Star spawn are played using the Entity Rules. Dark Young do not move, and can withstand immense amounts of damage. They are immune to coring, and the only way to kill them is to hurt all the Body boxes (red on the template).
Dark Young are helpless unless they have some cover. In their natural environment, forests, they are effectively invisible until they attack, and have a BTN of 10 against gunfire because of the cover of the trees. The best way to kill them is with bombs.
Base Target Number: 5 |
Natural Touch |
0 |
Thrust: 5 |
Sixth Sense |
0 |
Dead Eye |
5 |
4 Tentacles |
Steady Hand |
8 |
1 Sanity Blast |
Constitution |
10 |
Armor 10 |
Quickdraw |
0 |