is sneaking and relying on concealment you can see through or using a power to conceal it. If it could sneak under the normal rules, without the help of a power, Second sight can still spot them normally, but gives no additional help.

When using Second sight, you can see through smoke, fog or darkness (even supernatural darkness), but not through solid objects. In a scene where have scanned such an obscured area with second sight, you are not considered blind there and can act normally. Creatures can still use such obscurement to sneak against you, but you can use second sight again to automatically spot them.

You can penetrate a disguise if your Scan beats the other creatures Charm. If you recognize that a creature has altered or concealed its true appearance, you know what it ordinarily looks like.

This is a meta-power that affects other powers. In some campaign worlds there is a strong Origin Divide among different origins. Check with your GM regarding your campaign. Origins that are opposed cannot cannot be modified by meta-powers; it is as if powers from the opposing origin was actually a schtick rather than a power. Second sight won't automatically perceive powers or see through stealth powers against which it has an origin divide.

Detect Magic

Arcane Calculations

Limit Break

You gain information about a person, place, or object through arcane means. This involves such methods as astrology, numerology, reading tea leaves, the I-ching and similar arcane methods of divination. This gives you answers to specific questions; the answer must be a few words or numbers. Range is not a factor. To gain information this way you make an opposed check against the targets' Recon. You gain valuable information based on the outcome of this roll; if the outcome matches the target's Mind you gain clear and important insights into the target's activities. On a failed roll, you learn obvious details and trivia; if the negative Outcome matches your Mind you learn misleading information or the target notices your spying.

Astral Sight

Basic Action

You shift your senses from the physical world to the astral, the world of spirit. Using astral senses, living creatures and power effects stand out clearly, while inanimate objects, especially industrially manufactured ones, are hard to discern. Objects with a strong empathic resonance are easy to see, while mass-produced objects who lack any psychic impressions appear fuzzy and ephemeral, with no discernible detail. You can find empathic traces of strongly emotional events by studying astral resonance.

You automatically spot active powers, including powers used as traps and creatures using powers to hide. In this way you automatically notice a creature that is sneaking and relying on concealment you can see through or using a power to conceal it. If a creature could sneak under the normal rules, without the help of a power, Astral Sight can still spot them, but gives no additional help. This works as a Scan stunt, except that it is bad at noticing very mundane things, as described above.

When using Astral Sight, you can see through smoke, fog, or darkness (even supernatural darkness), but not through solid objects. In a scene where have used astral sight, you are not considered blind in such conditions and can act normally. Creatures can still use such obscurement to sneak against you, but you can use astral sight again to spot them again.

Astral sight can find subtle clues left from powers or highly emotional events, as if using Search. This only tells you a power has been used, not what power or how it was used.

This is a meta-power that affects other powers. In some campaign worlds there is a strong Origin Divide among different origins. Check with your GM regarding your campaign. Origins that are opposed cannot cannot be modified by meta-powers; it is as if powers from the opposing origin was actually a schtick rather than a power. Astral sight won't automatically perceive powers or see through stealth powers against which it has an origin divide.

Calculate Location

Limit Break

You learn the physical location of an object or creature. You must have enough information about the target to describe it uniquely; if you have a general description you will find the nearest target that fits the description. This can be a name, number, birthdate, creation date, origin, or a physical description. You can use this to discern your own location if you are lost. It can also be used to analyze a teleport performed in the area in the last hour, which tells you what teleported where.

Detect Divine

Detect Divine (Action Powers)

Detect Tech

Amplify Light


You can amplify trace amounts of light. This lets you see normally in anything but complete darkness. It is still possible to sneak on you; there are still shadows and darker areas, but you are not impaired by lack of ambient light.

Analyze Technology

Basic Action

You can sense the presence of powers at a distance. Make a skill roll and multiply the result by 10; this is the range in meters. Normally, you detect any type of power, but by concentrating on a particular type (name, form, or general description) you can eliminate all others.

