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== Rules ==
== Rules ==
* [[Apath]] - Abbe's Pathfinder
=== Financial Backing ===
=== Financial Backing ===
I will be using the financial backing rules adopted for Wrath of the Righteous. Every few levels, when in contact with their Pathfinder Society backers, players will be expected to turn over their findings, and in return will be equipped to their current level - or possibly above that the trials ahead seem especially challenging. Calculate the PC's net worth, then add equipment up to recommended wealth levels. Potions, scrolls, and other one-use items are not included in net worth for these calculations.
I will be using the financial backing rules adopted for Wrath of the Righteous. Every few levels, when in contact with their Pathfinder Society backers, players will be expected to turn over their findings, and in return will be equipped to their current level - or possibly above that the trials ahead seem especially challenging. Calculate the PC's net worth, then add equipment up to recommended wealth levels. Potions, scrolls, and other one-use items are not included in net worth for these calculations.
== Recommended Classes and Archetypes ==
Financial backing also includes an additional slush fund to use for minor expenses like material components. This pool refreshes each game session and is 25 gp x character level sqared.
== Campaign Traits ==
These campaign traits supersede those of the Player's Guide.
=== Archaeologist (Campaign) ===
=== Mummy's Mask Guns ===
You have studied the architectural styles of nations throughout the Inner Sea region, but none have fascinated you like the architecture of Ancient Osirion. Hearing that the famed necropolis of Wati has finally been opened for exploration, you've come to that city to get firsthand experience with the lost secrets of Ancient Osirion's master builders. You gain a +2 trait bonus on Knowledge (engineering) checks, and that skill is always a class skill for you. In addition, you can use this skill instead of Perception to find concealed or secret doors and traps.  
Player characters in Mummy's Mask are familiar with guns. Per the [[Technology_(Greyhawk)#Pearl_Sea|Pearl Sea]] rules, all early firearms are considered simple weapons. Characters who make their own guns and powder do so at Pearl Sea prices, and guns can be purchased at this price from the Pathfinder Society, but on the street use Nippon prices.
=== Blood of Pharaohs (Campaign) ===
=== Use of Magic Items ===
Long ago, one of your ancestors ruled over the lands ofOsirion. Although you are many generations removed and the line of descent is hard to prove, his or her blood still runs in your veins. Perhaps you may find some proof of your lineage in the tombs of Wati's necropolis. You gain a +1 trait bonus on Fortitude  saves. You also gain a +1 trait bonus on Knowledge (nobility) checks and that skill is always a class skill for you. In addition, gain Ancient Osiriani as a bonus language.  
When using a magic item, the items effective caster level is equal to the users HD or the item's own caster level, whichever is higher. Any ability value (such as saving throw DC) uses the best of the user's Int, Wis and Cha.
===Devotee of the Old Gods (Campaign) ===
A weapon that combines the characteristics of several different weapons, such as a double weapon, only needs to be enchanted once if both heads have the same enchantments. Any enchantments not applicable to the way it is used at the moment have no effect.
Osirion has a history stretching back over 8,ooo years, and the deities worshiped today in modern Osirion are not the same ones revered in Ancient Osirion's heyday-deities with names like Anubis, Osiris, Ra, and Set, among others. Your family never lost the faith of your ancestors, however, and your devotion to one of the deities of Ancient Osirion has helped keep the memory of Osirion's past alive-a past that still lingers on in the untouched necropolis of Wati. You gain a +1 trait bonus on Knowledge (history) and Knowledge (religion) checks, and one of those skills is always a class skill for you. In addition, your faith in the old gods of Osirion grants you a +1 trait bonus on Will saves.
=== Foreign Opportunist (Campaign) ===
== Pathfinder NPCs ==
You're not a native Osirian, but the opportunity to explore the tombs of Ancient Osirion-and "liberate" the treasures they hold-is too good to pass up. Whether or not you're interested in the history of this land, you're definitely interested in the wealth that's lain hidden in dusty crypts for millenniasuch as the tombs in the newly opened necropolis of Wati. You gain a +2 trait bonus on Appraise checks, and that skill is always a class skill for you. In addition, your contacts in the antiquities markets and Pathfinder Society allows you to gain 10% more wealth when you reequip (see [[#Financial Backing | Financial Backing]].
NPCs in the pathfinder Society that are likely to be encountered in the campaign. See also [http://paizo.com/pathfinderSociety/factions Pathfinder Factions] and [http://www.archivesofnethys.com/Traits.aspx?Type=Faction Pathfinder faction feats].
=== Mummy-Cursed (Campaign) ===
=== Amenopheus, the Sapphire Sage ===
One of your ancestors ran afoul of a mummy's curse while exploring an ancient tomb. This curse was passed down to later generations of your family, but over time, your line has become more resistant to curses. You've come to Wati to explore its untouched necropolis, and while you hope you won't have to face a real undead mummy, at least you have some defense if you do. You gain a +2 trait bonus on saving throws against curses, curse effects, and the spell-like and supernatural effects of  undead.
Amenopheus claims to trace his blood to the line of
the Jeweled Sages of antiquity. This time-weathered
Eryptian sage wears his long black beard in a single
braid adorned with nothing but copper bands. He
wears austere red robes and simple leather sandals,
and he dodders, often losing his train of thought or
blathering humorous tales or anecdotes that seem
simple to most, but conceal a profound lesson.  
=== Pathfinder Scholar (Campaign ) ===
The Sapphire Sage coordinates Pathfinder activities in Osirion, balancing the interests of the foreign society and its agaients against his genuine respect for his homeland.
You are one of the scholars sponsored by the Pathfinder Society to undertake the expedition to Wati, and you have an academic background in the society. All Knowledge skills are class skills for you. You can use your Intelligence modifier in place of your Charisma modifier on Diplomacy checks to persuade others and on Bluff checks to convince others that a lie is true. (This trait does not affect Diplomacy checks to gather information or Bluff checks to feint in combat).
=== Resurrected (Campaign) ===
At some time in the recent past you died, but you were brought back to life-whether because of magic, a blessing of the gods, a destiny you have to fulfill, or perhaps it just wasn't your time to die yet. Whatever the nature of your resurrection, your experience gave you a fascination with death, and you hope to find some insight into the nature of mortality by exploring the tombs of Wati's famous necropolis. You are immune to death effects and level drain.
unfortunate to get on Amenopheus’s bad side fear the
old man’s piercing gaze, knowing full well he conceals
a dozen wands of power in the wide sleeves of his robes.
Amenopheus is supposedly the advisor to an obese
Osirian noble named Dremdhet Salhar, who sits on the
Grand Council in Soltis (the captial), but in truth, the fat noble
never utters a sentence not planted in his mind by the
Sapphire Sage first.  
=== Research Assistant (Campaign) ===
=== Kathkallan The Merchant ===
You are a handyman and assistant on the Pathfinder expedition. You are used to dealing with locals and archaeological sites. You gain a +1 trait bonus on Diplomacy and Survival checks and one of these skills becomes a class skill for you. In addition, you gain a +1 trait bonus on Reflex saves.
A Qudran trader and Pathfinder contact, Kathkallan is the PCs introduction to Wati. You arrived in the city on his caravan. He is a huge man that favors ostentatious red robes and trades in honey, spices, scents, and magical components. Responsible for the Wati area, Kathkallan is your main contact and initial source of supplies.
=== Sphinx Riddler (Campaign) ===
=== Marcos Farabellus, Master of Swords ===
You've always been fascinated with the ancient race of sphinxes, and are inspired by them to love puzzles and riddles and enjoy solving difficult dilemmas. Like so many others, you've come to Wati to explore its ancient necropolis, but you've also heard that sphinxes occasionally visit a sphinx-shaped ruin called Ubet's Folly in the city-perhaps you'll have the chance to meet and talk with a sphinx yourself! You gain a +1 trait bonus on Bluff and Diplomacy checks, and a +4 trait bonus on Linguistics checks. One of these skills becomes a class skill for you. In addition, you gain Sphinx as a bonus language.  