You can analyze the properties of any power within reach, even if it is inside a container or otherwise separated from you. You learn what power it is, who used it, when, to what effect, and an approximate power level. Even powers that have ended leave a signature that can be analyzed, though the impressions fade; after the end of the scene, it is no longer possible to determine who used the power and its exact effect. The signature fades completely in a matter of days or weeks, stronger and more dramatic uses leaving stronger impressions.

This is a meta-power that affects other powers. In some campaign worlds there is a strong Origin Divide among different origins. Check with your GM regarding your campaign. Origins that are opposed cannot cannot be modified by meta-powers; it is as if powers from the opposing origin was actually a schtick rather than a power.

Camera Capture

Basic Action or Limit Break

You can see trough any tv camera. You must either know the camera is there, or focus on a location to see trough the closest camera. Scrying at one specific location is a Basic Action; looking around to find something takes a Limit Break. Range is irrelevant, but such things as border security and isolated systems are a limit.

To gain information this way you make an opposed check against the targets' Recon. You gain valuable information based on the outcome of this roll; if the outcome matches the target's Mind you gain clear and important insights into the target's activities. On a failed roll, you learn obvious details and trivia; if the negative Outcome matches your Mind you learn misleading information or the target notices your spying. If the Create skill used to maintain camera security is higher that the target's Spot, use this value as the scrying difficulty.

Tactical Overlay


This power helps you to keep track of the relative position of friends and enemies in combat. As long as you occasionally let your vision sweep across the area, or get information from external sensors or other characters equipped with a tactical overlay, you have an innate spatial awareness of the location of everything and everyone in the vicinity, even when out of your line of sight. You also know your map position.

Two or more friendly characters with Tactical Overlay can link their tactical data for maximum benefit.

  • You need never be afraid of hitting one another, this is particularly useful with area attacks.
  • All of you can attack a target anyone of you can see regardless of visual obstructions, as long as any physical barriers can be penetrated.
  • If anyone connected to your Tactical Overlay is aware of something that is about to surprise you, you are not surprised.

The risk with Tactical Overlay is that an opponent that can read your transmissions and feed them to his own Tactical Overlay; this gives him a +3 bonus on Dodge and Shoot against you.

Detect Death

Sense Death

Basic Action

You can analyze the abilities and attributes of any Undead or corpse within arm's reach, even if the creature is inside a cage or otherwise separated from you. You learn the exact attributes, skills and schticks of the animal and whether it has been affected by any powers recently. If you analyze a corpse this way, you learn if it has been affected by any powers, when it died, and rough description of how it died.

You can sense the presence of Undead at a distance. Make a skill roll and multiply the result by 10; this is the range in meters. Normally, you detect any type of Undead, but by concentrating on a particular type, individual, or descriptive trait you can eliminate all others.

Speak with Dead

Basic Action

You can communicate with the spirits of the dead. You need to be at the site they died, their grave, in the presence of a direct descendant or loved one, or in possession of a body part or and object important to them in life to use this power. You must also have a clear idea of who you are communing with, tough a name is nor necessary.

The dead will appear as an apparition, merely as a ghostly voice, or manifested through some divination technique or device you use. You can ask the dead about things they knew in life, and it will answer as its personality dictates. The dead communed with are more sourly than they were in life, but will respond to interaction, people and inquiries much as they did while alive. They have no extra knowledge of death itself or other things they did not know when alive, tough some of them might make up stories or try to proselytize. You can ask them if they want to be resurrected or turned into undead, and make deals with them about that. Even if they agree, it is sometimes the case that the spirit will not cooperate later; it is speculated that the conversation is not with the actual spirit of the departed, but only with a ghostly image or reflection left in the physical world.

This spell will not allow communication with a creature that is currently an Undead, tough it does make the creature aware of who you are and that you want to commune with it and where you are, as well as inform you that it is currently undead. Some undead will be able to come to you quickly, and you have no control whatsoever over them through this power.