The current Master of Swords is a scarred and broad-shouldered man with a black beard and a booming laugh. A career soldier before taking up with the Pathfinders, Marcos’s novel tactic of hiring himself out as a mercenary commander in important conflicts (the better to understand the varied forces at work) has led him to make history as often as record it. Marcos understands that his job as Master of Swords is not to turn Pathfinders into warriors, but rather to keep them alive while the do their true work of discovering and recording.  
=== Trap Finder (Campaign) ===
=== Kreighton Shaine, Master of Scrolls ===
Forgotten dungeons and ancient tombs have always held an appeal for you, and you've never been able to resist the urge to delve into these lost sites in search of knowledge, treasure, or both. You may not have received any formal training in the roguish arts, but you've nonetheless become skilled at spotting and disabling hidden traps. The tombs of Wati's necropolis, just opened for exploration, seem like the perfect place to put your skills to the test. You gain a +2 trait bonus on Disable Device checks, and that skill is always a class skill for you. In addition, you can use Disable Device to disarm magic traps, like a rogue.  
Kreighton Shaine is an elvel loremaster and the master of scrolls. He is considered strange and absent-minded by his Pathfinder peers, but his abilities in solving puzzles and codes more than make up for his eccentricities.
=== Undead Crusader (Campaign) ===
== Wati NPCs ==
You have dedicated your life to eradicating the scourge of the undead from Golarion. You have spent countless hours studying the different types of undead and have trained endlessly to learn the best ways to defeat them. If any undead creatures come out of the tombs of Wati's necropolis, you'll be ready for them! You can always ignore the damage reduction of undead creatures. In addition, you gain a +1 trait bonus on Knowledge (religion) checks, and that skill is always a class skill for you.  
=== Commander Abdallah ===
Commander Abdallah, who leads the city watch,
has a perpetually stern face, and she rules her soldiers
with iron discipline. Her admiration for the city and its
haty-a borders on fanatical, and she is a devout worshiper
of Lendor, encouraging her troops to attend prayers
regularly. She also personally oversees the drilling of the
watch three times per day with the aid of her two captains,
Daghreb and Maranad.
=== Wati Native (Campaign) ===
=== Master of Papyrus ===
You were born and raised in the city of Wati, and you know its streets and secrets well. Although it's frowned upon by the city's authorities, you have sneaked into the necropolis on multiple occasions to wander its dusty, abandoned streets. Out of respect for the deceased, you've never actually entered one of the necropolis's silent tombs, but you have no fear of what might lie inside.  
The huge Papyrus House is run by the
Fear affects you less than others.
grumpy Abderrahmane Zagara with the help of a large
The shaken condition affects you not at all.
body of clerks, assistants, inspectors, and enforcers who
The frightened conditions have the normal effect of being shaken.
collect taxes and dues from the thousands of merchants
The covering and panicked conditions have the normal effect of being frightened.
and citizens within the city. Haty-a Oshep Kahmed
In addition, you gain you a +1 trait bonus on Knowledge (local) checks, and that skill is always a class skill for you. You can always take 20 on Knowledge (local) checks relating to the modern city of Wati, without consuming additional time.
despises Zagara, who he correctly suspects is loose in his
enforcement of the taxation laws, taking regular bribes
and gifts from the wealthier locals in exchange for more
liberal interpretation of the laws.
== See also ==
* [[Mummy's Mask Character Generation (Apath) | Mummy's Mask Character Generation]]
* [[Pathfinder]]—[[Mummy's Mask Recommended Classes (Apath) | Recommended Classes]]
* [[Greyhawk]]—[[Mummy's Mask Cultural Map (Apath) | Mummy's Mask Cultural Map ]]
* [[Mummy's Mask Campaign Traits (Apath) | Campaign Traits]]
* [[Cultural/Political_Map_%28Greyhawk%29 | Flaness Political Map]]
== External Links ==
== External Links ==
* [http://paizo.com/products/btpy94z3?Pathfinder-Adventure-Path-Mummys-Mask-Players-Guide Mummy's Mask Player's Guide] free download @ Paizo
* [http://paizo.com/products/btpy94z3?Pathfinder-Adventure-Path-Mummys-Mask-Players-Guide Mummy's Mask Player's Guide] free download @ Paizo
* [http://paizo.com/pathfinderSociety/factions Pathfinder Factions] and [http://www.archivesofnethys.com/Traits.aspx?Type=Faction Pathfinder faction feats]