Ghost Spy

Limit Break

You send a discorporate spirit to spy for you, instructing it to look for specific pieces of information. It will report back to you when if finds the information you seek. It cannot enter an area warded against death or the undead. Ghost Spy has a range of your Mind kilometers but no range modifiers. To gain information this way you make an opposed check against the targets' Recon. You gain valuable information based on the outcome of this roll; if the outcome matches the target's Mind you gain clear and important insights into the target's activities. On a failed roll, you learn obvious details and trivia; if the negative Outcome matches your Mind you learn misleading information or the target notices your spying.

Detect Life

Life Watch

Basic Action

Touch another to start monitoring their health. Against an unwilling target, this takes a Spot vs. Dodge roll. The effect lasts for as long as you maintain it, spending an Basic Action on it at least once per day. You can maintain no more than Mind life watches at a time; if you would exceed this number your oldest ongoing life watch is cancelled. At any time, you can take a Basic Action to check on the health and condition of those you Lifewatch – you learn details about his physical health, and get general indications on changes in his general well-being in other ways, such as if he is cursed, mind-controlled, or otherwise impaired. If a creature under your Lifewatch dies, is reduced to zero hits, or otherwise incapacitated, you are immediately informed of this fact, with no need to spend an action.

Sense Life

Basic Action

Allows you to see the flow of life energy in an area. Life energy exists not only in living creatures; it is what animates plants and even flows trough natural environments and ecosystems. The stronger a place's Chi, the easier it is to see. You can sense the presence of living creatures within ten meters per point of Spot and pinpoint them within Mind meters. Against a creature that is Sneaking this requires an opposed roll against that creatures Maneuver, but you do not need line-of-sight in order to spot it.

You can also sense and pinpoint places of power and any powers currently in use in the same area, but you cannot identify which power. By using the power again and focusing on a particular creature, you learn it's attribute ratings.

Detect Mind

Analyze Thoughts

Basic Action

You can sense active minds are present in an area. Make a skill roll and multiply the result by 10; this is the range in meters. You can focus on only a certain area or search only for a certain kind of mind (by creature type or species).

You can read the surface thoughts of a creature you can see eavesdrop on telepathic communication. To gain information this way you make an opposed check against the targets' Recon. You gain valuable information based on the outcome of this roll; if the outcome matches the target's Mind you gain clear and important insights into the target's activities. On a failed roll, you learn obvious details and trivia; if the negative Outcome matches your Mind you learn misleading information or the target notices your spying.

Astral Quest

Limit Break

You leave your body behind and enter astral space, the land of dreams and spirits. Your spirit can instantaneously move to any area that is not warded against spirits. Range and speed are not a factor. To gain information this way you make an opposed check against the targets' Recon. You gain valuable information based on the outcome of this roll; if the outcome matches the target's Mind you gain clear and important insights into the target's activities. On a failed roll, you learn obvious details and trivia; if the negative Outcome matches your Mind you learn misleading information or the target notices your spying. You can communicate with those you meet.

While on an astral quest, your body is in suspended animation; you do not need sustenance but are helpless. Your spirit and body takes damage together, and you can end the astral quest as a Basic Action - unless you are in a particularly tricky situation of the GMs devising.

Astral Quests are usually done to seek information, but sometimes it is possible to affect physical reality by performing a quest on the astral plane. Such astral quests are filled with visions, inspirations and subconscious symbolism, but are not linear adventures in the normal fashion. The main use is to resolve some moral issue, personality issue, or to gain insight. In certain cases an astral quest can break a Curse. Sometimes, an astral quest can directly affect another person or even an object or place by changing the astral resonance, but such use is strictly a plot device for the gamemaster. A number of other people equal to your Mind can be taken along on this sort of quest.


Basic Action

You can tell what happens in well-known places, to friends or to people you hold a former body part of or an object dear to. You will get a brief vision, often very subjective. The power scans for strong psychic impressions; humdrum everyday events are harder to detect. Sometimes these visions randomly focus on an emotionally intense moment in the past or future. Range is not a factor.