Latest revision as of 14:08, 14 October 2017

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This is the campaign page for the Mummy's Mask campaign page.


The Pathfinder Society is organizing the scholarly exploration of the Necropolis of Wati, currently awaiting permission to explore the vast necropolis. Player characters can be members of the expedition or locals attracted by the possible wealth or just the exotic foreigners and their odd ways.


  • Apath - Abbe's Pathfinder

Financial Backing

I will be using the financial backing rules adopted for Wrath of the Righteous. Every few levels, when in contact with their Pathfinder Society backers, players will be expected to turn over their findings, and in return will be equipped to their current level - or possibly above that the trials ahead seem especially challenging. Calculate the PC's net worth, then add equipment up to recommended wealth levels. Potions, scrolls, and other one-use items are not included in net worth for these calculations.

Financial backing also includes an additional slush fund to use for minor expenses like material components. This pool refreshes each game session and is 25 gp x character level sqared.

Mummy's Mask Guns

Player characters in Mummy's Mask are familiar with guns. Per the Pearl Sea rules, all early firearms are considered simple weapons. Characters who make their own guns and powder do so at Pearl Sea prices, and guns can be purchased at this price from the Pathfinder Society, but on the street use Nippon prices.

Use of Magic Items

When using a magic item, the items effective caster level is equal to the users HD or the item's own caster level, whichever is higher. Any ability value (such as saving throw DC) uses the best of the user's Int, Wis and Cha.

A weapon that combines the characteristics of several different weapons, such as a double weapon, only needs to be enchanted once if both heads have the same enchantments. Any enchantments not applicable to the way it is used at the moment have no effect.

Pathfinder NPCs

NPCs in the pathfinder Society that are likely to be encountered in the campaign. See also Pathfinder Factions and Pathfinder faction feats.

Amenopheus, the Sapphire Sage

Amenopheus claims to trace his blood to the line of the Jeweled Sages of antiquity. This time-weathered Eryptian sage wears his long black beard in a single braid adorned with nothing but copper bands. He wears austere red robes and simple leather sandals, and he dodders, often losing his train of thought or blathering humorous tales or anecdotes that seem simple to most, but conceal a profound lesson.

The Sapphire Sage coordinates Pathfinder activities in Osirion, balancing the interests of the foreign society and its agaients against his genuine respect for his homeland.

Those unfortunate to get on Amenopheus’s bad side fear the old man’s piercing gaze, knowing full well he conceals a dozen wands of power in the wide sleeves of his robes. Amenopheus is supposedly the advisor to an obese Osirian noble named Dremdhet Salhar, who sits on the Grand Council in Soltis (the captial), but in truth, the fat noble never utters a sentence not planted in his mind by the Sapphire Sage first.

Kathkallan The Merchant

A Qudran trader and Pathfinder contact, Kathkallan is the PCs introduction to Wati. You arrived in the city on his caravan. He is a huge man that favors ostentatious red robes and trades in honey, spices, scents, and magical components. Responsible for the Wati area, Kathkallan is your main contact and initial source of supplies.

Marcos Farabellus, Master of Swords

The current Master of Swords is a scarred and broad-shouldered man with a black beard and a booming laugh. A career soldier before taking up with the Pathfinders, Marcos’s novel tactic of hiring himself out as a mercenary commander in important conflicts (the better to understand the varied forces at work) has led him to make history as often as record it. Marcos understands that his job as Master of Swords is not to turn Pathfinders into warriors, but rather to keep them alive while the do their true work of discovering and recording.

Kreighton Shaine, Master of Scrolls

Kreighton Shaine is an elvel loremaster and the master of scrolls. He is considered strange and absent-minded by his Pathfinder peers, but his abilities in solving puzzles and codes more than make up for his eccentricities.

Wati NPCs

Commander Abdallah

Commander Abdallah, who leads the city watch, has a perpetually stern face, and she rules her soldiers with iron discipline. Her admiration for the city and its haty-a borders on fanatical, and she is a devout worshiper of Lendor, encouraging her troops to attend prayers regularly. She also personally oversees the drilling of the watch three times per day with the aid of her two captains, Daghreb and Maranad.

Master of Papyrus

The huge Papyrus House is run by the grumpy Abderrahmane Zagara with the help of a large body of clerks, assistants, inspectors, and enforcers who collect taxes and dues from the thousands of merchants and citizens within the city. Haty-a Oshep Kahmed despises Zagara, who he correctly suspects is loose in his enforcement of the taxation laws, taking regular bribes and gifts from the wealthier locals in exchange for more liberal interpretation of the laws.

See also

External Links

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