To gain information this way you make an opposed check against the targets' Recon. You gain valuable information based on the outcome of this roll; if the outcome matches the target's Mind you gain clear and important insights into the target's activities. On a failed roll, you learn obvious details and trivia; if the negative Outcome matches your Mind you learn misleading information or the target notices your spying.

Dream Touch

Limit Break

You can contact the mind of a dreamer, entering their dreams to communicate or even cause harm. If the target is not asleep at the time, the power fails. When it works, this allows you to use one other Mind Form powers against the target at any range. You must have a clear mental image of whoever you are trying to contact. The target will remember you when they awake, and will automatically awake after you harm them.

Mind Touch

Limit Break

You reach out to touch the mind of another creature. This allows you to use one other Mind Form powers against the target at any range. You must have a clear mental image of whoever you are trying to contact. The target feels a tentative mental contact and can sense who you are. It can refuse to acknowledge your mind touch, which makes the power fail.

Detect Time

Analyze Time


You have a perfect internal clock and call always tell local and global time, even when involved with time dillation, time travel, and other potentially confusing circumstances.

You can analyze the properties of time in your vicinity. You learn and whether it has been affected by any powers recently. These ripples are easy to detect, but hard to pinpoint. The GM should give you warning well ahead of time when you encounter someone using Time magics other than time sense. Distance is about ten meters or minutes per point of Mind you have. You can increase your sensitivity by setting up chronal disruption detectors; this is mainly a plot device which can be used as an adventure hook against time-using rivals.


Basic Action

You can try to predict the future, either the future of a person present or future events of the location you are in. Prediction is very uncertain, so predictions are never very accurate. The GM will give you his best estimate of what will happen, but he might well be wrong. The difficulty is not static; the GM will simply expend more effort trying to think up a better prediction if you roll is better. To gain information this way you make an opposed check against the targets' Recon. You gain valuable information based on the outcome of this roll; if the outcome matches the target's Mind you gain clear and important insights into the target's activities. On a failed roll, you learn obvious details and trivia; if the negative Outcome matches your Mind you learn misleading information or the target notices your spying. The Spot of an object or place is it's most frequent user's skill for the purpose of this power.

You are planning to attack a warehouse, and want a clue about how it will go. The GM knows this is the hideout of a sorcerer. A result less than the sorcerer's Spot will give a general impression of a hard-fought victory, as the GM is expecting a tough but not impossible fight. A roll about equal to his Spot might yield images of the hostile sorcerer's flame blasts. A higher result might show how some goons as they come out of their hiding places (making it impossible for them to surprise you during the fight) while an Outcome matching the sorcerer's Mind clearly shows the enemy sorcerer enchanting the goons' weapons to cause poisoned wounds.


Basic Action

You can look into the past to see what really happened. This is not reading psychic impressions, this is actually seeing exactly what was in the past. You can read the past of a location, person, or object you touch. Higher rolls give better impressions. To gain information this way you make an opposed check against the targets' Recon. You gain valuable information based on the outcome of this roll; if the outcome matches the target's Mind you gain clear and important insights into the target's activities. On a failed roll, you learn obvious details and trivia; if the negative Outcome matches your Mind you learn misleading information or the target notices your spying.

You can see the past of a place, creature, or object. The past of a place includes everyone there. The past of an object or person only includes the thing observed and occasional minor glimpses of what is very near. The Spot of an object or place is it's most frequent user's skill for the purpose of this power.

If you do not know when the event you want to see occurred, you have scant the past, shifting trough events. It can also considerable time to scan large spans of time, so it is always best if you know what date you are looking for.

Task Prediction

Limit Break

A specialized prediction effect where you look into the future to see the most opportune way to do specific action. This makes the task Routine. If conditions change a lot before you use this bonus, it is lost, so task prediction is usually best used for immediate tasks. In order for another character to get this bonus, you must somehow transmit the information - such as by giving them advice.